Logical Fallacies - Practice

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Logical Fallacies: Practice 

1. Choose five different logical fallacies (from the list of logical fallacies). 
2. In your own words, paraphrase the definition of each logical fallacy. 
3. Pick any topic of your choice (and it doesn’t even have to be a topic that you know a lot 
about.). ​ Put your topic in the designated spot below. 
4. Using this topic as inspiration, create an example of each chosen logical fallacy. 
5. Whoever has the most creative response to this exercise gets 10000000000 bonus points.  
Chosen topic 
Logical Fallacy  Paraphrased Definition  Original Example 

False Continuum  When there is no set definition  ● Killing a group of cells 

dividing two things, these false said  that could hold life is the 
to be equivalent.  same as killing a life. 

False Dichotomy  Reducing possibilities to two  ● If you’re ok with 

extreme choices.  abortions, you should also 
be ok with going around 
killing babies for fun 

Fallacy Fallacy  Forcing a normal person to defend  ● If you can’t scientifically 

a position well, and if they fail, the  explain to me at which 
argument is considered false.  stage the fetus is 
considered a life, you’re 

Reductio ad absurdum  Misusing logic to lead to unrelated  ● If you’re ok with killing 

conclusions.  fetuses, you should also be 
ok with outright murder  

Slippery slope  Connecting the argument with  ● If we legalize abortions, 

extreme effects  soon well have to leagalize 
killing children after 
they’re born too 

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