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NAME: Princess Andrei B. Barnes GRADE & SECTION: G11 ABM-2 E.


4th Quarter Week 1– Module 1


__E__1. Resubmitting your work in one subject to another subject without the permission
of your teacher from the former subject. (Self-plagiarism)

__A__2. Presenting someone else’s speech and identifying it as yours. (Global plagiarism)

__D__3. Publishing an essay that contains paragraphs from different books without
proper citation. (Mosaic plagiarism)

__B__4. Properly rewording a written work without citing the original author.
(Paraphrasing plagiarism)

__C__5. Copying a statement word-for-word without proper citation. (Verbatim



Case 1

A Filipino clothing brand unwittingly plagiarized the work of a UP Fine Arts student when a
member of their visual and merchandizing team copied the student’s work without his
permission. The clothing brand’s legal team had been trying to reach out to the student for private
settlement, but the student is determined to seek legal counsel (Coconuts Manila 2015).

Kind of Plagiarism Committed: Global Plagiarism

How it could have been avoided: Clothing brands should be able to create their own styles and
avoid recreating the already existing ones. People always want something new and fresh; not the
same thing they’ve been getting for years. The main way to avoid such plagiarism is to cite the
sources. If brand used a source without citing it, they are implying that they came up with the
idea or design on their own.
Case 2

A Filipino business tycoon received severe criticism after delivering a speech filled with
plagiarized quotations at a graduation ceremony of a prestigious Philippine University.
The speech was apparently written by his speechwriters who copied exact phrases from
different authors without proper attribution of their sources. The business tycoon took
responsibility and publicly apologized for the speech, resigned from his position as
chairman of the board of trustees from the same university, and surrendered his honorary
doctorate in humanities. (ABS CBN News 2010).

Kind of Plagiarism Committed: Mosaic plagiarism and verbatim plagiarism

How it could have been avoided: Although the speech he delivered was written by
someone else, he could have read it a couple of times before delivering it at the ceremony.
Skimming through the text would give him the idea of his speech and he could have ask
his writer where does the quotations in the speech came from. To avoid committing
mosaic and verbatim plagiarism, one should always cite the sources of the information
or ideas borrowed. The writer could have used the different styles of citations to give
proper credits to the authors of the ideas.


Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. Would you include only the sources that agree with your views in your literature
review? Why or why not?

No, a review of literature presents much more than a summary of relevant sources.
According to O’Leary (2010), when doing literature review, “not only do you need
to engage with a body of literature, you also need to be able to compare, contrast,
synthesize, and make arguments with that literature in ways that indicate a
readiness to contribute to the literature itself”.

2. What is the difference between paraphrasing plagiarism and mosaic plagiarism?

Paraphrasing involves taking another’s work and writing it in your own words
without acknowledging where the ideas come from. Mosaic plagiarism is related
to paraphrasing without crediting. The difference is that in mosaic plagiarism the
paraphrasing is only partial. Mosaic plagiarism usually involves partial revision
such as replacing certain words with synonyms, adding or deleting a few words
here and there, and taking short phrases from the source and lumping them


Directions: Reflect on the given question and write your thoughts about them in your
answer sheet.

• Global, verbatim, and mosaic plagiarism seem similar with each other on the outset.
What are the key differences between these three kinds of plagiarism?

Global plagiarism refers to the copying of certain work completely and

acknowledging it as your own. For instance, you found an essay online and just
copy-pasted the whole thing. Similarly, verbatim plagiarism is similar to global
plagiarism, except that instead of copying an entire paper, one only copy parts:
maybe a section, a paragraph, or a few sentences. Lastly, mosaic plagiarism is the
most complicated among the three. It’s like stitching ideas from various sources to
come up with a newly written text.

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