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Gastronomy is one of the most important cultural aspects one should definitely try

when traveling to a foreign country. The customs, dishes and ingredients of each
country can have many differences between them, creating a great variety of
traditional dishes, unique to each region or country. Although the variety of dishes
generally varies from country to country, culinary traditions from around the world
can be grouped by continents, sharing some similar characteristics.

Many distinctions can be made between the gastronomy of the United States,
Canada, and Mexico, which has to be one of the most popular in the world.
Tex-Mex cuisine, originated in North America, has to be one of the most popular
cuisines worldwide, it is generally a fusion between Mexican and American styles.
In the United States, the gastronomic culture has been born from a mixture
between different cuisines of the world, this has to be due to the number of
immigrants from Europe, Asia, and Africa. Canadian gastronomy is largely related
to the different indigenous cultures that have inhabited the country over the
centuries, which is why it is so varied today.
The typical dishes of the different countries of South America can vary greatly by
country, although many of the typical dishes of each of them are very similar and
differ in some ingredients. The typical foods of Peru and Colombia stand out, as
well as the Ecuadorian gastronomy.
Finally, in Central America there is also a high influence of indigenous, Spanish
and African cuisine. The typical dishes of each of the countries that make up
Central America stand out for their strong flavors, full of aroma and color.

Mediterranean cuisine stands out for the use of a wide range of products of plant
origin, that is, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes. There is also a large presence
of bread and other cereals such as wheat. Olive oil is the main fat and is used to
make a myriad of typical dishes from different European countries.
Spanish cuisine is probably one of the most popular with tourists from all over the
world. The potato omelet or the Valencian paella, among many other dishes of
purely Spanish origin, has been one of the main tourist attractions at an
international level.
For its part, Italian gastronomy has been perhaps the most imitated in the world. Of
course, the most famous dishes in Italy are pizza, risotto, and pasta, although the
list of typical dishes and sauces (pesto, bolognese, carbonara…) is much longer.
Currently, the number of pizza recipes is endless: seafood pizza, Neapolitan, four
cheeses, margarita, etc.
French gastronomic culture has influenced that of many other countries and that is
why it is currently among the most important in the world. Thanks to the regional
variety of France, the list of typical dishes is almost endless.

Different Asian cuisines have in common the abundant use of various types of fish
from the Pacific and Indian Oceans. On the other hand, the consumption of rice is
also another of the star habits within Asian gastronomy in general, as well as
vegetables and various spices. Eating seaweed, raw fish, bamboo, or shark fin,
among other rare ingredients, is also delicious for most Asians.
In general, Asian cuisine tries to balance and give equal importance to all aspects
of the dish: color, flavor, and aroma. In China, for example, this balance is tried to
be achieved in the first courses of a typical menu using three or even five different
ingredients. The colors red, yellow, black, brown, and white are usually the most
common in their traditional dishes.

The cuisine of the different countries of the African continent is characterized
above all by its exoticism, which is achieved thanks to the use of numerous
species and ingredients typical of Africa. African cuisine was also widely influenced
by Asian and Western cuisine.
On the other hand, anyone who visits Africa, whatever the country, will appreciate
that seafood, especially if visiting the southern and eastern parts of the continent,
is a special food. It is not so much about the species of shellfish that are
consumed, but more about the way they are prepared. The soups and seafood
stews prepared in these areas are part of the gastronomic pride of its inhabitants.
In the northern regions of Africa, including Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco,
couscous is the staple food. It is wheat semolina, which is cooked in a very similar
way to pasta. Couscous is cooked accompanied by various ingredients that may
vary depending on the case, although olive oil, saffron, cloves, ginger and other
spices are usually never lacking.

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