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1. A counter-current heat
exchanger is shown in Fig. 1.10. It is at steady state and the inlet
temperature of both streams are specified. Write down the differential
temperature of the two streams. Is this an initial value
equation governing the


Fig. 1.10 A counter-current heat exchanger.

2. The liquid phase autocatalytic reaction
A+B > 3B
(1) occurs in a batch reactor, and
(i1) a continuous stirred tank reactor.

Derive the governing equations for the two systems. Assume that the inlet concentrations of
A, B are given by Cas CBr and initial concentrations by Ca0» CB0. Assume q to be the volumetric
flow rate into the reactor, V to be the reactor volume. Is this system linear or nonlinear? Is it an
initial-value problem? Would the equations change if the reaction were to be in the gas phase.
Explain qualitatively.
3. An immersion heater generates y watts and is immersed in an insulated bucket containing
V litres of well-stirred water. Obtain the equation determining the evolution of temperature in the
bucket. Is this equation linear, is it nonlinear? Is this homogeneous? Does the system have a steady
state? Discuss. Can you render it homogeneous?
4. The hot water (refer Problem 3) is cooled by removing the insulation on the bucket. The overall
heat transfer coefficient is U. This heat loss occurs across a surface area A, to the ambient air (at Ta)
Write the equation governing the temperature profile of the bucket. Is this linear? Is this homogeneous.
Can this equation be rendered homogeneous? Does the system have a steady state? Discuss.

performance. The
5. In process control we study the effect of disturbances on the system
transient response to such
Trequency response is obtained by varying a parameter periodically. The
that arises in such a study is of the form
an input reveals dynamic features of the system. The equation
=dt k sin wt x

Classify this equation as linear/nonlinear, homogeneous/nonhomogeneous.

18 Mathematical Methods in
Chemical Engineering

0Consider a two-dimensional flow field. Here the

stream function y is detined to satisfy the
for y an irrotational flow field. Is this
cuation of continuity. Write down the governing equation
a linear homogeneous equation?
.Consider the Couette flow of a fluid confined between two parallel plates. The lower plate
C s t and the upper is moving at a velocity V to the right (Fig. I.1). Heat is generated in the

Stationary plate
Fig. 1.11 Couette flow between two parallel plates.
Thuid due to viscous dissipation. The temperature T" here is determined from

Classify this equation. Is it linear? Is it homogeneons? List all assumptions made in deriving the
equation. Here b is the separation between the plates; k and u represent the thermal conductivity
and viscosity of the fluid.

8. Consider a well-stirred continuous reactor sustaining the reactions

A2B C+ D

Feed to the reactor is pure A at aconcentration of CAo- Write down the

evolution of the concentrations of A, B, C when the residence equations that describe the
time in the reactor is 'T.
9. (i) Consider the heat transfer occurring
across a fin which is
area. Write down the heat conduction cylindrical in cross-sectional
equation assuming the temperature to
the radial co-ordinate. Is this a linear vary axially and with
homogeneous equation? Write the
Newton's law of cooling is valid on the surface boundary conditions, when
(Fig. 1.12) exposed
ambient air at Ta to
(ii) the
temperature to vary only in the axial direction,
the temperature profile. Is this a homogeneous equation. Under determine the equation for
(of no radial what conditions is this assumption
dependence) justified? Explain physically.

body Z

Fig. 1.12 Heat transfer

across a fin.

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