Election Review - CXXXIV

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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard  rsklaroff@gmail.com
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 October 23, 2021 –
National Make A Difference Day

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CXXXIV] – I’m Going Dark

Having detailed what seems to be the only viable plan to expedite performing a PA “investigation,
I have noted with anguish that Bannon/Epshteyn [on Thursday/Friday] continued promoting the
two-schools-of-thought narrative; “No meetings are scheduled at this time” of the PA-Senate
Intergovernmental Operations Committee and, thus, as predicted, there was release of neither a
statement in favor of the subpoenae and announcement of the auditor. One wonders if this is
going to be highlighted on “The War Room” as another Corman-abrogation, putting to the “LIE”
any suggestion that Corman is attempting to expedite matters. One wonders if Bannon fears
posing a query to Corman as to whether he envisions the possibility of decertification. Indeed,
corruption of his tagline suggests there may not be a coincidence, but this seems conspiratorial;
meanwhile, as noted in a prior memo, Mastriano still is weighing a gubernatorial campaign.

I’d planned to do a Gettysburg-run yesterday if any public spot were to have been ID’ed for his
“road-show”; it didn’t, so I didn’t. I asked at least two people to ask him why he tolerates Corman,
but neither got back to me after the Ike-Dinner; numerous recipients of these “blast” e-mails
should—by now—have recognized that he’s the logjam. I’ve agitated for a primary-challenger
PLEASE to emerge [“Ya can’t beat someone with no one”], alas to no avail. I have again learned,
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink; indeed, if coerced, the horse will
opt for drowning.” Thus, a weeklong hiatus will occur while I’m in Europe; per 133 prior *Memos*,
let’s see what **actions** emerge from those identifying with my expressions of angst,

Devoting hours, daily, to generating these tight summaries, I confess that the “ride” has included
active/enjoyable participation in statewide/national Zoom-calls; for example, the organizer of the
A.V.A. Tuesday-a.m. call that routinely involves 50+ national experts has occasionally quoted me
within his "tease" invite-memo, and I think I finally was able to convince participants of the need
to abolish pre-canvassing and to appreciate Dr. Frank’s [incompletely documented] paradigm.
More important, info is provided from just about every state [including Texas and Utah]; most
important, lotsa people are provided "homework" during the hour-plus event [e.g.; we don’t
know the reaction of Georgia politicians to sudden dismissal of Favorito’s case. Unfortunately,
IMHO, we cannot rely upon Biden’s plummeting, because this could yield desperation to pass a
“bare-bones” reconciliation/infrastructure duo that would include nationalizing the elections.

A few PA-observations are of-interest: Former Sec. of State Boockvar and Gov. Wolf staffer
helped selectively invite counties for election grants; Pa. GOP lawmaker vowed transparency, but
negotiations for election probe are private; Pa.’s Acting Secretary of State claims to be
streamlining voting; Berks County voters received Spanish instructions for mail-in ballots with
incorrect date for Election Day; and it seems mail-in ballots require postage.
Leah Hoopes and Gregory Stenstrom from DelCo have quietly/effectively waged a solitary
campaign to expose evidence of 2020 election law violations and massive election fraud. Their
case - the last surviving November 2020 election fraud case in the nation - will finally be argued
on 11/18/2021 before the PA Commonwealth Court by Bruce Castor, former PA-AG and Trump’s
successful defense attorney in #2 impeachment trial.

Hoopes/Stenstrom fought into the back rooms of the counting center, refusing to back down to
dozens of law enforcement officers, successfully secured an injunction, and witnessed 60,000
unopened mail-in ballots that were never accounted for, and inexplicable use of dozens of USB v-
cards used to further flip the vote several days after the election.

They exhausted every civilian remedy available to them, testifying in Gettysburg before a widely
televised PA Senate Committee that was seen by millions of people worldwide. They aggressively
demanded law enforcement agencies from the County, State and Federal level intervene, without
response. They were active, early supporters and participants on the Giuliani, Powell, Kline, Project
Amistad, and other legal teams; their sworn testimony was included in multiple lawsuits and US
Supreme Court cases (all quashed without hearings or admission of evidence/testimony).

Their private investigation (invoking retired FBI agents) documented/verified major aberrations:
[1]—absence of chain of custody; and [2]—fabricated Return Sheets used for certification. Initially
filing pro se [self-represented case) due to rejection by dozens of attorneys fearing retribution,
they refiled 45 days after the election in the DelCo Common Pleas Court.

They were thrown out of Court without allowing a hearing or considering any testimony, with the
judge calling them “contemptible … vexatious” while denying the existence of unreviewed data.
Claiming there was not a “scintilla of evidence,” he sanctioned them for “frivolous waste of the
court’s time” and sued for $50,000.Their attorney, Deborah Silver, was submitted for disbarment,
by the County Board of Elections.

They fought back and, despite the death of Stenstrom’s second oldest son the week that an appeal
had to be submitted (plus inability to retain a lawyer amidst continuous harassment and threats
not to proceed), they appealed pro se. After having been sued, “slapped,” and sanctioned, Bruce
Castor assumed responsibility for the appeal. PA-AG Shapiro, a beneficiary of the fraud, accused
them of being “terrorists” and “extremists”; a rabid media that has never interviewed them or
considered any of their evidence called them “liars” and “debunked.”

Nameless/faceless thugs terrorized them at their homes at all hours of the night, amplified by
thousands of e-mails and ‘phone calls; GOP/Dem leaders smeared them. Their businesses were
viciously attacked, and they have suffered devastating financial losses. They are protecting and
fighting for US/PA despite efforts to quash/sway/intimidate, having stepped into the breach and
stood fast.. Elected officials, law enforcement, judiciary, and courts have abrogated their duties.

{I’ve fought FDA/NCI/NIH/ACS/ALA/AHA/NCCN/Tobacco-Free-Kids when advocating e-cigs—

via academe, popular literature, and testimony—and, thus, note the FDA authorized e-cigs.}
Yet, a Post-Gazette Editorial claims the FDA should keep cracking down on e-cigs & vaping.

{Note a **prescient** clip from Lions for Lambs, a 2007 movie directed by leftie Robert Redford
that predicted the outcome of Biden’s **catastrophic** Afghanistan withdrawal.}

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