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Official Report of the

One Hundred Fifty-fourth

Semiannual General

of The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints

held in the Tabernacle

Salt Lake City, Utah

October 6 and 7, 1984

Official Report
of the
One Hundred Fifty-fourth
Semiannual General Conference

The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

held the Tabernacle


SaltLake City, Utah

October 6 and 7, 1984

Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Salt Lake City, Utah

Copyright © 1 985 Corporation of the President
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

AllRights Reserved
Printed in the United States of America
The 154th Semiannual General The First Presidency: Spencer W.
Conference of The Church of Jesus Kimball, Marion G. Romney, and
Christ of Latter-day Saints convened in Gordon B. Hinckley.
the Tabernacle on Temple Square in The Council of the Twelve: Ezra
Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, Taft Benson, Howard W. Hunter,
October 6, 1984, at 10:00 a.m. Thomas S. Monson, Boyd K. Packer,
The general sessions of the confer- Marvin J. Ashton, Bruce R.
ence were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 McConkie, L. Tom Perry, David B.
p.m.on Saturday and Sunday, October Haight, James E. Faust, Neal A.
6 and 7, 1984. The general priesthood Maxwell, Russell M. Nelson, and
meeting was held in the Tabernacle on Dallin H. Oaks.
Saturday, October 6, 1984, at 6:00 p.m. The First Quorum of the Seventy:
President Spencer W. Kimball at- Presidents: J. Thomas Fyans, Carlos
tended and presided at the Saturday af- E. Asay, M. Dean L.
Russell Ballard,
ternoon and Sunday morning and Larsen.G. Homer Durham, Richard G.
afternoon sessions of the conference Scott, and Marion D. Hanks. Addi-
and watched the other sessions on tele- tional Members of the Seventy: A.
vision. President Marion G. Romney, Theodore Tuttle, Franklin D. Richards,
First Counselor in the First Presidency, Theodore M. Burton, Paul H. Dunn,
attended the Sunday afternoon session Hartman Rector, Jr., Loren C. Dunn,
of the conference and watched the other Robert L. Simpson, Rex D. Pinegar,
sessions on television. President Wm. Grant Bangerter, Robert D.
Gordon B. Hinckley, Second Coun- Hales, Adney Y. Komatsu, Joseph B.
selor in the First Presidency, conducted Wirthlin, Gene R. Cook, Charles
the Saturday morning, general priest- Didier, William R. Bradford, George
hood, and Sunday morning sessions. P. Lee, John H. Groberg, Jacob de
President Ezra Taft Benson, President Jager, Vaughn J. Featherstone, Royden
of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, G. Derrick, Robert E. Wells, James M.
conducted the Saturday afternoon and Paramore, Hugh W. Pinnock, F. Enzio
Sunday afternoon sessions. Busche, Yoshihiko Kikuchi, Ronald E.
Television and radio stations car- Poelman, Derek A. Cuthbert, Robert
ried portions or all of some of the con- L. Backman, Rex C. Reeve, Sr., F.
ference sessions to large audiences Burton Howard, Ted E. Brewerton.
throughout the world. The general ses- Jack H. Goaslind, Jr., Angel Abrea,
sions and the general priesthood ses- John K. Carmack, Russell C. Taylor,
sion were also carried via satellite Robert B. Harbertson, Devere Harris,
transmission to over nine hundred stake Spencer H. Osborn, Philip T. Sonntag,
centers. The general priesthood session John Sonnenberg, F. Arthur Kay, and
was carried by closed-circuit transmis- Keith W. Wilcox.
sion to over seven hundred locations in The Presiding Bishopric: Victor
many different countries. L. Brown, H. Burke Peterson, and J.
Richard Clarke.
General Authorities present Emeritus General Authorities:
Eldred G. Smith, Sterling W. Sill,
The following General Authori- Henry D. Taylor, Bernard P.
tiesof the Church attended one or more Brockbank, James A. Cullimore,
of the general sessions: Joseph Anderson, John H.
Vandenberg, and O. Leslie Stone.
Saturday, October 6 First Dm

Other authorities present bishops of wards, and presidencies and

members of the Aaronic and Melchize-
Other authorities of the Church in dek priesthood quorums.
attendance included Regional Repre- Many general, stake, and ward
sentatives, presidents of stakes and auxiliary officers also attended.
their counselors, presidents of temples,

FIRST SESSION the First Presidency, is not well this
morning. We excuse him; he will watch
The first general session of the the conference proceedings on tele-
154th Semiannual General Conference vision at his home.
convened Tabernacle on Temple
in the In addition to those seated in the
Square in Salt Lake City, Utah on Sat- Tabernacle there is an overflow session
urday, October 6, 1984, at 10.00 a.m. in the nearby Assembly Hall where El-
President Gordon B. Hinckley, Second ders Carlos E. Asay and Robert D.
Counselor in the First Presidency, con- Hales preside. Also we note that these
ducted this session. proceedings are being carried by satel-
The music for the opening session lite transmission to over nine hundred
was provided by the Tabernacle Choir stake centers throughout the United
with Jerold Ottley conducting and John States and Canada.
Longhurst at the organ. We acknowledge the General Au-
Before the commencement of the thorities of the Church and Relief Soci-
meeting, the Tabernacle Choir sang ety, Young Women, and Primary
"For All the Saints" without announce- general presidencies and the Activities
ment. Committee, who are seated on the
President Hinckley then made the stand. We warmly welcome govern-
following remarks: ment, education, and civic leaders who
are present.
President Gordon B. Hinckley The Tabernacle Choir, under the
direction of Jerold Ottley with John
Good morning, brothers and sis- Longhurst at the organ, is providing the
ters. Weare pleased to greet those in music for this session. The choir
the Tabernacle, and those participating opened this session by singing "For All
by radio, television, or satellite trans- the Saints." The choir will now sing,
mission to this first general session of "How Beautiful upon the Mountains."
the 154th Semiannual General Confer- Following the singing, the invoca-
ence of The Church of Jesus Christ of tion will be offered by Elder Dean L.
Latter-day Saints. Larsen, a member of the Presidency of
We regret that President Spencer the First Quorum of the Seventy.
W. Kimball is unable to be with us this

morning. He is in his apartment in the

Hotel Utah where he will watch the The choir sang "How Beautiful
conference on television. We anticipate upon the Mountains."
that he will be with us in one or more
Elder Dean L. Larsen offered the

of the later sessions of the conference. invocation.

We also regret that President President Gordon B. Hinckley
Marion G. Romney, First Counselor in
spoke without announcement.

President Gordon B. Hinckley

Sustaining of General Authorities it. Any who may feel otherwise may so
and general officers indicate. We ask these Brethren to
make their way to the stand where seats
Since the April general confer- are reserved down here, wherever you
ence, Elder Royden G. Derrick has see a vacancy.
been called as the president of the Seat- Sisters Barbara W. Winder and
tle Temple. Because that necessitates Ardeth G. Kapp were sustained at the
his absence from Salt Lake City, it has last general conference as the new gen-
been felt advisable to release him as a and
eral presidents of the Relief Society
member of the Presidency of the First Young Women, respectively. Since
Quorum of the Seventy. All who wish then, Sisters Joy Frewin Evans and
to join in extending a sincere vote of Joanne Bushman Doxey have been
thanks to Elder Derrick for his out- called as the first and second counsel-
standing service in this capacity and his ors, respectively, to Sister Winder in
tremendous service in the management the Relief Society presidency. Sisters
of the genealogical program of the Patricia Terry Holland and Maurine
Church may do so by the uplifted hand. Johnson Turley have been called as the
It is proposed that Elder Marion first and second counselors, respec-
D. Hanks be called as a member of the tively, to Sister Kapp in the Young
Presidency of the First Quorum of the Women presidency. Will those of you
Seventy. All in favor, please manifest who can sustain these sisters in these
it. Any opposed, by the same sign.
positions please indicate in the usual
In view of the continual expansion manner? Any opposed, by the same
of the work of the Church, including sign.
the creation of Area Presidencies, it is With the exceptions noted, there
deemed necessary to call three addi- have been no changes in the General
tional members of the First Quorum of Authorities or the general officers of
the Seventy who will serve on a non- the Church since the last conference. It
lifetime basis, as was established last is proposed, therefore, that we sustain
April in the call of other Brethren to this all of the General Authorities and gen-
Quorum, and who will serve ordinarily Church as at present
eral officers of the
for periods of three to five years. It is constituted. Those in favor, please
proposed, therefore, that we sustain the manifest it. Those opposed, by the
following as members of the First same sign.
Quorum of the Seventy in these circum- It appears that the voting has been
stances: Elder John Sonnenberg of Chi- unanimous in favor of the General Au-
cago, who has served as a bishop, a thorities and general officers of the
stake president, and is currently serving Church.
as a Regional Representative and chair-
man of the Chicago Temple committee; Christ's Church and his prophet
Elder F. Arthur Kay of Seattle, who has
served as a bishop, as a stake president, My
beloved associates in this
as a Regional Representative, and who great work, my heart is touched this
was recently released as president of morning as I look out over this vast
the Seattle Temple; and Elder Keith congregation and then think of many
Wilson Wilcox of Ogden, who has times more of you who are assembled
served as a bishop, as a stake president, in stake centers scattered over the con-
as a mission president, as a Regional tinent from sea to shining sea. These
Representative, and who currently is semiannual conferences of the Church
serving as president of the Ogden are unique and remarkable occasions
Temple. All in favor, please manifest when Latter-day Saints gather with lis-
Saturday, October 6 First Day

tening ears and understanding hearts to sustained as the President of the

counsel together and to hear those who Church.
have been called of God with a respon-
sibility for the work in this dispensa- Priesthood of God and strength of
tion. We are united with a common the Church
bond of faith and testimony. Jesus
Christ stands at the head of the Church The Lord will not allow his work
of which we are members. The Church to suffer.He will not allow it to be led
bears his name. It is his Church. We are He has made that clear. There is
honored to be a part of it. much of flexibility and resiliency in this
We have a prophet appointed by inspired organization. It can accommo-
him, and we express gratitude for this date almost any imaginable set of cir-
our leader. Although he is old in years, cumstances. It is moving forward in a
and his body weakened, we look to him remarkable and wonderful way. The
with love and appreciation. priesthood of God is upon the earth,
and the strength of the Church lies in
Organization of Christ's Church the power that comes therefrom and in
the personal faith and testimony which
Some people, most of them not reside in the hearts of its members.
members of the Church, worry because We welcome you to this great
the President of theChurch is an elderly world conference. We pray that the
man. I want you that under the
to assure Lord will inspire all whospeak, all who
organization put in place by the Lord sing, all who offer prayers, and in a
himself, there is no need to worry. The particular way all who participate as
President has two counselors. So long members in the many congregations
as either of them is able to function, who are joined together this day. May
there will be an active First Presidency we all be edified thereby, humbly pray

with full powers of decision in all mat- in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
ters affecting the Church.
Associated with the Presidency is President Hinckley
the Council of the Twelve Apostles. At
times in the history of the Church, The choir will now sing "Come,
when there was no First Presidency, the All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth."
Council of the Twelve governed its af- We shall then be pleased to hear from
fairs. As a matter of fact, these were President Ezra Taft Benson, President
some of the most difficult and demand- of the Council of the Twelve Apostles.
ing times in the history of the Church,
notably, when our people left Nauvoo,
The choir sang "Come, All Ye
crossed Iowa, established Winter Quar-
ters on the Missouri, and then made
Saints Who Dwell on Earth."
President Ezra Taft Benson spoke
their historic odyssey to this valley in
without further announcement.
1847. It was not until Brigham Young
returned to Winter Quarters that he was

President Ezra Taft Benson

Neglect of Book of Mormon concerned that we are not using the

Book of Mormon as God intends.
My beloved brethren and sisters, As participated in the Mexico

for some years now I have been deeply city Temple dedication, I received the
distinctimpression that God is not


pleased with our neglect of the Book of "Take away the Book of Mormon
Mormon. and the revelations," he said, "and
In the eighty-fourth section of the where is our religion? We have none"
Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord de- (History of the Church, 2:52).
creed that the whole Church was under "This generation," said the Lord
condemnation, even all the children of to Joseph Smith, the translator, "shall
Zion, because of the way they treated have my word through you"
the Book of Mormon. And they shall (D&C 5:10). And so it has.
remain under this condemnation until "And those who receive [the Book
they repent," said the Lord, "and re- of Mormon] in faith," the Lord states,
member the new covenant, even the "and work righteousness, shall receive
Book of Mormon" (D&C 84:57). a crown of eternal life;

Zion cannot fully arise and put on "But those who harden their
her beautiful garments if she is under hearts in unbelief, and reject it, it shall
this condemnation. (See D&C 82:14.) turn to their own condemnation"
This prompts five critical ques- (D&C 20:14-15).
tions to which each of us must respond:
Is the Book of Mormon the word of What is purpose of Book of
God? For whom was it meant? How Mormon?
important is this volume of scripture?
What is its major purpose? How are we Fourth, what is the major purpose
to use it? of the Book of Mormon? To bring
men to Christ and
be reconciled to

Is it the word of God? him, and then his church

to join
in that order. (See 2 Nephi 25:23;
First, is the Book of Mormon the D&C 20:11-14. 35-37.)
word of God? Yes. God has so testi- The title page of the Book of Mor-
fied. (See D&C 20:8-10.) So have its mon states the book is for "the convinc-
writers (see 2Nephi33:10; Moroni ing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is
7:35), so has its translator (see Articles the Christ, the Eternal God."
of Faith 1 8) so have its witnesses and
: , , The Lord further instructed that
so do all those who have read it and the Book of Mormon proves that "God
received a personal revelation from does inspire men and call them to his
God as to its truthfulness. holy work in this age and generation, as
well as in generations of old"
For whom was it meant? (D&C 20:11).
The Book of Mormon being true,
Second, for whom was the Book then God did inspire his prophet Joseph
of Mormon meant? Moroni, the book's Smith to translate it and did call him to
last writer, speaking to us said, do the holy work of restoring His
"Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were church, even The Church of Jesus
present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me,
and I know your doing" (Mormon How are we to use it?
8:35). God inspired Mormon, its chief
compiler, to put into the book what we Finally, how are we to use the
would need in our day. book?
We must read it and gain a

How important is it? testimony for ourselves. Men may de-

ceive each other, but God does not de-
Third, how important is the Book ceive men. Therefore, the Book of
of Mormon? Joseph Smith called it "the Mormon sets forth the best test for de-
keystone of our religion" (History of termining its truthfulness —namely,
the Church, 4:461). read it and then ask God if it is true.
Saturday, October 6 Fim Day

Moroni, in the book's final chap- the house of Israel," said the Lord (2
ter, issued that divine challenge to Nephi 29:2). It is a standard we should
every reader in these words: heed and follow.
"And when ye shall receive these In the twentieth section of the
things, I would exhort you that ye Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord de-
would ask God, the Eternal Father, in votes several verses to summarizing the
the name of Christ, if these things are vital truthswhich the Book of Mormon
not true; and if ye shall ask with a sin- teaches. (See D&C 20:17-36.) It
cere heart, with real intent, having faith speaks of God, the creation of man, the
in Christ, he will manifest the truth of Fall, the Atonement, the ascension of
it unto you, by the power of the Holy Christ into heaven, prophets, faith, re-
Ghost" (Moroni 10:4). pentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, en-
This, then, is the supreme assur- durance, prayer, justification and
ance for the honest in heart to know — sanctification through grace, and lov-
by personal revelation from God that ing and serving God.
the Book of Mormon is true. Millions We must know these essential
have put it to that test and know, and truths. Aaron and Ammon and their
increasing millions will yet know. brethren in the Book of Mormon taught
these same kinds of truths to the
Feast from the book Lamanite people (see Alma 18:22-39),
who were "in the darkest abyss"
Now the spirit, as well as the (Alma 26:3). After accepting these
body, is in need of constant nour- eternal truths, the Book of Mormon
ishment. Yesterday's meal is not states, those converted Lamanites
enough to sustain today's needs. So never did fall away. (See Alma 23:6.)
also an infrequent reading of "the most If our children and grandchildren
correct of any book on earth," as Joseph are taught and heed these same truths,
Smith called it, is not enough. (See will they fall away? We best instruct
History of the Church, 4:461.) them in the Book of Mormon at our
Not all truths are of equal value, dinner table, by our firesides, at their
nor are all scriptures of the same worth. bedsides, and in our letters and phone
What better way to nourish the spirit calls — in all of our goings and com-
than to frequently feast from the book ings.
which the Prophet Joseph said would Some spiritually alert parents hold
get a man "nearer to God by abiding by early-morning devotionals with their
its precepts, than by any other book"? families in their homes. They have a
(History of the Church, 4:461). hymn, prayer, and then read and dis-
President Marion G. Romney un- cuss the Book of Mormon.
derstood this. Years ago he started a "The elders, priests and teachers
daily procedure, which he recom- of this church shall teach the principles
mended to us, of reading the Book of of my gospel, which are in the
. . .

Mormon each morning for thirty min- Book of Mormon," says the Lord in the
utes. "I know that it kept me in har- forty-second section of the Doctrine
mony," he said, "so far as I did keep in and Covenants (D&C 42:12).
harmony, with the Spirit of the Lord."
Then he added, "It will hold us as close A tool of conversion
to the Spirit of the Lord as anything 1
know" (in Conference Report, Apr. The Book of Mormon is for both
1949, pp. 36, 41). member and nonmember. Combined
with the Spirit of the Lord, the Book of
Teaches vital truths Mormon is the greatest single tool
which God has given us to convert the
The Book of Mormon is to be "a world. If we are to have the harvest of
standard unto my people, which are of souls that President Kimball envisions,

then we must usethe instrument which 1 am God, that I remember one nation
God has designed for that task the — like unto another?
Book of Mormon. ".. And because that I have
. .

Elder Bruce R. McConkie stated, spoken one word ye need not suppose
"Men can get nearer to the Lord, can that I cannot speak another"
have more of the spirit of conversion (2 Nephi 29:7-9).
and conformity in their hearts, can have
stronger testimonies, and can gain a A new witness for Christ
better understanding of the doctrines of
salvation through the Book of Mormon We invite all men everywhere to
than they can through the read theBook of Mormon, another tes-
Bible. . . There will be more people tament of Jesus Christ.


saved in the kingdom of God ten The Bible sits on the pulpit of hun-

thousand times over because of the dreds of different religious sects. The
Book of Mormon than there will be Book of Mormon, the record of Joseph,
because of the Bible" (address at Book verifies and clarifies the Bible. It re-
of Mormon Symposium, Brigham moves stumbling blocks, it restores
Young University, 18 Aug. 1978). many plain and precious things. We
testify that when used together, the
The record of Joseph Bible and the Book of Mormon con-
found false doctrines, lay down conten-
The Christian world has the tions, and establish peace. (See
Bible —and so do we. The Bible speaks 2 Nephi 3: 12.)
of a people, the Jews; their land, the We do not have to prove the Book
Holy Land; their prophets; and the birth of Mormon is true. The book is its own
and ministry of Jesus Christ. proof. All we need to do is read it and
But was there only one tribe of declare it! The Book of Mormon is not
Israel? What of Joseph, the birthright on trial —
the people of the world, in-
son, who saved all of Israel's family cluding the members of the Church, are
from famine? What of Joseph, whose on trial as to what they will do with this
sons Israel blessed and said, "Let my second witness for Christ.
name be named on them, and the name I testify that the Book of Mormon
of my fathers Abraham and Isaac"? is the word of God; and therefore Jesus
(Genesis 48:16). What of Joseph, is the Christ, Joseph Smith is a prophet,
whom Israel blessed and promised that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
he would be "a fruitful bough by a well; day Saints is true, with its authorized
whose branches run over the wall"? servants to perform the ordinances of
(Genesis 49:22). Where is the record of salvation today, in the name of Jesus
Joseph? Christ, amen.
We world that we
testify to the
have the record of Joseph even the — The choir sang "Go Forth with
Book of Mormon. Like Judah, Joseph

had a people the Nephites and La-
Faith" without announcement.

manites. Like Judah, Joseph had a

land the Americas. Like Judah,
President Hinckley
Joseph had prophets, and his descen-
dants also had a visitation from Jesus
President Ezra Taft Benson has
Christ, even the resurrected Lord.
just addressed us, followed by the choir
"Know ye not," the Lord says in
singing "Go Forth with Faith."
the Book of Mormon, "that there are
more nations than one? . . .
We shall now be pleased to hear
Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Council
"Know ye not that the testimony
of the'Twelve.
of two nations is a witness unto you that
Saturday, October 6 Firs! Day

Elder Neal A. Maxwell

"Out of obscurity" many mighty, not many noble, are

called" (1 Corinthians 1:26).
My and sisters, the
Church one of those hinge points
is at
A humble and pure people
in its history —
the ending of one era and
the beginning of another, each with its But there is still more to be al-
blessings and its challenges. If we are lowed for!
prepared, we shall neither fear nor fail As if comparative obscurity,
in our particular time. (See smallness as to scale, and ample human
D&C 38:30.) imperfection in the membership of His
other things, the past ob- Church were not enough, the Lord
scurity of the Church is giving way to wants a humble as well as a pure
visibility.Obscurity denotes that which people. Thus, the lesson taught ancient
is "generally unknown" and Israel is still relevant: only three hun-
"withdrawn from the centers of dred warriors were used by Gideon to
activity": hence, the obscure is often triumph over Israel's enemies, "lest
misunderstood. Israel vaunt themselves." (See
The Lord described how He will Judges 7:2.)
bring His latter-day work "forth out of The Lord chastens so that we will
obscurity and out of darkness" remember Him (see Helaman 12:3),
(D&C 1:30; Nephi 22:12;
see also 1
trying our patience and our faith until
2Nephi 1:23; 27:29). Thus, as fore- we, too, learn that "none could deliver
seen, Christ and His work are becom- [us] but the Lord [our] God"
ing a light which can no longer be (Mosiah 23:23).
hidden. (See D&C 14:9.) This emerg-
ing reality brings with it its own set of
Great messages from small sites
challenges and opportunities. For in-
stance, though the gospel light is small, As what occurred in the
to scale,
the adversary knows what it signifies, gardens of Eden and Gethsemane is of
hence his disproportionate efforts to enormous significance to all mankind,
dim it.
but it was inversely proportioned to the
tiny plots of earth on which those
Confounding the wise eternity-shaping dramas were played
Furthermore, God has chosen to Truth, as Mount Sinai showed,
work through those whom the world transcends the importance of the terrain
regards as weak and foolish. (See on which it is given. The Holy Land
1 Corinthians 1:27; D&C 1:19, 28; was a comparatively small strip of
133:58-59.) With heightened visi- sand, about two hundred by seventy-
bility, this fact, too, then creates its five miles! Even so, therein occurred
own of challenges. Nevertheless,
set the central drama of all human history.
"God hath chosen the foolish . . .
Yet consider: the wondrous four
to confound the wise; ... the weak Gospels tell us vital, salvational truths,
. . to confound the ... mighty"
but not what the Persians, Chinese, and
(1 Corinthians 1:27). Indians were about during Jesus' mor-
Disciples need not be embarrassed tal ministry. Yet these, and all other
by considerations of scale any more peoples, will be indelibly and irre-
than by the infrequency of prestigious vocably blessed by Jesus and His atone-
converts, since, as Paul said, "Not ment. They, no less than we, are
many wise men after the flesh, not children of an Almighty God and are
fully included in His redemptive plans.

Ancient history and spiritual events There appears to be precious little

secular history which records the drama
However, unlike our time, ancient associated with the arraignment, trial,
nations and cultures were often un-
aware of each other. Furthermore,

and crucifixion of Jesus for Pilate,
just more trouble but temporary politi-
secular history is usually silent con- cal gain:
cerning spiritual things. "And the same day Pilate and
The Chinese in the Ch'in Dynasty Herod were made friends together: for
were busy with stones and the Great before they were at enmity between
Wall of China. They could scarcely be themselves" (Luke 23:12).
expected to know about Daniel's stone Besides, important as Pilate was,
cut out of the mountain without hands. locally and briefly, he was not Caesar!
(See Daniel 2:31—4-5.) And why no secular confirmation
About when Lehi and his pioneer- by historians such as Tacitus, concern-
ing party landed in the Americas, ing Paul's part in the drama of the
Solon, the Greek reformer, was Christians, Rome, and Nero?
striving to end economic distress
caused, partly, by an 18 percent interest
Significant spiritual events
As Pompey conquered Jerusalem, Mostly, brothers and sisters, these
two thousand stripling warriors were great spiritual events went unseen by
fighting for Nephite liberty. Approxi- eyes spiritually untrained; therefore,
mately when Jacob was tediously en- they were lost in the swollen sea of
graving on the plates, a physician in worldly cares, a sea which never rests.
India reportedly performed cataract One day, the historical record will be
surgery. complete: but, meanwhile, the scrip-
About when Ammaron hid the sa- tures will be our guide concerning those
cred records witnessing of God's intro- transcending spiritual events in human
ducing His resurrected Son, Jesus history which are saturated with signifi-
Christ, to the Nephites —
Constantine cance.
convened a council to discuss whether In any event, world leaders are
or not God and Christ were of the same busy with the world's business. In
substance. As lonely Mormon, whose 1910-11 a young Home Secretary de-
only music was in his soul, moved to- fended, in Parliament, the proselyting
ward culminating Cumorah, Bishop rights of LDS missionaries in Britain.
Ambrose of Milan instituted hymn Amid parliamentary pressures, Win-
singing in church. ston Churchill held fast for religious
Japan began its recorded history tolerance. Major biographies on
about when Nephite history was wind- Churchill are silent on those episodes,
ing down, and likewise the Roman the outcome of which was vital to us,
presence in Britain. but not the stuff of secular history.
A few examples of the secular si-
lence about spiritual things will suffice.
God's chosen leaders

Secular silence The same general disregard at-

tends those whom God chooses as His
Precisely which pharaoh was in leaders; moreover, their imperfections
power during the time of the great and are duly noted.
tumultuous events associated with Moses was described as the most
Moses and the Exodus? There is little in meek man upon the face of the earth.
the secular record to affirm those events (See Numbers 12:3.) Yet Moses had a
which Christians and Jews alike regard brief moment when he rashly declared,
as being of major significance. "Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch
you water out of this rock?"
Saturday, October 6 First Day

(Numbers 20:10; italics added). Even comprehend the visions that roll like an
Lord readied remarkable Moses
so, the overflowing surge, before my mind"
for later service, including that atop the (Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W.
Mount of Transfiguration. (See Cook, eds. and comps., The Words of
Matthew 17:1-4.) Joseph Smith [Provo, Utah: Religious
After Paul wrote his touching Studies Center, Brigham Young Uni-
epistle on love to the Saints at Corinth versity, 1980], p. 196).
(see 1 Corinthians 13), he wrote to Some followers became disaf-
Galatian members, using some stinging fected, but later returned —including
and sarcastic language. Furthermore, once-statusful men like Oliver
companion Barnabas apparently heard Cowdery, Martin Harris, and
Paul's tongue when it was not the Thomas B. Marsh. Yet these men
tongue of an angel. (See Acts 15:2.) voted with their feet to rejoin and
Paul even noted his tendency to reconcile with the kingdom. The true
boast (see 2 Corinthians 10:8, 13, 15; doctrines drew them back, however,
11:1, 16, 21; 12:1), reminding us of and the only status sought or conferred
the wisdom of yet another prophet who was membership, once again, in the
wrote: "I do not boast in my own Lord's church.
strength, nor in my own wisdom; . . .

"But I will boast of my God" Hope and gratitude

(Alma 26:11-12).
In all this, there is great cause for
Proving, reproving, improving hope and even gratitude. Moroni pre-
Only Jesus was perfect in all "Condemn me because of not
things, including love and meekness. mine imperfection, but rather give . . .

Even the greatest of mortal prophets thanks unto God that he hath made
fallshort of Christ's high and perfect manifest unto you our imperfections,
standards. that ye may learn to be more wise than
Thus, as members of the Church, we have been" (Mormon 9:31).
if we can see the life of discipleship, And Lorenzo Snow practiced:
whether for ourselves or for the proph- "I can fellowship the President of
ets, as a combination of proving, re- the Church," he said, "if he does not
proving and improving we will be
, , know everything I know ... I saw
much better off. the . . .imperfections in [Joseph
Throughout scriptural history, we Smith] ... I thanked God that He
demean proph-
see recurring efforts to would put upon a man who had those
ets inorder to dismiss them to label — imperfections the power and authority
them in order to diminish them. He placed upon him ... for 1 knew
Mostly, however, they are simply that I myself had weakness, and I
ignored by their contemporaries and thought there was a chance for
by secular history. After all, early me ... I thanked God that I saw these
Christians were merely called "the sect imperfections."
of the Nazarenes" (Acts 24:5). From Elder B. H. Roberts, who
Like his predecessors, Joseph loved the Prophet dearly, there were
Smith reflected some of the anxieties these words:
and activities of his time and period. "Joseph Smith claimed for . . .

Yet a torrent of truth came through that himself no special sanctity, no faultless
good, but imperfect, conduit more — life, no perfection of character, no in-
than Joseph could communicate, as he errancy for every word spoken by him.
once declared: And as he did not claim these things for
"It is my meditation all the day and himself, so can they not be claimed for
more than my meat and drink to know him by others. . . .

how I shall make the saints of God to


"Yet to Joseph Smith was given," "Behold, I was about to write

said Brother Roberts, "access to the them, all which were engraven upon
mind of Deity, through the revelations the plates of Nephi, but the Lord for-
of God to him" {Comprehensive His- bade it, saying: I will try the faith of my
tory, 2:360-61). people" (3 Nephi 26:1 1).
In fact, brothers and sisters, the Again we must wait for our full
Prophet Joseph, just a few days before answer.
his martyrdom, confirmingly said,
"I never told you I was perfect; but Some lie in wait
there is no error in the revelations
which I have taught. Must I, then, be So the process of proving, reprov-
thrown away as a thing of naught?" ing, and improving unfolds; it should
(History of the Church, 6:366). neither offend us nor surprise us.
Meanwhile, unevenness in the spiritual
"In this way" development of people means un-
tidiness in the history of people, and we
Should we be surprised that should not make an individual "an of-
prophets and people alike experience fender for a word" (Isaiah 29:21;
this next reality? 2 Nephi 27:32), as if a single commu-
"For he will give unto the faithful nication could set aside all else an indi-
line upon line, precept upon precept; vidual may have communicated or
and I will try you and prove you stood for!
herewith" (D&C 98:12). Some lie in wait in our day, as
Herewith means "in this manner" during the ministry of Jesus, seeking to
or "in this way." The same gradual un- "provoke him to speak of many
folding will pertain to the history of things," seeking to "catch something
God's work. (See Isaiah 28:10; out of his mouth that they might accuse
D&C 98:12; 128:21.) him" (Luke 11:53-54). The Pharisees
Meanwhile, Winston Churchill's actually "took counsel how they might
imagery about history is helpful for us entangle him in his talk"
to remember: "History with its flick- (Matthew 22:15).
ering lamp stumbles along the trail of The finished mosaic of the history
the past, trying to reconstruct its of the Restoration will be larger and
scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle more varied as more pieces of tile
with pale gleams the passion of former emerge, adjusting a sequence here or
days" (Tribute to Neville Chamberlain, enlarging there a sector of our under-
House of Commons, 12 Nov. 1940). standing.
The fundamental outline is in

Why patience and faith? place now, however. But history deals
with imperfect people in process of
Since living in the present, how- time, whose imperfections produce re-
ever, disciples should heed those impe- fractions as the pure light of the gospel
rial scriptures which "spread plays upon them. There may even be a
themselves over all occasions," and in few pieces of tile which, for the mo-
one of these we read of stern, divine ment, do not seem to fit. We can wait,
purpose: as we must, to learn later whether, for
"Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to instance, Matthew's or Luke's account
chasten his people; yea, he trieth their of Jesus' Davidic descent is correct.
patience and their faith" (See Matthew 1; Luke 3.) Meanwhile,
(Mosiah 23:21). the Father has, on several occasions,
Why those two particular trials ? given us Jesus' crucial genealogy:
Also, why not give us a lengthier "This is My Beloved Son, in whom I
Book of Mormon? am well pleased. Hear Him!" (See
Matthew 3:17; 17:5; 3 Nephi 11:7:
Saturday, October 6 First Day

Joseph Smith History 1:17; italics wonderful for us. Part of the marvel
added.) and the wonder of God's "marvelous
Granted, there is not full correla- work and a wonder" will be how perfect
tion among the four Gospels about Divinity mercifully used us —
the events and participants at the humanity.
empty garden tomb. (See Matthew Meanwhile, amid the human dis-
28:1-8; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-9; sonance, those with ears to hear will
John 20: 1-10.) Yet the important thing follow the beckoning sounds of a cer-
is that the tomb was empty, because tain trumpet. (See 1 Corinthians 14:8.)

Jesus had been resurrected! Essence, Besides, whatever the present, do

not tactical detail! Moreover, the faith- we not rightly sing of our God "We've
ful, then and now, understand why the proved him in days that are past"?
resurrected Jesus did not appear to the (Hymns, no. 196).
Sanhedrin, to Caiaphas, or Pilate but, — This is the Lord's work! It will roll
instead, to the bands of believers at on His purposes are fulfilled
until all
Bethany and Bountiful. (see Mormon 8:22), of which I glady
testify, in the name of Jesus Christ,

At the perfect day amen.

Why, for instance, did not ancient

The choir and congregation sang
Church leaders more carefully record
"Let Us All Press On" without an-
the fulfillment of certain prophecies of
Samuel, the Lamanite? (See 3 Nephi
23:9-14.) Belatedly, at Jesus' direc-
tion, it was written fully and precisely.
So, belatedly, the fulness of the President Hinckley
history of the dispensation of the ful-
ness of times will be written!
We shall now be pleased to hear
from Elder Dallin H. Oaks, who was
The final mosaic of the Restora-
sustained a member of the Council of
tion will be resplendent, reflecting di-
the Twelve Apostles at the general con-
vine design and the same
centerpiece —
the Father's plan of sal-
ference last April. He will be followed
by Elder M. Russell Ballard of the
vation and exaltation and the atonement
Presidency of the First Quorum of the
of His Son, Jesus Christ.
At the perfect day, we will see that
we have been a part of things too

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

In the service of the Lord Church, to express acceptance of my

calling to the Council of the Twelve.
My dear brothers and sisters, be- I am with this calling.
cause it was not appropriate for me to Having been "called of God, by proph-
commence my Church service until I ecy, and by the laying on of hands by
had concluded my judicial duties in those who are in authority" (Articles of
state government, I did not speak at the Faith 1:5), I have gladly forsaken my
April conference where I was sus- professional activities to spend the rest
tained. Consequently, this semiannual of my days in the service of the Lord.
conference is my first opportunity to I will devote my whole heart, might,
speak to the general membership of the mind, and strength to the great trusts
placed in me, especially to the respon-

sibilities of a special witness of the of the Melchizedek Priesthood receive

name of Jesus Christ in all the world. it upon a covenant to use its powers in

the service of others. Indeed, service is

Why do we serve? a covenant obligation of all members of
the Church of Jesus Christ.
Many men and women were Whether our service is to our fel-
called to Church service last April. lowmen or to God, it is the same. (See
Eight men were called as General Au- Mosiah 2:17.) If we love him, we
thorities. Six women were called to the should keep his commandments and
presidencies of the Relief Society and feed his sheep. (See John 21:16-17.)
Young Women. Over two hundred men
were called to serve as bishops, and "The Lord looketh on the heart"
over seventeen hundred men and
women were called as full-time mis- When we think of service, we usu-
sionaries. In that same month, tens of ally think of the acts of our hands. But
thousands of others were called as offi- the scriptures teach that the Lord looks
cers and teachers and other workers in to our thoughts as well as to our acts.
the many Church organizations One of God's earliest commandments
throughout the world. Those called in to Israel was that they should love him
April joined millions of others already and "serve him with all your heart and
serving in similar capacities in the re- with all your soul" (Deuteronomy
stored Church. 11:13). When the prophet Samuel was
As I contemplated my own calling sent to Bethlehem to choose and anoint
and the callings of millions of others one of the sons of Jesse as a new king
already in service, I was led to consider for Israel, the Lord told him to reject the
this question: Why do we serve? firstson, though he was a man of fine
appearance. The Lord explained,
Service —an imperative "Look not on his countenance, or on the
height of his stature; because I have
Service is an imperative for those refused him: for the Lord seeth not as
who worship Jesus Christ. To followers man seeth; for man looketh on the out-
who were vying for prominent posi- ward appearance, but the Lord looketh
kingdom, the Savior taught,
tions in his on the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7).
"Whosoever will be chief among you, We are familiar with the proverb
let him be your servant" (Matthew which states that as a man "thinketh in
20:27). On a later occasion, he spoke his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). We
of ministering to the needs of the also read in Proverbs: "All the ways
hungry, the naked, the sick, and of a man are clean in his own eyes;
the imprisoned. He concluded that but the Lord weigheth the spirits"
teaching with these words: "Verily I (Proverbs 16:2).
say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have Latter-day revelation declares that
done it unto one of the least of these my the Lord requires not only the acts of
brethren, ye have done it unto me" the children of men, but "the Lord re-
(Matthew 25:40). quireth the heart and a willing mind"
In latter-day revelation the Lord (D&C 64:34).
has commanded that we "succor the Numerous scriptures teach that
weak, lift up the hands which hang our Heavenly Father knows our
down, and strengthen the feeble knees" thoughts and the intents of our heart.
(D&C 81:5). In another section of the (See D&C 6:16; Mosiah 24:12; Alma
Doctrine and Covenants, he instructed 18:32.) The prophet Moroni taught that
us to be "anxiously engaged in a good if our works are to be credited for good,

cause, and do many things of [our] own they must be done for the right reasons.
free will, and bring to pass much If a man "offereth a gift, or prayeth unto
righteousness" (D&C 58:27). Holders

Saturday, October 6 First Day

God, except he shall do it with real light unto the world, that they may get
intent it profiteth him nothing. gain and praise of the world; but they
"For behold, not counted
it is seek not the welfare of Zion" (2 Nephi
unto him for righteousness" (Moroni 26:29). In these latter days, we are
7:6-7). commanded to "seek to bring forth and
Similarly, the prophet Alma establish the cause of Zion" (D&C 6:6).
taught that if we have hardened our Unfortunately, not all who accomplish
hearts against the word of God, we will works under that heading are really in-
"not dare to look up to our God" at the tending to build up Zion or strengthen
final judgment because "all our works the faith of the people of God. Other
will condemn us; and our thoughts
. . . motives can be at work.
will also condemn us" (Alma 12:14). Service that is ostensibly unselfish
but is really for the sake of riches or
Why we serve honor surely comes within the Savior's
condemnation of those who "outwardly
These scriptures make clear that in appear righteous unto men, but
order to our service in the
purify within ... are full of hypocrisy and
Church and fellowmen, it is nec-
to our iniquity" (Matthew 23:28). Such ser-
essary to consider not only how we vice earns no gospel reward.
serve, but also why we serve. "I would that ye should do alms
People serve one another for dif- unto the poor," the Savior declared,
ferent reasons, and some reasons are "but take heed that ye do not your alms
better than others. Perhaps none of us before men to be seen of them; other-
serves in every capacity all the time for wise ye have no reward of your Father
only a single reason. Since we are im- who is in heaven" (3 Nephi 13:1; see
perfect beings, most of us probably also Matthew 6:1-2). The Savior con-
serve for a combination of reasons, and tinued:
the combinations may be different from "Therefore, when ye shall do your
time to time as we grow spiritually. But alms do not sound a trumpet before
we should all strive to serve for the you, as will hypocrites do in the syn-
reasons that are highest and best. agogues and in the streets, that they
What are some of the reasons for may have glory of men. Verily 1 say
service? By way of illustration, and unto you, they have their reward"
without pretending to be exhaustive, I (3 Nephi 13:2; see also Matthew 6:2).
will suggest six reasons. I will discuss In contrast, those who serve qui-
these in ascending order from the lesser etly,even "in secret," qualify for the
to the greater reasons for service. Savior's promise that "thy Father, who
seeth in secret, shall reward thee
For riches or honor? openly" (3 Nephi 13:18; see also
Matthew 6:4).
Some may serve for hope of
earthly reward. Such a man or woman To obtain good companionship?
might serve in Church positions or in
private acts of mercy in an effort to Another reason for service
achieve prominence or cultivate con- probably more worthy than the first,
tacts that would increase income or aid but still in the category of service in
in acquiring wealth. Others might serve search of earthly reward —
is that moti-

in order to obtain worldly honors, vated by a personal desire to obtain

prominence, or power. good companionship. We surely have
The scriptures have a word for good associations in our Church ser-
gospel service "for the sake of riches vice, but is that why we serve?
and honor"; it is "priestcraft" (Alma I once knew a person who was

1:16). Nephi said, "Priestcrafts are that active in Church service until a socially
men preach and set themselves up for a prominent friend and fellow worker

moved away. When the friend moved quenchable fire, whose flame as-
from the ward, this person ceased to cendeth up forever and ever" (Mosiah
serve. In this case, a Church worker 2:38). Such descriptions surely offer
was willing to serve only when the fel- sufficient incentive for keeping the
low workers were acceptable. commandment of service. But service
Persons who
serve only to obtain out of fear of punishment is a lesser
good companionship are more selective motive at best.
in choosing their friends than the Mas-
ter was in choosing his servants or asso- Duty or loyalty?
ciates. Jesus called most of his servants
from those in humble circumstances. Other persons may serve out of a
And he associated with sinners. He an- sense of duty or out of loyalty to friends
swered critics of such association by or family or traditions. These are those
saying, "They that are whole need not I would call the good soldiers, who

a physician; but they that are sick. I instinctivelydo what they are asked
came not to call the righteous, but sin- without question and sometimes with-
ners to repentance" (Luke 5:31-32). out giving much thought to the reasons
The first section of the Doctrine for their service. Such persons fill the
and Covenants, which speaks of people ranks of voluntary organizations every-
in the last days, gives a description that where, and they do much good. We
seems to include those who serve for have all benefited by the good works of
hope of earthly reward of one sort or such persons. Those who serve out of
another: "They seek not the Lord to a sense of duty or loyalty to various
establish his righteousness, but every wholesome causes are the good and
man walketh in his own way, and after honorable men and women of the earth.
the image of his own god, whose image Service of the character I have just
is in the likeness of the world, and described is worthy of praise and will
whose substance is that of an idol" surely qualify for blessings, especially
(D&C 1:16). if it is done willingly and joyfully. As

These first two reasons for service the Apostle Paul wrote in his second
are selfish and self-centered and un- letter to the Corinthians:
worthy of Saints. As the Apostle Paul "But this 1 say, He which soweth
said, we that are strong enough to bear sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and
the infirmities of the weak should not he which soweth bountifully shall reap
do so "to please ourselves" (Romans also bountifully.
15:1). Reasons aimed at earthly re- "Every man according as he pur-
wards are distinctly lesser in character poseth in his heart, so let him give; not
and reward than the other reasons I will grudgingly, or of necessity: for God
discuss. loveth a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians
Out of fear of punishment? "It is obeying God willingly that is
accepted," an anonymous writer has
Some may serve out of fear of said. "The Lord hates that which is

punishment. The scriptures abound forced — it is rather a tax than an offer-

with descriptions of the miserable state ing."
of those who fail to follow the com-
mandments of God. Thus, King Hope of an eternal reward?
Benjamin taught his people that the
soul of the unrepentant transgressor Although those who serve out of
would be filled with "a lively sense of fear of punishment or out of a sense of
his own guilt, which doth cause him to duty undoubtedly qualify for the bless-
shrink from the presence of the Lord, ings of heaven, there are still higher
and doth fill his breast with guilt, and reasons for service.
pain, and anguish, which is like an un-
Saturday, October 6 Firsi Day

One such higher reason for service cute us. (See Matthew 5:44.) He ex-
is the hope of an eternal reward. This plained the purpose of that command-
hope —
the expectation of enjoying the ment as follows:
fruits of our labors —
is one of the most "For if ye love them which love
powerful sources of motivation. As a you, what reward have ye? do not even
reason for service, it necessarily in- the publicans the same?
volves faith in God and in the fulfill- "And if ye salute your brethren
ment of his prophecies. The scriptures only, what do ye more than others? do
are rich in promises of eternal rewards. not even the publicans so?"
For example, in a revelation given (Matthew 5:46-47).
through the Prophet Joseph Smith in
June 1829, the Lord said: "If you keep Ideal of perfection
my commandments and endure to the
end you shall have eternal life, which —
This principle that our service
gift is the greatest of all the gifts of should be for the love of God and the
God" (D&C 14:7). love of fellowmen rather than for per-
sonal advantage or any other lesser
The highest motive for service —
motive is admittedly a high standard.
The Savior must have seen it so, since
The last motive I will discuss is, in he joined his commandment for selfless
my opinion, the highest reason of all. In and complete love directly with the
its relationship to service, it is what the ideal of perfection. The very next verse
scriptures call "a more excellent way" of the Sermon on the Mount contains
(1 Corinthians 12:31). this great commandment: "Be ye there-
"Charity is the pure love of Christ" fore perfect, even as your Father which
(Moroni 7:47). The Book of Mormon is in heaven is perfect"
teaches us that this virtue is "the great- (Matthew 5:48).
est of all" (Moroni 7:46). The Apostle This principle of service is re-
Paul affirmed and illustrated that truth affirmed in the fourth section of the
in his great teaching about the reasons Doctrine and Covenants:
for service: "Therefore, O ye that embark in
"Though speak with the tongues
I the service of God, see that ye serve
of men and of angels, and have not him with all your heart, might, mind
charity, I am become as sounding and strength, that ye may stand blame-
brass, or a tinkling cymbal. . . . less before God at the last day"
"And though I bestow all my (D&C 4:2).
goods to feed the poor, and have . . .

not charity, it profiteth me nothing" Serve with heart and mind

(1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
We know from these inspired We learn from this command that
words that even the most extreme acts it is not enough to serve God with all of

of service —
such as giving all of our our might and strength. He who looks

goods to feed the poor profit us noth-
ing unless our service is motivated by
into our hearts and knows our minds
demands more than this. In order to
the pure love of Christ. stand blameless before God at the last
If our service is to be most effi- day, we must also serve him with all
cacious, it must be accomplished for our heart and mind.
the love of God and the love of his Service with all of our heart and
children. The Savior applied that prin- mind is a high challenge for all of us.
ciple in the Sermon on the Mount, in Such service must be free of selfish
which he commanded us to love our ambition. It must be motivated only by
enemies, bless them that curse us, do the pure love of Christ.
good to them that hate us, and pray for If we have difficulty with the com-
them that despitefully use us and perse- mand that we serve for love, a Book of

Mormon teaching can help us. After other for the highest and best reason,
describing the importance of charity, the pure love of Christ.
the prophet Moroni counseled: Most of all, I knowthat God lives,
"Wherefore, my beloved breth- and I know that his Only Begotten Son,
ren, pray unto the Father with all the Jesus Christ, died for our sins and is our
energy of heart, that ye may be filled Savior. And I know that God has re-
with this love, which he hath bestowed stored the fulness of the gospel through
upon all who are true followers of his the Prophet Joseph Smith in these latter
Son, Jesus Christ" (Moroni 7:48). days. In the name of Jesus Christ,
The service of persons filled with amen.
that love will meet the high test ex-
pressed in the Twenty-fourth Psalm: President Hinckley
"Who shall ascend into the hill of
the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy We have just listened to Elder
place? Dallin H. Oaks of the Council of the
"He that hath clean hands, and a Twelve Apostles.
pure heart" Psalm 24:3-4). Elder M. Russell Ballard of the
I know that God expects us to Presidency of the First Quorum of the
work to purify our hearts and our Seventy will now speak to us.
thoughts so that we may serve one an-

Elder M. Russell Ballard

pray that my message might be

I into the Church in one year. The mag-
received in the spirit of the address of nitude of our missionary task can ap-
Elder Oaks. pear to be overwhelming. Yet the as-
signment to the members of the Church
Challenge of missionary work is very clear. We are to take the gospel

of Jesus Christ to every human soul.

Recently, the First Presidency and Jesus taught, "Go ye therefore,
the Twelve assigned me to work with and teach all nations, baptizing them in
the Missionary Department. Mission- the name of the Father, and of the Son,
ary work is a great challenge, espe- and of the Holy Ghost:
cially when we realize that "Teaching them to observe all
approximately 4.7 billion people live things whatsoever I have commanded

on the earth today. The earth's present 1 am with you alway even
you: and, lo, ,

population gain is "150 new persons unto the end of the world"
per minute, 9,100 per hour, 218,100 (Matthew 28:19-20).
per day and 79.6 million per year. . . .

"If you are 50 years old, the The truth shall go forth
world's population has more than
doubled in your lifetime" ("Global With faith we shall do as the Lord
Population Growing by More Than directed, for the Prophet Joseph Smith
200,000 a Day," U.S. News and World declared, "The truth of God will go
Report. 23 July 1984, p. 52). forth boldly, nobly, and independent,
till has penetrated every continent,

"Teach all nations" visited every clime, swept every coun-

try, and sounded in every ear, till the
At the present time, more people purposes of God shall be accom-
are born in one day than are baptized plished, and the Great Jehovah shall
Saturday, October 6 First Day

say the work is done" (History of the Jesus Christ, repentance, and baptism
Church, 4:540). for the remission of sins then you
. . . ;

An indication of the faith we need have the promise of the gift of the Holy
to meet this challenge was expressed by Ghost" (History of the Church, 4:555).
Elder Boyd K. Packer, who said: When they are baptized, men and
"Since baptism is essential there must women receive a remission of their sins
be an urgent concern to carry the mes- and become numbered among the
sage of the gospel of Jesus Christ to Saints to receive the blessings and hap-
every nation, kindred, tongue, and piness that membership in the Church
people. . . . can give.
"We accept the responsibility to
preach the gospel to every person on Sharing the gospel
earth. And if the question is asked,
'You mean you are out to convert the A natural consequence of conver-
entire world?' the answer is, 'Yes. We sion is the continued remission of sin by
will try to reach every living soul.' living the gospel, which includes
"Some who measure that chal- sharing the gospel with others. Presi-
lenge quickly say, 'Why, that's impos- dent Spencer W. Kimball declared,
sible! It cannot be done!' "The Lord has told us that our sins will
"To that we simply say, 'Perhaps, be forgiven more readily as we bring
but we shall do it anyway' " (Ensign, souls unto Christ and remain steadfast
Nov. 1975, p. 97). in bearing testimony to the world, and
surely every one of us is looking for
Modern technology and member additional help in being forgiven of our
commitment sins" (Ensign, Oct. 1977, p. 5).
In the Doctrine and Covenants we
Part of the answer may lie in our read: "For I will forgiveyou of your
ability to more fully understand and sins with this commandment — that you
accelerate the use of modern communi- remain steadfast in your minds in so-
cation technology to teach the gospel to lemnity and the spirit of prayer, in
all the world. We
must use to their bearing testimony to all the world of
greatest potential the newspapers, those things which are communicated
magazines, television, radio, and satel- unto you" (D&C 84:61; italics added).
lites.But even with all of the technol- And also in the Doctrine and Cove-
ogy working for us, there is no power nants: "Nevertheless, ye are blessed,
in the Church to spread the gospel of for the testimony which ye have borne
Jesus Christ that can equal what you is recorded in heaven for the angels to
and I as individuals can do. look upon; and they rejoice over you,
I am aware that most members of and your sins are forgiven vow"
the Church understand that they should (D&C 62:3; italics added).
take an active part in proclaiming the A former prophet of God, Presi-
gospel. Some have been quite success- dent George Albert Smith, said, "My
ful, but others have not yet tried. I be- understanding is that the most impor-
lieve that far too many Church tant mission that I have in this life is:
members do not understand the under- first, to keep the commandments of
lying doctrine that governs our Heav- God, as they have been taught to me;
enly Father's work. and next, to teach them to my Father's
Joseph Smith taught, "Baptism is children who do not understand them"
a sign to God, to angels, and to heaven (in Conference Report, Oct. 1916,
that we do the will of God, and there is p. 50). The doctrine seems quite clear
no other way beneath the heavens to me; the remission of sins is an on-
whereby God hath ordained for man to going process. As each one of us strives
come to Him to be saved, and enter into to become clean, pure, and even sancti-
the kingdom of God, except faith in fied, I see no better way for us to do this

than to help others of our Heavenly promised to guide us if we will but ask
Father's children find the truth. them for help.
When we partake of the sacra-
ment, we covenant that we are willing Write down a date
to takeupon us the name of Jesus Christ
and that we will always remember Him May I suggest a simple way in
and keep His commandments. (See which each one of us can exercise our
D&C 20:77.) Is there any better way faith and start our personal missionary
that you and I can demonstrate to the service. Write down a date in the near
Lord our love for Him than to share His future on which you will have someone
gospel? We need not be sent to far- ready to be taught the gospel. Do not
flung cities or set our feet on distant worry that you do not have someone
lands to be missionaries. Our next-door already in mind. Let the Lord help you
neighbors, friends, acquaintances, as you pray diligently for guidance.
family members, relatives, and the Fast and pray, seeking guidance and
stranger down the street are all part of direction from our Heavenly Father.
the world with whom we should be Many, if not all,of you will have
sharing the gospel message. No mem- special spiritual experiences as the
ber of the Church needs to wait for the Lord inspires you. 1 know from my own
ward, stake, mission, or any Church personal and family missionary experi-
organization, to lead them in doing this ence that the Lord will enlighten your
work. Each one of us should be actively mind. He will sharpen your vision of
involved in sharing the gospel because this work by bringing names of non-
we love the Lord with all of our hearts members to your mind that you have
and because we desire to serve Him. never before regarded as potential
members of the Church. As you con-
The worth of souls you will be blessed to know what
you should say and how you should
The scriptures teach: "Remember approach each person.
the worth of souls is great in the sight
of God; Ask for divine guidance
"For, behold, the Lord your Re-
deemer suffered death in the flesh; Brothers and sisters, you will no-
wherefore he suffered the pain of all tice thatI did not suggest that you write

men, that all men might repent and down a name, but rather that you write
come unto him. . . . down a specific date. The key to our
"And how great is his joy in the success will be to ask for divine guid-
soul that repenteth! ance that we might be directed to those
"Wherefore, you are called to cry who will accept the gospel.
repentance unto this people. Because living the gospel is essen-
"And ifso be that you should
it tial to the remission of sins, and be-
labor all your days in crying repentance cause giving missionary service is
unto this people, and bring, save it be essential to living the gospel, I believe
one soul unto me, how great shall be each one of us must set a definite date
your joy with him in the kingdom of my at least once each year to have an indi-
Father!" (D&C 18:10-11, 13-15). vidual or a family ready to be taught the
Just think of it, brothers and sis- gospel. We should expect to have won-
ters, Jesus Christ suffered the pain of all derful success. We in the Missionary
men that you and I might have the Department would like to hear of your
promise of eternal life. Surely He can success as you follow this counsel. No
expect us to do His work that He has joy equals that of bringing the light of
entrusted to us. Our Heavenly Father the gospel of Jesus Christ into the life
and His Beloved Son have not left us of one of Heavenly Father's children.
alone in this great work. They have Missionary experiences can bring to
Saturday, October 6 First Day

every member of the Church the calm selves to a specific date for having
reassurance that his sins are in very someone ready to hear the gospel mes-
deed being forgiven. Our Heavenly Fa- sage. Then may we proceed to call
ther will love us for proclaiming the upon the Lord to guide our efforts so
gospel of his Son, Jesus Christ, to all of that thousands of our Heavenly Fa-
His children on the earth. ther's children will receive the gospel
Please do not wait for anyone but of Jesus Christ. May we all look upon
the Lord to help you. He will help you. this not as a duty but rather as a great
Our individual efforts can produce a privilege. This I pray humbly in the

great increase in building the kingdom name of Jesus Christ, amen.

of God. If just 30 percent of the active
adult members of the Church would
The choir sang "Oh, How Lovely
follow this simple procedure at least
Was the Morning" without announce-
once each year, we would add 200,000
additional converts to those we are al-
ready baptizing. Compounded, this
would mean in ten years an increase of
at least 5.4 million more converts than
President Hinckley
we would have had at our present level
Elder M. Russell Ballard has spo-
of member effort. If 100 percent of the
ken to us, following which the Taber-
active adults would participate, we
nacle Choir sang "Oh, How Lovely
would soon start to see that every living
Was the Morning."
soul can receive the message.
Elder L. Tom Perry of the Council
May God bless all of us that we
of the Twelve Apostles will be our con-
will have the courage to commit our-
cluding speaker.

Elder L. Tom Perry

Let me first offer my sincere con- been driven out of the Garden of Eden,
gratulations to Elder Hanks we know — they sought the Lord in prayer.

of your great talent and to Elders Son- "And Adam and Eve, his wife,
nenberg, Kay, and Wilcox. How you'll called upon the name of the Lord, and
enjoy this new association! they heard the voice of the Lord from
the way toward the Garden of Eden,
Obedience speaking unto them, and they saw him
not; for they were shut out from his
The Savior taught us in the Gospel presence.
of Luke: "And he gave unto them com-
"A good man out of the good trea- mandments, that they should worship
sure of his heart bringeth forth that the Lord their God, and should offer the
which is good; and an evil man out of firstlings of their flocks, for an offering
the evil treasure of his heart bringeth unto the Lord. And Adam was obedient
forth that which is evil: for of the abun- unto the commandments of the Lord"
dance of the heart his mouth speaketh. (Moses 5:4-5).
"And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, Then Adam was tested after many
and do not the things which I say?" days by an angel, who asked him why
(Luke 6:45^16). he was offering sacrifices. Adam said
From the very beginning the Lord he did not know, save the Lord had
taught His children the importance of commanded him. And then the angel
obedience. After Adam and Eve had explained to him the sacrifice of the
Only Begotten, and the opportunity

therewas for mankind to be redeemed ings which are enjoyed by men and
from the dead, and, if obedient, to en- women if they subject themselves to the
joy life eternal. (See Moses 5:6-9.) will of the Lord. And yet, we see in the
"And in that day Adam blessed world so much sorrow and suffering
God and was filled, and began to because we are unwilling to be obedi-
prophesy concerning all the families of ent.
the earth, saying: Blessed be the name
of God, for because of my transgres- Keep the Sabbath holy
sion my eyes are opened, and in this life
I shall have joy, and again in the flesh There is one of His basic com-
I shall see God. mandments which we see so much vio-
"And Eve, his wife, heard all lation of in the world today. I guess it
these things and was glad, saying: is evident to those who violate this prin-

Were it not for our transgression we ciple when they attempt to arise from
never should have had seed, and never their beds on Monday morning. I see
should have known good and evil, and such widespread disobedience of this
and the eter-
the joy of our redemption, law as I travel throughout the world.
nal lifewhich God giveth unto all the The Lord instructed ancient Israel:
obedient" (Moses 5:10-11). "Remember the sabbath day to
keep it holy.
Willing obedience to the Lord "Six days shalt thou labour, and
do all thy work:
Then Adam and Eve perpetuated "But the seventh day is the sabbath
this teaching by making all things of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not
known unto and their daugh-
their sons do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy
ters. Our prophets through the ages daughter, thy manservant, nor thy
have instructed us as to the blessings maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy
that come by obedience to the will of stranger that is within thy gates:
the Lord. "For in six days the Lord made
President Joseph F. Smith has heaven and earth, the sea, and all
said: that in them is, and rested the seventh
"Every good and perfect gift day: wherefore the Lord blessed
comes from the Father of Light, who is the sabbath day, and hallowed it"
no respecter of persons, and in whom (Exodus 20:8-11).
there is no variableness, nor shadow of
turning. To please him we must not Instructions in our day
only worship him with thanksgiving
and praise but render willing obedience The Lord hasnot withheld instruc-
to his commandments. By so doing, he tions from His Saints in this day. In
is bound to bestow his blessings; for it fact, Hehas given us some pretty spe-
is upon this principle (obedience to cific instructions about what we should
law) that all blessings are predicated" do on His holy day. In the Doctrine and
(Improvement Era, Dec. 1917, Covenants we read:
p. 104). "And that thou mayest more fully
The gospel isso very simple when keep thyself unspotted from the world,
we understand it properly. It is always thou shalt go to the house of prayer and
right, it is always
it is always good, offer up thy sacraments upon my holy
uplifting. Obediencegospel prin- to day;
ciples brings forth joy and happiness. "For verily this is a day appointed
Disobedience has a day of reckoning unto you to rest from your labors, and
and will only bring forth heartache, to pay thy devotions unto the Most
misery, strife, and unhappiness. High;
The history of mankind bears such
strong testimony regarding the bless-
Saturday, October 6 First Day

"Nevertheless thy vows shall be we partake of the sacred emblems of the

offered up in righteousness on all days bread and water. It is, indeed, a privi-
and at all times; lege to participate in this sacred ordi-
"But remember that on this, the nance each week and to think about the
Lord's day, thou shalt offer thine ob- Savior's words to His Apostles, "As oft
lations and thy sacraments unto the as ye do this ye will remember this hour
Most High, confessing thy sins unto thy that I was with you" (Mark 14:21,
brethren, and before the Lord. Joseph Smith Translation).
"And on this day thou shalt do Each member of the Church cove-
none other thing, only let thy food be nants to always remember the Savior as
prepared with singleness of heart that he or she partakes of the sacrament.
thy fasting may be perfect, or, in other Weekly we should each seek a personal
words, that thy joy may be full" experience, a closeness to our Lord and
(D&C 59:9-13). Savior, which, when remembered each
week, will help us to become more like
Keep unspotted from the world Him. We have His example always be-
fore us.
There appear to be three things But because of human weakness,
that the Lord would require of us in we make mistakes even after baptism.
keeping His day holy. The first: to keep The Lord has, therefore, provided a
ourselves unspotted from the world. way for us to renew our baptismal cove-
Second is to go to the house of prayer nants through partaking of the sacra-
and partake of the sacrament. The third ment each week. When we partake of
is to rest from our labors. When He the sacredemblems reverently and
instructed us to be unspotted from the worthily, we witness again that we will
world, I believe He not only expected take the name of Christ upon us, that we
us to stay away from worldly places on do always remember Him, that we will
the Sabbath, but also to dress appropri- keep His commandments. It is a time to
ately on His day. often wonder what
I remember Christ's atonement, His
happened to the good old saying, love, Gethsemane. Calvary, and the
"Sunday best." If our dress deteriorates empty tomb.
to everyday attire, our actions seem to Elder Melvin J. Ballard sug-
follow the type of clothing we wear. gested, "We want every Latter-day
Of course, we would not expect Saint to come to the sacrament table
our children to remain dressed in their because it is the place for self-
church clothes all day, but neither investigation, for self-inspection,
would we expect them to dress in where we may learn to rectify our
clothes that would not be appropriate course and to make right our own lives,
for the Sabbath. bringing ourselves into harmony with
the teachings of the Church and with
Go to the house of prayer our brethren and sisters" (Bryant S.
Hinckley, Sermons and Missionary
Attendance at church and partak- Services of Melvin Joseph Ballard [Salt
ing of the sacrament are basic for our Lake City: Deseret Book Co,, 19491,
observance of the Lord's day. Before p. 150).
Jesus introduced the ordinance of the I have always been impressed with

sacrament, He taught His disciples the renewed strength and dedication

more about love. In order for them to which come from weekly participating
understand the sacrament, they had to in the sacrament.
first understand the basic principle of
love. His main concern was for His Rest from our labors
beloved friends at this critical moment.
The first sacrament can be com- The Lord has instructed us to rest
pared to our own weekly experience as from our labors on this day. I am sure

this means that a hay baler stands idle Her reply was: "I can't explain to
in the field on the Sabbath. The family you why I go. All I can tell you is that
business has a Closed sign facing a po- I go in empty and come out full." (See

tential customer on Sunday. The cash Rick Walton and Fern Oviatt, eds. Sto- ,

register does not ring to record one of ries for Mormons [Salt Lake City:
our purchases on His special day. It is Bookcraft, 1983], p. 112.)
truly aday to rest from our labors. With the proper planning, we
I met a great little family some should be able to use the Lord's day in
time ago while attending a stake confer- the way that He has intended for us.
ence. They bore a sweet testimony to From the scriptures, let us remem-
me of what the sacrament has come to ber, "The sabbath was made for man,
mean to them. The father some years and not man for the sabbath"
before had lost his job when a factory (Mark 2:27). And again He has instruc-
he had been working in had closed. ted us in the Doctrine and Covenants,
Rather than move to another city to "Trifle not with sacred things"
obtain new employment, he proposed (D&C 6:12).
that the family open a family fast-food I give you my witness that the
business. The business was successful greatest joy you can experience here in
for several years; then a chain fast-food mortality is being obedient to the will of
business opened up across the street the Lord. May we always strive to keep
and remained open seven days a week. His commandments, and may we keep
In family council they determined that His sacred day holy is my prayer, in the
they must meet the competition. They name of Jesus Christ, amen.
would remain open on Sunday and take
turns going to Church. After one year President Hinckley
of seven-days-a-week operation, they
discovered they were worn out, cross Elder L. Tom Perry of the Council
with each other, and complained about of the Twelve Apostles has been our
every little thing that would arise. concluding speaker.
Another family council was called We express appreciation to the
and the proposition presented that they managers and operators of the many
close on Sunday to see if they could get television and radio stations and cable
back their family spirit. They soon dis- systems for offering their facilities as a
covered that the Lord's system works. public service to bring the proceedings
Even though sales were fewer, profits of this conference to a large audience
increased. throughout many areas of the world.
The choir will now sing "Father,
Proper planning for the Lord's day This Hour Has Been One of Joy," fol-
lowing which the benediction will be
What should we do on the Sabbath offered by Elder Gene R. Cook of the
day? The story is told about a poor First Quorum of the Seventy, and this
woman who faithfully went to Church conference will be adjourned until two
every week. Her husband, however, o'clock this afternoon.
was not so devoted. Week after week
she urged him to go, but he would not.
The choir sang "Father, This Hour
Finally, tiring of her pestering, he said,
has Been One of Joy."
"Give me one good reason why I should
Elder Gene R. Cook offered the
go to Church."
Saturday, October 6 First Day

SECOND SESSION We are pleased to acknowledge
especially our guests who are present
The second general session of the this afternoon, along with general and
154th Semiannual General Conference local Church leaders and members
began at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, October from many parts of the world.
6, 1984. President Ezra Taft Benson, We express our appreciation to the
President of the Council of the Twelve, owners and operators of the many radio
conducted. and television stations and to the own-
Music for this session was pro- ers and operators of cable systems for
vided by the Mormon Youth Chorus their cooperation in making these pro-
under the direction of Robert C. ceedings available to members and
Bowden with Clay Christiansen at the friends of the Church in many coun-
organ. tries.
At the beginning of the meeting, The music for this session will
President Benson made the following be provided by the Mormon Youth
remarks: Chorus under the direction of Robert C.
Bowden with Clay Christiansen at the
President Ezra Taft Benson organ.
The chorus will begin this service
My beloved brethren and sisters, by singing "Our Savior's Love." The
the First Presidency has asked that I invocation will then be offered by Elder
conduct this session of the conference. William Grant Bangerter, a member of
We are delighted to have with us the First Quorum of the Seventy.
this afternoon President Spencer W.
Kimball. President [Marion G.]
Romney is not able to be with us. We The Mormon Youth Chorus sang
extend our love and blessings to these "Our Savior's Love."
great leaders who have provided out- Elder William Grant Bangerter of-
standing and much appreciated leader- fered the invocation.

ship for so many years, and we are

delighted of course that President
Kimball can be with us. President Benson
We are pleased to welcome those
who are gathered here in the Tabernacle The chorus will now sing "Hark,
for this, the second general session of All Ye Nations," following which
the 154th Semiannual General Confer- Elder Marvin J. Ashton, one of the
ence of The Church of Jesus Christ of Twelve Apostles, will speak to us.
Latter-day Saints.
We also welcome those who are The chorus sang "Hark, All Ye
participating by means of television or Nations."
radio; also the many who are watching Elder Marvin J. Ashton spoke
in over nine hundred stake centers without further announcement.
throughout the United States and Can-
ada to which the conference is being
carried by satellite transmission.
We note that Elders G. Homer
Durham and Adney Y. Komatsu are
presiding at the overflow session in the
Assembly Hall.

Elder Marvin J. Ashton

"Why us?" pleasant happenings of the moment that

we fail of the
to resolve the challenges
When tragedy, disappointment, present. Og Mandino
wrote in his book
and heartache surface in our lives, it is The Greatest Miracle in the World, "If
not unusual for many of us to become we lock ourselves in a prison of failure
self-condemning and resentful. In the and self-pity, we are the only
stress of the situation we declare, jailers ... we have the only key to our
"What have we done to deserve this? freedom" ([New York: Frederick Fell
Why does the Lord allow this to happen Publishers, 1975], p. 61).
to us?"
With heavy hearts and broken
Use trials as stepping-stones
spirits the parents of a wayward child
were recently heard to say, "Where did We can let ourselves out of such a
we go wrong? What have we done to prison by turning to the Lord for
displease the Lord? What is the Lord strength. With His help we can use our
trying to tell us? Is this the reward for trials as stepping-stones. The keys are
trying to be good parents? Why us ?" in our hands.
These were among a flood of "I, the Lord, am bound when ye
questions that came as they agonized do what I say; but when ye do not what
over the serious misconduct of their I say, ye have no promise"
child. Their comments and attitude (D&C 82:10).
reflected a frightening blend of re- If we are offended and resentful,
sentment, frustration, and self- can we believe that He is bound to help
condemnation. us in our tragedies and disappoint-
It was evident that this distraught ments? This scripture does not tell us
couple was not to be calmed or reas- how or when this commitment will be
sured by scriptures or personal observa- effective or realized, but His promise is
tions. Because the child had real and binding. Our challenge is to
transgressed, they were adamant in endure. There will always be testings
God was displeased
their feelings that and trials along life's paths. Heartaches
with them. Their attitude reflected bit- and tragedies need not defeat us if we
terness and loss of self-respect. Mo- remember God's promise.
mentarily they were letting themselves A worthwhile attitude for all of us
be consumed and destroyed by the try- could well be, "Help us, O Lord, to
ing circumstances. remember Thy love for us and help us
to be fortified by Thy strength when our
Prison of failure and self-pity eyes are blurred with tears of sorrow
and our vision is limited."
In their present tragedy they were
not seeking counsel or comfort; rather,
"If thou endure it well"
it appeared, they were looking for
someone who would suffer with them It is expedient for all of us, par-
and join in the chorus of "If there is a ticularly those who may be weighed
merciful God, why does He allow this down by grief because of acts of mis-
to happen?" We must remember that all conduct or misfortune, to recall that
suffering is not punishment. It is imper- even the Prophet Joseph Smith had
ative that we do not allow ourselves to hours of despair because of his very
be destroyed by the conduct of others. trying experiences in the Liberty Jail.
Sometimes we spend so much Perhaps he too was entitled to question,
time trying to determine what we did "What did I do wrong? What have I

wrong in the past to deserve the un- done to displease Thee, O Lord? Where
Saturday, October 6 Firsr Dm

have I failed? Why are the answers to Race for eternal life

my prayers and pleas withheld?" In re-

sponse to the feelings of his heart and As we viewed on television some
mind he cried out: of the Olympic games held this summer
"O God, where art thou? And inLos Angeles, we thrilled at the abili-
where is the pavilion that covereth thy tiesof these fine young athletes from all
hiding place?" (D&C 121:1). over the world. One might easily com-
The reassuring response came: pare these races and contests of the
"My son, peace be unto thy soul; Olympics with the great race in which
thine adversity and thine afflictions we are all involved — the race for eter-
shall be but a small moment; nal life. One gold-medal winner said

"And then, if thou endure it his success was achieved by being able
well, God shall exalt thee on high; to endure the pain of commitment and
thou shalt triumph over all thy foes" self-discipline.

(D&C 121:7-8). The Apostle Paul likened life to a

The promise God gave to Joseph great race when he declared: "Know ye
Smith is a promise for all of us: "If thou not that they which run in a race run all,

endure it well, God shall exalt thee on but one receiveth the prize? So run that

high; thou shalt triumph over all thy ye may obtain" (1 Corinthians 9:24).
foes," and also over heartaches caused And before the words of Paul
by misconduct of loved ones. fell upon the ears of his listeners,
the counsel of the Preacher, the son
of David, cautioned: "The race is not
Love, patience, understanding
to the swift, nor the battle to the

As we are called upon to suffer we strong, but he that endureth to the end
need to ask ourselves the question: shall be saved" (see Ecclesiastes 9:11;

"The Son of Man hath descended Matthew 10:22; Mark 13:13).

below them all. Art thou greater than What does it take to endure in the
he?" (D&C 122:8). race for eternal life, to become a cham-
When I think of the Savior's ad- pion?
monition to do cheerfully all things that To become a winner in the race for
lie in our power, I think of the father of eternal life requires effort — constant
the prodigal son. The father was heart- work, striving, and enduring well with
broken by the and conduct of his
loss God's help. But the key is that we must
wayward son. Yet we have no mention take it just one step at a time.
of his lamenting, "Where did I go
wrong?" "What have I done to deserve Personal discipline
this?" Or, "Where did I fail?"
Instead he seemed to have endured The ingredient that is essential in

without bitterness his son's misconduct learning to endure is consistent effort.

and welcomed him back with love. In our race for eternal life, pain and
"For this my son was dead, and is alive obstacles will confront all of us. We
again; he was lost, and is found. And may experience heartaches, sorrow,
they began to be merry" (Luke 15:24). death, sins, weakness, disasters, physi-
When family members disappoint cal illness, pain, mental anguish, unjust

us, we especially need to learn endur- criticism, loneliness, or rejection. How

ance. As long as we exercise love, pa- we handle these challenges determines
tience, and understanding, even when whether they become stumbling stones
no progress is apparent, we are not fail- or building blocks. To the valiant these
ing. We must keep trying. challenges make progress and develop-
ment possible.
I am acquainted with a young
woman who has just moved here from
the eastern part of the United States

after having gone through a painful di- the chest down. Wheelchair-bound,
vorce. She is in the process of looking she seldom missed a class, was a good
for a job. One day an interviewer asked student, and was popular with class-

her what her goals were where did mates and instructors.
she think she would be five years from Just a few weeks ago Diane
now? She said to him, "I can't think wheeled herself into a third-grade
that far ahead. For right now I have to classroom in a Salt Lake area elemen-
just take it one day at a time." This is tary school, swallowed hard, and faced
what we must do when faced with trials the curious students as their nervous
and setbacks in our lives. Enduring teacher. "I've always wanted to be a
well is accomplished by personal disci- teacher," she says with conviction. "I
pline hour by hour and day by day, not can't think of anything I'd want to do
by public declaration. more." "How about performing in the
Olympics?" she was asked. "Yes," she
Take the glory and the knocks responds wistfully, "I wanted that a lot,
There are many types of disap- How refreshing is her enduring at-
pointments and sorrows with which we titude: "I always got around fairly well
may be faced. We have already dis- on campus in my wheelchair alone, but
cussed the pain of sin in our lives and when I came to steep hills I made
in the lives of our family members. Let friends in a hurry."
me share with you other types of hap- Diane has taken the knocks and
penings that we may be called upon to the glory. She cares and she shares. She
endure. finds fun where others may not see it:
Let me take a few minutes to tell "I'm genuinely happy and content with
you about a beautiful young lady of my life. I'm not bitter or angry. In a
whom we are all very proud. I will way I'm just as athletic as I ever was."
identify her as Diane because that is her With her superb attitude and self-
real name. Diane was captain of the discipline, and with the help of a loving
University of Utah's first national family, friends, and students, she con-
women's championship gymnastics tinues to "go for the gold." Diane,
team. In Miami, Florida, for the first- thank you for teaching us what endur-
ever American professional tour, she ing is all about.
over-rotated on a practice vault, landed
on her neck, and damaged her spinal "He that endureth to the end"
cord. Her slender, delicate body, which
had endured hundreds of hours of de- In whatever circumstance we may
manding routines and the accompany- find ourselves, whether in the midst of
ing torturous training, was broken. The tragedy, the pain of misconduct, or
gal with the dazzling smile who was merely the daily struggle to live the life
recognized as the heart of the team was of a faithful Latter-day Saint, we must
now faced with the challenge of accept- remember "the race is not to the swift,
ing sympathy as her reward or getting nor the battle to the strong, but he that
on with her life. endureth to the end shall be saved."
Early in her gymnastics career Sometimes as children we were
when someone asked her, "Aren't you told everything would be all right. But
afraid of getting hurt?" she replied, life is not like that. No matter who you

"No, you take the glory and you take are,you will have problems. Tragedy
the knocks. I'll just take whatever and frustration are the unexpected in-
comes." truders on life's plans. Someone has
Diane's capacity to cope and get said, "Life is what happens to you
on with her life is best measured by her while you are making other plans." It is
graduating from college two and one- important that we not look upon our
half years after being paralyzed from afflictions as a punishment from God.
Saturday, October 6 Firs! Dux

True, our own actions may cause some When we so do, the meaningful decla-
of our problems, but often there is no ration in 2Timothy 4:7 will take on a
evident misconduct that has caused our new dimension:
trials. Just the normal journey through "I have fought a good fight, I have
life teaches us that nothing worthwhile finished my course, I have kept the
comes easy. faith."
When heartaches, tragedies, dis-
Endure and suffer without yielding appointments, injury, unusual at-
tention, fame, or excessive prosperity
Sometimes the most challenging become part of our lives, our chal-
form of endurance is found in trying to lenges and responsibilities will be to
stay with our priorities, commitments, endure them well. God will assist us in
and assignments. How easy it is for our quest to conquer, triumph, and con-
some of us to lose our way when the tinue if we humbly rededicate ourselves
unexpected, and seemingly un- to the meaningful declaration "We have
deserved, surface in our lives. Great- endured many things, and hope to be
ness is best measured by how well an able to endure all things" (Articles of
individual responds to the happenings Faith 1:13).
in life that appear to be totally unfair, God does live. Jesus is the Christ.
unreasonable, and undeserved. Some- One of His marks of greatness, His
times we are inclined to put up with a endurance, stands as a constant beacon
situation rather than endure. To endure for us to emulate. During His earthly
is to bear up under, to stand firm sojourn He endured well as He suffered
against, to suffer without yielding, to agony and rejection in their deepest
continue to be, or to exhibit the state or forms. I bear my witness that God will
power of lasting. help us to endure as we put forth the
Day by day we can make the effort effort to live His teachings, seek His
to gain the power to last and to suffer guidance, and keep His command-
without yielding. Inspiration and moti- ments. In the name of Jesus Christ,
vation are found in many places —
from amen.
the cases I have cited and from many
other examples to be seen on every President Benson
hand. We can also receive strength
from studying the scriptures and pray- Elder Marvin J. Ashton, a mem-
ing constantly. ber of the Council of the Twelve
Apostles, has just spoken to us.
Endure well We shall now hear from Elder
Russell C. Taylor, who was sustained
Friends and loved ones often offer last conference as a member of the First
strength and support when our own re- Quorum of the Seventy. He will
solve is weak. In turn, our own strength be followed by Elder Robert B.
and capacity will be doubled when we Harbertson, also a member of the First
help others endure. Quorum of the Seventy.
I pray that God will help us to

endure well, with purpose and power.


Elder Russell C. Taylor

Joy and blessings follow service All must certify with actions

On this momentous occasion, my There comes a time in the life of

first time at this pulpit, I stand humbly all people when they must certify with
and prayerfully. May I share from the their actions what they believe. Jesus
testimony of the heart and from the fire said of his own life, "The Son of man
of application and experience the per- came not to be ministered unto, but to
sonal joy of service in God's kingdom. minister" (Matthew 20:28).
I can say unashamedly, I rejoice in Elder Bruce R. McConkie has so
the service of God. My experience eloquently taught us that service is es-
teaches that the highest goodness at- sential to salvation. I have been im-
tainable is a life of unselfish service to pressed with the urgency of doing.
mankind. The Master said, "He that is Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
greatest among you shall be your Being willing is not enough; we must
servant" (Matthew 23:11). do. Progress is not created by contented
It has been wisely said, "Service is people. It is up to us, you and me, to be
the rent we pay for our own room on uncomfortable in complacency, to re-
earth." We should know that the rent is frain from being spectators, and to be
due on a daily basis and know that the players in the game of life. The Lord
receipt is never stamped "paid in full," has chosen His people to perform a
because the rent, service in God's king- mighty work. Our home teaching, our
dom, is again due today and due tomor- visiting teaching should be more than
row. going it should be doing with Christian

Some mistakenly think that a com- love. It can be done; you can each do
mitment to service comes after a great your portion of the work because you
spiritual experience. This is like the desire it.

man who is cold, standing before the

stove, and saying, "Give me heat, and "To serve one another"
then I will put in some wood." The joy
and blessings of service follow the ren- Fathers and mothers, with your
dering of service. The missionary who strength of example you will influence
renders eighteen months of faithful your sons and daughters for eternity
missionary service then has a lifetime with examples of loving, uncom-
to think about it, while perfecting a life plaining service far more convincingly
of service to others. Some would want by doing than only by saying. Show
and expect the windows of heaven to your children a life of love for them by
open before they pay their tithing, even a life of love and service to the Church
though the prophet Malachi so plainly and to our Father's children in spiritual
teaches: need.
"Bring ye all the tithes into the I recall King Benjamin's instruc-
storehouse . . . and prove me tion to parents as they were counseled
now . saith the Lord of hosts, if I
. . in teaching their children:
will not open you the windows of "But ye will teach them to walk in
heaven, and pour you out a blessing, the ways of truth and soberness; ye will
that there shall not be room enough to teach them to love one another, and to
receive it" (Malachi 3:10; italics serve one another" (Mosiah 4:15).
Blessings of unselfish service

As wisely stated, "Until a man

learns to think, he is not an educated
Saturday. October 6 Firm Day

man, no matter how many degrees he ful missionary service. I now know our
has." I would also add that a thinking leaders there. I felt a genuine love for

man will want to serve. The greater them, and I felt the same response from

your service, the closer your access to them.

God. One who serves and sacrifices You have those feelings of ap-
goes to bed at night with peace of mind. proaching in some small degree the in-
Ithink of a dear sister who has describable joy of the celestial glory.
crippling arthritis in her hands but faith- He that loses his life shall save it. (See
fully each week, upon entering the ge- Luke 17:33.) My well of spirituality
nealogical name extraction center in has indeed been deepened.
Denver, finds the joints of her fingers I invite those yet to be members of

limber enough to type the names with the Church to come off the back rows
efficiency and rapidity —
the blessings as spectators and become participants
of unselfish service. in the Lord's restored Church through
Jesus washed the feet of his dis- baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost,
ciples, feet that were hot, sweaty, and that they might also lose their lives in
soiled with dust and dirt. He washed service and thereby save it.
not their hands or face; he washed their Through the years my heart has
feet. He who is the greatest shall be the been changed and softened through ser-
least —he it is who learns to serve. (See vice. As the least of the Brethren, I
D&C 50:26.) invite all to lengthen and strengthen
their service in God's kingdom. 1 bear
Well of spirituality has deepened witness to the divinity of this work. I
also bear witness that this Church is led
Within days of arriving in Europe, by inspired leaders, whom I sustain
Sister Taylor and I, still living out of with all of my soul, in the name of Jesus
suitcases in a small hotel room in Ger- Christ, amen.
many, were scheduled to attend a mis-
sion presidents' seminar in President Benson
Amsterdam, Holland. As we drove to
and from the seminar, as arranged by Elder Russell C. Taylor, a mem-
the Regional Representative, we set out ber of the First Quorum of the Seventy,
to meet our leaders in western Europe. has just addressed us.
We drove an hour each way into a small Elder Robert B. Harbertson, who
village to bless a leader and his family. was sustained at the April conference as
We went to their homes. In each home a member of the First Quorum of the
we met a lovely wife and handsome Seventy, will be our next speaker. He
children. We ate at their tables, slept as will be followed by Elder Devere
invited, and in each case knelt in prayer Harris, also a member of the First
and blessed their homes, their families, Quorum of the Seventy.
their callings, and the area for success-

Elder Robert B. Harbertson

Brothers and sisters, I want you to Obedience and willingness to serve

know that I stand before you as a living
example of Elder Ashton's definition of Obedience to God's commands
endurance. Waiting to stand before and a willingness to serve have always
these microphones, I have endured been requisites for a true disciple of the
pain, anguish, and all the other charac- Lord Jesus Christ. Paul teaches us that
teristics he spoke of. even the Savior, "though he were a

Son, yet learned he obedience by the "He returned speedily"

things which he suffered"
(Hebrews 5:8). Our willingness to He decided to take his journey to
humble ourselves and shed the shackles the city of Aaron, being weighed down
of selfishness seems imperative to our heavily with disappointment, sorrow,
progress and true happiness in this life. and anguish because of the wickedness
Isaiah penned these truths: of the people of Ammonihah. While
"Come now, and let us reason to- Alma was in this state of woe, an angel
gether, saith the Lord: though your sins of the Lord appeared to him and told
be as scarlet, they shall be as white as him to rejoice because he had been
snow; though they be red like crimson, faithful in keeping God's command-
they shall be as wool. ments since he had received his first
"If ye be willing and obedient, ye divine message. This angel was the
shall eat the good of the land" same one who had appeared to Alma
(Isaiah 1:18-19). and the sons of Mosiah when they were
The great of time reveals that
test being so rebellious and causing so
he who refuses to accept these true prin- much harm to the Church. Now the
ciples becomes unhappy and dissatis- angel told Alma he was to return to the
fied and, as the Prophet Joseph city of Ammonihah and to preach unto
indicated, "is left unto himself, to kick the people again, telling them that ex-
against the pricks, to persecute the cept they repent the Lord God would
saints, and to fight against God" destroy them.
(D&C 121:38). Iwonder what his feelings were at
that moment, knowing and feeling so
strongly the experience he had just en-
Alma's story and teaching
dured with these people. He had been
reviled and physically thrown out of the
In the Book of Mormon a great city, and I'm sure his life had been

story and teaching experience unfold as threatened. And now he was being told
Alma, the son of Alma, begins his min- to return once again to these people.
istry in establishing the Church among Alma's reaction to this command
his people. From Zarahemla to Gideon is most interesting. The scriptures say
the Church was set in order and the "Now it came
this: to pass that after
gospel of Jesus Christ taught. After a Alma had received his message from
season Alma took his journeys into the the angel of the Lord he returned speed-
land of Melek. There Alma had great ily to the land of Ammonihah"
success. The people heard and believed (Alma 8:18).
the word of God and were baptized Isn't that interesting, brothers and
throughout all the land. sisters? It says, "He returned speedily.
With great happiness and joy Maybe his earlier experience with the
Alma departed and traveled to Am- angel caused him not to tarry or ques-
monihah, a city to the north of Melek. tion, but to react immediately. But I
There he continued his teaching, but believe he was motivated by love for
without success. Satan had gained a the Lord and his desire to be obedient.
great stronghold among the people of Alma's reaction and attitude to this re-
the city. Despite the prayers and labors quest have been of great strength to me
of Alma, the people of Ammonihah as I strive to serve the Lord.
hardened their hearts and would not
believe anything he taught them. They Amulek called to serve
even reviled him, spit upon him, and
cast him out of their city. As Alma returned to the city, he
met a man who provided him with food
and shelter. This man, whose name was
Amulek, had received a vision and rec-
Saturday, October 6 First Day

ognized Alma as a prophet of God. munity, and yet he responded without

Alma tarried many days with Amulek hesitation to the call to serve.
before he began to preach to the people. I have recently been called to
Amulek, though a Nephite, had not serve. I am deeply humbled by this
been as strong as he might have been in calling and responsibility. I know not

defending the truths of God and had why I was called, but pledge to you, my
fallen somewhat inactive. He was a brothers and sisters, to react "speedily"
man of great reputation and was an in- to whatever I am commissioned to do,
dustrious man who had acquired many and I will do so without hesitation.
riches. I love the Lord Jesus Christ and

Alma was a blessing to Amulek bear solemn testimony to you that he

and his family while he abided with lives. He is the resurrected Son of God.
them, and they loved him deeply. Fi- He is our Savior. This is his only true
nally, the word came again to Alma, church, and it is good, of which I bear
saying, "Go," and also telling him to testimony in the name of Jesus Christ,
call Amulek to travel with him and be amen.
his companion in teaching the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Amulek obeyed and be- President Benson
gan his missionary labors with Alma.
Here again, brothers and sisters, I We have just heard from Elder
am strengthened and guided in how I Robert B. Harbertson, a member of
should live and react to the opportuni- the First Quorum of the Seventy.
ties Lord gives me to serve. Amulek
the Elder Devere Harris, who was
had much; he was comfortable and also sustained last conference as a
well-to-do, had a good wife and chil- member of the First Quorum of the
dren, had a good position in the com- Seventy, will now address us.

Elder Devere Harris

Dear brothers and sisters, this is Dedication of tempie in Australia

very humbling, and I pray sincerely for
the Spirit of the Lord to sustain me. I am most thankful to a kind Father
Since being called as a General Author- in Heaven for the privilege of serving in
ity last April, have developed a
I the Area Presidency of the South Pa-
greater love for the gospel of Jesus cific Islands under the leadership and
Christ and a much deeper appreciation direction of a great and spiritual leader,
and love for a great and wonderful wife Elder Robert L. Simpson, and of being
who has stood by my side through one with a counselor, companion, and
every facet of married life. I am grate- friend, Elder Philip T. Sonntag. What
ful for our five children, who sustain us a thrill it has been in the last month to
and live as they should, and thankful participate in the dedication of a beauti-
for parents who taught correct prin- ful temple in faraway Australia, and to

ciples and marvelous pattern for us

set a see thousands of wonderful Saints as
to follow. have learned to love and
I they came from all corners of that great
appreciate good men and women who land and raised their voices in song and
have influenced my life and stood by —
prayer and appreciation true evidence
my side through many Church callings. that temples are being built in many
countries across the face of the earth
and that thousands of righteous men
and women and children will visit them


tobe sealed together in family units for our country, was on his knees at Valley
time and for all eternity. Forge, seeking the spirit and the direc-
tion of God. Abraham Lincoln, as he

Chapel in Papua, New Guinea stood on the platform of the train as it

left Springfield, Illinois, for Washing-

We visited the Saints in New Zea- ton, D.C. where he was to be president

land and felt the same sweet spirit. Our of the United States, said this: "Without
spirits were lifted and our testimonies the assistance of that Divine
strengthened. What a privilege to par- Being . . . , I cannot succeed. With
ticipate in the dedication of the first that assistance, I cannot fail" (Ida M.

LDS chapel in Papua, New Guinea Tarbell, ed., Selections from the Let-
where 450 wonderful native people sat ters, Speeches, and State Papers of
with tear-filled eyes as President Abraham Lincoln [Boston: Ginn and
Robert L. Simpson dedicated their Co., 1911], p. 63).
beautiful building. A handsome young These same principles of spiritual
New Guinean stood in that meeting leadership caused Moses, Nephi,
with a Book of Mormon in one hand Abraham, and Enoch to become giants
and a Bible in the other; he held them in the land. What powers of the spirit
high above his head and bore a strong did David use as he walked out on the
witness and testimony of the gospel of battlefield to meet Goliath? He said,
Jesus Christ to his people. We thrilled "Thou comest to me with a sword, and
after traveling sixty-five miles to a with a spear, and with a shield: but I
jungle village to witness the faith and come to thee in the name of the Lord of
testimony of our members there. They hosts, the God of the armies of Israel,
gave us gifts that had been handed whom thou hast defied.
down from generation to generation be- "This day will the Lord deliver
cause we represented the gospel they thee into mine hand" (1 Samuel
love so much. And we gave a prayer 17:45-46).
and blessing on their village before we
left. Tears filled our eyes as we saw Powerful resources of the spirit
President Kimball's picture hanging in
a building in far-off New Guinea. What source of power did Moses
arm toward the
use as he stretched his
Principles of leadership Red Sea and caused the waters to roll
back and his people to cross on dry
We felt the spirit of missionary land?
work as we literally watched the Columbus sailed from Spain, and
prophecies unfold that the gospel of after several months there was mutiny
Jesus Christ should be taken to every on the ships Pinta and Nina. He was
nation, kindred, tongue, and people. told that if land was not sighted within
(See Mosiah 15:28.) I am grateful for so many hours they would turn around
the spirit of the gospel, the spirit of and go back. Columbus said that he
missionary work, and the spiritual went into the cabin and prayed mightily
leadership of great latter-day leaders. I to God, and on that dark night, 12 Oc-
support and sustain them with all my tober 1492, a small island was sighted,
heart. and they named it San Salvador,
I have observed from many years meaning Holy Redeemer.
of activity in the Church that there are I bear witness that inherent in
some underlying principles of leader- every member of the Church are power-
ship that cause men to become great. fulresources of the spirit if we righ-
There is a certain spiritual ingredient teously seek them. Man's closest
necessary in all areas of activity if we communication with his Maker is
are to reach the pinnacle of perfor- through the medium of prayer. It is the
mance. George Washington, father of means offered him to place his prob-

Saturday, October 6 First Day

lems before God and receive spiritual use the power and direction of the Holy
strength and sustenance. Spirit and not rely wholly upon our own
ability in the work of the Lord.
Spiritual power
A yearning, a longing,
Each of us has a right to revelation a reaching up
as far as it relates to our area of respon-
sibility. I sincerely believe if we should I bear my witness that God lives,
ever lose the power of individual reve- that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true,
lation in the Church we would have lost that a prophet of God leads this Church
most everything. We could implement today, that life is eternal. I believe that

programs of the Church, but without man was "overbuilt" for this world.
that great spiritual ingredient we would Have you ever seen a man who was
fail toredeem the Saints, convert the totally satisfied with what he has here?
nations, and accomplish the mission of There seems to be a yearning, a long-
the Church. ing, a reaching up for something not
Wecan each have access to those had here. I think a wise man of old
great spiritual blessings and that great described it best when he said, "Surely
power used by David and Moses — but God has planted the seeds of eternity
there is a price to pay. Let me quote: into the souls of men."
"There are many called, but few are I bear witness he has planted those

chosen. And why are they not chosen? seeds, and 1 pledge all that I have for the
"Because their hearts are set so building of the kingdom of God in this
much upon the things of this world, and work in these latter days, and I confirm
aspire to the honors of men, that they do this witness and this pledge in the name
not learn this one lesson of Jesus Christ, amen.
"That the rights of the priesthood
are inseparably connected with the President Benson
powers of heaven" (D&C 121:34-36).
Now, brothers and sisters, what Elder Devere Harris, a member of
were the powers of heaven? They the First Quorum of the Seventy, has
caused the lame to walk, the blind to just spoken to us.
see, the dead to rise. And through these The chorus and congregation will
same powers the earth was organized. now join in singing "We Thank Thee,
But here is the key the powers of— O God, for a Prophet," following
heaven cannot be controlled nor which Elder F. Enzio Busche, a mem-
handled only upon the principles of ber of the First Quorum of the Seventy,
righteousness. (See D&C
121:41-42.) will speak to us.
The key, then, to the future and to the
use of these spiritual blessings is per-
The chorus and congregation sang
sonal righteousness.
"We Thank Thee, O God, for a
As President Romney once said,
"May we recognize that prayer is the
instrument of miracles," and may we

Elder F. Enzio Busche

How wonderful to be in the pres- Not an ordinary day

ence of a living prophet!
In one of the large cities of this
world there is a man standing at the

window of his apartment, looking at the and help. With an ever-increasing

gray colors of a rainy day. "This is not awareness of the need for constant re-
an ordinary day," he reflects to himself pentance, he is able to fill all the hours
as he watches the two young men, who of his life with the presence of this
have just paid him a visit, disappearing Spirit and, therefore, with great joy. He
on their bicycles at the end of the road. feels with each new day as if the sun of
He is becoming aware of how richly his a beautiful spring morning is quick-
life has been blessed since he began to ening and refreshing his soul after a
listen to the spirit radiated by these two long, dark, Arctic night.
humble ambassadors of the Lord from
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Blinded through traditions
day Saints. This truly is not an ordinary
day, for on this day he was allowed, by In the light of this Spirit within
invitation of the two young missionar- him, he sees the people of this world as
ies, to make a covenant with his Heav- —
they are running around in their van-
enly Father for the remission of his sins ity, in their vain ambitions, and in their
through baptism and to receive the lack of awareness of the greatness of
Holy Ghost for himself. God and His plan of salvation. He is
"I always thought that I was not a learning to understand that the only
big sinner," he reflects. "I have always burden, the only pain, and the only
provided for my family. I was a good frustration of a human being is the bur-
father, and I was a good husband to my —
den of wrongdoing the burden of sin.
beloved late wife." "Oh, what a sacred experience," he re-
flects, "to learn about myself and the

Understands true purpose majestic request by the Spirit to grow in

the dimensions of honesty, to grow in
He remembers how his life was the dimensions of exercising the pure
brought into a new perspective when love of Christ, to be able to forgive, to
he, for the first time in his life, learned have patience, to understand, and to
from the two young men how to truly overcome laziness, procrastination,

pray not to say just a few nice words, and other cravings of the carnal mind."
but to open up his heart in sacred com- He understands that God was al-
munication with his Heavenly Father. ways there but that he himself was
Oh, what great joy came into his heart —
blinded blinded through the tradi-
as he learned from the missionaries that tions of his environment. He reflects on
he is indeed literally a child of a loving the truth of the words of the prophet
Heavenly Father! With an ever- Isaiah:
increasing light within himself, he now "Behold, the Lord's hand is not
understands the true purpose of the shortened, that it cannot save; neither
pain, frustrations, and strugglings of his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
his earlier life that became an in- "But your iniquities have sepa-
stigating influence to make him think, rated between you and your God, and
to make him search, and to make him your sins have hid his face from you,
become an earnest seeker of the truth so that he will not hear" (Isaiah 59:1-2).
that he was ready to listen as these two
young men came knocking at his door. "Fit for the kingdom of God"
Oh, how much he has learned
since that first sacred experience of He can now see that no matter how
opening his heart and speaking to his numerous the sins of a human being can
Father! Suddenly he understands the be, they all can be traced back to one
deep, meaningful purpose of his life. single source or origin — the laziness,
He is now aware, in the depths of grati- complacency and blindness that keeps
tude, of the many precious blessings of us from looking and searching for our
every day with its opportunities to serve God and King in every phase of our
Saturday, October 6 First D(i\

lives and becoming totally His dis- of Heavenly Father, he has now be-
ciples. For the first time he understands come a disciple of Christ, and he has
the words of the Lord, Jesus Christ, experienced the sweetness of the divine
when He said: light in its fulness —
the light and power
"If any man will come after me, let of the Holy Ghost. No longer can he be
him deny himself, and take up his satisfied by the light he can find in this
cross, and follow me. world. No, he will not be able to forget
"For whosoever will save his life his Savior and Master anymore!
shall lose it: and whosoever will lose He appreciates so much the spe-
his life for my sake shall find it" cial privilege of being invited every
(Matthew 16:24-25). Sabbath day to renew his covenant in
understands that the Lord the sacred setting of the sacrament. The
knew there could be no compromise power of this light gives him the knowl-
made. When we are not fully dedi- edge that he will always listen to that
cated, we cannot truly stand in His light Spirit that teaches aman to pray, about
and be His disciple. which Nephi, the prophet of whom he
"And another also said, Lord, I has just learned, testified: "For if ye
will follow thee; but let me first go bid would hearken unto the Spirit which
them farewell, which are at home at my teacheth a man to pray ye would know
house. that ye must pray" (2 Nephi 32:8).
"And Jesus said unto him, No He now understands that by the
man, having put his hand to the plough, authority of this Spirit he was led to
and looking back, is fit for the kingdom grow in reverence, that the words of his
of God" (Luke 9:61-62). prayers became fewer and fewer until
he became quiet and was changed from
Joy of the penetrating light someone who was speaking to someone
who was listening — listening to the
In light of this Spirit within him, still, soft, sweet voice whose word is

he not afraid of what his friends and

is quick and powerful, and "sharper than
relatives might think of him now that he a two-edged sword" (D&C 6:2).
has taken upon himself Christ's name.
Perhaps they will not understand, and Are we allowing the Spirit
maybe they will make fun of him. But to guide us?
he feels now how easy it will be to love
them anyway, because he understands My dear brothers and sisters in the
them better than ever before; and he covenant, how blessed are we that our
will do everything that is in his heart to eyes have been opened and our hearts
show real interest in them, that they have been touched with the awareness
might be filled with light to penetrate of this truth!
the darkness of their lives. As we now leave this newly bap-
He understands, in the light and tized member in his marvelous experi-
the power of the Holy Ghost, what a ence of a new life, I invite you, in the
privilege it is that the Lord allows and spirit of the love of God, to reflect:
commands us to pay a full tithe and How much are you allowing the power
invites us to give service, that we can of this voice to control your own life?
show through our actions every day Consider the words of the prophet
how much we love our Heavenly Alma:
Father. "And now behold, I ask of you,
No, not difficult to say good-
it is my brethren of the Church, have ye
bye to the world with
its craving for God ? Have ye
spiritually been born of
lust, its thirst for pleasure, and its quest received his image in your counte-
for power, leaving the world groping in nances? Have ye experienced this
the mire of egoism. He understands mighty change in your hearts ? . . .

that, as he is placing his life in the hand


"Have ye walked, keeping your- —

workers with a dream and a vision to
selves blameless before God? Could ye touch the lives of all of our Heavenly
say, if ye were called to die at this time, Father's children and to bring about the
within yourselves, that ye have been final revolution to all the people of this
sufficientlyhumble? That your gar- —
world a revolution under the leader-
ments have been cleansed and made ship of the only leader of truth, without
white through the blood of Christ, who whom there will be no peace and no
will come to redeem his people from salvation, even the Lord, Jesus Christ.
their sins? . . . I say this humbly in His name,

"Behold, he sendeth an invitation amen.

unto all men, for the arms of mercy are
extended towards them, and he saith: President Benson
Repent, and I will receive you" (Alma
5:14,27,33). Elder F. Enzio Busche, a member
My dear brothers and sisters, let us of the First Quorum of the Seventy, has
learn to be always enlightened with the just spoken to us.
powerful understanding of the need for Elder Russell M. Nelson, a mem-
a constant change of heart, that the light ber of the Council of the Twelve
and power of the Holy Ghost can pene- Apostles, will be our next speaker. He
trate us always to make us better fathers will be followed by Elder Howard W.
and mothers, husbands and wives, sons Hunter, a member of the Council of the
and daughters, more diligent Twelve Apostles.

Elder Russell M. Nelson

Misused power severs its source enables us to generate success in our
lives. Proper use of our spiritual power
One day while working around line allows us to learn, to labor, to be
our home, trimming the hedges and obedient to law, and to love. While
vines, I had an interesting experience. these capabilities lead to fulfillment, at
I was at work with my electric clippers the same time they also carry risk.
and long extension cord. 1 had done this
often, each time reminding myself of
Power to learn
the need to use these clippers with great
care in order to avoid cutting things that Consider the power to learn. How
I shouldn't. essential it is for progress, whether
Suddenly the blades became one's career is professional or that of a
jammed. Caught between them was the salesman, a farmer, or a homemaker.
power cord itself. Because I had not But learning can be misused! A
seen it in the thicket 1 was trimming, I sharp mind, misdirected, can cut into
had cut into the very line that was pro- that line of spiritual power. Some
viding the power to work. "learned" souls delight in leading oth-
"Isn't that one of life's great les- ers astray, all in the so-called name of
sons?" I thought. "Power, if misused, learning. Years later their victims may
can cut into the very source of that realize that they have climbed their lad-
power. der of learning, only to find it leaning
Just as the careless use of elect- against the wrong wall. A prophet of
rical power can sever the source of that the Lord has counseled us on this point:
power, so is it possible to misuse spiri- "O that cunning plan of the evil
tual power to sever our spiritual power one! O
the vainness, and the frailties,
line. We would then lose that which and the foolishness of men! When they
Saturday, October 6 First Day

are learned they think they are wise, idleness they would labor abundantly
and they hearken not unto the counsel with their hands" (Alma 24:18).
of God, for they set it aside, supposing
they know of themselves, wherefore, Power of obedience to law
their wisdom is foolishness and it prof-
iteth them not. And they shall perish. Next, consider the power of obe-
"But to be learned is good (/they dience to law. One of the great applica-
hearken unto the counsels of God" tions of spiritual power is obeying the
(2 Nephi 9:28-29; italics added). laws of both God and man. Freedom to
What happens without spiritual act and mastery of our actions both
learning? What happens to the pilot of emanate from law. "When we obtain
a glider when he is cut loose from the any blessing from God, it is by obedi-
power of his tow plane? There may be ence to that law upon which it is
banks and turns, but ultimately there is predicated" (D&C 130:21).
only one direction he can go, and that I relearned that so well from Presi-

is down! dent Kimball. On one occasion when

We must gain learning, but we he needed an operation that I was to
must apply it wisely. Otherwise, we perform, he first asked me for a priest-
have politics without principle, indus- hood blessing. Following that, he said,
try without morality, knowledge with- "Now you may proceed to do that
out wisdom, science without humanity! which must be done in order to make
that blessing possible."
Power to labor He knew, and I knew, that not
even for God's prophet can anyone be
Consider the power of labor. La- exempted from law. Not even for
bor well spent increases our capacity to God's Son could divine law be broken!
do. President Heber J. Grant often said,
" 'That which we persist in doing be-
Power to love
comes easier for us to do; not that the
nature of the thing itself is changed, but Consider the power to love. I re-
that our power to do is increased' " (in member a mother I met once as I made
Conference Report, Apr. 1901, p. 63). a professional house call. This woman
The Lord, through his prophet was confined in an iron lung. The rav-
Lehi, said, "It must needs be, that there ages of polio had effectively destroyed
is an opposition in all things" (2 Nephi all the breathing muscles so that her life
2:1 1). So, in reality, competition forces was completely dependent upon this
us to improve. It deserves our praise large metal tank and the electrical mo-
and our gratitude. Without it we could tor that powered its noisy bellows.
not reach the heights that are otherwise While there, I watched her three
ours to achieve. children as they related to their mother.
But our labor can be misdirected. The oldest interrupted our work to ask
One can be anxiously engaged in a permission to go to a friend's house for
meaningless cause. Or one can do an hour. Later the second child asked
something wrong a hundred times and her mother for help with arithmetic.
call it experience! Some would avoid Finally the youngest child, so small that
labor while pursuing the goals of she couldn't see her mother's face di-
wealth without working for it, or an rectly, looked up at her image in a mir-
honored position without preparing for ror that had been placed over the
it. The converted Lamanites taught this mother's head and asked, "Mommy,
lesson: "Rather than shed the blood of may I have a cookie?" I've never for-
their brethren they would give up their gotten that lesson on the power of love.
own lives; and rather than take away This woman, virtually disabled and
from a brother they would give unto certainly incapable of any degree of
him; and rather than spend their days in physical enforcement of parental au-

thority, sweetly influenced that home Source of spiritual power

power to love!
solely with the
The power of love between a man The source
of our spiritual power
and a woman is special. The love is The ultimate source of
the Lord!
shared with my beloved companion, power is God our Father. The

Dantzel, has increased the power of messenger of this power is the Holy
love for both of us. That love brought Ghost. This power differs from elect-
us to the altar in the temple of the Lord. ricalpower. An electrical appliance
Her love for me motivated her to teach consumes power. The use of His spiri-
school during the early years of our tual power replenishes our power.
marriage. When things were tight, she While electrical power can be used
held a second job at night. Once when only for measured periods of time,
things were exceptionally tight, she spiritual power can be used for time and

even sold her blood in between her two eternity!

jobs to keep us solvent. (Her dear par- Our spiritual power line is

ents may have wondered what kind of strengthened through prayer. As we

a son-in-law they had on that occasion!) counsel with God in all our doings, he
I thought of that many years later when will direct us for good. (See Alma

she needed a transfusion urgently and 37:37.) Prayer is available whenever

her blood couldn't be matched readily we ask for it!
with donor blood from the blood bank. But the Lord places the initiative
What a privilege it was for me to donate upon us. He expects us to reach for his
mine directly to her. power, just as we must insert the plug
Can the power to love be misused? in the outlet for electricity. He said, "If

Sadly, yes. The illegitimate union of thou shalt ask , thou shalt receive reve-
the sexes has, in my observation, been lation upon revelation, knowledge
one of the greatest causes of grief. In upon knowledge, that thou mayest
some instances, the improper use of know the mysteries and peaceable
this sacred physical endowment has things — that which bringeth joy, that
even destroyed its use in later years. which bringeth life eternal" (D&C
Misused, the power of love can 42:61; italics added). Personal worthi-
cut off spiritual power. The abuse of the ness and scripture study enable us to do
power to love can result in no love at more with this power.
all. Only its cheap facsimiles of lewd- Rewards result from the righteous
ness and lust remain in the wake of use of the spiritual power belonging to
pleasure without conscience. Instead of the priesthood! And they are so great
feasting at the banquet table of boun- that they are almost beyond human
teous love with his own posterity, one comprehension. To those couples who
is left with scraps from the table only— bear and share that priesthood worthily
and remain faithful to the law of the
the refuse from what might have been.
The ashes of burned "love" smol- everlasting covenant of eternal mar-
der with the smoke of sadness. Yet the riage, enduring the congested years and
embers of evil still burn. But as loud trials of diapers and dishes, crowded

voices argue on, let us remember that kitchen and thin pocketbook, service in
those who advocate abortion have al- the Church, education and the burning
ready been born! Those who freely of the midnight oil, the Lord makes this
deny God with their amoral and agnos- promise: "Ye shall come forth in the
tic practices will one day find that He first resurrection; . . . and shall inherit
may just as freely deny them! (See thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and
3 Nephi 28:34.) powers, dominions, [and there] . . .

shall be a fulness and a continuation of

the seeds forever and ever" (D&C
132:19; italics added).
Saturday, October 6 First Day

The spiritual power lineconveys powers of heaven cannot be controlled

revelation. Revelation is given to the nor handled only upon the principles of
President for the Church, and to leaders righteousness" (D&C 121:36; italics
and teachers in their respective call- added).
ings. Personal revelation is provided The unrighteous use of priesthood
for the glorification of individual mem- authority surely severs the connection
bers and families in the Church. These to the Source of that authority. (See
lines are well insulated, and they are D&C 121:37.)
not scrambled! Our Father is a God of Worship strengthens our power
order! No one else receives revelation line to deity. There can be no true wor-
to govern the Church; that will be deliv- ship without sacrifice, and there can be
ered only to the President of the no true sacrifice without a cause. The
Church. The father in the home next cause that earns our love and priority is
door will not receive revelation for his the cause of Jesus Christ.
neighbor's family. Speaking of his own atonement,
the Savior proclaimed, "To this end
Protect spiritual power line was I born, and for this cause came I

into the world" (John 18:37). His ex-

It is possible to disregard or even ample of worship, sacrifice, and com-
misuse spiritual power. Some have mitment to cause becomes ours! His is
misused the power of prayer by making the ultimate source of all our power to
that sacred communication trivial. do good.
Some well-meaning Saints even do the As we carefully and prayerfully
right things for the wrong reasons, if protect the spiritual power line that
they narrowly center on the percent- links us to the Savior, we become more
ages they report rather than on the pre- like him!
cious people they serve. Of his sacred name and mission 1

Like cutting the cord with clip- solemnly bear special witness. Of his
pers, it is possible to use spiritual power divine sonship 1 proclaim sacred testi-
so carelessly as to destroy one's very mony. That this is his church I fervently
connection to that power. I know a hus- declare, in the name of Jesus Christ,
band who dominates his wife as though amen.
she were his possession. He seems to
regard her about as he does his auto- President Benson
mobile or his suitcase, which he uses
for his own purposes. And I know a Elder Russell M. Nelson, a mem-
wife who dominates her husband to the ber of the Council of the Twelve
point that he has lost all feelings of Apostles, has just addressed us.
worth. We will now hear from Elder
Remember, "The rights of the Howard W. Hunter, also a member of
priesthood are inseparably connected the Council of the Twelve Apostles,
with the powers of heaven, and ... the who will be our concluding speaker.

Elder Howard W. Hunter

Sea of Galilee Gennesaret, but known best to us today
as the Sea of Galilee. It is a freshwater
North of Jerusalem about eighty inland lake a little over twelve miles
miles or so lies a beautiful body of long and seven miles wide. The River
water known earlier in biblical times as Jordan flows through it, from north to
the Sea of Chinneroth and the Lake of

south, on its journey toward the Dead still.And the wind ceased, and there
Sea. was a great calm.
This was the lake Jesus knew as a "And he said unto them, Why are
child and as a young man, its western ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no
shores lying just twelve or fifteen miles faith?
from his boyhood home of Nazareth. It "And they feared exceedingly,
was to this lake and the neighboring and said one to another, What manner
Galilean hills that Jesus returned so of- of man is this, that even the wind and
ten during those demanding years of his the sea obey him?" (Mark 4:36-41).
public ministry.
On one journey to Galilee, the He can calm troubled waters in
Savior taught the multitudes crowded our lives
near the water's edge. With the people
pressing ever closer, Jesus sought a bet- All of us have seen some sudden
ter teaching circumstance by stepping storms in our lives. A few of them,
into a boat and pushing out a few yards though temporary like these on the Sea
into the sea. There, a short distance of Galilee, can be violent and frighten-
from the eager crowd, he could be seen ing and potentially destructive. As indi-
and heard by those straining for sight viduals, as families, as communities,
and words of the Master. as nations, even as a church, we have
had sudden squalls arise which have
"Have ye no faith?" made us ask one way or another,
"Master, carest thou not that we per-
Following his discourse, the ish?" And one way or another we al-
Savior invited his disciples to join him, ways hear in the stillness after the
and they set out together for the other storm, "Why are ye so fearful? how is

side of the lake. The Sea of Galilee is it that ye have no faith?"

quite low, about 680 feet below sea None of us would like to think we
level, and the heat becomes quite great. have no faith, but I suppose the Lord's
The hills surrounding the water rise up gentle rebuke here is largely deserved.
very sharply and to considerable This great Jehovah, in whom we say we
height. The cold air rushing down from trust and whose name we have taken
the hills meets the warm air rising from upon us, is he who said, "Let there be
the lake in such a way that sudden and a firmament in the midst of the waters,
temporarily violent storms can occur on and let it divide the waters from the
the surface of that inland sea. It was just waters" (Genesis 1:6). And he is also
such a storm as this that Jesus and his the one who said, "Let the waters under
disciples found as they crossed the lake the heaven be gathered together unto
at evening time. This is the way Mark one place, and let the dry land appear"
described it: (Genesis 1:9). Furthermore, it was he
"And when they had sent away the who parted the Red Sea, allowing the
multitude, they took him even as he Israelites to pass through on dry
was in the ship. And there were also ground. (See Exodus 14:21-22.) Cer-
with him other little ships. tainly it should be no surprise that he
"And there arose a great storm of could command a few elements acting
wind, and the waves beat into the ship, up on the Sea of Galilee. And our faith
so that it was now full. should remind us that he can calm the
"And he was in the hinder part of troubled waters of our lives.
the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they
awake him, and say unto him, Master, Story of Mary Ann Baker
carest thou not that we perish?
"And he arose, and rebuked the Let me recall for you th? story of
wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be Mary Ann Baker. Her beloved and only
brother suffered from the same respira-
Saturday. October 6 First Del)

tory disease that had taken their par- Later, as something of a personal
ents' lives, and he left their home in testimonial and caring very much for
Chicago to find a warmer climate in the the faith of others who would be tried
southern part of the United States. by personal despair, she wrote the
For a time he seemed to be im- words of the hymn we have all sung,
proving, but then a sudden turn in his "Master, the Tempest Is Raging." May
health came and he died almost imme- I share it with you?

diately. Mary Ann and her sister were

Master, the tempest is raging!
heartbroken. It only added to their deep
The billows are tossing high!
grief that neither their own health nor
The sky is o'ershadowed with
their personal finances allowed them to
claim their brother's body or to finance
No shelter or help is nigh.
its return to Chicago for burial.
The Baker family had been raised Carest thou not that we perish?
as faithful Christians, but Mary's trust How canst thou lie asleep
in a loving God broke under the strain When each moment so madly is
of her brother's death and her own di- threatening
minished circumstances. "God does A grave in the angry deep?
not care for me or mine," said Mary
Master, with anguish of spirit
Ann. "This particular manifestation of
what they call 'divine providence' is
I bow in my grief today.
The depths of my sad heart are
unworthy of a God of love." Does that
sound at all familiar?
Oh, waken and save, I pray!
"I have always tried to believe on
Christ and give the Master a conse- Torrents of sin and of anguish
crated life," she said, "but this is more Sweep o'er my sinking soul,
than I can bear. What have I done to And I perish! I perish! dear
deserve this? What have I left undone Master.
that God should wreak His vengeance Oh, hasten and take control!
upon me in this way?" (Ernest K. Emu-
rian, Living Stories of Famous Hymns Then this beautiful, moving re-

[Boston: W. A Widdle Co., 1955, frain:

pp. 83-85). The winds and the waves shall

obey my will;
"Master, the tempest is raging!" Peace, be still! Peace, be still!

Whether the wrath of the

I suppose we have all had occa- storm-tossed sea
sion, individually or collectively, to cry Or demons or men or whatever it
out on some stormy sea, "Master, be,
carest thou not that we perish?" And so No waters can swallow the ship
cried Mary Ann Baker. where lies
But as the days and the weeks The Master of ocean and earth and
went by, the God of life and love began skies.
to calm the winds and the waves of
what this sweet young woman called They all shall sweetly obey my
"her unsanctified heart." Her faith not will.

only returned but it flourished, and like Peace, be still! Peace, be still!
Job of old, she learned new things, They all shall sweetly obey my
things "too wonderful" to have known will.

before her despair. On the Sea of Gali- Peace, peace, be still!

lee, the stirring of the disciples' faith

was ultimately more important than the Too often, I fear, both in the living
of life and in the singing of this hymn.
stilling of the sea, and so it was with

we fail to emphasize the sweet peace of Peace on lips and in heart of

this concluding verse: Savior

Master, the terror is over. But Jesus was not spared grief and
The elements sweetly rest. pain and anguish and buffeting. No
Earth's sun in the calm lake is tongue can speak the unutterable bur-
mirrored, den he carried, nor have we the wisdom
And heaven's within my breast. to understand the prophet Isaiah's de-

Linger, Oh, blessed Redeemer! scription of him as "a man of sorrows"

Leave me alone no more, (Isaiah 53:3). His ship was tossed most
And with joy I shall make the of his life, and, at least to mortal eyes,
it crashed fatally on the rocky coast of
blest harbor
And rest on the blissful shore. Calvary. We are asked not to look on
(Hymns, no. 106.) life with mortal eyes; with spiritual vi-

sion we know something quite different

"Be of good cheer"

was happening upon the cross.
Peace was on the lips and in the
Wewill all have some adversity in heart of the Savior no matter how
our I think we can be reasonably
lives. fiercely the tempest was raging. May it

sure of that. Some of it will have the so be with us —

in our own hearts, in

potential to be violent and damaging our own homes, in our nations of the
and destructive. Some of it may even world, and even in the buffetings faced
strain our faith in a loving God who has from time to time by the Church. We
the power to administer relief in our should not expect to get through life
behalf. individually or collectively without
To those anxieties I think the Fa- some opposition.
ther of us all would say, "Why are ye One of the wisest of the ancient
so fearful? how is it that ye have no Romans once spoke a great gospel truth
faith?" And of course that has to be and probably never realized he had
faith for the whole journey, the entire done so. Speaking of Roman naval
experience, the fulness of our life, not power and the absolute imperative to
simply around the bits and pieces and control the oceans, Cicero said to a
tempestuous moments. At the end of military aide,"He who commands the
the journey an end none of us can see
sea has command of everything." (See
now, we will say, "Master, the terror is W. Gurney Benham, Putnam's Com-
over. .Linger, Oh, blessed Re-
. .
plete Book of Quotations [New York:
deemer! Leave me alone no more." G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1926], p. 505.)
Jesus said, "In the world ye shall Of that I so testify.
have tribulation: but be of good cheer; "Whether the wrath of the storm-
I have overcome the world" (John tossed sea or demons or men or what-
16:33). On the same occasion, he said, ever it be, no waters can swallow the
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I ship were lies the Master of ocean and
give unto you: not as the world giveth, earth and skies. They all shall sweetly
give I unto you" (John 14:27). obey [his] will. Peace, be still!" In the
Throughout his life and ministry he name of Jesus Christ, amen.
spoke of peace, and when he came forth
from the tomb and appeared unto his The chorus sang "Nearer, My God
disciples, his first greeting was, "Peace to Thee" without announcement.
be unto you" (John 20:19).
Saturday. October 6 First Day

President Benson The singing for this session has

been furnished by the Mormon Youth
Thank you for that special num- Chorus. We are grateful for the singing
ber. presume it is no secret this song
I of this lovely young group. You have
is sung more frequently, I believe, in stirred our spirits. We thank you.
the meeting of the First Presidency and The chorus will now sing the clos-
the Twelve than any other song. ing number, "The Spirit of God Like a
May we remind the brethren of the Fire," following which the benediction
general priesthood meeting which will will be offered by Elder Ted E.
convene in the Tabernacle this evening Brewerton, a member of the First
at 6:00 p.m. The nationwide CBS Radio Quorum of the Seventy.
Tabernacle Choir broadcast tomorrow
morning will be from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Those desiring to attend this broadcast The chorus sang "The Spirit of

must be in their seats no later than God Like a Fire."

9:15 a.m. Elder Ted E. Brewerton offered
the benediction.


THIRD SESSION We also excuse President Marion
G. Romney who is watching at his
The general priesthood meeting home.
convened in the Tabernacle at 6:00 p.m. These services are being relayed
on Saturday, October 6, 1984. by closed-circuit transmission and will
President Gordon B. Hinckley, reach members of the priesthood gath-
Second Counselor in the First Presi- ered in the Assembly Hall, the Marriott
dency, conducted. Center on the BYU campus, and in at
The music for this session was least seven hundred and fourteen loca-
provided by a combined men's choir tions in many countries around the
from the Tabernacle Choir and the world. Also, they are being carried to
Mormon Youth Chorus directed by over nine hundred stake centers by sat-
Donald Ripplinger and Robert C. ellite transmission.
Bowden with Robert Cundick at the We extend our love, our greet-
organ. ings, and our blessings to all you priest-
President Hinckley opened this hood brethren wherever you may be.
session with the following remarks: We note that Elders Theodore M.
Burton and George P. Lee are seated on
President Gordon B. Hinckley the stand in the Assembly Hall, and
Elders J. Thomas Fyans and Robert L.
Brethren, we welcome you to Backman preside at the BYU Marriott
what is doubtless the largest priesthood Center.
meeting ever held in the history of the For those in outlying areas we an-
world. I think it is safe to say that. nounce that in the first general session
President Spencer W. Kimball thismorning Elder Roy den G. Derrick
was with us this afternoon. He is not was released as a President of the First
with us this evening, but is watching Quorum of the Seventy, because he has
the proceedings on television in his been called to preside over the Seattle
apartment. He sends his love and best Temple and therefore will be residing
wishes to all of the brethren participat- in Seattle. He, of course, will remain
ing in this session.


a member of the First Quorum of the President Hinckley

Elder Marion D. Hanks was sus- Before we get into the scheduled
tained to fill that vacancy in the Presi- program of speakers, I would like to

dency of the Seventy. He now presides introduce tothis vast audience two men

as President of the Salt Lake Temple. who hold the priesthood and of whom
Also, in that session Elders John we are very proud. Peter and Dale, can
Sonnenberg of Chicago, F. Arthur Kay you come right up here?
of Seattle, and Keith W. Wilcox of Come right over here on my side,
Ogden were sustained as members of and Dale on this side. I like to stand
the First Quorum of the Seventy to between these two winners. This is
serve for three or four years on a rota- Peter Vidmar, who won two golds and
tion basis, as others were called last a silver at the recent Olympic games in
April. Los Angeles. The best in the world in
The singing during this session his category in sports, and a faithful
will be furnished by a combined men's Latter-day Saint and an example to us.
choir of the Tabernacle Choir and Mor- And Dale Murphy of the Atlanta
mon Youth Chorus under the direction —
Braves the best baseball player in the
of Donald Ripplinger and Robert world We are very very proud of him

Bowden with Robert Cundick at the We are honored to have these brethren
organ. with us tonight and happy to have them
The men's choir will begin this stand before you. Thank you, brethren.
service by singing "Jesus, My
Savior I wish that Charlene Wells were

True." Following the singing, Elder here. I would like to introduce her to

Paul H. Dunn of the First Quorum of you as Miss America and a young
the Seventy will offer the invocation. woman of intelligence and achieve-
ment and faith and goodness; she is a
tremendous credit to the Church. We
The men's choir sang "Jesus, My are going to hear from another winner
Savior True." tonight, Coach LaVell Edwards who
Elder Paul H. Dunn offered the led his team to a 52 to 9 victory this
invocation. afternoon over Colorado State. You're
all winners! Thank you very much.
We shall now be pleased to hear
President Hinckley from Elder Marion D. Hanks of the
FirstQuorum of the Seventy, who was
The men's choir will now favor us sustained today as a member of the
with "What Was Witnessed in the Presidency of that Quorum.

The men's choir sang "What Was

Witnessed in the Heavens?"

Elder Marion D. Hanks

Eternal marriage
m }
be inade q uate t0 that vei
7 hol y
I am assigned to
speak on the sub- In a beautiful sealing room in the

ject of eternal marriage and am prayer- temple 1 talked one day with a little boy
ful that my preparation and spirit will who was dressed in white, ready to join
Saturday, October 6 First Day

his parents and brothers and sisters in a the solid foundation of gospel cove-
sacred ceremony. I said to him, "Why nants, (4) by two honest adults who are
is your family here in the temple?" learning and growing together, and
He said, "To be sealed." (5) with the priesthood of God as the
I said, "What does being sealed authority through which the covenants
mean?" are administered — the priesthood not
He said, "We're going to be a for- as a commission of superiority or domi-
ever family." nation, but of service, of loving leader-
"Oh," I said, "you are going to be ship and faithful example in the home,
a family forever. You must have a good through the Spirit of the Lord.
family, a happy family, to want to be
with them forever. Do you have a Temple marriage
happy family?"
"Yes, sir!" he said. Honorable marriage is approved
of the Lord. Indeed, the scriptures
A happy home and family teach that "marriage is ordained of
God" for His children (D&C 49:15),
This fine lad had already begun to and also "whatsoever God doeth, it
understand two of the most important shall be for ever" (Ecclesiastes 3:14).
principles anyone could know: that our His way of everlasting marriage is
Heavenly Father has provided that mar- filled with hope and promise, and is
riage and family ties may be established designed to lead to happiness here and
permanently, to endure forever; and to an eternal stewardship like that of
that a marriage that we can joyfully God himself.
look forward to eternally must be a In the beginning, after the earth
good marriage here, a marriage that is was prepared, God brought man and
the heart of a happy home and family. woman together in the Garden, and the
I also wish to testify that the prin- first wedding occurred. They were not
ciples and covenants of the gospel, par- yet subject to mortal death, and no time
ticularly those of the temple, are the limitations were placed upon their mar-
best possible basis on which to build a riage. God declared, "Therefore shall a
strong union; and that such a marriage man leave his father and his mother,
never just happens. It is brought about and unto his wife: and they
shall cleave
not simply by ceremony or circum- shall be one flesh" (Genesis 2:24).
stance or chance, but by two mature, When Christ lived on the earth, He
loving adults who are ableand willing quoted this commandment and added,
to learn the principles upon which a "What therefore God hath joined to-
vitaland durable marriage may be fash- gether, let not man put asunder" (see
ioned and who, day by day, year by Matthew 19:4-6). He gave His dis-
year, work on that process. ciples power to bind in heaven that
which isbound on earth. (See Matthew
Vitally important principles 18:18.) Paul declared that "neither is
theman without the woman, neither the
Most of us gathered tonight are woman without the man, in the Lord"
married. Many are nearing the time for (1 Corinthians 11:11).
that vital undertaking. When the gospel was restored
You younger men who are old there came a renewed understanding of
enough to attend this meeting are old temples and temple worship. The
enough also to begin to think seriously power to bind and seal on earth and in
with us of some vitally important prin- heaven has again been entrusted to
ciples in your future. authorized servants of God. Eternal
Let me speak, then, of (1) a marriage, marriage of highest promise,
temple marriage, as the basis for (2) a is again performed for time and for all

happy, eternal union, (3) fashioned on


eternity by qualified officiators in the They join their lives as compan-

holy temples of the Lord. ions in the special sense that married
people do. Whether in the same room
A happy marriage —forever or a world apart, they are married
twenty-four hours a day. They care
But a marriage designed to last about the whole person, the whole
forever will be a good marriage, grow- future of each other. With good humor
ing and gracious. Sometimes the dis- and good disposition and genuine con-
tinctive elements of temple marriage sideration of the needs of the other,
are thought of as being exclusive in they set out to make it a happy life.
duration and authority. Of course, They laugh a lot and cry a little. They
everyone who comes to the temple to be are warm and considerate and thought-
married understands that the ceremony ful: the note, the telephone call, the
is performed by God's authority for kind word, the sensitive response, the
time and eternity. But the remarkable excitement of heading home to her, of
revealed ceremony at the altar in a having him come home.
temple contemplates much more than Married people are sweethearts,
this. The quality of the relationship thus in a special creative union, blessed with
established is of highest importance. that powerful chemistry that draws two
Wonderful promises are sealed upon a together, sometimes from next door,
man and woman in temple marriage, sometimes from a world away. This
and the realization of the promised divinely designed power must be sus-
blessings is related directly to their un- tained by other qualities —
by respect
derstanding and keeping the solemn —
and loyalty and integrity to be what it
commitments they make to each other is meant to be. To be able to give one-

and the Lord. self fully with confidence and trust, and
Those commitments in a temple to fully receive the other joyfully and
are total and permanent — involving the gratefully —
this is a blessing that grows
whole person, as is, for the whole jour- in meaning year by year and forever.
ney. Neither will remain as he or she is, In six sad words, a brokenhearted
of course; they will both grow and de- wife years ago summed up the disin-
velop in a multitude of ways. But this tegration of a marriage and the foolish-
marriage ceremony is without condi- ness of believing that the physical
tion or reservation, save only the faith- —
union can stand alone is enough with-
fulness of those who make it. On this out kindness and consideration and
solid foundation the newly formed fam- other essential qualities. She said, "We
ily joyfully undertakes to learn how to have nothing left to express."
live happily forever, to build a strong And married people should be best
and loving union that will grow more friends no relationship on earth needs

wholesome and more glorious everlast- friendship as much as marriage.

ingly. How do we ensure success in I have in my possession a letter

such a vital and great undertaking? written by a young widowed immigrant

Many new and enduring relation- in the early days of the Church. It was
ships spring into being with marriage written in 1848 in Honeycreek, Mis-
relationships all of which are vital to the husband's mother and sis-
souri, to her
happiness of the family. ter in England. He had died on the
For her, the —
words sacred en route, leaving her and
sailing vessel

words are wife, mother, homemaker, the two boys to make their way west
heart of a home; for him, husband, fa- with the Saints, heartsick and alone.
ther, protector, provider, leader in his She wrote the letter that changed my
home in the warm spirit of the priest- life a little. Maybe it will yours.
hood. She began, "Dear Mother and dear
Together they enter a partnership, Hannah, your dearly beloved son and
sharing and learning and growing. my best friend has gone the way of all
Saturday, October 6 Fim Day

the earth. Dearer to me in life than life Perhaps some of you young men
itself, he's gone. Oh Mother, Mother, do not know that no one can enter into
what am I to do?" a temple marriage until he or she has
And then she told of her love for been to the temple previously to receive
this, her best friend, and that she would his or her own blessings. Two who de-
rear these two boys in the kingdom and sire an eternal marriage cannot estab-
in his image and in the admonition of lish that relationship until each has
the Lord. personally made sacred covenants with
A tear came as I asked myself if the Lord. These covenants center in
that letter could have been written at my principles that are basic in a truly Chris-
house. tian lifeand in the foundation of a good
Friendship in a marriage is so im- marriage and family.
portant. It blows away the chaff and You see, the covenants we make
takes the kernel, rejoices in the unique- in the temple, like the other sacred ordi-
ness of the other, listens patiently, nances in the kingdom, relate us to and
gives generously, forgives freely. center in the life of the Lord Jesus
Friendship will motivate one to cross Christ.
the room one day and say, "I'm sorry; In the temple we make commit-
I mean that." It will not pretend
didn't ments to follow Him in doing God's
perfection nor demand it. It will not will and keeping His commandments,
insist both respond exactly the
that in valuing others and in unselfishly
same every thought and feeling, but
in serving, in loving God and our fellow-
it union honesty, integ-
will bring to the men. Sexual purity and complete fi-
rity. There will be repentance and for- delity to moral principle are promised,
giveness in every marriage every — with a sense of self-worth and self-

good marriage and respect and trust. control and whole-souled devotion to
And all these and other elements the cause of righteousness and truth.
we are not able to mention eloquently All of this happens through the
declare that such a union doesn't just priesthood, the Holy Priesthood after
happen. the Order of the Son of God. (See D&C
So the need becomes clear for 107:1-3.) A thoughtful understanding
careful, thoughtful preparation, selec- of this should automatically eliminate
tion,and courtship. No one should be any false perceptions of superiority or
unwise enough to count on an across- inferiority. Men and women are of
the-crowded-room romanticized live- equal value before God and must be
happily-ever-after marriage made equally valuable in the eyes of each
without proper thoughtfulness, prepa- other. A true devotion to following the
ration, and prayer. Marriage is an example of the Son of God will never
everyday and every-way relationship in permit notions of domination or dicta-
which honesty and character and shared torship or possession or control. It will
convictions and objectives and views never justify unrighteousness or abuse
about finances and family and life-style or filth or discourtesy. Christ's way is
are more important than moonlight and the way of persuasion, long-suffering,
music and an attractive profile. gentleness, meekness, love unfeigned.
(See D&C 121:41-44.)
A culminating covenant
Two mature adults
The surest basis for all of this is to
be worthily married in the temple. But It is simple to see, isn't it, that the
temple marriage is not an isolated ordi- kind of marriage we're talking about
nance. It serves both as a culmination doesn't just happen? The foundation is
of other ordinances and the foundation laid in the House of the Lord. The mar-
for family and the eternal future. riage is pronounced by authority of
God. And then it is fashioned by two


who wholesome, prepared emo-

are was from the Prophet that I learned that
tionally and practically, and who are we might cultivate these affections, and
honest. requires being ready to go to
It grow and increase in the same to all
a temple, being mature enough to make eternity" (Autobiography of Parley P.
promises and keep them and to receive Pratt [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book
holy promises and qualify for them. Co., 1938], pp. 297-98).
So wherever we are with respect to We sat in a room the other night

marriage years from it, close to it, or

deeply committed in it we must be
with our five children and their eternal
partners, and with their sixteen chil-
wise, be faithful to the commandments dren. Twenty-eight of us joined in a
of God, be true. Marriage is the closest circle of affection and appreciation.
and most intimate relationship one That with the two of
circle, established
makes in this life, and the most serious us in a holy house of the Lord only a
and sacred decision. If you haven't few short years ago, has expanded mi-
been to the Lord's house, get ready, be raculously. Our last child was born
clean, prepare to come to establish the twenty-four years ago, but the circle
foundation for a special, happy, eternal continues to expand and grow. God be-
marriage. ing willing, we may live to see another
generation of wonderful children enter-
Circle of affection and appreciation ing the world. We are grateful to know
that our family will relate with us eter-
And the inspiration for all of this nally, even as we will with those who
is the sweet assurance —
deeply rooted gave us mortal life, and all of us to-
in the heartof every decent man who is gether will find a loving place ulti-
living as he should with his sweetheart mately and a continuing relationship
wife, or who has so lived, or who is under the holy influence of Him whose
planning and preparing such a union spirit children we are and of Him whose
that heaven will be heaven for us be- holy sacrifice brought us the blessings
cause we know we will be there with of eternal life. Of this I testify, in the
the one we love the best. Parley P. Pratt name of Jesus Christ, amen.
said after he met the Prophet in
Philadelphia that "it was from him that President Hinckley
I learned that the wife of my bosom

might be secured to me for time and all Thank you, Brother Hanks.
eternity; and that the refined sym- We shall now be pleased to hear
pathies and affections which endeared from Bishop Victor L. Brown, Presid-
us to each other emanated from the ing Bishop of the Church.
foundation of divine eternal love. It

Bishop Victor L. Brown

Aaronic Priesthood —a personal its power. I think it is very important to

ordination recognize that the Lord has entrusted

each individual with the responsibility
I deeply appreciate the opportu- associated with the Aaronic Priest-
nity tonight to address the young men hood. In other words, when I speak of
of the Aaronic Priesthood and their the Aaronic Priesthood, I speak of it as
leaders. I have a sincere desire to cause it affects each individual, not just as a
each one to enlarge his vision of what large number of boys or men. When
the Aaronic Priesthood means and what one receives the Aaronic Priesthood, he
a great blessing it is to be entrusted with receives it as a personal, private ordina-
Saturday , October 6 Firs! Day

tion, not just as one of many. There- not qualified, it would not have been
fore, I hope you will feel that what I given to you, and you would not be
have to say tonight should be taken as authorized to participate and exercise
a personal message to the deacon in — its power and authority.
the upper row of the balcony here in the You did not have to spend the
Salt Lake Tabernacle, to the teacher hours the athletes had to spend to con-
watching the satellite transmission in dition and perfect your physical body,
New Jersey, and to the young priest but you had to do something more im-
hearing the broadcast in France or portant than that. It was necessary for
Samoa or Brazil to each individual— you to prepare your spirit to receive the
young man. blessings of this great honor. Now that
you have been accepted, if you expect
Parallel between summer Olympics to succeed, it is essential that you do
and Aaronic Priesthood those things that will bring about suc-
cess. When you do succeed, which re-
This summer we all witnessed one quires not just months but a lifetime of
of the most wonderful and inspiring living and proving yourself, you may
exhibitions accomplish-
of youthful not receive the applause of men. You
ments among can be imag-
athletes that will not be performing before large
ined. People over the world were
all audiences of enthusiastic supporters,
lifted to new heights of faith in mankind but you will have performed many of
through the performance of the men the necessary labors in private and
and women at the summer Olympic without expectation of recognition.
games in Los Angeles. Their self- And that, of course, requires greater
confidence and commitment to excel self-discipline than just about any other
were infectious. I, for one, have unre- human endeavor.
strained admiration for all of them, not
only those who received medals, but all Inspiration and motivation
of the participants; and, of course, the
thousands of volunteers who made that In striving to do their best, these
great event possible deserve to be rec- young athletes often looked for inspira-
ognized as well. tion and motivation to those who had
I would like to draw some paral- performed in prior games, establishing
lels between the experiences of these Olympic records. They worked to per-
young people and the experiences, fect their talents in order to equal or
which are far greater and longer lasting, better those records. You as an Aaronic
that most of you will have in your life's Priesthood holder have available many
contest. I specifically speak to the dea- examples of those who have honored
con, teacher, and priest who have had their priesthood: John the Baptist,
conferred upon them the power and the Joseph Smith, your own father, and
authority of the Aaronic Priesthood. your bishop. You need only strive to
be and do your best to follow these
Preparation and sacrifice to qualify examples.

Each participant in the Olympics Contest is with self

needed to train thoroughly to even
qualify to participate. It took many, Most of the participants in the
many hours of practicing, of develop- Olympic games recognized that in ath-
ing self-discipline, of developing fur- letics, as well as in life, the real compe-
ther commitment to achieve the goal. It tition is with self, not against others. I

required sacrifice, and it required a watched a television interview one day

feeling of self-confidence. You as an where this was made very clear. The
Aaronic Priesthood holder have quali- fourteen-year-old figure skating cham-
fied to receive that priesthood. Had you pion of Canada was asked how she felt
. —

when she performed to her very best ment and the collecting of fast offerings
and won. She responded, and so forth as almost the sum and
"Wonderful." substance of the Aaronic Priesthood re-
"How do you feel when you per- sponsibility. This is not true. These ac-

form your very best and lose?" tivities,of course, are very important,
"Wonderful." but there is so much more. As a prepa-
"How do you feel when you don't ratory priesthood it is preparing you
perform your very best and win?" ultimately, of course, for eternal life
"Terrible." and exaltation. The Lord said, "This is
As an Aaronic Priesthood holder, my work and my glory to bring to —
your contest is with yourself as you pass the immortality and eternal life of
honor your priesthood. man" (Moses 1:39). And further He
has told us that eternal life

A preparatory priesthood exaltation — is the greatest gift of God

to man.
The priesthood you hold was re-
stored to the earth on 15 May 1829, by Service to Heavenly Father
a heavenly messenger, John the
Baptist —the same John who with the As a holder of the priesthood you
authority of the Aaronic Priesthood are a servant of our Heavenly Father. If
baptized Jesus of Nazareth in the River you are to honor the priesthood, you
Jordan and later, as a resurrected being, must truly be a servant and serve your
laid his hands on Joseph Smith and fellowmen. If you make this service a
Oliver Cowdery and said: part of your life, you won't have to
"Upon you my fellow servants, in continually make decisions about what
the name of Messiah I confer the Priest- is right and what is wrong. It will be-
hood of Aaron, which holds the keys of come second nature to your way of liv-
the ministering of angels, and of the ing because through service you will
gospel of repentance, and of baptism by be drawing closer to your Heavenly
immersion for the remission of sins; Father.
and this shall never be taken again from
the earth, until the sons of Levi do offer Serve your fellowmen
again an offering unto the Lord in
righteousness" (D&C 13). I am very much aware that you and
John the Baptist said he came at some of your peers are living that way
the direction of Peter, James and John
, now. For instance, a fifteen-year-old
The ordination was performed before Korean boy took his weekly allowance
the Church was organized again upon and bought newspapers with it. Then he
the earth. and some friends sold these on the
The Aaronic Priesthood is a prepa- streets of Seoul, Korea, to raise money
ratory priesthood. It is an appendage to to help a fellow student who did not
the Melchizedek Priesthood and has to have funds to stay in school.
do largely with outward ordinances and This young man also gave part of his
temporal responsibilities. However, in lunch to this boy each day so that he
the ordination, John the Baptist said would not go hungry. Why did he do
that it "holds the keys of the ministering these things? Because he had been
of angels, and of the gospel of repen- studying the story of the Good Samari-
tance, and of baptism by immersion for tan and didn't just want to learn about
the remission of sins." These are essen- the Good Samaritan but wanted to
tial for admittance into the Church of know what it felt like to be one by doing
Jesus Christ and to achieve the goal of what a Good Samaritan would do. (See
exaltation in the kingdom of God. Luke 10:25-37.) He related these
I feel sometimes we consider the things to his father only after careful
preparation and handling of the sacra- questioning by his father about his ac-
Saturday, October 6 First Day

tivities. He had done them without any gether. These activities caused a re-
thought of recognition. markable change in the attitude of the
I doubt very much that the bishop young people toward themselves, to-
of this young man would have to worry ward the elderly, and toward the
about how he looked when he came to Church. They found a way to express
participate at the sacrament table or the gospel of Christ through giving lov-
whether his heart and hands were clean ing service.
and pure. I don't think his father would
have to worry about whether or not he The banner of the Lord
was honest in his relationships with
others, or whether or not he cheated at don't think any of us will ever

school. forget the sight of hundreds of young

Another father told me of an expe- athletes marching proudly behind the
rience he had with his son who was a flags and banners of their respective
priest. This man needed some help countries, thrilled to have been chosen
around the house with cleaning and re- to represent their nation at the Olympic
painting and so forth. Pleasantly and games. You, my brother of the Aaronic
cooperatively, this young man went Priesthood, seated in the balcony here,
ahead and accomplished much of the at a stake center in New Jersey, or in a
work. He is preparing himself for trust chapel in France, Samoa, or Brazil,
and responsibility by honoring his par- you are a chosen representative of God,
ents and willingly accepting chores at having received the authority to act in
home. He is beginning to put on the His name, as has every worthy young
whole armor of God, which will assure man who holds the priesthood. The
peace and happiness in this life and in banner you carry every day may not be
the life to come. He is developing the seen by millions of people, but it is seen
strength and self-discipline needed to by Him whose banner it is and by those
obey all of the commandments. who know who you are. both members
In another instance, some of the of the Church and nonmembers. It is
young men and women in one ward the banner of the Lord, displaying what
found themselves wavering in their tes- youreally are deep down inside as you
timonies and uncomfortable with show your love of God by keeping His
Church activity. One day they decided, commandments and by serving your
under the guidance of a very wise fellowmen.
bishop, to involve themselves actively It is my firm prayer that each of
with several of the elderly members of you bishops and quorum advisers of
the ward who were homebound. They these young men will aid in their under-
divided into small groups, with each standing what it means to hold the holy
group determined to develop a family- priesthood and to put on the whole ar-
like relationship with one of the home- mor of God, in the name of Jesus
bound members. On a regular basis the Christ, amen.
young women and young men prepared
meals that they and their elderly friends President Hinckley
enjoyed together in the homes of the
elderlymembers. Each Sunday the Thank you, Bishop Brown.
young men took the sacrament into the We shall now be pleased to hear
homes. On occasion, they arranged to from Elder Thomas S. Monson of the
hold special family home evenings to- Council of the Twelve Apostles.

Elder Thomas S. Monson

President Kimball's counsel missionary obligation each of us has, to
repay the sacrifice and service of those
Every missionary in the Church is missionaries who left home and family
acquainted with the scriptural passage and brought the gospel to our parents or
from the book of Amos: "Surely the grandparents in lands near and far.
Lord God will do nothing, but he re-
vealeth his secret unto his servants the
Missionary heritage
prophets" (Amos 3:7). Every member
of the Church rejoices in singing the I love to read my own grand-
favorite hymn: father's missionary journal. His first
We thank thee, O God, for a entries are classics. He wrote: "Today
prophet I married in the Salt Lake Temple the
girl of my dreams." The very next night
To guide us in these latter days.
(Hymns, no. 196.) the journal entry read: "Tonight the
bishop called at our house. I have been
What secrets has the Lord God asked to return to Scandinavia for a
revealed to His prophet, our beloved two-year mission. Of course I will go,
leader President Spencer W. Kimball? and my sweet wife will remain at home
What counsel would President Kimball and sustain me." I am grateful for a
provide us tonight, were he here, to missionary heritage.
guide us in these latter days? Would we We of the Council of the Twelve
listen? Would we obey? Would we be have heard President Ezra Taft Benson
doers of the word, and not hearers only, describe how his father was called to
deceiving our own selves? (See fill a mission. He left behind his wife,
James 1:22.) his seven children, the farm, and all

Some time ago, as the General that he had. Did he lose anything?
Authorities met together on an upper President Benson tells how his mother
floor of the temple, President Kimball would gather the family around the
stood and instructed us, saying: kitchen table and there, by the flick-
"Brethren, of late I have been con- ering light of an oil-fueled lamp, read
cerned and troubled by the fact that we the lettersfrom her husband. Several
do not have sufficient missionaries pro- times during the reading there would be
claiming the message of the Restora- a pause to wipe away the tears which
tion. I hear some parents say, 'We're flowed freely. The result? Each of the
letting our son make up his own mind children later served a mission.
regarding a mission,' or 'We hope our
son fills a mission because it would be
Many fail to cross the finish line
such a growing experience for him.'
He continued: "I have heard some As we strive to respond to Presi-
young men say, 'I think I might serve dent Kimball's clarion call to mission-
a mission if I really want to go. " Presi-
' ary service, perhaps we should
dent Kimball raised his voice, stood on examine the Aaronic Priesthood path-
tiptoe— as he is prone to do when anx- way which provides the training,
quickens the desire, and leads the lad
ious to communicate with power a spe-
cial thought —and said: "It doesn't who journeys along it not only to a
really matter whether Mother or Father missionary call but also to temple mar-
thinks it might be nice for a son to serve riage and, at journey's end, even to
a mission. It doesn't really matter exaltation in the celestial kingdom of
whether or not John, Bill, and Bob God.

want to go they must go!" President It is essential, even critical, that

Kimball then proceeded to point out the we study the Aaronic Priesthood path-
Saturday, October 6 First Day

way, since far too many boys falter, that every boy is worthy and is ordained
stumble, then without crossing the
fall a teacher when he reaches his four-
finish line into thequorums of the Mel- teenth birthday." Then I would address
chizedek Preisthood. In fact, today, for my first counselor with the thought:
the first time in the history of the "Brother Hemingway, yours is the duty
Church, the prospective elders out- to make certain that every teacher is
number the holders of the Melchizedek worthy and is ordained a priest when he
Priesthood, thereby eroding the active reaches sixteen. As the bishop, I will
priesthood base of the Church and cur- assume the task to so labor with the
tailing the activity of loving wives and young men who are priests that they are
precious children. worthy and are ordained elders as they
embark on their missions."
Concentrate on the Aaronic This, then, is our assignment: to
Priesthood save every boy, thereby assuring a wor-
thy husband for each of our young
What can we as leaders do to re- women, strong Melchizedek Priest-
verse this trend? How can we assure hood quorums, and a missionary force
that every boy becomes a finisher? The trained and capable of accomplishing
place to begin is at the headwaters of what the Lord expects.
the Aaronic Priesthood stream. There is

an ancient Chinese proverb which pur- Guide each deacon to spiritual

ports to correctly determine the sanity awareness
of an individual. A person is shown a
stream of water flowing into a stagnant A wise firstis to guide each
pond. He is given a bucket and asked to deacon to a spiritual awareness of the
commence to drain the pond. If he first sacredness of his ordained calling. In
takes steps to effectively dam the in- my life this was accomplished when the
flow to the pond, he is adjudged sane. bishopric asked that I take the sacra-
If, on the other hand, he ignores the ment to a shut-in who lived about a mile
inflow and tries to empty the pond from the chapel. That special Sunday
bucket by bucket, he is designated in- morning, as I knocked on the door of
sane. Brother Wright and heard his feeble
The best and most effective man- reply, "Come in," I entered not only his
ner whereby we can solve the challenge humble cottage but also a room filled
of the growth in numbers of prospective with the of the Lord. I ap-
elders is to concentrate on the Aaronic proached his bedside and carefully
Priesthood. placed a piece of the bread to his lips.
I then held the cup of water, that he
Save every boy might drink. As I departed, I saw him
smile as he said, "God bless you, my
The bishop, by revelation, is the boy." And God did bless me with an
president of the Aaronic Priesthood and appreciation for the sacred emblems,
is president of the priests in his ward. which continues even today.
(See D&C 107:87-88.) He cannot
delegate these God-given responsibili- Every teacher to home teach
ties. However, he can place account-
ability with his counselors and name as Is every ordained teacher given
quorum advisers men who can touch the assignment to home teach? What an
the lives of boys —
indeed, men who are opportunity to prepare for a mission.
models to follow. Were I a bishop to- What a privilege to learn the discipline
night, I would turn to my second coun- of duty. A boy will automatically turn
selor and say: "Brother Balmforth, you from concern for self when he is as-
have the duty to look after the deacons signed to "watch over" others.
in the ward. Yours is the task to ensure

Priests have added duties bond of friendship had been estab-

And what of the priests? These
young men have the opportunity to
Influence of home and quorum
bless the sacrament, to continue their
home teaching duties, and to partici-
pate in the sacred ordinance of baptism. Beyond the influence of the bish-
I remember as a deacon watching opric and the Aaronic Priesthood
the priests as they would officiate at the quorum advisers is the impact of the
sacrament table. One priest had a home. Help of parents, when enlisted
lovely voice and would read the sacra- wisely, can frequently make the differ-
ment prayers with clear diction as — ence between success and failure. Our
though he were competing in a speech recent surveys reveal that the influence
contest. The older members of the ward of the home surpasses all other factors
would compliment him on his "golden as a determinant of missionary service
voice." I think he became a bit proud. and temple marriage.
Another priest in the ward had a hearing Not to be overlooked are the
impediment which caused his speech to strength and influence of devoted
be unnatural in its sound. We deacons Aaronic Priesthood quorum presiden-
would twitter at times when Jack would cies. The revelations are crystal clear in
bless the emblems. How we dared do so their meaning: "Verily I say unto you,
is beyond me: Jack had hands like a the duty of a president over the office
bear and could have crushed any of us. of a deacon is over twelve
to preside
On one occasion Barry with the beauti- deacons, to sit in council with them,
ful voice and Jack with the awkward and to teach them their duty, edifying
delivery were assigned together at the one another, as it is given according to
sacrament table. The hymn was sung; the covenants" (D&C 107:85). A simi-
the two priests broke the bread. Barry lar charge is given to the president of
knelt to pray, and we closed our eyes. the teachers quorum and to the bishop
But nothing happened. Soon we dea- as president of the quorum of priests.
cons opened our eyes to see what was (See D&C 107:86-88.)
causing the delay. I shall ever remem-
ber Barry frantically searching the table
Other leaders
for the little white card on which were
printed the sacrament prayers. It was The stake Aaronic Priesthood
nowhere to be found. What to do? committee can also provide much
Barry's face turned pink, then crimson, needed help. Stake presidents, do you
as the congregation began to look in his ensure that your high councilors who
direction. Then Jack, with that bear- serve on this most important committee
like hand,reached up and gently tugged visit the quorums of the Aaronic Priest-
Barry back to the bench. He, himself, hood on a continuing and regular basis?
then knelt on the little stool and began Do these brethren know the names of
to pray: "Oh God, the Eternal Father, each Aaronic Priesthood boy in the
we ask thee in the name of thy Son, stake? Generalities simply will not do.
Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this When we deal in generalities, we will
bread to the souls of all those who par- never have a success; but as we deal in
take of it. ... " He continued the specifics, we will rarely have a failure.
prayer, and the bread was then passed. 1 am reminded of the ward pre-
Jack also blessed the water, and it was sided over by our own Joseph B.
passed. What respect we deacons Wirthlin. Bishop Wirthlin had a
gained that day for Jack who, though quorum of forty-five priests. All forty-
handicapped in speech, had memorized five became elders. All filled missions.
the sacred prayers. Barry, too, had a The late Elder Alvin R. Dyer presided
new appreciation for Jack. A lasting over a quorum of forty-eight priests.

Saturday, October 6 First Day

Forty-six of the total served full-time John Barrie, the Scottish poet, de-
missions, and forty-seven married in clared:"God gave us memories, that
the house of the Lord. It can indeed be we might have June roses in the De-
done. Each boy must be saved. cember of our lives." From my experi-
ence, some of the most fragrant and
The Aaronic Priesthood pathway beautiful roses anywhere to be found
bloom in profusion along the Aaronic
When I served as a bishop, I noted Priesthood pathway. On this pathway
one Sunday morning that one of our there are feet to steady, hands to grasp,
priests was missing from the priesthood minds to encourage, hearts to inspire,
meeting. I left the quorum in the care and souls to save.
of the adviser and visited Richard's I invite each of you men to walk

home. His mother said he was working with me, shoulder to shoulder, together
at the West Temple Garage. I drove with all of the Aaronic Priesthood bear-
to the garage in search of Richard and ers of the Church, along this priesthood
looked everywhere but could not find pathway which leads upward and on-
him. Suddenly, I had the inspiration ward toward perfection. In the name of
to gaze down into the old-fashioned Jesus Christ, amen.
grease pit situated at the side of the
station. From the darkness I could President Hinckley
see two shining eyes. Then I heard
Richard say: "You found me, Bishop! Thank you. Brother Monson. The
I'll come up." He never missed another choir and congregation will now stand
priesthood meeting. and sing one verse of "Praise to the Man
The family moved, and Richard who communed with Jehovah." Fol-
moved with them. About a year later lowing that we will be pleased to hear
Bishop Arthur Spencer of the Wells from Brother R. LaVell Edwards who
Stake called and said that Richard was has come from winning a ball game in
responding to a mission call to Mexico Colorado.
and asked if I would accept the family's
invitation to speak at his farewell testi-
The choir and congregation sang
monial. At the meeting, when Richard
"Praise to the Man."
responded, he mentioned that the turn-
ing point in his determination to fill a
mission came one Sunday morning
not in the chapel, but as he gazed up President Hinckley
from the depths of a dark grease pit and
Coach LaVell Edwards, for seven
found his quorum president's out-
years a bishop, will now speak to us.
stretched hand.

Brother R. LaVell Edwards

My dear brethren, am both I hon- Effect of mission on athletic career

ored and humbled by this assignment to
I would like to pose one or two
speak with you tonight. I have often
been asked, "How do you stand the points for your consideration, particu-
pressure of coaching and remain so larly to you young brethren. First, will
calm?" I can assure you, brethren, I feel going on a full-time mission have an
real pressure standing before you this adverse effect on a future athletic ca-
evening, especially with no more abil- reer? When I started coaching at BYU
ity than I have as a speaker. in 1962, there was a prevailing attitude


thatmissions and football did not mix. quarterback prospect who I'm sure you
As a result, very few players went on will be hearing more about in future
missions and returned to play the game, years. I have a neighbor, Ion Collins,
the feeling being that a young man who is a great friend of Sean's and is
could not go into the mission field, serving a mission in Scotland. Jon's
preach love for two years and return mother related a story regarding Sean
with the desire to play a physical con- and Jon. Sean recently had written a
tact sport such as football. Many felt letter to Jon in Scotland and shared with
there would be a loss of coordination, him the importance of his mission. He
specific techniques, and the strength told Jon in his letter, "Just think, this
and the conditioning necessary to per- weekend B YU will be opening the foot-
form at a high level of competency re- ball season in Pittsburgh before 50,000
quired for major college athletics. This fans. If I were home, I would be there
attitude prevailed until our beloved with the team, being a part of
this very
prophet, President Kimball, pro- I will be
thrilling experience. Instead,
claimed that every man of missionary baptizing a lady and her daughter. I
age should prepare himself for a mis- wouldn't trade this experience for any-
sion. As a result of this proclamation, thing in the world."
many more of our athletes started going I am proud of my two sons, John
on missions. It has been our experience and Jim, along with my son-in-law Ken
that if a young man decides to go on a Cannon, who here with me this eve-

mission, he cannot only play well when ning, for their decisions to go on mis-
he returns, he will often play better. sions. All three served excellent
If I could draw one general con- missions, and John and Jim returned to
clusion, it would be that if an athlete participate in college athletics John in —
could play well before he went on a track and Jim in football. In their letters
mission, he will definitely play well home, and even now that they have
when he returns; and, if an athlete could been back for some time, they fre-
not play well before his mission, he quently mention that the experiences in
probably won't play well when he re- the mission field were the choicest
turns. However, his chances of playing and most gratifying of their lives.
well are perhaps better if he goes be- You young brethren, begin to prepare
cause he will return with a greater un- yourselves now for this marvelous
derstanding of himself, greater experience.
leadership capabilities, better work On to the second point. In the field
habits, and a better knowledge of what of athletics, we tend to look at success-
ittakes to be successful. It really de- ful athletes and make them almost big-
pends on the young man's desire, com- ger than has been my experience
life. It

mitment, work habits, and how to be a teacher and coach for over thirty
important it is to him when he returns. years. I have seen many young men
This year alone we have fifty-two re- who have achieved greatness. I have
turned missionaries on our football also seen those who have come up a
team. little short of their potential. 1 don't
know what the answer is, but 1 do know
Desire, commitment, good work that those who succeed have been able

habits to do two things.

I suspect that these traits —

desire, Prepare for opportunity
commitment, and good work habits
are important in all facets of our lives, One, they recognize within them-
brethren. selves the potential to do something
Sean Covey, one of our fine young well and then work hard to prepare
players, is now serving a mission in themselves for that eventual opportu-
South Africa. He is an excellent young nity. Others wait for the opportunity to
Saturday. October 6 First Day

come and then start to work, thus com- chance to beat them if we played our
ing up a little short. very best and did not make mistakes.
Every year on the football team Before 82,000 fans, and on a
there are players on our team who are "rainy day in Georgia," Steve threw
bigger, stronger, and faster than those five interceptions in the first half of the
who are playing in their position. Why game —more than he would normally
is this? I'm not sure, but after so many throw in five games! In spite of the
years of coaching, one overriding prin- interceptions and two missed field goal
ciple stands out. Potential does not al- attempts, we were still tied 7-7 at half-
ways ensure success. In other words, time.
the greatest players have not always Going into the dressing room, I

been the most endowed. In athletics, thought to myself that I must talk to
we often hear the phrase, "He has the Steve and assure him that everything
will to win." I think this is wrong. We would be fine. The rain, the crowd, the
can be in a game, taking a test, giving tipped balls, etc. —
I had all the excuses

a talk, or whatever the experience may ready for throwing five interceptions in
be. We can have the greatest will to do one half. I started explaining this to
well. But unless we have prepared, it is Steve and before I could finish, Steve
of little use. Really, it should be the stopped me, looked at me as if I was
"will to prepare." Those who succeed crazy, and said, "Hey coach, there's no
have this will, whether it be in athletics, problem. I can hardly wait to get back
whether it be in school, whether it be in out there. We're going to win." I found
their chosen vocation, whether it be on myself thinking, "What do you mean
a mission, or almost in any other phase there's no problem, you dummy. You
of their life. have just thrown five interceptions!"
It's theway he thinks. That's what has
The way Steve Young thinks made him what he is and enabled him
to accomplish what he has done. As
Two, those who have succeeded you know, this was just the start of a
have also had the ability to overcome career that would see him become one
adversity, disappointment, and even of the finest quarterbacks to play the
tragedy in their lives. Since our quarter- game of college football.
back position has such a high visibility
and everyone seems to know about What Robbie Bosco is made of
them, let me share two short stories
with you. The second story happened this
Steve Young is one of the most year with our present quarterback,
gifted young men that I have ever Robbie Bosco. We
were playing the
known. He is fast, strong, big, hand- University of Pittsburgh. They were
some, . and rich. It is easy for us to
. . preseason ranked third in the country.
look at Steve and say, "With all those We were leading 3-0 in the third quarter
attributes, you ought to be great." and had a good drive going. Robbie
However, it is more than his physical threw a bad pass. It was intercepted and
attributes that have made him great; it returned for a seventy-yard touchdown.
is the way he thinks! When Steve was Pittsburgh led 7-3 They kicked off to

a junior and was starting his first season us, and on our second play, Robbie
as our quarterback, we had one of the threw a pass that ricocheted off the
greatest opportunities presented to us in shoulder of one of our receivers. It was
our football program at BYU. We were caught by a Pittsburgh defensive back
scheduled to play Herschel Walker and and returned to our fifteen-yard line.
the University of Georgia, the de- Four plays later, Pittsburgh scored and
fending national champions. We went ahead 14-3. I thought to myself,
worked very hard and felt we had a "This will be a good chance to see what
Robbie is made of." In fact, with the

next possession of the ball we drove football coach in 1972, I decided to

down the field and scored. And then, approach my role as a coach much the
with three or four minutes remaining in same as I did as a bishop, delegating
the game, Robbie moved our team responsibility to my assistants, putting
the length of the field and threw the responsibilityon the players for self-
winning touchdown pass to Adam improvement in all aspects of their
Haysbert. Right then, I knew there was lives, and using personal interviews
no question that Robbie was going to be with players to try to give positive rein-
a great quarterback. forcement and encouragement so that
they might do their very best and reach
Ability to handle adversity their full potential, both on and off the
Now brethren, how to we handle Every position I have held has
adversity? Adversity is going to be with brought invaluable experiences and
us in everything that we do, almost in growth to my life. Whatever position
every facet of our lives in our per- — you are called to, brethren, whether it

sonal associations, in the mission field, be bishop, priesthood quorum adviser,

in our chosen professions, in our fami- home teacher, or athletic director, you
lies. When we have adversity we often- will have no greater thrill than when
times tend to look around and think that one of the young men in your steward-
we're the Lone Ranger. We tend to ship makes the decision to accept a mis-
believe that we're the only one who has sion call. 1 would encourage you to
problems. And we always look around double your efforts in this regard; it is
and see others who are more talented, well worth the time and the effort.
taller, smarter,handsomer, or faster. I Now brethren, in my career I have
can assure you, brethren, everyone has had many wonderful things happen to

problems even football coaches. The me, many more than I ever dreamed
ability we have to handle this adversity would ever happen. But I would like for
will determine the degree of success you young brethren especially to know
that we will have in life. To me, this is that all that has happened to me in my
where the gospel can be the greatest of chosen profession is a mere drop in the
help to The power of the Holy Ghost
us. bucket compared to the truly important
is the greatest source of strength and things in my life. The testimony of the
comfort we can have in our lives. The gospel of Jesus Christ that 1 have, along
Holy Ghost will not only help us in with my wife and my family, are my
times of need, but will help us to gain most important possessions. And this
a firm testimony of the gospel of Jesus testimony I bear to you in Jesus' name,
Christ, thereby preparing us for life. amen.

Growth through Church callings President Hinckley

have made progress over the past

I Thank you very much. I am in-
decades as a coach. But I feel that clined to say, "Hey, Coach, there's no
the progress I have made as a coach, problem." Thank you very, very much
as well as a person, is a direct result of for those inspirational remarks, Brother
the growth that I have made through Edwards.
my Church callings. I had the opportu- President Ezra Taft Benson of the
nity to serve as a bishop in a campus Council of the Twelve Apostles will
ward while I was still an assistant now speak to us.
coach. When Iwas appointed head
Saturday, October 6 First Day

President Ezra Taft Benson

My beloved brethren, with all my the time came that our
heartmy love goes out to you on this group was to march up to the platform.
very important occasion. I thank the As our accompanist played "The Stars
Lord for this gathering here tonight. and Stripes Forever," those twenty-
four boys went up the aisle single file
Called as a Scoutmaster and formed in a half moon on the stage
while I crouched down between a
I shall always be grateful that al- couple of benches to try to give them
most sixty-five years ago the good some leadership. Then they sang as I'd
bishop of our ward came to me and never heard them sing, and of course
asked me to be Scoutmaster of twenty- you can imagine that I'd not be telling
four boys in the Whitney Ward. We all this story had we not won first place in
received our handbooks at the same Logan.
time. This was a great group of young
men with a lot of musical talent. A promise is a debt unpaid
In those days we had in the Mutual
various cultural activities which were We went home literally walking
competitive. Among them were boys' on We were so happy that this little

choruses. Each ward was expected to community of fifty families had won
have a chorus, and ofttimes the bishop over the other stakes and wards of the
would invite the Scoutmaster to take valley.
the responsibility for getting the boys In the first Scout meeting follow-
out to practice. So it was in our ward. ing our victory, those boys (never for-
As is often the case when a man is getting anything that is of value to
asked to do a job, I sought out the help them) reminded me that in a moment of
of a good faithful woman who could anxiety I had promised them that if we
play the piano and knew some musical won in Logan, I would take them all on
technique. Under her direction we a hike over the mountain thirty-five
started our practices. The song to be miles to Bear Lake Valley.
sung in the competition was assigned Since a promise made is a debt
by the general board and was the same we began planning our hike.

throughout the Church "The Morning
During the meeting one little twelve-
Breaks; the Shadows Flee," by Parley year-old raised his hand and said very
P. Pratt (Hymns, no. 269). formally, "Mr. Scoutmaster, I would
like to make a motion." That was a new

Troop won singing competition thing in a Scout meeting —

or at least it

was for me but I said, "All right, what
For weeks before and after Scout is it?"
meetings we prepared. Finally the time He said, "I'd like to make a mo-
came when we would meet in competi- tion that we all clip our hair off so we
tion with the ten other wards of the will not be bothered with combs and
Franklin Stake. We were successful in brushes on this trip."
winning in the stake, and then we were I noticed three or four of the older

to meet the winners of the six other boys start to squirm in their seats. They
stakes in Cache Valley in the tabernacle had reached that very critical age in life
in Logan. when they were beginning to take no-
I shall never forget approaching tice of the girls, and they knew a
that great tabernacle that evening. We clipped head would be no asset to them
went inside and drew for places. We with the women.
drew last place, which only prolonged I put the question and it carried,

our anxiety. with these three or four older boys dis-


senting. Then it was agreed that if they two. No one seemed to know where
did not submit willingly, there were they were or what they were doing.
other ways of enforcing the rules of the Some weeks later I was down in
troop. So they submitted. southern Arizona. In those days we

Then, true to form never forget- held general priesthood meetings in
ting anything if it was to their connection with stake conferences, and

advantage one of the older Scouts during the meeting I noticed way at the
said, "How about the Scoutmasters?" It rear of the hall what appeared to be a
was our turn to squirm. familiar face. At the end of the meet-
The following Saturday at the ing, one of the two boys we had lost
county seat, two Scoutmasters took track of came forward. We threw our
their places in the barber's chair while arms around each other, and I said to
the barber very gleefully went over him, "What are you doing way down
each head with the clippers. As he here?"
neared the end of the job, he said, "You He said, "I guess you mean 'What
know, if you fellows would let me am I doing in the Church?'
shave your heads, I would do the whole I said, "Well, yes, that's part of it,

job for nothing." what are you doing in the Church?"

He replied, "I'm not doing very
Three-week trip much, but I'm a Scoutmaster." (I
thought that took care of me very well!)
So our session with the bar-
after Then he told me he had married out of
ber, we on that great thirty-five-
left the Church, but his wife had since
mile Scout which I had made
trip to joined the Church and was then using
commitment as an inducement to get her influence to get him into full activ-
the boys out to practice their singing ity so they could go to the temple.
twenty-four boys with heads clipped We started correspond, and
and two Scoutmasters with heads some months later I had the honor of
shaven. officiating at the sealing of this fine
It was a glorious three weeks to- couple and their children in the Salt
gether with those wonderful boys out in Lake Temple.
the hills and in the mountains and on the Sometime later I was speaking at
lake. I wish I could follow for you the the annual meeting of the Idaho Farm
life of each one of those boys from that Bureau at Burley, Idaho. Just before
time until the present. I am proud of the meeting was to start, I was up on the
them. platform with the president of the bu-
reau and saw a man down at the door
These twenty-four Scouts handing out literature to the farmers as
they came in. I asked the president of
I have made an effort to keep in the farm bureau who the man was. Sure
touch with these boys. Many years enough, it was the last of the twenty-
later, after having been in Idaho and four boys to be located.
Washington, D.C., I happened to at- After the meeting the two of us
tend a Sunday School in the Whitney had a good talk. He had married in the
Ward. One of the boys was serving as Church but out of the temple. It was not
bishop, another was a counselor, a third long before I also had the privilege of
was ward clerk, and another was the sealing this man and his wife and sev-
visiting stake high councilor. Then we eral children in the temple.
went to the adult class; there was an- So far as we know, this was the
other one as the teacher. One of them lastof the twenty-four to be married in
was serving as the Scoutmaster. We the temple. Some of them are gone
had a fine session together and could now, but we have good reason to sup-
account for each one of the boys except pose each one did a good job in life.

Saturday, October 6 First Day

Maintain your standards one the mother of ten and the other the

It is one of the choicest experi-

mother of eight after sending their
children on missions, talked to their
ences in my life to serve in and partici- bishops about going on missions them-
pate in Scouting, which I have done for selves.
almost sixty-five years. Scouting is a I well remember the day they
great program for leadership training, calledme on the telephone and said,
teaching patriotism and love of coun- "Guess what? We've received our mis-
try, and building strong character. It is sionary calls."
a builder of men, men of character and I said, "What missionary calls?"
spirituality. I am grateful to the bishop They replied, "Don't you know ?"
of this little country ward for inviting (They expected the President of the
me to serve as Scoutmaster. Quorum of the Twelve to know every-
With all my heart, my brethren, I thing!)
commend you for the good you are do- Isaid, "No, I hadn't heard."
ing and say to you that it does not pay They responded, "Yes, we're both
to go astray. It pays to live the gospel, going to your old field of labor in En-
to maintain your standards, to associate gland."
with good companions, to keep the wished them well, and I wish you
commandments, to stand up for the could have heard the reports of those
truth wherever you are. two sisters as they returned from their
Some of you know that I was at missions.
one time in government. It was not The most important thing in this
easy, but I received a commitment from life is a testimony of the truth, and there
the President of the United States that is no place on earth where you can have
I would never be asked to support a the opportunity to get a testimony like
policy in which I did not believe. And
he kept that promise —
never asking me
the mission field. I know — I have been
there time and time again.
to support a policy in which I did not God bless this great gathering of
believe. the priesthood, in the name of Jesus
Christ, amen.
Spirit of missionary work
President Hinckley
I am grateful to the Lord for the
home in which I was born and for that Thank you, President Benson.
mission of my father, who, as Elder The inspiring music for this priest-
Thomas S. Monson has indicated, was hood session has been furnished by a
called on a mission and left Mother at combined men's choir of the Taber-
home with seven young children. The nacle Choir and Mormon Youth Cho-
eighth was born four months after he rus. We are grateful for the beautiful
arrived in the field. There came into music which you have given.
that home a spirit of missionary work Following my closing remarks,
that never left it, for which I am deeply the choir will sing "All Glory, Laud and
grateful. Honor," following which Elder Jack H.
I am grateful for my ten brothers Goaslind, Jr., a member of the First
and sisters, all of whom have gone on Quorum of the Seventy, will offer the
missions. Two of my sisters, widows benediction.

President Gordon B. Hinckley

Boys, prepare to represent the Holding the priesthood does not give
Lord any man the right to domineer over
those for whom he should show the
Now brethren, if I may say just greatest of love and the greatest of con-
a word. I am going to set aside my sideration. Each of us should go home
prepared talk and speak extempora- this night with a stronger resolve in our
neously. This has been a great meeting. hearts to live worthy of the companion-
Every boy who is here should have had ship of those who love us most and
cultivated in his heart tonight an in- whom we should love and honor and
creased desire to go into the world as a respect without reservation.
representative of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I wish to say to you boys, you
Those who love the Lord and walk
should prepare for that great responsi-
bility. Coach Edwards talked to you
about the importance of preparation. Now, for a few minutes in closing,
The Lord said, "If ye are prepared, ye I wish to speak with appreciation and
shall not fear" (D&C 38:30). This is the love for the priesthood of The Church
day of preparation for you boys, of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
whether you are twelve or fourteen or There are hundreds of thousands,
sixteen or eighteen. Watch yourselves. now reaching toward the millions, of
Never use language when you are with boys and men of the priesthood who
your friends that would be incompat- love the Lord and who walk in obedi-
ible with the calling that will come to ence to his commandments. These hus-
you, if you are worthy of it, to go into bands and fathers govern their homes in
the world to represent this church and kindness and with a spirit of love and
to serve as an ambassador of the Lord. appreciation. They answer every call to
God bless you to this end. serve in whatever capacity as such calls
Ihope that you have listened care- come from the Church. They are good
fully to what Coach LaVell Edwards citizens of the governments under
has said. He is a winner who believes which they live wherever they may be
in training and in following the rules of across the world. They are good neigh-
the game. He served as a bishop for bors in their communities. As employ-
seven years. He is a wise and able man ees, they are loyal. They work with
with a wealth of experience. He made diligence and with honesty and integ-
a tremendous effort to get here tonight, rity. They are men who live chaste and
and we very much appreciate what he honorable lives, men who love the Lord
has done and what he has said. Thank and are loved by him.
you, Coach Edwards, and congratu- 1 thank you from the bottom of my

lations on another victory today. heart for the goodness of your lives. I
thank you for your examples before
Men, be worthy of family's your families and before the world.
companionship You bring honor to this church. You
bring happiness and peace and security
You men who are husbands and into the lives of your wives and chil-
fathers should have had kindled in your dren. You indulge your generous in-
hearts tonight, as a result of the inspir- stincts in giving to the poor, in
ing remarks given by Brother Hanks, a befriending the lonely, in standing up
resolve so to conduct yourselves in for the very best in our society. You are
your homes as to be worthy of the love, the sweet fruits of this beautiful gospel
the respect, the honor, the companion- of the Son of God.
ship of your wives and your children.
Saturday. October 6 First Day

No sense of guilt troubles your some few who were traitors, who were
sleep. No violations of the command- betrayers, but they were a small mi-
ments of God haunt your days. You are nority. Honor be to thosewho stood
those whom I call my loyal brethren. firm, and to their wives who worked
beside them.
Thank you for your loyalty You, my brethren, are of that
same kind —
men of faith, men of
thank you for that tremendous
I virtue, men who
love their families and
loyalty. Men of your kind have carried love their brethren and sisters, men
forward this work from the beginning. who build temples and then labor in
They were present in the home of Peter them, men who respond to calls to
Whitmer when the Church was orga- serve and do so without stint or selfish-
nized. They were among the few who ness of any kind; men who love God
stood by the Prophet in the troubled and his Only Begotten Son, the Lord
days of the New York period of the Jesus Christ.
Church. They readily left Kirtland to
serve missions wherever they were Appreciation, peace, and love
asked to go, at the call of the Prophet.
They made the long march with I cannot say enough of apprecia-

Zion's Camp, the eight-hundred-mile tion for you. Your sustaining vote in
journey from Ohio to western Mis- this conference means more than I can
souri. They stood by the Prophet in express. Sometimes when I think the
Liberty Jail. Peeled and driven, they load is heavy and the burdens are many,
staggered with the destitute Saints I think of you who not only raise your

across the bottomlands of the Missis- hands in affirmation, but also give of
sippi and into Quincy, Illinois. your hearts, time, and substance in
They drained the swamps of Com- loyal support.
merce to create Nauvoo the Beautiful. God bless you. 1 pray for you, that
They erected the magnificent house of there may be peace and love in your
the Lord on the hill above the river. homes, that you may be prospered in
They were with Joseph at Carthage. your honest endeavors, and that when
They mourned his death and rallied to the time comes you may stand before
the leadership of the Twelve. With the Lord and receive his welcome:
mobs at their backs they abandoned "Well done, thou good and faithful ser-
homes and temple and faced the
their vant."
Iowa winter. Some of them marched I invoke the blessings of heaven

the long, long road with the Mormon upon each of you and upon your loved
Battalion to San Diego and then back to ones and do it with gratitude in my
the valley of the Great Salt Lake. heart, in the name of Jesus Christ,
Others followed the Elkhorn and amen.
the Platte on to Scottsbluff, South Pass,
Independence Rock, and down into this
The choir sang "All Glory, Laud
valley. Here they grubbed sagebrush;
and Honor."
fought crickets; labored and prayed;
Elder Jack H. Goaslind, Jr., of-
built homes, churches, and temples to
fered the benediction.
Through all of this long odyssey
there were those who were not loyal,


FOURTH SESSION congregation in the Assembly Hall

where Elders Hartman Rector, Jr.
fourth general session of the and Jacob de Jager preside, and those
conference commenced at 10:00 a.m. participating through satellite transmis-
on Sunday, October 7, 1984. President sion assembled in over nine hundred
Gordon B. Hinckley, Second Coun- stake centers in the United States and
selor in the First Presidency, con- Canada.
ducted. We
acknowledge the presence
The Tabernacle Choir provided thismorning of government, educa-
the music for this session with Jerold tion,and civic leaders, and officers
Ottley and Donald Ripplinger directing and members of the Church from
and Robert Cundick at the organ. many lands, who have assembled to
Prior to the beginning of the ses- worship and to counsel together in
sion, the choir sang "With Songs of this conference.
Praise" without announcement. The Tabernacle Choir, under the
President Hinckley then made the direction of Jerold Ottley and Donald
following remarks: Ripplinger with Robert Cundick at the
organ, is providing the music for this
President Gordon B. Hinckley session.
The choir opened these services
Good morning, brothers and sis- by singing "With Songs of Praise" and
ters. We are pleased to greet you this will now sing "Come, We That Love
beautiful morning as we assemble in the Lord," following which Elder
this fourth general session of the 154th Richard G. Scott, a member of the
Semiannual General Conference of The Presidency of the First Quorum of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Seventy, will offer the invocation.
We are delighted to have with us
this morning President Spencer W. The choir sang "Come, We That
Kimball. We are honored by his pres- Love the Lord."

ence. We regret that President Romney Elder Richard G. Scott offered the
is unable to be with us this morning. He invocation.
is watching the proceedings on tele- The choir sang "God Bless Our
vision and sends his love and blessing. Prophet Dear" without announcement.
We acknowledge those tuned to
President Hinckley spoke without
this conference by radio and television, announcement.
those who are seated in the overflow

President Gordon B. Hinckley

Women's conference and sands participated in that conference,
priesthood gathering which was carried across the continent
from coast to coast. It was an inspira-
A week agoevening there
last tional experience to look into the faces
emanated from this Tabernacle on of those assembled in the Tabernacle on
Temple Square a great conference of
the women of the Church. Many thou-
that occasion —women of beauty,
women of strength, women of capac-
ity, women of virtue, women of faith.

Sunday. October 7 Second Day

Last night, similarly, there ema- cal research is being expanded, and an
nated from the Tabernacle a great gath- ever-increasing number of faithful
ering of the priesthood, a meeting Latter-day Saints carry forward the sa-
which was carried from here to 714 cred work in the temples.
other locations across the world and to We are building new houses of
900 stake centers in which were as- worship on an unprecedented scale.
sembled men and boys of the Church Economies of construction have been
who love the Lord and walk with faith developed to hold down the cost of
and conviction. What a marvelous these structures.
thing this work is, my beloved brethren
and sisters. Dedications of Boise, Sydney, and
Manila temples
The prophet of the Lord
Three new temples have been
a great honor to stand before
It is dedicated since last we met one in —
you and speak to Latter-day Saints Boise, Idaho; one in Sydney, Australia;
across the world. I pray for direction of and, most recently, one in Manila, the
the Holy Spirit. I am not here as a capital city of the Philippines. Tens of
substitute for the President of the thousands of Latter-day Saints have
Church. I am speaking as his Second participated in these inspiring dedica-
Counselor, a responsibility I did not tory services. In the Boise Temple,
seek but one which I have accepted as twenty-four individual services were
a sacred call, in the fulfillment of which held, with a great outpouring of the
I have tried to lift some of the heavy Spirit of the Lord in each. Numerous
burdens of office from the shoulders of were the expressions of appreciation.
our beloved President and move for- In Australia it was the same. People
ward the work of the Lord with dili- came to the temple from as far away as
gence. President Kimball is the prophet Tasmania in the south, and from
of the Lord. None other can or will take Thursday Island in the far north; they
his place for so long as he lives. When came across the entire continent, from
he passes, there will be another ready, Perth on the west coast, many of them
a man who, through long years of expe- at great sacrifice, to enjoy the wonder-
rience and service, has been trained, ful atmosphere of that significant occa-
has been tested, has been schooled and sion when fourteen dedicatory services
refined and prepared to fill that sacred were held.
and awesome responsibility. We returned only a few days ago
from Manila in the Philippines. There
Work going well on an eminence where the ground falls
away to the rear, affording a view of an
I wish to report to the membership entire valley, stands a beautiful and sa-
of the Church wherever you may be that cred temple. Here, as elsewhere, there
the work is going well. 1 feel that our is incised in the stone of one of the
Father in Heaven smiles upon it with towers the words "Holiness to the Lord.
approval. I realize, of course, that The House of the Lord." By the thou-
each of us, regardless of our posi- sands they came, the wonderful, faith-
tion, could do better in our responsibili- ful members of the Church in the
ties. Weought constantly to be improv- Republic of the Philippines. With
ing. Nonetheless, there is cause for songs of thanksgiving, with words of
satisfaction. counsel and testimony, with a prayer of
The missionary work moves for- dedication, they all joined in presenting
ward, with new fields opened since we to the Lord, as the gift of a thankful
lastmet in conference. The activity of people, this beautiful house as his
Church members throughout the world abode
improves. The vast work of genealogi-

In all of these new temples, the structure.Hence the analogy that Paul
buildings have been opened to the gen- used describing the true church:
eral public prior to dedication. Tens "Now therefore ye are no more
and tens of thousands have gone strangers and foreigners, but fellow-
through them. They have been free to citizens with the saints, and of the
ask any questions concerning them. household of God;
These visitors have been respectful and "And are builtupon the founda-
reverent as they have partaken of the tion of the apostles and prophets, Jesus
spirit of these sacred structures. As they Christ himself being the chief corner
have felt of that spirit and learned stone;
something of the purposes for which "In whom all the building fitly
the temples have been built, these who framed together groweth unto an holy
have been our guests have recognized temple in the Lord" (Ephesians
why, following dedication, we regard 2:19-21).
these buildings as sanctified and holy,
reserved for sacred purposes and closed Cornerstones of our faith
to the public.
Participating in these dedicatory We have basic cornerstones on
services, one senses the true strength of which this great latter-day church has
the Church. That strength is in the been established by the Lord and built,
hearts of the people, who are united by "fitly framed together." They are abso-
a bond of recognition of God as our lutely fundamental to this work, the
Eternal Father and Jesus Christ as our very foundation, anchors on which it

Savior. Their individual testimonies stands. I should like to speak briefly of

are firmly established on a foundation these four essential cornerstones which
of faith concerning things divine. anchor The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. I mention first the
Ancient cornerstone ceremony chief cornerstone, whom we recognize
and honor as the Lord Jesus Christ. The
In each new temple we have had a second is the vision given the Prophet
cornerstone ceremony in harmony with Joseph Smith when the Father and the
a tradition that goes back to ancient Son appeared to him. The third is the
times. Before the general use of con- Book of Mormon, which speaks as a
crete, the foundation walls of the build- voice from the dust with the words of
ing were laid with large stones. A ancient prophets declaring the divinity
trench would be dug, and stones would and reality of the Savior of mankind.
be placed as footings. Starting at a point The fourth is the priesthood with all of
of beginning, the foundation wall its powers and authority, whereby men

would be run in one direction to a cor- act in the name of God in administering
nerstone; then the corner would be the affairs of his kingdom.
turned and the wall run to the next cor-
ner, where another stone was placed,
from which the wall would be run to the
Chief cornerstone —Jesus Christ
next corner, and from there to the point May I comment on each of these.
of beginning. In many instances, in- Absolutely basic to our faith is our tes-
cluding the construction of early timony of Jesus Christ as the Son of
temples in the Church, cornerstones God, who under a divine plan was born
were used at each junction point of the in Bethlehem of Judea. He grew in
walls and put in place with ceremony. Nazareth as the carpenter's son, within
The final stone was spoken of as the him the elements of both mortality and
chief cornerstone, and its placement immortality received, respectively,
became the reason for much celebra- from his earthly mother and his Heav-
tion. With this cornerstone in position, enly Father. In the course of his brief
the foundation was ready for the super- earthly ministry, he walked the dusty
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

roads of Palestine healing the sick, immovable cornerstone of our faith and
causing the blind to see, raising the his church.
dead, teaching doctrines both transcen-
dent and beautiful. He was, as Isaiah Joseph Smith's first vision
had prophesied, "a man of sorrows, and
acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3). The second cornerstone — the first
He reached out to those whose burdens vision of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
were heavy and invited them to cast The year was 1820, the season spring.
their burdens upon him, declaring, The boy with questions walked into the
"My yoke is easy, and my burden is grove of his father's farm. There, find-
light" (Matthew 11:30). He "went ing himself alone, he pleaded in prayer
about doing good," and was hated for for that wisdom which James promised
it (Acts 10:38). His enemies came would be given liberally to those who
against him. He was seized, tried on ask of God in faith. (See James 1:5.)
spurious charges, convicted to satisfy There, in circumstances which he has
the cries of the mob, and condemned to described in much detail, he beheld the
die on Calvary's cross. Father and the Son, the great God of the
The nails pierced his hands and universe and the risen Lord, both of
feet, and he hung in agony and pain, whom spoke to him.
giving himself a ransom for the sins of This transcendent experience
all men. He died crying, "Father, for- opened the marvelous work of restora-
give them; for they know not what they tion. It lifted the curtain on the long-
do" (Luke 23:34). promised dispensation of the fulness of
He was buried in a borrowed tomb times.
and on the third day rose from the For more than a century and a half,
grave. He came forth triumphant, in a enemies, critics, and some would-be
victory over death, the firstfruits of all scholars have worn out their lives try-
that slept. With his resurrection came ing to disprove the validity of that vi-
the promise to all men that life is ever- sion. Of course they cannot understand
lasting, that even as in Adam all die, in it. The things of God are understood by

Christ all are made alive. (See the Spirit of God. There had been noth-
1 Corinthians 15:20-22.) Nothing in ing of comparable magnitude since the
all of human history equals the wonder, Son of God walked the earth in mortal-
the splendor, the magnitude, or the ity. Without it as a foundation stone for
fruits of the matchless life of the Son of our faith and organization, we have
God, who died for each of us. He is our nothing. With it, we have everything.
Savior. He is our Redeemer. As Isaiah Much has been written, much will
foretold, "His name shall be called be written, in an effort to explain it
Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty away. The finite mind cannot compre-
God, The everlasting Father, The hend it. But the testimony of the Holy
Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). Spirit, experienced by countless num-
He is the chief cornerstone of the bers of people all through the years
church which bears his name, The since it happened, bears witness that it
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day is true, that it happened as Joseph Smith

Saints. There is no other name given said it happened, that it was as real as
among men whereby we can be saved. the sunrise over Palmyra, that it is an
(See Acts 4:12.) He is the author of our essential foundation stone, a corner-
salvation, the giver of eternal life. (See stone, without which the Church could
Hebrews 5:9.) There is none to equal not be "fitly framed together."
him. There never has been. There never
will be. Thanks be to God for the gift The Book of Mormon
of his Beloved Son, who gave his life
that we might live, and who is the chief, The third cornerstone — the Book
of Mormon. I hold it in my hand. It is

has weight and substance which

real. It and authority. That authority was given
can be physically measured. I open its to men anciently, the lesser authority to
pages and read, and it has language the sons of Aaron to administer in
both beautiful and uplifting. The an- things temporal as well as in some sa-
cient record from which it was trans- cred ecclesiastical ordinances. The
lated came out of the earth as a voice higher priesthood was given by the
speaking from the dust. It came as the Lord himself to his Apostles when he
testimony of generations of men and declared, "And I will give unto thee the
women who lived their lives upon the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and
earth,who struggled with adversity, whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth
who quarreled and fought, who at vari- shall be bound in heaven: and what-
ous times lived the divine law and pros- soever thou shalt loose on earth shall be
pered and at other times forsook their loosed in heaven" (Matthew 16:19).
God and went down to destruction. It In its full restoration, it involved
contains what has been described as the the coming of John the Baptist, the
fifth Gospel, a moving testament of the forerunner of Christ, whose head was
new world concerning the visit of the taken to satisfy the whims of a wicked
resurrected Redeemer on the soil of this woman, and of Peter, James, and John,
hemisphere. they who faithfully walked with the
The evidence for its truth, for its Master before his death and proclaimed
validity in a world that is prone to de- his resurrection and divinity following
mand evidence, lies not in archaeology his death. It involved Moses, Elias, and
or anthropology, though these may be Elijah, each bringing priesthood keys
helpful to some. It lies not in word to complete the work of restoring all of
research or historical analysis, though the acts and ordinances of previous dis-
these may be confirmatory. The evi- pensations in this the great, final dis-
dence for its truth and validity lies pensation of the fulness of times.
within the covers of the book itself. The The priesthood is here. It has been
test of its truth lies in reading it. It is a conferred upon us. We act in that au-
book of God. Reasonable men may sin- thority. We speak as sons of God in the
cerely question its origin; but those who name of Jesus Christ and as holders of
have read it prayerfully have come to this divinely given endowment. We
know by a power beyond their natural know, for we have seen, the power of
senses that it is true, that it contains the this priesthood. We have seen the sick
word of God, that it outlines saving healed, the lame made to walk, and the
truths of the everlasting gospel, that it coming of light and knowledge and un-
came forth by the gift and power of God derstanding to those who have been in
"to the convincing of the Jew and Gen- darkness.
tile that Jesus is the Christ" (Book of Paul wrote concerning the priest-
Mormon title page). hood: "No man taketh this honour unto
It is here. It must be explained. It himself, but he that is called of God, as
can be explained only as the translator was Aaron" (Hebrews 5:4). We have
himself explained its origin. Hand in not acquired through purchase or bar-

hand with the Bible, whose companion gain. The Lord has given it to men who
volume it is, it stands as another wit- are considered worthy to receive it, re-
ness to a doubting generation that Jesus gardless of station in life, the color of
is the Christ, the Son of the living God. their skin, or the nation in which they
It is an unassailable cornerstone of our live. It is the power and the authority to
faith. govern in the affairs of the kingdom of
God. It is given only by ordination by
Restoration of the priesthood the laying on of hands by those in au-
thority to do so. The qualification for
Cornerstone number —
four the eligibility is obedience to the com-
restoration to earth of priesthood power mandments of God.
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

There is no power on the earth like Testimony

it. Its authority extends beyond life,
through the veil of death, to the eter- Of these things I give solemn tes-
nities ahead. It is everlasting in its con- timony, bearing witness to all within
sequences. the sound of my voice that God has
spoken again to open this final glorious
dispensation; that his Church is here,
"Fitly framed together"
the Church which carries the name of
These great God-given gifts are hisBeloved Son; that there has come
the unshakable cornerstones which an- from the earth the record of an ancient
chor The Church of Jesus Christ of people bearing witness to this genera-
Latter-day Saints, as well as the indi- tion of the work of the Almighty; that
vidual testimonies and convictions of the everlasting priesthood is among
its members: (1) the reality and the di- men for their blessing and the gover-
vinity of the Lord Jesus Christ as the nance of his work; that this is the true
Son of God; (2) the sublime vision and living Church of Jesus Christ,
given the Prophet Joseph Smith of the brought forth for the blessing of all who
Father and the Son, ushering in the dis- will receive its message; that it is im-
pensation of the fulness of times; movably established on a foundation of
(3) the Book of Mormon as the word of Apostles and prophets, with corner-
God speaking in declaration of the di- stones of unshakable firmness put in
vinity of the Savior; and (4) the priest- place by him for the accomplishment of
hood of God divinely conferred to be his eternal purposes, Jesus Christ him-
exercised in righteousness for the bless- self being the chief cornerstone.
ing of our Father's children. Of such was the faith of our fa-
Each of these cornerstones is re- thers. Of such is our faith. "Faith of our
lated to the other, each connected by a fathers, holy faith. We will be true to
foundation of Apostles and prophets, thee till death!" ("Faith of Our Fathers"
all tied to the chief cornerstone, Jesus in Hymns, 1985 ed.). In the name of

Christ. On this has been established his Jesus Christ, amen.

Church, "fitly framed together," for the
blessing of all who will partake of its The Choir sang "Faith of Our Fa-
offering. (See Ephesians 2:21.) thers, Living Still" without announce-
So undergirded beneath and fitly ment.
framed above, it stands as the creation
of the Almighty. It is a shelter from the
storms of life. It is a refuge of peace for
President Hinckley
those in distress. It is a house of succor
for those in need. It is the conservator
The Tabernacle Choir has sung
of eternal truth and the teacher of the "Faith of Our Fathers, Living Still."
divine will. It is the true and living Elder James E. Faust of the Coun-
Church of the Master. cil of the Twelve Apostles will now
address us.

Elder James E. Faust

With a prayer in my heart for un- because I am persuaded that these ex-

derstanding, and with some timidity, I traordinary challenges are, as the

speak today concerning parents and Savior himself said, that "the works of
children with special problems. I do so God should be made manifest"

(John 9:3). How these challenges are This anguish often continues every
met can often be the expression of the day, without relief, during the lifetime
very essence of the gospel of Christ. of the parent or the child. Not infre-
quently, parents are required to give
The special ones superhuman nurturing care that never
ceases, day or night. Many a mother's
It is a common sight in our congre- arms and heart have ached years on
gations to have a small group of people end, giving comfort and relieving the
near the front who communicate by the suffering of her special child.
graceful motion of the hands as well as The anguish of parents upon first
by the Spirit. They are people who can- learning that their child is not develop-
not hear. Always some kind and gifted ing normally can be indescribable. The
soul sits in front of the group and lov- tearful concern, the questions about
ingly converts the sounds and syllables what the child will and will not be able
into distinguishable motions. to do are heartrending: "Doctor, will
Recently in a large meeting, we our child be able to talk, walk, care for
were touched to observe the hearing- himself?" Often there are no certain
impaired members singing the hymns answers but one: "You will have to be
in parts through the motion of their grateful for whatever development
hands. When the bass and tenor parts your child achieves."
were sung, the hands of the sisters were
motionless; when the soprano and alto One day at a time
parts were sung, the hands of the breth-
ren were still. To me it was a very The paramount concern is always
touching sight. how to care for the person who is handi-
Those who are without hearing are capped. The burden of future nurturing
some of the special ones among us, as can seem overwhelming. Looking
are the people who do not have sight ahead to the uncertain years or even to
and those who have other physical or a lifetime of constant, backbreaking
mental limitations. care may seem more than one can bear.
There are often many tears before real-
Superhuman nurturing care ity is acknowledged. Parents and fam-
ily members can then begin to accept
I wish to say a word of apprecia- and take the burden a day at a time.
tion for those among us who struggle Said one great mother of a se-
with handicaps, and impart a message verely handicapped child: "I gradually
of comfort to their families, especially began to take only one day at a time,
to the parents. Where in all of the world and it didn't seem so hard. In fact, at the
is the son or daughter of God who is end of each day I would thank the Lord
totally without blemish? Is life not for the strength I had to get through that
worth living if it is not perfect? Do not day and pray that tomorrow would be as
the people with handicaps also bring good. That way I learned to love him
their own special gifts to life —and to and appreciate his place in our home."
others who are free of those

handicaps in a manner that cannot Challenge in Jesus' time also
come in any other way? There is hardly
a family without one of its members A missionary writing to his par-
who might be considered physically or ents said of his severely handicapped
mentally diminished. I have a great ap- younger brother: "Mom, kiss Billy
preciation for those loving parents who every day for me. In one of the discus-
stoically bear and overcome their an- sions we learned that my little brother
guish and heartbreak for a child who is an automatic winner of the kingdom

was born with or who has developed a of God. I only pray that I too may live
serious mental or physical infirmity. with my Heavenly Father and see my
Sunday. October 7 Second Day

little brother and talk and converse with fold for them each day as with us all.
him. He's a special gift, and we are They can be extraordinary in their faith
truly blessed." and spirit. Some are able, through their
The challenge of having handi- prayers, to communicate with the infi-
capped people is not new. Many have nite in a most remarkable way. Many
questioned why some have such lim- have a pure faith in others and a power-
itations. It was so in the time of Jesus: ful belief in God. They can give their
"And as Jesus passed by, he saw spiritual strength to others around
a man which was blind from his birth. them.
"And his disciples asked him, say-
ing, Master, who did sin, this man, or Afflictions are temporary
his parents, that he was born blind?
"Jesus answered, Neither hath this For the handicapped, trying to
man sinned, nor his parents: but that the cope with life is often like trying to
works of God should be made manifest reach the unreachable. But recall the
in him" (John 9:1-3). words of the Prophet Joseph Smith:
"All the minds and spirits that God ever
Loving care and attention sent into the world are susceptible of
enlargement" (Teachings of the
How are the works of God mani- Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph
fest in these, our handicapped brothers Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret
and sisters? Surely they are manifested Book Co., 1938], p. 354). Certainly,
greatly in the loving care and attention in the infinite mercy of God, those with
given by parents, other family mem- physical and mental limitations will not
bers, friends, and associates. The remain so after the Resurrection. At
handicapped are not on trial. Those of this time, Alma says, "the spirit and the
us who live free of such limitations are body shall be reunited again in its per-
the ones who are on trial. While those fect form; both limb and joint shall be
with handicaps cannot be measured in restored to its proper frame"
the same way as others, many of the (Alma 1 1:43). Afflictions, like mortal-
handicapped benefit immensely from ity, are temporary.
each accomplishment, no matter how Surely more sharing of the burden
small. will contribute to the emotional salva-
tion of the person who is the primary

Adjust and compensate caregiver. Just an hour of help now and

then would be appreciated. One mother
The handiwork of God is manifest of a child who is handicapped said. "1
with respect to the handicapped in could never dream of going to Hawaii
many ways. It is demonstrated in the on a vacation; all I can hope for is to
miraculous way in which many indi- have an evening away from home."
viduals with mental and physical im- The Savior's teaching that handi-
pediments are able to adjust and caps are not punishment for sin, either
compensate for their limitations. Occa- in the parents or the handicapped, can
sionally, other senses become more also be understood and applied in to-
functional and substitute for the im- day's circumstances. How can it possi-
paired senses in a remarkable way. A bly be said that an innocent child born
young friend greatly retarded in speech with a special problem is being pun-
and movement repaired a complicated ished? Why should parents who have
clock although she had had no previous kept themselves free from social dis-
training or experience in watch or clock ease, addicting chemicals, and other
making. debilitating substances which might af-
Many of the special ones are supe- fect their offspring imagine that the
rior in many ways. They, too, are in a birth of a disabled child is some form

life of progression, and new things un- of divine disapproval? Usually, both


the parents and the children are blame- differences in capacity, differences in
less. The Savior of the world reminds body and in mind?
us that God "maketh his sun to rise on Those who are close to the handi-
the evil and on the good, and sendeth capped can frequently feel the nobility
rainon the just and on the unjust" of the spirits who are confined in differ-
(Matthew 5:45). ently shaped bodies or who have
crippled minds.
Love for handicapped
To parents of the wayward
May express a word of gratitude

and appreciation to those many who May I word of comfort

also say a
minister with such kindness and skill for the anguished parents of children
to our handicapped people. Special who have lost their way and have
commendation belongs to parents and turned a deaf ear to parental pleading
family members who have cared for and teaching. While much of the time
their own children with special needs in most children follow in their parents'
the loving atmosphere of their own footsteps —obedient to their teachings,
home. The care of those who are dimin- reciprocating their love —
a few turn
ished is a special service rendered to the their backs like the prodigal son and
Master himself, for "inasmuch as ye waste their lives. The great principle of
have done it unto one of the least of free agency is essential in fostering de-
these . .ye have done it unto me"
, velopment, growth, and progress. It
(Matthew 25:40). also permits the freedom to choose self-
Parents of handicapped children indulgence, wastefulness, and de-
are occasionally embarrassed or hurt by gradation. Children have their agency
others who awkwardly express sympa- and often express it when very young.
thy but cannot know or appreciate the They may or may not follow the teach-
depth of the parents' love for a handi- ings and wishes of their parents. Most
capped child. Perhaps there is some parents do the best they know how, but
comparison in the fact that there is no also understand well the words of Lehi:
less love in families for the helpless "Hear the words of a trembling parent"
infant who must be fed, bathed, and (2 Nephi 1:14).
diapered than for the older but still de- We are indebted to Elder Howard
pendent members. We love those we W. Hunter for these wise words: "A
serve and who need us. successful parent is one who has loved,

one who has sacrificed, and one who

Tolerance for differences has cared for, taught, and ministered to
the needs of a child. If you have done
Is it not possible to look beyond all of these and your child is still way-
the canes, the wheelchairs, the braces, ward or troublesome or worldly, it
and the crutches into the hearts of the could well be that you are, neverthe-
people who have need of these aids? less, a successful parent. Perhaps there
They are human beings and want only are children who have come into the
to be treated as ordinary people. They world that would challenge any set of
may appear different, move awk- parents under any set of circumstances.
wardly, and speak haltingly, but they Likewise, perhaps there are others who
have the same feelings. They laugh, would bless the lives of, and be a joy to,
they cry, they know discouragement almost any father or mother" (Ensign,
and hope. They do not want to be Nov. 1983, p. 65).
shunned. They want to be loved for As caring parents we do the best
what they are inside, without any preju- we can. am hopeful that in parenting

dice for their impairment. Can there not God will judge at least partially by the
be more tolerance for differences intent of the parental hearts. Children
have so much to learn. Parents need to
Sunday. October 7 Second Day

teach their children so many things. The works of God are manifest in
They are commanded to teach their so many ways in the challenges of par-
children specifically "the doctrine of ents and children, especially to those
repentance, faith in Christ the Son of who are handicapped and to those who
the living God, and of baptism and the have way. For those who have
lost their
gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on asked, "Why did this happen to me?"
of the hands, when eight years old" or, "Why did this happen to my child?"
(D&C 68:25). But, having lived by there is assurance that the difficulty will

these truths and having taught them in not last forever. Life on this earth is not
their home,
parents cannot always en- long. Caring for the unfortunate and
sure their children's good behavior. laboring with the wayward is a mani-
Said Ezekiel, "The son shall not bear festation of the pure love of Christ. For
the iniquity of the father, neither shall those who carry such a challenge in this
the father bear the iniquity of the son" life, God himself provides a response.
(Ezekial 18:20). That response
is patience and the
Parents have the obligation to strength to endure. It lies, as Paul and

teach, not force, and having prayerfully Job "in

testify, hope of eternal
and conscientiously taught, parents life, . promised before the world
. .

cannot be answerable for all their chil- began" (Titus 1:2), "when the morning
dren's conduct. Obedient children do stars sang together, and all the sons of
bring honor to their parents, but it is God shouted for joy" (Job 38:7).
unfair to judge faithful parents by the I bear witness that Jesus is the
actions of children who will not listen Christ, the Savior of the world and the
and follow. Parents do have the obliga- Redeemer of mankind. I testify that
tion to instruct, but children themselves through obedience to His command-
have a responsibility to listen, to be ments we may enjoy the strength to
obedient, and to perform as they have triumph over every challenge of this
been taught. Parents are parents and life. May God grant this peaceful sus-
usually serve their childrenmore than taining influence toall and especially to
To con-
the children serve their parents. those in greatest need. I so pray in the
cerned parents 1 would paraphrase name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Winston Churchill: "Never give up,
never give up, never, never, never." President Hinckley

The works of God Elder James E. Faust of the Coun-

cil of the Twelve Apostles has just spo-
I do not have any foolproof for- ken to us.
mula for the nurturing of children. Be- The choir and congregation will
yond being a good example and now join in singing "I Am a Child of
teaching faith, it is essential to give God," following which we shall hear
children unreserved love, to give mea- from Elder Royden G. Derrick of the
sured discipline, and to try to instill First Quorum of the Seventy.
self-mastery in them. A great mother
who scrubbed floors to help her chil-
The choir and congregation sang
dren through school said, "I taught my
children to pray, to have good manners,
"I Am a Child of God."

and to work." The Lord reminds us that

we should continually teach repen-
tance, faith in Christ, baptism, and the President Hinckley
gift of the Holy Ghost. (See
Elder Royden G. Derrick of the
D&C 68:25.)
FirstQuorum of the Seventy and Presi-
dent of the Seattle Temple will now
address us.

Elder Roy den G. Derrick

Truth and the Light of Christ I to run but made the mistake of
running the wrong way.
Our revered leader of years past, On the downhill side of our front
President David O. McKay, often said, porch, there was latticework between
"The mission of the Gospel of Jesus the porch level and the ground level. A
Christ [is] to make evil-minded men small door enabled us to store garden-
good and to make good men better" ing tools under the porch and also gave
(Millennial Star, Oct. 1961, p. 469). us access to a convenient place to hide.
The Lord said to the people of I ran all the way home, crawled
ancient America, "And whatsoever under the porch, and sat there all after-
thing persuadeth men to do good is of
me; for good cometh of none save it be
noon shivering with fear —and eating
the apple. I knew that had done

of me. I am the same that leadeth men wrong, and I knew that my
to all good" (Ether 4: 12). Father knew that I had done wrong.
To be good, one must seek after I have often reflected upon how I

truth, for truth is the ingredient which, suffered from a remorse of conscience
when inculcated into our lives, changes at such an early age. The Light of
us for good. "Truth is knowledge of Christ, which lights every man that
things as they are, and as they were, comes into the world, was evident that
and as they are to come" (D&C 93:24). day, which in later years caused me to
"Truth abideth and hath no end" ponder about how the Light of Christ
(D&C 88:66). can influence our lives.
Intelligence is the ability to use
knowledge properly. The Lord has
The Holy Ghost
said, "The glory of God is intelligence,
or, in other words, light and truth" Envision yourself standing on the
(D&C 93:36). The light of which this banks of the River Jordan on a particu-
scripture speaks is the Light of Christ, lar day nearly two thousand years ago
for Jesus further said, "I am the true and observing two men standing in the
light that lighteth every man that com- water. John the Baptist, clothed with
eth into the world" (D&C 93:2). camel's hair and with a girdle of skin
about his loins, is baptizing Jesus; and
Remorse of conscience Jesus, dressed in the garb of the day, is
coming up out of the water. The heav-
One of my earliest recollections ens open and a marvelous thing occurs.
happened when I was about four years The Holy Ghost descends in the form of
of age. Several blocks from our home a dove and alights upon him. And a
was a little wooden grocery store. In the voice from heaven is heard saying,
front of the store windows the propri- "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am
etor had built a ledge about four inches well pleased" (Matthew 3:17).
wide, where at this time of the year he
placed big juicy apples to attract those
The light of life
passing by. As I walked by the front of
the store, I saw those beautiful red ap- Envision yourself some time later
ples, and my mouth began to water. in the temple in Jerusalem The weather .

Without realizing what I was doing, I is hot outside; but inside, the thick
took one and continued walking up the stone walls give relief to a group gath-
street. ered in discussion. It is Jesus talking to
When I got a short distance away, the scribes and the Pharisees:
Ilooked at what I had in my hand and
suddenly realized I had stolen an apple.
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

"I am the light of the world: he that debted to our Father in Heaven for all"
followeth me shall not walk in dark- (Journal of Discourses, 13:148).
ness, but shall have the light of life.
"The Pharisees therefore said unto Impossible to be saved in ignorance
him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy
record is not true. To those who pursue and apply
"Jesus answered and said unto gospel principles, the Lord says,
them, Though I bear record of myself, "And ifyour eye be single to my
yet my record is true: for I know glory, your whole bodies shall be filled
whence I came, and whither I go; but ye with light, and there shall be no dark-
cannot tell whence I come, and whither ness in you; and that body which is
I go. . . . filled with light comprehendeth all
"It is also written in your law, that things" (D&C 88:67).
the testimony of two men is true. President Joseph F. Smith said:
"I am one that bear witness of my- "[The] knowledge of truth, combined
self, and the Father that sent me beareth with proper regard for it, and its faithful
witness of me" (John 8:12-14, 17-18). observance, constitutes true education.
The mere stuffing of the mind with a
God —fountain of wisdom knowledge of facts is not education.
The mind must not only possess a
The testimony of the Father and knowledge of truth, but the soul must
the testimony of Jesus were not for the revere it, cherish it, love it as a priceless
people of their day alone, but for men gem; and this human life must be
down through the ages. It was docu- guided and shaped by it in order to fulfil

mented then for us today and is just — its destiny" (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed.

as true today as it was two thousand [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co.,
years ago. The truths of the gospel of 19391, p. 269).
Jesus Christ have been restored to the Of what value is truth unless it is

earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith assimilated into the minds and hearts of
and are available to each of us for men? "Truth is the rock foundation of
study. every great character," wrote William
In my limited experience in the George Jordan. "It is loyalty to the right
fields of religion and education, it has as we see it; it is courageous living of
been my observation that it takes as our lives in harmony with our ideals"
much intelligence for one to assimilate (The Power of Truth [Salt Lake City:
the principles of the gospel as it does for Deseret Book Co., 1943], p. 3).
one to understand the complicated for- The Lord says:
mulas of science. An understanding of "Whatever principle of intelli-
the gospel is a quest and must be pur- gence we attain unto in this life, it will
sued through study, thought, and rise with us in the resurrection.
prayer. "And if a person gains more
Brigham Young taught: "All true knowledge and intelligence in this life
wisdom that mankind have they have through his diligence and obedience
received from God, whether they know than another, he will have so much the
it or not. There is no ingenious mind advantage in the world to come"
that has ever invented anything benefi- (D&C 130:18-19).
cial to the human family but what he He further said, "It is impossible
obtained it from that One Source. for a man to be saved in ignorance"
. . . There is only one source from (D&C 131:6).
whence men obtain wisdom, and that is Brigham Young asked the ques-
God, the fountain of all wisdom; and tion, "Whenshall we cease to learn?"
though men may claim to make their And then he answered his own question
discoveries by their own wisdom, by with the words, "Never, never" (Jour-
meditation and reflection, they are in- nal of Discourses, 3:203).

Integrity tenaciously held to what he believed to

be right, prevailed in the cause, and
Weshould not overlook the fact eventually won the undying gratitude
that some truths have
little or nothing to of a nation that was destined to become
do with our eternal salvation, while great. We have other such patriots in
others are essential to it. other lands throughout the world who
When one is loyal to the truth, we are heralded as men of great integrity.
say he is a person of integrity. When
one is loyal to the truth under intense
Crown of integrity
opposition, we say he is a person of
great integrity. Integrity is a quality or Samuel Johnson made an interest-
state of being of sound moral principle. ing observation when he wrote:
Integrity is uprightness, honesty, and "Integrity without knowledge is weak
sincerity — yes, all that and even more. and useless. . . . Knowledge without
integrity is dangerous and dreadful"
Men of great integrity (Rasselas, ch. 41). Leaders in schools
of elementary, secondary, and higher
Following the First Vision, the education know that the true success of
Prophet Joseph Smith was persecuted their system is measured by the man it
unmercifully for the rest of his life and forms. Such is also true of families,
died as a martyr at thirty-eight years of politics, governments, and religion.
age; yet he never wavered in declaring Many live by the motto that the
what he knew to be the truth. He knew end justifies the means. There are those
that if he denied what he had said, the who gain their possessions by deceit,
persecution would cease; yet he stood bribery, and dishonest practices, then
firm. He recorded: seek legitimacy by contributing freely
"I [saw] a light, and in the
. . .
to a righteous cause. Integrity cannot be
midst of that light I saw two Person- compromised.
ages, and they did in reality speak to Integrity is sustained by fore-
me; and though I was hated and perse- thought and commitment. It was writ-
cuted for saying that I had seen a vision, ten of Helaman's stripling warriors,
yet it was true; and while they were "Yea, and they did obey and observe to
persecuting me, reviling me, and perform every word of command with
speaking all manner of evil against me exactness" (Alma 57:21). They were
falsely for so saying, I was led to say in fully committed to what they would do
my heart: Why persecute me for telling when they got into the heat of battle.
the truth? have actually seen a vision;
I Their efforts won them the crown of
and who am I that I can withstand God, integrity.
or why does the world think to make me
deny what I have actually seen? For I
Review our own lives
had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew
that God knew it, and I could not deny Let us review our own lives to
it,neither dared I do it; at least I knew determine how each of us measures up
that by so doing I would offend God, in our own quest for integrity.
and come under condemnation" As an employee, are you commit-
(Joseph Smith —History 1:25.) ted to give at least forty hours work for
To so react requires great integrity forty hours pay?
and also builds great integrity. Do you work enthusiastically in
We revere Abraham Lincoln be- your job and use your best efforts to
cause of his commitment to a principle strengthen the company for which you
in which he strongly believed. And work?
though the opposition was severe, the Do you, as an administrator, study
pathway filled with stumbling blocks, your challenges thoroughly and antici-
and the future dark and uncertain, he

Sunday. October 7 Second Da\

pate the results before you submit your "... Every tree is known by his
recommendations? own (Luke 6:43-44).
Do you jump to conclusions with- May I suggest a formula for
out taking the time to know the facts bringing forth good fruit and helping
before you make your decision? one to gain eternal salvation? (1) Have
Do you properly sustain those faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in
working under your jurisdiction? yourself, (2) study eternal truths,
Do you sincerely sustain those to (3) ponder and pray for understanding,
whom you are responsible? (4) strive to incorporate principles of
Do you young men and young truth into daily living, (5) exercise in-
women stand loyal, in the face of oppo- tegrity in all that you do, and (6) strive
sition, to those moral principles you to do everything you do to a standard of
have been taught in the home? excellence.
Do you, as a wife and mother, Let us diligently strive to under-
strive earnestly to create an atmosphere stand the wonderful things of God. The
of love and harmony in the home? jewels of the gospel of Jesus Christ are
Do you fathers and mothers seri- within our reach. But we must seek
ously strive to inculcate values of integ- ask and strive for —
and live the prin-
rity, morality, charity, and good ciples of truth. When we do so, we will
manners in your children? become better men and better women
Are you completely honest with and contribute to a better community, a
yourself and others? better nation, and a better world, for
Are you obedient to Him who which I pray in the name of Jesus
gave you life? Christ, amen.

Formula for bringing forth President Hinckley

good fruit
Thank you, Elder Derrick.
The Lord said to the people in his We shall now be pleased to hear
day, and to us too: "By their fruits ye from Elder Ronald E. Poelman of the
shall know them." (Matt. 7:20.) First Quorum of the Seventy.
"For a good tree bringeth not forth
corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree
bring forth good fruit.

Elder Ronald E. Poelman

Both the gospel of Jesus Christ The gospel and the Church
and the Church of Jesus Christ are true
and divine, and there is an essential As I attempt to describe and com-
relationship between them that is sig- ment upon the essential relationship be-
nificant and very important. Under- tween the gospel and the Church, it is
standing the proper relationship my prayer that a perspective may be
between the gospel and the Church will developed which will enhance the in-
prevent confusion, misplaced priori- fluence of both the gospel and the
ties, and failed expectations and will Church in our individual lives.
lead to the realization of gospel goals The gospel of Jesus Christ is a
through happy, fulfilling participation divine and perfect plan. It is composed
in the Church. Such understanding will of eternal, unchanging principles,
avoid possible disaffection and will re- laws, and ordinances which are uni-
sult in great personal blessings. versally applicable to every individual

regardless of time, place, or cir- A necessary perspective is gained

cumstance. Gospel principles never by studying and pondering the scrip-
change. tures. Reading the scriptures, we learn
The Church of Jesus Christ of the gospel as it is taught by various
Latter-day Saints is the kingdom of prophets in a variety of circumstances,
God on earth, administered by the times, and places. We see the conse-
priesthood of God. The Church has au- quences as the gospel is accepted or
thority to teach correctly the principles rejected by individuals and as its prin-
and doctrines of the gospel and to ad- ciples are applied or not.
minister its essential ordinances. In the scriptures we
discover that
varying institutional forms, proce-
Revealed eternal principles dures, regulations, and ceremonies

were utilized all divinely designed to
The gospel is the divine plan for implement eternal principles. The prac-
personal, individual salvation and exal- tices and procedures change; the prin-
tation. The Church is divinely commis- ciples do not.
sioned to provide the means and Through scripture study we may
resources that implement this plan in learn eternal principles and how to re-
each individual's life. late them to institutional resources. As
Procedures, programs, and poli- we liken the scriptures unto ourselves,
cies are developed within the Church we can better utilize the restored
to help us realize gospel blessings Church to learn, live, and share the
according to our individual capacity gospel of Jesus Christ.
and circumstances. Under divine direc- A favorite scriptural source for me
tion, these policies, programs, and pro- is the Old Testament book of Leviticus.
cedures may be changed from time It is basically a handbook for Hebrew
to time as necessary to fulfill gospel priests and contains many rules, regula-
purposes. tions, and ceremonies which
Underlying every aspect of seem strange and inapplicable to us. It
Church administration and activity are also contains eternal principles of the
the revealed eternal principles con- gospel which are familiar and very
tained in the scriptures. As individually much applicable to everyone.
and collectively we increase our knowl- It is interesting and enlightening to

edge, acceptance, and application of read the nineteenth chapter of Leviti-

gospel principles, we can more effec- cus, noting both the principles and the
tively utilize the Church to make our rules and practices.
lives increasingly gospel centered. In the first two verses we read,
"And the Lord spake unto Moses, say-
Conformity to God's standards ing, Speak unto all the congregation of
the children of Israel" (Leviticus
The eternal principles of the gos- 19: 1-2). Here is the principle of revela-
pel implemented through the divinely tion. God speaks to his children
inspired Church apply to a wide variety through prophets. He does so today.
of individuals in diverse cultures. Continuing, the Lord said to Mo-
Therefore, as we live the gospel and ses, "Say unto them, Ye shall be holy:
participate in the Church, the conform- for I the Lord your God am holy" (Le-
ity we require of ourselves and of others Sermon on
viticus 19:2). Jesus, in the
should be according to God's stan- the Mount, said, "Be ye therefore per-
dards. The orthodoxy upon which we fect,even as your Father which is in
insist must be founded in fundamental heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48).
principles, eternal law, and direction Here is an eternal gospel principle.
given by those authorized in the
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

Eternal principles among Hebrews by what may appear to be simply insti-

tutional requirements of the Church.
There follow other eternal prin- We should obey the command-
ciples, some from the Ten Command- ments and counsel of Church leaders;
ments. Also included are rules and but also through study, through prayer,
programs intended to implement these and by the influence of the Holy Spirit,
principles among the ancient Hebrews we should seek and obtain an individ-
in their particular circumstances. ual, personal witness that the principle
For example, the divinely directed or counsel is correct and divinely in-
responsibility to care for the poor is spired. Then we can give enlightened,
taught. A program is presented, enthusiastic obedience, utilizing the
namely, providing food for the poor by Church as a means through which
leaving the gleanings of the crops and to give allegiance, time, talent, and
not reaping the corners of the fields. other resources without reluctance or
(See Leviticus 19:9-10.) Current pro- resentment.
grams to care for the poor are much
different. The divine law is the same.
Daily harmony between gospel and
Yet another principle underlies both
eternal goals
programs, ancient and modern: those
being assisted are given opportunity to Happy, fulfilling participation in
participate in helping themselves to the the Church results when we relate
extent of their capacity. Church goals, programs, and policies
In verse 1 3 the principle of hon- to gospel principles and to personal
esty is taught, accompanied by a rule eternal goals. When we see the har-
requiring employers to pay employees mony between the the gospel and the
for their work at the end of each Church in our daily lives, we are much
day. Generally, today that rule is not more likely to do the right things for the
necessary. The eternal principle of hon- right reasons. We will exercise self-
esty is implemented by other rules and discipline and righteous initiative
practices. guided by Church leaders and a sense of
Verse 27 contains a rule about per- divine accountability.
sonal grooming. It is clearly not appli- The Church aids us in our effort to
cable to us. However, we also have use our free agency creatively, not to
standards of dress and grooming. Nei- invent our own values, principles, and
ther is an eternal principle; both are interpretations, but to learn and live the
intended to help us implement and eternal truths of the gospel. Gospel liv-
share gospel principles. ing is a process of continuous individ-
The principle of forgiveness is ual renewal and improvement until the
also set forth in the same chapter of person is prepared and qualified to en-
Leviticus, verse 18, concluding with ter comfortably and with confidence
the second great commandment, "Thou into the presence of God.
shalt love thyneighbour as thyself,"
with the added divine imprimatur, "I
Facts, reason, and the Holy Spirit
am the Lord."
My brothers and sisters, by incli-
Personal witness of principles nation, training, and experience most
and practices of my have sought understanding
life I
by the accumulation of facts and the
Every Church member has the op- application of reason. I continue to do
portunity, right, and privilege to re- so. However, that which I know most
ceive a personal witness regarding surely and which has most significantly
gospel principles and Church practices. and positively affected my life I do not
Without such a witness, one may feel know by facts and reason alone, but
confused and perhaps even burdened

rather by the comforting, confirming privilege of our church, and in the

witness of the Holy Spirit. cause of our Redeemer and our God"
By that same Spirit I testify (Alma 61:14). In the name of Jesus
that God
is our Father, that Jesus of Christ, amen.
Nazareth is the Only Begotten of the
Father in the flesh, and that he is the
Savior and Redeemer of all mankind
The choir sang "The Lord Is My
Shepherd" without announcement.
and each of us. Through his atoning
sacrifice, redemption and exaltation are
offered as a free gift to all who will
accept by faith, repentance, and sacred President Hinckley
each of us continue to learn
We have listened to Elder Ronald
E. Poelman of the First Quorum of the
and apply the eternal principles of the
Seventy, followed by the choir singing
gospel, utilizing fully and appropri-
"The Lord Is My Shepherd."
ately the resources of the divine, re-
Elder Boyd K. Packer of the
stored Church.
Council of the Twelve Apostles will be
In the words of the Nephite leader
our concluding speaker.
Pahoran "May [we] rejoice in the great

Elder Boyd K. Packer

It is the Sabbath day, and outside scriptures which bring a balanced
is such a glorious day that all nature knowledge of truth.
seems to bespeak the works of God. I Next: there consistency in
is a
can't refrain from saying with the poet: what the Lord says and what He does,
that is evident in all creation. Nature
O suns and skies and clouds of
can teach valuable lessons about spiri-
tualand doctrinal matters. The Lord
And flowers of June together,
drew lessons from flowers and foxes,
Ye cannot rival for one hour
from seeds and salt, and sparrows and
October's bright blue weather.
(Helen Hunt Jackson, "October's
Fourth: not all that God has said is
Bright Blue Weather.")
in theBible. Other scriptures —
Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and
Doctrine based on convictions Covenants, and the Pearl of Great
I desire to share a few thoughts
Price —have equal validity, and they
sustain one another.
about a basic doctrine of the Church.
Fifth: while much must be taken
What I say is based on these con-
on faith alone, there is individual reve-
lation through which we may know the
First: instruction vital to our salva-
truth. "There is a spirit in man: and the
tion is not hidden in an obscure verse or
inspiration of the Almighty giveth them
phrase in the scriptures. To the con-
understanding" (Job 32:8). What may
trary, essential truths are repeated over
be obscure in the scriptures can be
and over again.
made plain through the gift of the Holy
Second: every verse, whether oft-
Ghost. We can have as full an under-
quoted or obscure, must be measured
standing of spiritual things as we are
against other verses. There are comple-
willing to earn.
mentary and tempering teachings in the
And I add one more conviction:

there is an adversary who has his own

Sunday, October 7 Second Day

channels of spiritual communication. and over again in scripture. These clear

He confuses the careless and prompts examples are from the Bible:
those who serve him to devise decep- "All of you are children of the
tive, counterfeit doctrine, carefully most High" (Psalm 82:6).
contrived to appear genuine. And: "We are the offspring of
1 mention this because now, as God" (Acts 17:29).
always, there are self-appointed Doctrinal truths are interrelated.
spokesmen who scoff at what we be- There is an old saying that if you pick
lieve and misrepresent what we teach. up one end of a stick, you pick up the
other end as well.
Go to his friends If you concede that we are His
children, you must allow that God is
As a young seminary teacher, I our Father.
learned a valuable lesson from our prin-
cipal, Able S. Rich. He told me, "If you God, our Father
reallywant to know what a man is, and
what he believes, do not go to his ene- That, too, is repeated over and

mies. Go to the man himself or to his over again in the scriptures. There are
friends. He does not confide the so many references that I could not
thoughts of his heart to his enemies. His even begin to read them to you.
friends know him best; they know his But I make this point: Christ did
strengths and his weaknesses. They not speak only of the Father, or my
will represent him fairly. His enemies Father; He spoke of your Father, and
will mis represent him." our Father. He even put them together
The doctrine I wish to discuss con- in one sentence, saying, "Your Father,
cerns the nature of man and of God. and your God, and my God" (D&C
88:75; italics added). God is addressed
The question universally in the Christian world as
Father. Were we not commanded to
There is a question in both the Old pray "Our Father which art in heaven"?
and the New Testaments: "What is (Matthew 6:9).
man, that thou art mindful of him? and You may respond, "Every Chris-
the son of man, that thou visitest him?" tian knows that." Perhaps every Chris-
(Psalm 8:4; see also Hebrews 2:5-7). tian does, but so-called Christians, with
The answer is taught most simply the help of clergymen, belittle in most
in the song we sang together at the unchristian ways our teaching that we
intermission of the meeting: are the literal sons and daughters of
Iam a child of God,
Other ideals flow from that great
And He has sent me here,
truth. Once you know that, you know
Has given me an earthly home
that all men are brothers. That realiza-
With parents kind and dear. . . .

tion changes you. Thereafter you can-

I am a child of God, not willingly injure another. You could
Rich blessings are in store; not transgress against them in any way.
If I but learn to do his will
I'll live with him once more. Self-respect
(Sing with Me, B-76.)
That simple, profound doctrine is
Children of God worth knowing for another reason as
well. It brings a feeling of self-worth,
Those lyrics teach a basic doctrine dignity, self-respect. Then self-pity
of the Church. We
are the children of and depression fade away. We then can
God. That doctrine is not hidden away yield to the discipline of a loving Father
in an obscure verse. It is taught over


and accept even the very hard lessons of reptiles, nor "do men gather . . . figs of
life. thistles" (Matthew 7:16).
Christ taught us to be "perfect, In the countless billions of oppor-
even as your Father which is in heaven tunities in the reproduction of living
is perfect" (Matthew 5:48), to take on things, one kind does not beget an-
His attributes, to follow the pattern of other. If a species ever does cross, the
our parentage. offspring cannot reproduce. The pat-
A little girl taught me a profound tern for all life is the pattern of the
lesson on this subject. Surely you are parentage.
not above learning from little children. This is demonstrated in so many
Much of what I know that really matters obvious ways, even an ordinary mind
I have learned from being a father. should understand it. Surely no one
with reverence for God could believe
The chicks that His children evolved from slime or
from reptiles. (Although one can easily
Some years ago I returned home to imagine that those who accept the the-
find our little children were waiting in ory of evolution don't show much en-
the driveway. They had discovered thusiasm for genealogical research!)
some newly hatched chicks under the The theory of evolution, and it is a
manger in the barn. When they reached theory, will have an entirely different
for them, a protective hen rebuffed dimension when the workings of God
them. So they came for reinforcements. in creation are fully revealed.
I soon gathered a handful of little Since every living thing follows
chicks for them to see and touch. the pattern of its parentage, are we to
As our little girl held one of them, suppose that God had some other
I said in a teasing way, "That will make strange pattern in mind for His off-
a nice watchdog when
it grows up, spring? Surely we, His children, are
won't it?" She looked at me quiz- not, in the language of science, a differ-
I didn't know much.
zically, as if ent species than He is?
So I changed my approach: "It
won't be a watchdog, will it?" She Like God
shook her head, "No, Daddy." Then 1
added, "It will be a nice riding horse." What is in error, then, when we
She wrinkled up her nose and gave use the term Godhood to describe the
me that "Oh, Dad!" look. For even ultimate destiny of mankind? may We
a four-year-old knows that a chick now be young in our progression
will not be a dog, nor a horse, nor even juvenile, even infantile, compared with
a turkey. It will be a chicken. It will Him. Nevertheless, in the eternities to
follow the pattern of its parentage. come, if we are worthy, we may be like
She knew that without having had a unto Him, enter His presence, "see as
course in genetics, without a lesson or [we] are seen, and know as [we] are
a lecture. known," and receive a "fulness"
(D&C 76:94).
After their own kind This doctrine not at variance

with the scriptures. Nevertheless, it is

No lesson is more manifest in na- easy to understand why some Chris-
ture than that all living things do as the tians reject it, because it introduces the
Lord commanded in the Creation. They possibility that man may achieve God-
reproduce "after their own kind." (See hood.
Moses 2:12, 24.) They follow the pat-
tern of their parentage. Everyone One God
knows that; every four-year-old knows
that! A bird will not become an animal Their concern centers on certain
nor a fish. A mammal will not beget verses of scripture, for there are many
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

references (at least twenty in the Bible Paul used the plural many and the
alone) which speak of one God. For singular one in the same verse:
example, Ephesians 4:6: There is "one "For though there be that are
God and Father of all." called gods, whether in heaven or in
But if you hold strictly to a too earth, (as there be gods many, and lords
rigid interpretation of those verses, you many,)
create serious theological problems for "But to us there is but one God, the
yourself. Father" (1 Corinthians 8:5-6).
Anyone who believes and teaches
Plural terms of God the Father, and accepts the di-
vinity of Christ, and of the Holy Ghost,
There are many other verses of teaches a plurality of Gods.
scripture, at least an equalnumber in
the Bible, that speak in plural terms of Relying on reason
"lords" and "gods." The first chapter of
Genesis states: When
the early Apostles were
"And God said, Let us make man gone, those who assumed the leader-
in our image, after our likeness" ship of the Church forsook revelation
(Genesis 1:26; italics added). and relied on reason. The idea of three
Such references are found from separate Gods offended them, for it ap-
Genesis to Revelation. (See peared to contravene those scriptures
Revelation 1:6.) which refer to one God.
The strongest one was given by To reconcile that problem, they
Christ Himself when He quoted that took verses here and there and ignored
very clear verse from the Eighty- all else that bears on the subject. They
second Psalm: tried to stir the three ones together into
"Is it not written in your law, / some mysterious kind of a composite
said, Ye are gods? [See Psalm 82:6.] one They came up with creeds which

he called them gods, unto

"If cannot be squared with the scriptures.
whom the word of God came, and the And they were left with a philosophy
scripture cannot be broken; which opposes all we know of creation,
"Say ye of him, whom the Father of the laws of nature. And that, interest-
hath sanctified, and sent into the world, ingly enough, defies the very reason
Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am upon which they came to depend.
the Son of God?" (John 10:34-36; ital- The Apostle Paul understood this
ics added). doctrine and wrote to the Philippians:
The acceptance of this truth does "Let this mind be in you, which
not mean accepting the multiple gods was also in Christ Jesus:
of mythology nor the polytheism of "Who, being in the form of God,
the pagans, which was so roundly thought it not robbery to be equal with
condemned by Isaiah and the other God" (Philippians 2:5-6).
prophets. Lorenzo Snow, a modern Apostle,
There is one God, the Father of wrote a poem to his ancient counterpart
all. This we accept as fundamental Paul, from which I quote only one
doctrine. verse:
There is only one Redeemer, Me-
diator, Savior. This we know. A Son of God, like God to be,
Would not be robbing Deity,
There is one Holy Ghost, a per-
And he who
has this hope within,
sonage of spirit, who completes the
Will purify himself from sin.
(Improvement Era, June 1919,
I have emphasized the word one ,

p. 661.)
in each sentence, but I have used it
three times. Three is plural.

Purity There is only one Christ, one Re-

deemer. We accept the divinity of the
What could inspire one to purity Only Begotten Son of God in the flesh.
and worthiness more than to possess a We accept the promise that we may
spiritual confirmation that we are the become joint heirs with Him. Paul
children of God? What could inspire a wrote to the Romans:
more lofty regard for oneself, or en- "The spirit itself beareth witness
gender more love for mankind? with our spirit, that we are the children
This thought does not fill me with of God:
arrogance. It fills me with over- "And if children, then heirs; heirs
whelming humility. Nor does it spon- of God, and joint-heirs with Christ"
sor any inclination to worship oneself (Romans 8:16-17).
or any man. There are those who mock our be-
The doctrine we teach has no liefs in the most uncharitable ways.
provision for lying or stealing, for por- And we will bear what they do with
nography, immoralities, for child long-suffering, for it does not change
abuse, for abortion, or murder. We are truth. And in their own way they move
bound by the laws of His church, as our work along a little faster. We will
sons and daughters of God, to avoid all send our missionaries abroad to teach
of these and every other unholy or im- that we are the literal sons and daugh-
pure practice. ters of God.
We did not invent this doctrine. We will strive with every exertion
Much ofit was preserved in the Bible
to teach what Christ taught, to live as
as it was revealed to prophets in ancient He endure as He endured.
lived, to
times. And as they foretold, further We began with this question:
light and knowledge was revealed. "What is man that thou art mindful of
With the restoration of the fulness him?" Christ, our Redeemer, our Elder
of the gospel came the Book of Mor- Brother, asked, "What manner of men
mon, Another Testament of Jesus ought ye to be?" And then He an-
Christ. Other revelations were given swered', "Verily I say unto you, even as
and continue to be given, and verses I am" (3 Nephi 27:27).
which seemed to oppose one another I bear solemn witness that Jesus is
have harmony. the Christ, the Only Begotten of the
The Prophet Joseph Smith said, Father in the flesh; that He is our Re-
"It is the first principle of the Gospel to deemer, our Savior; that God is our
know for a certainty the Character of Father. This we know through the gift
God" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph of the Holy Ghost. And I humbly but
Smith , sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt resolutely affirm that we will not, we
Lake City: Deseret Book Company, cannot, stray from this doctrine. On
1938], p. 345). this fundamental truth we will never
And that knowledge is given us. yield! In the name of Jesus Christ,
Literal relationship with God
President Hinckley
The Father is the one true God.
This thing is certain: no one will ever Thank you, Elder Packer. As we
ascend above Him; no one will ever conclude this service, we express ap-
replace Him. Nor will anything ever preciation to the owners and operators
change the relationship that we, His of the many radio and television sta-
literal offspring, have with Him. He is tions and cable systems who have pro-
Elohim, the Father. He is God. Of Him vided facilities as a public service to
there is only one. We revere our Father make the proceedings of this confer-
and our God; we worship Him. ence available to a large audience
throughout many areas of the world.
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

The Tabernacle Choir will sing in

The choir sang "Go Forth into the
closing "Go Forth into the World in
World in Peace."
Peace," following which the benedic-
Bishop H. Burke Peterson offered
tion will be given by Bishop H. Burke
the benediction.
Peterson, and the conference will be
adjourned until two o'clock this after-

FIFTH SESSION participating in these proceedings
by radio, television, and satellite
The fifth and final general session transmission.
of the 154th Semiannual General Con- The Tabernacle Choir, with Jerold
ference commenced at 2:00 p.m. on Ottley and Donald Ripplinger directing
Sunday, October 7, 1984. and John Longhurst at the organ, is
President Ezra Taft Benson, Presi- providing the music for this session.
dent of the Council of the Twelve The choir will begin this service
Apostles, conducted this session. by singing "Turn Your Hearts." The
Music was provided by the Taber- invocation will be offered by Elder
nacle Choir directed by Jerold Ottley Joseph B. Wirthlin, a member of the
and Donald Ripplinger with John First Quorum of the Seventy.
Longhurst at the organ.
President Benson made the fol-
lowing remarks at the outset of the The Tabernacle Choir sang "Turn
meeting: Your Hearts."
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin offered
the invocation.
President Ezra Taft Benson

The First Presidency has asked

that I conduct this concluding session President Benson
of the conference.
We extend our love and blessings The Tabernacle Choir will now
to President Spencer W. Kimball and to sing "Come, Ye Children of the Lord."
President Marion G. Romney, both of Following the singing, we shall hear
whom are in attendance at this session. from Elder David B. Haight, a member
We extend a sincere welcome to of the Council of the Twelve.
all assembled this afternoon in the Tab-
ernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake The choir sang "Come, Ye Chil-
City, Utah, in the fifth and concluding dren of the Lord."
session of the 154th Semiannual Gen- Elder Haight spoke without fur-
eral Conference of The Church of Jesus ther announcement.
Christ of Latter-day Saints. We also
welcome those seated in the Assembly
Hall where Elders Loren C. Dunn and
Derek A. Cuthbert preside.
We send our greetings and bless-
ings to members of the Church and
many friends everywhere who are

Elder David B. Haight

Recently new temples were dedi- cost of forty thousand dollars, has
cated in Sydney, Australia, and in the earned revenues of over six hundred
Philippines. million dollars.
One of the inspired dedicatory It should come as no surprise that

prayers offered by President Gordon B. grand juries have found that 90 percent
Hinckley implored God our Father to of all pornography is dominated by or-
"bless thy saints in their faith . . . [to] ganized crime. Large profits from one
remain true as . . . [a] covenant project become a source of funds for
people . . . , that they shall grow in still larger and more sophisticated en-
wisdom" he continued, "both spiritual terprises as a growing tidal wave of
and temporal . . . [that] they [shall] smut dashes against the weakening bul-
grow in virtue and in knowledge and in warks of morality.
love for thee . . . [and that] the evil de- New technologies that can bless
signs of . . . [thine] enemies be our lives in so many positive ways are
frustrated" (Church News, 30 Sep. also being used to spread pornographic
1984, p. 10). corruption. Video recorders now can
bring to homes great classics of music,
Plague of pornography history, art, and drama. But they also
bring into some of these same homes
It is about the "evil designs of lurid portrayals of debauchery that con-
thine enemies" that I shall speak. I have taminate those who view them and ex-
prayed for spiritual guidance, and that tend their corrupting influence to our
I might be able to communicate to you communities and society.
in a thoughtful manner my frank and Cable television and satellite
candid expressions of concern over the transmissions, with their powerful ca-
spreading of evil in our society today. pacity for good, are not only being
Over the past twenty years a used, but are also being abused. State
plague of pornography has swept and national laws necessary to govern
across most countries of the world with their proper use are not yet established,
increasing momentum and devastating and they are almost totally unregulated.
impact. What began a few years ago as Greedy men have been ready to exploit
a few crude picture magazines that this vacuum in legal regulation without
startled sensitive people has grown to regard for the consequence to its vic-
hundreds of publications, each seeking tims.
to outdo the others with increasingly
shocking content. A controlling habit
So-called "adult" bookstores, sell-
ing materials that appeal to the prurient Some may ask "What is porno-
mind, are now open in nearly every graphy?" It was United States Supreme
city. Obscene materials once available Court Justice Potter Stewart who said
only by mail and in a plain brown wrap- that while he could not exactly define
per now are prominently displayed on pornography, "I know it when I see it,"
the magazine racks of many local con- he said (Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378-U.S.
venience stores and other business es- 184, 1964).
tablishments where they are readily Pornography is not a victimless
accessible to the young and the old crime. Who are its victims? First, those
alike. who either intentionally, or sometimes
Theaters showing X-rated films involuntarily, are exposed toit. Porno-

and worse have become established in graphy is (See Ensign,

most cities. It is reported that one par- March 1984, pp. 32-39.) What may
ticularly offensive movie, filmed at a begin as a curious exploration can be-

Sunday, October 7 Second Da\

come a controlling habit. Studies show . sex perversion,

. . preoccupation . . .

who allow themselves to be-

that those with sex in one's thoughts. [And] . . .

come drawn to pornography soon begin one of the worst of these [sins] is incest
to craveeven coarser content. Contin- . . . [or] sexual [relations] between per-
ued exposure desensitizes the spirit and sons so closely related that they are
can erode the conscience of unwary forbidden by law to marry" (Spencer
people. A
victim becomes a slave to W. Kimball, President Kimball Speaks
carnal thoughts and actions. As the Out [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co.
thought is father to the deed, exposure 1981], p. 6). Incest is an ugly sin, and
can lead to acting out what is nurtured this sin particularly may irreparably
in the mind. damage its innocent victims.

Degrades and exploits Avoid least approach toward evil

But there are other victims. Yet, what impels these offenders
Crimes of violence have increased in to such terrible deeds? Police report
the United States at up to five times the thatsome 80 percent of those who mo-
rate of population growth. A 1983 Uni- lest young boys and girls admitted
versity of New Hampshire study found modeling their attacks on pornography
that states having the highest readership they had viewed.
of pornographic magazines also have How has this evil gained such a
the highestnumber of reported rapes. foothold in our society? Have we ig-
Pornography degrades and exploits nored the warnings of our Church lead-
men, and women, and children in a ers? President Kimball declared: "So
most ugly and corrupt fashion. long as men are corrupt and revel in
Perhaps the greatest tragedy of all sewer filth, entertainers will sell them
is in the lives of children who become what they want. Laws may be passed,
its victims. The saddest trend of our day arrests may be made, lawyers may ar-
is the alarming, large increase in child gue, courts may sentence men of. . .

abuse. Much of it occurs within fami- corrupt minds, but pornography

liesand involves corrupting the divine and . . . insults to decency will never
innocence that children have from cease until men have cleansed their
birth. We sing, as we did this morning, minds."
"I am a child of God, and he has sent Continuing, President Kimball
me here. Lead me, guide me, walk
. . . said, "When . . . [man] is sick and
beside me, help me find the way [that tired of being drowned in filth, ... he
1 might] live with him some day" are will not pay for that filth and its source
part of those words ("I a Child of Am will dry up.
God," Sing with Me, B-76). The Savior "Hence
obvious," he contin-
it is
reserved His harshest condemnation for ued, "that to remain clean and worthy,
those who would offend little children. one must stay positively and conclu-
He said: "Take heed that ye despise not sively away from the devil's territory,
one of these little ones; for it is not . . . avoiding the least approach toward
the will of your Father which is in evil. Satan leaves his fingerprints" (The
heaven, that one of these little ones Miracle of Forgiveness [Salt Lake City:
should perish" (Matthew 18:10, 14). Bookcraft, 1969], pp. 229, 232).
The Lord further commanded:
"Neither commit adultery nor do . . .
Not condoned nor protected
anything like unto it" (D&C 59:6).
"The early apostles and prophets This growing presence of ob-
[warned against] sins that are reprehen- scenity has been aided by the lowering
sible . . . — adultery, . . . infidelity, of media standards for advertising, by
. impurity, inordinate affection,
. . . . . relaxed movie ratings, by television
sexual relations outside of marriage, soap operas and situation comedies that

use their powerful voices to justify, toward citizen apathy and a sense of
glamorize, and encourage sexual rela- futility.
tions outside of marriage. And who to blame? We could

Perhaps we have been intimidated conveniently point the accusing finger

by those who claim that producing, dis- at public prosecutors who are not vigor-
tributing, and using obscene materials ously enforcing the law. But we need
is a basic right to be defended. This is men and women of courage and convic-
not true. Even under the divinely in- tion in these offices of public trust if the
spired constitutional principles of this awful tide is to be stemmed. But as one
land, obscenity is not condoned nor accusing finger is pointing toward
protected. The United States Supreme those who make or enforce the law,
Court has clearly held that criminal another may point to ourselves, who
prosecution of those who produce and may be equally to blame.
distribute obscene materials does not
violate their First Amendment rights. Community standards and
(Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15, concerned citizens
Fortunately,what is deemed le-
Failure to enforce laws gally obscene is partially determined by

local community standards. We as citi-

This spreading evil has been aided zens, by our own standards, are the
by a failure to enforce laws designed to ones who can help establish what offen-
prohibit or regulate it. Although some sive materials are —
which ones are le-
additional legislation may be helpful, gally obscene —and cannot claim
those who have been fighting the dis- protection from the law.
couraging battle against pornography Unfortunately, many people as-
in recent years are in agreement that sume that even hard-core pornography
nearly 90 percent of all obscene materi- is legal because it is so prevalent. But

als could be eliminated from our com- that is not true. Some public prosecut-
munities if existing obscenity laws ors may excuse themselves from seek-
were strictly enforced. A few cour- ing enforcement of obscenity laws by
ageous cities have performed out- explaining that community standards
standing service by ridding themselves determine what is obscene. They there-
of X-rated theaters and so-called fore conclude that because the commu-
"adult" bookstores, and by limiting ac- nity tolerates such material, its
cess to hard-core pornographic books presence must reflect the accepted
and magazines. The citizens of Mt. community standard. Concerned
Lebanon, Pennsylvania, formed a citi- citizens —
you and I —can change this
zen action group and determined that misunderstanding.
they were not going to allow such de- What, then, is needed to reverse
grading material in their community. this ominous insult to ourselves, our
They closed an adult bookshop and a families, and our communities? Only
large distribution warehouse, and, as when men and women concerned for
a result of their determined citizens' their families and communities let their
organization and involvement, they voices and their influence be felt in
have had enacted a city public nuisance thoughtful, rational ways will we alter
ordinance. the destructive course on which we are
traveling. Silent indignation may be
Courage and conviction misinterpreted as approval. Irrational
action may be ineffective because it is
Lawmaking bodies will listen to regarded as prudish rather than
effectively organized citizens. How- thoughtful.
ever, too often the trend is tragically
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

Albert Camus wrote: "By your ac- entertainment that uplifts and edifies
tions or your silence, you, too, enter the the spirit and mind.
May I suggest a few things we Work with like-minded citizens
could do to halt this deadly evil.
Second, let our voices be heard in
Keep free from corrupting —
our communities members and non-
influence members alike. If something offends
standards of decency, our voices
First, let each of us resolve this should be heard. We would encourage
day to keep our minds, our bodies, and members to persevere in their efforts to
our spirits free from the corrupting in- work with local groups and to establish
fluence of pornography, including a visible relationship with other like-
everything that is obscene and inde- minded citizens, and seek to preserve
cent. Let it have no place in our homes, our quality of life by encouraging steps

our minds, or our hearts. The psalmist against such material.

David wrote, "Who shall ascend into Should we not actively approach
the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand the management of some stores, movie
in his holy place? He that hath clean theaters, bookstores, television and ra-
hands, and a pure heart" dio stations, with a request to withdraw
(Psalm 24:3-4). If those who hear my indecent materials from public display
voice have in their possession offensive or use or patronage? Of course, such
materials that should be destroyed, let efforts should be consistent with the
this be the day of decision and action. constitutional process, exercising
If someone listening has been tempted gentle persuasion.
or has thought of, or even considered Some nationally owned and fran-
abusing or offending a child, may he, chised convenience stores and others
this day, confess and repent and forsake have responded to the courteous re-
such evil thoughts or actions. quest of their customers to discontinue
James the Apostle and the brother selling certain degrading materials. We
of our Lord wrote: commend them for what they have
"Blessed is the man that endureth done and would encourage others to
temptation. Let no man say when
. . . follow their lead.
he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for
God cannot be tempted with evil, nei- Support enforcement of laws
ther tempteth he any man"
(James 1:12-13). And third, we can make our own
Parents, discuss with your chil- elected officials and law enforcement
dren of appropriate age, and in sensi- people aware that we support the fair
tive ways, the harmful effects and enforcement of laws prohibiting ob-
addictive nature of such material. Rig- scenity and regulating indecency,
idly monitor the selection of television thank them for their past service and
programs, movies, videocassettes, mu- present efforts, and encourage them to
sic, and other forms of entertainment continue the difficult and sometimes
for your family. Let us never, by pur- thankless task of strictly enforcing the
chasing these damaging materials, con- existing laws in a consistent and fair
tribute to the financial success of those manner.
who deal in this material.
We would encourage you to foster Support enactment of laws and
in your homes a love of knowledge regulations
through uplifting literature; wholesome
books; selective movies and television; And fourth,where legislation is
classical and exemplary popular music; needed to meet new technological ad-
vances in cable and satellite transmis-

sion, let us support the enactment of "well defined, between the Lord's terri-
reasonable laws and regulations that toryand the devil's. If you will stay on
would help reduce the number of those the Lord's side of the line,you will be
whose lives will otherwise become under his influence and will have no
marred by addiction, child abuse, and desire to do wrong; but if you cross to
many of the other socfal ills that porno- the devil's side of the line one inch, you
graphy helps foster. These laws should are in the tempter's power, and if he is
be carefully drawn within constitu- successful, you will not be able to think
tional limitations, so that the freedoms or even reason properly, because you
we seek for ourselves now and in the will have lost the Spirit of the Lord"
future are not denied for others. (The Miracle of Forgiveness, p. 232).
As a man soweth, so shall he reap.
Faith and prayer May we strive to purify our per-
sonal lives, strengthen our homes —and
And fifth, let us exercise our faith not just talk about it, but strengthen our
and prayerfully seek help from God our homes —and recognize the evil forces
Father in this vital task. There are some that are working through insidious
who believe that the pornography in- ways to thwart our eternal progress, I
dustry isout of control, already too humbly pray, as I declare the reality of
powerful to curb. I would disagree with our eternal Father in Heaven and His
this dim view, but recognize the im- beloved Son Jesus Christ, our Savior
mensity of the task before us. know We and Redeemer. In His holy name,
that people of good will, united in such amen.
a worthy cause, where the moral fiber
of our nations may be at stake, and President Benson
aided by divine power, can overcome
any obstacle and meet any challenge to Elder David B. Haight, a member
help our Lord and Savior to bring to of the Council of the Twelve Apostles,
pass the immortality and eternal life of has just spoken to us.
man. We shall now hear from Elder
Hugh W. Pinnock, a member of
Personal morality the First Quorum of the Seventy. He
will be followed by Elder Spencer H.
"There is a line of demarcation," Osborn, also a member of the First
said President George Albert Smith, Quorum of the Seventy.

Elder Hugh W. Pinnock

The Holy Spirit sometimes works huge Protestant congregation. We ex-
upon our minds fervently. We then changed pleasantries and discussed the
know with a sure knowledge which doctrinal subjects on which we could
subject to address. I shall speak of the find benign agreement. Suddenly he in-
inherent necessity of learning more terrupted our conversation by stating,
thoroughly the will of our loving Heav- "You teach one belief with which I
enly Father. could never agree. It is your idea that
'as God is, man may become.' " (See

Be as perfect as your Father History of the Church, 6:302-17.) He

held a well-worn white Bible in his
While serving in Pennsylvania hand. I asked him to turn to Matthew
several years ago, I was pleasantly sur- 5:48. His nimble fingers quickly turned
prised to be visited by a minister of a to that reference, and he read, "Be ye
Sunday. October 7 Second Day

therefore perfect, even as your Father Understand Jesus' teachings

which is in heaven is perfect."
He gasped and then hesitatingly Would a person languish in self-
agreed to man's great potential. We pity and guilt if he understood the
read other scriptures, such as: "And teachings of Jesus: "In my Father's
God said, Let us make man in our im- house are many mansions. ... 1 go to
age, after our likeness" (Genesis 1:26). prepare a place for you" (John 14:2).
He understood, and found a new re- Also, the episode when the Master
spect for our teachings. He left a wiser asked those without sin to cast the first
man, and I felt a renewed gratitude for stone at the woman caught in adultery
the inspiring truths that we understand and then, when they left, asked her,
and teach. "Woman, where are . . . thine ac-
cusers? man condemned
hath no
thee? Neither do I condemn thee:
God's word as our guide . . .

go, and sin no more" (John 8:10-11).

A young woman had almost left Or how could an individual de-
the Church. While I visited the distant fraud his customers, employer, or em-
city where she she asked if we
lived, ployees if he understood thoroughly
could talk for a few minutes, and I Paul's words: "But evil men and seduc-
agreed. She had heard many of the mis- ers shall wax worse and worse, de-
conceptions that our detractors have ceiving, and being deceived"
used to discredit the Church for de- (2 Timothy 3:13). Such an individual
cades. We read from the scriptures for would know that his life will progres-
about an hour together. With relief re- sively become more injured and that he
flected in her eyes, she finally said, "I will lose the spirit of discernment.
have been misled, haven't I?" How could anyone claim that we
I said, "Yes, you have." are not Christian people if they had
She was disappointed with what even a minimal understanding of the
those erring enemies of the Church original Church as described in the
were teaching, but was excited to find New Testament, with baptism for the
herself back thinking clearly again. All dead (see 1 Corinthians 15-29), the
we had done was read from the scrip- Melchizedek Priesthood (see Hebrews
tures together. Confusion and mistakes 5:6, 10), Apostles, prophets, evan-
come when we forget the importance of gelists, and teachers (see
God's word unwavering guide.
as our Ephesians 4:1 1).
A friend asked me several months Or how could an individual com-
ago why so many problems have been mit the heinous crime of child abuse if
plaguing a number of the members of he or she remembered the protecting
the Church recently. 1 hesitatingly an- words of Jesus when he taught, "But
swered, "Well, the last days are surely whoso shall offend one of these little
approaching when even the elect shall ones which believe in me, it were better
be deceived." (See Matthew 24:24.) He for him that a millstone were hanged
looked at me momentarily and said, about his neck, and that he were
"Well, perhaps that might be a little of drowned in the depth of the sea"
it, but I believe the real reason that so (Matthew 18:6).
many are wandering on strange paths is Or would it be possible for a per-
because they do not follow prophetic son to be caught in the subtle humanist
counsel to study the scriptures and at- philosophy that appears to be spreading
tend the classes in Church." everywhere if he thoroughly under-
I have thought of that conversation stood these words of Nephi: "Cursed is
many times. he that putteth his trust in man, or
maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken
unto the precepts of men, save their

precepts shall be given by the power of What can we do to keep ourselves

the Holy Ghost" (2 Nephi 28:31). more in tune doctrinally with our Heav-
Or would our youth show, in some enly Father? There are three simple
instances, almost wholesale disrespect steps:
for parents if they had carefully ana-
lyzed this verse: "Children, obey your Attend Church meetings
parents in all things: for this is well
pleasing unto the Lord" First, attend our Church meet-
(Colossians 3:20). ings. Several years ago we were given
Likewise, would the parents be a meeting schedule that consolidated
more sensitive toward their little ones if formal worship into a three-hour time
they understood the concept taught in frame. To each is given the identical
the very next verse: "Fathers, provoke commodity of 168 hours each week.
not your children to anger, lest they be The knave is given the same amount of
discouraged" (Colossians 3:21.) time as the knight. The scriptural
Or would immorality be running scholar is given the same amount of
rampant if people comprehended those time as the doctrinal dumbo. Yes, for
precious words found in the first letter three hours each week we are asked to
to the Corinthians where we learn that attend our formal Church meetings to
a person who commits fornication sins become familiar with the word of God.
against his own body, which is the This is less than two percent of our
temple of the Holy Ghost, and that our time. Yet too often presidencies hold
bodies are not our own but have been meetings, members visit in the hall-
bought through the sacrifice of Jesus. ways, and leaders interview during this
He bought our bodies and our spirits, precious period. Yes, our leaders
and they belong to God. We surely are would lead better, our counselors
to take care of His possessions. (See would counsel better, and our mem-
1 Corinthians 6:15-20.) bers, by worshiping more studiously,
Or would divorce be used so would be able to cope more enduringly
quickly as a solution to marital differ- and satisfactorily.
ences and frustrations if the loving What better lesson can a bishop,
words of our Heavenly Father as a Relief Society or Young Women
recorded in modern-day scriptures president, a Melchizedek Priesthood
were understood more thoroughly? quorum leader, or stake president teach
"Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy than by being in a Gospel Doctrine
heart, and shalt cleave unto her and class with his or her mate studying
none else. the word of God? Children certainly
"And he looketh upon a
that become more committed to doctrinal
woman to lust after her shall deny the learning when they see their parents
faith, and have the Spirit; and
shall not with scriptures in hand going to Church
if he repents not he shall be cast out" meetings and studying God's word
(D&C 42:22-23). together.

Learn our Father's will Study the scriptures

Too often we forget our teachings Second, study the scriptures with
and doctrine and, by so doing, err to our our family, with other members, and
own injury and those we love the most. with friends, but also search the words
Within the teachings of God are found of God in private contemplation.
the answers to the dilemmas and chal- Search the scriptures as they relate to
lenges of life. The examples are end- our priesthood, Relief Society, Sunday
less, while the solution is fixed; it does School, Young Women, and Primary
not vary. lessons. Study the scriptures for addi-
tional enlightenment on how to be more
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

happy and less frustrated in what only Often the self-control exercised by
too often is at least temporarily a sad our youth under a full moon results
and dreary world. Every four years we from remembering a scripture learned
are guided carefully through all of the in a seminary, priesthood, Sunday
scriptures in the adult curriculum of the School, or Young Women's meeting.
Church. In a lifetime, each member can Often the discipline or total integ-
become a spiritual scriptorian instead rity needed in a business interview or
of remaining a scriptural simpleton. sales situation comes from a principle
How blessed we are to have our four learned through personal scriptural
books of scripture in editions that in- study or from a well-prepared teacher.
clude efficient indexes, chapter head- And how we appreciate and love you
ings, and other study helps such as the teachers in the kingdom!
Topical Guide. So often our single members
Last April I was deeply impressed are able to overcome discomfort, dis-
with the words of Elder J. Thomas tress, and discouragement by making
Fyans when he reported to the First decisions that are based on gospel
Quorum of the Seventy the method he teachings.
and his wife, Helen, use to study the Yes, each of us is in the business
scriptures. Because his stake confer- of managing his own life to be happy
ence assignments kept them from sit- now and forever. We can do so only by
ting together in the Gospel Doctrine learning and doing our Heavenly Fa-
class, learning from the Book of Mor- ther's will.
mon this year, they studied the Sunday Perhaps we would consider a man
School manual together at home, care- or woman foolish if he or she did not
fully marking the scriptures as they claim a rich inheritance. Yet how fool-
went along. They completed their study ish we are if we do not lay claim on the
of the Book of Mormon in just four doctrinal endowment that we have been
months and were looking forward to given.
repeating the experience. May each of us attend our meet-
ings regularly, study and ponder the
Practice what we learn words of God and our prophets dili-
gently, and practice constantly what we
Third, brothers and sisters, we are have learned. These words I leave with
what we learn and teach. To
to practice you in the name of our King, Re-
overcome scriptural stupor, we must deemer, and Master Teacher, Jesus
put what we learn into action. The Christ, amen.
scriptures lived for those who wrote
them; we can make them just as real
Elder Spencer H. Osborn spoke
for us today if we will live by their
without further announcement.

Elder Spencer H. Osborn

Prior to this present calling, 1 medium." I confess that 1 feel a great

served as a counselor to President deal less than medium as I stand here
Marion D. Hanks in the Salt Lake at this pulpit, this spot hallowed by
Temple. The spirit encouraged by him prophets and other great leaders who
for all temple workers was taken from have stood here and proclaimed eternal
a hand-lettered sign on the wall of a truths.
little boys' clubhouse: "Nobody act
big; nobody act little; everybody act


New yoke of service "For my yoke is easy, and my bur-

den is light" (Matthew 11:28-30).
I, with others of my Brethren,
have received a new calling from the Learn of the Lord and be
Lord. My specific assignment is to
serve with Elder A. Theodore Tuttle
and Elder Jacob de Jager in the Presi- Traditionally, and properly, we
dency of the South America South Area consider this beautiful promise of relief
of the Church, with the headquarters in in connection with those without the
Buenos Aires. This area comprises the
great countries of Chile, Argentina, Ur-

kingdom those who have not ac-
cepted the saving and exalting ordi-
uguay, and Paraguay. nances of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I have accepted a new yoke of Very often we use this invitation for
service; this is something that occurs to those within the Church who carry the
thousands of faithful Saints every week heavy burdens of sadness, distress,
the world over —
a new yoke of service. sickness, problems, or sin. May I sug-
gest another vast group of faithful
Carve and sand your yoke Latter-day Saints who receive great
comfort from this scripture. They are
Several months ago, Sister Osborn the workers in the vineyard, those who
and were traveling a narrow road in
I carry the load of service in the Church.
centralLuzon in the Philippines, where There are two excerpts from this
I was serving as a full-time Regional scripture which seem especially appro-
Representative. We
passed a farmer on priate to thisgroup of men and women.
his way to market. He was trotting The first is "Take my yoke upon you,
along, carrying an enormous load of and learn of me." Not only are we to
vegetables and produce hanging from accept responsibilities in the service of
both ends of a wooden yoke carried the Master, but we are to continue our
across his shoulders. I stopped the car
to take his picture. After I snapped the
personal studies the —
process of learning of Jesus Christ and
camera, he lowered his burden in order pondering His ministry, message, and
to visit. I asked my friend if his load atonement. It is sad to note that all too
wasn't really too heavy to carry a great often when we assume a demanding
distance. He replied, "No, it isn't, be- Church assignment our scripture stud-
cause it's balanced." ies are placed in suspension for the du-
"Doesn't that yoke hurt?" I asked. ration. The second segment that applies
"At first it did, but I carved and to us is "For I am meek and lowly in
sanded it with a rough stone, and now heart." Meekness is the key to success
it fits and is comfortable." in the Lord's service. To be meek and
I noticed, also, that he had a small lowly doesn't mean to be timid or
cloth pad that spanned his neck I sup- — afraid, but to besubmissive to the will
pose to cushion the shocks of a rough of the Lord, to be willing to be led by
road. the Spirit and to be teachable.
It wasn't until we drove away that

I thought of the Savior's invitation

Service in the Church
found in Matthew 1 1

"Come unto me, all ye that labour I have found through the years and
and are heavy laden, and I will give you in a series of Church responsibilities
rest. that as long as I balance the load, dele-
"Take my yoke upon you, and gate and shift the burden if it becomes
learn of me; for I am meek and lowly too cumbersome, making sure that
in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your family, business, and other interests
souls. counterbalance my load of duty, it be-
comes light. If the yoke chafes or irri-
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

tates, I whittle or sand it down by learn- yoke. I delight in carrying this burden
ing more about the position and edu- for as long as my duty requires.
cating myself in the work. Then the I know that God lives and re-
yoke becomes comfortable and easy, as sponds to our petition. I know that
the Lord said it would. Of course, the Jesus Christ my
Master, our Savior
cushion or pad that spans the neck is the and Redeemer. I pledge to my Heav-
knowledge we have of the divinity of enly Father and to my Brethren my full
this great latter-day work, our testi- devotion to this present yoke of service,
mony of the gospel. That is what really in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
cushions the shocks and jolts as we
carry our burdens down the rocky road President Benson
of life.
My present yoke chafes a bit right We will now be pleased to hear
now, but I'll keep sanding away until I from Elder Philip T. Sonntag, who also
can communicate better in that beauti- was sustained as a member of the First
ful Spanish language. I rejoice in this Quorum of the Seventy at the April

Elder Philip T. Sonntag

Testimony head of this great church. I sustain him

with all my heart and soul. I sustain
This morning at an early hour, the President Romney and President
telephone rang, and after answering the Hinckley and the Twelve and the other
phone, I heard a little voice say, "I love Brethren. I am honored to sit in council
you, Grandpa. Give a good talk." I with them, to be counted among them,
must confess, brothers and sisters, that and to add my voice as a special witness
I have been restless over this assign- of the divinity of this great work.
ment because perhaps my choice of
words or my inability to express myself
Appreciation for contributions and
or to emphasize the proper things
would not convey the feelings of my
heart. I would like to bear my testimony We have had the privilege of being
to you that I know that God lives. I involved in the South Pacific for the
know that God lives; I know that Jesus past few months. It has been a glorious
Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of privilege to labor with President
the world, the Son of God, the Prince [Robert L.] Simpson and President
of Peace; that Joseph Smith saw what [Devere] Harris in the presidency of
he said he saw, heard what he said he that area, to feel of the faith and the
heard; and that because of the vision of excitement that are taking place in that
the Father and the Son, the kingdom of area of the world.
God has been established upon the face Let me share an experience with
of the earth. This is that kingdom, even you of the faith and the appreciation of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- the Saints in the islands of the sea for
day Saints, the only church upon the the contributions you have made in
face of the earth that bears his author- strengthening and building their lives;
ity. Iknow that the Book of Mormon is for your prayers; for your sons and your
trueand contains a fulness of the gospel daughters, and for the great missionary
of Jesus Christ. couples who have been sent to their
I bear my witness to you that we lands to teach the message of the resto-
have a living prophet standing at the ration. Tears of thanks and of faith and

of love have been shed, expressions of down their cheeks. We walked from the
gratitude given for your sending these docks to a chapel. As we neared the
missionaries to teach them of Jesus building, which is used both for a
Christ and his ways. school and a church, we heard the
voices of children singing in their na-
First chapel for aborigines tive tongue, "We thank thee, O God,
for a prophet, to guide us in these latter
As a result of your great contribu- days" (Hymns, no. 196). We walked
tions, a new chapel is being built far into the chapel humbled. There, filling
away from any civilization, the first the chapel to capacity, were members
one for the aborigine people. It is an of the Church and friends alike gath-
exciting time for them, and for the area ered from around the island to hear the
in the north territories of Australia. It is messages that were to be given.
so exciting that even the Lord Mayor of There was a rich outpouring of the
Darwin is coming to attend the dedica- Spirit, and at the conclusion of the
tion, spending a whole day. Missionary meeting we were invited to the rear of
couples have been busy preparing the the building where a special ceremony
people. One man who owns a sheep of welcome was given to us. It was a
ranch in Australia equal to the size of beautiful service. A representative of
Utah and who was firmly convinced the government was there, and he
that the average native could learn spoke and thanked the Church and Gen-
nothing, came recently to a special eral Authorities for the tremendous
meeting and there he sat as the aborigi- contributions they had made in edu-
nes' young children sang "I Ama Child cating, strengthening, and building the
of God" (Sing with Me, B-76), tears lives of the people. He was not a mem-
streamed down his face, and he said as ber of the Church, but he was touched
he walked out of the meeting, "If I by the Spirit of the Lord. In their great-
hadn't seen it, I never would have be- est tribute, they gave us a huge roasted
lieved it." Faith, strength, kindness pig. They said they would like to lavish
from a people who made this possible. us with gifts, but this was the best they
A great appreciation from a people who had.
could not do what they did without you. They took us to a feast, a table
spread with the finest that the island
Outpouring of the Spirit could produce. After the feast they
picked up the pig, carried it to the ship,
We see on the islands of Tonga and insisted that we take it with us on
some three hundred missionaries, most our journey. We started walking back
of them native young men and women, to the ship. I was walking with the
the young men wearing their white island official and I said, "You would
shirts and ties and their ta'ovalas, the make a wonderful member of the
young sister missionaries dressed in Church." He said, "I am ready. I felt
long dresses, hair in place, their name the Spirit, but just must get rid of a
badges worn proudly, as they go from habit." I reminded him that it was just
home to home in the most humble of as easy to get rid of the habit today as
circumstances to teach the message of it would be tomorrow or next week.
the gospel of Jesus Christ. The glow in And he said, "I'll try; I'll try."
those brown faces as they bear witness
of the divinity of this work stirs the very Blessings of our contributions
souls of men.
We left Ha'apai to go by
boat to a I wonder sometimes if we appreci-

small island where few General Au- ate what the few dollars we give to the
thorities have ever visited. We were Church for building the kingdom does
greeted at the dock by the Saints. They for others. When I think of the great
embraced us and tears flowed freely tithing contributions and other contri-
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

butions that go to bless that land, when President Benson

I look at the homes that have been built

because of the welfare program after Elder Philip T. Sonntag, a mem-

their island was devastated because of ber of the First Quorum of the Seventy,
a hurricane, my heart is filled with joy has just addressed us.
for a people who love the Lord, who are The choir and congregation will
willing to give of their own means for now join in singing "Shall the Youth of
the furthering of the kingdom of God. Zion Falter?," following which Elder
God bless you, my dear brothers John H. Groberg, a member of the First
and sisters, as you go forth in this great Quorum of the Seventy will address us.
work, that you will remember who you
are and give freely and cheerfully of
The choir and congregation sang
that which our Heavenly Father has
"Shall the Youth of Zion Falter?"
given to you, that your testimony by Elder John H. Groberg spoke
your faith will bear witness to all the without further announcement.
world that this work is true, in the name
of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder John H. Groberg

How pray for the Spirit of the

I Modern civilization has come in
Lord to continue to be with all of us, as many ways to Tonga. If one goes to the
it has been thus far. capital of Nuku'alofa on a weekday, he
The injunction from God to finds the usual heavy traffic of trucks
"remember the sabbath day, to keep it and cars and the bustle of thousands of
holy" (Exodus 20:8) has been in force shoppers making their regular pur-
throughout human history. There is chases from well-stocked stores and
power in keeping the Sabbath day holy. markets. One sees people line up to
I testify that God lives, that we are his view the latest movies and to rent
children, that he loves us, and that he videos. One can watch modern buses
gives us commandments so he can bless whisk tourists off to catch their jet
us as we keep them and thereby have planes, or observe the speed and clarity
joy. As we keep the Sabbath day holy of a satellite call to the United States.
he will bless us, and we will achieve a The crowded and business is
streets are
quiet power for good as individuals, as good. You might wonder, "What is so
families, and as nations, that we cannot different about this town from hundreds
obtain in any other way. of others like it throughout the world?"
Let me give two examples: But when Sunday dawns on the
kingdom of Tonga, a transformation
Tonga — first to greet Sabbath takes place. If one goes downtown, he
sees deserted streets — no taxis or buses
The small island kingdom of or crowds of people. All the stores, all
Tonga lies immediately next to the in- the markets, all the movie theaters, all
ternational date line, so it is the first the offices are closed. No planes fly, no
country in the world to greet the Sab- ships come in or out, no commerce
bath day. It is a small country and, in takes place. No games are played. The
the counting of the world, a poor coun- people go to church. Tonga is remem-
try. But years ago a wise Tongan king bering to keep the Sabbath day holy.
decreed that the Sabbath would be kept It is significant that the first coun-

holy in Tonga forever. try in the world to greet the holy Sab-
bath keeps the Sabbath holy.


Has the Lord blessed them? that peaceful green valley. I marveled
Maybe the world cannot see his bless- at the temple in Logan —
such a serene,
ings, but in the ways that really count, peaceful beacon in so many ways. As
he has blessed them abundantly. He has I continued north on that clear summer
blessed them with the gospel of Jesus day, I was impressed with the green
Christ, and a larger percentage of the fields so rich with a variety of crops. I
population there belongs to the Church particularly noticed the great number of
than in any other country. alfalfa fields and the constant activity in
Simple, well-kept chapels dot the nearly all of them. What a pleasing
land. Clean, smiling local missionaries sensation it was to smell that freshly
are found everywhere. A
beautiful, ex- mown hay and to see the straight rows
ceptionally well-attended temple and the orderly cutting of those
stands inTonga in fulfillment of prom- meticulously groomed fields.
ises made years and ages ago. And, as I pulled the car over to the side of

would be expected, their attendance at the road at the top of one of the hills and
meetings and faithfulness in tithing are got out. I found myself absorbed right
very near the top. Recently the Saints into that beautiful valley. As far as I

have been blessed with some fairly in- could see was a whole panorama of the
tense opposition that is having the ef- same hay
activity in every direction —
fect of further sanctifying the true being mowedand stacked and hauled.
seekers of eternal life. I finally drove on to the stake

Does the Lord love and bless those where we had a wonderful conference.
who keep the Sabbath day holy? I tes- Myparents live in southeast
tify that he does in eternally meaningful Idaho, and since I was already more
ways. I further testify that when we than halfway there, I decided to drive
eventually see things through the up Sunday afternoon to visit them be-
proper perspective of eternal truth, we fore returning home.
will be amazed at how much we were So, after conference I started north
blessed in important though often — through the rest of Cache Valley.

unperceived ways through keeping Within a few miles 1 was in Idaho, but
the Sabbath holy; and to our sorrow we the scenery and feeling were just the
may sense how many blessings we kept same. I again became absorbed in the
from ourselves by not consistently beauty of the green fields and the smell
keeping the Sabbath day holy. of fresh hay all around. Again, I
There is a direct correlation be- stopped at the top of one of the hills and
tween the proper observance of the got out and looked as far as I could in
Sabbath and true reverence for God, all directions. It was just as beautiful

which includes obedience to his other if not more so —

than the day before.
commandments. "Yes, even more beautiful," I thought,
We can't all live in Tonga,
but we "but why?" The sun and sky and the
can all keep the Sabbath day holy and clouds and the fields were all the same.
receive the blessings that come Why this deep feeling that this sight this

therefrom and they come to us wher- Sunday afternoon was even more beau-
ever we live, personally as well as col- tiful than the day before?
lectively. What was the difference? I noticed
Let me give another example from in the distance a small LDS chapel and
these very valleys: a few cars starting to pull up to it. Then
it struck me, rather peacefully but very
Cache Valley —you did it! effectively:
No one is
is the difference.
or hauling hay to-
Some time ago I was assigned to day." I looked I could and saw
as far as
a conference in northern Utah in June. hay fields everywhere, tractors
As drove through Cache Valley on
I stopped, mowing machines idle, and
Saturday, I was struck by the beauty of trucks resting in the fields, but no one

Sunday. October 7 Second Day

working —
for it was the Sabbath and Even though I didn't hear any-
this was Cache Valley and these were thing, it was as though I sensed a re-

largely good Latter-day Saint people. sponse saying, "Yes, we know. We see
As I continued north, I saw every- everything."
where hay to be cut and stacked and I had such a joyful feeling
hauled and equipment and weather almost ecstasy —
as I drove north to a
to do it, but no man or woman in wonderful meeting with my parents be-
the fields. The people of this valley fore returning home.
were observing a higher law, and the For some time after that, I
Sabbath was being kept holy in Cache couldn't get that Sunday afternoon off
Valley. my mind. I kept feeling, "You have
I went by dozens, even hundreds, observed and witnessed something
of farms with machines waiting in the very special, something truly signifi-
fields —left Saturday evening by God- cant: an entire valley keeping His Sab-
fearingmen waiting for Monday to bath holy."
come and the whine of activity to re- It caused me deep reflection then

sume. 1 wondered to myself, "Will and many times since, but like so many
someone break this spell, will someone things it was moved further and further

be out working?"
in his fields to the back of my mind with the press
Each time I rounded a corner or of many current problems. Winter
came to the top of a hill, I would look came, and for all intents and purposes
and look and then breathe a sigh of it slipped from my conscious memory.
relief —no one working.
I went farther and farther north, Power in keeping Sabbath holy
realizing I was near the end of this
beautiful valley. "Would anyone break Icontinued to travel each weekend
the spell? Could it be a whole valley so to various parts of the world. Many
dedicated to God that no one would months later, I was assigned to a con-
work on the Sabbath?" The suspense ference in a city noted for its particu-
became almost unbearable. Each curve larly flagrant violations of God's laws.
I rounded or each hill I came over found The Saints there were wonderful, but
me looking in almost fearful anticipa- oh, the decadence and debauchery that
tion, then smiling as the same peaceful seemed to be all around them.
scene continued. As I returned from the especially
came to the last curve and
Finally I hectic weekend, I began reading in the
the confluence with the main road that scriptures. I thought about Sodom and
marked the end of Cache Valley. I Gomorrah. Could they have been much
looked and looked, but all was peaceful more wicked than this? And yet the
and quiet. I was so excited, I pulled the Lord promised to spare them for fifty
car over, got out, and in almost a righteous souls —
or even down to ten
Toyota-like jump I raised my hands and but they were not found.
shouted, "You did it, Cache Valley. I let my imagination go and
You did it! I have traversed your seemed to see a band of destroying an-
length. You didn't know I was looking, gels loosed from heaven —

but you did it not one field being across the land. And even before I had
mowed, not one tractor at work, not time to think about the situation, I
one truck hauling You did it " (1 recog-

. seemed to see myself standing in front

nize that 1 had been through only the of these determined destroyers, declar-
northern end of the valley that Sunday, ing, "Hold, hold, hold"; and they held.
but it was still Cache Valley.) "Go back," I said: and their horses
I instinctively looked heavenward reared, their eyes flashing in im-
and said, "Did you see that? Did you patience. The destroyers' anxiousness
see Cache Valley this Sunday after- showed, but they held.


The leader looked me squarely in Oh, my dear brothers and sisters,

the eye and challenged, "By what right there is power in keeping the Sabbath
do you ask us to hold? Have you not
seen the evil of the land?"
day holy —
as ourselves. If
power to help others as well
we would have God's
I replied, "Yes, I know of the sor- blessings and protection as individuals,
didness of the world. I see the constant as families, as communities, and as na-
mocking of God's laws, the merchan- tions, we must keep His Sabbath day
dising on his holy day, the constant holy.
breaking of his commandments. I see May we all live that someday,
the evil that exists almost universally. someway, somewhere, somehow, as
Yes, yes, all these things are true, we face that which is very serious, we
still ..." Then became concerned.
I may be able to say, "Hold, hold, hold";
What right had I to ask them to hold? and, when challenged as to why (even
My eyes began to fall from his —
by ourselves), be able through obedi-
penetrating gaze, but something inside ence and the confidence of the Spirit
kept searching, searching, until finally to say in our own way, "For I have been
a laserlike beam locked onto a misty through Cache Valley on a Sunday af-
memory made many months ago and ternoon," I do humbly pray in the name
faithfully filed away for such a time as of our Savior, who lives. I know he
this. A vista of a beautiful
green valley lives, even Jesus Christ, amen.
passed before me and moved to the
front of my consciousness. President Benson
I raised my eyes and met his as he

again said, "What right do you have to There's a vacancy up there in

ask us to hold?" Cache Valley in the Chamber of Com-
Then with the confidence of sure merce; I think they have a good sup-

knowledge and spiritual direction, 1 re- porter. Elder John H. Groberg, a

plied, "You must hold, for you see, I member of the First Quorum of the Sev-
have been through Cache Valley on a enty, has just spoken to us.
Sunday afternoon." Elder Bruce R. McConkie, a
There was no hesitation, no anger, member of the Council of the Twelve
no look of surprise, no disappointment, Apostles, will now address us.
only obedience; and he turned and re-
joined his group, and they left.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie

Examine yourselves ye be in the faith; prove your own
selves" (2 Corinthians 13:5).
propose some simple tests that all
I And we may well ask ourselves:
of us take to determine if we are
may Do we believe all of the doctrines of
true to the faith.They consist of a few salvation? Are we keeping the com-
basic questions, all of which must be mandments? Are we valiant in the
answered correctly in order to gain the cause of truth and righteousness? Will
full blessings of the gospel in this life we be saved in the kingdom of God?
and inherit eternal life in the realms From among many questions that
ahead. all of us must one day answer, let me
Our well-beloved brother Paul, an test you on these:
Apostle of old, counsels us in these
words: "Examine yourselves, whether
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

Worship only true God? By his fall, Adam introduced tem-

poral and spiritual death into the world
Test one: Do I worship the only and caused this earth life to become a
true and living God? probationary estate.
There no salvation in worship-

ing a false god neither a cow; nor a
Believe in atonement of
crocodile; nor a cedar post; nor even a
Jesus Christ?
spirit essence, without body, parts, or
passions, that fills the immensity of Test three: Do I believe in the
space. atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ?
True believers worship that Holy As to this question, I give my own
Being who "made heaven, and earth, personal answer. It is:
and the sea, and the fountains of I know that my Redeemer lives;
waters" (Revelation 14:7). with Job I testify.What though the rav-
He is the Father of spirits with ages of disease destroy my body; what
whom we dwelt before the foundations though I am slain by the sword of
of the earth were laid. He is our Father
in Heaven, who ordained and estab-
death — yet I know that he who bought
me with his blood shall soon reign on
lished a plan of salvation by which his earth and that "in my flesh shall I see
spirit children might advance and God" (Job 19:26; see also verse 25).
progress and become like him. I am a witness that he was lifted up
He is a Holy Man, a personage of upon the cross of Calvary; that he was
tabernacle, having a body of flesh and crucified, died, and rose again the third
bones; and he created mortal man in his day; that he ascended into heaven,
own image, "male and female created where, sitting on the right hand of God,
he them" (Genesis 1:27). the Father Almighty, he now reigns in
He is a glorified and exalted being everlasting glory; and that he will soon
in whom all fulness and perfection come again among the sons of men.
dwell, who knows all things and has all I know that he is the one Mediator
power, all might, and all dominion. between God and man; that he brings to
pass the immortality and eternal life of
Believe in fall of Adam? man; that his is a ministry of recon-
ciliation whereby fallen man can be
Test two: Do I believe in the fall of reconciled with his Maker.
Adam? I know that salvation is in Christ
There is no salvation in a system and that only by faith in his name can
of religion that rejects the doctrine of we hope for the riches of eternity.
the Fall or that assumes man is the end He is my Brother and Friend, but
product of evolution and so was not he is more. He is my Lord, my God,
subject to a fall. and my King, whom I worship in the
True believers know that this earth full majesty of his Godhead and who
and man andall forms of life were cre- will continue to be my Savior, my Re-
ated in an Edenic, or paradisiacal, state deemer, and my God through all the
in which there was no mortality, no eternities that lie ahead.
procreation, no death.
In that primeval day Adam and
Accept the plan of salvation?
Eve were "in a state of innocence, hav-
ing no joy, for they knew no misery; Test four: Do I accept the true
doing no good, for they knew no sin" plan of salvation ?
(2 Nephi 2:23). As there is only one God and one
But in the providences of the Savior, so there is only one salvation,
Lord, "Adam fell that men might be; one strait and narrow path leading to
and men are, that they might have joy" eternal life, one way in which the grace
(2 Nephi 2:25).


of God can be poured out upon us mor- forming to a false plan of salvation, or
tals in full measure. through membership in a false church.
To gain salvation all men every-
where must have faith in the Lord Jesus

Truth pure, diamond truth
truth unmixed with error, truth and
Christ. They must repent of their sins truth alone can lead a soul to salvation.
and be baptized by a legal administrator
who has power to seal on earth and in Honor Joseph Smith as prophet of
heaven. They must receive the gift of the Restoration?
the Holy Ghost, be sanctified by the
power of the Spirit, and keep the com- Test seven: Dohonor Joseph
mandments of God all their days. Smith as the great prophet of the Resto-
Believe the restored gospel? In the days of Jesus, wicked and
evil men separated themselves from the
Test five: Do
believe the gospel
I true Christians by defaming the name
as it has been restored in this final of Jesus and cursing him as a false
dispensation of grace? prophet.
Be it known to all men, let it be In our day the same approach is

proclaimed by the very trump of God, made by ill-disposed persons to the

let angelic choirs sing of its wonders name of Joseph Smith. The way men
and glory, let all the hosts of men stand feel about him and his prophetic suc-
in awe as the voice from heaven de- cessors divides true believers from
clares that God has in these last days those who serve another master.
restored the fulness of his everlasting Unto Joseph Smith, seer of latter
gospel. days, the Lord of Heaven spoke these
Let every eye see, every ear hear, words: "The ends of the earth shall in-
every heart be penetrated for the — quire after thy name, and fools shall
voice of God is heard again. Angels have thee in derision, and hell shall
again are coming from the courts of rage against thee;
glory to declare eternal truths to mortal "While the pure in heart, and the
men. The gift of the Holy Ghost is wise, and the noble, and the virtuous,
being poured out upon the faithful, and shall seek counsel, and authority, and
thousands again shout praises to the blessings constantly from under thy
Holy One of Israel. hand" (D&C 122:1-2).
Hear it, all ye ends of the earth. Why will it ever be thus? Because
God has spoken; the heavens have been Joseph Smith is the restorer of the
opened; we have his gospel; keys and knowledge of Christ and of salvation;
powers are again vested in men; and all because he translated the Book of Mor-
men are invited to come, without mon, which contains the fulness of the
money and without price, and feast gospel; because he received revelations
upon the good word of" God, for salva- as numerous and glorious as those
tion is free. given to Moses and Isaiah; because an-
gelic ministrants gave him keys and
Faithful member of true Church? powers and priesthoods, which enabled
him and his successors to bind on earth
Test six: Am I a faithful member of and have their acts sealed everlastingly
the true Church? in the heavens —
all these are but a few
Am I keeping the commandments of the reasons why we honor the name
of God? Do I love and serve him with of Joseph Smith.
all my heart, might, mind, and I, for one, want to seek counsel,

strength? and authority, and blessings constantly

There is no such thing as gaining from the hands of such a man!
salvation from a false god, or by con-
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

Enduring to the end? The kingdom of God on earth is

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
Test eight: Am enduring to the
I day Saints, which prepares men for an
end, growing in grace, and gaining the inheritance in the kingdom of God in
attributes of godliness? heaven, which is the celestial kingdom.
That is to say: Am I growing in When we put first in our lives the
faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, things of God's kingdom, we are
patience, godliness, brotherly kind- speaking of the earthly kingdom which
ness, and charity —
as Peter exhorted? prepares us for the heavenly kingdom.
(See 2 Peter 1:5-7.) With us, in this life and in the life
Am 1 working out my salvation to come, it is and should be the king-
with fear and trembling before the dom of God or nothing.

Lord as Paul counseled? (See Philip- This kingdom of God, both in time
pians 2:12.) and in eternity, is governed by the spirit
Am I walking in the light, as God of inspiration. It always sends forth
is in the light, enjoying fellowship with the mind and will of the Lord, whether
the Saints, so that "the blood of Jesus by his own voice or by the voice
Christ his Son" will cleanse me from all of his servants it is the same. (See
sin —as John promised? (See D&C 1:38.)
1 John 1:7.) On every issue it behooves us to
Am pressing forward "with a
I determine what the Lord would have us
steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect do and what counsel he has given
brightness of hope, and a love of God through the appointed officers of his
and ofall men, feasting upon the
. . .
kingdom on earth.
word of Christ" and enduring to the No true Latter-day Saint will ever
end —
as Nephi taught? (See 2 Nephi take a stand that is in opposition to what
31:20.) the Lord has revealed to those who di-
Do I have a special and holy love rect the affairs of his earthly kingdom.
for the Saints, thus identifying me as a No Latter-day Saint who is true
true disciple —according to the word of and faithful in all things will ever pur-
the Lord Jesus? (See John 13:35.) sue a course, or espouse a cause, or
publish an article or book that weakens
Put God's kingdom first? or destroys faith.
There is, in fact, no such thing as
Test nine: Do I put first in my life neutrality where the gospel is con-
the things of God's kingdom? Is it with cerned.
me and mine the kingdom of God or Jesus said: "He that is not with
nothing? me is against me; and he that gathered
President Brigham Young —of not with me scattereth abroad"
blessed memory who now reigns in (Matthew 12:30).
heavenly courts —devised this rallying And it was Jacob who said: "They
cry: "The Kingdom of God or nothing" who are not for me are against me, saith
(Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. our God" (2 Nephi 10:16).
John A. Widtsoe [Salt Lake City: Des- If we do not sustain and uphold
eret Book Co., 1941], p. 444; see also and support the kingdom of God in all
Journal of Discourses, 11:249). things, we are thereby aiding a cause
It was echoed by his associates other than the Lord's.
and might well be revived among us. Only the valiant are saved. Mem-
A wise cleric of a former day bers of the Church who are not valiant
leaves us this counsel: "If you have not in the testimony of Jesus, not valiant in
chosen the kingdom of God first, it will the cause of Christ, not valiant in de-
in the end make no difference what you fense of his prophets and in preaching
have chosen instead." his word are not heirs of the celestial

Living to be saved in kingdom Ahead is the celestial city, the

of God? eternal Zion of our God, where all who
maintain their position in the caravan
Test ten: Am I so living that 1 will shall find food and drink and rest.
be saved in the kingdom of God? Thank God that the caravan moves on!
This is our goal and aim and pur- In the name of the Lord Jesus
pose in life. Everything we do should Christ, amen.
please the Lord and further our
strivings for salvation.
President Benson
And, the Lord be praised, there
comes a time in the lives of faithful We have just heard from Elder
Saints when, having kept the faith and Bruce R. McConkie, a member of the
been true and faithful at all hazards, the Council of Twelve Apostles.
Lord says to them: Thou shalt be ex- Before hearing President
alted. Hinckley's concluding remarks, we
These, then, are a few of the many should like to express, on behalf of all
tests of true discipleship. who have listened to the singing during
sessions of this general conference,
The caravan moves on deep appreciation and our sincere grati-
tude to the Tabernacle Choir and Mor-
Now, I have what every true dis- mon Youth Chorus and to their
ciple has. It is called the testimony of conductors and organists.
Jesus. In our day it includes the re- We thank our city officials for the
vealed knowledge that the earthly cooperation given this conference; the
kingdom —
The Church of Jesus Christ Relief Society and Church Health Unit
of Latter-day Saints — will triumph. In nurses, who have been on hand to ren-
this connection may I set before you der service throughout the conference;
this illustration: and the ushers and interpreters.
The Church is like a great We express appreciation to the lo-

caravan organized, prepared, follow- cal and national press representatives
ing an appointed course, with its cap- for the coverage given to the confer-
tains of tens and captains of hundreds ence and to the owners and managers of
all in place. the many radio and television stations
Whatdoes it matter if a few bark- and cable systems who have given pub-
ing dogs snap at the heels of the weary lic service time to carry sessions of this
travelers? Or that predators claim those conference in many foreign countries.
few who fall by the way? The caravan We shall now be pleased to listen
moves on. to President Gordon B. Hinckley, Sec-
Is there a ravine to cross, a miry ond Counselor in the First Presidency,
mud hole to pull through, a steep grade who will be the concluding speaker of
to climb? So be it. The oxen are strong the conference, after which the Taber-
and the teamsters wise. The caravan nacle Choir will sing 'Abide with Me;
moves on. 'Tis Eventide."
Are there storms that rage along The benediction will be offered by
the way, floods that wash away the Elder Franklin D. Richards, a member
bridges, deserts to cross, and rivers to of the First Quorum of the Seventy.
ford? Such is life in this fallen sphere. This conference will then stand
The caravan moves on. adjourned for six months.
Sunday, October 7 Second Day

President Gordon B. Hinckley

Live the gospel combine itself against this work of our
God, to retard its onward progress from
My brothers and sisters, this has this time forward until the full con-
been a glorious conference. Only one
thing has been lacking, and that is to
summation will be achieved —
that is, if
the Latter-day Saints themselves are
have heard from the President of the faithful to God, they will keep the
Church, the prophet of the Lord. I wish commandments of God, if they will
that President Kimball might have been sanctify themselves and cleanse them-
able to speak to us. We love him. We selves from sin, and live pure and holy
pray for him. He would have me con- lives. If they will do this, then the suc-
vey his love and blessing to each of cess and the triumph and the continued
you. growth and advancement of this
We have likewise missed the kingdom ... are assured unto us as a
counsel of President Romney. These people. There is no doubt of it. I say in
our Brethren have each reached an ad- the name of Jesus Christ, that it will be
vanced age. Our hearts go out to them. so" (Journal of Discourses, 25:325).
We pray that the Lord will bless them
and comfort and sustain them accord-
Unity and loyalty among General
ing to his all-wise program. His wis-
dom exceeds that of any man. He is
working his grand design with refer- appreciate what has been said by
ence to his purposes and his kingdom. all who have spoken in this conference.
If our leaders could have spoken to I want to assure you, as I have assured
us, I am confident they would have you in the past, that there is unity in the
said, "Live the gospel." That is the leadership of the Church. There is not
greatest challenge we face. It is a the slightest divisiveness among the
simple declaration, but encompassed in General Authorities. There is a great
those few words is a mandate applica-
ble to each of us. It concerns our home
sense of loyalty among them —
to you, loyalty to one another, loyalty
and family life. It concerns our daily to this cause, loyalty to God and his
work. It concerns our activities and re- Eternal Son.
sponsibilities as men and women, I love these my Brethren. Not one
brothers and sisters, in The Church of of them has ever hesitated to respond to
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As any call that was made upon him. They
we return to our homes, let us resolve have been willing to travel over land
within our hearts to more fully live the and sea, in sunshine or storm, to ac-
gospel. complish any task asked of them. They
have lived up to the solemn charge
No power will retard progress given each at the time of his call to —
put the interests of the kingdom of God
One hundred years ago at the Oc- ahead of all other interests.
tober 1884 conference, in this same
Tabernacle, George Q. Cannon, Coun-
Local leaders called by revelation
selor in the First Presidency, standing
where I now stand, said to those here I can say the same of members of
assembled: stake presidencies and bishoprics, Re-
"If I could speak so that the whole gional Representatives, mission presi-
world would hear the utterance I would dents, and many others. It is a
like to sound it in the ears of all mortal constantly unfolding miracle to me to

men that there is no power that will witness the faithfulness of these men
ever be permitted to array itself, or to

who have been appointed as local counseling those for whom they have
Church leaders. responsibility.
I want to assure you that they have Even President Kimball were in

been called by the spirit of prophecy good health and vigorous, there is no
and revelation. They have been set way that he could deal with all of the
apart by those who are in authority to do personal problems of the people and
so. They have been blessed with judg- still carry the tremendous adminis-
ment and understanding, with discern- trative load which is attached to his
ment and inspiration. office. If bishops and stake presidents
do not know the answers to problems
Take problems to local leaders which come to them, then they may
properly write to the Presidency of the
I urge the people of the Church, Church. That is the order of things, my
wherever you may be, when you are brethren and sisters, and there is great
faced with problems, first to try to solve wisdom in it.

those problems yourselves. Think

about them, study alternatives avail- Cultivate a spirit of gladness
able to you, pray about them, and look
to the Lord for direction. If you are Now a final word. Enjoy your
unable to settle them yourselves, then membership in the Church. Where else
talk with your bishop or branch presi- in all the world can you find such a
dent. He is a man of God, called under society? Enjoy your activity. When 1
the authority of the holy priesthood as was a missionary in London fifty years
the shepherd of the flock. ago, my companion and I would shake
So very many letters come ad- hands in the morning and say to one
dressed to President Kimball asking for another, "Life is good." Life in the ser-
counsel and advice on personal prob- vice of the Lord is good. It is beautiful.
lems. Most of the questions raised It is rewarding.
could be settled by the individuals Be happy in that which you do.
themselves, and most certainly in coun- Cultivate a spirit of gladness in your
seling with their bishops or stake presi- homes. Subdue and overcome all ele-
dents, who best know the members of ments of anger, impatience, and unbe-
their wards and stakes. These brethren coming talk one to another. Let the
are close to the people.It is my obser- light of the gospel shine in your faces
vation that they are willing to give of wherever you go and in whatever vou
their time unselfishly to listen to the do.
troubles of those for whom they are God be with you, my beloved
responsible. They are willing to fast brethren and sisters. May he smile with
and to pray in seeking solutions. favor upon you as you walk in obedi-
It is so much better that you con- ence to his commandments.
sult with these your local brethren I add my testimony to the many

rather than that you write to the General that have been borne in this conference.
Authorities of the Church, who, in I know that God our Eternal Father

many instances, will simply refer lives, the Father of the spirits of all
your query back to your bishop or men. Jesus is the Christ, the Anointed
stake president. Such referral will not One, the Only Begotten of the Father in
come of an unwillingness to take the flesh, our Savior and our Re-
the time to assist those in trouble. It deemer, who gave his life as a vicarious
will be prompted by an established sacrifice for each of us.
procedure in the Church that we should Joseph Smith was and is a
look to our local leaders for counsel, prophet. We have a prophet among us
those who know us best. They are en- at this time. This is the Church of Jesus
titled to inspiration from the Lord in Christ, restored in this dispensation for
the blessing of our Father's children.

Saturday, September 29, 1984

I leave with you my love and , .

llAU . , ...
The cho* sang with Me;
blessing and that of each of my Breth-
ren in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

™ 1

D Richards of_
fered the benediction.


With the theme "Striving To- laday Utah Region and talks by Presi-
gether," a general women's meeting dent Gordon B. Hinckley of the First
was held Saturday evening, September Presidency, Elder Dean L. Larsen of
29, 1984, in the Tabernacle in Salt the Presidency of the First Quorum of
Lake City, Utah. Latter-day Saint the Seventy, and the general presidents
women and girls ten years of age and of the Primary, Young Women, and
older met in the Tabernacle and Assem- Relief Society.
bly Hall on Temple Square and gath- President Gordon B. Hinckley,
ered in meetinghouses to view the Second Counselor in the First Presi-
proceedings by television and satellite dency, gave the following talk at that
coverage. The program included music meeting.
by a women's chorus from the Hol-

President Gordon B. Hinckley

a wonderful thing it is that, presides over an organization of more
although we are separated into perhaps than a quarter of a million young
some nine hundred different congrega- women, and that Sister Winder pre-
tions, we are met together with one sides over an organization of more than
mind, with one heart, and with one a million and a half mature women
desire. That desire, I am confident, is the oldest continuously operating orga-
that each of us shall be lifted to a higher nization of women in our nation, if not
plane of thought and living. in the entire world.
I also introduced these gentlemen
Associates with their brethren to the members of the Council of the
Twelve and to the Presiding Bishop.
Wewere recently honored with We all sat together, men and women,
visits the Church Administration
to officers of The Church of Jesus Christ
Building, on two consecutive days, of of Latter-day Saints, meeting in the
Ronald Reagan, President of the United council room of the First Presidency.
States, and Walter Mondale, who is Women in the Church are asso-
campaigning for the presidency. It was ciates with their brethren in carrying
my opportunity on these occasions to forward this mighty work of the Lord.
introduce each of these distinguished It is no small thing that there are en-
gentlemen to Sister Young, to Sister rolled in these organizations, presided
Kapp, and to Sister Winder. In each over by women, some two and a half
instance I indicated that Sister Young million members.
presides over an organization of more
than 650,000 children, that Sister Kapp

Associate role to priesthood "Let your conversation be as it be-

cometh the gospel of Christ." That is a
Columnists and reporters for the tremendously compelling injunction
media have occasionally tried to paint given to each of us. 1 recommend those
a picture in which women of the Church words as a personal motto. May 1 sug-
are demeaned and placed in a status of gest that you type or write them and put
inferiority. Nothing could be further them on the mirror before you so that
from the truth. The very presence of each day you might be reminded of
these three capable women in those them. They could become a powerful
meetings with General Authorities and motivator in restraining from anger, in
candidates for the presidency of the thinking better thoughts, in speaking
United States was an indication that more elevating language.
under the plan of the Lord women carry
tremendous responsibilities and they What does God expect of me?
are accountable for the fulfillment of
those responsibilities. They head their As have wondered and prayed
own organizations,and those organiza- about what I might say on this occa-
tions are strong and viable and are sig- sion, I have been led again to read the
nificant forces for good in the world. twenty-fifth section of the Doctrine and
They stand in an associate role to the Covenants. This, as you know, is a
priesthood, all striving together to build revelation given through Joseph the
the kingdom of God in the earth. We Prophet to his wife Emma. It was given
honor and respect you for your capac- at Harmony, Pennsylvania, in July of
ity. We expect leadership, and 1830, only a short time after the Church
strength, and impressive results from was organized. Insofar as I know, this
your management of the organizations is the only revelation given specifically
for which you are responsible. We up- to a woman, and in concluding it the
hold and sustain you as daughters of Lord said, "This is my voice unto all"
God, working in a great partnership to (D&C 25:16). Therefore, the counsel
assist him in bringing to pass the im- given by the Lord on this occasion is
mortality and the eternal life of all of applicable to each of you. It includes
the sons and daughters of God. you girls of ten and eleven years of age.
You, my beloved associates, are I am grateful that you are with us to-
where you are in the balance of the night. I thank you for the effort you
sexes because God your Eternal Father, have made to come here. Many of you
who loves you, put you there. He loves are here with your mothers, and that is
you and honors you. Weare honored to a wonderful thing, for there is nothing
be associated with you. more beautiful, no picture more lovely,
than that of a mother with her daugh-
Conversation becometh the gospel ters.
A woman wrote to me a short time
I have been interested in the theme ago with a great sense of frustration.
which has been selected for this meet- She indicated that she had been de-
ing. It comes from the first chapter of feated or had failed in most of what she
the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians, had tried to do. She then asked, "What
and reads, "Stand fast in one spirit, does God expect of me?"
with one mind striving together for the
faith of the gospel."
"If thou art faithful"
Those are the last words of the
twenty-seventh verse. The opening Some of the things which God ex-
words of that same
verse are equally pects of her and of every other
challenging: "Let your conversation be
as it becometh the gospel of Christ."
woman — in fact, of each of us — are set
forth in this beautiful revelation.
Saturday, September 29, 1984

Said he to Emma, and to each of no strength that is greater than the

us: strength of virtue. There is no other
"A give unto you con-
revelation I nobility equal to the nobility of virtue.
cerning my and
if thou art faithful
will; There is no quality so becoming, no
and walk in the paths of virtue before attire so attractive.
me, I will preserve thy life, and thou It is interesting that in this revela-
shalt receive an inheritance in Zion" tion, when
the Lord gave that great
(D&C 25:2). conditional promise to Emma, he went
"If thou art faithful and walk in the on to say, "Thy sins are forgiven thee,
paths of virtue before me" those — and thou art an elect lady" (D&C 25:3).
words might become the theme of a I am so grateful for the gift of forgive-

very long sermon. I shall comment only ness extended by a merciful Father.
briefly. Said Lord through the prophet
In very large measure each of us Isaiah concerning those who repent and
holds the key to the blessings of the are forgiven, "Though your sins be as
Almighty upon us. If we wish the bless- scarlet,they shall be as white as snow;
ing, we must pay the price. A part of though they be red like crimson, they
that price lies in being faithful. Faithful shall be as wool" (Isaiah 1:18).
to what? Faithful to ourselves, to the To any within the sound of my
very best that is within us. No woman voice who may be grieving over serious
can afford to demean herself, to belittle mistakes in their lives, I hold out the
herself, to downgrade her abilities or assurance, given anciently and in mod-
her capacities. Let each be faithful to em revelation, that where there is re-

the great, divine attributes that are pentance there may be forgiveness. Do
within her. Be faithful to the gospel. Be not dwell upon the tragic mistakes of
faithful to the Church. We have all the past. Rather, "look to God and live"
about us those who are seeking to un- (Alma 37:47).
dermine it, to look for weaknesses in its

early leaders, to find fault with its pro- "Murmur not"

grams, to speak critically of it. I give
you my testimony that it is the work of Emma was called "an elect lady."
God, and those who speak against it are That is, to use another line of scripture,
speaking against him. she was a "chosen vessel of the Lord."
Be faithful to him. He is the one (See Moroni 7:31.) Each of you is an
true source of your strength. He is your elect lady.You have come out of the
Father in Heaven. He lives. He hears world as partakers of the restored gos-
and answers prayers. Be faithful to pel of Jesus Christ. You have made
God. your election, and if you are living wor-
thy of it, the Lord will honor you in it
"Walk in the paths of virtue" and magnify you.
He then went on to say to Emma,
The Lord continued, saying to "Murmur not because of the things
Emma, "If thou . . . walk in the paths which thou hast not seen" (D&C 25:4).
of virtue" (D&C 25:2). He was speaking of the plates which her
think every woman in these gath-
I husband was translating, she serving at
erings tonight understands the meaning the time as his scribe. Evidently she
of that. I feel those words were given to complained because Joseph would not
Emma Smith, and consequently to all show them to her. The Lord is saying
of us, as a condition to be observed if to her, "Murmur not. Complain not.
we are to receive an inheritance in the Accept what must be in my eternal wis-
kingdom of God. Lack of virtue is to- dom, and do not find fault." There are
tally inconsistent with obedience to the a few women in the Church who com-
commandments of God. There is noth- plain because they do not hold the
ing more beautiful than virtue. There is priesthood. I think the Lord would say

to you, "Murmur not because of the to writing, and to learning much"

things which are not given thee." (D&C 25:8).
This is his work. Joseph did not set She was to study the gospel. She
the rule about not showing the plates to also was to study the things of the world
others. He was instructed concerning in which she lived. That was made clear
it. Nor have we set the rule concerning in subsequent revelations applicable to
those who should receive the priest- all of us. She was to devote her time "to
hood. That was established by him learning much." She was to write, giv-
whose work this is, and he alone could ing expression to her thoughts.
change it.

Speak with consoling words

Writing —great discipline
To you women of today, who are
Emma was called, in the words of old or young, may I suggest that you
this revelation, to be "a comfort unto write, that you keep journals, that you
my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., thy express your thoughts on paper. Writ-
husband, in his afflictions, with con- ing is a great discipline. It is a tremen-
soling words, in the spirit of meekness" dous educational effort. It will assist
(D&C 25:5). you in various ways, and you will bless

interesting language.
his companion,
the lives of many
others — —
your families and
now and in the years to come,
strength in his afflictions. She was to as you put on paper some of your expe-
comfort with consoling words, given in riences and some of your musings.
a spirit of meekness. In the language of the revelation,
see in that the challenge to every
I she was to "expound scriptures, and to
woman who is a wife to set the tone of exhort the Church, according as it shall
that which is spoken in the home. It was be given thee by my Spirit."
said of old that "a soft answer turneth
away wrath" (Proverbs 15:1). It is in- Exhortation to good works
teresting to me that in this revelation the
Lord spoke of consoling words in the What a remarkable charge to her
spirit of meekness. and to all of the women of this Church.
There is so much of argument in There must be learning, there must be
the homes of the people. It is so de- preparation, there must be organization
structive. is so corrosive. It leads
It of thought, there must be an ex-
only to heartbreak, and
bitterness, pounding of the scripture, there must be
tears. How
well advised we would be, an exhortation to good works as di-
each of us, when there is tension, when rected by the Holy Spirit.
there is friction, when there is afflic- The Lord continued, "1 say unto
tion, to speak with consoling words in thee that thou shalt lay aside the things
the spirit of meekness. of this world, and seek for the things of
a better" (D&C 25:10).
"To learning much" I feel he was not telling Emma that

she should not feel concerned about a

Emma was to be ordained under place to live, food on her table, and
the hand of Joseph "to expound scrip- clothing. He was saying to her that she
tures, and to exhort the church, accord- should not be obsessed with these
ing as it shall be given thee by my things, as so many of us are wont to be.
Spirit" (D&C 25:7). He was telling her to get her thoughts
She was be a teacher. She was
to on the higher things of life, the things
to be a teacher of righteousness and of righteousness and goodness, matters
truth. For the Lord said concerning this of charity and love for others, the things
"Thou shalt receive the
calling to her, of eternity.
Holy Ghost, and thy time shall be given
Saturday, September 29. 1984

Song of the righteous 25: 14). Those words are from this same
revelation. They are meaningful for
Emma was instructed to make a each of us.
collection of hymns for the Church, and
it isinteresting that this counsel came
Promise of a queenly crown
only three months after the Church was
organized. In connection with that call "Keep my commandments con-
the Lord made a remarkable declaration tinually, and a crown of righteousness
which is often quoted among us: "For thou shalt receive" (D&C 25: 15). That
my soul delighteth in the song of the was the promise of the Lord to Emma
heart; yea, the song of the righteous is Hale Smith. It is the promise of the
a prayer unto me, and it shall be an- Lord to each of you. Happiness lies in
swered with a blessing upon their keeping the commandments. For a
heads" (D&C 25:12). Latter-day Saint woman there can be
As this gifted chorus has sung to only misery in the violation of those
us tonight, those words have gone commandments. And for each who ob-
through my mind. The song of the righ- serves them, there is the promise of a
teous is a prayer unto God, and it shall crown, a queenly crown for each
be answered with a blessing upon their daughter of God, a crown of righteous-
heads. ness and eternal truth.
I commend to each of you the

Lift hearts and rejoice words of this great revelation given 54 1

years ago. It is as timely today as it was

Continuing, the Lord said: when it was spoken. May I urge that
"Wherefore, lift up thy heart and re- each of you read it. Reflect on it. It is
joice, and cleave unto the covenants in harmony with and so beautifully am-
which thou hast made" (D&C 25:13). plifies the theme of this meeting.
I believe he is saying to each of us,
God bless you my beloved
be happy. The gospel is a thing of joy.
It provides us with a reason for glad-
—you little

girls whom we
you beautiful young

ness. Of course there are times of sor- women who dream wonderful dreams
row. Of course there are hours of of the future; you who are not married
concern and anxiety. We all worry. But and sometimes feel lonely, but who, I

the Lord has told us to lift our hearts and assure you, the Lord has not forgotten;
rejoice. I see so many people, including those of you who carry the burdens of
many women, who seem never to see rearing families; those of you who are
the sunshine, but who constantly walk widowed or divorced; and you beauti-
with storms under cloudy skies. Culti- ful older women whom we so love and
vate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate honor and respect. God bless you with
a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, every righteous desire, with peace in
rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in your hearts and joy in your days, as
the goodness of those you love, in the daughters of God blessed with the light
testimony which you carry in your heart of his everlasting gospel, I humbly pray
concerning things divine. in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
"Continue in the spirit of meek-
ness, and beware of pride" (D&C


The following broadcast, an- (Organ: "Sketch no. 4 in D Flat"
nounced by J. Spencer Kinard and —Robert Schumann)
originating with KSL Radio and Tele-
vision, Salt Lake City, Utah, was pre- Announcer: The burden of modern
sented from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. on civilization is not, as many have sup-
Sunday, October 7, 1984, through the posed, that wealth is ill distributed, or
courtesy of the Columbia Broadcasting that social welfare has been neglected.

System's network throughout the It is rather the very real possibility that

United States, parts of Canada, and civilization has become an obstacle to

through other facilities to several points the simple faith of honest souls.
overseas: Skepticism and cynicism are the
products of an age which relies too
Announcer: Once more we welcome much on itself.
you within these walls with Music and Like the transatlantic balloonist
the Spoken Word from the crossroads who throws his instruments of naviga-
of the West. tion overboard to stay aloft, we too are
CBS and its affiliated stations discarding, one by one, the means of
bring you at this hour the Mormon Tab- human progress: our ideals, our sim-
ernacle Choir from Temple Square in plicity, our childlike faith in faith itself.
Salt Lake City, with Jerold Ottley con- The laws, institutions, and tech-
ducting the choir, Robert Cundick, nology of civilization have no life of
Tabernacle organist, and the Spoken their own; they are only symbols,
Word given by Spencer Kinard. representatives of our faith in good-
(Choir without announcement: ness and justice. If faith dissolves,
"Fight the Good Fight"— Williams) the symbols will crumble. Belief is so
necessary to our social existence
Announcer: The Tabernacle Choir has that, without it, we must fall into the
opened today's broadcast of Music and bondage of despotism or the chaos of
the Spoken Word singing the music of anarchy.
David H. Williams, with a text adapted And what is this faith which is the
from the writings of Paul: "Fight the foundation of all civilization ?

next hear the words of the
—The simple belief that the Ser-
mon on the Mount is as scientific a
1 2 1 st Psalm and the music of Leo Sow- formula as the equation for splitting the
erby as the choir sings "1 Will Lift Up atom.
Mine Eyes."
(Choir: "I Will Lift Up Mine
—The conviction that it is sweet
and dignified to love one's family, orto
Eyes" —Sowerby) shed tears over the loss of a friend, and
that he who rules his own spirit is
Announcer: "Still, Still with Thee
greater than he who rules a city.
purple morning breaketh." The
nowsings these words by Harriet
—It is to have a spirit untainted by

false sophistication, to still believe that

Beecher Stowe; the music is by Harry honesty is the best policy, that virtue is
Rowe Shelley. its own reward, that charity never fail-
(Choir: "Still, Still with Thee"—

All of this and more, vanishing
elements of man's faith, placed on the
Announcer: From "Four Sketches" for
endangered species list by an age which
keyboard by Robert Schumann, Robert
Cundick plays "Sketch no. 4 in D Flat."

Sunday. October 7. 1984 Second Day

knows the price of everything and the (Choir: "For the Beauty of the
value of nothing. Earth"—Kocher)
This faith of simple hearts cannot
be marketed in the mass media, pro- Announcer: The Tabernacle Choir
duced in the laboratory, or fabricated in closes today's broadcast singing an old
the factory. It can be neither produced Gaelic rune in a musical setting by John
nor purchased. It is a product of sponta- Rutter, entitled "A Gaelic Blessing."
neous combustion rising instanta-— (Choir: "A Gaelic Blessing"
neously in hearts where good is
accomplished, where beauty is served,
where truth is spoken. Announcer: Again we leave you from
within the shadows of the everlasting
When the decades turn to eons hills. May peace be with you this
And the sun has turned to ash day . . . and always.
When the idols of modern
civilization Announcer (on radio): This concludes
Become dim recollections of man's the two-thousand, eight-hundred,
primeval past seventy-seventh performance continu-
And time has measured out the ing the fifty-sixth year of this tradi-
better part tional broadcast from the Mormon
The crowning achievement of Tabernacle on Temple Square, brought
humanity will be to you by CBS and its affiliated sta-
—The childlike faith of an honest tions, originating with Station KSL in
heart. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Jerold Ottley conducted the choir,
(Choir without announcement:
Robert Cundick was at the organ, the
"The Lost Chord" Sullivan) — Spoken Word was given by Spencer
Announcer: The choir has sung "The
In another seven days at this same
Lost Chord" by Sir Arthur Sullivan.
hour, Music and the Spoken Word will
We next hear a hymn tune by
be heard again from the crossroads of
Konrad Kocher, "For the Beauty of
the West.
the Earth."
This is the CBS Radio Network.


The Lake Tabernacle Choir
Salt Prelude, postlude, and interlude
furnished the choral numbers for the music and accompaniments on the Tab-
Saturday morning, Sunday morning, ernacle organ throughout the confer-
and Sunday afternoon sessions of the ence sessions were played by Robert
conference with Jerold Ottley and Cundick, John Longhurst, and Clay
Donald H. Ripplinger conducting. Christiansen, Tabernacle organists.
The music for the Saturday after-
noon session was provided by the Mor- Francis M. Gibbons
mon Youth Chorus with Robert Clerk of the Conference
Bowden conducting.
At the general priesthood meet-
ing, a combined men's choir from the
Tabernacle Choir and the Mormon
Youth Chorus directed by Jerold Ottley
and Robert Bowden furnished the mu-

Ashton, Elder Marvin J 25
"Why us?"; Prison of failure and self-pity; Use trials as
stepping-stones; "If thou endure it well"; Love, patience,
understanding; Race for eternal life; Personal discipline; Take
the glory and the knocks; "He that endureth to the end"; Endure
and suffer without yielding; Endure well

Authorities and Officers, Sustaining of General 3

Authorities Present, General 1

Authorities Present, Other 2

Ballard, Elder M. Russell 17
Challenge of missionary work; "Teach all nations"; The truth
shall go forth; Modern technology and member commitment;
Sharing the gospel; The worth of souls; Write down a date; Ask
for divine guidance

Benson, President Ezra Taft (First Session) 4

Neglect of Book of Mormon; Is it the word of God?; For whom
was it meant?; How important is it?; What is purpose of Book
of Mormon?; How are we to use it?; Feast from the book;
Teaches vital truths; A tool of conversion; The record of Joseph;
A new witness for Christ
Benson, President Ezra Taft (Priesthood Meeting) 60
Called as a Scoutmaster; Troop won singing competition; A
promise is a debt unpaid; Three-week trip; These twenty-four
Scouts; Maintain your standards; Spirit of missionary work

Brown, Bishop Victor L 49

Aaronic Priesthood — a personal ordination; Parallel between
summer Olympics and Aaronic Priesthood; Preparation and
and motivation; Contest is with
sacrifice to qualify; Inspiration
self;A preparatory priesthood; Service to Heavenly Father;
Serve your fellowmen; The banner of the Lord

Busche, Elder F. Enzio 34

Not an ordinary day; Understands true purpose; Blinded through
traditions; "Fit for the kingdom of God"; Joy of the penetrating
light; Are we allowing the Spirit to guide us?

Derrick, Elder Royden G 75
Truth and the Light of Christ; Remorse of conscience; The Holy

Ghost; The light of life; God fountain of wisdom; Impossible
to be saved in ignorance; Integrity; Men of great integrity;
Crown of integrity; Review our own lives; Formula for bringing
forth good fruit

Edwards, Brother R. LaVell 56
Effect of mission on athletic career; Desire, commitment, good
work habits; Prepare for opportunity; The way Steve Young
thinks; What Robbie Bosco is made of; Ability to handle
adversity; Growth through Church callings

Faust, Elder James E 70

The special ones; Superhuman nurturing care; One day at a time;
Challenge in Jesus' time also; Loving care and attention; Adjust
and compensate; Afflictions are temporary; Love for
handicapped; Tolerance for differences; To parents of the
wayward; The works of God

Fifth Session 86

First Day—Afternoon Meeting 24

First Day—Morning Meeting 2

First Session 2

Fourth Session 65

General Authorities and Officers, Sustaining of 3

General Authorities Present 1

General Priesthood Meeting 44

General Women's Meeting 108

Groberg, Elder John H 98

Tonga — first to greet Sabbath; Cache Valley —you did it!;

Power in keeping Sabbath holy


Haight, Elder David B 87
Plague of pornography; A controlling habit; Degrades and
exploits; Avoid least approach toward evil; Not condoned nor
protected; Failure to enforce laws; Courage and conviction;
Community standards and concerned citizens; Keep free from
corrupting influence; Work with like-minded citizens; Support
enforcement of laws; Support enactment of laws and
regulations; Faith and prayer; Personal morality

Hanks, Elder Marion D 45

Eternal marriage; A happy home and family; Vitally important
principles; —
Temple marriage; A happy marriage forever; A
culminating covenant; Two mature adults; Circle of affection
and appreciation

Harbertson, Elder Robert B 30

Obedience and willingness to serve; Alma's story and teaching
experience; "He returned speedily"; Amulek called to serve

Harris, Elder Devere 32

Dedication of temple in Australia; Chapel in Papua, New
Guinea; Principles of leadership; Powerful resources of the
spirit; Spiritual power; A yearning, a longing, a reaching up

Hinckley, President Gordon B. (Fifth Session) 106

Live the gospel; No power will retard progress; Unity and
loyalty among General Authorities; Local leaders called by
revelation; Take problems to local leaders; Cultivate a spirit of

Hinckley, President Gordon B. (First Session) 3

Sustaining of General Authorities and general officers; Christ's
Church and his prophet; Organization of Christ's Church;
Priesthood of God and strength of the Church

Hinckley, President Gordon B. (Fourth Session) 65

Women's conference and priesthood gathering; The prophet of
the Lord; Work going well; Dedications of Boise, Sydney, and
Manila temples; Ancient cornerstone ceremony; Cornerstones

of our faith; Chief cornerstone Jesus Christ; Joseph Smith's
first vision; The Book of Mormon; Restoration of the
priesthood; "Fitly framed together"; Testimony

Hinckley, President Gordon B. (Priesthood Meeting) 63

Boys, prepare to represent the Lord; Men, be worthy of family's
companionship; Those who love the Lord and walk in
obedience; Thank you for your loyalty; Appreciation, peace,
and love

Hinckley, President Gordon B. (Women's Meeting) 108

Associates with their brethren; Associate role to priesthood;
Conversation becometh the gospel; What does God expect of
me?; "If thou are faithful"; "Walk in the paths of virtue";
"Murmur not"; Speak with consoling words; "To learning

much"; Writing great discipline; Exhortation to good works;
Song of the righteous; Lift hearts and rejoice; Promise of a
queenly crown

Hunter, Elder Howard W 40

Sea of Galilee; "Have ye no faith?"; He can calm troubled
waters in our lives; Story of Mary Ann Baker; "Master, the
tempest is raging!"; "Be of good cheer"; Peace on lips and in
heart of Savior

Maxwell, Elder Neal A. 8

"Out of obscurity"; Confounding the wise; A humble and pure

people; Great messages from small sites; Ancient history and
spiritual events; Secular silence; Significant spiritual events;
God's chosen leaders; Proving, reproving, improving; Hope
and gratitude; "In this way"; Why patience and faith?; Some lie
in wait; At the perfect day

McConkie, Elder Bruce R 101

Examine yourselves; Worship only true God?; Believe in fall of
Adam?; Believe in atonement of Jesus Christ?; Accept the plan
of salvation?; Believed the restored gospel?; Faithful member
of true Church?; Honor Joseph Smith as prophet of the
Restoration?; Enduring to the end?; Put God's kingdom first?;
Living to be saved in kingdom of God?; The caravan moves on!

Monson, Elder Thomas S 53

President Kimball's counsel; Missionary heritage; Many fail to
cross the finish line; Concentrate on the Aaronic Priesthood;
Save every boy; Guide each deacon to spiritual awareness;
Every teacher to home teach; Priests have added duties;
Influence of home and quorum presidencies; Other leaders; The
Aaronic Priesthood pathway

Music, Summary of Conference 114

Nelson, Elder Russell M. 37
Misused power severs its source;Power to learn; Power to labor;
Power of obedience to law; Power to love; Source of spiritual
power; Protect spiritual power line

Oaks, Elder Dallin H 12
In the service of the Lord; Why do we serve?; Service an —
imperative; "The Lord looketh on the heart"; Why we serve; For
riches or honor?; To obtain good companionship?; Out of fear
of punishment?; Duty or loyalty?; Hope of an eternal reward?;
The highest motive for service; Ideal of perfection; Serve with
heart and mind

Osborn, Elder Spencer, H 94

New yoke of service; Carve and sand your yoke; Learn of the
Lord and be teachable; Service in the Church

Packer, Elder Boyd K 81

Doctrine based on convictions; Go to his friends; The question;
Children of God; God, our Father; Self-respect; The chicks;
After their own kind; Like God; One God; Plural terms; Relying
on reason; Purity; Literal relationship with God

Perry, Elder L. Tom 20

Obedience; Willing obedience to the Lord; Keep the Sabbath
holy; Instructions in our day; Keep unspotted from the world;
Go to the house of prayer; Rest from our labors; Proper planning
for the Lord's day

Pinnock, Elder Hugh W 91

Be as perfect as your Father; God's word as our guide;
Understand Jesus' teachings; Learn our Father's will; Attend
Church meetings; Study the scriptures; Practice what we learn

Poelman, Elder Ronald E 78

The gospel and the Church; Revealed eternal principles;
Conformity to God's standards; Eternal principles among
Hebrews; Personal witness of principles and practices; Daily
harmony between gospel and eternal goals; Facts, reason, and
the Holy Spirit

Priesthood Meeting, General 44

Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 113

Second Day—Afternoon Meeting 86

Second Day—Morning Meeting 65

Second Session 24

Sonntag, Elder Philip T 96

Testimony; Appreciation for contributions and missionaries;
First chapel for aborigines; Outpouring of the Spirit; Blessings
of our contributions

Summary of Conference Music 114

Sustaining of General Authorities and Officers 3

Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast, Salt Lake 113

Taylor, Elder Russell C 29

Joy and blessings follow service; All must certify with actions;
"To serve one another"; Blessings of unselfish service; Well of
spirituality has deepened

Third Session 44

Women's Meeting, General 108


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