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1. A unit for magnetic flux is the

A Wb B Wb m2 CT D T m–2

2. A length of current-carrying wire is placed at right angles to a uniform magnetic field of

flux density B. When the current in the wire is I the force acting on the wire is F.
What is the force when the flux density is increased to 2B and the current reduced to 0.25I?
A 8F B 2F C F/2 D F/4

3. The graph shows how the flux linkage Nĭ through a coil varies with
time.The e.m.f. induced in the coil over the same period of time
A increases and then becomes constant.
B is constant and then becomes zero.
C is zero and then increases.
D decreases and then becomes zero.

4. A conductor of length 50 mm carries a current of 3.0 A at 30° to a

magnetic field of magnetic flux density 0.40 T. The magnitude of the magnetic force acting on
the conductor is
A 0.030 N B 0.050 N C 30 N D 52 N

5. A proton in a particle detector is travelling in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field.

The proton moves in a curved path. At one point the radius of the path is 0.091 m.
(a)Show that the speed of the proton at this point is about 3 × 107 m s−1.
magnetic flux density = 3.2 T (3)

(b)Calculate the force acting on the proton at this point. (2)

6. Particle detectors often use magnetic fields to deflect particles so that properties of the
particles can be measured.
(a)State what is meant by a magnetic field. (2)
(b) A moving charged particle of mass m, charge q and velocity v
enters a uniform magnetic field of flux density B.
(i) State the charge on the particle. (1)
(ii) Describe and explain the shape of the particle’s path in the magnetic field.(2)

(iii) The radius of the path in the magnetic field is r. By considering the magnetic
force acting on the particle show that the following equation is correct.
r = mv
Bq (2)

7. A teacher demonstrates electromagnetic induction by dropping a bar magnet through a flat coil
of wire connected to a data logger.

The data from the data logger is used to produce a graph

of induced e.m.f. across the coil against time.
*(a) Explain the shape of the graph and the relative values on both axes. (6)

8. A student investigating the motor effect places a wire between two magnets on a holder, as
shown in the photograph.
The arrangement is placed on a digital balance calibrated to display force. The reading
On the balance is 1.4776 N.
When there is a current of 0.82 A in the wire, the reading on the balance becomes 1.4772 N.
(a) Determine the magnetic flux density between the two magnets.
length of wire in the field = 5.0 cm (2)

(b) In the arrangement shown the direction of the current is from right to left.
Explain why the direction of the magnetic field is from Y to X. (2)

9. The diagram shows the track of a charged particle in a magnetic field. The
field is at right angles to the plane of the paper and its direction is out of the
plane of the paper. AB is a thin sheet of lead that the particle passes
Work out the direction of movement of the particle and the sign of the charge
of the particle. Explain clearly how you reached your conclusions. (4)

10. Red and green light emitting diodes (LED) are connected in parallel
across a coil of wire as shown.
A magnet is pushed into the coil and then withdrawn.
The following observations are made:
●as the north pole of a magnet is pushed into the coil the green LED lightsbriefly
● the red LED lights briefly as the north poleis withdrawn
● neither LED lights when the magnet is moving completely within the coil.
(a)Explain these observations. (5)

(b) The diodes do not light when the coil is wound with a single
layer of wire but only if many layers are used. The graph shows
how current varies with potential difference for the diodes.

Explain why the coil must be wound with many layers of wire to
observe the LEDs lighting. (2)

(c) Explain, with reference to Lenz’s law, how the magnet does work as it enters the coil. (4)

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