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Assignment 2: Ethical Principles

1. Non- Discrimination
a. Ethical Response: No, under these circumstances one should not continue to counsel
the client due to them already being discriminatory. In this case the counselor should
make his supervisor aware of their dilemma and refer the client to a more suitable
2. Responsibility
a. Ethical Response: It would not be ethically ok to accept the second job. Reason being, if
he/she were to do so then their tight schedule could restrict them from effectively
helping clients and maintaining a highest standard of services offered. Additionally, too
much work could result in burnout.
3. Competence
a. Ethical Response: Yes, this behavior should be reported to the appropriate authority
since it is unethical and unprofessional.
4. Legal Standards and Moral Standards
a. Ethical Response: Go to the appropriate authority and explain that ethical principal 4
that you are held too prohibits your name and title being used or connected to services
that are misleading and since actual counseling is not what we are providing it conflicts
with what the company is advertising, and see if there is something that can be worked
5. Public Statements
a. Ethical Response: No, in providing community education, if you wish to tell the client
about something then you must also be prepared to provide them with the education or
information that supports such.
6. Publication Credit
a. Ethical Response: While it may not be possible to give full credit for each source, you
should mention in an introductory statement that the materials and sources used are
derived from other articles and books.
7. Client Welfare
a. Ethical Response: Personal opinions should not be given in order to ensure
countertransference does not take place. However, if your reservations can be backed
by education and facts and would benefit the client more than it would harm them, it
could be considered advising the client of this at the appropriate time.
8. Confidentiality
a. Ethical Response: No
9. Client Relationships
a. The problem is that she is a member of a group of yours, meaning, you would be
choosing to personalize one clients personal issue and help her out, which could cause
the relationship with the rest of the group to be at risk. Additionally, it would be
stepping outside the professional relationship and making it more personal.
10. Interprofessional Relationships
a. Ethical Response: No. Due to the client requesting complete confidentiality on the
matter, it is your duty to honor and protect that.
11. Remuneration
a. Ethical Response: I would suggest that you kindly explain to the client, in a manner not
to upset them, that while the gifts are a nice gesture, and appreciated, you are
prohibited from accepting gifts from ANY client.
12. Societal Obligations
a. Ethical Response: First, continue to keep you personal and work separated. Don’t allow
what was said in the sermon to detour you away from educating clients on the facts of
addiction and how to overcome it. Additionally, you could meet with your pastor and
discuss your feelings on what he said and how it affects those who are struggling with

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