Electrohemical Study of Corrosion Rate of Steel in Soil Barbalat2012

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Corrosion Science 55 (2012) 246–253

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Corrosion Science
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Electrochemical study of the corrosion rate of carbon steel in soil: Evolution

with time and determination of residual corrosion rates under cathodic protection
M. Barbalat a,b, L. Lanarde b, D. Caron b, M. Meyer b, J. Vittonato c, F. Castillon d, S. Fontaine e, Ph. Refait a,⇑
Laboratoire d’étude des matériaux en milieux agressifs (LEMMA), EA 3167, Université de La Rochelle, Bât. Marie Curie, Av. Michel Crépeau, 17042 La Rochelle Cedex 01, France
GDF SUEZ, CRIGEN, 361 Av. du Président Wilson, BP 33, 93211 Saint Denis La Plaine, France
TOTAL, EP/TDO/TEC/COR Tour Coupole 22D67, 92078 Paris-La Défense Cedex, France
TIGF, 49 Av. Dufau, BP 5222, 64022 Pau, France
GRTgaz/CTE/PNE, 5 rue Ferdinand de Lesseps, 60200 Compiègne, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Steel coupons were buried in soil boxes for 2.5 months, with or without cathodic protection. A soil from
Received 4 July 2011 the field was used and moistened by demineralized water or 5 g L1 Na2SO4 solution. Instantaneous
Accepted 20 October 2011 corrosion rates were deduced from voltammetry experiments while average values were obtained by
Available online 3 November 2011
weight loss measurements. A detailed analysis of the polarization curves led to an estimation of residual
corrosion rates (src) of coupons under cathodic protection. This residual phenomenon could be followed
Keywords: with time and it was observed that src decreased down to 10 lm yr1. Cathodic protection could be
A. Steel
optimised with this methodology.
C. Cathodic protection
B. Cyclic voltammetry
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Weight loss
B. Polarization

1. Introduction damage of underground corrosion of iron and steel [26–32].

However, such an evaluation requires an elaborate highly-special-
Buried carbon steel pipelines are protected against external ized analysis of soil chemistry. Due to the large variability of soil
corrosion by the combination of organic coating and cathodic pro- parameters along a same pipeline, a quite large number of analyses
tection (CP). The EN 12954: 2001 standard [1] specifies reference is necessary and therefore this approach is very expensive. To
values of the protection potentials to be applied according to soil comply with these field requirements, various studies focused on
conditions. The cathodic protection is assumed to be efficient when a restricted number of criteria, related to soil: electrical resistivity,
the residual corrosion rate is lower or equal to 10 lm yr1. redox potential, pH or moisture, that may have a predominant rela-
However, the feedback highlights that the reference values of pro- tionship with soil corrosiveness [5,6,15,18]. In particular, attempts
tection potential can be insufficient or excessive, or not even appli- were made to correlate free corrosion rate with soil resistivity [33]
cable, depending on the local soil specificities. The relationship using data obtained with steel samples buried 2 years in various
between the polarization level and the true residual corrosion is soils [34]. The free corrosion rate of carbon steel in soil was ob-
still questionable. served to decrease regularly with increasing soil resistivity and a
The behaviour of carbon steel in soils has already been exten- linear variation was proposed. The correlation coefficient was how-
sively studied, various methods to evaluate soil corrosiveness were ever small, between 0.3 and 0.5, due to an important dispersion of
proposed, and the influence of various parameters such as degree the measured corrosion rates. This dispersion is mostly due to the
of aeration, pH, moisture, ionic species, electrical resistivity or physical and chemical heterogeneity of the soils. Note also that
microbiological activity was already described (e.g. [2–24]). From most soil parameters are linked to each other and consequently
the overall results of such studies, the DIN 50929: 1985 standard the observed link between one given parameter and corrosiveness
[25] proposes a qualitative evaluation of soil corrosiveness based may be only apparent. For these reasons, it would be particularly
on 12 criteria. Statistical corrosion prediction models were also interesting to be able to estimate directly the dissolution rates of
developed to evaluate quantitatively from soil parameters the steel structures in soil environment, not only under free corrosion,
but also when subjected to cathodic polarization.
The present laboratory study is part of a project initiated by GDF
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 5 46 45 82 27; fax: +33 5 46 45 72 11. SUEZ and TOTAL, with the general aim to improve guidance on
E-mail address: prefait@univ-lr.fr (Ph. Refait). cathodic protection criteria by (i) developing tools and methods

0010-938X/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Barbalat et al. / Corrosion Science 55 (2012) 246–253 247

directly applicable on the field, to estimate soil corrosiveness from Br-100 as its average resistivity was about 100 X m. Secondly, a
a limited but absolutely necessary number of electrochemical and/ solution of 5 g L1 Na2SO4 dissolved in demineralized water was
or physico-chemical parameters and (ii) identifying the ‘‘necessary used. This procedure led to a smaller resistivity of 20 X m and this
and sufficient’’ conditions to guarantee a negligible corrosion rate second soil was consequently named Br-20. Each soil sample was
on a case by case basis. The present study was then focused on manually compacted inside the electrochemical cell using a Proc-
the behaviour of carbon steel in free corrosion or under CP, in tor Compactor, an apparatus that consisted in a weight of 2.5 kg
one given type of soil, with controlled moisture. A specific electro- dropped from a height of 305 mm. The atmosphere inside the cell
chemical cell was designed for that purpose. Two resistivity values was constantly renewed via a flow of reconstituted air (80% N2, 20%
were obtained by moistening the soil, at the same water content O2) which circulated above the soil surface in the upper part of the
relative to the water saturation level, either with demineralized cell. The experiments were performed at room temperature.
water or a Na2SO4 solution. This allowed us to evaluate the influ- An electrochemical cell was specifically designed for the pres-
ence of the soil electrical resistivity parameter ‘‘in itself’’ without ent study (Fig. 1). It consisted of a 30 L hermetically sealed cylindri-
being ‘‘constrained’’ by the influence of other connected parame- cal Plexiglas vessel. Eight holes were managed in the cell top cap
ters (moisture for instance) as these were maintained constant. for four working electrodes, one reference electrode, one auxiliary
The main aim of this work was however to estimate the residual electrode and a gas entry. The gas exit was set at the bottom of the
corrosion rate of steel under CP from voltammetry experiments, cell. An opening was set in the side of the cell in order to sample a
using a first type of soil as an example. The idea is based on the small part of the soil from time to time. This sampling allowed us
possibility to deduce the anodic current from the overall current to monitor pH and moisture during the experiments. Both param-
by subtracting the cathodic part estimated via a cathodic Tafel eters fluctuated only slightly and similar values were found in each
straight line. This concept is not new [35], but it seemed interest- soil. For instance, the pH was measured between 4.8 and 5.6 and
ing to develop it with some refinements. In particular, the effects of the moisture between 38% and 44% of the water saturation level.
CP were followed with time using this methodology and the The temperature, also measured regularly, fluctuated between 19
obtained results were compared with those given by weight loss and 23 °C.
measurements. The counter electrode was a Mixed Metal Oxide Dimensional
Stable Anode (MMO DSA) that is a titanium grid coated with tan-
talum and iridium oxides (Ta2O5 and IrO2). Reference electrodes
2. Materials and methods
were copper–copper sulphate electrodes Cu/CuSO4 (+0.316 V/SHE
at 25 °C) commonly used in the field. In the following sections of
2.1. Materials
the article, electrochemical potentials are expressed with respect
to this reference electrode.
All experiments were performed in a natural clay sand soil ex-
The X70 carbon steel commonly used for pipelines was consid-
tracted from the field in Brittany (North-West of France). This soil
ered for this study. Its average chemical composition was (in
was characterised as received and the results are summarised in
weight%): 98.06% Fe, 0.09% C, 1.53% Mn, 0.29% Si, 0.013% P,
Table 1. The analysis was performed according to various relevant
0.002% S and 0.02% V. Cylindrical coupons (diameter: 30 mm,
standards, namely NF X31-1017: 2003 for the determination of the
thickness: 2 mm) were cut in the purchased sheets. Each coupon
proportions of minerals [36], ISO 10390: 2005 for the determina-
was grit blasted and degreased prior to its mounting in a TeflonÒ
tion of pH [37], ISO 14235: 1998 for the determination of the
sample-holder so that only one plane circular side of the coupons,
organic carbon content [38], ISO 11048: 1995 for the chloride
with an active area of 5 cm2, was exposed to the soil.
and sulphate contents in aqueous extract [39], NF T 90-019:
1984 for Na+ and K+ contents in aqueous extract [40]. A specific
methodology was used for the determination of Ca2+ and Mg2+ con- 2.2. Electrochemistry
tents in aqueous extract. It can be noted that the main mineral
component was sand, the pH was slightly acidic and the chloride All electrochemical measurements were performed in the cell
content was low. described above (Fig. 1).
The soil samples used for experiments were prepared at a con- First, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) was used
trolled water content corresponding to 40% of the saturation to determine the electrical resistance of the soil (Rs) between the
level. This preparation was achieved by incorporating and mixing reference electrode and each of the four steel coupons set in the
adequate amounts of an aqueous solution to pre-weighted and cell. The experiments were performed with a GAMRY femtostat
pre-dried samples of the soil. Two different aqueous solutions were PC4 monitored by the Framework V4.35 software. The frequency
used in order to vary the resistivity of the soil. Demineralized was varied between 10,000 and 0.01 Hz and the AC voltage pertur-
water was used first and the corresponding soil was named bation amplitude (peak to peak) was 10 mV around the open

Table 1
Main features of the Brittany soil as received from the field and properties of the soils prepared for experiments.

Main features of the Brittany soil as received

Type of minerals (% weight) pH Organic carbon content (mg per g of dry matter)
Clay Silt Sand 5.7 ± 0.1 0.8
9.7 17.4 72.9
Concentration (mg L1) of various ions in aqueous extract (accuracy: ±6%)
Cl SO2 Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+
11.7 10.4 16.6 4.7 3.9 2.5
Properties of the soils prepared for experiments
Soil naming Added electrolyte Water content (% saturation) Resistivity (X m)
Br-100 Demineralized water 40 100 ± 15
Br-20 5 g L1 Na2SO4 in demineralized water 40 22 ± 2
248 M. Barbalat et al. / Corrosion Science 55 (2012) 246–253

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the electrochemical system designed for the study of the behaviour of steel coupons in soils.

drop. The corrected potential Eoff was obtained from the applied
potential Eon via the equation Eoff = Eon  Rs  I, where I is the
current flowing through the electrode. All voltammograms were
then drawn as Eoff vs. log |j|, where j is the current density equal
to I/A with the active area A of the steel electrode equal to 5 cm2.
The experiments were started at OCP and the potential was first
decreased down to Eon(1) = 1.2 V vs. Cu/CuSO4 and then increased
up to Eon(2) = OCP + 0.25 V. A GAMRY femtostat PC4 monitored by
the Framework V4.35 software was used for all experiments. Scan
rates from 0.2 up to 20 mV s1 were considered. The results ob-
tained with scan rates between 0.2 and 5 mV s1, and in particular
the corrosion rate deduced from the curves, proved independent of
the scan rate. Once this preliminary study was performed it was
decided to use a scan rate of 1 mV s1 for all experiments and
the results presented here were then obtained with this potential
scan rate.
Finally, coupons were left under CP for 34–60 days, the cathodic
Fig. 2. Typical EIS Nyquist diagram obtained with a carbon steel coupon set in the polarisation being applied using an AMEL potentiostat. In any case,
Br-20 soil. the coupons were left at OCP (7 or 15 days) before that CP was
applied. The OCP after 15 days was measured between 0.55 and
0:8 VCu=CuSO4 and around 0:7=  0:75 VCu=CuSO4 in most cases (see
circuit potential of the sample. Results were analysed with the Section 3 for details). The applied protection potential value, Eprot,
GAMRY Echem Analyst software. A typical Nyquist plot obtained was then set at 0:950 VCu=CuSO4 (corrected from ohmic drop) for
from the EIS experiments performed in Br-20 soil is presented as both Br-20 and -100 soils. This value is recommended by the EN
an example in Fig. 2. The diagram shows only one flattened capac- 12954: 2001 standard [1] when the OCP is low, that is when it is
itive loop. In principle, the resistance of the electrolyte corresponds comprised between 0:8 and  0:65 VCu=CuSO4 . Such OCP values
to Re(Z) when the frequency tends towards infinite. In the case of are considered to correspond to anaerobic conditions [1].
the diagram of Fig. 2, it can be seen that at high frequency, the real Voltammetry was also used to study the behaviour of the
part of the impedance varies from 420 to 380 X while its imaginary coupons under CP. In this case, experiments were started at the ap-
part remains almost constant. An extrapolation of this curve to plied protection potential Eprot ð¼ 0:950 VCu=CuSO4 Þ. The ohmic
obtain Re(Z) was not possible and the estimated value Rs = 400 X drop was estimated from the corresponding I value and the poten-
was retained. Rs was determined similarly in each case since all tial was decreased down to an estimated Eoff(1) value of 1.2 V. It
the EIS diagrams obtained in Br-20 and -100 soils showed similar was then increased up to an estimated Eoff(2) value of Eprot + 0.2 V.
features. Note that a complete analysis of the EIS spectra was at- The cathodic polarisation was applied again immediately after the
tempted, in particular to determine the charge transfer resistance end of each voltammetry experiment. The corrosion process
Rtc. However, the obtained results were not consistent with those induced by the voltammetry experiments was assumed to be neg-
given by weight loss measurements. Actually, it proved difficult ligible as the steel was anodically polarised for less than 3 min and
in most cases to model accurately the spectra. For this reason they at potential values smaller than Eprot + 0.2 V.
are not presented here.
Secondly, voltammetry experiments were performed in order to 2.3. Weight loss measurements
study the behaviour of the carbon steel coupons in soil without CP.
The electrolyte resistance Rs was determined before each experi- The studied steel coupons were left 2.5 months in soil at OCP
ment so as to correct the potential of the electrode from ohmic and their weight losses were estimated at that time. However,
M. Barbalat et al. / Corrosion Science 55 (2012) 246–253 249

corrosion rates are usually greater at the beginning of the corrosion O2 þ 2H2 O þ 4e ! 4OH ð1Þ
process. They tend to decrease with time as the steel surface is 2H2 O þ 2e ! H2 þ 2OH ð2Þ
progressively covered by corrosion products, and stabilise at a
somehow constant value once the corrosion system, finally consti- So the interfacial pH increased and, if dissolved O2 was
tuted of the metal, its layer of corrosion products and the environ- involved, the O2 concentration at the interface decreased as O2
ment, has reached a quasi steady state. In order to evaluate the was consumed. The importance of such concentration gradients
corrosion rate during the initial stages of the process, three steel depends on mass transport limitation effects and is expected to
samples were buried during 15 days in Br-20 and -100 soils, left increase if the rate of this transport is low. This may be the case
at OCP, and their weight losses measured. The resulting average in soils and consequently the steel/soil interface composition
15-day thickness loss obtained was 7.3 ± 0.5 lm in Br-100 and may have been continuously modified by polarization while the
10.1 ± 0.6 lm in Br-20. This corresponds to an average corrosion cathodic polarization level was increased. When the potential scan
rate for the first 15 days, s0cor;wtl , of 178 and 246 lm yr1, was reversed, at Eoff = 1.0 VCu=CuSO4 , the overall current took new
respectively. values that reflected these changes and the curve drawn during
Weight loss measurements were performed according to the NF the positive-going scan differed from that drawn during the nega-
ISO 8407: 2010 standard [41]. So, as described by this standard, the tive-going scan. As a consequence, the overall current reached zero
corrosion products covering the steel coupons at the end of the for a potential value Ecor different from OCP. Actually, Ecor was
experiments were eliminated by successive cleanings in inhibited found smaller than OCP which is consistent with an increase of
hydrochloric acid aqueous solution, until no significant weight pH and/or a decrease of dissolved O2 concentration at the interface.
change was observed after deducting weight loss of the metallic It must be noted that the OCP of the carbon steel coupons left
substrate. 1–15 days in Br-20 and -100 soils was measured between 0.55
For the coupons under CP that were left 15 days at OCP, the and 0.8 VCu=CuSO4 , and in most cases around 0.70/0.75 VCu=
average of the first 15-day weight loss for coupons under OCP, esti- CuSO4 . Such values are low and according for instance to the EN
mated as explained above, was subtracted from the overall weight 12954: 2001 standard [1] would correspond to anaerobic condi-
loss. All the weight losses given for such coupons were obtained tions. Actually, the pH of the soils was measured between 4.8
this way and correspond consequently to the residual corrosion and 5.6 during the experiments. At the average pH value of 5.2,
process that occurred under CP between the 15th day and the the H+/H2 equilibrium potential is equal to 0.62 VCu=CuSO4 . This
end of the experiment. confirms that the main contribution to the cathodic process was
water reduction in most cases.
3. Results and discussion The anodic part of the curves did not show any linear behaviour
between Eoff and log j and so only the cathodic regions could be
3.1. Determination of free corrosion rates in Br-20 and -100 soils envisioned to estimate the corrosion current density. In this case,
the corrosion current density jcor has to be estimated via the
Two typical polarization curves obtained with steel electrodes extrapolation of a cathodic Tafel line. It is well known that this
in the Br-20 soil are presented in Fig. 3. They were drawn after method requires (i) that the kinetic of the cathodic reaction is con-
1 day (curve a) and 12 days (curve b) in the soil. First, a hysteresis trolled by charge transfer and (ii) that the steel/soil interface is not
phenomenon can be seen in the cathodic region. This point illus- modified by the polarization. This may not be strictly verified and
trates the effects of the cathodic polarization on the steel/soil inter- the estimated values of jcor must be considered with caution. For
face. During the decrease of the potential from OCP down to example, the second cathodic part of the curves drawn during
Eoff = 1.0 VCu=CuSO4 , the cathodic reaction was activated. Whatever the positive-going scan had to be discarded. It could not represent
the nature of this reaction, i.e. reduction of water or reduction of the behaviour of steel at OCP since the steel/soil interface was
dissolved O2, it produced OH species: clearly modified by polarization. So, only the first cathodic part
of the curves was used. Actually, it is characterised by a large
region (approx. between 0.75 and 0.95 V) where Eoff varies lin-
early with log |j|. Therefore, it can be assumed reasonably that the
kinetic of the cathodic reaction was controlled by charge transfer,
which confirms that (almost) anoxic conditions were established
at the steel surface. A cathodic Tafel line was deduced and extrap-
olated up to OCP as illustrated in Fig. 3 with voltammogram b
(12 days in soil). This gave an estimated value of the corrosion cur-
rent density jcor. The values deduced from the voltammograms of
Fig. 3 were for instance jcor = 180 mA m2 after 1 day in soil, and
jcor = 90 mA m2 after 12 days in soil.
Finally, it can be seen that the voltammograms changed with
the duration of the immersion in soil. The OCP increased with time
while jcor decreased. This phenomenon may be attributed to the
formation of a layer of corrosion products on the steel surface. This
layer hindered both anodic and cathodic reactions, as it can be seen
in Fig. 3, and consequently jcor decreased. The variation of the OCP
indicates that one of these reactions was more hindered than the
other. In our case the OCP increased which implies that the anodic
reaction was more strongly hindered by the growth of corrosion
products than the cathodic reaction.
The instantaneous corrosion rates scor (t) deduced from the
polarization curves as explained above and the average corrosion
rates scor,wtl determined from weight loss measurements are given
Fig. 3. Voltammograms (E vs. log |j|) obtained with a carbon steel coupon after (a)
1 day and (b) 12 days in the Br-20 soil. Scan rate dE/dt = 1 mV s1. in Table 2. The average and extreme values given in this table were
250 M. Barbalat et al. / Corrosion Science 55 (2012) 246–253

Table 2
Average corrosion rates s0cor;wtl and scor,wtl determined by weight loss measurements after 15 days and 2.5 months at OCP, respectively, and
instantaneous corrosion rates scor (t) deduced from polarization curves at 24 h and 12 days. The values are given in lm yr1.

scor (t = 24 h) scor (t = 12 days) s0cor;wtl (0–15 days) scor,wtl (0–75 days)

Br-20 Average 223 163 246 105
Min. value 207 81 236 71
Max. value 252 294 263 181
Br-100 Average 19 172 178 107
Min. value 13 40 165 33
Max. value 42 304 190 201

obtained from 2 to 5 experiments. One can see that the main fea-
ture of these results is the variability of the corrosion rate, mainly
due to the heterogeneous nature of soil. It is illustrated by both
methods. The largest dispersion is observed in Br-100 soil, where
scor,wtl is comprised between 33 and 201 lm yr1 and scor
(t = 12 days) between 40 and 304 lm yr1. As expected, weight
loss measurements after 2.5 months led to corrosion rates scor,wtl
(100 lm yr1) smaller than s0cor;wtl (200 lm yr1) measured
after 15 days. This progressive decrease of the corrosion rate is also
clearly observed via voltammetry in Br-20 soil, as it decreased from
an average of 223 lm yr1 at 24 h to reach 163 lm yr1 at 12 days.
In contrast, scor (t = 24 h) proved to be very small in the Br-100 soil,
with an average value of 19 lm yr1 while scor (t = 12 days) was
high, with an average value of 172 lm yr1 similar to that found
in Br-20 soil. The low corrosion rate after 24 h might be attributed
to an air-formed pre-existing oxide film (formed after the prepara-
tion steps of the steel samples prior to their introduction in the test
cell and their exposure to the soil) covering the steel surface when
the samples were exposed to the soil medium. This film subse-
Fig. 4. Voltammograms (E vs. log |j|) obtained with a carbon steel coupon in the Br-
quently dissolved owing to the fact that conditions prevailing un- 20 soil after 7 days without cathodic protection (a) followed by 2 days (b), 9 days (c)
der the corrosion test in the soil were less oxidative than the ones and 34 days (d) with cathodic protection. Scan rate dE/dt = 1 mV s1.
prevailing in air, when the oxide film was formed. In Br-100 soil,
this film might have dissolved slowly and protected the steel
surface for a few days. When this protective film was finally fully can be noted first that the hysteresis effect was small when the
dissolved, the corrosion rate could reach the high values typical coupon was under CP (curves b–d). This could be expected since
of a totally active surface, as observed after 12 days. Note that this the coupon was already cathodically polarised. The decrease of
initial pseudo-passivation state may also have induced the greater the potential towards more cathodic values produced only minor
dispersion of corrosion rates observed in this soil. The stability of changes at the steel/soil interface. The hysteresis phenomenon
the air-formed pre-existing oxide film is rather highly sensitive was important only when the steel coupon was initially at OCP
to the chemical conditions at the steel/soil interface and this film (curve a) and it is noticeable that the Ecor value, about
might persist for a long time in some cases. As a matter of fact, 0.95 VCu=CuSO4 , is similar to those obtained when the coupon was
the minimum value scor,wtl = 33 lm yr1 observed for one coupon under CP, measured between 0.925 and 0.98 VCu=CuSO4 . Note also
after 75 days may be due to the persistence of this protective initial that the OCP was particularly low, about 0.8 VCu=CuSO4 , which is
oxide film. typical of (almost) anoxic conditions.
Finally, the corrosion rate in Br-100 decreased as expected Secondly, it can be seen that the voltammograms of the coupon
since, despite the differences observed at the initial stages, the under CP changed with time. Schematically, the curves were
average corrosion rate deduced from weight loss measurements shifted towards smaller current density values as the duration of
after 75 days was similar to that found in Br-20 soil, i.e. CP increased and this is observed in both anodic and cathodic
scor,wtl  100 lm yr1. Moreover, the corrosion rates reached after regions. This could indicate that the residual dissolution of steel
12 days, scor (t = 12 days), were similar in both soils, at about under CP decreased with time. To verify this assumption and to
170 lm yr1. These results demonstrate that the change of soil estimate this residual corrosion rate, the following procedure
electrical resistivity from 100 to 20 X m had almost no significant was applied to each voltammogram obtained with the coupon un-
influence, in the experimental conditions considered here, on the der CP.
corrosion rate. The methodology is based on the assumption that the cathodic
part of the voltammograms obey the Tafel law, i.e. that the poten-
tial varies linearly with the logarithm of the current density far
3.2. Monitoring of cathodic protection in Br-20 soil via voltammetry from Ecor. In other words, it is assumed that the cathodic reaction
is controlled by charge transfer. The small hysteresis effect ob-
In the first experiment described here, a steel coupon was left served for the steel coupons under CP is consistent with this
7 days without cathodic protection and 34 days with cathodic pro- assumption. In this case, the cathodic current density jK, consid-
tection in Br-20 soil. Voltammetry experiments were performed ered as a negative current (jK < 0), is given at each potential by
the 7th day, just before CP was applied and after 2, 6, 9 and 34 days the equation of the cathodic Tafel line, Eoff = ac  bc log |jK|. Assum-
of CP. Four of the five obtained voltammograms are presented in ing uniform distribution of both anodic and cathodic processes
Fig. 4, the one obtained after 6 days being omitted for clarity. It throughout the whole sample surface, the anodic current density
M. Barbalat et al. / Corrosion Science 55 (2012) 246–253 251

Fig. 5. Voltammogram (E vs. log |j|) obtained with a carbon steel coupon in the Br- Fig. 7. Voltammogram (E vs. log |j|) obtained with a carbon steel coupon in the Br-
20 soil after 2 days (curve b of Fig. 4) under cathodic protection, cathodic Tafel 20 soil after 9 days (curve c of Fig. 4) under cathodic protection, cathodic Tafel
straight line (E vs. log |jK|) and resulting anodic curve (E vs. log jA where jA = j  jK). straight line (E vs. log |jK|) and resulting anodic curve (E vs. log jA where jA = j  jK).
Scan rate dE/dt = 1 mV s1. Scan rate dE/dt = 1 mV s1.

Fig. 6. Voltammogram (E vs. log |j|) obtained with a carbon steel coupon in the Br-
Fig. 8. Voltammogram (E vs. log |j|) obtained with a carbon steel coupon in the Br-
20 soil after 6 days under cathodic protection, cathodic Tafel straight line (E vs.
20 soil after 34 days (curve d of Fig. 4) under cathodic protection, cathodic Tafel
log |jK|) and resulting anodic curve (E vs. log jA where jA = j  jK). Scan rate dE/
straight line (E vs. log |jK|) and resulting anodic curve (E vs. log jA where jA = j  jK).
dt = 1 mV s1.
Scan rate dE/dt = 1 mV s1.

can then be obtained by subtracting jK from the overall current Table 3

density j, that is: jA = j  jK. Tafel slope bc of the cathodic Tafel straight line used for computation, residual anodic
current under CP jA,resid and corresponding residual corrosion rate src obtained from
The results obtained are presented in Figs. 5–8. The procedure
the polarization curves of Figs. 5–8.
was only applied to the positive-going scan. For the voltammo-
grams obtained after 2, 6 and 9 days of CP (Figs. 5–7) the resulting Duration of CP bc/V per decade jA,resid/mA m2 src/lm yr1
curve Eoff vs. log jA proved to be close to a straight line. This means 2 days 0.17 ± 0.01 27 ± 3 30 ± 4
that the subtraction of a theoretical cathodic component jK mod- 6 days 0.21 ± 0.01 19 ± 4 22 ± 5
9 days 0.21 ± 0.01 16 ± 3 19 ± 4
elled by a Tafel line from the experimental overall current density
34 days 0.29 ± 0.015 9±2 10 ± 3
j gave (approximately) an anodic Tafel straight line. This shows
that both cathodic and anodic currents did obey the Tafel law, in
other words, that both cathodic and anodic reactions were con-
trolled by charge transfer. This case is of course the best situation potentials. This shift from linearity is due to the modifications
to illustrate the relevance of the proposed methodology since the occurring at the steel/soil interface when the dissolution of steel
basic assumption, i.e. the cathodic process obeys the Tafel law, was accelerated by the anodic polarization.
can be validated by the computation. For the last voltammogram The corresponding data are given in Table 3. The residual anodic
(Fig. 8), obtained after 34 days of CP, Eoff varied linearly with log jA current density jA,resid is the value of jA corresponding to the poten-
in a large range of potential, that is in the cathodic region and tial Eprot applied during CP. Eprot is clearly seen on the voltammo-
around Ecor, but this linear behaviour was lost at more anodic grams since it corresponds to the departure of the potential scan.
252 M. Barbalat et al. / Corrosion Science 55 (2012) 246–253

overall weight loss corresponded to a thickness loss of 5.1 lm. If

1.3 lm were lost during the 34 days of CP, then 3.8 lm were lost
during the initial 7 days when the coupon was left at OCP. This
initial thickness loss corresponds to an initial corrosion rate of
200 lm yr1, a value fully consistent with those determined from
both electrochemical and weight loss measurements (see Table 2).
In addition, three coupons were buried for 75 days, 15 days un-
der OCP and next 60 days under CP. Weight loss measurements
were performed with subtracting the weight loss due to the corro-
sion of the first 15th days. The average src determined from weight
loss measurements was 25 ± 17 lm yr1. The complete electro-
chemical treatment based on polarization curves was achieved
on one of the three coupons. The main trends illustrated by Fig. 9
were observed again, i.e. src decreased rapidly and the src vs. time
curve could be fitted again as an exponential decay. In this case, the
current density reached a final value of 19 ± 6 lm yr1 and the
average residual corrosion rate was estimated from the area under
the src vs. time curve to be 24 ± 6 lm yr1 for the 60 days of CP. The
average residual corrosion rate seemed to stabilise again after
40 days in this second experiment. Of course, this stabilisation
time may be different in other soils.
Fig. 9. Evolution with time of the residual corrosion rate src (estimated from It is now necessary to check the relevance of this methodology
polarization curves, see Figs. 5–8) of a steel coupon under cathodic protection in Br-
20 soil. The coupon was left 7 days in soil before cathodic protection was applied
in soils with other chemistries and in conditions where dissolved
and its corrosion rate at that time is indicated by a circle. The experimental curve oxygen plays the main role in the cathodic process.
was fitted as an exponential decay (dash line).
4. Conclusions

The slope bc of the cathodic Tafel line used for computations In this work, free corrosion rates and residual corrosion rates of
increased from 0.17 to 0.29 V per decade while the residual anodic carbon steel under CP, exposed to a clay sand type soil, with a
current decreased from 27 to 9 mA m2. Note that we did not try to water content of 40% relative to the saturation level and with resis-
extract anodic Tafel slopes ba from the computed anodic compo- tivity between 20 and 100 X m, were determined from weight loss
nent (jA = j  jK) even though it seemed to obey the Tafel law. measurements and voltammetry experiments. In the case of
Part of the error made through the procedure comes from the unprotected steel coupons, a large scattering of corrosion rate
location of the cathodic Tafel straight line. For this reason, two values was observed by both methods. This is inherent to the het-
extreme lines were used to obtain the error made on the determi- erogeneous nature of soil and only general trends can be deduced.
nation of the Tafel slope bc and then the error made on the deter- Actually, the corrosion rate reached a maximum of 200 lm yr1
mination of the residual anodic current density. However, there during the first stages of the process and decreased to an average
may remain a slight error due to the method itself. This error is value of 100 lm yr1 after 2 months, independently of the elec-
the difference between a straight line and the real E vs. log |j|K trical resistivity that was 100 X m in one soil and 20 X m in the
curve and it cannot be easily quantified. As explained earlier this other. Note however that the influence of electrical resistivity
error is connected to the hysteresis phenomenon visible on the may be more significant in other soils.
voltammograms, i.e. the difference between the negative and posi- With a steel coupon under CP, it proved possible to obtain a reli-
tive-going scans. able estimate of the residual corrosion rate from voltammetry
The evolution with time of the residual corrosion rate, src, was experiments, as it gave an average value consistent with weight
plotted and compared to the corrosion rate measured from the loss measurements. The variation with time of this residual corro-
polarization curve just before CP was applied (Fig. 9). It can be seen sion rate could be monitored and it was shown that it decreased
that CP led immediately to a decrease of the dissolution of steel, rapidly during the first 20 days to stabilise after 1 month at around
from 85 lm yr1 down to 30 lm yr1. The residual corrosion rate 10 lm yr1. This method was based on the approximation of the
went on decreasing and stabilised at 10 lm yr1. This phenomenon cathodic part of the curve by a cathodic Tafel line Eoff = ac  bc
is certainly due to the evolution with time of the steel/soil inter- log |jK|. This assumption proved to be verified in the experimental
face. In particular, the corrosion process is slowed down by CP conditions considered here (almost anoxic), and the anodic current
but the corrosion rate is not nil and corrosion products are still density derived from the method (jA = j  jK) also verified Tafel law.
forming. This was for instance observed in the case of carbon steel Actually, the steel coupon was already polarised cathodically
under CP in seawater [42]. Moreover, the increase of pH at the before the voltammetry experiment and the steel/soil interface
interface (Eqs. 1 and 2) may induce the precipitation of a calcare- was only slightly modified (if any) by the variations of potential
ous deposit. This phenomenon is however more likely marginal in the cathodic region.
in our case since the solutions used to moisten the soil did not con-
tain carbonate species neither calcium nor magnesium ions. References
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