Web Based Result Intimation

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Allama Iqbal Open Universit y

      Result Intimation Card
      A.D IN ( ARTS )

Name SADDIQ AHMAD Semest er Autumn, 2020
Fat her Name MUHAMMAD ZARIN Roll No: CD437074
    Reg No: 20NST04842
T ehsil DARGAI
Dist rict MALAKAND

Course To t al Assg. Exam Conf .
Course T it le Marks Grade Result
Code Marks Marks
0416  ISLAMIAT (C) 160  94  90 A+  Pass 
0417  PAKISTAN STUDIES (C) 168  51  61 B  Pass 
0484  FOOD & NUTRITION 176  60  68 B  Pass 
1423  COMPULSORY ENGLISH-I 184  66  74 A  Pass 

DISCLAIMER:  This electric version of result intimation card is issued provisionally,

errors and omissions excepted, as a notice only. An entry appearing in it does not
itself confer any right or privilege independently to the grant of a proper
Certificate/Degree which will be issued under the Rules/Regulations in due course
of time on the basis of the original record of the university.
Controller of Examination

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