Pop Cycle

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form (POP)

Revised 4.20.17
Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle
1. New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation conferences.
2. Minimum three days before lesson delivery, NT prepares POP Cycle Form.
3. NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
4. NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
5. Minimum 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A: New Teacher Reflection; completes Section 2, Part B: ME Feedback.
6. ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference. Lesson plan is adjusted as needed and finalized for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
7. During lesson delivery, ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and Student Actions.
8. Prior to Post-Observation Conference, NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery.
Post Observation Conference Directions:
9. Within 48 hours, NT and ME share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes; complete Section 4. All parts should be transcribed into one document and submitted to course instructor. Information is used for ILP.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Alyssa Meyer alyssameyer@c-vusd.org Math 2
Mentor Email School/District Date
Barbara Finnell bfinnell@fullerton.edu 10/2/2021
Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Topic Lesson Title
Students will demonstrate
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT.B.5 math reasoning skills to
Fluently add and subtract within solve a change unknown
100 using strategies based on subtraction problem. Addition and Subtraction Reasoning
place value, properties of They will display their (Pringle Ring)
operations, and/or the Comparing Numbers
knowledge by completing https://gfletchy.com/the-pringle-
relationship between addition and
Nearpod activities and ringle/
showing their math strategy
on their individual
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)
1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating
NT pedagogical skills are newly formed and Skills are developing as NT investigates Skills are applied as NT makes Skills are refined as NT combines elements Skills are polished as NT expands ability to
just coming into prominence and examines pedagogical practices increased relevant and suitable use into a cohesive and unified pedagogical add new methods and strategies into
of pedagogical choices repertoire pedagogical repertoire
CSTP Element Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2.)
Creating physical or virtual learning I use a variety of different resources to create an environment that is
environments that promote student appealing and conducive to student learning. We discuss the
learning, reflect diversity, and importance of allowing our peers to think, make mistakes, and try
2 encourage constructive and 2 again without being interrupted or laughed at. We speak about the
productive interactions among power of growth mindset and encouragement from your peers. I stress
students that we all have a common goal. I need to provide more opportunities
for students to showcase their cooperative learning skills.
I have had lots of experience with English learners, but I am constantly
figuring out better ways to support these students.
I build relationships with students first; my goal is to lower their
Addressing the needs of English affective filter so that they feel comfortable taking risks.
learners and student with special I create time for 1:1 instruction or utilize heterogenous groupings of EL
3 needs to provide equitable access to
students at various levels.
the content I work to provide numerous differentiated activities that involve
modeling, multimedia lesson elements, vocabulary acquisition and lots
of opportunities to share, collaborate and communicate with peers.

Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference

Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Focus Students Student does well with visual I will provide a variety of visual This student is easily distracted. I am
 Summarize critical needs and how representations. The lesson provides a representations supported by repeated oral building a Nearpod that includes frequent
you will address them during this variety of visualizations, and real-world instructions. I will also plan for longer wait student engagement/interaction so that I
connections. I will also support her by times, as it usually takes him a bit longer to can keep his attention throughout the
reteaching Tier 2 vocab words like estimate. process information. lesson.
Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 4
Use questions to guide reflection on the lesson plan. Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.
 I want to focus on student’s ability to use math
strategies to solve the problem in their own way. We discussed student’s ability to ask questions. I had
Inquiry Focus/Special Emphasis  I will provide time for students to brainstorm, noticed that they struggled with producing a question
 What is your inquiry focus and/or special emphasis? work through the problem independently and rather than a statement. I rely on their ability to ask
 How will you incorporate the inquiry focus and/or
special emphasis into the lesson? then share about the strategy they used. questions to move the lesson forward. We talked about
 What specific feedback do you want from your ME?  Will students ability to ask questions make or practicing and frontloading with mini lessons that prepare
break the lesson? them to ask questions.

Inquiry Focus/Students My mentor felt that I had planned well for my focus
 Have I successfully supported individual learning
 What specific feedback regarding your focus students students and that I was providing adequate support that
do you want from your ME? needs?
would meet their needs.
 Sometimes these lessons can run long, because I was worried that I would lose engagement in certain areas
Specific Feedback there is a lot of work/collaboration time…from of my lesson so she suggested setting a time limit for
 What additional specific feedback do you want from
your ME regarding lesson implementation? your perspective, are students still engaged by collaboration/work time so that I can keep attention
the end of the lesson? throughout the lesson.
 Opening: Join Nearpod, introduce objective and
important words to know. Watch Act 1, class
discusses what they wonder…does not have to
be math related at this point.. “I wonder if those
pringles taste good” or “I wonder how many they
used to build the ring”
Body: Use Nearpod slides to brainstorm, figure
out missing information. Show Act 2. Now that
we have this information can you solve the
My mentor mentioned that I needed a bit more detail in my
problem? Give students time to work using their
lesson. Although it made perfect sense to me, she told me
own method/strategy.
to think about it from a substitute’s perspective. It was
Closing: Students share out their strategy. We
lacking clarity from and outside reader’s perspective.
discuss similarities and differences…can we use
After I explained the lesson during our meeting, she was
different strategies to solve the same problem…?
able to follow the outline of my plan.
Show Act 3, were you correct, how close was
Instructional Planning We discussed adding explicit vocab instruction into my
your estimation?
 How is the lesson structured (opening, body, and lesson plan so that the vocab piece is not forgotten or
closing)?  Real world examples, geared toward student
overlooked in the moment.
 What varied teaching strategies and differentiated interest/curiosity, Nearpod, videos, pictures,
instruction will help students meet lesson goals? We also talked about the possibility of technology issues
collaborative learning/sharing.
 What progress monitoring strategies will be used? since the lesson relies on the use of technology. We both
 I can monitor progress by reviewing student
How will results inform instruction? had the concern that students may have difficulty showing
work on Nearpod. What strategy did they
their work on a Nearpod draw slide, so I may have student
choose? Was it effective? Were they displaying
use their whiteboard for this portion of the lesson instead.
knowledge of number sense and reasoning?
My mentor also noted that she liked my question planning, I
Results will help me to gauge student’s ability to
had a set list of questions I want to ask during the lesson so
think critically. It will also give me information
that my questions are meaningful and help guide the lesson
about students learning preferences based on
the math strategy they used to solve. Do they
prefer visual representations, number
sentences..? Gives me insight on the thought
process when they have the freedom to solve in
their own way.
Which strategies do we need to strengthen?
Were they able to solve the problem at all, or do
we need to continue working on math
 I tried to choose a lesson that all students can
My mentor told me that I had a very well
relate to, I want the concept to pique their
Student Engagement/Learning interest. I like the 3-Act tasks because it feels thought out lesson plan because I included a
 How will you make the lesson relevant to all the more like an investigation than a math problem. variety of teaching/learning strategies that
 Students will show progress towards master of would encourage engagement and interaction.
 How will students show progress towards master of
lesson objectives? lesson objectives by displaying knowledge of a
We discussed rewriting my objective so that
variety of math strategies that can be used to
solve addition and subtraction problems. there was a clear physical product to assess.
Classroom Management  I will encourage students to think outside the box We discussed the difficulties with online
 How will you maintain a positive learning and stress growth mindset. This lesson isn’t all
environment with a welcoming climate of caring, learning. Sometimes things are out of my
respect, and fairness?
about arriving at the correct answer it’s about
 Identify specific classroom procedures and strategies the process. Students will have the opportunity control. For example, if the Nearpod won’t
for preventing/redirecting challenging behaviors. to share their ideas (right or wrong), talk about load, or students are unable to join due to tech
what they are wondering, make guesses and issues. Planning ahead and having a procedure
for students to follow can help to combat these
 For our online classroom we have procedures
regarding the mute and unmute feature. unknown situations.
Students must raise their hand to share or She also mentioned that she liked that I
comment, if called on they may unmute and planned to lower the affective filter for students
who may have higher anxiety in collaborative
There are procedures for Nearpod as well (math
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 4
learning situations.
I was also concerned about one of my students
work only on draw slides, participate in each who struggles to stay on task and engaged, we
activity, if program glitches or logs out students
should click the link and join again (be problem
talked about bringing him into the lesson
solvers)) frequently, asking his thoughts or opinions or
even asking him to read or relay information
can help to keep him engaged and on his toes.
 I will close the lesson by allowing students to
share how they got their answer, we will then
revisit our estimations and talk about our guess.
The final step is to show Act 3, which reveals the My mentor said that I had a strong
Closure answer.
 How will you close your lesson?
 I can assess student learning by reviewing their
understanding of closing a lesson because I
 How will you assess student learning and prepare revisited vocab and earlier questions that we
them for the next lesson? work on the Nearpod. Based on their
work/responses I can assess which students have were working to solve throughout the lesson.
a strong number sense and/or math reasoning

Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery

Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Teacher Actions Student Actions Lesson Delivery
EXAMPLE Student groups answered worksheet questions that included all
When teacher reviewed worksheet, she asked additional questions Students completed the worksheets and were able to ask questions.
CSTP 1: Engaging All Students levels of Bloom’s (“Identify 6 problem-solving strategies; pick two
of analysis and evaluation (“which problem-solving strategy do Most groups needed revisions for their questions;
strategies and identify at least one similarity and one difference
 In what ways were students you prefer? How could you create a math problem that could be
between them”). Groups then selected a strategy and created
comparison/contrast was the most common analysis question. I
engaged? solved with this strategy?”) need to give them a Bloom’s question stems handout next time.
two math problems to exchange tomorrow.

Specific Feedback
 What information can you
provide the NT regarding
requested special

CSTP 1: Engaging All

 In what ways were students
engaged? How were
students not engaged?
 How did students
contribute to their
 How did teacher and/or
students monitor learning?
 How were the focus
students engaged and
supported throughout the

CSTP 2: Effective Learning

 How did students and
teacher contribute to an
effective learning

CSTP 3: Organizing
Subject Matter
 What actions of the NT
contributed to student
assimilation of subject
 How did students construct
knowledge of subject
 What misconceptions did
students have and how
were they addressed by
the teacher?

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 3 of 4
CSTP 4: Learning
 How were students
supported through
differentiated instruction?
 How did students
 How did the NT contribute
to student learning?

CSTP 5: Assessing Student

 How did students
demonstrate achievement
of lesson objectives?
 In what ways did students
struggle or demonstrate
limited understanding?
 What teacher actions
contributed to student

Section 4: Post Observation Conference

To what degree did students
achieve lesson objectives?

Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
To what degree did focus
students achieve lesson

What would you do differently

next time?

What were three top Lesson


What were three top areas for


What are next steps?

Other Comments/Notes

All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document and submitted to course instructor.
Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the NT ILP as appropriate.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 4 of 4

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