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Treffpunkt Sprachen
Adelheidisstr. 80
53225 Bonn
Tel. 0049 - (0) – 0228 - 695751 fax: 0049 - (0) - 0228 -
4223337 treffpunkt-

Schedule for Registration of Courses

Nachname (family name):

Vorname (first name):
Staatsangehörigkeit (nationality):
Geburtsdatum (date of birth): (day)---------(month)-----------(year)----------------------------------
Adresse: Straße und Hausnummer
(street and number) in Germany (if already known):________________________________

PLZ (zip code):------------------------ Ort (place)--------------------------------------------------------

Telefon (phone):---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Handy (mobile):---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Heimatadresse (address in home country):--------------------------------------------------------------
Telefon im Heimatland (phone number in home country):--------------------------------------------

Benötigen Sie eine Anmeldebestätigung für Visazwecke?

(Do you need a confirmation of registration for visa purposes?) yes () ()

Au Pair yes ()…………no ()

Volunteers yes ()…….no ()

Morning - Afternoon and Evening Classes

An academic hour is equivalent to 45 minutes

Intensiv Courses:
4 mornings from 9 am to 1 pm or 4 evenings from 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm (Included a 15 minutes break)

Short Term Intensive Courses Intensive Super Intensive

20 hours per week 26 hours per week

duration: 1month (4 weeks) Intensive 80 hours () Super Intensiv 104 hours ()

fees: 300.- Euro 390.- Euro

duration: 2 months (8 weeks) Intensiv 160 hours () Super Intensiv 208 hours ()
fees: 590.- Euro 765. - Euro

duration: 3 months (12 weeks) Intensive 240 hours () Super Intensiv 312 hours ()
fees: 800.- Euro 1039.- Euro

Long Term Intensive Courses: 20 hours per week:

duration: 4 months (16 weeks), total: 320 hours, fees: 1062.- Euro ()

duration: 5 months (20 weeks), total: 400 hours, fees : 1328.- Euro ()

duration: 6 months (24 weeks), total: 480 hours, fees: 1594.- Euro ()

duration: 7 months (28 weeks), total: 560 hours, fees: 1860.- Euro ()

duration: 8 months (32 weeks), total 640 hours, fees: 2126.- Euro ()

duration: 9 months (36 weeks), total 720 hours, fees: 2392.- Euro ()

duration: 10 months (40 weeks), total 800 hours, fees: 2658.- Euro ()

duration: 11 months (44 weeks), total: 880 hours, fee: 2924.- Euro ()

duration: 12 months (48 weeks), total 960 hours, fees: 3190.- Euro ()

Half-Intensive Courses: 15 hours per week

3 mornings from 9 am to 1 pm or 3 evenings from 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm (included a 15 minutes break)

duration: 2 months ( 8 weeks), total: 120 hours. Fees: 480.- Euro ()

duration: 3 months (12 weeks), total: 180 hours, fees: 664.- Euro ()

Standard Courses: 12 hours per week

4 mornings from 9 am to 11.15 am or 4 evenings from 5.30pm to 7.45 pm
duration: 2 months (8 weeks), total : 96 hours, fees 384.- Euro () duration: 3
months (12 weeks), total : 144 hours, fees 532.- Euro ()

Standard Courses: 10 hours per week

2 mornings from 9 am to 1 pm or 2 evenings from 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm (included a 15 minutes break)

duration: 3 months (12 weeks), total: 120 hours, fees 480.- Euro ()
duration. 6 months (24 weeks), total. 240 hours, fees 800.- Euro ()

Standard Courses: 9 hours per week

3 mornings from 9 am to 11.15 am or 3 evenings from 5.30 pm to 7.45 pm

duration: 3 months (12 weeks), total: 108 hours, fees 432.- Euro ()

Mini Courses: 6 hours per week

2 mornings from 9 am to 11.15 am or 2 evenings from 5.30 pm to 7.45 pm

duration: 2 months (8 weeks), total: 48 hours, fees 288.- Euro ()

Mini Courses: 4 hours per week

2 mornings from 9 am to 10.30 or from 11.30 am to 1 pm or 2 evenings from 5.30 pm to 7 pm

duration: 3 months (12 weeks), total: 48 hours, fees 288.- Euro ()

Saturday Classes: 8 Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm (included a 15 minutes break)

Individual beginning: day----------, month------------- fees 290.- Euro ()

Niveaustufe (course level)

A1 ()
A2 ()
B1 ()
B2 ()
C1 ()
C2 ()
preparation for DSH/ DaF /Telc/ Studienkolleg: -------------------- ()

Au Pair or volunteers (25% reduction for every course) ()

Preferred participation: personally () online ()

Please be aware that in case of official Covid 19 restrictions as a Lock Down all classes will be hold
Classes in 2021: Beginning:

January: 04.01 () 18.01. () Juli: 05.07. () 19.0.7. ()

February. 01.02. () 15.02. () August: 02.08. () 16.08. () 30.08. ()
March: 01.03. () 16.03. () 29.03. () September: 13.09. () 27.09. ()
April: 12.04. () 26.04. () October: 04.10. () 18.10. ()
May: 10.05. () 25.05. () November. 02.11. () 15.11. () 29.11. ()
Juni: 07.06. () 21.06. () December: 06.12. () 20.12. ()

Individual beginning: day------ month------------

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen:

1. Einschreibung und Zahlungsmodalitäten: Ein Kurs gilt nach Eingang der Anmeldeunterlagen
und der Zahlung der Kursgebühren als verbindlich gebucht. Bei der Buchung von Intensiv - und
Halbintensivkursen mit einer Mindestdauer von drei Monaten akzeptieren wir die Zahlung in zwei Raten:
50% spätestens am 2.
Schultag, den Rest nach vier Wochen.
Bei Anmeldebestätigungen zur Beantragung eines Sprachvisums gelten folgende Sonderbedingungen: Bei
Intensivkursen ab einer 4 monatigen Dauer akzeptieren wir eine Zahlung in zwei Raten: 50% im Moment
der Einschreibung und den Rest am ersten Schultag.

2. Eine Erstattung der Kursgebühr, abzüglich einer Bearbeitungsgebühr und

Aufwandsentschädigung von 20 %, ist nur möglich, wenn der Antrag auf ein Visum abgelehnt wurde. In
diesem Fall muss der Ablehnungsbescheid der Botschaft bis spätestens 15 Tage vor Kursbeginn unserem
Büro vorliegen.

Terms and Conditions:

1. Registration and payment:

A course period is bindingly booked as soon as Treffpunkt Sprachen receives the registration form signed by
the applicant and after the payment of the course fees. A payment in two rates (50% the second day of
school and the rest after four weeks) is possible only for intensive and half intensive courses with a duration
of not less than 3 months.
A confirmation of registration for visa purposes can only be issued after the complete fees for the registered
course period have been paid. For intensiv courses with a 4 month duration or more we accept the payment
in two rates: 50% at the moment of registration and the rest on the first day of school.

2. Repayment
Only if the client’s visa is denied a repayment less 20 % of the course fees is possible, provided that a
written confirmation of the denying German embassy or German foreign authority is sent to Treffpunkt
Sprachen at least 15 days before the beginning of the booked course period.

Mit meiner Unterschrift melde ich mich verbindlich zu oben angegebenen Sprachkurs an und akzeptiere
obengenannte Geschäftsbedingungen.
With my signature I bindingly book the specified course and I confirm that I accept the terms and

Ort (place):---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Datum (date):------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unterschrift (signature)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Treffpunkt Sprachen
Please pay the fees for the booked course IBAN: DE04370501980032900318
by bank transfer to: BIC: COLSDE33XXX

The signed registration can be sent by mail or e-mail.

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