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Class IX

Assignment – History
Chapter 1 - French Revolution


1. What did the red cap worn by Sans Culottes in France symbolize?
1) Brotherhood 2) Danger 3) Anger 4) Liberty

2. Which one of the following group was not benefitted by the

French Revolution?
1) Peasants 2) Workers 3) Nobility 4) Agricultural Labourers

3. What was the name of the direct tax paid by the third estate to the state?
1) Tithes 2) Taille 3) Livres 4) Revenue

4. Who wrote the book 'Two Treatises of Government?

1) John Locke
2) Jean Jacques Rousseau
3) Louis XIV
4) Montesquieu

5. When did the French Revolution take place?

1) 1789
2) 1791
3) 1792
4) 1874

6 In context of France the volunteers from Marseilles sang the ‘Marseillaise' a

Patriotic song when they marched into Paris. Who composed this song?
1) Maximilian Robespierre
2) Marie Antoinette
3) Roget de L'Isle
4) Mirabeau

7 The Bastille was hated by all in France because-

1) It stood for the despotic power of the king
2) It was a fortress prison.
3) Its commander tortured the inmates.
4) It housed some dreaded criminals.

8. Which of the following led to a chain of events leading to the

French Revolution in 1789?
1) People's protest against church politics.
2) People's protest against the high price of bread.
3) People's protest against lack of employment.
4) People's protest against rising price of houses.

9. Austrian Princess Marie Antoinette was the Queen of which of the

following French ruler -
1) Louis XIII
2) Louis XVI
3) Louis XV
4) Louis XVII

10. The term Old Regime (France) refers to –

1) The society and institution under an old Emperor.

2) Society and institutions of France before 1789,
3) The society and institution of France after 1789.
4) The society and institution of France under the Jacobins.

11. The tax called "Tithes' was collected from the French peasants by
1) The Emperor
2) The Church
3) The Nobles
4) The Army Commander

12. Why was the subsistence crisis caused in France?

1) The wages of the people were low
2)Increase in population led to rapid increase in the demand of food grains.
3) The government imposed various taxes.
4) 4) all above

13. Who among the following proposed the Social Contract Theory?
1) Locke
2) Rousseau
3) Montesquieu
4) Thomas Paine

14. Which of the following was proposed by Montesquicu?

1) Social Contract Theory
2) Theory of Division of Powers
3) Theory of Popular Sovereignty
4) Theory of Democracy
15. Which of the following refers to the political body representing the
three estates of pre-revolutionary France?
1) Parliament of France
2) National Assembly
3) Estates General
4) Estates Committee

16. Marseillaise is the _________ of France.

1) National Flag
2) National Assembly
3) National Anthem
4) National University

17. Who among the following was crowned as the French Emperor in 1804?
1) Lous XVII
2) Louis XVIII
3) Napoleon Bonaparte
4) Robespierre

18. By whom was the Reign of Terror introduced in France between 1793-94 ?
1) Louis XIV
2) Louis XVI
3) Robespierre
4) Napoleon

19. At which of the following battle was Napoleon finally defeated ?

1) Paris
2) Waterloo
3) Elba
4) Versailles

20. On What charge was the Emperor Louis XVI sentenced to death?
1) On the charge of corruption
2) On the charge of mis-government
3) On the charge of treason
4) On the charge of exploitation

21. Which period of 18h century is referred as the Reign of Terror in the
History of France
1) Period between 1750-1751
2) Period between 1760-1761
3) Period between 1782-1783
4) Period between 1793-1794
22. In France Guillotine referred to a system of
1) Beheading a person
2) Awarding a person
3) Taxing a person
4) Threatening a person

23. The greatest achievement of the National Assembly convened in France

in 1789 was
1) Issuing of Declaration of Rights.
2) Passing of laws checking the power of the monarch.
3) Establishment of a new judiciary.
4) Establishment of a new legislature

24. The Jacobins of France were known as Sans culottes because -

1) They wore red caps
2) They stopped wearing knee-breeches.
3) They wore striped pants.
4) They wore red waist bands.

25. Match the following historical years with events mentioned against
them Year
a) Battle Event of Waterloo and defeat of Napoleon. i) 1774
b) Napoleon became the emperor of France. ii) 1789
c) Louis XVI became the king of France. iii) 1804 A
d) Bastille was stormed. iv) 1815

1) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b

2) i-c, ii-b, iii-a, iv-d
3) i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a
4) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b

26. In which year did Louis XVI ascended the throne of France?
1) 1685
2) 1700
3) 1750
4) 1774
27. Direct tax was also known as...... .
1) Livres
2) Taille
3) Jaille
4) Income tax

28. Who wrote "The spirit of the Laws" ?

1) John Locke
2) Rousseau
3) Montesquieu
4) Karl Marx

29. He wrote an influential pamphlet called “What is the Third Estate' Name
the person:
1) Abbe Sieyes
2) Mirabeau
3) Rousseau
4) Montesquieu

30. Whose name is associated with the 'Reign of Terror'?

1) Mirabeau
2) Maximilian Robespierre
3) Rogent de L'Isle
4) None of the above

31. Who was Olympe de Gouges?

1) A Politically active woman in revolutionary France
2) A Social reformer
3) A Supporter of Jacobin club
4) All the above

32. When did the storm of the Bastille took place?

1) On 11 May 1788 2) On 14 June 1889
3) On 4 July 1789 4) On 14 July 1789

33. When did the National Assembly complete the draft of the
Constitution? 1) In 1799 2) In 1791 3) In 1790 4)
In 1781

34. French women got the right to vote in

1) 1946 2) 1936 3) 1956 4) 1926
35. Who were called the active citizens?
1) One who had right to vote 2) One who participated in war
3) One who did not have right to vote 4) None of the above

36. Who were the members of the Jacobin Club?

1) Prosperous sections of the society
2) Less prosperous sections of the society
3) Political leaders
4) All the above

37. Who were known as the 'sans-culottes'?

1) Revolutionaries 2) Noble 3) Jacobins 4) Clergy

38. Dr Guillotin was a person who invented.............

1) Guillotine 2) Cannon 3) Gun Powder 4) None of the above

39. When did Napoleon Bonaparte declare himself as Emperor of France ?

1) In 1812 2) In 1804 3) In 1809 4) In 1800

40. Where was Napoleon Bonaparte defeated?

1) In Prussia 2) In Austria 3) At Waterloo 4) None of the above

41. 18th century French Society was divided into -

1) Castes 2) Four Estates 3) Three Estates 4) Two Estates

42. Which of the following constituted the privileged class?

1) Clergy and peasants 2) Peasants and nobility
3) First and Third Estate 4) Clergy and nobility

43. The most important of the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and nobility
1) Right to collect dues 2) Ownership of land
3) Participate in wars 4) Exemption from taxes to the state

44. Which of the following believed social position must depend on merit?
1) Middle class 2) Nobility 3) Workers 4) Peasants

45. Society based on freedom, equal laws and opportunities was advocated
1) Middle class and people of the Third Estate
2) Clergy and nobility
3) Philosophers such as John Locke and Rousseau
4) Englishmen Georges Danton and Arthur Young

46. French legacy of the world

1) Democracy 2) Socialism and nationalism
3) Republicanism 4) Liberty, Freedom and Equality

47. Which of the following refuted the doctrine of divine and absolute right?
1) John Locke 2) Rousseau 3) Montesquieu 4) Voltaire
48. Who advocated government based on Social Contract?
1) Darwin 2) Spencer 3) Rousseau 4) Montesquieu

49. Division of powers within the government was put forth in

1) 'Two Treaties of Government' 2) "The Spirit of the Laws"
3) 'Le Moniteur Universal' 4) "The Social Contract”

50. King in France at the time of the Revolution

1) Louis XIV 2) Łouis XVI 3) Marie Antoinette 4) Nicholas II

51. Political body of France

1) Duma 2) Reichstag 3) Lok Sabha 4) Estates General

52. Voting in the Estates General was conducted on the principle of

1) Each member one vote 2) Male adult franchise
3) Universal adult franchise 4) Each Estate one vote

53. The Estates General was last convened in -

1) 1604
2) 1614
3) 1416
4) 1641

54. Where did the third Estate form and announce the National Assembly?
1) Indoor Tennis Court
2) Hall of Mirrors
3) Firoz Shah Ground
4) Winter Palace

55. Members of the Third Estate were led by -

1) Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
2) Lenin and Kerensky
3) Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes
4) Rousseau and Voltaire

56. Which of the following was the main objective of the Constitution of 1791?
1) To limit the powers of the king
2) Do away with feudal privileges
3. Give equal rights to women
4) Establish a constitutional monarchy

57. A broken chain symbolized -

1) Chains used to fetter slaves
2) Strength lies in unity
3) Royal Power
4) Symbol of Eternity
58. The winged woman personify
1) National colours of France
2) Act of becoming free
3) Personification of Law
4) Rays of the Sun will drive away the clouds of ignorance

59. Bundle of rods or fasces symbolize -

1) Royal power
2) Equality before law
3) Law is the same for all
4) Strength lies in unity

60. Which of the following symbolised Eternity?

1) Sceptre
2) Eye within a triangle radiating light
3) The Law Tablet
4) Snake biting its tail to from a ring

61. Which of the following were the national colours of France?

1) Blue-Green-Yellow
2) Red-Green-Blue
3) Blue-White-Red
4) Yellow-Red-White

62. National Anthem of France

1) Vande Matram
2) Roget de L Isle
3) Le moniteur Universal
4) Marseillaise

63. France on 21st September, 1792 was declared a -

1) Socialist State
2) Democracy
3) Communist State
4) Republic

64. Which of the following was a factor in the rise of Napoleon?

1) Fall of the Jacobin government
2) Robespierre's Reign of Terror
3) Political instability of the Directory
4) Nationalist forces

65. "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen" was written in France by
1) Marie Antoinette
2) Olympe de Gouges
3) Mirabeau
4) Abbe Sieyes
66. Slavery in French overseas possessions was finally abolished in the year
1) 1848
2) 1865
3) 1860
4) 1794

67. When did French Revolution occur?

(Or) In the context of France the fall of Bastille took place on -
1) 14th July 1780
2) 14th July 1789
3) 15th August 1789
4) 14th July 1796

68. What was Bastille?

1) A jail
2) Capital of France
3) A place where French Revolution occurred
4) King of France

69. Which of the Estates used to pay taxes in the French society?
1) First Estate
2) Third Estate
3) Second Estate
4) Fourth Estate

70. Tax from peasants to church was called :

1) Tithes
2) Livres
3) Taille
4) Manor

71. Who wrote "The Spirit of Laws"?

1) John Locke
2) Jacques Rousseau
3) Voltaire
4) Montesquieu

72. Who was the leader of the Jacobin Club?

1) John Locke
2) Jacques Rousseau
3) Maximilian Robespierre
4) Roget de L'Isle
73. One of the most revolutionary social reforms of the Jacobin regime was
1) Right to vote for all
2) Political stability
3) Abolition of slavery
4) Social and economic Equality

74. The ideas of.............and were the most important legacy of the French
Revolution -
1) Liberty, democratic rights
2) Economic equality, Voting rights
3) Liberty, social rights
4) Liberty, equality

75. Who among the following reintroduced slavery in France after it

was abolished by Jacobin regime
1) Louis XIV
2) Robespierre
3) Napoleon
4) Marat

76. In the context of France what was the Convention”?

1) A French school
2) The newly elected assembly
3) The club
4) A women organization

77. What was the literally meaning of sans-culottes?

1) Those without knee breeches
2) Those who wear the Red cap
3) Female figure of liberty
4) The aristocrats

78. The national assembly of France voted in April 1792, to declare war
1) Britain and Germany
2) Prussia and Austria
3) Italy and Germany
4) Russia and Prussia

80. Which of these did not belong to Jacobin club?

1) Printers
2) Servants
3) Daily wage workers
4) Nobles

81. In France, the eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of a

social groups, termed as the :
1) Working class 2) Middle class 3) Aristocratic class 4) Noble class

82. In the context of France, the 'Tennis Court Oath' took place on :
1) 14th July 1789 2) 20th June 1789
3) 4th August 1789 4) 5th May1789

83. An Indian who was inspired by the new ideas that were spreading
through Europe at the time of French Revolution
1) Raja Ram Mohan Roy 2) Rabindranath Tagore
3) Subhash Chandra Bose 4) Eswara Chandra Vidyasagar

84. A king who responded to the ideas coming from Revolutionary France was-
1) Nana Saheb
2) Jhansi Lakshmi Bai
3) Tipu Sultan
4) Hyder Ali

85. Bordeaux and Nantes are the ports of -frances

1) Frances coast 2) American coast 3) Cape of Good Hope 4) African coast

86. Slavery was reintroduced in French colonies by _______.

1) Napoleon - III 2) Louis XVIII 3) Louis Philippe 4) Napoleon

87. A Revolutionary woman Olympia de Gouges was tried by the -

1) Jacobin Clubs
2) National Assembly
3) National Convention
4) Directory

88. A directory was appointed with two elected legislative councils. It consists of
1) 10 members 2) 4 members 3) 5 members 4) 100 members

89. The law tablet means –

1) Act of becoming free
2) The law is same for all and all are equal
3) Strength his in unity before it
4) Personification of law

1. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Read the statements and choose the correct option.

Assertion (A): From the very beginning, women were active participants
in the events which brought about many important changes in the
French society.
Reason (R): they hoped that their involvement would pressurise the
revolutionary government to introduce measures to improve their lives.
i. both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
ii. both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of
iii. (A) is true, (R) is false.
iv. (A) is false , (R) is true.

2. Assertion  (A): During the eighteenth century France witnessed the emergence of a
middle class.
Reason (R): The emergence of the middle class happened on account of royal
i. both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
ii. both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of
iii. (A) is true, (R) is false.
iv. (A) is false , (R) is true.

3. Assertion (A): In 1805, Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself Emperor of

Reason (R): Initially, many saw him as a liberator who would bring freedom
for the people.
i. both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
ii. both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of
iii. (A) is true, (R) is false.
iv. (A) is false , (R) is true.
4. Assertion (A): The Constitution of 1791 began with a Declaration of
the Rights of Man and citizen.
Reason (R): Rights such as the right to life, freedom of speech,
freedom of opinion, equality before law, were established as
‘natural and inalienable’ rights.
i. both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
ii. both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
iii. (A) is true, (R) is false.
iv. (A) is false, (R) is true.


Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follow:
Source: Experience in the old Regime
‘The task of representing the people has been given to the rich ... the
lot of the poor and oppressed will never be improved by peaceful
means alone. Here we have absolute proof of how wealth influences
the law. Yet laws will last only as long as the people agree to obey
them. And when they have managed to cast off the yoke of the
aristocrats, they will do the same to the other owners of wealth.’
Q1. Which section of the society is representing people?
a. Poor
b. Rich
c. Clergy
d. None of the above
Q2. According to the writer, under what condition will laws last?
Q3. What development does the writer anticipate in the future?


Q1. Which three causes led to the ‘subsistence crisis’ in France during the Old
What is ‘subsistence crisis’? Explain any three factors responsible for the
Q2. Discuss the ideas and thoughts expressed by the following political
(a) John Locke
(b) Jean Jacques Rousseau
(c) Montesquieu
Q3. Which rights were established as ‘natural and inalienable’ rights?
Q4. What was the significance of the political symbols used in the
eighteenth century?
Q5. What was the status of education among women during 18th century
How did women suffer in France during the Old Regime?
Q6. What were the demands of women who formed political clubs?
Q7. (a) What was the triangular slave trade?
(b) Why was it important?
Q8. Trace the events that led to the fall of Bastille.
Q9. In 1774, Louis Xvi ascended the throne of France upon his accession to
the throne, the king found an empty treasury. Enumerate various reasons
responsible for the financial drain of France.
Why was the French government forced to increase taxes?
Q10. Write a note on the middle class that emerged in France in the 18th
Q11. What were the main features of the Constitution of 1791?
Q12. Who were the Jacobins? Why were they called sans-culottes?
Q13. Enumerate the series of events that took place in France in 1792-
Q14. Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment.
Explain the 'Reign of terror' in brief.
Q15. Enlist the reasons which led to the rise of the Napoleon Bonaparte.

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