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The Vision

Required Policy Priorities;

Areas of Policy Focus and Associated Objectives

The Abu Dhabi

Economic Vision 2030


The Vision
Required Policy Priorities; Areas of
Policy Focus and Associated Objectives

By 2030 Abu Dhabi intends to build a sustainable and diversified, high

value-added economy that is well integrated into the global economy
and that provides more accessible and higher-value opportunities for all
its citizens and residents.

The task force has identified that the Policy priority one:
realisation of this stated vision for Abu Dhabi will build a sustainable economy
economic success must necessarily be
based on two required economic policy Policy priority two:
priorities: Abu Dhabi will ensure that social and regional
development is balanced to bring the benefits
of economic growth and wellbeing to the entire
population of the Emirate.

Abu Dhabi’s Economic Vision 2030

Reduce GDP Volatility

through Diversification

Economic Vision Build a Sustainable

Enlarge the Enterprise Base
2030 Economy

“Abu Dhabi as a Enhance Competitiveness

sustainable, diversi-
fied, high-value-
added economy
that encourages Equip Youth to Enter
the Labour Force
enterprises and en-
trepreneurship and Ensure a Balanced
Further Increase National Women
well integrated in Social and Regional Participation in the Labour Force
the global economy Economic Development
leading to better Approach that Brings Attract Skilled Workforce
opportunities for all” Benefits to All
Stimulate Faster Economic
Growth in Regions

For both of these economic policy priorities a 5. Develop a sufficient and resilient infrastructure
number of specific core objectives have been capable of supporting the anticipated economic
identified. A sustainable economy will be built growth
primarily through diversification, which is proven
6. Develop a highly skilled, highly productive work
to reduce the volatility of economic growth.
Diversification means not only broadening
the number of economic sectors taking part 7. Enable financial markets to become the key
in economic activity, but also enlarging the financiers of economic sectors and projects
enterprise base, encouraging entrepreneurs, small Delivering on these seven areas of policy focus will
businesses and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), as be fundamental to the success of the Emirate’s
well as developing National Champion enterprises goals in economic and social development.
to act as economic anchors. Abu Dhabi will also Achieving them will significantly contribute to the
enhance competitiveness and improve productivity. establishment of a sustainable economy that
To ensure that social and regional development truly makes the benefits of economic and social
reaches all sections of society, Abu Dhabi will development available to all. Ultimately, achieving
equip its youth to enter the workforce and success in each of these areas will ensure that
maximise the participation of women, particularly Abu Dhabi’s economy is ranked among the most
Nationals, from across the Emirate. Abu Dhabi will dynamic, open and successful economies of the
also continue to attract a skilled workforce from world within 20 years.
abroad. Faster economic growth will be stimulated
in regional areas.

Whilst these identified objectives will be

fundamental to the delivery of the Government’s
stated economic policy priorities, in order to
deliver on each policy priority, a number of areas
of ongoing economic policy focus have also
been identified. In total there are seven areas for
economic policy focus – each one precipitating
additional specific objectives that must be
achieved in order for the Government’s stated
economic vision to be realised.

Seven areas of ongoing economic policy focus:

1. Build an open, efficient, effective and globally

integrated business environment
2. Adopt a disciplined fiscal policy that is
responsive to economic cycles
3. Establish a resilient monetary and financial
market environment with manageable levels of
4. Drive significant improvement in the efficiency
of the labour market


Abu Dhabi’s Economic Vision 2030

Enhance Federal-Local
1. Build an Open, Enhance Transparency and Modernise
Efficient, Effective and the Judicial System and Business
Globally Integrated
Business Streamline Government Processes
Facilitate the Investment Process

Diversify Fiscal Revenue Sources

2. Adopt a Disciplined
Fiscal Policy that is Optimise Government Spending
Responsive to
Economic Cycles Leverage Fiscal Policy Tools to
Respond to Economic Cycle

Enhance Regulatory and Supervisory

Functions over Banking and
3. Establish a Resilient Insurance Sectors
Economic Vision Monetary and Fiscal
Leverage Monetary Policy Tools
2030 Markets Environment to Control Inflation
with Manageable
1. Build a Develop Efficient and Less
“Abu Dhabi as a Levels of Inflation Speculative Financial Markets
sustainable, Economy
diversified, high- Encourage Participation of Nationals in
value-added the Labour Force, Especially in
the Private Sector
4. Drive Significant
economy that Continue Expanding Skilled Labour
Improvement in the Force Base and Further Reduce
encourages Efficiency of the Dependence on Unskilled Labour
enterprises and Labour Market Enhance Abu Dhabi’s Labour
entrepreneurship Market Processes
2. Ensure a Balanced
and well
Social and Regional
integrated in the Economic Development Enhance Energy Security to Meet
global economy Approach that Brings Future Demand
leading to better 5. Develop a Sufficient
Benefits to All
and Resilient Ensure an Efficient and Safe Transport
opportunities Infrastructure
Infrastructure Capable
for all” of Supporting the Ensure Availability of Efficient ICT Infra-
Anticipated Economic structure and Promote ICT Adoption
Ensure Environmental Sustainability

Increase National Workforce

Participation and Employability
6. Develop a
Highly Skilled, Optimise the Allocation of Workforce
Highly Productive
Workforce Enhance Productivity of
the Labour Force

Increase Savings and Depth

7. Enable Financial of Deposits
Markets to Become
Encourage Financing of Economic
the Key Financiers of Sectors and Projects
Economic Sectors
and Projects Enhance Financial Markets

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