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Official Report of the

One Hundred Sixty-second

Semiannual General

of The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints

held in the Tabernacle

Salt Lake City, Utah

October 3 and 4, 1 992

Official Report
of the
One Hundred Sixty-second
Semiannual General Conference

The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

held the Tabernacle


Lake City, Utah

October 3 and 4, 1992

Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah
Copyright © 1992
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

All Rights Reserved

Printed in the United States of America
The 162nd Semiannual General Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks,
Conference of The Church of Jesus M. Russell Ballard, Joseph B. Wirthlin,
Christ of Latter-day Saints convened and Richard G. Scott
in the Tabernacle on Temple Square The Presidency of the Seventy:
in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, Dean L. Larsen, James M. Paramore,
October 3, 1992, at 10:00 a.m. J. Richard Clarke, Rex D. Pinegar,
The general sessions of the con- Carlos E. Asay, Charles Didier, and
ference were held at 10:00 a.m. and L. Aldin Porter
2:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, Oc- The First Quorum of the Seventy:
tober 3 and 4, 1992. The general priest- Angel Abrea, Carlos H. Amado, Robert
hood session was held on Saturday, L. Backman, Benjamin B. Banks,
October 3, 1992, at 6:00 p.m. William R. Bradford, Ted E. Brewerton,
President Gordon B. Hinckley, Monte J. Brough, F. Enzio Busche,
First Counselor in the First Presidency, John K. Carmack, Joe J. Christensen,
conducted the Saturday morning, gen- Spencer J. Condie, Gene R. Cook,
eral priesthood, and Sunday afternoon Jacob de Jager, Robert K. Dellenbach,
sessions. President Thomas S. Monson, Loren C. Dunn, Henry B. Eyring,
Second Counselor in the First Presi- Vaughn J. Featherstone, Jack H
dency, conducted the Saturday after- Goaslind, John H. Groberg, Marion D.
noon and Sunday morning sessions. Hanks, W. Eugene Hansen, Harold G.
Television and radio stations car- Hillam, Jeffrey R. Holland, F. Burton
ried portions or all of the conference Howard, Marlin K. Jensen, L. Lionel
sessions to large audiences throughout Kendrick, Yoshihiko Kikuchi, Adney
the world. In addition, the general ses- Y. Komatsu, Alexander B. Morrison,
sions and priesthood session were car- Glenn L. Pace, H. Burke Peterson,
ried by satellite transmission to more Hugh W. Pinnock, Ronald E. Poelman,
than one thousand stake centers. The Hartman Rector, Jr., Hans B. Ringger,
general priesthood session was also Earl C. Tingey, and Robert E. Wells
carried by closed-circuit transmission The Second Quorum of the Seventy:
to approximately nine hundred loca- Lino Alvarez, Dallas N. Archibald,
tions in many countries. For the first Eduardo Ayala, Merrill J. Bateman,
time, the Sunday morning session was C. Max Caldwell, Albert Choules, Jr.,
carried by satellite transmission to lo- Gary J. Coleman, Rulon G. Craven,
cations in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, LeGrand R. Curtis, Clinton L. Cutler,
Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzer- Julio E. Davila, John B. Dickson,
land, Austria, and Jamaica. Graham W. Doxey, John E. Fowler,
Lloyd P. George, F. Melvin Hammond,
General Authorities present Han In Sang, George R. Hill III,
Jay E. Jensen, Malcolm S. Jeppsen,
The following General Authori- Kenneth Johnson, Cree-L Kofford, 1

tiesof the Church attended one or W. Mack Lawrence, Augusto A. Lim,

more of the general sessions: Richard P. Lindsay, Merlin R. Lybbert,
The First Presidency: 'Gordon B. John M. Madsen, Helvecio Martins,

Hinckley and Thomas S. Monson Gerald E. Melchin, V. Dallas Merrell,

The Council of the Twelve: Howard
W. Hunter, Boyd K. Packer, Marvin J. 1
President Ezra Taft Benson and
Ashton, L. Tom Perry, David B. Haight,
Elders John R. Lasater and Douglas J.
James E. Faust, Neal A. Maxwell,
Martin were excused.
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

Lynn A. Mickelsen, Joseph C. Muren, The Presiding Bishopric: Robert D.

Stephen D. Nadauld, Dennis B. Neuen- Hales, H. David Burton, and Richard
schwander, Jorge A. Rojas, Glen L. C. Edgley
Rudd, Robert E. Sackley, Sam K.
Shimabukuro, Douglas H. Smith, Other authorities present
David E. Sorensen, Lynn A. Sorensen,
F. David Stanley, Kwok Yuen Tai, Other Church authorities in atten-
Horacio A. Tenorio, J Ballard Washburn, dance included general, stake, and
Lowell D. Wood, and Durrel A. ward officers.


The first general session of the gathering in the nearby Assembly Hall,
162nd Semiannual General Confer- where Elders James E. Faust, Robert
ence convened the Tabernacle on
in E. Wells, and H. Burke Peterson are
Temple Square in Salt Lake City, seated on the stand.
Utah, on Saturday, October 3, 1992, We welcome also the many others
at 10:00 a.m. President Gordon B. who are receiving these conference
Hinckley, First Counselor in the First proceedings by satellite transmission,
Presidency, conducted this session. radio, cable, and television.
The music for the opening session We acknowledge the General Au-
was provided by the Mormon Youth Church, all of whom are
thorities of the
Chorus, with Robert C. Bowden con- inattendance except President Benson
ducting and Bonnie Goodliffe and and Elder Douglas J. Martin, who is
Linda Margetts at the organ. serving as president of the New
To begin the meeting, the Mor- Zealand Temple. We acknowledge the
mon Youth Chorus sang "O My Fa- Relief Society, Young Women, and
ther." President Hinckley then made Primary general presidencies, who are
the following remarks: seated on the stand.
We extend a special welcome to
President Gordon B. Hinckley government, education, and civic lead-
ers who are present with us.
My beloved brethren and sisters, We may make some mention of
we welcome you this morning from the these flowers. They are a token of
Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt gratitude from the Saints of Kauai in
Lake City in this, the first general thanks for the love and concern shown
session of the 162nd semiannual con- by members of the Church everywhere
ference of The Church of Jesus Christ in their time of trial. They write, "Our
of Latter-day Saints. President Ezra flowers are all gone, and these were
Taft Benson, who is watching the pro- graciously provided by Brother Fred
ceedings of the conference in his Rivera in behalf of the Saints of Maui."
apartment, has requested that we go They conclude their little note with,
ahead. "Aloha and mahalo." And we return
Wewelcome all who are partici- the same to them: "Aloha and ma-
pating in the large audience assembled halo."
in the Tabernacle and the overflow

The Mormon Youth Chorus, un- Following the singing, the invoca-
der the direction of Brother Robert C. be offered by Elder Harold G.
tion will
Bowden, with Sisters Bonnie Goodliffe Hillam of the Seventy.
and Linda Margetts at the organ, is
providing the music for this session.
The chorus sang "Joseph Smith's
They opened this session by singing
First Prayer."
"O My Father" and will now favor us Elder Harold G. Hillam offered
with "Joseph Smith's First Prayer."
the invocation.

President Gon del B. Hinckley

Sustaining President Benson and bring gladness into his heart while
he yet remains with us as the prophet
My brethren and sisters, President of God.
Benson ordinarily would speak to us in He has asked that we go forward
the opening session of the conference with the conference. We do so with his
and extend his warm welcome. We re- encouragement and with a prayer in
gret that he is not with us. He would our hearts that we will be blessed of the
wish to be here, and we wish that he Lord— all who speak— that there may
were here. It is becoming increasingly be a great spiritual outpouring among
hard for him to get out. His age makes the Saints who will meet in many
public appearances difficult. He is now places and under a great variety of cir-
in his ninety-fourth year. It is not easy cumstances.
for him to do what he once did with As a reminder of the greatness of
such vigor and enthusiasm. His strong his power of expression, and as a re-
and vibrant voice has stirred all of us in affirmation to each of us, may I, as we
times past. His eloquence in expound- open this conference, give you a state-
ing the gospel and his tremendous tes- ment or two of what he has told us in
timony of this work, persuasive in its the past. It is worthy of repetition.
tone and cogency, have lifted all who
have heard him. We miss him and pray
The last and great dispensation
that the Lord will comfort him and
bless him that he may enjoy much of I quote: "This is the last and great
happiness for the remainder of his life. dispensation in which the great con-
His burdens became much heavier summation of God's purposes will be
when his beloved companion, Sister made, the only dispensation in which
Flora Amussen Benson, passed away the Lord has promised that sin will not
on August 14. They had been married prevail. The Church will not be taken
for nearly sixty-six years. They have from the earth again. It is here to stay.
been an example to the entire Church. The Lord has promised it and you are a
He now feels the terrible loneliness part of that Church and kingdom the—
that comes to a man with the death of a nucleus around which will be builded
gifted and beautiful wife, the mother of the great kingdom of God on the earth.
his children, his great support and The kingdom of heaven and the king-
comfort. dom of God on the earth will be com-
Our hearts reach out to him in bined together at Christ's coming —
sympathy and love. We pray that the and that time is not far distant. How I
Lord will comfort him and sustain him wish we could get the vision of this
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

work, the genius of it, and realize the authority and power are here. It is now
nearness of that great event. I am sure up to you" (The Teachings of Ezra Taft
it would have a sobering effect upon us Benson, p. 26).
if we realized what is before us" (The Such have been the declarations
Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson [Salt of this man who stands today as the
Lake City: Bookcraft, 1988], p. 19). Lord's prophet and our President. We
bring you his love, his greeting, and his
Follow the course blessing. And to him we return our love
and our loyalty, with a prayer in our
"God bless all of us that we may hearts that the God of heaven will bless
follow the course laid out for us by our him, comfort him, sustain him, and
Heavenly Father and our greatest ex- bring him joy and gladness. I so pray as
ample—the Lord Jesus Christ. May we I give you my testimony that he is the

do so regardless of what the world may prophet whom the Lord has trained
say or do, that we may hold fast to the and sustained through all of these
iron rod, that we may be true to the years to speak as a prophet unto the
faith, that we may maintain the stan- nations and as our leader, in the name
dards set for us and follow this course of Jesus Christ, amen.
to safety and exaltation. (See 1 Ne.
8:19.) The door is open. The plan is Elder Russell M. Nelson of the
here on earth. It is the Lord's plan. The Council of the Twelve will now speak
to us.

Elder Russell M. Nelson

Where is wisdom? Now as Church membership world-
wide exceeds eight million, it is evident
Todaywould like to pose a ques-
I that a direct role of the Church in secu-
tion asked long ago by Job: "Where lar education is no longer feasible. Yet
shall wisdom be found?" (Job 28:12). our commitment to education remains
Leaders of this Church have re- constant.
peatedly emphasized the importance Scriptures teach that "the glory of
of education. It is a vital component of God is intelligence" (D&C 93:36).
wisdom. Not long after the pioneers They also teach that individual "intelli-
began construction of their temple in gences . were organized before the
. .

Illinois, they established the University world was" (Abraham 3:22). "Man was
of the City of Nauvoo. The First Presi- also in the beginning with God. Intelli-
dency proclaimed that this university gence, or the light of truth, was not
"will enable us to teach our children created or made, neither indeed can
wisdom, to instruct them in all the be" (D&C 93:29).
knowledge and learning, in the arts, Our personal intelligence is ever-

sciences, and learned professions." lasting and divine. I believe Thomas

A similar scene followed after the Jefferson felt that dignity of the human
persecuted pioneers entered the valley spirit when he wrote, "I have sworn
of the Great Salt Lake. Less than three upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility
years later, on 28 February 1850, they against every form of tyranny over the
instituted the University of the State of mind of man." 3
Deseret. Later several academies of
learning were established.

Seek education and maybe morel That's too long for

Because of our sacred regard for "It all depends," I would respond.
each human intellect, we consider the "Preparation for your career is not too
obtaining of an education to be a reli- long if you know what you want to do
gious responsibility. Yet opportunities with your life. How old will you be thir-
and abilities differ. I believe that in teen years from now if you don't pursue
the pursuit of education, individual de- your education? Just as old, whether or
sire is more influential than institution, not you become what you want to be!"
and personal faith more forceful than So my counsel then— and now— is
faculty. to continue your education wherever
Our Creator expects His children you are, whatever your interest and op-
everywhere to educate themselves. He portunity, however you determine you
issued a commandment: "Seek ye dili- can best serve your family and society.
gently and teach one another words of
wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best
Beware of unbalance
books words of wisdom; seek learning,
even by study and also by faith" (D&C Choose what you will learn and
88:118). And He assures us that knowl- whose purposes you will serve. But
edge acquired here will be ours forever don't place all your intellectual eggs in
(see D&C 130:18-19). one basket of secular learning. Re-
Measured by this celestial stan- member this warning from the Book of
dard, it is apparent that those who im- Mormon:
pulsively "drop out" and cut short their "O the vainness, and the frailties,
education not only disregard divine and the foolishness of men! When they
decree but frustrate the realization of are learned they think they are wise,
their own potential. and they hearken not unto the counsel
Iremember my moment of resolu- of God, for they set it aside, supposing
tion many years ago when, as an un- they know of themselves, wherefore,
trained teenager, 1 secured temporary their wisdom is foolishness and it profit-
employment at Christmastime. The eth them not. And they shall perish.
work was monotonous. Each hour and "But to be learned is good if they
each day passed slowly. I resolved then hearken unto the counsels of God"
and there that I must obtain an educa- (2 Nephi 9:28-29).
tion that would qualify me better for That scripture reminds me of a
life. I determined to stay in school and
friend who proudly boasted that his
work for an education as though my climb toward wealth had come from
very life depended upon it. tireless work and lessons learned in the
Later as stake president I was "school of hard knocks." But his for-
questioned by many young people tune had come at the expense of his
about their own educational pursuits. spiritual development. When it was too
Some asked me how long it took to late, he regretfully discovered that his
become a doctor of medicine. "The ladder of success had been leaning
general pattern would be four years at against the wrong wall. He had never
a university, followed by four years in read this instruction from his Maker:
medical school," I replied. "And if you "Seek not for riches but for wis-
choose to become a specialist, that dom, and behold, the mysteries of God
could take another five years or more, shall be unfolded unto you, and then
depending upon your desire." shall you be made rich. Behold, he that
That occasionally evoked a reac- hath eternal life is rich" (D&C 6:7; see
tion, "That adds up to thirteen years — also 11:7).

Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

Mankind's unfamiliarity with the "And this shall be his uncleanness

scriptures has sometimes brought sor- in his issue ....
row to great numbers of people over "Every bed, whereon he lieth that
long periods of time. The suffering that hath the issue, is unclean: and every
has resulted from such ignorance is thing, whereon he sitteth, shall be un-
truly tragic. May I illustrate with ex- clean.
cerpts from history that pertain to the "And whosoever toucheth his bed
spread of infection. shall wash his clothes, and bathe him-
In the nineteenth century, health self in water. . . .

officials and others were concerned "And he that toucheth the flesh of
about pollution of the air, not by visible him that hath the issue shall wash his
smoggy hydrocarbons of today, but by clothes, and bathe himself in water"
an invisible miasma that was blamed (Leviticus 15:1-5, 7; italics added).
for almost any infection. In 1867, for Several verses follow which re-
example, Lord Lister indicted bad air emphasize and illustrate those impor-
as the chief cause of infection. Be- tant principles. Then we read this
cause of that, in 1869 Simpson from conclusion:
Edinburgh urged that hospitals be "And when he that hathan issue is

taken down and rebuilt every few cleansed of his issue; then he shall . . .

years. Such an extravagant practice wash and bathe his flesh in
his clothes,
was also advocated by other experts. running water, and shall be clean"
Even Florence Nightingale, a liv- (15:13).
ing legend following her heroic efforts Thus our loving Heavenly Father
in the Crimean War, failed to recog- had clearly revealed principles of clean
nize the transmission of infection from technique in the handling of infected

one patient to another this despite patients more than three thousand
her careful notations that wound infec- years ago! These scriptures are in com-
tion accounted for 40 percent of post- plete harmony with modern medical
7 9
operative mortality. guidelines. But during those many mil-
But others missed the connection lennia, how many mothers needlessly
too. For centuries, lives of innumerable perished? How many children suffered
mothers and children were claimed by because man's quest for knowledge
"childbirth fever" — infections unknow- had failed to incorporate the word of
ingly transmitted among the innocent the Lord?
by unwashed hands of attendants.
It was only a short century ago Contemporary challenges
that the great work of Koch, Pasteur,
and others proved that infection could In our day many challenges face us.
be caused by bacteria in contaminated Some are new; some are old simply —

body fluids or infected issues- clothed in modern attire. The epistles
passed from one individual to another. of Paul include prophecies pertaining
With these highlights of history in to our day. Do these descriptions
mind, may I quote the word of the Lord sound familiar?
recorded long ago in Leviticus, chapter "In the last days perilous times
15: shallcome.
"The Lord spake unto Moses and "For men shall be lovers of their
toAaron, saying, own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,
"Speak unto the children of Israel, [and the list of insidious qualities goes
and say unto them, When any man on] . .

hath a running issue out of his flesh, "Without natural affection, . . .

because of his issue he is unclean. "... Lovers of pleasures more

than lovers of God;

"Having a form of godliness, but grettably, as in previous plagues, many

denying the power thereof: . . . innocent victims are doomed to suffer.
"Ever learning, and never able to Where is wisdom?
come to the knowledge of the truth" Avoidable deaths and mounting fi-
(2 Timothy 3:1-5, 7). nancial burdens are also incurred
Paul's warnings describe apostasy worldwide because of indifference to
and other dangers of our day. Some of or ignorance of God's declaration that
these perils are contrary to God's pur- tobacco "is not good for man" (D&C
poses and are championed by persua- 89:8). Many other societal problems
sive people possessing more ability could be listed, such as alcohol and
than morality, more knowledge than drug abuse, gambling, civil strife, and
wisdom. Their rationalization breeds erosion of family stability. may 10
justification. The Bible affirms that know so much, yet learn so little.
"the way of a fool is right in his own "Where is the wisdom we have lost in
eyes" (Proverbs 12:15). Indeed, indi- knowledge? Where is the knowledge
viduals with malignity of purpose often we have lost in information?" 11 Again I
wear the mask of honesty. So we must ask, Where is wisdom?
constantly be on guard.
To build a house straight and Wisdom found
strong, you do not choose crooked
boards. So to build your eternal des- Wisdom is to be found in pure
tiny, you cannot— you must not— limit intelligence, in that divine light which
lessons only to those warped to exclude can guide people in all countries, all
revelation from God. The Book of climes,and all continents. The Lord
Mormon offers this note of caution and promised that "a light shall break forth
hope: among them that sit in darkness, and it
"Seek not to counsel the Lord, but shall be the fulness of my gospel"
to take counsel from hand. For be-
his (D&C 45:28). Then He lamented:
hold, ye yourselves know that he coun- "But they receive it not; for they
seleth in wisdom, and in justice, and in perceive not the light, and they turn
great mercy, over all his works" (Jacob their hearts from me because of the
4:10). precepts of men. . . .

Remember the terrible price paid "And there shall be men standing
for ignorance of divine instruction. Un- in that generation, that shall not pass
tilthe turn of this century, infection until they shall see an overflowing
was spread as if no one had ever read scourge; for a desolating sickness shall
or taken seriously the fifteenth chapter cover the land.
of Leviticus. Where is wisdom? "But my disciples shall stand in
Today we are seriously concerned holy places, and shall not be moved;
with the increasing incidence of human but among the wicked, men shall lift up
infection with HIV (human immuno- their voices and curse God and die.
suppressive virus) and variant viruses "And there shall be earthquakes
and the associated outbreak of AIDS also in divers places, and many desola-
(acquired immune deficiency syn- tions; yet men will harden their hearts
drome).An epidemic has been fore- against me" (D&C 45:29, 31-33; see
cast—a plague fueled by a vocal few also 87:6).
who exhibit greater concern for civil In bright contrast to such bitter
rights than for public health, a plague chaos, the light of the gospel of Jesus
abetted by the immoral. Some live in Christ beams as the hope of the world.
lust as though God's commandment to Missionaries and members coura-
be chaste was written with an asterisk, geously proclaim its brilliance. Wise
exempting them from obeying. And re-
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

students throughout the world heed its with Observations on the Conditions of
light and enrich their education by add- Suppuration," Lancet, 1 (1867): 326.
ing the curriculum of Church seminar- 5. J. Y. Simpson, "Our Existing System of
ies and institutes. The Lord hides His Hospitalism and Its Effects," Edinburgh
wisdom from no one: "If any of Medical Journal, 14 (1869): 817.
L. A. Stimson, "Bacteria and Their
you lack wisdom, let him ask of God" 6.

Influence upon the Origin and Devel-

(James 1:5).
opment of Septic Complications of
Again I pose the question once
Wounds," New York Medical Journal, 22
asked by Job: "Where shall wisdom be
(1875): 144.
found?" (Job 28:12). Answer: It ema-
7. See Edward Cook, The Life of Florence
nates from the Lord. He Himself said:
(London: Macmillan
Nightingale, 2 vols.
"I will give unto the children of
and Co., 1913), 1:352-438.
men line upon line, precept upon pre- 8. See Ignaz Philipp Scmmelweiss, Die
cept, here a little and there a little; and Aetiologie, der Begriff und die Prophylaxis
blessed are those who hearken unto my des Kindbettfiebers, reprinted from 1861
precepts, and lend an ear unto my ed. (New York: Johnson Reprint Co.,
counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; 1966), pp. 102-13.
for unto him that receiveth I will give 9. See Isolation Techniques for Use in
more" (2 Nephi 28:30). Hospitals (Washington, D.C.: U.S. De-
Divine light and wisdom continue partment of Health, Education, and
to increase when love for Deity grows: Welfare, 1970), p. 9.
"That which is of God is light; and 10. See Bryce J. Christensen, "Critically 111:
he that receiveth light, and continueth The Family and Health Care," in 77ie
in God, receiveth more light; and that Family in America (Mount Morris, 111.:
light groweth brighter and brighter The Rockford Institute Center on the
until the perfect day" (D&C 50:24; see Family in America, May 1992), pp. 1-8.
11. T. S. Eliot, "Choruses from 'The Rock,'
also 88:67).
The Complete Poems and Plays (New
"He that keepeth his command-
York: Harcourt, Brace and World,
ments receiveth truth and light, until
1971), p. 96.
he is glorified in truth and knoweth all
things" (D&C 93:28).
Where is wisdom? It pulses and The chorus sang "Come, Follow
surges with the Lord's light of truth! Me."
With that light He lifts us toward eter-
nal life, I testify in the name of Jesus
Christ, amen. President Hinckley

NOTES Elder Russell M. Nelson of the

1. History of the Church, 4:269. Council of the Twelve Apostles has
2. Journal History of The Church of Jesus spoken to us, followed by the Mormon
Christ of Latter-day Saints, 28 Feb. Youth Chorus singing "Come, Follow
1850, pp. 1-2. Me."
3. In Elbert D. Thomas, Thomas Jefferson,
Elder James M. Paramore of the
World Citizen (New York: Modern Age Presidency of the Seventy will now
Books, 1942), p. 251.
speak, and he will be followed by
4. J. Lister, "On a New Method of Treat-
Bishop Glenn L. Pace of the Presiding
ing Compound Fracture, Abscess, etc.,

Elder James M. Paramore

Personal prisons I remember how I felt forty-one
years ago when I was taken from a train
My beloved brothers and sisters, in Europe at 2:00 a.m. by two soldiers
for several years and with the deepest of a hostile nation and held against my
feelings I have thought about what I will. Iwas verbally and physically abused.
would like to talk to you about this I felt I would never see my family or my
morning. The prophet Mormon tells us country again. I assure you that while
that "by the power of [the Lord's] word I was held captive, the blood coursed
did they cause prisons to tumble" through my veins like adrenaline.
(Mormon 8:24). In recent weeks I have Though the captivity lasted less than a
reread the stories of Jean Valjean in day, it seemed like an eternity. And
Victor Hugo's brilliant novel Les Miser- when I was put on another train and
ables and of Bob Merrick in the novel sent back to safety, my gratitude to the
Magnificent Obsession by Lloyd C. Lord knew no bounds. I was free! As I
Douglas. These two stories, though talked to the train conductor, I learned
widely different in time, circumstances, that hundreds had not been so lucky.
and affluence, have touched my heart I then was led to think of Him who
in many ways. really delivers us from various types of
I have agonized as I have thought
prisons into forgiveness, a newness of
about the ordeal of Jean Valjean— the life, of spirit, of change, and of oppor-
nineteen years in prison and the things tunity, and how the souls of men find
done to him for the small transgression such relief, fulfillment, and safety when
of stealing a loaf of bread to feed a this occurs. I thought of the Son of God
starving family. He suffered so many and His greatest freewill offering to
indignities even after he was finally re- each of us, given at the expense of His
leased from the physical prison. own life and under excruciating pain. I
Some of the same feelings flood thought of how our Father in Heaven
my mind as I reflect upon the self- loves each one of us. And though we
inflicted sufferings of Bob Merrick. sometimes walk into prisons of our own
The of a prominent surgeon was
life making, He is there with keys to unlock
lost and the sight of another because of the doors that bind us. I thought of
Bob Merrick's wayward activities, self- those who help along the way, who
ishness, ego, and disdain for others. He share in turning those keys which de-
suffered in a prison of his own making. liver others, and who care so deeply
Yes, I realize these masterfully sometimes that they rebuild the trust of
crafted episodes are fictional, but they others— like the two men of God in the
cause me to think about the various novels helped to free Jean Valjean and
types of prisons Satan leads us into Bob Merrick from their prisons into
building for ourselves and others, or magnificent new freedoms promised by
that others build for us. the Lord.

The Savior will deliver us Prisons that come from sin

Haven't we all been delivered from As difficult as a physical captivity

various forms of captivity? How did you or prison is, there are other captivities
feel when the doors were opened to or prisons even more devastating. They
your personal prison? How was it to are very subtle and take various forms
feel free? How wonderful it is to be in life, such as (1) taking advantage of
liberated from any kind of a prison. another; (2) bearing false witness to
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

get gain; (3) knowing things to be true To this day the one deceived, through
and not defending them; (4) stealing further industry and much hardship,
the morality of another; (5) destroying is still trying to get out of the prison

the innocence of a little child; (6) being created by another. And he has lost
captive to alcohol or drugs; or (7) finan- confidence in others, and he and his
cially digging a pit for another, causing family have lost opportunities and his
hardship and destroying his ability to business because of another.
take care of his needs and so on. There Did not the Savior teach through
are many prisons which come from our the prophet Moses, "If a man shall
sins or the sins of others "according to cause a field or vineyard to be eaten,
the captivity and power of the devil" and shall put in his beast, and shall
(2 Nephi 2:27), who leads us away. feed in another man's field; of the best
of his own field, and of the best of his
Deceit in business own vineyard, shall he make restitu-
tion"? (Exodus 22:5).
Let me take an example to illus-
These types of prisons often cause
trate the point of these prisons. The the offended to lose faith, hope, and
prophet Job counseled us not to "dig a even the ability to care for their own,
pit for your friend" (Job 6:27). I under-
as was the case with my young friend.
stand that could mean a business asso- But these prisons should not happen.
ciate, a neighbor, a member of the They often cause years of anguish.
Church. How could this happen? They cause those involved to wonder
Several years ago a great young about justice and mercy. Sometimes
man had a thriving business. He had these people find it impossible to re-
worked long, hard hours for many solve their own personal affairs honor-
years to develop the skills, reputation, ably.
and expertise necessary to build his
business and provide for the needs of Do unto others
his young family. He loved his work,
and every morning he anxiously began The lessons taught by the Savior
each new project with creativity and differ widely from these actions. For
opportunity. His was a great life, filled He Do unto others as
taught, in effect,
with much hope and many projects. ye would have them do unto you (see
Then one major project was completed Matthew 7:12; 3 Nephi 14:12). He
and finalized. Rather large payments taught, "Behold it is my will that you
were anticipated, but a shrewd busi- shall pay all your debts" (D&C 104:78).
nessman found that oral approvals, Yes, even if it takes years, pay your

given to my friend to make many neces- debts.

sary alterations in the project, could No Christian should ever be a
easily be broken and not honored. challenge to another Christian. Many
After all, there was no written record widows, single mothers, and older
of the changes requested. It was just couples are victimized by those who
"good business" to get it as cheap as take advantage of them, who do not
possible even after commitments were honor their commitments and then
made. And so verbal commitments put them into a type of prison. Those
were not honored. The money due, affected find themselves pleading for
which was considerable, was not paid. someone to open their prison doors,
At this point we have several pris- often while babies cry for bare necessi-
ons that are in place: the prison of de- ties.

ceit of the "shrewd" businessman, and When we seek to follow Christ,

the prison of the deceived, who could we take the oath of a Christian as a
not now honor his own commitments. member of this Church; we covenant to

never put another in any sort of prison, of our personal prisons. It is a glorious
but rather to try to liberate those who promise to all who are captive, for
are there. We becomeone man
like whatever reasons, upon the condition
who said that when he joined this of repentance.
Church it changed the way he thought, Certainly a Latter-day Saint will
the way he talked, the way he believed, demonstrate the freedom he has re-
the way he dressed, the way he worked ceived by walking in all morality and all
and honored his employer, the things honesty, as taught by the Lord. For his
he read, the movies he saw, the way he —
word is his bond sacred and honored.
conducted his financial affairs in abso- His life becomes the testament that it
lute honesty with everyone, and the way is all true —every principle and every
he served others. He truly believed in word that proceeds from the mouth of
the liberating power of the gospel of the Savior and His prophets. By living
Jesus Christ and became free because of these cardinal principles, we are truly
it. As is stated in the book of John, "If free and we become the witnesses of
the Son therefore shall make you free, His word.
ye shall be free indeed" (John 8:36). One of the beautiful, profound
statements of the man of God to Jean
Freed from the prison of alcohol Valjean was: "My brother, you belong
no more to evil, but to good. It is your
Years ago an acquaintance of soul I am buying for you, and I give
. . .

mine was captive for over twenty years it to God" (Victor Hugo, Les Miser-

to a serious alcohol problem, which ables, volume 1, book 2, chapter 12).

bound him every day. He would leave No more prisons for others, if you will,
work, buy his alcohol, drive into the because of my actions.
countryside, and drink until he could
barely find his way home. He truly was Repent to be free
under the captive spirit of the devil and
lived in hell. A faithfulhome teacher Jesus came that man might have
loved this brother, saw him often, life and have it more abundantly. He
taught him to pray for help, and prayed walked the path, taught the way,
for him often. opened the doors to truly liberate man-
One day while he was driving his kind, and said, "And ye shall know the
pickup truck into the countryside to truth, and the truth shall make you
begin his daily alcohol ritual, he felt a free" (John 8:32). The writer, Mr.
powerful influence to stop his truck, Douglas, expressed it beautifully when
walk out into a field, fall to his knees, he said to Bob Merrick, "When you
and plead for help from his Father in find THE WAY, you will be bound — it
Heaven. Later he tearfully testified that will become an obsession — a magnifi-
as he arose from his knees, the desire cent obsession."
to drink alcohol had completely left him. We know it works, for listen to the
He had been delivered from a twenty- words which record what happened to
year prison. God heard his prayer, felt the Saints who truly followed the Sav-
the desire of his heart, and opened the two hundred years following His
ior for
prison doors that bound him. appearance in America:
"And as many as did come unto
Jesus unlocks the doors them, and did truly repent of their sins,
were baptized in the name of Jesus;
Beloved friends, it is Jesus who and they did also receive the Holy
has unlocked and will unlock the doors Ghost.
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

"... And there were no conten- who had been created by the hand of
tions and disputations among them, God" (4 Nephi 1:1-3, 16; italics added).
and every man did deal justly one with Yes, "by the power of his word did
another. they cause prisons to tumble" (Mor-
"And they had all things common mon 8:24). May we live our lives so
among them; therefore there were not we will all be free with no prisons for
rich and poor, bond and free, but they ourselves or others, only a magnificent
were all made free. . . . obsession filled with freedoms and
"... And surely there could not be blessings ahead, in the name of Jesus
a happier people among all the people Christ, amen.

Bishop Glenn L. Pace

Strengthening personal testimonies Joseph Smith saw God and Christ. It
isquite another to have spiritual self-
When I was young I was overly confidence in your ability to receive the
dependent on my older sister. For revelation to which you are entitled.
example, I was a fussy eater, and when
we went to visit our grandparents I was
The train of the Church
constantly faced with being offered
food I didn't like. To minimize my Many of us take the blessings of
embarrassment, when the plate was the gospel for granted. It is as if we are
passed to me, I would turn to my sister passengers on the train of the Church,
and ask, "Collene, do I like this?" which has been moving forward gradu-
If it was familiar and she knew I ally and methodically. Sometimes we
didn't like it, she would say, "No, he have looked out the window and
doesn't like that." thought, "That looks kind of fun out
I could then say to Grandma, there. This train is so restrictive." So
"She's right; I don't like it." we have jumped off and gone and
If it was something we hadn't played in the woods for a while. Sooner
eaten before, she would say, "Just a or later we find it isn't as much fun as
minute," and taste it, and then tell me Lucifer makes it appear, or we get criti-
if I liked it or not. If she said I didn't cally injured, so we work our way back
like it, no amount of coaxing could get to the tracks and see the train ahead.
me to eat it.
With a determined sprint we catch up
I know it is past time for me to rely to it, breathlessly wipe the perspiration
on my own taste buds and stop denying from our foreheads, and thank the
myself healthy food just because my Lord for repentance.
sister told me I didn't like it.
While on the train we can see the
On a much more
serious note, I world and some of our own members
believe the time has come for all of us outside laughing and having a great
to feast on the fruit of our own testimo- time. They taunt us and coax us to get
nies as opposed to the testimony of an- off. Some throw logs and rocks on the
other person. The testimony of which I tracks to try and derail it. Other mem-
speak is much deeper than knowing the bers run alongside the tracks, and
Church is true. We
need to progress to while they may never go play in the
the point of knowing we are true to the woods, they just can't seem to get on
Church. We
also need to increase our the train. Others try to run ahead and
capacity to receive personal revelation. too often take the wrong turn.
It is one thing to receive a witness that

I would propose that the luxury of We are following a cycle which

getting on and off the train as we was repeated over and over again in
please is fading. The speed of the train the Book of Mormon. As the Lord tells
is increasing. The woods are getting us, "In the day of their peace they
much too dangerous, and the fog and esteemed lightly my counsel; but, in
darkness are moving in. the day of their trouble, of necessity
they feel after me" (D&C 101:8).
Time for spiritual revival We shouldn't be too surprised,
therefore, that the Lord is allowing
Although our detractors might as some wake-up calls to jar us loose from
well "stretch forth [their] puny arm[s] apathy just as he has done in previous
to stop the Missouri river in its decreed dispensations. In the book of Helaman,
course, or to turn it up stream" (D&C Nephi said, "And thus we see that ex-
121:33) as try to derail this train, they cept the Lord doth chasten his people
are occasionally successful in coaxing with many afflictions, they will not
. . .

individuals off. With all the prophecies remember him" (Helaman 12:3).
we have seen fulfilled, what great event In our dispensation the Lord has
are we awaiting prior to saying, "Count said, "And my people must needs be
me in"? What more do we need to see chastened until they learn obedience, if
or experience before we get on the it must needs be, by the things which

train and on it until we reach our

stay they suffer" (D&C 105:6).
destination? is time for a spiritual
revival. Ittime to dig down deep
Prepare by learning obedience
within ourselves and rekindle our own
light. To some, the events unfolding in
President Joseph F. Smith said, the world today are frightening. This is
"One fault to be avoided by the Saints, not a time to panic, but it is definitely a
young and old, is the tendency to live time to prepare. What can we do to
on borrowed light [and] to permit . . . better prepare ourselves for that which
the light within them to be reflected, is at our doorstep? It is simple. We
rather than original" {Gospel Doctrine, need to get back to basics and "learn
5th ed. [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book obedience." When we are obedient, we
Co., 1939], p. 87). follow the first principles of the gospel
and place our faith in our Lord and
Storms of disaster and disobedience Savior; we repent of our sins; we are
baptized and receive the Holy Ghost to
The whole world seems to be in guide us. We read and ponder the
commotion. Today's news is filled with scriptures, pray for direction in our
accounts of large-scale famine, civil lives, and look for ways to help others
unrest, and natural disasters. Even who are going through difficult times.
more devastating in the long run is the We share the gospel with people living
spiritually destructive hurricane of on earth and make it possible for sav-
disobedience to God's commandments ing ordinances to be performed for
that is engulfing the world. This hor- those who have passed beyond the veil.
rible storm is blowing the moral fiber During this conference and on
out of the nations of the earth and many other occasions we will be taught
leaving the land in moral desolation. by the Lord's anointed servants. These
Many people seem to be oblivious to prophets, seers, and revelators receive
this hurricane and have become so revelation relative to the kingdom to
desensitized they don't even feel a which their mantle entitles them. We
breeze. follow the Brethren. Finally, we pre-
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

pare ourselves to receive an endow- importantly, before He can get through

ment in the temple. If we remain faith- to us. Sometimes we must be straining
ful, endowment literally gives us
this very hard to hear the still small voice.
additional power to overcome the sins Before we can be taught things hidden
of the world and "stand in holy places" from the world, we must be on a spiri-
(D&C 45:32). tual frequency which is out of this
I make a special appeal to the world. Adversity can help fine-tune
youth. You will remain much safer and this frequency. Even the Savior com-
happier if you will place your
infinitely municated more intensely with our
energy into current obedience rather Father in Heaven when he was in
than saving it for future repentance. agony. When the Lord was in Geth-
When we are obedient, we establish a semane, Luke recorded, "And being
base from which the challenges of the in an agony he prayed more earnestly"
future can be addressed. (Luke 22:44).

Golden moments of adversity Being valiant in our testimonies

In spite of our obedience, trials The challenge for each of us, in

and tribulations will come our way. order to prevent having to receive
Disasters and tribulation are not al- constant wake-up calls, is to remain
ways for the punishment of the wicked, obedient once we have turned upward.
but often for the sanctification of the As the storm clears, it is possible to stay
righteous. We
admire the early mem- in tune by being valiant in our testimo-
bers of the Church for their faithful- nies. We can then enjoy reprieves —
ness through their numerous trials. It is —
sometimes long ones and have a taste
interesting to contemplate whether of heaven on earth. Nevertheless, it
they succeeded in facing their obstacles does not seem to be in the plan to have
because of their spirituality or whether a whole lifetime of bliss if our goal is
they were spiritual because of the increased spirituality and perfection.
obstacles they faced. It is my hope that each of us will
Into each of our lives come golden experience a spiritual revival as we
moments of adversity. This painful become more obedient. This increased
friend breaks our hearts, drops us to depth of help give us
spirituality will
our knees, and makes us realize we are the perspective we need to face today's
nothing without our Lord and Savior. adversities and the strength we need
This friend makes us plead all the night for tomorrow. While the world is in
long for reassurance and into the next commotion, the kingdom is intact. We
day and sometimes for weeks and are living in the greatest and most
months. But ultimately, just as surely as exciting part of our dispensation since
the day follows the night, as we remain the Restoration itself. We
plead with
true and faithful, this strange friend, everyone to become active participants
adversity, leads us straight into the out- in building the kingdom. This is the
stretched arms of the Savior. hour of our opportunity, to which I tes-
I have tried to understand why we tify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
must experience tribulation before we
can experience the ultimate communi- President Hinckley
cation. It seems there is an intense con-
centration which must be obtained Elder James M. Paramore and
before our pleadings reach our Father Bishop Glenn L. Pace have just spoken
in Heaven and, perhaps even more to us.

The chorus and congregation will

now join in singing "Israel, Israel, God The chorus and congregation sang
which we shall
Is Calling," following "Israel, Israel, God Is Calling."
hear from Elder Robert L. Backman,
recently released as a member of the
Presidency of the Seventy.

Elder Robert L. Backman

An emeritus General Authority In today's vernacular, these words
translate into our Savior's growing
Fourteen years ago I stood at this physically, mentally, socially, and spiri-
pulpit to accept my call to the Seventy. tually. What a model to follow!
The years following have been the most
challenging, rewarding, satisfying years
Growing physically
of my life. I have enjoyed every choice
experience I have had. Of course our bodies are wearing
At this conference I am being made down. That is part of life. But I believe
an emeritus General Authority. I pray we have a duty to maintain our health
that my productive life is not over. I the best we can through proper exer-
look ahead and wonder what to do with cise, a healthy diet, daily care of our
the rest of my days. I don't feel old; my bodies. I hope to emulate Elder Joseph
mind is still reasonably alert; my body
Anderson, who was still swimming at
still functions well. My father died one hundred and walking daily until his
at ninety-four. My mother still lives at death, or my uncle, Milt Backman, who
ninety-five. Ihave a lot of mileage left is still playing racquetball at ninety-four.
in me. Barring an accident, I probably
have at least another twenty-five years
Growing mentally
ahead of me.
I don't want to be like the retiree
We need to keep expanding our
of whom it was said, "He died at sev- minds, for they require exercise as
enty but waited to be buried until he surely as do the muscles of our bodies.
was eighty-five." I want to follow the example of my good
What to do? neighbor, Perris Jensen, who graduated
from Brigham Young University at
An example for retired people eighty-one, and Amelia McConkie,
widow of Elder Bruce R. McConkie,
There is a single passage in all the who, after her husband's death, took
New Testament which describes the up painting.
between the age of twelve
Savior's life I have already started piano les-
and when he began his ministry. I have sons, and I mean to master the com-
quoted that passage many times in puter long enough.
if I live
speaking to the youth. Iwonder if it
doesn't have just as much application
Growing socially
for the rest of us, particularly those
who are retired. Luke wrote, "And Je- Wehave so many opportunities to
sus increased in wisdom and stature, serve our fellowmen. Wherever we live,
and in favour with God and man" our fellow citizens are hungry for the
(Luke 2:52). wisdom and experience of those who
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

have lived long and well. Without the When I think of the supernal joy
voluntarism which can be given by the I have experienced during my ministry,
retired, our cities are in danger of I hope those rich spiritual adventures
dying. As I look ahead, I think of the are not ended. I know they will not be
tremendous civic good deeds Lowell if I accept the opportunities to serve

Bennion has extended throughout his that lie ahead.

life but more particularly since he re-
tired. He has exemplified real Chris- Retired couples as missionaries
tian living, reaching out to "the least of
these [our] brethren" (Matthew 25:40). Having been deeply involved in
missionary work for the past several
years, I see such glorious opportunities
Growing spiritually
for older couples to continue to be
One of the dangers I see in retiring useful in serving their fellowmen. How
is that we withdraw from the world. We badly the Church needs us!
turn inward as society seems to say, There are so many of you who
"We have no more use for you." With have found fulfillment in serving mis-
the aging of our society, more and sions, forgetting yourselves in that
more of us are going to retire. I hope important work, staying youthful in
the Church will continue to use us. We the discipline and single-mindedness
have been tried and tested throughout that come with being immersed in the
our lives. Society is not likely to experi- gospel and sharing your testimonies
ence any challenge we have not faced. with all those you meet. I hope I can do
We have learned what is important and the same!
what brings lasting happiness. Use our I think of Royce Flandro and his

experience, our testimonies, our wis- wife, who after retirement served a
dom, and our understanding. We can mission in Spain, performing valuable
still assist in building the kingdom of service. Upon returning home they
God. I believe he needs all the help he missed that beautiful experience, so
can get. they came to the Missionary Depart-
ment to ask where they could help the
Enduring to the end most. It was suggested to them that
they might learn Hungarian, which
There is no retirement from the they did. A few months later they were
service of the Lord. We believe in eter- called to Hungary, once again serving
nal progression. We
should continually with distinction. Now they are headed
grow throughout our lives.
spiritually for Mongolia.
The gospel challenges us to endure to So many of us are afraid to leave
the end. our "comfort zones" and thus cheat
The word endure has an interest- ourselves of some of the greatest ad-
ing connotation. We seem to equate ventures of our lives.
it with suffering. I was interested to Brother and Sister Harold Salway
discover that endure comes from the have served in Fiji, Ireland, South
Latin word indurare, which means "to Africa, Israel, England, California,
harden, to steel, make lasting." I like and are now preparing to go to Florida.
one of the definitions of the word They intend to continue to serve as
endure found in the Random House long as their health permits. Who can
Dictionary. It defines endure as "to have measure the good they have done or
or gain continued or lasting acknowl- the blessings they have received?
edgment or recognition, as of worth, The staff in the Missionary De-
merit, or greatness." partment recently received a letter
from President Thomas R. Murray of

the Missouri Independence Mission the members. With tears in her eyes,
concerning the missionary service of she replied, "We just love them."
Elder and Sister Ronald Smith. He
wrote: Looking forward to new opportunities
"The Smiths left a legacy in Ne-
braska City, Nebraska. They baptized I have rejoiced in the rich experi-
eighteen people, reactivated a large ences of the past fourteen years, but I
number in two wards, traveled many look forward to the challenges of the
miles per month, contributed to the golden years ahead. I look forward to
local newspaper, gave meaningful com- new experiences, new adventures, new
munity service, motivated the Scout- horizons, new worlds to conquer. I look
ing program, strengthened the ward forward to new opportunities to grow
leadership, fellowshipped and friend- physically, mentally, socially, and spiri-
shipped, and provided great public tually. I pray that my life from this day
relations for the Church in the com- forth will testify that I am a disciple of
munity." Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Where could the Smiths have I pray that you and I might wear
spent a more productive, profitable ourselves out in the service of the Lord
time or experienced more fulfilling so that at the end of our useful, produc-
service? tive lives we can exult with Paul: "I have
fought a good fight, I have finished my
Couples can learn languages course, I have kept the faith: Hence-
forth there is laid up for me a crown of
Some have an idea that as we get righteousness" (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
older we can't learn languages. That
is not true. Again and again we see Instruments in the Lord's hands
couples come to the Missionary Train-
ing Center without prior knowledge of I conclude my public ministry by

a language and leave two months later paraphrasing the words I spoke in 1978,
able to communicate. Of course their words that have even deeper meaning
skills increase as they love and serve for me after that choice experience.
in the mission field. Even when a new President Benson declared that the
language is difficult, older couples per- highest honor we could have is to be
form a unique service in the missions members of God's Church, which I am;
simply by being there. Their experi- to know that Christ is our Savior,
ence, example, and faith serve as which, I testify to you, I know; to hold
tremendous resources in building in- his holy priesthood, which I do; and to
experienced members of the Church. be part of an eternal family unit, which
They are absolutely indispensable to I am. I'm honored above all men. I'm

the growth of the kingdom across the blessed above all men. And I am so
world. grateful for the holy calling which I
I remember meeting a wonderful have enjoyed. I rejoice in the opportu-
couple who were missionaries among nity that has been mine of consecrating
the southeast Asians of the California my entire life to His service.
Oakland Mission. As I saw the bonding Every blessing I have in my life,
between the missionaries and these everything I hold dear and precious in

delightful new Latter-day Saints, I my heart, I can trace to my member-

asked the sister missionary whether she ship in The Church of Jesus Christ of
could speak their language. She re- Latter-day Saints, to my love of the
sponded that she could not. I then Lord, to my testimony of his divine gos-
asked her how they communicated with pel, and to the responses I have made
to the opportunities for service.
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

My beloved Brethren, my dear wife

and I are still prepared to go wherever The chorus sang "Rejoice, the
you want to send us and to do whatever Lord Is King!"
you ask of us. We pray only that we
might be instruments in the hands of
the Lord to assist you in your awesome President Hinckley
assignment to build the kingdom of
God, to sanctify his people, and to pre- Elder Robert L. Backman of the
pare the way for Christ to come in his Seventy has just addressed us, and the
glory, when every knee will bow and chorus has sung "Rejoice, the Lord Is
every tongue confess that he is the Sav- King!"
ior of the world, which I testify in the Elder L. Tom Perry of the Council
name of Jesus Christ, amen. (See Con- of the Twelve Apostles will now speak
ference Report, Apr. 1978, p. 109; or to us.
Ensign, May 1978, p. 72.)

Elder L. Tom Perry

Thank you, Elder Backman, for father gave to him to complete the
those stirring remarks. How I've en- record, which was entrusted to his care,
joyed these last seven years, being was very difficult. He must have been
closely associated with you. in a state of shock as he described the
Brigham Young once counseled us total destruction of his people.
to use the scriptures as follows: He must have felt compelled to de-
"Do you read the Scriptures, my scribe how his people had been hunted
brethren and sisters, as though you were by the Lamanites until they were all
writing them a thousand, two thousand, destroyed. In his feeling of loneliness,
or five thousand years ago? Do you read he reports that his father was among
them as though you stood in the place those who were killed. We sense that
of the men who wrote them? If you do the only thing Moroni is living for is
not feel thus, it is your privilege to do to complete the record, as he writes,
so, that you may be as familiar with "Therefore I will write and hide up the
the spirit and meaning of the written records in the earth; and whither I go it
word of God as you are with your daily mattereth not" (Mormon 8:4).
walk and conversation" (Discourses of All he has is the faith that the Lord
Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe will preserve him long enough to com-
[Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., plete the record and that someday it
1941], p. 128). will be found by one chosen of the
Lord. He realizes that the record will
Moroni's voice of warning be a voice of warning to future genera-
tions of what occurs when nations like
The Book of Mormon has many his own turn away from the teachings
special accounts with lessons which can of the Lord. It is from the depths of
be applied to all ages. It is a book of his heart that Moroni cries out to those
great passion and feeling. Let us take who will eventually receive the record.
Brigham Young's advice and imagine He wants to spare those who read
we are standing in the place where his account the heartache and misery
Moroni, the last of the great Nephite which come from disobedience.
prophets, stood. The assignment his

Warning to Church members strong regarding the blessings which

accrue to those who trust in and fol-
He writes first to the members of low the ways the Lord has prescribed
the Church and then to those who have for us.
not embraced the gospel of Jesus
Christ. Moroni's last words to the mem-
Successes in Utah
bers of the Church are written as a
voice of warning. He writes as one who Several recent articles in the news
sees the history of his people repeating and business press have reported on
itself in the future. From the Book of the success of Utah, the place where we
Mormon we read: still have the greatest concentration
"Behold, the Lord hath shown of members of the Church. They empha-
unto me great and marvelous things size that we are seen as "a repository
concerning that which must shortly of old-fashioned values, an American
come, at that day when these things success story" (Peter Steinfels, "De-
shall come forth among you. spite Growth, Mormons Find New
"Behold, speak unto you as if ye
Hurdles," New York Times, 15 Sept.
were present, and yet ye are not. But 1991, sec. 1, p. 1).
behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you One article reported: "If religion,
unto me, and I know your doing. as Karl Marx once wrote, is 'the opium
"And I know that ye do walk in the of the people,' in Utah it is the amphet-
pride of your hearts; and there are none amine. Thanks largely to the influence
save a few only who do not lift them- of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
selves up in the pride of their hearts, day Saints . . Utah has become the

unto the wearing of very fine apparel, envy of its neighbors" (Sally B. Don-
unto envying, and strifes, and malice, nelly, "Mixing Business and Faith,"
and persecutions, and all manner of Time, 29 July 1991, p. 22).
iniquities; and your churches, yea, From another magazine, Business
even every one, have become polluted Week, we read: "Utah at its best. Of the
because of the pride of your hearts. 50 states, Utah has the highest literacy
"For behold, ye do love money, rate, the youngest population, the high-
and your substance, and your fine est percent of high school graduates,
apparel, and the adorning of your the highest percent of persons with
churches, more than ye love the poor college education, the ninth highest
and the needy, the sick and the af- percent of college graduates, a state
flicted. population with the highest average
"O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye number of years of school completed,
teachers, who sell yourselves for that the highest birth rate, the lowest death
which will canker, why have ye polluted rate, the fourth longest life expec-
the holy church of God? Why are ye tancy, one of the three lowest cancer
ashamed to take upon you the name rates, one of the lowest heart disease
of Christ? Why do ye not think that rates, the lowest consumption of alco-
greater is the value of an endless happi- hol, the lowest consumption of tobacco,
ness than that misery which never the shortest average hospital stays,
dies— because of the praise of the the healthiest population, . .[and] the

world?" (Mormon 8:34-38). best-run state government" (Business

I guess one of the greatest myster- Week, 16 Dec. 1991, p. 118J).
ies of mortality is why mankind fails to Notice both what is being said and
learn from history. Why do those who not being said in these articles. They
profess to be true followers of Christ are honoring collective accomplish-
so often become victims of the entice- ments, not individual achievements. It
ments of the world? The evidence is so is noteworthy of what the citizens of
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

Utah have been able to do together. newed desire to do missionary service.

As communities they have become a bea- Moroni also witnessed the wickedness
con to the world. As a people they have and destruction which come from un-
demonstrated an ability to overcome belief, when men's and women's souls
much of the divisiveness of special in- are not anchored to the teachings of
terests, uncontrolled individualism, and the gospel. After warning the believers,
selfishness. he pleads with the unbelievers. Again
we read:
Many members seek worldly pursuits "And now, I speak also concerning
those who do not believe in Christ.
How I wish
could feel comfort-
I "Behold, will ye believe in the day
able with all this special attention we of your visitation — behold, when the
are receiving. In the midst of this favor- Lord shall come, yea, even that great
able publicity, we see so many members day when the earth shall be rolled
seeking worldly pursuits contrary to the together as a scroll, and the elements
words of the Lord's prophets through shall melt with fervent heat, yea, in that
the ages. great day when ye shall be brought to
Many of us are more concerned stand before the Lamb of God then —
about our fine apparel, the size of our will ye say that there is no God?
homes, and our cars and their gadgets "Then ye longer deny the
than we are about the needs of the poor Christ, or can ye behold the Lamb of
and the needy. We also have seen the God? Do ye suppose that ye shall dwell
threats of legalized abortion, gambling, with him under a consciousness of your
and pornography, and challenges to guilt? Do ye suppose that ye could be
public prayer undermining the values happy to dwell with that holy Being,
that bind us together as a community of when your souls are racked with a con-
Saints. sciousness of guilt that ye have ever
abused his laws? . . .

Stand firm in your convictions "O then ye unbelieving, turn ye

unto the Lord; cry mightily unto the
Clearly the members of the Father in the name of Jesus, that per-
Church face tremendous challenges in haps ye may be found spotless, pure,
the latter days. We
must not only resist, fair, and white, having been cleansed
but mount a counteroffensive against by the blood of the Lamb, at that great
the temptations of the world and its and last day" (Mormon 9:1-3, 6).
teachings if we are to preserve our Who would not want to heed the
uniqueness. voice of warning of one who has wit-
Despite the challenges we face, I nessed such heartache and misery? Is
plead with each one of you to stand firm it any wonder that his words are to

in your convictions. There is no way to declare that there is a better, happier,

escape the whirlwinds of the judgments and more fulfilling way to live?
of God that He will unleash on the
heads of His children who choose to Moroni's voice of hope
pursue a course that is against His will.
We need to heed Moroni's warning Moroni's words are not just a voice
to avoid the fate which destroyed his of warning but also a voice of hope as he
people. lets us know that every one of God's
children is precious to Him. He desires
Warning to unbelievers that every soul enjoy immortality and
eternal life. Again we read:
Part of what Moroni was feeling "Because of the redemption of
should also be translated into a re- man, which came by Jesus Christ, they

are brought back into the presence of has declared, "I, the Lord, am bound
the Lord; yea, this is wherein all men when ye do what I say" (D&C 82:10).
are redeemed, because the death of By solemn covenant He will per-
Christ bringeth to pass the resurrec- form His part of the agreement. The
tion, which bringeth to pass a redemp- opportunity to receive these great
tion from an endless sleep, from which blessings is ours to control based on
sleep all men shall be awakened by the our individual performance. What is
power of God when the trump shall required of us?
sound; and they shall come forth, both First, we need to be obedient to
small and great, and all shall stand the laws of the Lord. This is one of the
before his bar, being redeemed and first lessons taught to Adam and Eve:
loosed from this eternal band of death, obedience brings faith. It brings forth
which death is a temporal death. the blessings of heaven. Disobedience
"And then cometh the judgment of brings forth heartache and despair.
the Holy One upon them; and then Following the law of obedience
cometh the time that he that is filthy comes the requirement to give of
be filthy still; and he that is righ-
shall ourselves in service to our Father in
teous shall be righteous still; he that is Heaven's children. Sacrificing what we
happy shall be happy still; and he that is have to benefit our brothers and sisters
unhappy shall be unhappy still" (Mor- is the crowning test of the gospel. One

mon 9:13-14). of the purposes of the mortal experi-

Weare here to declare that the ence is to see if we will follow the
restored gospel of our Lord and Savior Savior's counsel to "seek ye first the
is here to bless all of our Father in kingdom of God, and his righteousness;
Heaven's children. We are anxious to and all these things shall be added unto
share it with you. One of our recent you" (Matthew 6:33).
prophets has declared:
"Our objective is to bring the gos- Finding the joys of eternity
pel to all the world.
Brethren, this is an ambitious proj- We live in the most glorious era in
ect we have, but as you know, we are but the history of mankind. The opportu-
planning to do what the Lord has already nity to reap the blessings of the Lord
seen and which He has charged us with" has never been greater, as is the oppor-
(Spencer W. Kimball, Regional Repre- tunity to serve Him and experience the
sentatives' seminar, 5 Apr. 1976, p. 1). eternal satisfaction which comes from
We invite you to come and join that service.
with us to find the real fulfillment life Let the words of Moroni and the
has to offer. voices of all the prophets fill our hearts

and our souls that we may escape the

Obey and serve to overcome gloom errors of the past caused by disobedience
to the eternal laws of God. Let us remem-
Today we find ourselves sur- ber that it is in our power to enjoy the
rounded with so much depression, de- fruits of the gospel, for He has promised
spair, lack of confidence, and loss of us that if we will be obedient to His law
hope. ask myself, For what purpose is
I and be willing to render unto Him what
gloom? Consider with me for a
all this He requires of us in service and sacrifice,
moment the great blessings which have we will find the joys of eternity.
been promised us in a covenant with the It is my witness to you that God
Lord. He has entered into a solemn and lives, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of
binding contract with each of us from the Eternal God, and I so declare it in
the very beginning to give us all that He the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
hath according to our faithfulness. He Christ, amen.
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

of the Twelve has spoken to us, and the

The chorus sang "Jesus, Lover of chorus has sung "Jesus, Lover of My
My Soul." Soul."
President Howard W. Hunter,
President of the Council of the Twelve
President Hinckley Apostles, will be our concluding
speaker for this session.
Elder L. Tom Perry of the Council

President Howard W. Hunter

The beacon in the harbor of peace one guiding hand in the universe, only
one truly infallible light, one unfailing
My dear brothers and sisters, we beacon to the world. That light is Jesus
are mindful that, in spite of hopeful Christ, the light and life of the world,
progress seen in recent years, many the light which one Book of Mormon
parts of the world are still filled with prophet described as "a light that is
strife and sorrow and despair. endless, that can never be darkened"
Our hearts are torn and our emo- (Mosiah 16:9).
tions touched when each day's cover- As we search for the shore of
age of local or global news brings yet safety and peace, whether we be indi-
another story of conflict and suffering vidual women and men, families, com-
and, all too often, open warfare. Surely munities, or nations, Christ is the only
our prayer is to see the world made a beacon on which we can ultimately rely.
better place in which to live, to see He is the one who said of his mission,
more care and concern for one an- "I am the way, the truth, and the life"
other, and to see the cause of peace (John 14:6).
and reassurance increased in every In this age, as in every age before
direction and extended to all people. us and in every age that will follow, the
In the pursuit of such peace and greatest need in all the world is an
reassurance, may I quote a great voice active and sincere faith in the basic
from the He said: "[In order to
past. teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the
make the world] a better place ... to living Son of the living God. Because
live, the first and most important
. . .
many reject those teachings, that is all
step is to choose as a leader one whose the more reason why sincere believers
leadership is infallible, whose teachings in the gospel of Jesus Christ should
when practiced have never failed. In proclaim its truth and show by example
. . [any] tempestuous sea of uncer-
the power and peace of a righteous,
tainty, the pilot must be one who gentle life.
through the storm can see the beacon in
the harbor of peace" (David O. McKay,
Love your enemies
Man May Know for Himself [Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book Co., 1967], p. 407). Consider, for example, this in-
struction from Christ to his disciples.
Jesus is the only unfailing beacon He said, "Love your enemies, bless
them that curse you, do good to them
The message of this general con- that hate you, and pray for them which
ference of The Church of Jesus Christ despitefully use you, and persecute
of Latter-day Saints is that there is but you" (Matthew 5:44).

Think what this admonition alone Christ taught with authority and love
would do in your neighborhood and
mine, in the communities in which you In the majesty of his life and the
and your children live, in the nations example of his teachings, Christ gave
which make up our great global family. us much counsel with secure promises
I realize this doctrine poses a signifi- always attached. He taught with a
cant challenge, but surely it is a more grandeur and authority that filled with
agreeable challenge than the terrible hope the educated and the ignorant,
tasks posed for us by the war and pov- the wealthy and the poor, the well and
erty and pain the world continues to the diseased.
face. His message, as one writer said,
How are we supposed to act when "flowed forth as sweetly and as lavishly
we are offended, misunderstood, un- to single listeners as to enraptured
fairly or unkindly treated, or sinned crowds; and some of its very richest
against? What are we supposed to do revelations were vouchsafed, neither
if we are hurt by those we love, or are to rulers nor to multitudes, but to the
passed over for promotion, or are persecuted outcast of the Jewish syna-
falsely accused, or have our motives gogue, to the timid inquirer in the
unfairly assailed? lonely midnight, and the frail woman
Do we fight back? Do we send in by the noonday well." His teachings
an ever-larger battalion? Do we revert dealt not so much with ceremony and
to an eye for an eye and a tooth for a minutia as "with the human soul, and
tooth, or, as Tevye says in Fiddler on the human destiny, and human life— with
Roof, do we come to the realization Hope and Charity, and Faith. . . .

that this finally leaves us blind and Springing from the depths of holy emo-
tions,it thrilled the being of every lis-
tener as with an electric flame. In a
word, [his] authority was the authority
Be more forgiving
of [God]." Christ's voice was pure and
We all have significant opportu- pervaded with sympathy. Even the
nity to practice Christianity, and we severity of his sternest injunctions was
should try it at every opportunity. For expressed with an unutterable love.
example, we can all be a little more (Frederic W. Farrar, The Life of Christ
forgiving. In latter-day revelation the [Portland, Oreg.: Fountain Publica-
Lord said: tions, 1964], p. 215.)

"My disciples, in days of old,

sought occasion against one another "It is I; be not afraid"
and forgave not one another in their
hearts; and for this evil they were af- Let me one of the great sto-
flicted and sorely chastened. ries of Christ's triumph over that which
"Wherefore, I say unto you, that seems to test us and try us and bring
ye ought to forgive one another; for he fear to our hearts. As Christ's disciples
that forgiveth not his brother his tres- set out on one of their frequent jour-
passes standeth condemned before the neys across the Sea of Galilee, the
Lord; for there remaineth in him the night was dark and the elements were
greater sin. strong and contrary. The waves were
"I, the Lord, will forgive whom I boisterous and the wind was bold, and
will forgive, but of you it is required to these mortal, frail men were frightened.
forgive all men" (D&C 64:8-10). Unfortunately "there was no one with
them ... to calm and save [them], for
Jesus was alone upon the [shore]."
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Morning Session

As always, he was watching over Fix our eyes on Jesus

them. He loved them and cared for
them. In their moment of greatest ex- It is my firm belief that if as indi-
tremity they looked and saw in the vidual people, as families, communities,
darkness an image in "a fluttering robe" and nations, we could, like Peter, fix
walking toward them on "the ridges of our eyes on Jesus, we too might walk
the sea. They cried out in terror at
. . .
triumphantly over the swelling waves of
the sight, thinking that it was a phan- disbelief and remain unterrified amid
tom that walked upon the waves. And the rising winds of doubt. But if we
through the storm and darkness to turn away our eyes from him in whom

them as so often to us, when, amid we must it is so easy to do
believe, as
and the world is so much tempted to
the darknesses of life, the ocean seems
so great, and our little boats so small," do, if we
look to the power and fury of
there came the ultimate and reassuring those terrible and destructive elements
voice of peace with this simple declara- around us rather than to him who can
tion: "It is I; be not afraid." Peter ex- help and save us, then we shall inevi-
claimed, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me tably sink in a sea of conflict and sor-
come unto thee on the water." And row and despair.
Christ's answer to him was the same as At such times when we feel the
to all of us: "Come." floods are threatening to drown us and
Peter "sprang over the vessel's the deep is going to swallow up the
side into the troubled waves, and . . .
tossed vessel of our faith, I pray we may
while his eye was fixed on his Lord, the always hear amid the storm and the
wind might toss his hair, and the spray darkness that sweet utterance of the
might drench his robes, but all was Savior of the world: "Be of good cheer;
it is I; be not afraid" (Matthew 14:27).
well." Only when with wavering faith
he removed his glance from the Master In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
to look at the furious waves and the
black gulf beneath him, only then did President Hinckley
he begin to sink. Again, like most of
us, he cried, "Lord, save me." Nor did Thank you, President Howard W.
Jesus fail him. "He stretched out His Hunter, for your inspiring remarks.
hand, and grasped the hand of His We are grateful to the owners and
drowning disciple, with the gentle operators of the many television and
rebuke, 'O thou of little faith, why didst radio stations for offering their facili-
" ties as a public service to bring the pro-
thou doubt?'
Then safely aboard their little ceedings of this conference to a large
craft, they saw the wind fall and the audience in many areas of the world.
crash of the waves become a ripple. This wonderful chorus of young
Soon they were at their haven, their voices will now sing "The Spirit of
safe port, where all would one day God." The benediction will then be
hope to be. "All the crew as well as — offered by Elder Rex D. Pinegar of
His disciples— were filled with [deep] the Presidency of the Seventy, and the
amazement." Some of them addressed conference will be adjourned until two
him by a title which I declare today: o'clock this afternoon.
"Truly thou art the Son of God." (See
Farrar, The Life of Christ, pp. 310-13; The chorus sang "The Spirit of
see also Matthew 14:22-33.) God."
Elder Rex D. Pinegar offered the


The second general session of the these proceedings available to mem-
162nd Semiannual General Confer- bers and friends of the Church in many
ence convened in the Tabernacle on countries.
Temple Square in Salt Lake City, We note that Elders Russell M.
Utah, on Saturday, October 3, 1992, at Nelson, Hugh W. Pinnock, and Ronald
2:00 p.m. President Thomas S. Monson, E. Poelman are seated on the stand in
Second Counselor in the First Presi- the Assembly Hall.
dency, conducted this session. The music for this session will be
Music for this session was pro- provided by a family choir from the
vided by a family choir from the Jordan Jordan Utah South and Riverton Utah
Utah South and Riverton Utah regions. regions, under the direction of Brother
Roger L. Sorenson conducted the choir, Roger L. Sorenson, with Brother John
and John Longhurst was at the organ. Longhurst at the organ.
At the beginning of the meeting, The choir will begin this session by
President Monson made the following singing "Praise to the Lord, the Al-
remarks: mighty."The invocation will be offered
by Elder LeGrand R. Curtis of the
President Thomas S. Monson Seventy.

My beloved brethren and sisters,

The choir sang "Praise to the
we welcome you to the second general
Lord, the Almighty."
session of the 162nd semiannual con-
Elder LeGrand R. Curtis offered
ference of The Church of Jesus Christ
the invocation.
of Latter-day Saints. We excuse Presi-
dent Ezra Taft Benson, who is watch-
ing the proceedings of the conference
on television. President Monson
We extend our greetings to all who
The choirwill now sing "Teach
are in attendance or who are partici-
pating by means of television, cable, or
Me Walk in the Light." President
Gordon B. Hinckley will then present
radio, and to the many who are watch-
the General Authorities and general
ing in stake centers in various parts
officers of the Church for your sustain-
of the world where the conference is
ing vote.
being carried by satellite transmission.
We express our gratitude to the
owners and operators of many radio The choir sang "Teach Me to Walk
and television stations and cable sys- in the Light."
tems for their cooperation in making

Sustaining of Church Authorities and Officers

President Gordon B. Hinckley Authoritiesand general officers of the
Church your sustaining vote.
My brothers and sisters, in har- proposed that we sustain Ezra
It is
mony with the principle of common Taft Benson as prophet, seer, and rev-
consent as set forth in the revelation, I elator and President of The Church
shall now present to you the General of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints;
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

Gordon B. Hinckley as First Counselor Paramore, J. Richard Clarke, Rex D.

in the First Presidency; and Thomas S. Pinegar, Carlos E. Asay, Charles
Monson Second Counselor in the
as Didier, and L. Aldin Porter. All in fa-
First Presidency. Those in favor may vor, please manifestit. Any opposed.

manifest it. Any who feel otherwise Since April conference, Elders
may so manifest it. Carlos H. Amado, Benjamin B. Banks,
It is proposed that we sustain Spencer J. Condie, and Robert K. Del-
Howard W. Hunter as President of the lenbach have been called as members
Council of the Twelve Apostles and the of the First Quorum of the Seventy. It
members of that
following as council: is proposed that we sustain Henry B.

Howard W. Hunter, Boyd K. Packer, Eyring and Glenn L. Pace as members

Marvin J. Ashton, L. Tom Perry,
David of the First Quorum of Seventy. All who
B. Haight, James E. Faust, Neal A. can join in sustaining these Brethren may
Maxwell, Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. so indicate. If there be any to the con-
Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, Joseph B. trary, please indicate by the same sign.
Wirthlin, and Richard G. Scott. Those Elders Lino Alvarez, Dallas N.
in favor, please manifest it. Any who Archibald, Merrill J. Bateman, C. Max
may feel otherwise. Caldwell, Gary J. Coleman, John B.
proposed that we sustain the
It is Dickson, John E. Fowler, Jay E.
Counselors in the First Presidency and Jensen, Augusto A. Lim, John M.
the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, Madsen, V. Dallas Merrell, David E.
and revelators. All in favor. Any who Sorensen, F. David Stanley, Kwok
feel to the contrary may indicate by the Yuen Tai, and Lowell D. Wood have
same sign. been called as members of the Second
It is proposed that we extend an Quorum of the Seventy since the April
official vote of release and apprecia- conference. Those who wish to sustain
Marion D. Hanks and
tion to Elders this action and these Brethren may so
Robert L. Backman for their service indicate it. Any opposed.
as members of the Presidency of the It is proposed that we sustain
Quorums of the Seventy and that they H. David Burton as First Counselor
be designated as emeritus members of and Richard C. Edgley as Second
the First Quorum of the Seventy. Counselor to Bishop Robert D. Hales
With gratitude for their service as in the Presiding Bishopric. Those in
General Authorities, it is proposed favor, please indicate.Any opposed.
thatwe release the following who have It is proposed that we give a vote

served as members of the Second Quo- of appreciation to Elders Hugh W.

rum of the Seventy: George R. Hill III, Pinnock, Hartman Rector, Jr., and
John R. Lasater, Douglas J. Martin, Clinton L. Cutler for their service as
Glen L. Rudd, Douglas H. Smith, and the Sunday School General Presidency
Lynn A. Sorensen. and to Elders Robert K. Dellenbach
It is proposed that Bishop Henry and Stephen D. Nadauld for their ser-
B. Eyring and Bishop Glenn L. Pace vice as firstand second counselors, re-
be released as First and Second Coun- spectively, in the Young Men General
selors, respectively, in the Presiding Presidency. All who wish to join in this
Bishopric. may so indicate.
Those who wish to vote in a note It is proposed that we sustain
of appreciation for the great service of Elders Merlin R. Lybbert, Clinton L.
these Brethren may so indicate. Cutler, and Ronald E. Poelman as the
It is proposed that we sustain as Sunday School General Presidency and
Presidents of the Quorums of the Sev- that we sustain Elders Stephen D.
enty Elders Dean L. Larsen, James M. Nadauld and L. Lionel Kendrick as

first and second counselors, respec- future to the construction of the

tively, in the Young Men General temples in St. Louis, Missouri; Bogota,
Presidency. Those in favor, please indi- Colombia; and Guayaquil, Ecuador.
cate. Any opposed. We are also pleased to announce
It is proposed that we sustain the that property has been designated for
other General Authorities and general the construction of a new temple in
officers of the Church as presently con- Hong Kong to serve the needs of our
stituted. All in favor. Any who may be people in that great area of Asia; and
opposed. another in Hartford, Connecticut, to
It appears that the voting has been accommodate Church members from
unanimous in the affirmative. the New York, Boston, and New En-
We invite the new Counselors in gland areas; and also another temple in
the Presiding Bishopric to take their Utah County to relieve the pressure on
places on the stand at this time. the Provo Temple, which is operating
Thank you, brothers and sisters, far beyond its designed capacity. We
for your vote of love and support. anticipate that there will be others, the
Now, for the information of the locations of which will be announced
members of the Church, we are later.
pleased to announce that work is pro- Thank you.
ceeding on schedule for the San Diego
California Temple, which be
will likely President Monson
dedicated next spring. Work is also on
schedule for the Orlando Florida and Elder Marvin J. Ashton of the
Bountiful Utah temples. Architectural Council of the Twelve Apostles will be
work is proceeding, looking in the near our first speaker at this session.

Elder Marvin J. Ashton

Yearning for home new relatives. During these periods of
adjustment and absence, you perhaps
At some time in your life, you've felt unsettled, lonely, and had a deep
probably experienced the pangs of yearning for home.
homesickness. It might have been Recently a mission president asked
those first times you stayed overnight me to speak to a troubled missionary
with a friend or went on a sleepover, as who was having extreme homesickness
our grandchildren call them. As much problems. His intense yearnings were
as you wanted to be with your friends, causing poor performance, a waste of
you might have been lonely for your time, a lack of concentration, and a dis-
parents and for the secure feeling of like for his present assignment. I took
being home, where it was safe and the occasion to tell him that some of
comfortable. the right kind of homesickness could
Sustained homesickness might not be desirable, but it must be kept under
have come until later— when you left control. Let me say at the outset, yearn-
for college or to serve a mission, or ing is defined as "to have a strong or
even when you were uprooted by mar- deep desire; be filled with longing"
riage and a move far from home. Or it (American Heritage Dictionary, second
might have occurred when your par- college edition, 1982). This missionary
ents divorced and you found yourself seemed very sincere in wanting to do
struggling to adapt to new surround- better. Proper yearnings for home can
ings and maybe even a stepparent and be beneficial.
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

An anchor, a port, a refuge land that nourished him and built char-
acter in him and provided him the
Not just children but all of us will sacred beginnings of a life devoted to
want to think of home under joyous or God, family, and country. Truly, Presi-
trying circumstances. We let ourselves dent Benson loves his childhood home.
become homesick for love, acceptance,
security, understanding, and guidance
Yearning for our heavenly home
that generally are taught and shared
there. Home should be the place in I am concerned for people today
which a person can unburden his soul who do not have a longing for or
and find renewed strength to face the thoughts of home. It is unfortunate
world; where there is comfort, joy, and that among us we have people who
understanding; where best friends live; have never experienced home life that
and where we can learn to be our best has been and is desirable so that there
selves. can be an anxiousness under control
Thereis a certain kind of yearning for thoughts toward home. Our respon-
for home we should never want to lose. sibilities are to share the warmth of our
Home should be an anchor, a port in a homes by being good neighbors and
storm, a refuge, a happy place in which friends.
to dwell, a place where we are loved To know who we are is important,
and where we can love. Home should but to know where we are in relation-
be where life's greatest lessons are ship to our earthly home and heavenly
taught and learned. Home and family home is essential if we are to receive
can be the center of one's earthly faith, all the blessings our Father in Heaven
where love and mutual responsibility has for those who love him and keep
are appropriately blended. Thinking of his commandments. Our eternal home
home with its pleasant and happy is our ultimate destination. A
memories can make us stronger during yearning for home can prevent our get-
our present and future days here upon ting lost in detours or paths that lead
the earth. us away.

President Benson's childhood home Young Women anxious to go home

President Benson has always loved reported that one summer at a
It is
his childhood home. He loves Whitney, Young Women's conference in Alberta,
Idaho, his birthplace. He loves the Canada, three hundred girls were
homestead where all eleven children camped in tents scattered among tall
were born and reared by noble parents. pines.It rained every day and was very
Over a lifetime of worldwide travel, cold and wet. Even so, there was no
he yearned to return often to his home, murmuring in the camp. On the last
and he did so. His heart has always day of the conference, the leader
been in Cache Valley. He loved going addressed the young women under
back and visiting with family members cloudy skies. Despite the unseasonable
still there and seeing the friends of his
cold, there was a feeling of warmth
birth, his neighbors, his teachers, his among them for this their temporary
bishops, his kin who had such an im- home. Maybe because of the cold they
pact for good on his life. He calls them were all drawn together and felt warm
"the finest people in all the world," and from the inside out.
Whitney "the ideal farm community." The speaker began her remarks by
It revitalizes President Benson to asking, "Where are you going following
go back to his roots, to go back to the this outdoor conference?" The united

chorus of three hundred young women where you learned how to walk and
resounded through the tall pines. talk, where you felt loved even when
"Home!" they cried out. "Where?" they friends turned away, and where you
were asked again, and they responded were accepted regardless of the situa-
with even greater conviction: "Home!" tion. There's no place on earth that can
They knew where they wanted to go take the place of a home where love
most of all and were anxious to get has been given and received.
The most attractive home that we Heartbreak of having no home
will evershare will be that abode with
our families with appropriate relation- Recently we've witnessed the tragic
ship to our Heavenly Father and his devastation that Hurricane Andrew
Son, Jesus Christ. wake in southern Florida and
left in its
Louisiana. Tens of thousands of people
The prodigal son turns homeward have lost their homes. Armed forces
personnel have raised tent cities to try
Even the prodigal son could not to at least provide these victims with
resist the pullof home. He spurned his shelter. But the sobering fact is that, at
father, his home life, and his heritage, least for a time, many of these people
lavishly wasting his inheritance on riot- literallycannot go home. I cannot
ous living. When he had nothing and imagine how they must yearn for what
was reduced to living off the spoils that they so recently had.
only swine would eat, his thoughts I have known other men and
turned homeward. Could there have women who, for one reason or another,
been moments, as he gleaned the fields could not go home or who had no
for husks to eat, when he longed for home to go to. I have felt their pain
the security, safety, and acceptance and seen their tears. It is at best a
he'd had before? Might he have been heartbreaking situation.
deeply homesick? Repentant, and hop-
ing his father would accept him as a Satan wants us to forget about home
servant, he finally returned home. His
father rejoiced, welcoming him back In another application, Ihave also
with open arms and complete accep- known men and women who have jeop-
tance.He no doubt knew that welcom- ardized the privilege of returning to
ing hiswayward son was crucial if he their heavenly home. Some were deal-
hoped to ever return to his heavenly ing with problems that made them in-
home. (See Luke 15:11-32.) eligible to enter the temple and make
the eternal covenants that bind us to
Being homesick isn't all bad our eternal home. I have felt their
heartache and their longing for oppor-
Over the years I've counseled with tunities that, at least for a time, were
many whose homesickness threatened beyond their reach.
to interfere with their missions, mar- The
ramifications are poignant
riages, and families. and endless. Perhaps we've all had
But I've come to see that being these overwhelming thoughts come to
homesick isn't all bad. It's natural to mind: What if I am unworthy? What if
miss the people you are closest to. It's I could never go home?

normal to long to be where you feel If he could have his way, Satan
secure, where those you love have your would distract us from our heritage.
best interests at heart. It's understand- He would have us become involved in
able to want to return to the place a million and one things in this life —
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

probably none of which is very impor- and modern conveniences that seem to
tant in the long run —
to keep us from help us pack more into each day than
concentrating on the things that are would have been considered possible
really important, particularly the re- just a few decades ago, we need to fo-
ality that we are God's children. He cus on and direct our attention to the
would like us to forget about home and things that really matter. And simply,
family values. He'd like to keep us so what really matters is a personal testi-
busy with comparatively insignificant mony of Jesus Christ, an understanding
things that we don't have time to make of who we are and what we're doing
the effort to understand where we here, and an absolute determination to
came from, whose children we are, and return home.
how glorious our ultimate homecoming What young musician, finally
can be! scheduled to debut in a capacity con-
cert hall after years of agonizing re-
Our spiritual heritage hearsal, would, while en route to the
performance, stop to join a long line
We are literally the children of our forming at the latest hit movie, forget-
Heavenly Father. We kept our first es- ting the thousands of people waiting to
tate. During our experience in pre- hear her?
mortality, we lived with and were cared What world-class runner, after
for and taught by a loving Father. training for well over a decade, would
Among other things, we were schooled find himself in the Olympic finals, only
in what had to be a perfect spiritual to stop running halfway through his
and educational environment. And we race to watch the high-jump finals tak-
rejoiced when told of the plan whereby ing place on the other side of the field?
we could prove ourselves. Hence the These examples may seem prepos-
day arrived when it was our turn to terous, but how much more tragic it is
experience a period of probation and for someone who, equipped with a tes-
testing, a period during which a veil timony of the truth and a knowledge
would be drawn over our memories so of the purpose of life, becomes more
that we would be free either to walk by absorbed in life today than in life for-
faith and by the Spirit or to forsake our ever; who's just a little more concerned
spiritual heritage and birthright. about his or her status and standing in
Now we're here. And I'm sure we mortality than in eternity; whose focus
would all agree that this second estate is not directed to God the Father and

has lived up to its billing. It is a time of his Son, Jesus Christ, with whom it is
testing, of probation. The challenges possible to have a glorious connection
and duties and responsibilities at times and bond.
seem to overshadow almost everything
else. Sadly, it's easy to become so en- Pursue things higher than the earth
cumbered by the press of daily life that
we lose our focus. I fear that at times we run the risk

of acting like seasoned, conditioned

Focus on what really matters athletes who are more interested in
what kind of jogging suits we'll wear
One definition of the word focus than in buckling down to train for the
is "directed attention" or "emphasis" race. C. S. Lewis had an intriguing way
(Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictio- of evaluating this dilemma: "We are
nary). Perhaps as much as anything in half-hearted creatures, fooling about
this day and age of mass media, instan- with drink and sex and ambition when
taneous worldwide communications, infinite joy is offered us, like an igno-

rant child who wants to go on making asked them to return home to Canaan
mud pies in a slum because he cannot to bring his father, Jacob, to him in
imagine what is meant by the offer of Egypt. As the brothers were preparing
a holiday at the sea. . are far
. . We to depart, Joseph said to them simply,
too easily pleased" (A Mind Awake: An "See that ye fall not out by the way"
Anthology of C. S. Lewis, ed. Clyde S. (Genesis 45:24).
Kilby [New York: Harcourt, Brace and Might our Heavenly Father have
World, 1968], p. 168). given us much the same counsel as we
The prophet Mormon put it an- departed his presence to begin our
other way: "Why are ye ashamed to take earthly sojourn?
upon you the name of Christ? Why do May our yearning for home be the
ye not think that greater is the value of motivation we need to so live that we
an endless happiness than that misery can return to our heavenly home with
which never dies— because of the praise God our Father on a forever basis, I
of the world?" (Mormon 8:38). humbly pray in the name of Jesus
When we have a yearning and Christ, amen.
don't know what it is for, perhaps it's
our soul longing for its heartland, long- President Monson
ing to be no longer alienated from the
Lord and the pursuit of something much Elder Marvin J. Ashton of the
higher, better, and more fulfilling than Council of the Twelve Apostles has just
anything this earth has to offer. spoken to us.
Elders Lino Alvarez and Dallas N.
"See that ye fall not out" Archibald, who were called as mem-
bers of the Seventy since April confer-
After Joseph, son of Jacob, had ence, will now address us.
been reunited with his brothers, he

Elder Lino Alvarez

My dear brothers and sisters, I Gratitude
feel very humble as I stand at the same
pulpit where so many men of God First of all I would like to express
come to teach us the eternal truths of to my Heavenly Father gratitude for
the everlasting gospel. his love, his mercy, his patience, and,
I pray that the Spirit of the Lord above all, his confidence in me. I would
may be present this afternoon so that like to thank the First Presidency,
as I express myself in a language which the Quorum of the Twelve, and the
is not my own, you may understand in Seventy for everything they have taught
your mind and in your heart what I will me during the course of many years
try to say, that his promise that we both about the Savior and the way I can
may be edified and rejoice together serve him better. I would also like
may be fulfilled (see D&C50:22). I ask to thank my mission president, who
you to have a prayer in your heart that believed in me during my youth. He
this may be possible. gave me confidence and nurtured my
testimony of Christ and His restored
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

I come to this calling with a feeling "And now that my soul might have
of inadequacy but also with a great and joy in you, and that my heart might
solemn testimony that comes from God leave this world with gladness because
that I am willing to give my best to of you, that I might not be brought
serve the Lord and his people. I re- down with grief and sorrow to the
ceived this calling through President grave, arise from the dust, my sons, and
Hinckley, who also called me as the be men, and be determined in one
stake mission president of the first mind and in one heart, united in all
stake in Santiago, Chile, in 1972 and things, that ye may not come down into
later as president of the Mexico City captivity" (2 Nephi 1:21).
South Mission in 1982.

The Lord blesses us as we serve

Parents laid the foundation
When I was about to go on a mis-
As I have pondered about my sion, 1 worried about the same things
childhood, my youth, and my adult life, that today worry the young men and
I believe that the foundation for my be- young women who will also serve mis-
liefs was laid by my parents during the sions. I worried about work, my girl-
years of my childhood and youth. I wish friend, school, and family. When I was
to render a tribute to them. My father old enough to go on a mission, my
and mother, with no formal education, father was almost sixty-six years old,
knew how to teach the eternal prin- and I thought, My father is old, and if
ciples of the gospel. I am the tenth I leave for two years, he may die and I

child in a family of twelve children — will not see him anymore. Who will
ten boys and two girls. take care of my mother? She will be all
The Lord gave to Israel, through alone when he is no longer at her side.
Moses, the Ten Commandments on May I tell you that I served two
Mount Sinai. I wish to call to your at- years in the mission, I served in the
tention today the fifth of these com- Church schools in Chile for five years, I
mandments, which says, "Honour thy served as a mission president for three
father and thy mother: that thy days years and as a Regional Representative
may be long upon the land which the for six years, and my father is still here
Lord thy God giveth thee" (Exodus at the head of the family. He was born
20:12). a month after President Benson, so last
There are two things that our par- month he turned ninety-three years
ents did with all of their children for old.
which we now honor them. First, they I testify that when we serve the
taught us correct principles and helped Lord with all of our heart, might, mind,
us walk uprightly before the Lord and and strength, he blesses us.
live his commandments. Second, they I also wish to render tribute to the

taught us the value of work, personal parents of my loving companion, who

integrity, and family unity. Even taught her as my parents did me. I
though not all of us are members of the thank them for having accepted the
Church, we have tried to live according gospel even before she was born.
to the principles they taught us.
Every year we have the opportu- Honor parents day by day
nity to gather as a family— children,
grandchildren, and great-grandchildren I testify that an excellent way to
—with my father. He does what Lehi honor our parents is to keep the com-

did before he died, when he gathered mandments and serve the Lord.
together his children and told them:

After having been set apart to Testimony

serve in the Second Quorum of the
Seventy, I, with my wife and one of our I testify with all my heart that God
children, visited my father. We asked Son, Jesus Christ, hon-
lives, that his

him to give me a blessing, something ored him by keeping his command-

which I have always striven to do when ments and obeying his will. Our Savior
I have received a new priesthood as-
taught us this when he said, "For I
signment. He laid his hands upon my came down from heaven, not to do
head and gave me a short but grand mine own will, but the will of him that
blessing. He said, "Son, I bless you that sent me" (John 6:38).
the Holy Spirit may accompany you, I testify that the Savior is our ex-
your wife, and your children in every- ample and model of life. We must

thing you do." What more could I wish strive every day to follow his teachings
for? and do the things that he did, for "the
I would also like to thank my Son can do nothing of himself, but what
sweet companion and my dear chil- he seeth the Father do" (John 5:19).
dren, two of whom are now serving I testify that Joseph Smith was a

full-time missions, and the third is prophet of God and that through him
awaiting his call. Without their love the fulness of the gospel has been re-
and confidence I could do nothing. I stored to bless the families of the earth.
I also testify that Ezra Taft Benson is
love them dearly, and I trust them com-
pletely. the prophet of God for our day and
I invite all who are listening, young
that The Church of Jesus Christ of
and old alike, to honor their parents Latter-day Saints is the only true and
day by day and to try to do those things living Church upon the face of the
that bring honor to them. earth. I testify of these things in the
name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Dallas N. Archibald

Responsibilities of parents These pleading words sank deep
into my heart that day and stirred my
Recently I had the opportunity to soul. What a great burden of responsi-
sit the back of a chapel during a
at bility the Lord has placed upon us as
sharing time session of Primary and parents: to take these children and
watch a lively group of youngsters keep lead them in the ways of holiness, to
a music teacher very busy. For a final guide them through the perils of mor-
song the director asked the children to tality, and to walk beside them on
sing "I Am a Child of God." They the straight and narrow path which
quieted down, and for the first song of leads to eternity. Yes, the responsi-
the entire session the voices unified in ours to teach them all they
bility is
quality instead of quantity. The words must do so that someday, as the mortal
rang throughout the chapel with an is changed to immortal, they will be
angel-like resonance: prepared to return to the presence of
the Father and dwell with him and
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
their Elder Brother, Jesus Christ.
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.
[Hymns, no. 301]
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

Parents in the Book of Mormon riches so that they can use them "to
clothe the naked, and to feed the hun-
The Book of Mormon
clearly gry" (Jacob 2:19). We
must teach them
shows the value of righteousness and all that they must do to live with Him,
dedication in parents. The first state- and the best teacher is example.
ment of Nephi is a tribute to his par-
ents: "I, Nephi, having been born of
Teach with kindness and love
goodly parents, therefore I was taught
somewhat in all the learning of my As I sat there in the back of the
father" (1 Nephi 1:1). Enos wrote, chapel, I silently asked myself, "Am I
"And the words which I had often heard doing the things which I must do?
my father speak concerning eternal Can my wife and daughter walk along-
life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep side me with confidence that I will lead
into my heart" (Enos 1:3). Mormon them into the celestial kingdom? 'Lead
recorded of Nephi and Lehi, the two "
me, guide me, walk beside me. . .

sons of Helaman: "For they remem- Stop. Stop for one minute and ask the
bered the words which their father same question of yourself: "Can my
Helaman spake unto them. And spouse and children walk alongside me
these are the words which he spake" with confidence that I will lead them
(Helaman 5:5). Here we have a tribute into the celestial kingdom?" The Sav-
to a goodly parent and also the words ior said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of
which he spoke to his children. He God" (Matthew 6:33).
reminded them of the names he had The instructions are clear. We must
given them so that they would always teach, and we must be an example of
seek to do good works and desire the those teachings. But many times in our
precious gift of eternal life (see 5:6-7). zeal to persuade others to righteous-
Then he told them, "O remember, re- ness we begin to use force, which re-
member, my sons, the words which Attempting to force
sults in rebellion.
king Benjamin spake unto his people; others to accept our way of thinking
yea, remember that there is no other will cause them to close their minds to
way nor means whereby man can be our teachings and ultimately reject our
saved, only through the atoning blood words. They have their agency.
of Jesus Christ" (5:9). In the Doctrine and Covenants,
The reference to the words of section 121, the Lord explains the
King Benjamin shows that Helaman, as proper way to teach. He said, "Only
a parent, knew the scriptures and by persuasion, by long-suffering, by
taught his children to follow the words gentleness and meekness, and by love
of the prophets. He continued, saying, unfeigned; By kindness, and pure
"And now, my sons, remember, re- knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge
member that it is upon the rock of our the soul" (121:41-42). How I love
Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of those words "enlarge the soul." Proper
God, that ye must build your founda- teaching will enlarge the soul.
tion" (Helaman 5:12). For example, let us compare a
What better teaching could a par- child to an empty glass, and our knowl-
ent provide for a child than that of edge and experience, which have accu-
following the prophets and building a mulated over the years, to a bucketful
sure foundation upon Jesus Christ? of water. Logic and physics tell us that
The Book of Mormon prophet Jacob we cannot pour a bucketful of water
instructed that once they have been directly into a small glass. However,
taught and "obtained a hope in Christ," by our using correct principles of trans-
we may then teach them how to earn ferring knowledge, the glass can be

enlarged. Those principles are persua- ing forth afterwards an increase of love
sion, long-suffering, gentleness and toward him whom thou hast reproved"
meekness, love unfeigned, kindness, (121:43).
and pure knowledge. They will enlarge As Elder Maxwell has observed,
the glass, which is the soul of the child, the word betimes is casually assumed to
allowing that child to receive much mean "from time to time" or "occasion-
more than the original bucketful. ally," when actually it means "early on."
Behavioral psychologists have Therefore, correction must take place
written libraries of books on this sub- early on with the direction of the Holy
ject. The Lord gave us the same infor- Ghost and not in anger. One hundred
mation in just a few verses of scripture. and thirty-two years ago, in a discourse
We must always teach, lead, and guide in this tabernacle, Brigham Young
in a way which will create high levels of counseled, "Never chasten beyond the
self-esteem in our children and others. balm you have within you to bind up"
(in Journal of Discourses, 9:125). The

Emphasize the good Lord said, "Showing forth afterwards

an increase of love" (D&C 121:43).
To create and maintain self-esteem, The instructions on how to correct
our words and our actions must always are clear and simple: early on, with the
express to the individual that he or she peace of the Holy Ghost, and with
is important and capable. The words enough of the healing power within us
the scriptures use are "to lift." The psy- to make sure that self-esteem is never
chologists would say, "Reinforce the wounded, ensuring always that the in-
positive." The secret is simple. Always dividual feels important and capable.
look for the good in the individual Oh, goodly parent, hear the words
and lift; reinforce the positive by words and respond accordingly:
and actions. Put-downs, words like
stupid or dummy, or phrases like "Why Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
can't you do anything right?" destroy Help me find the way.
self-esteem and shouldn't be part of Teach me all that I must do
our vocabulary. It is impossible to em- To live with him someday.
phasize the good in others if negative
In the holy name of Jesus Christ,
words or phrases are readily available
on the tips of our tongues or expressed
through our gestures.
The plea behind the words "Walk President Monson
beside me, Help me find the way" is
this: "Lift me. Strengthen my feeble
We have just listened to Elders
Lino Alvarez and Dallas N. Archibald
knees. Let me know that I am impor-
of the Seventy.
tant and capable" (see D&C 81:5). The choir and congregation will
now join in singing "We Thank Thee,
How to correct and discipline O God, for a Prophet." Elder Merrill J.
Bateman of the Seventy will then ad-
When correction and discipline
dress us, and he will be followed by
must take place,it is essential to con-
Elder C. Max Caldwell of the Seventy.
tinue lifting and strengthening, ensur-
Both of these Brethren were called
ing that the feelings of being important
since April conference.
and capable are not lost. Again, in sec-
tion 121 of the Doctrine and Covenants,
the Lord explains how: "Reproving The choir and congregration sang
betimes with sharpness, when moved "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet."
upon by the Holy Ghost; and then show-
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

Elder Merri J. Bateman

"Search the scriptures" storm subsided, Robert and Ann
Parker realized their boy was missing
On numerous occasions the Lord and began searching. For two days an
has commanded his disciples to search organized search was unsuccessful.
the scriptures in order to learn and live The decision was made that the com-
the doctrines of salvation. During his pany must move on because of the
mortal ministry, the Savior stated, approaching winter.
"Search the scriptures; they are . . .
Apioneer journal records the fol-
they which testify of me" (John 5:39). lowing:
During his appearance on the Western "Ann Parker pinned a bright [red]
Hemisphere following his resurrection, shawl about the thin shoulders of her
Christ quoted from the scriptures and husband and sent him back alone on
then said to the Nephites: "Ye ought to the trail to search again for their child.
search these things. Yea, a command- If he found him dead he was to wrap
ment I give unto you that ye search him in the shawl; if alive, the shawl
these things diligently" (3 Nephi 23:1). would be a flag to signal her. Ann and
In our day the Lord enjoins his follow- her children took up their load and
ers to "search these commandments, struggled on with the company, while
for they are true and faithful, and . . .
Robert retraced the miles of trail, . . .

shall all be fulfilled" (D&C 1:37). calling, and searching and praying for
The Savior revealed to the his helpless little son."
Prophet Joseph Smith that it is possible One suspects that he did not just
to hear his voice and know his words casually look behind a few trees or
through the scriptures. He said: leisurely walk along the trail, but that
"These words are not of men nor he vigorously investigated every thicket,
of man, but of me; . . .
every clump of trees and gully or wash.
"For it is my voice which speaketh "At last he reached a trading
. . .

them unto you; for they are given by my station where he learned that his child
Spirit . and by my power you can
. . ,
had been found and cared for by a
read them one to another; . . .
woodsman and his wife. [The boy] had
"Wherefore, you can testify that been ill from exposure and fright. [But]
you have heard my voice, and know my God had heard the prayers of his
words" (D&C 18:34-36). people.
In order to come unto Christ and "Out on the trail each night Ann
be perfected in him, each person needs and her children kept watch and, when,
to receive a testimony of the Lord's on the third night the rays of the set-
words. Some individuals falter because ting sun caught the glimmer of a bright
they fail to open the books, others be- red shawl [above her husband's head],
cause they read casually. As one would the brave little mother sank in a pitiful
expect, there is a difference between heap in the sand. [She] slept for
. . .

diligent searching or pondering over the first time in six days."

. . .

the scriptures and casual reading.

A Church history story illustrates the
Search diligently, not casually
The story illustrates the difference
The search for a lost pioneer child between just looking and searching
diligently. A
casual, infrequent expo-
A small six-year-old boy wandered sure to the scriptures will generally not
away from handcart company dur-
his open the door to the whisperings of the
ing a storm and was lost. When the

Spirit or provide insights into the Sav- The

plates of brass coupled with
ior's life and character. We need to their own
records allowed the family
search the scriptures with the same to pass the words of the Lord from
vigor of Robert hunting for his son and one generation to the next. Scriptures
with the consistency of the mother and prayer became the primary means
searching the horizon if we expect to by which each succeeding generation
hear his voice and know his words. developed faith in Christ.
President Howard W. Hunter of the
Council of the Twelve stated the fol- Blessings of searching the scriptures
lowing in a general conference address:
"Those who delve into the scrip- There are certain blessings ob-
tural library find that to understand
. . . tained when one searches the scrip-
requires more than casual reading or tures. As a person studies the words of
perusal —
there must be concentrated the Lord and obeys them, he or she
study. . One who studies the scrip-
. . draws closer to the Savior and obtains
tures every day accomplishes far more a greater desire to live a righteous
than one who devotes considerable life.The power to resist temptation
time one day and then lets days go by increases, and spiritual weaknesses are
before continuing." overcome. Spiritual wounds are healed.

Importance of the scriptures to Lehi Hold fast to the iron rod

The importance of possessing and Lehi's great visionary dream came

searching the Lord's words is illus- soon after he had searched the brass
trated in the Book of Mormon. The plates (see Nephi 8). In the dream
prophet Lehi and his family had trav- Lehi saw a tree which produced a fruit
eled from Jerusalem to the borders of which was exceedingly white, very
the Red Sea and then a further three sweet to the taste, and desirable above
days' journey into the wilderness when all other fruit. He saw a path leading to

the Lord reminded Lehi that he was the tree and a rod of iron along the
spiritually unarmed. The family, in path. He saw mists of darkness on the
their haste to leave Jerusalem, had not path, which caused some to lose their
taken the scriptures with them. They way and wander off. Others reached
did not have the words of the Lord to the tree by holding to the rod, but then
earlier prophets. became ashamed, let go of the rod of
Lehi was commanded in a dream iron, and fell away. According to the
to send his sonsback to Jerusalem for vision, the only way to reach the tree
a set of brass plateswhich contained and become a permanent partaker of
the writings of the prophets and the the fruit was to "continually [hold]
genealogy of his forefathers. After con- fast" tothe iron rod (1 Nephi 8:30).
siderable difficulty and time, the sons What wasthe rod of iron? Nephi
returned to the father's tent with the defined it as the "word of God"— the
plates. After the family gave thanks to words of the living prophets and the
the Lord for the safe return of the scriptures, which point people to
sons, the Book of Mormon states that Christ. Nephi further stated that those
they "searched [the plates] and found who hearkened and held fast to the
that they were desirable; yea, even of word of God would never perish. (See
great worth unto us, insomuch that we 1 Nephi 15:24.)
could preserve the commandments of The tree in the dream
is the tree

the Lord unto our children" (1 Nephi of life, which represents God's love for

5:21). us as expressed in the condescension of

Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

the Father and the Son (see 1 Nephi spiritually been born of God? Have
11). Holding fast to the iron rod builds ye received his image in your coun-
faith in Christ and his work. tenances? Have ye experienced this
mighty change in your hearts?" (Alma
Nourish the seed 5:14). Changes in the heart and soul
occur as a result of planting and
The prophet Alma, living five hun- nourishing the seed. Scripture study,
dred years after Lehi, was strongly prayer, obedience, and service are key
impacted by Lehi's vision of the tree of elements in building faith in Christ.
life. Alma, however, changes the imag- President Benson, in the April
ery in an interesting way. He likens the 1986 general conference, expressed
word of God to a seed which is planted these thoughts: "However diligent we
in the heart and then nourished. He may be in other areas, certain blessings
states that if people will no more than are to be found only in the scriptures,
desire to believe in Christ, the seed will only in coming to the word of the Lord
sprout and grow, and they will feel a and holding fast to it as we make our
swelling inside as the seed enlarges the way through the mists of darkness to
soul. The desire to believe, coupled the tree of life." Brothers and sisters,
with obedience, eventually turns to I testify that President Benson is the

faith in Jesus Christ. Lord's prophet, that Jesus is the Christ,

Alma states that continued nourish- and I pray that we may hear his voice
ment will cause the seed to grow into by searching the scriptures, in the name
the tree of life with fruit that is exceed- of Jesus Christ, amen.
ingly white, sweet, and pure— "a tree
springing up unto everlasting life" NOTES
1. Camilla W. Judd, in Kate B. Carter,
(Alma 32:41; see also 32:26-42). In
comp., Treasures of Pioneer History, 6 vols.
Alma's example, the tree of life grows
(Salt Lake City: Daughters of the Utah
within each person to change his or her
Pioneers, 1952-57), 5:240-41; see also
heart and soul. Holding fast to the iron
Allan K. Burgess, How to Understand
rod in Lehi's dream is the equivalent.
and Enjoy the Scriptures (Salt Lake City:
Alma's explanation of the tree Deseret Book Co., 1986), pp. 6-7.
growing within and changing people's 2. In Conference Report, Oct. 1979, p. 91;
hearts gives light to an earlier set of or Ensign, Nov. 1979, p. 64.
questions that he asked Church mem- 3. "The Power of the Word," Ensign, May
bers. The questions were: "Have ye 1986, p. 82.

Elder C. Max Caldwell

The meaning of charity charity, these three; but the greatest
of these is charity" (1 Corinthians
I have come to know something of
13:13). I wondered why charity should
the value of the Book of Mormon as a be the greatest. Charity was a word I
witness for Christ, and I treasure the did not understand. Part of the reason
teachings contained in its sacred pages. for my dilemma was that the common
Today I would like to discuss one of its use of the term charity did not seem to
unique precepts. be consistent with the doctrinal or
As a young man on a mission, I scriptural use.
recall reading Paul's words to the Co- As I searched the pages of the
rinthian Saints and pondering what Book of Mormon, I gained a new view.
he meant by the phrase "faith, hope,

Mormon, an ancient prophet of the must not overshadow our reasons to

Americas, connected the word charity maintain our love for the Savior.
to the Savior. He declared that "charity Otherwise we may lose our perspective
is the pure love of Christ, and it endur- or become bitter, and our love for
eth forever" (Moroni 7:47). Christ may be lost.
I considered what was meant by How deeply do we love him? Does
the phrase "love of Christ." That an- our love depend on favorable environ-
swer is critical because "the Lord God ments? Is it diminished or strength-
hath given a commandment that all ened by our experiences? Is our love
men should have charity, which charity for him evident by our behavior and
is love" (2 Nephi 26:30). If we must our attitude? Charity, or love for
have charity, then we must know what Christ, sustains us in every need and
it is. The phrase "love of Christ" might influences us in every decision.
have meaning in three dimensions:
1. Love for Christ Love from Christ
2. Love from Christ
3. Love like Christ A second dimension of the mean-
ing of charity is love from Christ. From
Love for Christ a prophet of the Book of Mormon
comes an inspired explanation. Speak-
First, love for Christ. This concept ing to the Lord, Moroni declared:
proclaims Jesus as the object of our "Thou hast said that thou hast
love, and our lives should be an exter- loved the world, even unto the laying
nal expression of our gratitude for him. down of thy life for the world. . . .

Sometimes that is I once

difficult to do. "This love which thou hast had for
visited a high priests group meeting the children of men is charity" (Ether
where an older brother taught us. He 12:33-34).
noted that "as a people we often pray, Through his compliance with the
'We thank thee for all the blessings we severe requirements of the Atonement,
enjoy.' But what about the blessings we the Savior offered the ultimate expres-
don't enjoy? It can be very hard to be sion of love. "Greater love hath no man
thankful for those." This dear man had than this, that a man lay down his life
just experienced his first Christmas for his friends" (John 15:13). And by
without his sweetheart in more than permitting his Son to make such a self-
fifty years. It is difficult to be grateful less and suffering sacrifice, the Father
to the Lord under circumstances we provided us with an ultimate expres-
don't enjoy. sion of his love as his gift to the rest of
Our beloved President Benson his children.
told some of his experiences with the The Apostle John accurately testi-
Saints in war-torn countries and shared fied of this infinite though conditional
the following: "One sister walked over representation of the charity of the
a thousand miles with four small chil- Gods when he wrote, "For God so
dren, leaving her home in Poland. She loved the world, that he gave his only
lost all four to starvation and the freez- begotten Son, that whosoever believeth
ing conditions. Yet she stood before us in him should not perish, but have
in her emaciated condition, her cloth- everlasting life" (John 3:16). This gift
ing shredded, and her feet wrapped of charity is to be received. The Sav-
in burlap, and bore testimony of how ior's act of redemption for our sins is
blessed she was" (in Conference Re- of no effect without our willingness
port, Oct. 1980, pp. 47-48; or Ensign, to comply with the conditions of his
Nov. 1980, p. 33). Things we don't enjoy atonement.
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

Speaking of the need for us to re- The Apostle John was not only
ceive the divine love of God, Moroni loved by the Lord, but he also loved
prayerfully declared, "Except men shall others like the Lord. John affirmed
have charity they cannot inherit that the process by saying, "Hereby per-
place which thou hast prepared in the ceive we the love of God, because he
mansions of thy Father" (Ether 12:34). laid down his life for us: and we ought
Some years ago I prepared to to lay down our lives for the brethren"
teach a class on a subject I felt would (1 John 3:16).
be particularly difficult. The night be- Is it a coincidence that missionar-
fore the scheduled class, I prayed ies give a portion of their lives in behalf
for guidance and then retired, still of others, then come home and testify
troubled in my mind. When I awoke, a of their great love for the people they
certain thought was introduced to my have served? Is it any wonder that bish-
mind that I shared with the class later ops and other priesthood and auxiliary
that morning. After the class, a young leaders who sacrifice for others are
man spoke with me privately and said, filled with love for those who are re-
"The lesson was for me. I now know cipients of their labors? Is there a
what I have to do." Later I learned that greater love among mortals than that
he had come to that class as his first of a mother, who offers all for her
contact with the Church in many years. child? Many who desire to have charity
He then proceeded to get his life in like Jesus attain it as he did.
order and eventually served a faithful On one occasion my wife expected
mission. Presently he is experiencing to be away for the weekend and asked
the happiness associated with keeping one of the sisters in our ward to teach
eternal family covenants. He possesses her Relief Society lesson. The week
the gift of charity because he received following the session, that sister came
the atoning love of Christ. to our home and returned the instruc-
tion manual. She also brought to my
Love like Christ wife a freshly baked loaf of bread and a
handwritten note that read, "I love
Athird perception of charity is to you. You are a special person. Thank
possess a love that is like Christ. In you for thinking of me." She was grate-
other words, people are the object of ful to have been asked to serve. She
Christlike love. Nephi said: "I have was of the love of Christ.
charity for my people. ... I have charity Charity is not just a precept or a
for the Jew. ... I also have charity for principle, nor is it just a word to de-
the Gentiles" (2 Nephi 33:7-9). scribe actions or attitudes. Rather, it is
Since Nephi had such love for an internal condition that must be de-
everyone, we wonder how he acquired veloped and experienced in order to
it. He must have lived in anticipation be understood. We are possessors of
of the divine directive that would later charity when it is a part of our nature.
be proclaimed by the Savior as the key People who have charity have a love for
to the development of love: "A new the Savior, have received of his love,
commandment I give unto you, That ye and love others as he does.
love one another; as I have loved you
(John 13:34; italics added). Charity in the scriptures
Jesus' love was inseparably con-
nected to and resulted from his life of It may be of some significance to
serving, sacrificing, and giving in behalf note that the word charity does not ap-
of others. We
cannot develop Christ- pear in a single verse in the Old Testa-
like love except by practicing the pro- ment. Surely the prophets of ancient
cess prescribed by the Master. times understood the need for charity

as did the Apostle Paul and the proph- Individually and collectively, we
ets of ancient America. And surely can experience the peace and happi-
those prophets knew and taught that ness enjoyed for nearly two hundred
"charity is the pure love of Christ" years anciently when "there was no
(Moroni 7:47). We
are left to wonder contention in the land, because of the
if the enemies of Christ deliberately love of God which did dwell in the
removed from the holy writings these hearts of the people" (4 Nephi 1:15).
saving truths as part of the plain and This I know, as I know the Savior lives,
precious teachings that Nephi pro- in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.
phetically said would be removed (see
1 Nephi 13:20-29). Also, charity is only
President Monson
partially explained in the New Testa-
ment. But thankfully the Book of Mor- We have just listened to Elders
mon, another witness for Christ, has Merrill J. Bateman and C. Max Cald-
restored to us an understanding of this well of the Seventy.
eternal precept. I testify that as we Elder M. Russell Ballard of the
abide by this precept, we will draw Council of the Twelve Apostles will now
nearer to God. Indeed, we will become address us.
more like him.

Elder M. Russell Ballard

"See that ye be not troubled" "All these are the beginning of sor-
rows" (Matthew 24:6-8; italics added).
Living in these difficult times,
brothers and sisters, requires each one
Acceleration of worldwide calamity
of us to maintain a positive, hopeful
perspective about the future. Today, Although the prophecies tell us
more so than in the past, I am asked that these things are to take place,
about the signs of the times and if I more and more people are expressing
think the end of the world is near. My great alarm at what appears to be an
answer is the same one that Jesus gave acceleration of worldwide calamity. As
some two thousand years ago: members of the Church, we must not
"But of that day and that hour forget the Savior's admonition: "Be not
knoweth no man, no, not the angels troubled: for all these things must
which are in heaven, neither the Son, come to pass." These are difficult
but the Father. times, when the forces of nature seem
"Take ye heed, watch and pray: for to be unleashing a flood of "famines,
ye know not when the time is" (Mark and pestilences, and earthquakes, in
13:32-33). divers places."
When Jesus was asked about the Recently I read a newspaper ar-
sign of His coming, he said: from the U.S.
ticle that cited statistics
"Ye shall hear of wars and rumours Geological Survey indicating that earth-
of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for quakes around the world are increasing
all these things must come to pass, but in frequency and intensity. According
the end is not yet. to the article, only two major earth-
"For nation shall rise against na- quakes (earthquakes measuring at least
tion,and kingdom against kingdom: and six on the Richter scale) occurred dur-
there shall be famines, and pestilences, ing the 1920s. In the 1930s the number
and earthquakes, in divers places. increased to five, and then it decreased
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

to four during the 1940s. But in the declining moral standards. Children
1950s, nine major earthquakes oc- particularly are suffering as society
curred, followed by fifteen during the drifts further and further away from
1960s, forty-six during the 1970s, and the commandments of God.
fifty-twoduring the 1980s. Already al- Many have even resigned them-
most as many major earthquakes have selves to accept the wickedness and
occurred during the 1990s as during cruelty of the world as being irrepa-
the entire decade of the 1980s. rable. They have given up hope. They
The world is experiencing violent have decided to quit trying to make the
disorders, both physical and social. world a better place in which they and
Here in the United States we are still their families can live. They have sur-
reeling from two incredibly destructive rendered to despair.
hurricanes. People in the Philippines Admittedly we have ample reason
see no end to the devastation of the to be deeply concerned because we
volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo. see no immediate answers to the seem-
Famine grips portions of Africa, where ingly unsolvable problems confronting
tragic human suffering is prevalent. the human family. But regardless of this
To a lesser degree, hunger afflicts mil- dark picture, which will ultimately get
lions, even in countries that have a high worse, we must never allow ourselves
standard of living. to give up hope! Moroni, having seen
Political unrest, warfare, and eco- our day, counseled, "Wherefore, there
nomic chaos prevail in many parts of must be faith; and if there must be
the world, and the plagues of pornog- faith there must also be hope" (Moroni
raphy, drug misuse, immorality, AIDS, 10:20).
and child abuse become more oppres-
sive with each passing day. The media The Lord is in control
busily satisfies an apparently insatiable
appetite of audiences to witness mur- To all who have harbored feelings
der, violence, nudity, sex, and profan- of despair and an absence of hope, I
ity. Is not this the day of which Moroni offer the words of the Lord through
spoke when he recorded: "Behold, I the Prophet Joseph Smith:
speak unto you as if ye were present, "Fear not, little flock; do good; let
and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus earth and hell combine against you, for
Christ hath shown you unto me, and I if ye are built upon my rock, they can-

know your doing" (Mormon 8:35). And not prevail. . . .

then he prophesied of conditions of "Look unto me in every thought;

the world as they are today. doubt not, fear not" (D&C 6:34, 36).
"Even so am I in the midst of you"
We must never give up hope (D&C 6:32).
My message to you today, my
Brothers and sisters, whether or brothers and sisters, is simply this: the
not these are indeed the last days or Lord is in control. He knows the end
even "the beginning of sorrows" as the from the beginning. He has given us
Savior foretold, some of us may find adequate instruction that, if followed,
our lives laden with frustration, dis- will see us safely through any crisis. His
appointment, and sorrow. Many feel purposes will be fulfilled, and someday
helpless to deal with the chaos that we will understand the eternal reasons
seems to prevail in the world. Others for all of these events. Therefore, today
anguish over family members who are we must be careful not to overreact,
being carried downstream in a swift, nor should we be caught up in extreme
raging current of weakening values and

preparations; but what we must do is through which miracles are wrought.

keep the commandments of God and Or it can be a source of inner strength
never lose hope! through which we find peace, comfort,
and the courage to cope.
Turn to Christ for hope and safety
Hope grows out of faith
But where do we find hope in the
midst of such turmoil and catastrophe? As we
put our faith and trust to
Quite simply, our one hope for spiri- work, hope is born. Hope grows out of
tual safety during these turbulent times faith and gives meaning and purpose
is to turn our minds and our hearts to to all that we do. It can even give us
Jesus Christ. The prophet Mormon the peaceful assurance we need to live
taught: happily in a world that is ripe with in-
"Ye shall have hope through the iquity, calamity, and injustice.
atonement of Christ and the power of As the end of the Savior's mortal
his resurrection, tobe raised unto life ministry drew near, He offered this re-
eternal, and this because of your faith assuring hope to His beloved disciples:
in him according to the promise. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I
"Wherefore, if a man have faith he give unto you: not as the world giveth,
must needs have hope; for without faith give I unto you. Let not your heart be
there cannot be any hope" (Moroni troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John
7:41-42). 14:27).
Faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Hope is by
a precious principle
Christ, is absolutely essential for us which to However, some among

to maintain a balanced perspective us may have hope because of

lost all
through times of trial and difficulty. sin and transgression. A person can
Remember, nothing will occur in our become so deeply immersed in the
lives that He
does not understand. ways of the world that he sees no way
Alma taught, "And he
shall go forth, out and loses all hope. My plea to all
suffering pains and afflictions and who have fallen into this trap of the
temptations of every kind; and this that adversary is to never give up! Regard-
the word might be fulfilled which saith lessof how desperate things may seem
he will take upon him the pains and the or how desperate they may yet become,
sicknesses of his people" (Alma 7:11). please believe me, you can always have
Please turn to Him if you are dis- hope. Always.
couraged and struggling for direction
in your life. Armed with the shield of Repentance brings a father peace
faith, we can overcome many of our
daily challenges and overpower our Recently I had the privilege of
greatest weaknesses and fears, know- performing the temple sealing ordi-
ing that if we do our best to keep the nances for a wonderful family. It was a
commandments of God, come what beautiful occasion, as such ceremonies
may, we will be all right. almost always are. But if you had
Of course that does not necessarily known the father of this family several
mean that we will be spared personal years earlier, you would have under-
suffering and heartache. Righteous- stood what a miracle was taking place
ness has never precluded adversity. But in the house of the Lord that day. With
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ— real his permission I quote from a letter he
faith, whole-souled and unshakable — wrote to me:
is a power to be reckoned with in the "I was born into the Church and
universe. It can be a causative force was taught the gospel at my mother's
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

knee. Through her diligence and per- out in prayer to Heavenly Father to
severance, she kindled a small ember help me in the name of His Son, Jesus
of testimony that never left me even Christ, I came to know the power of
through some of the roughest times of repentance and the blessings of obedi-
my life. In my teen years Satan hit me ence to God's commandments."
hard. It was during the late 1960s and Brothers and sisters, I wish all of
early 1970s, a time of great turmoil, and you could have been with us in the
Satan was hard at work on me. I was temple that day to feel the joy of hope
taken with the practice of free drugs, fulfilled. I am sure you would have
free love, free fun, and the rest of the sensed, as I did, the rekindled love for
world be damned. Beginning with my God and the sublime happiness that
first drink of alcohol, I began to slowly filled the heart of my friend's mother
deteriorate. After alcohol, other drugs as her four sons, their companions, and
were that much easier to use. In order other family members surrounded her
to take drugs, you must become a good in the sealing room.
liar. You learn to do whatever it takes
to conceal your behavior from others. Faith, hope, and charity
"After many years of living this way,
all my moral seemed to be com-
fiber The Apostle Paul taught that three
pletely eroded away. I had a minimal divine principles form a foundation
amount of conscience and had sunk to upon which we can build the structure
the depths of despair and depression. I of our lives. They are faith, hope, and
watched friends die from drugs and charity. (See 1 Corinthians 13:13.) To-
suicide.As time passed, my friends and gether they give us a base of support
I were exposed to the criminal justice like the legs of a three-legged stool.
system. In fact, many of my former Each principle is significant within it-
friends are still in prison. Had it not self, but each also plays an important
been for the small flicker of testimony supporting role. Each is incomplete
instilled in me by my mother when I without the others. Hope helps faith
was a child, to know that Heavenly develop. Likewise, true faith gives birth
Father could still love me, I have reser- to hope. When we begin to lose hope,
vations as to whether I would even be we are faltering also in our measure of
writing this letter today." faith. The principles of faith and hope
Some parents might have given up working together must be accompanied
hope on this prodigal son, but not this by charity, which is the greatest of all.
man's mother. She continued to be- According to Mormon, "charity is the
lieve that he would find his way back to pure love of Christ, and it endureth
the teachings of his childhood and once forever" (Moroni 7:47). It is the perfect
again place his trust in the Lord Jesus manifestation of our faith and hope.
Christ. With the loving support of his Working together, these three
family and friends, that is exactly what eternal principles will help give us
he did. Let me read again from his the broad eternal perspective we
letter: need to face life's toughest challenges,
"If there is one thing I have including the prophesied ordeals of
learned, it is that no matter how lost the last days. Real faith fosters hope
you feel, no matter how low you may for the future; it allows us to look
have sunk, there can be forgiveness beyond ourselves and our present
and peace. I learned that the further cares. Fortified by hope, we are moved
one drifts from the Lord, the harder it to demonstrate the pure love of Christ
is to return to Him and His teachings. through daily acts of obedience and
But once I opened my heart and called Christian service.

The peace of God lippians 4:7), which can be found only

through and hope.
charity, faith,
I assure you, my brothers and sis-
May you my testimony that
I leave
our Heavenly Father is aware
ters, that I know Lord Jesus Christ lives.
that the
of us individually and collectively. He He has restored His Church to the
understands the spiritual, physical, and earth through the Prophet Joseph
emotional difficulties we face in the Smith. Our assurance of eternal life
world today. In fact, they are all part rests in our love of God and the keep-
of His plan for our eternal growth and ing of His commandments. This knowl-
development. And His promise to us edge gives me hope and faith. May it
is sure: "He that endureth in faith be so with each of you, I humbly pray
and doeth my will, the same shall over- in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
come" (D&C 63:20).
The Savior promised that "no President Monson
weapon that is formed against thee
shall prosper. This is the heritage of
. . .
Wehave just heard from Elder
the servants of the Lord" (3 Nephi M. Russell Ballard of the Council of
22:17). the Twelve.
May we all find the "peace of God, Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the
which passeth all understanding" (Phi- Council of the Twelve Apostles will be
our concluding speaker at this session.

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

Bonfires of testimony road of life today, but, in a spiritual
sense, we do face the devious wolves of
Many years ago, large packs of Satan in the forms of temptation, evil,
wolves roamed the countryside in and sin. We live in dangerous times
Ukraine, making travel in that part of when these ravenous wolves roam the
the world very dangerous. These wolf spiritual countryside in search of those
packs were fearless. They were not in- who may be weak in faith or feeble
timidated by people or by any of the in their conviction. In his first epistle,
weapons available at that time. The only Peter described our "adversary the
thing that seemed to frighten them was devil, as a roaring lion [that] walketh
Consequently, travelers who found
fire. about, seeking whom he may devour"
themselves away from cities developed (1 Peter 5:8). The Lord told the
the common practice of building a large Prophet Joseph Smith that "enemies
bonfire and keeping it burning through prowl around thee like wolves for the
the night. As long as the fire burned blood of the lamb" (D&C 122:6). We
brightly, the wolves stayed away. But if are all vulnerable to attack. However,
it were allowed to burn out and die, the
we can fortify ourselves with the protec-
wolves would move in for an attack. tion provided by a burning testimony
Travelers understood that building and that, like a bonfire, has been built
maintaining a roaring bonfire was not adequately and maintained carefully.
just a matter of convenience or com- Unfortunately, some in the Church
fort; it was a matter of survival. (See may believe sincerely that their testi-
Mary Pratt Parrish, "Guardians of the mony is a raging bonfire when it really
Covenant," Ensign, May 1972, p. 25.) is little more than the faint flickering
We do not have to protect our- of a candle. Their faithfulness has more
selves from wolf packs as we travel the
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

to do with habit than holiness, and their committed your entire life to Him. And
pursuit of personal righteousness al- now He questions you by instructing
most always takes a back seat to their you to strengthen your brethren "when
pursuit of personal interests and plea- thou art converted."
sure. With such a feeble light of testi- Peter was surprised. He assured
mony for protection, these travelers on the Lord, "I am ready to go with thee,
life's highways are easy prey for the both into prison, and to death" (Luke
wolves of the adversary. 22:33). But Jesus knew and understood.
He was not condemning Peter for
Strengthening Peter's testimony lack of conviction; Peter demonstrated
his conviction during the Lord's arrest.
The Savior understood that many Rather, the Savior was telling Peter
of His followers would struggle under what he needed to do when his testi-
the rigors of true discipleship; conse- mony became more secure.
quently, He taught them how to build
burning testimonies. The night before Many testimonies are weak
His crucifixion, Jesus shared the feast
of the Passover with His twelve beloved As He knew Peter, the Lord un-
Apostles, most of whom had been with derstands you and me when our testi-
Him throughout His ministry. At one monies may not be the brightly burning
point during this sacred evening, the bonfire you may think they are or want
Lord looked upon Peter, His senior them to be. Perhaps in some cases that
Apostle and loyal friend. Knowing testimony is constructed unwisely, built
what would be required of Peter after on a social foundation of programs and
the Ascension, the Lord said: personalities instead of the sure rock of
"Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath personal revelation. Or perhaps you
desired to have you, that he may sift have allowed your testimony to flicker
you as wheat: gradually through the years of disuse
I have prayed for thee, that and spiritual complacency.
thy faithfail not: and when thou art con- Regardless of the reason your tes-
verted,strengthen thy brethren" (Luke timony may be growing dim, the Savior
22:31-32; italics added). lovingly urges you to come unto Him
Imagine for a moment that you and become strengthened in Him. Said
are Peter. Three years ago a holy He to Moroni: "If men come unto me I
stranger invited you to set aside your will show unto them their weakness.
fishing boat and nets, your means of I give unto men weakness that they

support for yourself and your family, may be humble; ... for if they humble
and then asked you to follow Him. You themselves before me, and have faith in
did so without hesitation, and for three me, then will I make weak things be-
years you have continued to follow and come strong unto them" (Ether 12:27).
to love and support and sustain Him. Some people are weak in their
You have seen Him confound the wise, faith and testimonies but are not even
comfort the weary and the afflicted, aware of how precarious their situation
heal the sick, and raise the dead to life. is. Many of them likely would be of-

You have seen Him conquer evil spir- fended at the suggestion. They raise
its, calm the troubled seas, and, for a their right hand to sustain Church
few minutes at least, you even walked leaders and then murmur and com-
on the water toward Him. You were at plain when a decision does not square
His side when Moses and Elias ap- with their way of thinking. They claim
peared to Him; you saw Him transfig- to be obedient to God's command-
ured before your very eyes. You have ments but do not feel at all uncomfort-

able about purchasing food at the store have strong feelings about the inspired
on Sunday and then asking the Lord to programs of the Church, we must re-
bless it. Some say they would give their member that we have only one sure
lives for the Lord, yet they refuse to anchor for our souls. It is stated in the
serve in the nursery. words of the prophet Helaman when
The Savior spoke very explicitly he taught his sons:
about people who "draw near me with "And now, my sons, remember,
their mouth, and with their lips do hon- remember that it is upon the rock of
our me, but have removed their heart our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son
far from me" (Isaiah 29:13). His words of God, that ye must build your foun-
were: dation; that when the devil shall send
"Not every one that saith unto me, forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the king- in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail
dom of heaven; but he that doeth the and his mightystorm shall beat upon
my Father which is in heaven.
will of you, it have no power over you to
"Many will say to me in that day, drag you down to the gulf of misery and
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in endless wo, because of the rock upon
thy name? and in thy name have cast which ye are built, which is a sure foun-
out devils? and in thy name done many dation, a foundation whereon if men
wonderful works? build they cannot fall" (Helaman 5:12).
"And then will I profess unto Perhaps you are one of the mem-
them, I never knew you: depart from bers of the Church whose first contact
me, ye that work iniquity" (Matthew with the gospel came through the beau-
7:21-23). tiful music of the Tabernacle Choir.
Maybe your life was blessed by the
Suggestions to fortify testimonies Church welfare program when you fol-
lowed prophetic counsel to store food
None would want to hear the Lord and other necessities. These are mar-
speak such disappointing words of you. velous, inspired aspects of the Church
That is why you need to do everything that God has provided to help bring his
in your power to be absolutely certain children to Christ. However, they are
that your spiritual bonfire of testimony implements and not ends in them-
is burning brightly enough to keep the selves. The ultimate focus of our devo-
wolves of darkness away. You can al- tion must properly be our Heavenly
ways use more dry kindling. As the Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus
Apostle Paul taught, each of us has Christ.
"come short of the glory of God" (Ro- We often hear of members who
mans 3:23). None of us has progressed have separated themselves from the
so far in this life that we do not need Church because some leader, teacher,
to continually fortify our testimonies. or member has done something
said or
I offer three suggestions that will to offend them. Others have had their
fan the flame of personal testimony as faith shaken when the Brethren have
a protection against the wolves of evil taken a stand with which they disagree.
that are prowling all around us to In such cases I wonder about the faith
threaten our spiritual security. of those people and whether it was
grounded securely in a testimony of the
Build testimony on faith in Christ Lord Jesus Christ or merely based on
their own ideas and social perceptions
First, make sure your testimony is of what the Church and its members
built upon a solid foundation of faith in should be.
the Lord, Jesus Christ. Even though we Scripture teaches us: "Trust in the
enjoy the fellowship of the Saints and Lord with all thine heart; and lean
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Afternoon Session

not unto thine own understanding" prevent our bonfires of testimony from
(Proverbs 3:5). In His moving prayer being snuffed out by sin.
recorded in the seventeenth chapter of
John, the Savior taught this profound Follow the Savior's example
truth: "And this is life eternal, that
they might know thee the only true My third suggestion is that we fol-
God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast low the example of the Savior. He set
sent" (John 17:3). Building a testimony the pattern.
on the foundation of a sincere, per- In any pursuit and under any con-
sonal relationship with our Heavenly dition, we can ask ourselves what Jesus
Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus would do and then determine our own
Christ, and on our faith in them should course accordingly. For example, what
be our highest priority. sort of home teacher would the Savior
be? Would He occasionally miss visit-
Build testimony through repentance ing families? Would He visit them
without a message? Or would He min-
Anchored with that faith, we are ister to His families like the Good
ready for my second suggestion an- — Shepherd that He is, with constant
other layer of kindling on the bonfire watch care and loving kindness? Deep
of testimony. It is humble, sincere re- in our hearts we know what kind of
pentance. Few things extinguish the home teacher Jesus would be, just as
fervor of the Holy Spirit in the heart we know what kind of bishop, teacher,
of any individual more quickly than Primary leader, clerk, or youth adviser
does sin. It dulls the spiritual senses, He would be. Even though we could
diminishes confidence and personal never in this life measure up com-
security, and separates the sinner from pletely to His standard of excellence,
the Savior. One who carries the burden our attempt to do so will lead us to do
of unrepented sin is more likely to far better than otherwise.
rationalize additional disobedience. The We can apply the same principle
more sin is rationalized, the greater to other pursuits in the same way.
the possibility of destruction by Satan's What sort of parent would Jesus be?
wolves. What sort of neighbor, employer, em-
Few would argue the potential ployee, student, or friend? If we live
spiritual risk of major sins like murder our lives to conform as nearly as pos-
or marital infidelity. But what about sible to the pattern the Savior has set,
the person who uses an employer's time our testimonies will be fortified con-
to complete personal projects, the per- tinuallyand our spiritual bonfires will
son who sneaks into a pornographic never be reduced to embers.
movie, the student who cheats at school,
the person who criticizes others unfairly, God will strengthen and uphold us
or the parent who thinks family home
evening is a good idea for someone — We perilous times. The in-
live in
else? fluence of Satan often appears to be
The simple fact is this: anything unchecked and overwhelming. Remem-
that does not draw us closer to God ber the promise that God has given to
takes us away from Him. We have no those who build and maintain brightly
middle ground, no foggy gray area burning bonfires of testimony to
where we can sin a little without suffer- counter the wolves that threaten us.
ing spiritual decline. That is why we This is His promise: "Fear thou not; for
must repent and come to Christ daily I am with thee: be not dismayed; for
on submissive knees so that we can I am thy God: I will strengthen thee;

yea, I will . . . uphold thee with the President Monson

right hand of my righteousness" (Isaiah
41:10). Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the
The strength of the Church lies in Council of the Twelve has just spoken
the depth and vitality of the personal to us.
testimonies of its members. Firm, se- We remind the brethren of the
cure testimonies will be the difference general priesthood meeting, which will
between faithfulness and disaffection. convene in the Tabernacle this evening
I bear testimony that in order for at 6:00 p.m. mountain daylight time.

us to enjoy a happy, rewarding, and The nationwide CBS Tabernacle

spiritual life, we must make sure that Choir broadcast tomorrow morning
our testimonies are built upon the will be from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. daylight
foundation of faith in the Lord Jesus saving time. Those desiring to attend
Christ, humble and sincere repentance, this broadcast and the Sunday morning

and following the example of the session which immediately follows

Savior. must be in their seats no later than
I know
that our Heavenly Father 9:15 a.m.
lives and loves each of His children. We express gratitude to the family
His Son, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and choir from the Jordan Utah South and
Redeemer. Christ's atonement pro- Riverton Utah regions for the beautiful
vides for all of us immortality and the music we have heard this afternoon.
possibility of eternal life, the kind of The choir will now sing in closing
life that God lives, if we will repent of "Beautiful Savior," and following the
our sins and will be true and faithful in singing the benediction will be offered
keeping the commandments. Joseph by Elder George R. Hill III, who was
Smith is a prophet of God. Through released this afternoon as a member of
him the Lord restored the gospel of the Seventy.
Jesus Christ in these the latter days.
President Ezra Taft Benson is our The choir sang "Beautiful Savior."
prophet today. I testify of these divine Elder George R. Hill III offered
truths in the name of Jesus Christ, the benediction.


The general priesthood session, the President Gordon B. Hinckley
third session of the 162nd Semiannual
General Conference, convened in the Brethren, we welcome you this
Tabernacle at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, evening to this general priesthood ses-
October 3, 1992. President Gordon B. sion. President Ezra Taft Benson, who
Hinckley, First Counselor in the First is watching these proceedings in his

Presidency, conducted this session. apartment, sends his love and best
Music was provided by a com- wishes to all who are participating.
bined men's choir from the Tabernacle He has asked that I conduct these
Choir and Mormon Youth Chorus. services.
Jerold Ottley and Robert Bowden di- These services are being relayed
rected the choir, and Richard L. Elliott by closed-circuit and satellite transmis-

was at the organ. sion to holders of the priesthood gath-

President Hinckley opened the ered in the Assembly Hall, the BYU
meeting with the following remarks:
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

Marriott Center, and locations in many were sustained to succeed Hugh W.

countries throughout the world. Pinnock, Hartman Rector, Jr., and
Elders Marvin J. Ashton and Gene Clinton L. Cutler as the General Presi-
R. Cook and Bishop Robert D. Hales dency of the Sunday School. Elders
are seated on the stand in the Assem- Stephen D. Nadauld and L. Lionel
bly Hall, and Elders Monte J. Brough Kendrick were sustained to succeed
and Richard P. Lindsay are seated on Robert K. Dellenbach and Stephen D.
the stand in the BYU Marriott Center. Nadauld as counselors in the Young
For the information of those in Men General Presidency.
outlying areas, we announce that at the Announcement was also made this
session this afternoon Elders Marion afternoon of the design to construct
D. Hanks and Robert L. Backman temples in Hong Kong, to serve the
were released as members of the Presi- needs of some of our people in that
dency of the Quorums of the Seventy part of the world; in Hartford, Con-
and given emeritus status. Elders necticut, to serve the needs of the
Charles Didier and L. Aldin Porter people in New York and Boston and
were sustained as members of the the New England area; and, at the
Presidency of the Seventy. proper time, in Utah County, to relieve
Bishops Henry B. Eyring and the pressure on the Provo Temple,
Glenn L. Pace were released as first which is operating far beyond its de-
and second counselors in the Presiding signed capacity.
Bishopric, and both were sustained as The singing during this session will
members of the First Quorum of the be furnished by a combined men's
Seventy. Bishop Eyring also becomes choir from the Tabernacle Choir and
the Church Commissioner of Educa- Mormon Youth Chorus, under the di-
tion. Bishops H. David Burton and rection of Brothers Jerold Ottley and
Richard C. Edgley were sustained as Robert Bowden, with Richard Elliott
firstand second counselors to Bishop at the organ.
Hales in the Presiding Bishopric. We shall begin with the choir sing-
Elders George R. Hill III, John R. ing "See the Mighty Priesthood Gath-
Lasater, Douglas J. Martin, Glen L. ered," following which Elder Robert K.
Rudd, Douglas H. Smith, and Lynn A. Dellenbach of the Seventy will offer
Sorensen were released from their the invocation.
service as Seventies.
Elders Carlos H. Amado, Benja-
The choir sang "See the Mighty
min B. Banks, Spencer J. Condie, and
Priesthood Gathered."
Robert K. Dellenbach were sustained
Elder Robert K. Dellenbach of-
as members of the First Quorum of
fered the invocation.
the Seventy.
Elders Lino Alvarez, Dallas N.
Archibald, Merrill J. Bateman, C. Max
Caldwell, Gary J. Coleman, John B. President Hinckley
Dickson, John E. Fowler, Jay E. Jen-
The choir will now sing "I Need
sen, Augusto A. Lim, John M. Madsen,
Thee Every Hour," and Elder Dallin
V. Dallas Merrell, David E. Sorensen,
H. Oaks of the Council of the Twelve
F. David Stanley, Kwok Yuen Tai, and
Apostles will then speak to us.
Lowell D. Wood were sustained as
members of the Second Quorum of the
Seventy. Thechoir sang "I Need Thee
Elders Merlin R. Lybbert, Clinton Every Hour."
L. Cutler, and Ronald E. Poelman

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Bible stories the knife they carried, "but," he asked
his father, "where is the lamb for a
My dear brethren, this is an im- burnt offering?" (Genesis 22:7). I did
portant occasion, when holders of the not realize until I had sons of my own
holy priesthood all over the world how much pain Abraham must have
gather for instruction and inspiration. when he answered simply, "My
Like many of the older men in this son, God will provide" (22:8).
gathering, I have sons and grandsons When they came to the prescribed
listening in various locations. wantWe place, Abraham built an altar and laid
this meeting to be valuable and inter- wood upon it. Then, the Bible says,
esting to the young men of the priest- "Abraham bound Isaac his son, and
. . .

hood. I am directing my talk primarily laid him on the altar upon the wood"
to them. (Genesis 22:9). What did Isaac think
When I was a boy, I spent most of when Abraham did such a strange
my evenings reading books. One of thing? The Bible mentions no struggle
my favorites was Hurlbut's Story of the or objection. Isaac's silence can be
Bible. Published by a Protestant minis- explained only in terms of his trust in
ter to help teach Bible truths to young and obedience to his father.
people, this book tells 168 stories from And then the Bible says, "Abraham
the Bible. stretched forth his hand, and took the
I loved these stories and read knife to slay his son" (Genesis 22:10).
them many times. share some of
I will As you know, Abraham had passed
my favorites and comment on their his test, and the Lord saved young
teachings and their impact on my life. Isaac. "Lay not thine hand upon the
lad," an angel commanded Abraham
Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:12). A ram whose horns
were caught in a thicket became the
begin with a story I thought I
I offering, instead of Isaac.
understood as a boy but did not begin As a young man, I saw mostly the
to understand until later. adventure in that story, though I was
The Lord spoke to Abraham and surely impressed with Isaac's obedi-
told him to take his son Isaac and go ence. When I was older, I learned that
to the top of a mountain in the land the experience of Abraham and Isaac
of Moriah "and offer him there for a was what the scriptures call a type,
burnt offering" (Genesis 22:2). which is a likeness or reminder of
The first time I read this story I something else. The Book of Mormon
didn't know what a burnt offering was. prophet Jacob said that the command
But I lived on a farm with animals and for Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac
mountains nearby, so I could easily was "a similitude of God and his Only
understand the rest of the story. Begotten Son" (Jacob 4:5).
Abraham got up early in the This story also shows the goodness
morning and saddled one of his ani- of God in protecting Isaac and in pro-
mals, and they started out. I thought viding a substitute so he would not
that Isaac must have felt privileged to have to die. Because of our sins and
be with his father on such a trip. our mortality, we, like Isaac, are con-
On the third day, Abraham and demned to death. When all other hope
Isaac climbed the mountain to worship. is gone, our Father in Heaven provides
Like most young men, Isaac was curi- the Lamb of God, and we are saved by
ous. He saw the fire and the wood and his sacrifice.

Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

The Apostle Paul taught that the faithful sons. When I was young, that
scriptures are "given by inspiration of was my favorite part of the story of
God" and are "profitable ... for in- Joseph.
struction in righteousness" (2 Timothy We all remember how the jealous
3:16). We
obtain instruction in righ- older sons of Jacob plotted to kill their
teousness from the experiences re- favored younger brother. After seizing
corded in the scriptures. They provide Joseph and throwing him into a pit,
what we might call case studies of the they decided to sell him into slavery
results of keeping or breaking the com- instead. Even as they told their father
mandments of God. that Joseph had been killed by wild
beasts, the traders who had purchased
Joseph's integrity him on the plains of Canaan were lead-
ing him down into Egypt and slavery.
One example of special impor- (See Genesis 37.)
tance to young people involved young In Egypt, Joseph was unjustly sent
Joseph, who was sold into Egypt. to prison. But even there he excelled,
Though only a slave, Joseph's abilities and the Lord blessed him. In time he
were so impressive to his master that came forth to interpret Pharaoh's
he was put in charge of all that his mas- dream, and he was made ruler of all
ter had in the house and in the field Egypt. In that powerful position he be-
(see Genesis 39:4-6). Then, in that came the instrument to save his people
position of prominence and power, from famine and to love and forgive
Joseph met a test. the brothers who had wronged him.
His master's wife tempted him to (See Genesis 40-45.)
commit adultery with her. Joseph re- As a young boy, I was thrilled with
jected her advances, telling her he Joseph's adventures and impressed
would not betray the trust of her hus- with how the Lord had rescued him
band or the even greater trust he would from the perils of murder, slavery, and
violate by sinning against God in doing prison. The first time I read the Book
what Joseph called "this great wicked- of Mormon, I found the statement that
ness" (Genesis 39:9). He rejected her "Joseph .who was sold into Egypt
. . . .

again and again. Then one day, when was preserved by the hand of the Lord"
no one else was in the house, she (1 Nephi 5:14). In later readings in the
seized hold of his clothing. In a marvel- scriptures, I found that this kind of
ously vivid description, the scripture protection is available to all. For ex-
says, "And he left his garment in her ample, the Bible states that "the Lord
hand, and fled, and got him out" (39:12). preserved! the faithful" (Psalm 31:23)
What a persuasive instruction in and that God "is a shield unto them
righteousness! The same teaching was that put their trust in him" (Proverbs
given in this modern revelation: "And 30:5).
go ye out from among the wicked. Save
yourselves. Be ye clean that bear the David's faith and courage
vessels of the Lord" (D&C 38:42).
Those words command all of us to fol- Another favorite example of
low the example of Joseph. God's protecting care is the shepherd
boy David. David had a firm faith in
The Lord's protection of Joseph the God of Israel, and that faith gave
him great courage.
common element in many of my When the armies of the Philistines
best-loved Bible stories was the way were gathered to battle against the
the Lord protected his righteous and Israelites, the mighty Goliath came for-

ward and hurled his challenge to indi- own sword. Frightened by the fall of
vidual combat. King Saul and all Israel their champion, the Philistines fled.
"were dismayed, and greatly afraid" Shouting in triumph, the armies of
(1 Samuel 17:11). Day after day he re- Israel pursued them and won a great
newed his challenge, but no one would victory.
face him. Countless young people have been
When young David came to the inspired by this marvelous instruction
camp of Israel to deliver provisions, he in righteousness. At times all of us
heard Goliath's roar. In surprise David must stand against those who mock
asked, "Who is this uncircumcised and revile. Some of us, sometime, will
Philistine, that he should defy the face some earthly power as mighty as
armies of the living God?" (1 Samuel Goliath. When that happens, we should
17:26). David asked if he could fight emulate the courage of David, who was
the man. The king refused, saying, mighty because he had faith and he
"Thou art but a youth" (17:33). David went forth in a righteous cause in the
replied with courage and faith: "The name of the Lord of Hosts.
Lord that delivered me out of the paw
of the lion will deliver me out of the
. . .
The Lord shields the faithful
hand of this Philistine" (17:37).
As David went onto the field of Our missionaries also seem weak
battle, Goliath mocked him for his and defenseless, powerless against the
youth, cursed him by his gods, and armaments of the adversary and those
shouted that he would feed his flesh to who serve him. But the Lord has prom-
the birds and beasts of the field (see ised them that he "will be their shield"
1 Samuel 17:42-44). (D&C 35:14), and that promise is ful-
David's reply is one of the great filled every day in many places around
expressions of faith and courage in all the world.
our literature. It thrilled me as a boy, The shield the Lord gives to the
and it still thrills me. faithful also protects us against our
"Thou comest to me with a sword, own harmful impulses. The revelation
and with a spear, and with a shield: but that commands modern Saints to re-
I come to thee in the name of the Lord frainfrom alcohol, tobacco, hot drinks,
of hosts, the God of the armies of and other harmful things promises the
Israel, whom
thou hast defied. faithful that "the destroying angel shall
"This day will the Lord deliver pass by them, as the children of Israel,
thee into mine hand; and I will smite and not slay them" (D&C 89:21).
thee, and take thine head from thee;
and I the carcases of the host
will give The Lord protects Elisha
of the Philistines this day unto the
fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts Another story of protection in-
of the earth; that all the earth may volved a prophet and his young servant.
know that there is a God in Israel. Because Elisha had helped the king-
"And all this assembly shall know dom of Israel repel the Syrians, they
that the Lord saveth not with sword sent a great army with horses and
and spear: for the battle is the Lord's, chariots to capture the prophet. When
and he will give you into our hands" Elisha's young servant saw the armies
(1 Samuel 17:45-47). surrounding their city, he cried out in
You all know what happened next. fear, but Elisha reassured him:
David stunned the Philistine with a "Fear not: for they that be with us
sling-stone and cut off his head with his are more than they that be with them.
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

"And Elisha prayed, and said, injury and also from evil. The Lord's
Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that protecting care has shielded me from
he may see. And the Lord opened the the evil acts of others and has also pro-
eyes of the young man; and he saw: tected me from surrendering to my
and, behold, the mountain was full of own worst impulses. I enjoyed that pro-
horses and chariots of fire round about tection one warm summer night on the
Elisha" (2 Kings 6:16-17). streets of Chicago. I have never shared
The Lord intervened to confuse this experience in public. I do so now
and blind the Syrians, and they were because it is a persuasive illustration of
taken prisoners by the armies of Israel. my subject.
When I read this wonderful story My wife, June, had attended a
as a boy, I always identified with the ward officers' meeting. When I came to
young servant of Elisha. I thought, If I drive her home, she was accompanied
am ever surrounded by the forces of by a sister we would take home on our
evil while I am in the Lord's service, I way. She lived in the nearby Woodlawn
hope the Lord will open my eyes and area, which was the territory of a gang
give me faith to understand that when called the Blackstone Rangers.
we are in the work of the Lord, those I parked at the curb outside this

who are with us are always more pow- sister's apartment house and accompa-
erful than those who oppose us. nied her into the lobby and up the
stairs to her door. June remained in the

God's protection is a reality car on 61st Street. She locked all of the
doors, and I left the keys in the ignition
Bible stories such as these do not in case she needed to drive away. We
mean that the servants of God are de- had lived on the south side of Chicago
livered from all hardship or that they for quite a few years and were accus-
are always saved from death. Some be- tomed to such precautions.
lievers lose their lives in persecutions, Back in the lobby, and before
and some suffer great hardships as a stepping out into the street, I looked
result of their faith. But the protection carefully in each direction. By the light
promised to the faithful servants of of a nearby streetlight, I could see that
God is a reality today as it was in Bible the street was deserted except for three
times. young men walking by. I waited until
All over the world, faithful Latter- they were out of sight and then walked
day Saints are protected from the pow- quickly toward our car.
ers of the evil one and his servants until As I came to the driver's side and
they have finished their missions in paused for June to unlock the door, I
mortality. For some the mortal mission saw one of these young men running
is brief, as with some valiant young back toward me. He had something in
men who have lost their lives in mis- his right hand, and I knew what it
sionary service. But for most of us the would be. There was no time to get into
mortal journey is long, and we continue the car and drive away before he came
our course with the protection of within range.
guardian angels. Fortunately, as June leaned across
to open the door, she glanced through
Protection from a robber in Chicago the back window and saw this fellow
coming around the end of the car with
During my life I have had many a gun in his hand. Wisely, she did not
experiences of being guided in what I unlock the door. For the next two or
should do and in being protected from three minutes, which seemed like an

eternity, shewas a horrified spectator bility of making matters worse, so she

to an event happening at her eye level, just waited and prayed. Then a peace-
just outside the driver's ful feeling came over her. She felt it
The young man pushed the gun would be all right.
against my stomach and said, "Give me Then for the first time I saw the
your money." I took the wallet out of possibility of help. From behind the
my pocket and showed him it was robber, a city bus approached. It
empty. I wasn't even wearing a watch I stopped about twenty feet away. pas- A
could offer him because my watchband senger stepped off and scurried away.
had broken earlier that day. I offered The driver looked directly at me, but I
him some coins I had in my pocket, but could see that he was not going to offer
he growled a rejection. any assistance.
"Give me your car keys," he de- While this was happening behind
manded. "They are in the car," I told the young robber, out of his view, he
him. "Tell her to open the car," he re- became nervous and distracted. His
plied. For a moment I considered the gun wavered from my stomach until its

new possibilities that would present, barrel pointed slightly to my left. My

and then refused. He was furious. He arm was already partly raised,and with
jabbed me in the stomach with his gun a quick motion I could seize the gun

and said, "Do it, or I'll kill you." and struggle with him without the like-
Although this event happened lihood of being shot. I was taller and
twenty-two years ago, I remember it as heavier than this young man and at
clearly as if it were yesterday. I read that time of my life was somewhat ath-
somewhere that nothing concentrates letic. Ihad no doubt that I could pre-
the mind as wonderfully as having vail in a quick wrestling match if I
someone stand in front of you with a could get his gun out of the contest.
deadly weapon and tell you he intends Just as I was about to make my
to kill you. move, I had a unique experience. I did
When I refused, the young robber not see anything or hear anything, but
repeated his demands, this time em- I knew something. I knew what would
phasizing them with an angrier tone happen if I grabbed that gun. We
and more motion with his gun. I re- would struggle, and I would turn the
member thinking that he probably gun into that young man's chest. It
wouldn't shoot me on purpose, but if would fire, and he would die. I also
he wasn't careful in the way he kept understood that I must not have the
jabbing that gun into my stomach, he blood of that young man on my con-
might shoot me by mistake. His gun science for the rest of my life.
looked like a cheap one, and I was ner- I relaxed, and as the bus pulled

vous about its firing mechanism. away I followed an impulse to put my

"Give me your money." "I don't right hand on his shoulder and give him
have any." "Give me your car keys." a lecture. June and I had some teenage
"They're in the car." "Tell her to open children at that time, and giving lec-
the car." "I won't do it." "I'll kill you if tures came naturally.
you don't." "I won't do it." "Look here," I said. "This isn't right.
Inside the car June couldn't hear What you're doing just isn't right. The
the conversation, but she could see the next car might be a policeman, and you
action with the gun. She agonized over could get killed or sent to jail for this."
what she should do. Should she unlock With the gun back in my stomach,
the door? Should she honk the horn? the young robber replied to my lecture
Should she drive away? Everything she by going through his demands for the
considered seemed to have the possi- third time. But this time his voice was
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

subdued. When he offered the final the last days that "the righteous need
threat to kill me, he didn't sound per- not fear," for the Lord "will preserve
suasive. When I refused again, he hesi- the righteous by his power" (1 Nephi
tated for a moment and then stuck the 22:17). I am grateful for the protection
gun in his pocket and ran away. June promised to those who have kept their
unlocked the door, and we drove off, covenants and qualified for the bless-
uttering a prayer of thanks. We had ex- ings promised in sacred places.
perienced the kind of miraculous pro- These and all promises to the
tection illustrated in the Bible stories I faithful children of God are made by
had read as a boy. the voice and power of the Lord God
I have often pondered the signifi- of Israel. I testify of that God, our Sav-
cance of that event in relation to the ior Jesus Christ, whose resurrection
responsibilities that came later in my and atonement have assured immortal-
life. Less than a year after that August ityand provided the opportunity and
night, I was chosen as president of direction toward eternal life. In the
Brigham Young University. Almost name of Jesus Christ, amen.
fourteen years after that experience, I
received my present calling. President Hinckley

The righteous need not fear We have just heard from Elder
Dallin H. Oaks of the Twelve.
I am grateful that the Lord gave Elder Dean L. Larsen, a member
me the vision and strength to refrain of the Presidency of the Seventy, will
from trusting in the arm of flesh and to now speak to us, and he will be fol-
put my trust in the protecting care of lowed by Elder Gary J. Coleman, who
our Heavenly Father. I am grateful for was called since April conference as
the Book of Mormon promise to us of one of the Seventy.

Elder Dean L. Larsen

In behalf of the Presidency of the The Lord will prosper the righteous
Seventy and the Quorum members, I
would like to express a very warm wel- During the conference of the
come to Elders Eyring and Pace as they Church in Fayette, New York, in 1831,
take their place now among the ranks the Lord gave a revelation through
of the Seventy. We also acknowledge Joseph Smith that contains a remark-
the addition to the Seventies Quorums able promise:
of the fifteen men whose names Presi- "I have made the earth rich," the

dent Hinckley read to you earlier and Lord declared, "and behold it is my
who have been serving since mid- footstool, wherefore, again I will stand

August. Our best wishes also to Bishop upon it.

Edgley and Bishop Burton, who now "And hold forth and deign to

take their places beside Bishop Hales give unto you greater riches, even a
in the Presiding Bishopric of the land of promise, a land flowing with
Church. milk and honey, upon which there shall
And we acknowledge our love and be no curse when the Lord cometh;
continuing deep respect and admira- "And I will give it unto you for the
tion for those men whose tenure as land of your inheritance, if you seek it
Seventies has concluded officially at with all your hearts.
this general conference. "And this shall be my covenant
with you, ye shall have it for the land of


your inheritance, and for the inheri- have always been difficult to sustain.
tance of your children forever, while We see this reflected in an episode that
the earth shall stand, and ye shall pos- is described in the first chapter of
sess it again in eternity, no more to Alma in the Book of Mormon.
pass away" (D&C 38:17-20). As I read several of the verses
The Lord has demonstrated from this account, make particular
throughout the generations that when note of the elements that contribute to
the inhabitants of the earth remember the material successes of the people
him and are obedient to his direction, and then the factors that lead to their
he will bless them not only with spiri- subsequent misfortunes.
tual blessings but with material abun- "And when the priests left their
dance as well. labor to impart the word of God unto
the people, the people also left their
Prosperity of Lehi's people labors to hear the word of God. And
when the priest had imparted unto
The scriptures contain many evi- them the word of God they all returned
dences of the Lord's willingness to again diligently unto their labors; and
prosper his people with the riches of the priest, not esteeming himself above
the earth when they demonstrate that his hearers, for the preacher was no
they will use this abundance prudently, better than the hearer, neither was the
with humility and charity, always teacher any better than the learner;
acknowledging the source of their and thus they were all equal, and they
blessings. did all labor, every man according to
When the people of Lehi arrived his strength.
in the Americas from the Old World, "And they did impart of their sub-
they felt a great dependence upon the stance, every man according to that
Lord as they established their homes which he had, to the poor, and the
and worked to provide for themselves. needy, and the sick, and the afflicted;
Nephi makes this entry in his record: and they did not wear costly apparel,
"And we did observe to keep the yet they were neat and comely.
judgments, and the statutes, and the "And thus they did establish the
commandments of the Lord in all affairs of the church; and thus they
things. . . . began tohave continual peace. . . .

"And the Lord was with us; and "And now, because of the steadi-
we did prosper exceedingly; for we did ness of the church they began to be ex-
sow seed, and wc did reap again in ceedingly rich, having abundance of all
abundance. And we began to raise things whatsoever they stood in need —
flocks, and herds, and animals of every an abundance of flocks and herds, and
kind. . . fatlings of every kind, and also abun-
"And it came to pass that we began dance of grain, and of gold, and of sil-
to prosper exceedingly, and to multiply ver, and of precious things, and abun-
in the land" (2 Nephi 5:10-11, 13). dance of silk and fine-twined linen, and
all manner of good homely cloth.

Prosperity of Alma's people "And thus, in their prosperous cir-

cumstances, they did not send away any
This kind of material prosperity who were naked, or that were hungry,
has always been a fragile thing. It has or that were athirst, or that were sick,
proved to be one of the greatest tests or that had not been nourished; and
with which a people can be confronted. they did not set their hearts upon
The essential human qualities and riches; therefore they were liberal to
other factors that generate abundance all, both old and young, both bond and
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

free, both male and female, whether "And when thy herds and thy
out of the church or in the church, hav- flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy
ing no respect to persons as to those gold multiplied, and all that thou

who stood in need. hast is multiplied;

"And thus they did prosper" (Alma "Then thine heart be lifted up,
1:26-31). and thou forget the Lord thy God, . . .

"And thou say in thine heart, My

Obedience brings prosperity power and the might of mine hand hath
gotten me this wealth" (Deuteronomy
It has always been so. When the 8:11-14, 17; italics added).
lives of thepeople are in harmony with
the Lord's will, all of the essential fac- Alma's people become proud
tors that produce the blessings God
deigns to give to his children seem to Returning to the account in Alma
come into line. Love and harmony pre- to which I made earlier reference, not
vail. Even the weather, the climate, many years passed away from the time
and the elements seem to respond. of prosperity described in such glowing
Peace and tranquillity endure. Industry terms until the people began to take all
and progress mark the lives of the of the credit for the good times unto
people. It is as the Lord has promised: themselves. We
find this sad entry in
"If ye walk in my statutes, and keep Alma's record:
my commandments, and do them; "And it came to pass in the eighth
"Then I will give you rain in due year of the reign of the judges, that
season, and the land shall yield her in- the people of the church began to
crease, and the trees of the field shall wax proud, because of their exceeding
yield their fruit. riches, and their fine silks, and their
"And your threshing shall reach fine-twined linen, and because of their
unto the vintage, and the vintage shall many flocks and herds, and their gold
reach unto the sowing time: and ye and their silver, and all manner of pre-
shall eat your bread to the full, and cious things, which they had obtained
dwell in your land safely. by their industry; and in all these things
"And I will give peace in the land, were they lifted up in the pride of their
and ye shall lie down, and none shall eyes. . . .

make you afraid" (Leviticus 26:3-6). "The people of the church began
... to set their heartsupon riches and
Forgetting the source of blessings upon the vain things of the world, that
they began to be scornful, one towards
Perhaps the greatest tragedies of another" (Alma 4:6, 8).
all time have occurred when people
have received the promised blessings of Cycle of prosperity in Helaman's day
the Lord and then have forgotten the
source of their good life. Moses cau- The same cycle occurred in the
tioned the people of Israel against this days of Helaman. At one point Helaman
natural inclination when he said: describes his people in this way:
"Beware that thou forget not the "And it came to pass that in this
Lord thy God, in not keeping his com- same year there was exceedingly great
mandments, and his judgments, and his prosperity in the church, insomuch that
statutes. . . . there were thousands who did join
"Lest when thou hast eaten and themselves unto the church and were
art full, and hast built goodly houses, baptized unto repentance.
and dwelt therein;

"And so great was the prosperity prosper his people if they will keep his
of the church, and so many the bless- commandments and remember to look
ings which were poured out upon the to him as the source of their blessings.
people, that even the high priests and On the other hand, we must not
the teachers were themselves aston- forget that these blessings are condi-
ished beyond measure" (Helaman tional. As King Limhi warned his
3:24-25). people, "For behold, the Lord hath said:
It was not long until the full cycle I will not succor my people in the day
was completed, however. Within five of their transgression; but I will hedge
years from the period just cited, up their ways that they prosper not; and
Helaman makes this report regarding their doings shall be as a stumbling
members of the Church: block before them" (Mosiah 7:29).
"And in the fifty and first year of As bearers of the priesthood to
the reign of the judges there was peace whom the Lord has entrusted the lead-
also, save it were the pride which began ership for his work, we must look care-
to enter into the church— not into the fully at our own lives. And we must
church of God, but into the hearts of assess honestly the level of faith and
the people who professed to belong to obedience of our people. Too many of
the church of God — the indicators are not encouraging.
"And they were lifted up in pride, Only a small percentage of the Church
even to the persecution of many of members worldwide are tithe payers
their brethren" (Helaman 3:33-34). today. For many who live in conditions
These abrupt changes in the con- of material poverty, there may be no
dition of the people led Helaman to other way to escape their impoverish-
lament: ment than to give obedience to this
"And thus we can behold how law. As I visit among the stakes of the
false, and also the unsteadiness of the Church, I find it is not uncommon to

hearts of the children of men; yea, we discover that fewer than 50 percent of
can see that the Lord in his great infi- the households are contributing to the
nite goodness doth bless and prosper fast offeringsof the Church, and the
those who put their trust in him. trends are not improving.
"Yea, and we may see at the very We have reached a point where
time when he doth prosper his people, more of our adult men are becoming
yea, in the increase of their fields, their prospective elders than are receiving
flocks and their herds, and in gold, and the Melchizedek Priesthood. About
in silver, and in all manner of precious half of the endowed members of the
things of every kind and art; sparing Church hold current temple recom-
their lives, and delivering them out of mends. Reports of other violations of
the hands of their enemies; . and in
. . the Lord's law are a source of concern.
fine, doing all things for the welfare These indicators may seem to carry
and happiness of his people; yea, then a direful tone, but asEnos declared in
is the time that they do harden their the Book of Mormon, sometimes it
hearts, and do forget the Lord their is necessary to resort to "exceedingly

God" (Helaman 12:1-2). great plainness of speech" (Enos 1:23).

As the world continues to ripen in
Assess our own faith and obedience iniquity, our lives of necessity must
become increasingly different from the
It is one thing to look back upon world and its standard. It will be a
the events of history. It is another to great challenge for us. We must be bet-
regard our own time. We have the ter than we have ever been before. As
Lord's assurance that he will bless and we succeed, we have the sure promise
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

of the Lord that he will prosper us in qualify for its fulfillment in our lives
every way necessary for our well-being, and in our time is my earnest prayer in

That is my faith and my testimony, the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

But it is a conditional promise. May we

Elder Gary J. Coleman

Sure anchors and solid foundations of God the Father. The life and mis-
sion of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus
My brothers in the gospel, I come Christ, affects my life daily. The influ-
before you this night to express the ence of the Holy Ghost from day to day
feelings of my heart. I want you young is a great comfort.
men to know that there are sure an- I came into this Church because
chors for our life in these troubled God has revealed Himself to latter-day
times. There are rock-solid founda- prophets and they have testified of His
tions upon which we can build to guide reality. Upon asking God if the things
us through the devastating storms of of this gospel are true, I have received
the latter days. Today we can enjoy the a witness more powerful than sight,
fulness of the gospel with careful atten- more soul-assuring than words. The
tion to basic principles and practices. sweet witness by the power of the Holy
Living these concepts will aid our joyful Ghost that the truths of the restored
completion of the course that leads to gospel are upon the earth today has
eternal life. come to me.

Conversion Jesus is our only sure foundation

While a young man, I walked It has been my profound blessing
paths of life that were different from to become a convert to this Church and
those taught in The Church of Jesus to know without a doubt of the divinity
Christ of Latter-day Saints. I lived by a of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. This
mingling of the doctrines and com- resurrected, perfected being stands at
mandments of men, having a form of the head of this Church. It is He upon
godliness but with a lack of God-given whom we must build. It is He who is
truths and the power thereof. Religion the chief cornerstone of our founda-
was a vital part of my life as a youth. tion. He is the rock of our salvation,
A religious home was at the core of the rock upon which not only the
our family life. Yet something was Church will be built, but our personal
missing; something fundamental about testimonies as well. No man, yea, no
the purpose of life was clouded and un- other name under heaven will suffice
certain. While in my young adult years for our foundation. The prophet Hela-
I was fortunate enough to become man spoke of this sacred foundation
acquainted with kind Latter-day Saints most powerfully when he said:
who opened new gospel doors to me. "And now, my sons, remember,
The doctrines of the restoration of remember that it is upon the rock of
the gospel of Jesus Christ have become our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son
my path to eternal life and the fulness of God, that ye must build your foun-
of joy here in mortality. Few things in dation; that when the devil shall send
life have become more dear to me than forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts
a knowledge of the reality of the God- in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail
head. We are the literal spirit offspring and his mighty storm shall beat upon

you, it shall have no power over you to heavens and the earth pass away, my
drag you down to the gulf of misery and word shall not pass away, but shall all
endless wo, because of the rock upon be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice
which ye are built, which is a sure foun- or by the voice of my servants, it is the
dation, a foundation whereon if men same" (D&C 1:38).
build they cannot fall" (Helaman 5:12). As members of this Church we are,
Not only must we build upon the as the Apostle Paul testified, "No more
sure foundation of Jesus Christ, but strangers and foreigners, but fellow-
the prophet Jacob identified Him as citizens with the saints, and of the
the "safe foundation"! This stone, he household of God; And are built upon
said, shall be "the great, and the last, the foundation of the apostles and
and the only sure foundation" (Jacob prophets, Jesus Christ himself being
4:15-16). the chief corner stone" (Ephesians
I agree with all the conviction of 2:19-20).
my being that Jacob's testimony is
true. When the Apostle Peter boldly Blessings of the Restoration
declared of Jesus, "Thou art the Christ,
the Son of the living God," Jesus re- I rejoice exceedingly at the resto-
plied, "Blessed art thou, Simon Bar- ration of the books of scripture for our
jona: for flesh and blood hath not use and training today. Of course the
revealed it unto thee, but my Father Book of Mormon is true! It talks of

which is in heaven" (Matthew 16:16- Christ; speaks of those who rejoice in


17). Christ will be revealed to us Christ; full of preachings of Christ;

it is

through the same process that God it prophesies of Christ and testifies to

used with Peter. Christ is always the us and our children as to the source of
rock upon which each of us must build, our remission of sins. Of course it is
even the rock of revelation. another testament of Jesus Christ! Of
course God speaks to men in these lat-
Latter-day prophets lead us ter days as He did in former days! It is
a certainty that revelation is in constant
I have come into this Church be- operation in this Church!
cause latter-day prophets have been The authority of God upon this
called by God to do His work. I remem- earth resides in the authorized priest-
ber the year, the month, the day, and hood holders of this Church. Without
even the very moment when my heart question, therefore, all the ordinances
encompassed the testimony that Joseph of salvation and eternal life are in this
Smith was a prophet of God. He did Church. That which is bound by true
the work of a prophet, and he was an priesthood authority on earth is also
instrument in the hands of God to make bound in heaven.
His will known on this earth again. Yes, the Restoration has brought
God continues to raise up latter- and
to earth again the true doctrines
day prophets, and I rejoice in the prin- ordinances of the gospel of Jesus
ciple of continuous revelation for our Christ. The Restoration affects every
day. I welcome the opportunity to sit at fiber of our being. It consumes every
the feet of the First Presidency and the part of our mortal journey. It keeps us
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles— men focused on which path we should walk
whom we sustain as prophets, seers, upon in our daily search for meaning to
and revelators. Of these men, the Lord life. There truly is a strait and narrow
himself has said in our day, "What I the path which leads to eternal life by fol-
Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and lowing the Savior and the living proph-
I excuse not myself; and though the ets. We must accept them as the inspired
trainers for our race of life.
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

Press forward in Christ our mortal race. We must be able to

declare with Paul:
"Wherefore," the prophet Nephi "I have fought a good fight, I have
says, "ye must press forward with a finished my course, I have kept the faith:
steadfastness in Christ, having a per- "Henceforth there is laid up for
fect brightness of hope, and a love of me a crown of righteousness, which the
God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me
shall press forward, feasting upon the at that day: and not to me only, but
word of Christ, and endure to the end, unto all them also that love his appear-
behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall ing" (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
have eternal life. I am so grateful for my eternal
"And now, behold, my beloved companion and for the second genera-
brethren, this is the way; and there is tion of Latter-day Saints in our family
none other way nor name given under who have also taken up the cause of
heaven whereby man can be saved in the Christ. May God help all of us to par-
kingdom of God" (2 Nephi 31:20-21). take of the fulness of the restoration
Part of our mortal training is to of this sacred gospel, I pray humbly in
walk by faith, repent of our sins, and the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
call upon the Lord in daily prayer. We
rejoice in the moments when prompt-
President Hinckley
ings by the Holy Ghost are kindly
given, and we are urged along the We have heard Elders Dean L.
proper path of life. But each of us faces Larsen and Gary J. Coleman of the
many difficult times here in mortality. Seventy.
All sorts of voices are screaming at us We shall all stand now and sing
from the stadiums of public opinion. two verses of "Come, Come, Ye Saints,"
Our course will never be the popular following which we shall hear from
way of the world. There are obstacles Elder John Baird Dickson, a new mem-
strewn in our path upon which we may ber of the Seventy.
sprain an ankle or stub a toe. But we
must keep going. We
move on in the
strength of the Lord, each accountable The choir and congregation sang
for our own performance at the end of "Come, Come, Ye Saints."

Elder John B. Dickson

My dear brethren of the priest- my very best to move the work ahead
hood, it is sincerely a great pleasure to wherever I am assigned to labor.
stand before you this evening and I would like to speak to you about

share with you the feelings and grati- the importance of service in the king-
tude that I have to know that God lives dom of God and the importance of
and that he loves us, that Jesus Christ full-time missionary service in the lives
is our Elder Brother and Savior, and of our young men and older couples.
that there is a prophet on the earth
who can authoritatively say, "Thus Faith to overcome bone cancer and
saith the Lord." I treat with great serve a mission
reverence and humility the fact that
the Lord has called me to serve as a Without appearing to be self-serv-
Seventy and to witness to the world ing, Iwould like to tell you young men
that Jesus is the Christ, and I will do

of the Aaronic Priesthood a little about if we will treat them as opportunities

my call to a full-time mission. The year and stepping-stones in our progress,
was 1962, and a call was received from rather than barriers and stumbling
President David O. McKay to serve in blocks, our lives and growth will be
the Mexican Mission. Shortly after re- wonderful. I have learned that between
ceiving the call, I learned that I had challenges it is very restful but that any
bone cancer in my right arm and that real growth I have ever enjoyed has
the probability of my living many weeks always come with a challenge.
was extremely low. A blessing was re-
ceived from a wonderful father, where- "The Oyster"
in he blessed me with my life and that
the mission call would be fulfilled and There's a little poem by an un-
that I would have a family and be able known author that we might think
to serve the Lord all my days. about when problems come our way.
The doctor congratulated me on It is called "The Oyster."
being one who had great faith in the
Savior but assured me that I didn't re- There once was an oyster
alize the seriousness of what I had. As Whose story I'll tell,

some of you have noticed, I have only Who found that some sand
one arm as a result of that problem; Had worked under his shell.

but ten months after having my arm Just one little grain
amputated, I entered the Mexican Mis- But it gave him a pain,
sion full of excitement and ready to For oysters have feelings
work. You see, young men, I had sev- That are very plain.
eral years earlier committed to the Now did he berate
Lord that I would serve a full-time mis- This working of fate,
sion and that I would not let anything That left him in such a
stop me from fulfilling that call. Well, Deplorable state?
brethren, the doctor passed away Did he curse the government,
twenty years ago, always amazed to see Call for an election,
me still breathing, and he actually be- And say that the sea
came quite interested in the Church. Should have some protection?
No! He said to himself
As he sat on the shelf,
Blessings of having only one arm
"Since I cannot remove it,
Brethren, I want you to know that I think I'll improve it."

having one arm for nearly thirty years Well, years passed by,
has been one of the greatest blessings As years always do,
of my life. It hasn't been my greatest Till he came to his destiny,

challenge, but it has been a great Oyster stew!

teacher to me, teaching me to be more But the small grain of sand
patient and tolerant with others as I That bothered him so
have had to learn to be more patient Was a beautiful pearl
with myself. It has helped me to under- All richly aglow.
stand the necessity of our having chal- Now this tale has a moral,
lenges in life to help develop our For isn't it grand,
character and stamina, helping us to What an oyster can do
become what the Lord ultimately With a small grain of sand?
wants us to become. And what couldn't we do
Our challenges may be physical, If we'd only begin
spiritual, economic, or emotional, but With all of the things
That get under our skin?
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

Commit to serve a mission Life isn't intended to be easy

Young men, how are you going to While presiding over the Mexico
meet the challenges that face you and City North Mission in the late seven-
that might jeopardize an opportunity ties, we decided to open the work in an
to serve? It might be vocational oppor- area called the Huasteca, where there
tunities, a car, a girlfriend, an assorted was only one Latter-day Saint family in
variety of sins, or a myriad of other rea- a vast area with several communities
sons. For the older brethren it might and small cities. After two years there
be a yacht, camper, fishing plans, or were five hundred members of the
maybe not wanting to miss some ex- Church in five branches and an orga-
pected weddings and births. Whatever nized district. This was done by a hand-
your individual challenges might be, I ful of nineteen- and twenty-year-old
would invite you this very night to get faithful missionaries and two wonder-
on your knees and commit to your ful couples, who gave of themselves to
Heavenly Father that you will not allow see that others of Heavenly Father's
anything to stop you from fulfilling that children might know and understand.
wonderful opportunity to serve a full- After the missionaries had been
time mission. If you haven't been in the Huasteca for about three weeks,
called, let your bishop know of your we received a phone call from one of
desire to serve. them, and we could tell that he was
When in the twenty-fifth chapter slightly discouraged, not having yet
of Matthew the Lord said, "Inasmuch received any mail, being in a hot area
as ye have done it unto one of the least with high humidity, and learning about
of these my brethren, ye have done it a culture that was new to all of us. Af-
unto me" (25:40), he was talking about ter we had talked for a minute or two,
the importance of being of service to I reminded him that we had talked

our fellowmen if we want to be worthy about the fact that it wouldn't be easy.
of his presence. What better way could He said, "Oh, that's right, President;
there be to serve and to sacrifice than that's right. It wouldn't be easy. I knew
to accept a full-time mission call? At it wouldn't be easy." Well, he went
the same time, please realize that there ahead with great enthusiasm and con-
are some handicaps and limitations cluded his very successful work there
that make other types of local service and was released to return home.
more practical than serving a full-time A couple of months later, while he
mission. was at BYU, he and some of his former
In the priesthood session of April companions called Sister Dickson and
conference, Elder Neal A. Maxwell me at the mission home in Mexico City
said, "Now, my brethren, 'these are at 2:30 in the morning, waking us from
[your] days' (Helaman 7:9) in the his- a very sound sleep. After a short con-
tory of the Church" (in Conference versation, I mentioned the fact that it
Report, Apr. 1992, p. 57; or Ensign, was wonderful to talk with them but
May 1992, p. 39). Yes, my young breth- that it seemed a little late at night to be
ren, these are your days to be a part of calling. He said, "I know, President,
50,000, 75,000, and 100,000 missionar- but you knew it wouldn't be easy."
ies serving in the army of the Lord, Brethren, life is not intended to be
armed with peace, righteousness, and easy, but I promise those that labor
power. faithfully in the service of their fellow-
men, and with determination handle
every challenge properly and under the

influence of the Spirit, that they will ish service and hard work that is done
be blessed with feelings of happiness in his holy name, and I say it in the
which will permeate their whole souls. name of Jesus Christ, amen.
And these, my brethren, are blessings
that mold and build us and that can President Hinckley
never be taken away.
I leave you with my testimony of We have heard from Elder John
the truthfulness of the gospel of the Baird Dickson of the Seventy.
Lord Jesus Christ and my testimony of President Thomas S. Monson will
the blessings which accompany unself- now speak to us.

President Thomas S. Monson

What a glorious sight is before me both the ears of every one that heareth
tonight! Here Tabernacle on
in the it shall tingle" (see 1 Samuel 3:1-11).
Temple Square, in the Assembly Hall,
at the BYU Marriott Center, and gath- Young men, respond as Samuel
ered together in chapels scattered
throughout the world is a mighty army Most of you young men will one
of men —
even the royal army of the day receive a call to serve a mission.
Lord. We have been entrusted with How Ipray that your response will
the priesthood. We have been pre- be as was Samuel's: "Here am I. . . .

pared for duty. We have been called to Speak; for thy servant heareth." Then
serve. willheavenly help be yours. Every mis-
sionary strives to be the missionary his
Samuel's response to the Lord's call mother thinks he is, the missionary his
father hopes he is— even the mission-
The experience of the boy Samuel, ary the Lord knows he can become.
as he responded to the Lord's call, I remember a missionary recom-

has ever been an inspiration to me, as mendation for one young man on which
it has no doubt been to each holder the bishop had written: "This candi-
of the priesthood. We
remember that date is the finest I have ever recom-
the child Samuel ministered unto the mended. He has served as an officer in
Lord before Eli. One evening as the the deacons, teachers, and priests quo-
boy slept, the Lord called him by name: rums of which he has been a member.
"Samuel." And he answered, "Here He excelled scholastically and athleti-
am I." Thinking that Eli had called cally in high school. I know of no finer
him, Samuel ran to him and repeated young man. P.S. I am proud to be his
the declaration, "Here am I." He was father." President Spencer W. Kimball,
advised to return to his sleep. then chairman of the Missionary Com-
Three times the voice of the Lord mittee, mused, "I hope his parents will
came to him, with the same response. be content with his assigned mission. I
Then the Lord called a fourth time, re- know of no opening for him this morn-
peating the boy's name twice: "Samuel, ing in the celestial kingdom."
The lad's answer, as before, is a The temple in South Africa
classic example for you and me. He
responded: Yes, sometimes expectations of
"Speak; for thy servant heareth. those who love us are a bit beyond our
"And the Lord said to Samuel, Be- capacity. Years ago, before a temple
hold, I will do a thing in Israel, at which was completed in South Africa, the
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

Saints planning to visit a temple had to Upon graduation from high school,
travel the long and costly route to Lon- young Jay and his sweetheart, Lona,
don, England, or later to Sao Paulo, decided to get married and not wait for
Brazil. When I visited South Africa, a call to serve a mission. "It nearly
they, with all the strength of their broke my father's heart," Elder Jensen
hearts and souls, petitioned me to im- related. "Mother told me that Dad just
portune President Kimball to seek the wept."
heavenly inspiration to erect a temple Two weeks and before wed-
in their country. I assured them this ding plans were finalized, Jay and Lona
was a matter for the Lord and His attended a sacrament meeting where a
prophet. They responded, "We have returned missionary reported his mis-
faith in you, Brother Monson. Please sion. The Spirit touched their hearts.
help us." They concluded to postpone marriage.
Upon returning to Salt Lake City, Jay arose, went to the bishop's office,
I discovered that a proposed temple and reported for missionary service.
for South Africa had already been The rest is history. Jay served in the
approved and was to be announced Spanish-American Mission.
immediately. When this occurred, I Lona moved to California for em-
received a telegram from our members ployment and served a stake mission.
in South Africa. It read, "Thank you, Upon the completion of Jay's mission,
Elder Monson. We knew you could do they were married in the Manti
it!" You know, I believe I never did con- Temple. Elder Jensen's father lived
vince them that though 1 approved of long enough to see his son serve an
the proposal, I did not bring it about. honorable mission and marry in the
temple. Sister Jensen has often said
Elder Jensen's decision to serve that sending her husband-to-be on a
mission was the hardest thing she ever
Every call to serve is a human did, but that it was the most rewarding.
drama in the life of the recipient. I am "I would never do it differently. We
certain that such has been the case could never have been as happy other-
with each of the Brethren who earlier wise."
today were sustained as new General Today, Jay and Lona serve in Gua-
Authorities. Let me share with you temala. He is a member of the Central
some marvelous lessons from the life of America Area Presidency.
one of these Brethren, Jay E. Jensen, Reflecting on these turning points
as recently reported in the Church News in the lives of Jay and Lona Jensen, we
("Spiritual Foundation Set Early in recall the observation, "The door of
Life," 8 Aug. 1992, pp. 6, 14). history turns on small hinges," and so
Elder Jensen speaks of turning do people's lives.
points in his life. His spiritual awaken-
ing began when he was a small boy Temple work for Confederate soldiers
growing up in Mapleton, Utah. His
parents held family night long before it Fathers, grandfathers, are we read-
became a Church program. He recalled ing to our sons and grandsons the word
that his father read to him lessons from of the Lord? Returned missionaries,
the Book of Mormon. His mother's do your messages and your lives inspire
deep love for books also had a favor- others to stand up and serve? Breth-
able impact on her son. However, it was ren, are we sufficiently in tune with the
when he read for himself Joseph Smith's Spirit that when the Lord calls, we can
account of the First Vision that the wit- hear, as did Samuel, and declare,
ness of its truth became a reality. "Here am I"? Do we have the fortitude

and the faith, whatever our callings, to A poet's words expressed Brother
serve with unflinching courage and Taylor's feelings:
unshakable resolve? When we do, the
Lord can work His mighty miracles There I see them marching down the
through us. lane,
One such miracle is taking place in One in blue and one in gray,
the southern part of the United States Now arm and arm again,
in the area once referred to as the And there I see them rising toward
Confederacy. It pertains to family his- the Son,
tory and temple work. During the Proud Rebels and proud Yankees,
period between 1860 and 1865, this re- Silent journey just begun.

gion literally became saturated with the [David Matthews, "Road to Gettys-
blood of America's youth as soldiers by burg"]
the hundreds of thousands perished.
Brethren, let me share with you a
Even today, the earth here and there
description of priesthood service per-
reveals a timeworn uniform button, a
taining to this work, as described by a
belt buckle, a spent bullet. But what of
priesthood leader. He wrote:
the men who fell while in the flower of
their youth? Many had never married.
"On Saturday afternoon our
Aaronic Priesthood young men and
Who was to do their temple work? their leaders assembled at the temple
Were they forever to be denied the
to perform the baptismal work for the
blessings of eternal ordinances?
fallen soldiers. What a marvelous sight
William D. Taylor, a Canadian with
it was to see these young Aaronic Priest-
no ties to either side of the conflict that
hood brethren being baptized by their
raged so long ago, found himself, to-
own priesthood leaders. In almost every
gether with wife and family, living in
case, when the young brother had fin-
the old South and suddenly filled with
ished his fourteen or fifteen names, he
a compelling interest in those who died
would turn and embrace his leader and
while so young in years. An urgency
shed a few tears of joy. What an ex-
came upon Brother Taylor to do some-
ample of true priesthood love and ser-
thing personally, a call to silent service.
vice! I had the experience of being a
In a letter to me dated July 20,
witness at the font and gained firsthand
1992, Brother Taylor wrote: "It's been
knowledge of this and, in a few cases,
approximately one year since I last
the undeniable witness of the Spirit
gave you an update on the extraction
that those young soldiers who had died
work that is being done for the
had accepted the baptisms that were
Confederate soldiers (approximately
being performed in their behalf by our
four years since this project was
Aaronic Priesthood brethren.
started). The extraction has been pro-
gressing at a steady pace. As of this
"We wrote down the name of each
writing, we have sent for temple work
soldier who was baptized that glorious
day so that the young men could have
just over 101,000 names. I am thankful
a brief history of the soldiers for
for being allowed to do this work. It
brings me joy unparalleled to anything
whom they were baptized. I have no
doubt that this experience will have a
I have ever known. It's hard to put my
lifelong effect for good for all those
feelings into words. I exult when an-
who participated."
other regiment is prepared and ready
The statementof President Joseph
to be sent to the temple, and my soul is
F. Smith, in speaking of the redemp-
pained when the information in the
tion of the dead, provides a touching
regimental history is insufficient for a
explanation of the joy felt by all who
soldier's work to be submitted."
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

participate in this and other similar sixmissionaries from the Florida Fort
endeavors: Lauderdale Mission worked full time
"Through our efforts in their be- for more than two weeks unloading
half their chains of bondage will fall supply trucks, serving as interpreters,
from them, and the darkness surround- providing security and traffic control,
ing them will clear away, that light may and assisting with repairs.
shine upon them and they shall hear in Time will permit but a glance at
the spirit world of the work that has several heartwarming accounts per-
been done for them by their children taining to this tremendous example of
here, and will rejoice with you in your the priesthood in action.
1. One morning a call was received
performance of these duties."
Brother William Taylor, I salute at the Kendall chapel. Alady explained
you for your leadership in bringing that she understood the Church had a
eternal blessings to your "troops," who group of people who were going out to
must indeed call your name blessed. patch roofs and windows to keep the
rains out. She was told that this was
Service to Hurricane Andrew victims true, and she left her address. She was
told that volunteers would be out soon
When one holds the priesthood of to do whatever they could to assist. She
God, he never knows when his moment then asked if she had to come and pay
of service may come. The challenge is first and also whom should she pay.
to be ready to serve. On August 24, She was told that there would be no
Hurricane Andrew slammed into the charge, at which she began to cry un-
Florida coast south of Miami. Wind controllably, finally managing to say, "I
gusts exceeded two hundred miles per can only thank God for you people, for
hour. It became the most costly disas- I have no means of paying anything."

ter in United States history. Eighty- 2. Zack, a young man age nineteen
seven thousand homes were destroyed, who is now in the Missionary Training
leaving 150,000 homeless. Damages are Center, accompanied a truckload of
estimated at 30 billion dollars. One food, clothing, and other provisions sent
hundred seventy-eight member homes by our members in central Georgia to
were damaged, with forty-six of them help the victims of the hurricane. As
destroyed. Zack was leaving, his mother gave him
A spearhead unit was deployed some Cabbage Patch and other trea-
from the Church welfare facility in sured dolls from her prized collection.
Atlanta before the storm hit, and it Zack took particular pleasure in dis-
arrived at its appointed location just tributing those dolls to solemn-eyed
as the winds abated. The truck carried little girls whose other toys were all
food, water, bedding, tools, and medi- destroyed.
cal supplies— the first relief shipment 3.A brother from Saint Anthony,
to arrive in the disaster area. Idaho, and other leaders in that area
Local priesthood and Relief Soci- saw the terrible devastation suffered by
ety leaders organized rapidly to assess the people of south Florida as the ac-
injuries and damage and to assist in count appeared on television. They felt
the cleanup effort. Three large waves a compelling need to do something to
of member volunteers, numbering over help those who had been stricken. A
five thousand, labored shoulder to decision was soon made to send an
shoulder with disaster-stricken resi- eighteen-wheeler filled with Idaho po-
dents, helping to repair three thousand tatoes to Florida. The truck was loaded
homes, a Jewish synagogue, a Pente- with boxes and sacks of potatoes and
costal church, and two schools. Forty- moved swiftly across the country to the
site of the disaster.

The potatoes arrived in excellent said,"But I have everything. I have the

condition. The missionaries unloaded gospel of Jesus Christ."
the potatoes and soon divided them. It God bless Elder Morrison, his
was amazing how welcome the pota- counselors, and all fellow priesthood
toes were to the people of south leaders; missionaries, both elders and
Florida. They were so tired of eating sisters; and all the many thousands who
fast foods that the potatoes were de- have served so magnificently and un-
scribed as tasting almost like a dessert. stintingly. Truly these responded as did
In less than three days all of the pota- Samuel: "Here am I."
toes to members and
were distributed The cleanup following Hurricane
nonmembers Hearts were tender
alike. Andrew continues, as does the work
and stomachs warmed by the kindness of repair pertaining to the devastation
of those marvelous members in Idaho wrought by Hurricane Iniki, which
who had sent the potatoes. struck the island of Kauai in the Ha-
Typical of the feelings experi-
4. waiian Islands.
enced by those who put everything
aside in their personal lives and rushed The priesthood in action
to the aid of their brothers and sisters
are those expressed by a couple from In these cataclysmic events and in
Huntsville, Alabama. They wrote: the quiet challenges of individual lives,
"[Our] second day [at the scene of the priesthood is truly in action. Let us
the hurricane's devastation] was Sun- never despair, for this is the work of
day, but it seemed as crucial that we the Lord in which we are engaged. It
hurry with the work as it was for those has been said, "The Lord shapes the
who left the Salt Lake Valley on Sun- back to bear the burden placed upon
day to rescue the handcart pioneers in it." The Master's counsel to all of us

dire straits. On the football and ath- assembled tonight, to whom priesthood
letic fields of a high school that was our authority has been given and of whom
campground, each stake group held its priesthood service is expected, brings
own sacrament [and] testimony meet- peace to the heart and comfort to the
ing before leaving for another day of soul:
work. We sang songs we knew. The sac- "Come unto me, all ye that labour
rament was blessed and passed by and are heavy laden, and I will give you
priesthood holders in work clothes. We rest.
partook of the bread from frying pans "Take my yoke upon you, and
and the water from picnic cups. The learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in
Spirit was still there. Due to a one- heart: and ye shall find rest unto your
hour time limit for the meeting, not all souls.
who wanted could bear their [testimo- "For my yoke is easy, and my bur-
nies]. The closing song, T Am a Child den islight" (Matthew 11:28-30).
of God,' reminded us we needed to To this divine truth I testify as I
push on to help His children." leave my witness with you that this
5. One Spanish-speaking brother work is true, that the priesthood does
and his wife approached Elder combine and present to our Heavenly
Alexander Morrison, Area President Father a mighty army of righteousness,
for the North America Southeast Area, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
and said, "I have lost my life's savings. I
have lost my home, my farm; all my NOTE
avocados are destroyed. I have noth- 1. Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. (Salt Lake City:
Deseret Book Co., 1939), pp. 469-70.
ing." And then he smiled sweetly and
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

President Hinckley As you leave this priesthood meet-

ing tonight, we ask you to obey traffic
President Thomas S. Monson, rules and use caution in your driving.
Second Counselor in the First Presi- Weexpress gratitude to this com-
dency, has just spoken to us. bined choir from the Tabernacle Choir
We remind you that the CBS Tab- and Mormon Youth Chorus for the
ernacle Choir broadcast will be from beautiful music they have sung.
9:30 to 10:00 in the morning. Those de- Following my remarks, the choir
siring to attend this broadcast and the will conclude by singing "How Great
Sunday morning session which follows the Wisdom and the Love." The bene-
must be in their seats before 9:15. diction will be offered by Elder Charles
Didier, a member of the Presidency of
the Seventy.

President Gordon B. Hinckley

Now, brethren, if you'll bear with Six thousand can be seated here. There
me few minutes, I'd like to say a
for a are now halls that seat ten times that
few words in conclusion. I know you've number. But this one is different dif- —
been here a long time, and some of you ferent in its origin, different in its
are restless. Be at peace. It won't last structure, different in its qualities.
forever. I speak of it because this is its
I'd like to say that it is always an birthday. It was completed and first
inspiration to participate in these great used for a gathering of the Saints 125
priesthood gatherings. There are many years ago in a similar October confer-
conventions and conferences held ence. Since then this has been the
across the world, but there is no other originating pulpit for the general con-
meeting comparable to this. ferences of the Church.
The miracle of satellite transmis- I wonder if, when Brigham Young
sion has made it possible for hundreds firststood at this pulpit a century and a
of thousands of us to gather unitedly in quarter ago, he ever thought this build-
hundreds of halls. Each of us is a dis- ing would last so long or serve so well.
tinct individual, but we are all of one It is a peculiar building. I am not
mind, of one purpose, of one faith, acquainted with any quite like it. It has
each ordained to that priesthood and a character, a spirit of its own. Those
authority which come from God our who sit beneath its great domed ceiling
Eternal Father. seem to sense this.
There are many more of you in Werecently hosted in this hall a
halls outside Salt Lake City than there convention of many officers of a part of
are in the Tabernacle from which we the United States military forces. They
speak tonight. Our voices and images were holding a conference here in Salt
reach you from this grand old building Lake City and wished to hear the Tab-
on Temple Square. I wish that all of ernacle Choir.
you might be here in this unique and They came on a beautiful Sunday
wonderful place. morning. I was asked to speak to them
briefly, and I told them of this Taber-

The Tabernacle: a unique building nacle and its construction. The choir,
accompanied by the 23rd Army Band,
This Tabernacle is certainly not then presented a brief concert. As they
the largest assembly hall in the world. concluded the concert, the choir sang

with mounting crescendo the "Battle nor nails nor screws in any significant
Hymn of the Republic": quantity. That was 1864, and the rail-
road would not arrive in this territory
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the until five years later.
coming of the Lord; Bridges had been built in the East
He is trampling out the vintage and here, using what was known as the
where the grapes of wrath are Remington design. But to think of us-
stored. . . .
ing this for a roof structure must have
His truth is marching on. seemed preposterous to many. None-
[Hymns, no. 60] theless, the work went forward.
The location was determined —
I looked about the hall and saw
immediately west of the temple then
seasoned veterans of war with tears
under construction. The design as it
running down their cheeks. For many it
was worked out called for forty-four
was a great, moving experience. This
sandstone buttresses, or pillars. They
building has a spirit, a quality unique
were erected in an oval configuration.
and wonderful.
They were anchored on substantial
footings. With the addition of doors
Building the Tabernacle and skirting, these buttresses became
the walls of the building.
Four days after the 1847 arrival of
Sandstone was brought from the
the pioneers in this valley, Brigham
mountains to the east, dressed and
Young touched his cane to the parched
shaped to exact and rigid patterns.
earth and said, "Here we will build a
Limestone was likewise brought from
temple to our God." The ten acres on
the mountains and burned to be used
which the temple stands have come to
for plaster and mortar. The great chal-
be known as Temple Square. The first
lenge was to create a roof resting
structure erected here was a bowery. It
on and sprung from these sandstone
was a temporary, makeshift place of as-
piers. Wooden scaffolding was erected.
sembly. It consisted essentially of poles
Great quantities of lumber were
to support a flimsy roof of brush which
brought from the mountains and sawed
afforded some shelter from the blister-
into timbers. These were assembled in
ing sun. Then there was built just to the
such a way as to form a great lattice
south of us what came to be known as
work of triangles which would grow
the "Tabernacle" and later as the "Old
stronger under the stress of weight.
Tabernacle." It was a structure with
Where the timbers crossed, holes were
a gabled roof and walls that could
bored and wooden dowels inserted.
provide a measure of comfort in both
The holes were tight, and as the dowels
winter and summer.
were driven in, a timber would split
But these people in this wilderness
now and then. Strips of green rawhide
outpost were driven by a tremendous
were bound about the timber. The
vision. They believed without a doubt
builders knew that when rawhide dries
that they were building the kingdom
it shrinks, and the split would be tight-
of God on earth. Their faith matched
ened. The timber bridgework occupies
their vision. They determined to build
nine feet of space between the ceiling
a larger hall that would accommodate
and the roof covering. I suppose no one
had seen anything like this before. It
The dimensions were established
— made possible this great hall without
150 feet wide by 250 feet long. How
interior pillars to support the roof.
could this be done in their circum-
Skeptics, of which there are always
stances? They had no steel with which
many, said that when the interior scaf-
to make girders. They had neither bolts
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

was taken down, the roof would

folding virtue into these personal tabernacles.
come with it. Only in such strength is there safety
But the scaffolding was removed and growth and happiness. If there is
and the roof remained intact. It has so one great ringing message I take from
remained now for 125 years. Engineers the builders of this structure, it is this:
periodically check it. They marvel and Be strong!
find no deterioration or weakening. This is the same challenge spoken
by prophets and leaders who walk the
A symbol of faith pages of our scriptures. For example,
great was King David. Tremendous
was built in this remote area
It were his strengths. But there was a
thirteen hundred miles from the fron- tragic weakness within him. He knew
tier towns along the Mississippi and it, and when the days "drew nigh that

eight hundred miles from the settle- he should die he charged Solomon
. . .

ments on the Pacific coast. To me it is his son, saying,

a miracle building. think of the skill
I "I go the way of
all the earth: be
of those who designed it and know that thou strong therefore, and shew thyself
there must have been great inspiration a man;
behind that skill. I think of faith as I "And keep the charge of the Lord
reflect on the time and circumstance of thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep
its construction. It is truly a tabernacle, his statutfes, and his commandments,
built in the wilderness, from which the and judgments, and his testimonies,
voice of the servants of the Lord should as written in the law of Moses, that
it is

go forth to the world. thou mayest prosper in all that thou

It is the Tabernacle. We
so speak doest, and whithersoever thou turnest
of it. It is the Mormon Tabernacle on thyself (1 Kings 2:1-3).
Temple Square in Salt Lake City, That is sound counsel for every
which has come to be known by mil- man and boy who holds the priesthood
lions upon millions across the world, of God.
who for more than sixty-three years
have listened to broadcasts of the choir Be strong in self-discipline
originating from this hall.
Though built of wood in the days Be strong— be strong in the disci-
of the poverty of our people, though pline of self. How many otherwise good
designed and constructed without mod- men squander their strength and dissi-
ern engineering and architectural exper- pate their will and literally destroy their
tise, it has stood and served for 125 lives because they have not the power
years, a unique and wonderful house of of self-discipline?
worship and culture.
In imagination I can see Brigham Addictive power of pornography
Young standing here and looking up at
the men putting together the timbers Let me read to you from a letter I
and saying, "Build it strong, boys. Build received from a man ashamed to sign
it strong!" his name. He writes:
"I am a 35-year-old male and am a

Building our own tabernacles convert to the Church of more than ten
years. For most of my adult life I have
Our bodies, my brethren, our been addicted to pornography. I am
minds are the tabernacles of our spir- ashamed to admit this. My addiction is
its. He who is the Father of those spir- as real as that of an alcoholic or a drug
its would have us build strength and addict.

"I was first introduced to this ma- selves. As men of the priesthood we
terial as a child. I was molested by an must cultivate the strength to follow
older male cousin, and pornography our convictions.
was used to attract my interest. I am
convinced that this exposure at an early Columbus's faith and strength
age to sex and pornography is at the
root of my addiction today. I think it is The entire world is celebrating
ironic that those who support the busi- this month the five hundredth anni-
ness of pornography say that it is a mat- versary of the discovery of America
ter of freedom of expression. I have no by Christopher Columbus. Admiral
freedom. I have lost my free agency be- Samuel Eliot Morison, his biographer,
cause I have been unable to overcome says, "This night of October 11-12
this. It is a trap for me, and I can't [1492] was one big with destiny for the
seem to get out of it. Please, please, human race, the most momentous ever
please, plead with the brethren of the experienced aboard any ship in any
Church to not only avoid but eliminate sea" {Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life
the sources of pornographic material in of Christopher Columbus [Boston: Little,
their lives. . . . Brown and Co., 1942], p. 223).
"Finally, President Hinckley, In my private commemoration of
please pray for me and others in the this event, I have read and reread one
Church who may be like me to have the important and prophetic verse from the
courage and strength to overcome this Book of Mormon and also a very long
terrible affliction." biography of Christopher Columbus.
Brethren, there is neither happi- That verse from Nephi's vision
ness nor peace to be gained from sur- states, "And I looked and beheld a
rendering to the weakness of indulging man among the Gentiles, who was
in these things which degrade and de- separated from the seed of my breth-
stroy. When such material is on televi- ren by the many waters; and I beheld
sion, turn off the set. Stop being a boob the Spirit of God, that it came down
in front of the tube. Avoid titillating and wrought upon the man; and he
videotapes as you would a foul disease. went forth upon the many waters, even
They are in the same category. Stay unto the seed of my brethren, who
away from pornographic magazines were in the promised land" (1 Nephi
and other destructive literature. There 13:12).
is too much of good to see; there is too Weinterpret that to refer to Co-
much of wonderful reading to be ex- lumbus. It is interesting to note that
perienced to waste time and destroy the Spirit of God wrought upon him.
character and willpower in submitting After reading that long biography, a
to such destructive rot. Pulitzer winner of forty years ago,
titled Admiral of the Ocean Sea, I have

Be strong in standing for right no doubt that Christopher Columbus

was a man of faith, as well as a man of

Be strong in standing for the right. indomitable determination.
We live inan age of compromise and I recognize that in this anniversary

acquiescence. In situations with which year a host of critics have spoken out
we are daily confronted, we know what against him. I do not dispute that there
is right, but under pressure from our were others who came to this Western
peers and the beguiling voices of those Hemisphere before him. But it was he
who would persuade us, we capitulate. who in faith lighted a lamp to look for
We compromise. We acquiesce. We a new way to China and who in the
give in,and we are ashamed of our- process discovered America. His was
Saturday, October 3, 1992 Priesthood Session

an awesome undertaking— to sail west one because of his words, dig a pit for
across the unknown seas farther than thy neighbor" (2 Nephi 28:8).
any before him of his generation. He it Nephi so describes the people of
was who, in spite of the terror of the his day, as he also describes so many of
unknown and the complaints and near our day. How easy it is for us to say,
mutiny of his crew, sailed on with fre- "We believe in being honest, true,
quent prayers to the Almighty for guid- chaste, benevolent" (Articles of Faith
ance. In his reports to the sovereigns of 1:13). But how difficult for so many to
Spain, Columbus repeatedly asserted resist the temptation to lie a little, cheat
that hisvoyage was for the glory of God a little, steal a little, bear false witness
and the spread of the Christian faith. in speaking gossipy words about others.
Properly do we honor him for his un- Rise above it, brethren. Be strong in
yielding strength in the face of uncer- the simple virtue of honesty.
tainty and danger.
Be strong in the faith
Be strong in the quality of mercy
Be strong— in the faith by which you
Be strong, my brethren, in the qual- walk and in the Church of which each of
ity It is easy to be a bully in
of mercy. us is a member. This is the work of God
one's home, in one's business, in one's Almighty. It is the most precious of all

speech and acts. This sick world so causes. It needs your strength.
cries out for kindness and love and I give you these mighty and won-

mercy. These virtues become an ex- derful words of Paul written to the
pression of strength rather than weak- Ephesian Saints:
ness on the part of any holder of the "Finally, my brethren," he says, "be
priesthood of God. Be strong with that strong in the Lord, and in the power
strength of which Isaiah spoke when he of his might.
said: "Put on the whole armour of God,
"Strengthen ye the weak hands, that ye may be able to stand against the
and confirm the feeble knees. wiles of the devil.
"Say to them that are of a fearful "For we wrestle not against flesh
heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your and blood, but against . the rulers of
. .

God will come with vengeance, even the darkness of this world, against
God with a recompence; he will come spiritual wickedness in high places. . . .

and save you" (Isaiah 35:3-4). "Stand therefore, having your loins
"And in doing these things," says girt about with truth, and having on the
the Lord to each of us in modern rev- breastplate of righteousness;
elation, "thou wilt do the greatest good "And your feet shod with the prep-
unto thy fellow beings, and wilt pro- aration of the gospel of peace;
mote the glory of him who is your Lord. "Above all, taking the shield of
"Wherefore, be faithful; stand in faith, wherewith ye shall be able to
the office which I have appointed unto quench all the fiery darts of the wicked"
you; succor the weak, lift up the hands (Ephesians 6:10-12, 14-16).
which hang down, and strengthen the I hope, my brethren, that perhaps

feeble knees" (D&C 81:4-5). this tremendous building in which we

meet, now used for 125 years by the
Be strong in honesty Latter-day Saints as our Tabernacle,
will remind each of us of the strength
Be strong, my brethren, with the we must nurture within ourselves while
strength of simple honesty. How easy it living in these mortal personal taber-
is to "lie a little, take theadvantage of nacles, which are the gift and creation
of God.

Be strong in testimony Teacher, my Exemplar, my Friend, and

my Savior,whom I love and worship as
Brethren, be strong in your testi- the Redeemer of the world. In His holy
mony of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. name, amen.
He is the chief cornerstone of this great
work. Of His divinity and reality I bear
solemn witness. He is the Lamb with- The choir sang "How Great the
out blemish, who was offered for the Wisdom and the Love."
sins of the world. Through His pain Elder Charles Didier offered the
and because of His suffering I find rec- benediction.
onciliation and eternal life. He is my


The fourth general session of the and operators of the stations who are
162nd Semiannual General Conference broadcasting this conference.
commenced at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, We note that the conference is be-
October 4, 1992. President Thomas S. ing relayed for the first time to satellite
Monson, Second Counselor in the First downlink locations in Ireland, Wales,
Presidency, conducted this session. Scotland, Belgium, the Netherlands,
The Tabernacle Choir provided Switzerland, Austria, and Jamaica.
the music, with Jerold Ottley and We acknowledge the presence this
Donald Ripplinger conducting and morning of government, education,
Clay Christiansen at the organ. and civic leaders, and members of the
To begin the session, the choir Church who have assembled to wor-
sang "Praise Ye the Lord." President ship together.
Monson then opened the meeting with The Tabernacle Choir, under the
the following remarks: direction of Brothers Jerold Ottley
and Donald Ripplinger, with Brother
President Thomas S. Monson Clay Christiansen at the organ, will
provide the music for this session. The
We welcome you this Sabbath choir opened these services by singing
morning from the Tabernacle in Salt "Praise Ye the Lord" and will now
Lake City, Utah, to the fourth general sing "Oh, May My Soul Commune with
session of the 162nd semiannual con- Thee," following which Elder Lynn A.
ference of The Church of Jesus Christ Mickelsen of the Seventy will offer the
of Latter-day Saints. President Ezra invocation.
Taft Benson, who is watching the con-
ference in his apartment, has asked me
to conduct this session.
The choir sang "Oh, May My Soul
Commune with Thee."
We acknowledge the large audi- Elder Lynn A. Mickelsen offered
ence assembled in the Tabernacle and
the invocation.
in the overflow gathering in the nearby
Assembly Hall, where Elders L. Tom
Perry, John H. Groberg, and Hans B.
Ringger are seated on the stand. President Monson
We extend our greetings to those President Gordon B. Hinckley,
of you who are participating by radio,
First Counselor in the First Presidency,
television, cable, or satellite transmis-
will be our first speaker this morning.
sion. We are grateful to the owners
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

President Gordon B. Hinckley

Emergency in an airplane That moment came quickly. To the
relief ofeveryone, the plane touched
A few weeks ago, while returning down smoothly, the landing gear held
from a regional conference, we had an in place, the engines were reversed,
experience that remains vivid in my and the aircraft was brought to a stop.
mind. As we approached the airport, Fire engines were standing nearby.
the captain came on the public address We were towed to the gate. The crew
system and spoke in crisp and authori- was appropriately applauded, and some
tative tones: "We have an emergency! of us expressed to the Lord our
Please give me your attention. We have gratitude.
an emergency, and the cabin crew will
give you instructions. For your own
The Lord's backup system
safety, please do what they ask you to
do." I have reflected on this experience
The crew sprang into action. This in terms of the Church of which we are
was the moment for which their train- members. The head of the Church is
ing had prepared them. Every one of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is His Church.
them knew precisely what to do. All But the earthly head is our prophet.
utensils were quickly secured in locked Prophets are men who are endowed
containers. with a divine calling. Notwithstanding
Passengers were shifted to put the divinity of that calling, they are hu-
strong men at each emergency exit. man. They are subject to the problems
We were told to remove our of mortality.
glasses, lower our heads, and firmly We love and respect and honor
grasp our ankles. and look to the prophet of this day,
woman with a baby seated im- President Ezra Taft Benson. He has
mediately behind me was crying. Oth- been a great and gifted leader, a man
ers could be heard sobbing. Everyone whose voice has rung out in testimony
knew that this was not just an exercise, of this work across the world. He holds
but that it was for real and that it was all the keys of the priesthood on the
serious. earth in this day. But he has reached an
A man emerged from the flight age where he cannot do many of the
deck door. He recognized me and things he once did. This does not de-
stooped down to say, "I am an off-duty tract from his calling as a prophet. But
pilot. The primary control system has it places limitations on his physical
failed, but I think we are going to be activities.
all right. They have managed to get the We have seen comparable situa-
landing gear down and the flaps down." tions in times past. President Wilford
Strangely, no fear. In many
I felt Woodruff grew old in office. So did
years of flying, I have had experiences Presidents Heber J. Grant, David O.
when I have known fear. But on this McKay, Joseph Fielding Smith, and,
occasion I felt calm. I knew that a re- more recently, Spencer W. Kimball.
dundancy system had been built into Some people, evidently not know-
the plane to handle just such an emer- ing the system, worry that because of
gency and that the crew had been well the President's age, the Church faces a
trained. crisis.They seem not to realize that
I also knew that the effectiveness there is a backup system. In the very
of that redundancy system would be nature of this system, there is always on
known in a minute or two when the board a trained crew, if I may so speak
rubber hit the runway. of them. They have been thoroughly

schooled in Church procedures. More Authority of the First Presidency

importantly, they also hold the keys
of the eternal priesthood of God. According to the revelation of the
They too have been put in place by the Lord, "of the Melchizedek Priesthood,
Lord. three Presiding High Priests, chosen by
I hope I will not sound presumptu- the body, appointed and ordained to
ous in reminding you of the unique and that office, and upheld by the confi-
tremendous system of redundancy and dence, faith, and prayer of the church,
backup which the Lord has structured form a quorum of the Presidency of the
into His kingdom so that without inter- Church" (D&C 107:22).
ruption it may go forward, meeting any This "Presidency of the High Priest-
emergency that might arise and han- hood, after the order of Melchizedek,
dling every contingency with which it is have a right to officiate in all the of-
faced. To me it is a wondrous and con- fices in the church" (D&C 107:9).

stantly renewing miracle. Further pertaining to this prin-

ciple, "it is according to the dignity of
his office that he [the president] should
Keys given to all Apostles
preside over the council of the church;
Yesterday afternoon we sustained and it is his privilege to be assisted by
Ezra Taft Benson as prophet, seer, and two other presidents, appointed after
revelator, and President of The Church the same manner that he himself was
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. appointed.
We next sustained his Counselors "Andin case of the absence of one
and then the members of the Council or both of those who are appointed to
of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, assist him, he has power to preside
seers, and revelators. With fifteen men over the council without an assistant;
so described, endowed, and sustained, and in case he himself is absent, the
one not familiar with the Church might other presidents have power to preside
feel that there would be great confu- in his stead, both or either of them"

sion. But the Lord's kingdom is one of (D&C 102:10-11).

order. There is no confusion in its lead-
ership. Counselors in the First Presidency
When a man is ordained to the
apostleship and set apart as a member We who serve as Counselors rec-
of the Council of the Twelve, he is ognize and know the parameters of our
given the keys of the priesthood of authority and our responsibility. Our
God. Each of the fifteen living men so only desire is to assist and help our
ordained holds these keys. However, leader with the tremendous burdens of
only the President of the Church has his office.The Church is growing large,
the right to exercise them in their ful- with more than eight million members
ness. He may delegate the exercise of now. It is moving across the world. Its

various of them to one or more of his program is extensive, complex, and

Brethren. Each has the keys but is deals with a host of elements. The
authorized to use them only to the de- responsibilities are many and varied.
gree granted him by the prophet of the But I can say that regardless of the
Lord. circumstances, the work goes forward
Such agency has been given by in an orderly and wonderful way. As it

President Benson to his Counselors was during the time when President
and to the Twelve according to various Kimball was ill, we have moved without
responsibilities delegated to them. hesitation when there is well-estab-
lished policy. Where there is not firmly
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

established policy, we have talked with never at the same time two equal heads
the President and received his approval in the Church— never. The Lord never
before taking action. Let it never be ordained any such thing, nor designed
said that there has been any disposition it. There is always a head in the

to assume authority or to do anything Church, and if the Presidency of the

or say anything or teach anything which Church are removed by death or other
might be at variance with the wishes of cause, then the next head of the
him who has been put in his place by Church is the Twelve Apostles, until a
the Lord. We wish to be his loyal ser- presidency is again organized of three
vants. We ask no honor for ourselves. presiding high priests who have the
We simply desire to do that which needs right to hold the office of First Presi-
to be done, when it needs to be done, dency over the Church" {Gospel Doc-
and according to policies on which the trine, 5th ed. [Salt Lake City: Deseret
President has expressed himself. Book Co., 1939], pp. 177-78).
Here then, my brothers and sisters,
Duties and authority of the Twelve isthe remarkable plan of the Lord for
the governance of His earthly kingdom.
Now, as I have indicated, there The authority to conduct its affairs was
are twelve others on whom have been received in this dispensation under the
conferred the keys of the apostleship. hands of Peter, James, and John, who
They are, as the revelation describes were ordained by the Lord when He
them, "the twelve traveling councilors was on the earth. And, as we have seen,
. called to be the Twelve Apostles, or
. . there is order in the exercise of that
special witnesses of the name of Christ authority.
in all the world— thus differing from
other officers in the church in the Called of God by prophecy
duties of their calling.
"And they form aquorum, equal I wish now to say a few words

in authorityand power to the three about the men who are members of the
presidents previously mentioned" Quorum of the First Presidency and
(D&C 107:23-24). the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. I
You ask, can there be two sepa- know all of those presently serving. I
rate bodies with equal authority with- have known all who have filled these
out confusion? Yes. The Lord has given chairs in the last sixty years. I am confi-
the answer to this. He has said, "The dent that no one of them ever aspired
Twelve are a Traveling Presiding High to office. No one campaigned for it. I
Council, to officiate in the name of the think none ever thought himself worthy
Lord, under the direction of the Presi- of it. This is a singular and remarkable
dency of the Church" (D&C 107:33). thing.
Concerning this matter, President In the United States we presently
Joseph F. Smith said: "The duty of the are in a campaign to elect men and
Twelve Apostles of the Church is to women to public office. Millions upon
preach the gospel to the world, to send millions of dollars are being spent in
it to the inhabitants of the earth and to the process, with hundreds of thou-
bear testimony of Jesus Christ the Son sands working to promote the interests
of God, as living witnesses of his divine of their favorite candidates.
mission. That is their special calling How different it is with the work
and they are always under the direction of the Lord. No faithful member of this
of the Presidency of the Church of Church would think of applying for
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when ecclesiastical office. Rather, "we be-
that presidency is intact, and there is lieve that a man must be called of God,

by prophecy, and by the laying on of As Brethren, we discuss various

hands by those who are in authority, problems that come before us. Each
to preach the Gospel and administer man is different. We speak from vari-
in the ordinances thereof (Articles of ous backgrounds and experiences. We
Faith 1:5). discuss ways to improve and strengthen
The Lord Himself said of the the work. At the outset of these discus-
Twelve whom He selected, "Ye have sions, there may be various points of
not chosen me, but I have chosen you, view. But before the discussion is ended,
and ordained you" (John 15:16). there is total unanimity, else no action
I am confident that no man was is taken. The Lord Himself has declared

ever called as a General Authority of that such unity is an absolute necessity.

this Church, certainly none I have Is this a different kind of govern-
known, who did not get on his knees, ment? It is the government of the king-
confessing his weaknesses and plead- dom of God on the earth. It is unique
ing with the Lord to safeguard him in its organization. It is a system under

against temptation and any wrongdoing, which, if one man is unable to function,
and asking for the strength and the wis- the work does not stumble or falter. To
dom and the inspiration to perform revert to my earlier illustration, there
well that which he is called upon to do. is a crew aboard with long, in-depth
training. There is a system, a divinely
Love and unity among Church leaders mandated system, under which there is
backup and redundancy to move the
I feel that I know my Brethren. I work and govern the Church in all the
know my leader, President Benson. world, regardless of difficulties that
I have knelt with him in prayer and may befall any of its leaders.
heard his petitions. I know his heart, My Brethren of whom I have spo-
and I can testify of its goodness. I know ken are Apostles of the Lord Jesus
his love, and I can testify of its reality. I Christ. I bear witness of their integrity.
know his prophetic pleading, and I can I bear witness of their faith. I bear

testify of its sincerity. witness of the voice of inspiration and

I know my associate in the Presi- revelation in their calls. Every one
dency, ThomasS. Monson. I know of is a man of tested strength. But the
his strengthand desire to advance our greatest of these strengths lies in the
Father's kingdom. acknowledgment that he must have
I know each of the Twelve in se- divinely given direction and blessing
niority, from President Howard W. if he is to perform acceptably.
Hunter to Elder Richard G. Scott.
These are my associates in this the We have only the Lord's agenda
work of the Almighty. As I said before,
none sought this sacred office. Each Now, in conclusion, do you believe
was called and, in some instances, this body of men would ever lead this
made serious sacrifice in accepting the Church astray? Remember whose
call.We pray together. We
meet in sol- church this is. It carries the name of
emn assembly in the house of the Lord. the Lord Jesus Christ, who stands as its
Periodically we partake together the head. His is the power to remove any
sacrament of the Lord's Supper and who is found remiss in his duty or who

renew our covenants with Him who is is teaching that which is not in har-
our God, taking upon ourselves anew mony with His divine will.
the name of the Lord, of whom we are I say for each and all that we have
called to testify. no personal agenda. We have only the
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

Lord's agenda. There are those who has confirmed through modern revela-
criticize when we issue a statement of tion. When we decry gambling, we are
counsel or warning. Please know that reiterating only what has been said by
our pleadings are not motivated by any prophets who have gone before. When
selfish desire. Please know that our we urge the strengthening of the foun-
warnings are not without substance dations of our homes, we are doing
and reason. Please know that the deci- only that which will bless the lives of
sions to speak out on various matters our families. When we urge our people
are not reached without deliberation, to live the law of tithing, we are repeat-
discussion, and prayer. Please know ing only that which the Lord spoke of
that our only ambition is to help each anciently and confirmed anew in this
of you with your problems, your dispensation for the blessing of His
your families, your lives.
struggles, people. When we warn against pornog-
May I say, by way of personal testi- raphy, immorality, drugs, and such, we
mony, that for more than a third of are doing only that which prophets
a century I have served as a General have always done.
Authority of this Church. For twenty
of those years I sat in the circle of the Watchmen unto Israel
Council of the Twelve. For eleven-plus
years I have served as a Counselor in Ours the responsibility outlined

the First Presidency. I know how the by Ezekiel: "Son of man, I have made
system works. I know that it is divine thee a watchman unto the house of
in its plan and in its authority. I know Israel: therefore hear the word at my
that there is no desire to teach any- mouth, and give them warning from
thing other than what the Lord would me" (Ezekiel 3:17).
have taught. He has said that "the deci- We have no selfish desire in any of
sions of these quorums, or either of other than the wish that our breth-
them, are to be made in all righteous- ren and sisters will be happy, that
ness, in holiness, and lowliness of heart, peace and love will be found in their
meekness and long suffering, and in homes, that they will be blessed by the
faith, and virtue, and knowledge, tem- power of the Almighty in their various
perance, patience, godliness, brotherly undertakings in righteousness.
kindness and charity" (D&C 107:30). It I thank all who with uplifted hands

is in this spirit that we seek to serve. and generous hearts sustain us and up-
hold us in these responsibilities.
Receive teachings in faith
This work will never fail
He further said, concerning that
which is taught by His servants, that May the Almighty bless you, my
"those who receive it in faith, and work beloved brethren and sisters. This is
righteousness, shall receive a crown of the work of God, our Eternal Father,
eternal life; who lives and rules in the universe. It is
"But those who harden their hearts the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, our
in unbelief, and reject it, it shall turn Savior and our Redeemer, the Living
to their own condemnation" (D&C Son of the Living God. It has been
20:14-15). established upon the earth with divine
When we plead with our people authority, with a prophet and other
to observe the Sabbath day, to refrain leaders called through the voice of
from making it a day of merchandising, revelation and trained through long
we are repeating only that which the years of service. It will never fail. It will
Lord declared anciently and which He continue to succeed.

I make a promise to all who up- President Monson

hold and sustain it, and who strive with
faith and prayer to live its principles, President Gordon B. Hinckley,
that they will be blessed with happiness First Counselor in the First Presidency,

and accomplishment in this life and joy has addressed us, followed by the Tab-
and eternal life in the world to come. ernacle Choir singing "I Know That My
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Redeemer Lives."
Elder Richard G. Scott of the
Council of the Twelve Apostles will be
The choir sang "I Know That My our next speaker.
Redeemer Lives."

Elder Richard G. Scott

The rope swing to pick up speed. That short-lived plea-
sure was quickly replaced by increasing
Some of the sweetest memories of feelings of dizziness, nausea, and just
my childhood center in the occasional plain terror. When the horrible experi-
summer and fall days spent with my ence was over, I couldn't walk without
brothers at Uncle Zene's farm in rural falling, my head reeled, and I was cer-
Virginia. There we hiked through woods tain my stomach would never again be
with fragrant wildflowers. We mar- the same.
veled at flying squirrels, colorful birds, Throughout it all, Gerald jumped
and even occasionally discovered a fox with glee. When I finally fell out of the
or pheasant. Meandering streams in- seat, he shouted, "Wasn't that ter-
vited us to catch sunfish, and a cool, rific?"
pure spring satisfied our thirst. There My mind thought, "You're crazy,"
were roasted hot dogs, potato salad, but my mouth said, "Yeah, that was
sweet pickles, and of course hot apple great. Get in and I'll show you how
pie with homemade ice cream. Every much fun it is."
turn of the crank heightened our an-
ticipation of that seldom-savored treat.
Satisfying worldly appetites
But the most treasured experience was
the rope swing Uncle Zene had hung in I wonder if some of you are doing
a tall tree near a beautiful brook. Its the same thing in your own life. Instead
long gliding passes provided hours of of enjoying the countless edifying expe-
pure joy. We would arch our backs and riences, precious wholesome relation-
fling our legs and feet to see who could ships, and wondrous beauties of the
go the fastest and highest. It was sheer earth the Lord has given for our happi-
delight. ness, do you pursue excitement beyond
Once, to treat me to even more the bounds He has set? Do you seek
excitement, my brother Gerald put me transitory stimulation, even recogniz-
on the wooden seat, then rotated the ing that it is always followed by power-
swing until the ropes were twisted in a ful negative feelings? Do tantalizing
double row of knots. With a mighty emotions stimulate your appetite, cre-
thrust he launched me into a spin of ating an insatiable thirst for more?
ever-increasing velocity. At first there Does that thirst override the motiva-
was a feeling of exhilaration as I began

Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

tion toimprove that should result from day of judgment" (D&C 101:78; italics
the negative harvest of transgression? added).
Is your focus on satisfying appetite These scriptures teach how to
through increased participation, even overcome the effects of wrong choices,
though you begin to sense that inevi- whether they be lying, stealing, gam-
tablyit will bring very unpleasant con- bling, addiction to alcohol or drugs,
sequences? Have you wondered how immorality, inflicting abuse, or any-
and when you will stop? thing like it. Simply stated, one must
Even though you publicly defend use his agency to obey truth.
strongly your actions, privately in mo-
ments of sober contemplation you Heavenly Father has defined truth
may have recognized that you are in
trouble. While outwardly you may When others give you advice, have
blame others for your problems, inside you ever said, "I just don't believe
you may have already discovered that the way you do. Those are your stan-
indulgence in violation of trust and de- dards and your principles. I have my
nial of truth leads to ever-diminishing own"? Please understand that no
options. One backs himself ever farther one can change truth. Rationalization,
into a corner. Finally there seems to be overpowering self-interest, all of the
no way out, and a sense of hopeless- arguments of men, anger, or self-will
ness sets in. cannot change truth. Satan knows that,
have no interest but to help you.
I so he tries to create an atmosphere
Will you listen? I may challenge some where one unwittingly begins to feel
of your fixed ideas, but please listen for that he can not only choose what to do,
a few minutes. but can determine what is right to do.
Satan strives to persuade us to live out-
Use agency to obey truth side truth by rationalizing our actions
as the right of choice.
You may be tired of others trying But our Eternal Father defined
to run your life— always telling you truth and established what is right and
what to do. After all, you have the right wrong before the creation of this earth.
to make your own choices. That is He also fixed the consequences of obe-
correct. You have that right. It is your dience and disobedience to those truths.
agency. The secret to solving problems He defended our right to choose our
in your life will be found in understand- path in life so that we would grow,
ing and using the eternally beneficial develop, and be happy, but we do not
interaction of your agency and His truth have the right to choose the consequences
The Master said: of our acts. Those who willfully, con-
"He that keepeth [the] command- sistently disobey His commandments
ments receiveth truth and light. . . . Joseph
will inevitably learn that truth.
"Light and truth forsake that evil Smith was inspired to record, "When
one. . . . we obtain any blessing from God, it is
"And that wicked one cometh and by obedience to that law upon which it
taketh away light and truth, through dis- is predicated" (D&C 130:21).
obedience, from the children of men Please understand, no one has the
(D&C 93:28, 37, 39; italics added). privilege to choose what is right. God
He also declared, "Every man reserved that prerogative to Himself.
may and principle,
act in doctrine . . . Our agency does allow us to choose
according to the moral agency which among alternate paths, but then we are
I have given unto him, that every bound to the consequence God has de-
man may be accountable ... in the creed. Later, if we don't like where the

path takes us, the only out is through Have you noticed thatno matter
repentance. how worthy your intent and how many
Our Heavenly Father gave us procedures you follow precisely, if you
truth, some as statements of cause and make the tiniest mistake with a com-
effect. We call them commandments. puter, it will not respond? All of your
They guide our life to happiness. He effortis futile. That is not the way the

knew that Satan would try to persuade Lord works. There is nothing tricky
some to live without fixed standards in about His commandments. He wants
life so that decisions would be based on you to succeed. Where there is purity
current circumstances, what appears of heart and real intent, it is known to
convenient, or what provides the great- the Lord. Your obedience to truth and
est personal return. In this way, Satan proper use of agency open the door to
removes the power of truth from one's His divine help. At first, perhaps only
life so he can take that soul captive. you and He will believe your sincerity.
But you will be rewarded by the joy
Faith and obedience bring healing that comes from positive personal prog-
ress. In time, others will recognize your
If you are trapped and there seems consistent righteous acts and support
to be no way out, remember what you.
Robert Frost taught: "The best way
out is always through" ("A Servant to Accepting help from others
Servants," line 56). You must face the
challenge and conquer it. The way Many people offer advice, but
through is based on faith in Jesus Christ one's suggestions often directly con-
and obedience to His commandments. tradict another's. How do you know
It is the only way to permanently cure whom to believe? Ask yourself these
the damage to mind and spirit caused questions:
by unrighteous acts. It also provides • What motivates the offer of help?
healing, within the bounds of eternal • Does your common sense con-
law, to a body devastated by the effects firm is right? If so, it will be consis-

of transgression. tent with the teachings of the Savior.

It may be hard in your state of • Has the advice offered been fol-
mind to understand that. Please be- lowed in the giver's life? Has it im-
lieve me. He will help you when you do proved the quality of that life?
it His way. A prophet said, "For how Honest evaluation of advice
knoweth a man the master whom he against these standards will help you
has not served, and who is a stranger decide whether it is motivated for
unto him, and is far from the thoughts your benefit or another's self-interest.
and intents of his heart?" (Mosiah 5:13; A true friend is not one who always
italics added). Read and learn about encourages you to do what you want
the Savior until you know Him, then to do, but one who helps you do what
trust Him. you know you ought to do.
You may have found that change You can block the corrective
is know you can do it. You
hard. But power of truth in your life by constantly
may wonder why you are not believed letting others protect you from the
when you decide to change from a life consequences of your unworthy acts,
of disobedience to one of integrity and without being smart enough to change
compliance to truth. Recognize that it your life. Your failure to properly re-
takes time to build a reputation that spond to help will fix false concepts in
overcomes the effects of past deliber- your mind, and you will see no need to
ate decisions to deceive and to take ad- repent. Your negative patterns will be
vantage of others— but it is worth it. reinforced, not rejected.
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

How can one decide when to help gain confidence, see your bishop. He
you and when to let you grow from fac- has priesthood keys that will help you.
ing reality? The Lord has provided the Begin now and don't stop until you un-
answer. When you show genuine re- derstand and obey the teachings of the
morse, a contrite heart, a recognition Savior and receive His healing power
of guilt, movement in the direction of in your life. Otherwise, the cure will be
improvement even though there may incomplete.
be slippage— when there is acceptance This comment, used by permission
of responsibility for improper acts, sup- of one someone else helped, shows
port and help are needed and will be how the Lord gives healing through a
productive. Should you continue to priesthood leader when he acts as an
manipulate, blame others for improper inspired instrument:
decisions, be deceitful and determined "I so appreciated your words of
to continue the path of transgression wisdom and kindness. I have felt such a
by camouflage or cover-up, you are strength from the Lord. My testimony
reinforcing false principles and have is growing step by step each day.
chosen to head for a showdown with "I still have heartache and pain,
tough reality. but now I realize that it is for my own
good and that there is light at the end
Begin healing now of the tunnel. The blessing you gave me
under the direction of the Spirit truly
It is one thing to know how to heal changed me. I am finally able to have
your damaged life. It is quite another hope and know that I will work through
to do it. You will change only when you this time. I am able to look forward to
recognize that it will bring lasting per- each new day."
sonal benefit. Deep down you know
that breaking commandments does not The Savior heals permanently
bring anything productive and does
cause a lot of grief for yourself and oth- I testify that the Savior heals per-
ers. Don't wait to hit bottom. That is manently. He said:
painful and could leave physical scars "Have ye any that . . . are afflicted
that can't be healed. in any manner? Bring them hither and I
You can fool others who want to will heal them. . . .

believe you, but you cannot deceive the "For I see that your faith is suffi-
Lord. Because of His justice, He will cient that I should heal you. . . .

one day have to confront you with the "And he did heal them every one"
consequences of your unrepented acts. (3 Nephi 17:7-9; italics added).
No one wants that to happen. Some I testify that the Savior will heal
transgressions are so powerful that it is you as you choose to obey truth and use
unlikely that you will begin to over- your agency according to His counsel.
come them without another's help. May the Lord soften your heart
Seek that help. In time, with the that you may know the things we have
strength that comes from continued discussed are true. May he give you
use of agency to live truth, you will be the courage and strength to begin to
healed through the Savior. Please find be healed now. In the name of Jesus
someone you trust who is trustworthy, Christ, amen.
who understands agency and truth.
You can begin anywhere with a — The choir sang "A Psalm of Peace."
friend, a loved one, a competent pro-
fessional, or a solid member. As you

President Monson hear from Elder Marion D. Hanks,

who was granted emeritus status yes-
We have just heard from Elder terday after having served as a General
Richard G. Scott of the Council of the Authority for thirty-nine years.
Twelve Apostles, followed by the choir
singing "A Psalm of Peace."
The choir and congregation will The choir and congregation sang
now join in singing "I Stand All "I Stand All Amazed."
Amazed," following which we shall

Elder Marion D. Hanks

Anyone who has been permitted Our Heavenly Father desires that
we have is honored beyond
to serve as allmankind be led by the light, but that
personal merit. We know that and are blessing will notbe imposed upon any-
grateful. one. Christ stands at the door and
knocks; those who wish to have him en-
Choose to love and obey the Lord ter and sup with them must hear his
voice and "open the door" (Revelation
The Bible declares that God is the 3:20). Thus two great principles on
Father and the God of the spirits of all which the gospel is centered, love and
mankind (see Numbers 16:22; Hebrews agency, are plainly taught. Each of us
12:9). The Apostle Paul taught the is here to learn to love and give and

people at Athens that we are God's hearken to the Spirit and choose to do
"offspring" and the Romans that "the the will of the Father. God wants his
Spirit . beareth witness with our
. . offspring and heirs to become all that
spirit, that we are the children of God: we can be, to qualify for our inheri-
And if children, then heirs; heirs of tance. But we must choose; we are the
God, and joint-heirs with Christ" (Acts decision makers, and he will not relieve
17:28-29; Romans 8:16-17). As early as the book
that responsibility.
Because of our Father's great love of Deuteronomy, it is written:
for his children and because of his "I have set before thee this day life
commitment to freedom of choice for and good, and death and evil; . . .

them, mankind has from the beginning therefore choose life, that both thou
enjoyed the opportunity to choose for and thy seed may live: That thou may-
themselves. John declares in the first est love the Lord thy God, and obey
. . .

few verses of his gospel that Christ his voice" (Deuteronomy 30:15, 19-20).
"was the true Light, which lighteth
every man that cometh into the world" Light shines through all the world
(John 1:9). Scripture also records that
"the Spirit of Christ is given to every Through the light of the Lord, truth
man, that he may know good from evil" in some measure has reached many
(Moroni 7:16; see also D&C
84:45-46). avenues and elements and levels of life.
There an accompanying significant
is It has been a great satisfaction to me
scripture that explains why not every to find so much that is so good in so
person walks by the light and why some many places and from so many sources.
do not choose good over evil: "The President Joseph F. Smith spoke of the
Spirit enlighteneth every man through united members of the Godhead as
the world, that hearkeneth to the voice the "fountain of truth" and said:
of the Spirit" (D&C 84:46; italics "From this fountain all the ancient
added). learned philosophers have received
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

their inspiration and wisdom— from it waters, "and the children of Israel went
they have received all their knowledge. into the midst of the sea upon the dry
If we
find truth in broken fragments ground" (Exodus 14:22). The Egyp-
through the ages, it may be set down as tians went in after them. Then Moses
an incontrovertible fact that it origi- stretched his hand again over the sea,
nated at the fountain, and was given and the waters returned. The Israelites
to philosophers, inventors, patriots, were safe, and the Egyptian armies were
reformers, and prophets by the inspi- drowning. Triumphantly the people
ration of God" ("Fountain of Truth," began to sing hymns of praise to the
Improvement Era June 1907, p. 629).
, Lord. But the Almighty stopped them
Earlier and subsequent leaders of and said, "How can you sing hymns of
the Church have similarly testified. In praise and jubilation when so many of
every field of activity in which I have my children are drowning in the sea?"
been involved, I have had the privilege In remembrance of that event,
of association with people of character Jewish people during the latter period
and quality who shared much of value of Passover include abridged or short-
with me. Consider this special example ened psalms of praise, Half Hallels, as
of the wisdom of a beloved Quaker part of the celebration.
teacher and writer, Rufus Jones, who Truly, light from the Source has
said: shone through all the world. re- We
"Vital religion cannot be main- joice in this a humble witness
and have
tained and preserved on the theory that to bear: Goda living, revealing, com-

God dealt with our human race only municating Father.

in the far past ages, and that the Bible
is the only evidence we have that our Fuller light through the Restoration
God is a living, revealing, communicat-
ing God. If God ever spoke, He is still When there are joined with the
speaking. He is the great I Am, not the rich resources of ancient prophets and
great He Was" (A Flash of Eternity). writers in the Bible the supporting and
This is a significant expression of enhancing truths available in the scrip-
fundamental truth. Our own under- tures of the Restoration, those welded
standing of that principle is that God treasures bring clarifying light and
communicates with his children, and knowledge to the most important ques-
that he has revealed, does now reveal, tions mankind has asked through the
and will yet reveal many great and im- ages, and now asks, and in the future
portant things pertaining to his king- will continue to ask with increasing
dom (see Articles of Faith 1:9). concern as populations and interpreta-
tions multiply. They deal with the truth
Half Hallels offered at Passover about God and Christ and the Holy
Spirit —the Godhead, about man him-
Jewish tradition helps us further self, about mortal life and its meaning
appreciate the nature of our Heavenly and purposes, and about eternity and
Father in the tender practice of the its promises.
Half Hallels offered at Passover in
celebration of the historic exodus of No immunity from afflictions
the children of Israel from Egypt and
their passing through the Red Sea. Asignificant example of this
When they reached the sea, the pursu- fuller light is in response to the ex-
ing Egyptian armies overtook them. panding catalog of concerns that face
Through Moses, God divided the —
mankind individuals, institutions,

countries, civilization. The Psalmist The Lord helps us in our afflictions

thousands of years ago cried, "Have
mercy upon me, O
Lord, for I am in Much of the pain we suffer and
trouble" (Psalm 31:9). He then spoke inevitably impose upon others is self-

of problems, some of which sound induced through our own bad judg-
strangely familiar to a modern ear. ment, through poor choices.
This very hour in our troubled world, And for that, help is offered. To
calamity and destruction, fear, starva- the penitent sinner comes the assur-
tion, and beleaguer the earth;
conflict ance that God will forgive, forget, and
afflictions and adversities burden many never mention our sins of which we
lives. Books multiply dealing with per- have truly repented.
sonal and family and societal troubles. But much that happens to us in
Often they seem to agree that the right this lifewe cannot control; we only re-
question to ask is not why good people spond. Knowing what God has prom-
have trials, but how shall good people ised can provide the courage and faith
respond when they are tried? The we need. We are assured in the scrip-
scriptures help us answer some impor- tures that we may know of a surety that
tant questions: the Lord does visit his people in their
• Does God promise his children afflictions (see Mosiah 24:13-14), and

immunity from trouble and affliction? that "whosoever shall put their trust in
• Is tribulation evidence of his dis- God shall be supported in their trials,

pleasure? and their troubles, and their afflictions,

• Did
the prophets of old and and shall be lifted up at the last day"
Christ and his Apostles live without (Alma 36:3).
adversity? Jesus said to those who mourned
• Did he promise his followers that the loss of a loved one, "And ye now
they would be spared trouble? therefore have sorrow: but I will see
Scripture responds. The Sermon you again, and your heart shall rejoice,
on the Mount speaks to those who and your joy no man taketh from you"
mourn, who are poor in spirit, who are (John 16:22).
reviled and persecuted, who have evil Said he to the lonely and the hope-
spoken against them falsely (see lessand those who are afraid, "I will
Matthew 5:3-4, 11). never leave thee, nor forsake thee"
The counsel is to turn the other (Hebrews 13:5).
cheek when smitten and to go the extra Thus the promise is that in times
milewhen forced. Mentioned are those of sorrow and affliction, if we endure
who trespass, who are enemies, who and remain faithful and put our trust in
curse and hate and despitefully use him and are courageous, the Lord will
innocent others. The sun shines on visit us in our afflictions, strengthen us

the evil and the good; the rain falls on to carry our burdens, and support us
the just and the unjust (see Matthew in our trials. He'll be with us to the end

5:39-45). of our days, lift us at the last day to

To early leaders in the Church greater opportunities for service, and
came the admonition, "Be patient in exalt us at last with him and reunited

afflictions, for thou shalt have many" loved ones, and he will consecrate our
(D&C 24:8). afflictions to our gain.

God does not deny us the experi-

ence we came here to have. He does God weeps with us
not insulate us from tribulation or
guarantee immunity from trouble. One of the experiences that has
reached the deep center of my soul in
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

recent years was to hear a choice Carry the Son's legacy of love
bishop share with others in a meeting
the tender feelings of his heart con- At home last evening after our
cerning the loss of his wife to cancer, meetings yesterday, we opened a note
an experience many other husbands from a lovely Latter-day Saint mother,
and wives and families well under- widowed by the death of her husband
stand. in an accident two years ago. She and

Twenty years earlier he had her choice family have taken comfort,
watched his mother pass through se- she said, from a framed statement on
vere suffering before she died, and he the wall of my office:
had carried with him through the years "To believe in God is to know that
all the rules will be fair, and that there
a sense of resentment for the anguish
she had endured. With his wife's or- will be wonderful surprises."

deal, however, harsh as it was for her I thank God for his love and the

and in a measure for her family, his love of his Son. Those who have taken
anger sublimated into a closer spiritual upon themselves the name of his Son
relationship with the Lord, and he as we have done must carry the burden
was able more gracefully to share her of the legacy he left us— of love and
burden. mercy and service, accepting our heri-
Shortly before she died, his wife tage of hope and helpfulness, and join-
asked him to give her a blessing for re- ing our believing and our doing in
lief from the intense pain. They both working for the relief of the ills and the
wept as he laid his hands on her head sufferings of humanity. God help us
and talked with the Lord, "and," he in honoring that commission, I humbly

said, "I felt the spiritual presence of pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
our Father in Heaven. I had the stron-
gest sensation that someone else was The choir sang "Jehovah, Lord of
there weeping with us!" Near the end, Heaven and Earth."
severely physically debilitated, she
said, "Never have I been more whole!"
They had felt the strong sensation
President Monson
that He was there, "weeping with us."
Of course; why not? Jesus wept at the Elder Marion D. Hanks has just
grave of Lazarus; he wept over Jerusa- spoken to us, lifting our spirits as he
lem's portending afflictions; and he has done so many times before. We
wept when he came to the American wish him well and love him. He was
continent and knelt with his people, followed by the Tabernacle Choir sing-
and especially when "he took their ing "Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and
little children, one by one, and blessed Earth."
them, and prayed unto the Father for Elder Neal A. Maxwell, a member
them" (3 Nephi 17:21; see also 17:22; of the Council of the Twelve Apostles,
John 11:35; Luke 19:41). will now address us.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell

This is an appropriate moment to To those whose discipleship is casual
thank Elder Hanks for his influence
on my life in so many moments over Eighteen years ago from this same
so many years. pulpit, I pled with those who stood in-
decisively on the "porch" of the Church

to come fully inside (in Conference Re- become more like Him in mind, heart,
port, Oct. 1974, pp. 14-16; or Ensign, and attributes (D&C 76:79). Becoming
Nov. 1974, pp. 12-13). Today my plea this manner of men and women is the
is to those members already inside but ultimate expression of orthodoxy!
whose discipleship is casual, individu- All are free to choose, of course,
als whom we love, whose gifts and tal- and we would not have it otherwise.
ents are much needed in building the Unfortunately, however, when some
kingdom! choose slackness, they are choosing not
Any consecration
call for greater only for themselves, but for the next
is, of course, really a call to all of us. generation and the next. Small equivo-
But these remarks are not primarily for cations in parents can produce large
those who are steadily striving and deviations in their children! Earlier
who genuinely seek to keep God's generations in a family may have re-
commandments and yet sometimes flected dedication, while some in the
fall short (see D&C
46:9). Nor is this current generation evidence equivo-
primarily for those few in deliberate cation. Sadly, in the next, some may
noncompliance, including some who choose dissension as erosion takes its
cast off on intellectual and behavioral toll.
bungee cords in search of new sensa- While casual members are not un-
tions, only to be jerked about by the old righteous, they often avoid appearing
heresies and the old sins. to be too righteous by seeming less
Instead, these comments are for committed than they really are an —
the essentially "honorable" members ironic form of hypocrisy.
who are skimming over the surface Some of these otherwise honor-
instead of deepening their discipleship able members mistakenly regard the
and who are casually engaged rather Church as an institution, but not as a
than "anxiously engaged" (D&C 76:75; kingdom. They know the doctrines of
58:27). Though nominal in their par- the kingdom, but more as a matter of
ticipation, their reservations and hesi- recitation than of real comprehension.
tations inevitably show through. They Casual members are usually very
may even pass through our holy busy with the cares and the things of
temples, but, alas, they do not let the the world —much as honorable Amulek
holy temples pass through them. once was. Called many times, he would
not hear. He really knew concerning
Characteristics of casual disciples the truths of the gospel, but Amulek
would not acknowledge that he knew
Such members accept callings but (see Alma 10:4-6).
not of the accompanying responsi-
all One common characteristic of the
hence, their Church chores
bilities; honorable but slack is their disdain for
must often be done by those already the seemingly unexciting duties of dis-
"anxiously engaged." Some regard cipleship, such as daily prayer, regular
themselves as merely "resting" in be- reading of the scriptures, attendance at
tween Church callings. But we are sacrament meeting, paying a full tithe,
never in between as to this soaring call and participating in the holy temples.
from Jesus: "What manner of men [and Such disdain is especially dangerous
women] ought ye to be? Verily I say in today's world of raging relativism
unto you, even as I am" (3 Nephi 27:27; and of belching sensualism, a world in
see also Matthew 5:48; 3 Nephi 12:48). which, if many utter the name of Deity

It is never safe to rest regarding that at all, it is only as verbal punctuation or

being "valiant" in one's

calling! In fact, as an expression of exclamation, not
testimony of Jesus includes striving to adoration!
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

Striving for greater consecration Unfortunately, we tend to think of

consecration only in terms of property
In contrast, those sincerely striv- and money. But there are so many
ing for greater consecration neither ways of keeping back part. One might
cast off their commitments nor the holy be giving of money and time and yet
garment. They avoid obscenity, keep hold back a significant portion of him-
the law of chastity, pay their tithes, and self. One might share talents publicly
love and serve their spouses and chil- yet privately retain a particular pride.
dren. As good neighbors, they "bear One might hold back from kneeling
one another's burdens," "mourn with before God's throne and yet bow to a
those that mourn," "comfort those . . .
particular gallery of peers. One might
in need of comfort," and valiantly accept a Church calling but have his
"stand as witnesses of God at all times heart more set on maintaining a certain
and in all things, and in all places" role in the world.
(Mosiah 18:8-9). Still others find it easier to bend
When the determination is first their knees than their minds. Exciting
made to begin to be more spiritually exploration is preferred to plodding im-
settled, thereis an initial vulnerability; plementation; speculation seems more
it is hard to break with the past. But fun than consecration, and so does try-
once we begin, we see how friends who ing to soften the hard doctrines instead
would hold us back spiritually are not of submitting to them. Worse still, by
true friends at all. Any chiding from not obeying, these few members lack
them reflects either resentment or real knowing (see John 7:17). Lacking
unconscious worry that somehow they real knowing, they cannot defend their
are being deserted. In any attempt to faith and may become critics instead of
explain to them, our tongue is able to defenders!
speak only "the smallest part" (Alma A few of the latter end up in the
26:16). We continue to care for them, self-reinforcing and self-congratulating
but we care for our duty to God more. Hyde Park corner of the Church, which
Brigham Young counseled candidly: they provincially mistake for the whole
"Some do not understand duties which of the Church, as if London's real Hyde
do not coincide with their natural feel- Park corner were Parliament, White-
ings and affections. There are
. . .
hall, Buckingham Palace, and all of
duties which are above affection" (in England combined!
Journal of Discourses, 7:65).

Consecration may bring challenges

Consecrate all, not a portion
Only greater consecration will
Likewise it is only fair to warn that cure ambivalence and casualness in any
any determination to seek greater con- of us! As already noted, the tutoring
secration will soon expose what we yet challenges arising from increased con-
lack, a painful but necessary thing. secration may be severe but may reflect
Remember the rich, righteous young the divine mercy necessary to induce
man who was told by Jesus, "One thing further consecration (see Helaman
thou lackest"? (Mark 10:21). Ananias 12:3). If we have grown soft, hard times
and Sapphira, otherwise good mem- may be necessary. Deprivation may
bers of the Church, "kept back" a por- prepare us for further consecration,
tion instead of consecrating their all though we shudder at the thought. If
(see Acts 5:1-11). Some would never we are too easily contented, God may
sell Jesus for thirty pieces, but they administer a dose of divine discontent.
would not give Him their all either! His long-suffering thus becomes very

necessary to maximize our agency and Church work as it is for more aware-
development. But He is not an in- ness of Whose work this really is! For
dulgent Father. now, consecration may not require giv-
We "cannot bear all things now," ing up worldly possessions so much as
but the Lord "will lead [us] along," as being less possessed by them.
we "give place" in our thoughts and
schedules and "give away" our sins, Obedience is emancipating
which are the only ways we can begin
to make room to receive all thatGod Only when things begin to come
can give us (D&C 78:18; 50:4; Alma into focus "with an eye single" do we
32:27, 28; 22:18). see "things as they really are"! (Jacob
Each of us is an innkeeper who 4:13). What a view awaits! Only to the
decides if there is room for Jesus! degree that we respond to life's temp-
tations as Jesus did, who "gave no heed
Consecration requires surrender unto them," will we be "free"— free at
last! (D&C John 8:32).
Consecration is the only surrender True orthodoxy thus brings safety
which is also a victory. It brings release and felicity! It is not only correctness
from the raucous, overpopulated cell but happiness. Strange, isn't it, even
block of selfishness and emancipation the very word orthodoxy has fallen into
from the dark prison of pride. Yet in- disfavor with some? As society gets
stead of striving for greater consecra- more and more flaky, a few rush for-
tion, it is so easy to go on performing ward to warn shrilly against orthodoxy!
casually in halfhearted compliance as if Remember how, with Pharaoh's
hoping to "ride to paradise on a golf angry army in hot pursuit, ancient
cart" (Henry Fairlie, The Seven Deadly Israel aligned themselves with the
Sins Today [Notre Dame, Ind.: Univer- Lord's instructions? Moses stretched
sity of Notre Dame Press, 1979], p. 125). forth his hand and the Red Sea parted.
Butbeing consecrated and
is With towering walls of water on each
"swallowed up" a threat to our indi- side, Israel walked through the narrow
viduality? (see Mosiah 15:7). No! passage obediently, and no doubt
Heavenly Father only asking us to
is quickly! There were no warnings about
lose the old self order to find the
in conforming on that day!
new and the real self. It is not a ques- There are passages ahead which
tion of losing our identity but of finding will require similar obedience, as
our true identity! prophets lead the "men [and women]
When at last we are truly pointed of Christ" in a straight and narrow
homeward, then the world's pointing course (see Helaman 3:29).
fingers of scorn can better be endured. Becoming more like Jesus in
As we come to know to Whom we thought and behavior is not grinding
belong, the other forms of belonging and repressing, but emancipating and
cease to mean very much. Likewise, discovering! Unorthodoxy in behavior
as Jesus begins to have a real place in and intellect is just the opposite. A
our lives, we are much less concerned little pornography may not only lead to

with losing our places in the world. child and spouse abuse, but it slowly
When our minds really catch hold of sucks out the marrow of self-esteem. A
the significance of Jesus' atonement, little tendency to gossip can lead not

the world's hold on us loosens (see only to bearing serious false witness,
Alma36:18-19). but more often to malicious whispers
Increased consecration is not so which, unfortunately, "memory will
much a demand for more hours of warehouse as a shout" (C. S. Lewis,
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

The Quotable Lewis, ed. Owen Bar- Press forward as Jesus did
fieldand Jerry Root [Wheaton, 111.:
Tindale Publications, 1989], p. 425). Finally, if we shrink from deeper
A little criticism of the Brethren, consecration, then we are not worthy
which seems harmless enough, may not of Him who, for our sake, refused to
only damage other members but can "shrink" in the midst of His deepening
even lead to one's setting himself up agony during the Atonement! (D&C
as a substitute "light unto the world" 19:18). Instead, Jesus pressed forward,

(2 Nephi 26:29). Yes, happily, some

giving His all and completing His mar-
such prodigals do come back, but they velous "preparations unto the children
usually walk alone, unaccompanied by of men" (D&C 19:19).
those they once led astray! Consider, what if Jesus' Mortal
Messiahship had consisted only of re-
markable sermons? Or was further
"Settle this in your hearts"
enhanced with healings and other mir-
Jesus counseled His disciples, acles—but without Gethsemane's and
"Wherefore, settle this in your hearts, Calvary's awful but consecrated hours
that ye will do the things which I of the Atonement? How then would
shall teach, and command you" (JST, we regard Jesus' ministry? Where
Luke 14:28). Getting thus settled would mankind be?
precedes consecration. The Prophet Brothers and sisters, whatever we
Joseph Smith said gospel knowledge embrace instead of Jesus and His work
"does away with darkness, suspense will keep us from qualifying to enter

and doubt" and that "there is no pain His kingdom and therefore from being
so awful as that of suspense" (Teach- embraced by Him (see Mormon 6:17).
ings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. May we get settled and prepare
Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: now for that marvelous moment then, I
Deseret Book Co., 1938], p. 288). Be- ask in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!
ing settled keeps us from responding
to every little ripple of dissent as if The choir sang "More Things Are
it were a tidal wave. We are to be Wrought by Prayer."
disciples, not oscillators, like a "reed
shaken with the wind" (Matthew 11:7).
More members need the immense President Monson
relief and peace which can come from
being "settled," without which those Elder Neal A. Maxwell, a member
individuals will be like "the troubled of the Twelve, has just addressed us,
sea, when it cannot rest" (Isaiah 57:20). followed by the Tabernacle Choir sing-
There is another special reason to ing "More Things Are Wrought by
become settled: we will live in a time in Prayer."
which "all things shall be in commo- Following my remarks, the Taber-
tion" (D&C 88:91; 45:26). The uncer- nacle Choir will conclude this session
tainties, upheavals, and topsy-turviness by singing "We Have Partaken of Thy
of today's world will be such that those Love." The benediction will be offered
who vacillate and equivocate will be by Elder Douglas H. Smith, who was
tossed about by severe turbulence. released yesterday as a member of the
This conference will then be ad-
journed until two o'clock this afternoon.

President Thomas S. Monson

Reading of the Savior's miracles "And, behold, men brought in a bed
a man which was taken with a palsy:
Almost forty years ago I received and they sought means to bring him in,
an invitation to meet with President and to lay him before him.
J.Reuben Clark, Jr., a Counselor in the "And when they could not find by
First Presidency of the Church, a what way they might bring him in
statesman of towering stature, and a because of the multitude, they went
scholar of international renown. My upon the housetop, and let him down
profession then was in the field of through the tiling with his couch into
printing and publishing. President Clark the midst before Jesus.
made me welcome in his office and "And when he saw their faith, he
then produced from his old rolltop desk said unto him, Man, thy sins are for-
a large sheaf of handwritten notes, given thee" (Luke 5:18-20).
many of them made when he was a law There followed snide comments
student long years before. He pro- from the Pharisees concerning who had
ceeded to outline for me his goal of the right to forgive sins. Jesus silenced
producing a harmony of the Gospels. their bickering by saying:
This goal was achieved with his monu- "Whether [it] is easier, to say, Thy
mental work Our Lord of the Gospels. sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up
Recently I took down from my and walk?
library shelf a personally inscribed, "But that ye may know that the Son
leather-bound copy of this classic treat- of man hath power upon earth to for-
ment of the life of Jesus of Nazareth. give sins, (he said unto the sick of the
As I perused the many pages, I paused palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take
at the section entitled "The Miracles up thy couch, and go into thine house.
of Jesus." I remembered as though it "And immediately he rose up be-
were yesterday President Clark asking fore them, and took up that whereon
me to read to him several of these he lay, and departed to his own house,
accounts while he sat back in his large glorifying God" (Luke 5:23-25).
leather chair and listened. This was a President Clark removed from his
day in my life never to be forgotten. pocket a handkerchief and wiped the
President Clark asked me to read tears from his eyes. He commented, "As
aloud the account found in Luke con- we grow older, tears come more fre-
cerning the man filled with leprosy. I quently." After a few words of good-bye,
proceeded to read: I departed from his office, leaving him
"And it came to pass, when he was alone with his thoughts and his tears.
in a certain city, behold a man full of
leprosy: whoseeing Jesus fell on his
Bearing tragedy and adversity
face, and besought him,saying, Lord, if
thou thou canst make me clean.
wilt, As I reflect on this experience, my
"And he put forth his hand, and heart fills with gratitude to the Lord
touched him, saying, I will: be thou for His divine intervention to relieve
clean. And immediately the leprosy de- the suffering, heal the sick, and raise
parted from him" (Luke 5:12-13). the dead. I grieve, however, for the
He asked that I continue reading many, similarly afflicted, who knew not
from Luke concerning the man af- how to find the Master, to learn of
flicted with palsy and the enterprising His teachings, and to become the bene-
manner in which he was presented for ficiaries of His power. I remember
the attention of the Lord: that President Clark himself suffered
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

heartache and pain in the tragic death evil" (Job 1:1). He prospered by every
at Pearl Harbor of his son-in-law, measurement. In other words, he had it
Mervyn S. Bennion, captain of the all made. Then came the loss of liter-
battleship West Virginia. That day there ally everything: his wealth, his family,
had been no ram in the thicket, no his health. At one time the suggestion
steel to stop the shrapnel, no miracle was made that he "curse God, and die"
to heal the wounds of war. But faith (Job 2:9). Job's summation of his faith,
never wavered, and answered prayers after ordeals demanded of few others,
provided the courage to carry on. isa testimony of truth, a proclamation
So it is today. In our lives, sickness of courage, and a declaration of trust:
comes to loved ones, accidents leave "Oh that my words were now writ-
their cruel marks of remembrance, and ten! oh that they were printed in a
tiny legs that once ran are imprisoned book!
in a wheelchair. "That they were graven with an
Mothers and fathers who anx- iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!
iously await the arrival of a precious "For I know that my redeemer
child sometimes learn that all is not liveth, and that he shall stand at the
well with this tiny infant. missing A latter day upon the earth:
limb, sightless eyes, a damaged brain, "And though after my skin worms
or the term "Down's syndrome" greets destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall
the parents, leaving them baffled, filled I see God:

with sorrow, and reaching out for hope. "Whom I shall see for myself, and
There follows the inevitable blam- mine eyes shall behold, and not an-
ing of oneself, the condemnation of a other" (Job 19:23-27).
careless action, and the perennial Let me share with you a brief look
questions: Why such a tragedy in our into the lives of others, to learn that
family? Why didn't I keep her home? after the tears of a day of despair, a
If only he hadn't gone to that party. night of sorrow, "joy cometh in the
How did this happen? Where was morning" (Psalm 30:5).
God? Where was a protecting angel?
why, where, how — those recurring
If, Eve Gail McDanieFs accomplishment
words do not bring back the lost son,
the perfect body, the plans of parents, Just two years ago, Eve Gail Mc-
or the dreams of youth. Self-pity, per- Daniel and her parents, Bishop and
sonal withdrawal, or deep despair will Sister Jerry Lee McDaniel of the
not bring the peace, the assurance, or Reedsport Oregon Ward, came to my
help which are needed. Rather, we office and presented as a contribution
must go forward, look upward, move to the Church Historical Department a
onward, and rise heavenward. copy of the Book of Mormon which
It is imperative that we recognize Eve had written, by hand, and placed
that whatever has happened to us has in three large binders. Eve, then
happened to others. They have coped, twenty-eight, was born September 18,
and so must we. We are not alone. 1962. A case of meningitis when she
Heavenly Father's help is near. was a baby resulted in brain damage.
She cannot read, but she copied the
Job's faith and courage entire Book of Mormon, letter by let-
ter, over a period of about eighteen
Perhaps no other has been so af- months. In doing so, she learned to
flicted as theman Job, who was de- recognize certain words and phrases,
scribed as "perfect and upright, and such as commandments and neverthe-
one that feared God, and eschewed less. Her favorite —
and she glowed as

she repeated the phrase— was "And it however slight, strengthen the bound-
came to pass." Eve reflected the joy aries through which the history of
of accomplishment, even the smile of future generations must pass."
success. Her parents rejoiced in her Sarah married H. Smith Shumway,
gladness of heart and buoyancy of then her "friend and sweetheart of
spirit. Heaven was very near. nine years," in 1948. The courtship was
longer than most because Smith, an
Angelic handicapped children infantry officer in World War II, was
blinded and severely wounded by a
On another occasion, near the land-mine explosion in the advance on
Christmas season, I had the opportu- Paris, France. During his long rehabili-
nity to meetin the Church Office tation, Sarah learned braille so that she
Building with a group of handicapped could correspond with him in privacy.
children. There were about sixty in the She couldn't tolerate the idea of others
group. My heart literally melted as I reading her letters aloud to the man
met with them. They sang for me "I she loved.
Am a Child of God," "Rudolph, the Something of the spirit of this
Red-nosed Reindeer," and "As I Have young couple comes to us in the simple
Loved You, Love One Another." There candor of Smith Shumway's proposal
was such an angelic expression on their of marriage. Finally home in Wyoming
faces and such a simple trust expressed after the war,he told Sarah, "If you
in their comments that I felt I was on will drive the car and sort the socks
sacred ground. They presented to me a and read the mail, I will do the rest."
beautiful booklet in which each one She accepted the offer.
had prepared a special page illustrating Years of study led to a successful
those blessings for which he or she was career, eight accomplished children, a
most thankful at Christmastime. I com- host of grandchildren, and lives of ser-
mend the many teachers and families vice. The Shumways, along life's path-
who work behind the scenes in bringing way, have faced problems of a child
a measure of comfort, purpose, and joy with severe deafness, a missionary son
to these special children. They bright- developing cancer, and a twin grand-
ened my entire day. daughter injured at birth.
My family and I had the privilege
The Shumways rise above adversity to meet the entire Shumway clan at As-
pen Grove a year ago. It was our joy to
Several years ago, Brigham Young be with them. Each wore an identifying
University honored with a presidential T-shirt on which was a map depicting
citation Sarah Bagley Shumway, a truly the location of each child and family,
remarkable woman of our time. The along with the names of all. Brother
citation contained the words: "It is of- Shumway, with justifiable pride, pointed
ten within our homes and among our to the location on his shirt of his pre-
own family members that the eternally cious ones and beamed the smile of
significant— but usually unheralded— gladness. Only then did I ponder that
dramas of daily living occur. The people he had never seen any of his children
in these plain but important places or grandchildren. Or had he? While his
bring stability to the present and eyes had never beheld them, in his
promise to the future. Their lives are heart he knew them and he loved them.
filledwith struggle and deep feeling as At an evening of entertainment,
they face circumstances that rarely fit theShumway family was on the stage at
neatly within the formulae of plays, Aspen Grove. The children were asked,
films and newscasts. But their victories, "What was it like growing up in a
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Morning Session

household with a sightless father?" Valley, Utah. Melissa is featured in the

One daughter smiled and said, "When August 1992 issue of the New Era. She
we were little, occasionally we felt tells her own story:
Daddy should not have too much des- "When was born I only had a

sert at dinner, so without telling him, thumb on my right hand because the
we would trade our smaller helping umbilical cord got wrapped around my
with his larger one. Maybe he knew, fingers and [severed them]. My dad
but he never complained." wanted to find something I could do to
One child touched our hearts when strengthen my hand and make it useful.
she recounted, "When I was about five Playing the violin seemed like a natural
years old, I remember my father hold- because I wouldn't have to finger with
ing my hand and walking me around both hands, like you would with a
the neighborhood, and I never realized flute. ...
he was blind because he talked about "I've been playing for about eight
the birds and other things. I always years now. I take private lessons, and

thought he held my hand because he I have to work at things like a paper

loved me more than other fathers loved route to help pay for them. I get to [my
their children." violin] lessons by riding a bus across
Today Brother Shumway is a pa- town. . . .

triarch. Who would you guess learned "A highlight [of my life] was Inter-
typing skills so as to be able to type the lochen, located on a lake in Michigan,
many blessings he gives? You're cor- one of the best music camps in the
rect: his beloved wife, Sarah. world for [youth]. I sent in my applica-
Smith and Sarah Shumway and tion for the eight weeks of intensive
their family are examples of rising music training and couldn't believe I
above adversity and sorrow, overcom- [was] accepted.
ing the tragedy of war-inflicted impair- "The only problem was money. It
ment, and walking bravely the higher costs thousands of dollars, and there
roadway of life. was no way [I could] make that much
before the deadline. So I prayed and
The smile that shines through tears prayed, and about a week before I had
to send in the money, I was called into
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the poetess, the office of a man who had a grant
wrote: for someone with a handicap who was
pursuing the arts. That, to me, was a
It is easy enough to be pleasant, miracle. I'm really grateful for it"

When life flows by like a song, ("Something You Really Love," New
But the man worth while is one who Era, Aug. 1992, pp. 30-31).
will smile, Melissa, when she received the
When everything goes dead wrong. grant, turned to her mother, who had
For the test of the heart is trouble, been anxious not to see her daughter
And it always comes with the years, disappointed and had thus attempted
And the smile that is worth the to curb her enthusiasm and hope,
praises of earth and said, "Mother, I told you Heavenly
Is the smile that shines through tears. Father answers prayers, for look how
["Worth While"] He has answered mine."
He that notes a sparrow's had
Melissa Engle's triumph and miracle fulfilled a child's dream, answered a
child's prayer.
May I conclude with the inspiring
example of Melissa Engle of West

God's promises to those who suffer When upon life's billows you are
To all who
have suffered silently When you are discouraged, thinking
from sickness, to you who have cared all is lost,
for those with physical or mental im- Count your many blessings; name
pairment, who have borne a heavy bur- them one by one,
den day by day, year by year, and to you And it will surprise you what the
noble mothers and dedicated fathers— Lord has done. . . .

I salute you and pray God's blessings

to ever attend you. To the children, Are you ever burdened with a load
particularly those who cannot run and of care?
play and frolic, come the reassuring Does the cross seem heavy you are
words: "Dearest children, God is near called to bear?
you, Watching o'er you day and night" Count your many blessings; ev'ry
(Hymns, no. 96). doubt will fly,

There will surely come that day, And you will be singing as the days
even the fulfillment of the precious goby
promise from the Book of Mormon: So amid the conflict, whether great
"The soul shall be restored to the or small,
body, and the body to the soul; yea, and Do not be discouraged; God is over
every limb and joint shall be restored all.
to its body; yea, even a hair of the head Count your many blessings; angels
shall not be lost; but all things shall be will attend,
restored to their proper and perfect Help and comfort give you to your
frame. . . .
journey's end.
"And then shall the righteous shine [Hymns, no. 241]
forth in the kingdom of God" (Alma
40:23, 25). To any who from anguish of heart
From the Psalm echoes the assur- and sadness of soul have silently asked,
ance: "Heavenly Father, are you really
"My help cometh from the Lord, there? ... Do you hear and answer
which made heaven and earth. . . . every .prayer?" (Children's Song-
. .

"He that keepeth thee will not book, p. 12), I bear to you my witness
slumber. that He is there. He does hear and an-
"Behold, he that keepeth Israel swer every prayer. His Son, the Christ,
slumber nor sleep" (Psalm
shall neither burst the bands of our earthly prisons.
121:2-4). Heaven's blessings await us. In the
name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Count your blessings
The Tabernacle Choir sang "We
Through the years the Latter-day Have Partaken of Thy Love."
Saints have taken comfort from the
Elder Douglas H. Smith offered
favorite hymn remembered from our
the benediction.


The fifth session of the 162nd ber 4, 1992. President Gordon B.
Semiannual General Conference com- Hinckley, First Counselor in the First
menced at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, Octo- Presidency, conducted this session.
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

The Tabernacle Choir provided Richard Elliott, will provide the music
the music, with Jerold Ottley conduct- for this session.
ing and Richard L. Elliott at the organ. We shall open with the choir sing-
President Hinckley made the fol- ing "High on the Mountain Top." The
lowing remarks as the meeting began: invocation will then be offered by El-
der Glen L. Rudd, who was released
President Gordon B. Hinckley yesterday as a member of the Seventy.

We welcome you this afternoon to The choir sang "High on the

the fifthand concluding session of the
Mountain Top."
162nd Semiannual General Confer-
Elder Glen L. Rudd offered the
ence of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. President Ezra Taft
Benson is watching this session in his
apartment. We send our love to him.
To those in the Assembly Hall, we President Hinckley
note that Elders Richard G. Scott,
The choir will now sing "He,
Jacob de Jager, and Jack H
Watching over Israel," and Elder Boyd
are seated on the stand.
K. Packer of the Council of the Twelve
We also send our greetings and Apostles will then be our first speaker.
blessings to members of the Church
and many friends everywhere who are
participating in these proceedings by The choir sang "He, Watching
radio, television, cable, or satellite over Israel."
The Tabernacle Choir, directed
by Jerold Ottley and accompanied by

Elder Boy K. Packer

Seek learning by study and by faith doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in
all things that pertain unto the king-
I am grateful for the power of the dom of God" (D&C 88:77-78; italics
choir, the power of music to introduce added).
a spirit of reverence and worship. And we are also "to obtain a
We are counseled to "seek . . .
knowledge of history, and of countries,
diligently and teach one another words and of kingdoms, of laws of God and
of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best man, and all this for the salvation of
books words of wisdom; seek learning, Zion" (D&C 93:53; see also 88:79).
even by study and also by faith" (D&C The Church must concentrate on
88:118). moral and spiritual education; we may
The words study and faith each encourage secular education but not
portray a type of education. First, we necessarily provide it.
are commanded to "teach one another
the doctrine of the kingdom. Teach ye The spirit of gathering
diligently and my grace shall attend
you, that you may be instructed more There is much said in the scrip-
perfectly in theory, in principle, in tures about the gathering of the Saints.

In the early days the call went out to closed. At once, seminaries and insti-
converts all over the world to gather to tutes of religion were established in
Zion. And they came, first as a trickle many nations. Some few schools are
and then as a stream. The Zion to left over from that pioneering period,
which they came was under terrible Brigham Young University and Ricks
persecution and was greatly strength- College among them.
ened by their very numbers. Now BYU is full to the brim and
Because there were no public running over. It serves an ever-decreas-
schools, the Church opened schools. ing percentage of our college-age youth
Even in our own generation, schools at an ever-increasing cost per student.
have been established where there were Every year a larger number of qualified
none. students must be turned away simply
Something of the spirit of gather- because there is no room for them.
ing touched our schools. I can re- Leaders and members plead for us
member, as supervisor of seminaries, to duplicate these schools elsewhere.
attending stake conferences with the But we cannot, nor should we, attempt
General Authorities to recruit stu- to provide secular education for all
dents for our Church schools. members of the Church worldwide.
In an area conference held in Mex- Our youth have no choice but to attend
ico City in 1972, Bruce R. McConkie other schools.
said: Those who cannot attend Church
"[The] revealed words speak of schools have been counseled by the
. there being congregations of
. . . . . First Presidency to gather where there
covenant people of the Lord in every is an institute of religion. The institute
nation, speaking every tongue, and among program will be greatly enhanced for
every people when the Lord comes your benefit.
again. . . . Some of you live in countries
"The place of gathering for the where schooling is relatively easy to
Mexican Saints is in Mexico; the place obtain. Others must struggle simply to
of gathering for the Guatemalan learn to read and to write because
Saints is in Guatemala; the place of schools, or the means to attend them,
gathering for the Brazilian Saints is in are beyond your reach.
Brazil; and so it goes throughout the Some of you require special edu-
length and breadth of the whole earth. cation because of learning disabilities
. Every nation is the gathering place
. . or limitations in what you can hear or
for its own people" (in Conference see or how you can move about.
Report, Mexico and Central America For many it is a matter of money.
Area Conference 1972, p. 45; italics The economic condition of your family
added). or your country makes getting an edu-
The following April, President cation seem like an impossible dream.
Harold B. Lee quoted those words in
general conference and, in effect, an- No respecter of persons
nounced that the pioneering phase of
gathering was now over. The gathering You who find schooling easily
is now to be out of the world into the available must remember this: "God is
Church in every nation (see Confer- no respecter of persons: But in every
ence Report, Apr. 1973, p. 7; or Ensign, nation he that feareth him, and work-
July 1973, pp. 4-5). eth righteousness, is accepted with him"
As public schools became avail- (Acts 10:34-35; see also Moroni 8:12;
able, most of the Church schools were D&C 1:35; 38:16).
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

The Lord does not, and the the workaday world: the apprentice,
Church cannot, admit to favoritism to- artisan, journeyman, laborer, office
ward those who are able to obtain pro- worker, waitress, and, in a class by it-

fessional degrees as compared to those self, homemaker.

who seek training in a practical field or
those who have little or no schooling at A warning

Unless you have the vision of the We must not ignore these warn-
ever-growing millions of members all ings in the Book of Mormon:
over the world, you may not under- "The people began to be distin-
stand why the Brethren make the deci- guished by ranks, according to their
sions we make concerning Church riches and their chances for learning;
schools. yea, some were ignorant because of
their poverty, and others did receive
The end of a tradition great learning because of their riches.
"Some were lifted up in pride, and
This summer at a family reunion, others were exceedingly humble; . . .

Sister Packer and I announced the end "And thus there became a great
of a family tradition. Our ten children inequality . insomuch that the church
. .

and some of our grandchildren have began to be broken up" (3 Nephi 6:12-
attended BYU. It will not be possible 14; italics added).
for all of our grandchildren to follow Jacob warned us of those who
that tradition. "when they are learned they think they
Weadvised them to follow the are wise, and they hearken not unto
counsel of the Brethren. If they cannot the counsel of God, for they set it
attend a Church school, and this will aside, supposing they know of them-
be increasingly the case, they should selves, wherefore, their wisdom is fool-
gather with other members of the ishness and it profiteth them not. And
Church at a school where an institute they shall perish." He added, "But to
of religion is available to them. Then, be learned is good if they hearken unto
as they study secular subjects, they the counsels of God" (2 Nephi 9:28-29;
may learn the "covenants and church italics added).
articles" as the scriptures tell us we
should (D&C 42:13). A second tuition
They will not be judged on how
many degrees they hold or how exten- For those privileged to attend a
sive their schooling may be, but on how Church school, there is a tuition other
well educated they are in those things than money which we must require
which are of eternal value. of you — a tuition of conduct and per-
We told our family that we will formance. Students who enroll in
be quite as proud of them learning a Church schools do so after an interview
trade as we would a profession. We will with their bishop and, beginning this
be equally pleased with them if they year, with their stake president. They
choose vocational schools and make must commit to a standard of conduct
their living with their hands. consistent with faithful Church mem-
After all, education continues as bership.
long as we live. If there is ever an end Occasionally a bishop will inter-
to secular learning, surely there is no view one who easily qualifies scholas-
end to spiritual learning. tically but who has not kept the stan-
The Lord's work moves forward dards of the Church. Perhaps the
on the strength of those who labor in bishop will reason, "The atmosphere at

a Church school will reform this one." reached through the achievement of
Bishops should not do that. It is not the students.
fair to the literally thousands who are
totally faithful but must be turned away The purpose
because there is no room.
And if, while enrolled, a student is Our purpose is to produce stu-
found to be transgressing or in viola- dents who have that rare and precious
tion of standards pledged at the time of combination of a superb secular educa-
enrollment, however hard it may be tion, complemented by faith in the
upon the bishop, the student, or the Lord, a knowledge of the doctrines He
parents, continued enrollment at a has revealed, and a testimony that they
Church school must be called into are true.
question. For those very few whose focus is
secular and who feel restrained as stu-
Dedicated faculty dents or as teachers in such an environ-
ment, there are at present in the United
Our faculties and staff are a mir- States and Canada alone over 3,500
acle—men and women who have the colleges and universities where they may
highest academic degrees, many of find the kind of freedom they value.
them having been acclaimed for out- And we are determined to honor the
standing achievement. They are at trust of the tithe payers of the Church.
once men and women of humility and Students at other schools soon
faith. learn that some professors deliberately
We are grateful for teachers who undermine faith and challenge your
will challenge students to high scholar- moral and spiritual values. You in turn
ship but would not even think of under- must be free, even in our own schools,
mining testimony or acting in any way to return that challenge and defend
subversive to the progress of the Church your right to believe in God, to keep
and kingdom of God. the covenants you have made through
Because of such quality teachers, baptism and which you renew through
our schools can be unsurpassed in the sacrament.
meeting the standards set by those who
accredit schools, yet unique in mission, A dream worth pursuing
and contribute much to the Church even
though a growing number of eligible We encourage our youth in every
students cannot enroll. country to get an education even if at
Because salaries of faculty and times it seems hopeless. With determi-
staff are paidfrom the tithes of the nation and faith in the Lord, you will
Church, there is a standard for them be blessed with success. It is a dream
as well. A
Church university is not es- well worth pursuing.
tablished to provide employment for On one occasion I spent a few
a faculty, and the personal scholarly minutes with a young man who had left
research is not a dominant reason for high school and entered the military.
funding a university. Now he was trying to decide what to
The educational Mount Everest do with his life. I encouraged him to
mentioned by President Kimball will return to finish high school.
not be achieved solely through the I did not provide him with money;

prominence of the faculty (see "BYU the Church had no school for him,
Inaugurates Ninth President," Church not even a scholarship. In those few
News, 22 Nov. 1980, p. 4). It will be minutes I simply taught him that self-
reliance which is such a part of our
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

way of life. Even though over age, he Do not be deceived by them —

returned to finish high school, and now those deceivers. If there is to be any
he provides for his family and encour- gathering, it will be announced by those
ages his children in their search for who have been regularly ordained and
truth. who are known to the Church to have
Follow the leaders Come away from any others. Fol-
low your leaders, who have been duly
Since I touched upon the subject ordained and have been publicly sus-
of the gathering of the Saints, I must tained, and you will not be led astray.
read a verse from the Doctrine and The Lord said:
Covenants: "The glory of God is intelligence,
"I say unto you, that it shall not be or, in other words, light and truth.
given to any one to go forth to preach "Light and truth forsake that evil
my gospel, or to build up my church, one. . . .

except he be ordained by some one have commanded you to bring

who has authority, and it is known to up your children in light and truth"
the church that he has authority and (D&C 93:36-40).
has been regularly ordained by the God grant that as a church and as
heads of the church" (D&C 42:11). familiesand as individuals we can bring
There are some among us now who up our children, our youth, in light and
have not been regularly ordained by the truth and that they may receive the tes-
heads of the Church and who tell of im- timony of Him of whom we bear wit-
pending political and economic chaos, ness—our Redeemer, our Savior, even
the end of the world —
something of Jesus Christ— for which I pray in the
the "sky is falling, chicken licken" of name of Jesus Christ, amen.
the fables. They are misleading mem-
bers to gather to colonies or cults. President Hinckley
Those deceivers say that the
Brethren do not know what is going on Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Coun-
in the world or that the Brethren ap- cil of the Twelve has just spoken to
prove of their teaching but do not wish us.
to speak of it over the pulpit. Neither is We shall now be pleased to hear
true. The Brethren, by virtue of travel- from Elder David B. Haight, also a
ing constantly everywhere on earth, member of the Twelve, and he will be
certainly know what is going on and followed by Sister Betty Jo Jepsen,
by virtue of prophetic insight are able First Counselor in the Primary General
to read the signs of the times. Presidency.

Elder David B. Haight

Forever I will gratefully acknowl- appointed to administer the affairs of
edge our Lord's blessings to me, which His kingdom here on earth.
I do again at this time. Conferences of this Church are far
As directed, we have assembled more than a convention where views
"to worship the King, the Lord of hosts" are expressed or policies adopted by
(Zechariah 14:16) and to be built up in vote, but they are assemblies where the
our faith and desires for righteousness. mind and the will of the Lord is mani-
We testify to one another of our Mas- fested by His servants. The Church is
ter and receive counsel from those not a democracy— it is a kingdom.

Warning against moral decline crowd was being amused by the antics
of a fox-tailed squirrel circling the tree,
Thoughtful, concerned people in climbing it, and running back down
many areas and nations of the world, again. A red Irish setter dog crouched
as well as Latter-day Saints, are con- nearby, intently watching the squirrel.
cerned with the growing pressures and Each time the squirrel ran up the tree
influence of a disturbing cultural move- out of sight, the dog would slowly creep
ment downgrading social and religious toward the tree. The squirrel paid little
values and standards of morality. Each attention as the dog crept closer and
succeeding generation has weakened closer, patiently biding its time. People
or lessened previously held Christ- watching this entertaining drama un-
centered ideals and values. fold knew what could happen, but they
Michael Hirsley, who writes for did nothing until in a flash the dog,
the Chicago Tribune, recently observed catching the squirrel unaware, had it in
that predicting America's religious the grip of his sharp teeth.
future is risky business— that "the na- The people then rushed forward
tion's most widely accepted prejudice in horror, forcing the dog's mouth open
is anti-Christian" (The Billings Gazette,
to rescue the squirrel. It was too late.
16 May 1992). The squirrel was dead. Anyone could
The actual signs of the times are have warned the squirrel or held back
threatening. Where will they lead? I,
the dog. But they had been momen-
for one, am concerned. tarily amused and had watched silently
Previous periods of moral decline while evil slowly crept up on good.
brought forth divine attention. In past When they rushed to the defense, it
times, as at present, prophets of God was too late.
have delivered a voice of warning. The We see around us daily that which
Lord said to Ezekiel, "I have made is portrayed in this parable. We sit idly
thee a watchman unto the house of by, watching as an insidious stream of
Israel: therefore hear the word . . .
, profanity, vulgarity, and demeaning be-
and give them warning from me" havior, a mocking of righteous ideals
(Ezekiel 3:17). and principles, invades our homes and
From what we are witnessing hap- lives through most types of media,
pening in the world around us, I am teaching our children negative values
impressed today to raise a voice of and moral corruption. We then be-
warning for mankind to prepare— by come upset when our children perform
repentance —
for the great day of the differently than we would wish and so-
Lord (see D&C 1:11-12). cial behavior continues to deteriorate.

Parable of the squirrel and the dog Governments abandoning God's

I am
indebted to Elder Dallin
Oaks for an account, a modern-day One newspaper headline reads,
parable which I refer to as the parable "The Battle Lines Are Clearly Drawn
of the bushy-tailed squirrel, the tree, for America's . . . Cultural War." The
and the dog, which illustrates my con- article then asks:
cern: "Who determines 'the norms by
As two men walked across an which we live and govern our-
. . .

eastern university campus, they were selves'[?] Who decides what is right
attracted by a crowd of people sur- and wrong, moral and immoral, beauti-
rounding a large maple tree. As they fuland ugly ? Whose
. . . beliefs shall
approached, they noticed that the form the basis of law? . . .
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

"Our [cultural challenge] is about "[Thirty years ago] students could

'who we are' and 'what we believe' pray and read the Bible in school,

(Patrick J. Buchanan, Salt Lake Tri- abortion was illegal and 'gay rights'
bune, 13 Sept. 1992, sec. A, p. 15). meant the right to be happy. The . . .

Cal Thomas of the Los Angeles issue now is whether we will become
Times wrote that some see "the state as our own god" (Cal Thomas, Salt Lake
either equal or superior to God in hu- Tribune, 18 Sept. 1992, sec. A, p. 18).
man affairs. Theirs is an uninvolved No wonder Isaiah, speaking under
god who trickles down blessings when inspiration, declared, "Neither are your
we want them, but whose commands ways my ways, saith the Lord" (Isaiah
are to be ignored when he asks us to do 55:8).
something we don't want to do. Unchangeable, God-centered prin-
"The fact is that our laws came ciples and ideals adopted by our
from a standard of righteousness that Founding Fathers not only form the
was thought to promote the common basis of freedom but are the rivets that
good, or 'general welfare.' That . . . hold it together. There is a vast differ-
standard has been abandoned as bibli- ence between principles that are un-
cal illiteracyhas flourished, thanks in changeable and preferences where
part to the state's antipathy toward there is a choice.
immutable and eternal truths. There should be no question about
"William Penn warned, 'If we are our standards, our beliefs— about who
not governed by God, then we will be we are!
ruled by tyrants.' One's view of God
and his requirements for our personal Faith and courage of pioneers
lives determines one's view of the role
of the state in public life. . . . Eyewitnesses of participants de-
"Benjamin Franklin observed . . . clare of the faith and courage of the
that if a sparrow cannot fall to the converts who left their homes in Amer-
ground without God's knowledge, 'can ica or Scotland or Sweden, as well as
an empire rise without his aid?' their families and material possessions,
"The late philosopher-theologian to join withBrigham Young and thou-
Francis Schaeffer wrote that 'God has sands of pioneers in establishing the
ordained the state as a delegated au- Zion Joseph spoke about in the far
thority; it is not autonomous. The state west. Joseph Smith —
their prophet,
is to be an agent of justice, to restrain teacher, and friend —
had seen God!
evil by punishing the wrongdoer, and He saw the living Christ! Few of all
to protect the good in society. When ever created have ever glimpsed such
it does the reverse, it has no proper a vision —
Peter, James, and John;
authority. It is then a usurped authority Moses; Abraham; and Adam— only a
and as such it becomes lawless and is few, ever. Joseph Smith belonged to
tyranny.' . . . an elite group who had been tried,
"This what the culture war is
is trusted,and found true. He was one of
about. It a conflict between those
is those described by Abraham as one of
who recognize an existing God who
. . . the "noble and great ones" (Abraham
has spoken about the order of the uni- 3:22) who became one of the Lord's
verse, the purpose of the state and the choice servants while here on earth.
plan for individual lives and those who Courageous and faithful people by
think those instructions are unclear, or the tens of thousands heard and be-
open to interpretation, or that God is lieved the glorious message of a new
irrelevant to the debate or doesn't exist hope for a better way of life. Did they
and we are on our own. . . . expect to find riches at the end of the

newly found rainbow? A life of comfort factors to our nation and to humanity.
and ease? To the contrary! There was Many of us are products of that early
to be heartache, cold, pain, and hun- inspired colonization —
its teachings and
ger—with insults and injury, including blessings of the value of hard work
tragic loss of life. It was the assurance coupled with desire and faith for a bet-
they knew and felt of divine direction ter way of life.
that expanded their faith to withstand The depth of their faith in a living
such hardships. God and their loyalty and obedience,
Men and women of strong physi- as well as their solid foundation of
cal and spiritual strength conquered the righteousness, inspire us today. They
wilderness and established what Isaiah believed that they had started on their
saw seven hundred years before the way toward perfection— a process to
birth of Christ when he wrote: be pursued laboriously throughout a
"And it shall come to pass in the lifetime. President Kimball declared,
last days, that the .Lord's house shall
. . "[But] to each person is given a pat-
be established in the top of the moun- tern —obedience through suffering, and
tains, and shall be exalted above the perfection through obedience" (The
hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed.
"And many people shall go and Edward L. Kimball [Salt Lake City:
say, Come ye, and let us go up to the Bookcraft, 1982], p. 168).
mountain of the Lord, to the house of Their pathway was straight, un-
the God of Jacob; and he will teach us cluttered, unbending: they were to live
of his ways, and we will walk in his the commandments of God and endure
paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the to the end. Today we know how we
law, and the word of the Lord from should live. We know right from wrong.
Jerusalem" (Isaiah 2:2-3).
What was their purpose? What Teach children the Lord's ways
was motive? Not for the gold in
might worship
California, but that they We are to teach and train our chil-
God Almighty according to the dictates dren in the ways of the Lord. Children
of their conscience. Such was their should not be left to their own devices
motive— to establish the Lord's Church in learning character and family values,
and teach the eternal principles re- or in listening to and watching unsuper-
vealed to their prophet, Joseph Smith. vised music or television or movies as
They had risked everything they had a means of gaining knowledge and
and were willing to endure any hard- understanding as to how to live their
ship. The recorded history of their lives!
journey and of the early beginnings in The Lord has clearly commanded
this valley is one of civilization's finest that parents are to teach their children
hours. to do good (see Alma 39:12) and to
There was little inviting in this en- teach them "the doctrine of repen-
deavor except faith. In fact, they had tance, faith in Christ the Son of the
been warned that nothing would grow; living God, and of baptism and the gift
now farms, cities, and towns flourish. of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of
They were builders, not destroyers. the hands, when eight years old, [or]
They had a majestic dream of great the sin [shall] be upon the heads of the
things and lofty ideals— of homes and parents. . . .

gardens, temples and meetinghouses, "And they shall also teach their
schools and universities. It would take children to pray, and to walk uprightly
work— hard work— and everyone's best before the Lord" (D&C 68:25, 28).
efforts to make it happen. They be- "And ye will not suffer your chil-
came experienced colonizers and bene- dren that they go hungry, or naked;
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

neither will ye suffer that they trans- the Bible and our other scriptures if—
gress the laws of God. . . . obeyed, will strengthen mothers and
"But ye will teach them to walk in fathers and sons and daughters, who all
the ways of truth and soberness; ye will have equal duty to study the scriptures
teach them to love one another, and to and gain strength and understanding of
serve one another" (Mosiah 4:14-15). eternal things.
The only sure way to protect our-
Obedience will protect us selves and our families from the on-
slaught of the teachings of the world is
A concerned God— by His own to commit to live the commandments
finger — wrote the Ten Command- of God; to attend our Church meet-
ments on tablets of stone. They repre- ings, where we can learn and be
sent the basic law of the Almighty and strengthened in our testimonies and
have formed the underlying elements partake of the sacrament to renew our
of civil and religious law ever since. covenants; and to prepare ourselves to
The Sermon on the Mount, given worthily enter the temple, where we
by our Lord Himself, details principles may find a refuge from the world and
and instructions of heavenly origin. a place of renewal of our capacity to
Both of these divine statements of cope with the evils of the world. I so
instruction —
principles of which are declare to you as I leave you my witness
so effectively taught in much greater and testimony in the name of Jesus
detail in the Book of Mormon and Christ, amen.

Sister Betty Jo N. Jepsen

A friend of mine was encouraging ence the Wise Men had— to be led by a
her children to get into the car so they star; or to experience what the shep-
would not be late for their Sunday —
herds did to be invited to Bethlehem,
meetings. "Please hurry, Matthew," she invited by a choir of angels. I want to
said. "I'm coming, I'm coming," came a kneel at the manger and smell the
voice from somewhere in another part clean straw and see that tiny baby with
of the house. Mother replied, "Yes, and His earthly mother, to witness for my-
so is Christmas!" self this miracle. I believe that in every
At that moment three-year-old mortal there is an instinctive desire to
Matthew appeared in the nearby door- come unto Christ. Perhaps we have a
way, and he said, "Oh, goody, goody, I basic human need, because each of us
just love Christmas." Today I am here isa child of God, to make that commit-
to tell you that I just love Christmas ment to the spiritual part of our being.
too. And one of the wonderful things We each try to meet this need accord-
about being members of The Church of ing to what we know.
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that As members of His true Church,
we make the events of the Christmas perhaps we do not need to be taught
season a part of our day-to-day living. new things as much as we need to be
reminded of what we already know.
Pondering the Savior's birth This is what pondering the birth of our
Savior does for all of us. I believe it
As I read the account of the birth reminds our mortal minds of things our
of my Savior, I long to have the experi- spirits already know.

The invitation to come unto Christ 2 Nephi 32:3). Then we must nourish
the word and allow it to take root (see
In this latter day I have been in- Alma 32:41-43). After we hearken to
vited to witness marvelous things for the word and hold fast to it, we are
myself. The invitation of The Church promised that temptations and the
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, fiery darts of the adversary will not
"Come unto Christ" and "Come back," overpower us (see 1 Nephi 15:24). We
is meant for each of God's children. will be able to recognize the truth when
This invitation has stood true since we hear it just as the shepherds and the
Jesus said to His disciples, "Come, fol- Wise Men knew when they were told
low me" (see Matthew 4:19). Through about the Savior's birth. The scriptures
the dispensations, prophets have is- are the word of God and a light to us
sued the same invitation to all who will and the world, and we can follow this
listen. light as if it were our guiding star.
The prophet Alma, the son of
Alma, carried this important message Pray
to the members in Zarahemla who
needed to be reminded. The prophet We can pray. We can call upon
said: our Heavenly Father in the name of
"Behold, he sendeth an invitation our Savior. Prayer provides an oppor-
unto all men, for the arms of mercy are tunity for us to express gratitude. Tak-
extended towards them, and he saith: ing an inventory of our blessings fills us
Repent, and I will receive you. . . .
with hope. "Pray unto the Father with
"Yea, come unto me and bring all the energy of heart, that ye may be
forth works of righteousness" (Alma filled with this love" (Moroni 7:48).
5:33, 35). We can ask for what we need hour
As a baptized member of the by hour and minute by minute. It is
Church, I hear the invitation and I possible to have this personal conversa-
wonder, How do I get there from here? tion with our Heavenly Father through
Because I know the Lord intends to Jesus Christ by kneeling in prayer, just
include all of us in this invitation, my as surely as if we could kneel beside the
personal, honest response is the same manger and see the Savior there.
as my friend Matthew's: "I'm coming."
Now what is my duty? Alma reminded Participate in the saving ordinances
the people of Zarahemla of their duty,
ending with the important phrase, We can participate in the saving
"Come unto me and bring forth works ordinances. We are reminded of our
of righteousness" (Alma 5:35; see also baptismal covenants by partaking of
4:3). By using Alma's counsel as our the sacrament. The sacrament prayers
guide, come with me on a journey to help us remember the Savior and His
remember what we can do to answer goodness. We can live worthy to parti-
His invitation. cipate in the temple ordinances. These
ordinances are the culminating act of
Search the word of God conversion of mortal men and women,
and they fulfillthat need for an earthly
Wecan search the word of God. commitment to heavenly knowledge.
Through studying and pondering the We can consider our visits to the temple
scriptures and the words of the latter- as a personal pilgrimage to a sacred
day prophets, we can feast upon the place, as the shepherds must have con-
words of Christ, and the words will tell sidered their journey to that humble
us all the things that we should do (see manger.
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

Increase our talents As if we had trod to Bethlehem

We can increase our talents. These believe that each of us can re-

are the gifts we bring. The talents we create that familiar scene in Bethlehem
have come from our Heavenly Father, in our own lives. We
can have a star to
and to honor Him we can develop and follow just as the Wise Men did. "Thy
expand them and then return them to word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light
Him. All of us possess some talent unto my path" (Psalm 119:105). The
which we can practice, increase, and scriptures can light our way, and our
offer. Are you regularly practicing your testimonies can be a light from within.
talents? Perhaps your talent is kind- The voices of angels can be the voices
ness or gratitude. How about being of our beloved prophet and His ser-
cheerful, helpful, and unselfish? How vants. We
can kneel at the feet of our
about practicing that winning smile? Savior just as literally as the shepherds
The Wise Men brought their gifts of and the Wise Men, but we do it in
gold, frankincense, and myrrh. We can prayer. The gifts we bring are our tal-
bring our talents. ents. We can shout "Hosanna" like that
angelic choir and spread the good news
Serve others by bearing our testimonies. Each new
day is an opportunity to bind ourselves
We can serve others. Serving oth- to act according to what we know (see
ers in any way is an indication of our D&C 43:8). By works of righteousness
desire to respond to the Savior's invita- we can come unto Christ each day of
tion to come unto Him. How about a our lives just as if we had trod in our
checkup on our service to others? Let's sandaled feet the rocky path to Bethle-
ask ourselves, Will I make that visit to hem, holding a staff or bearing gifts.
my homebound friend? Will I open my I pray that Heavenly Father will

mouth to defend and testify of the help us be wise men and wise women-
truth? Will I give of my worldly goods? wise enough to accept His invitation,
Do I share some of my fresh, produc- nourish His word, and follow a "straight
tive time with my children? Do I serve course to eternal bliss" (Alma 37:44).
with joy in my Church calling? May we all cheerfully answer, "I'm
There are times I feel over- coming." For I testify that "if a man
whelmed with the calling I have, but bringeth forth good works he hearken-
I trust in the Lord to give me courage eth unto the voice of the good shep-
and help me do His will. Likely most herd, and he doth follow him" (Alma
of you want to feel secure and safe 5:41). This I do in the name of the
and quietly live within boundaries "shepherd [who] hath called after you
which are familiar and comfortable. and is still calling after you" (Alma
However, without the risk of new 5:37), Jesus Christ, amen.
experiences and challenging calls to
serve, we fail to grow and are not as President Hinckley
useful in the work of building the
Lord's kingdom as we need to be. Just Thank you, Sister Betty Jo Jepsen,
as the shepherds left familiar terrain firstcounselor in the Primary General
in dark of night for a new experience, Presidency, and Elder David B. Haight
we are called to leave secure and com- of the Council of the Twelve, who
fortable settings to serve and to gain spoke just before her.
experience. The choir and congregation will
now join in singing "Nearer, My God,

to Thee." Elders John E. Fowler, Jay

E. Jensen, and Augusto A. Lim, each The choir and congregation sang
of whom was sustained as a newly "Nearer, My God, to Thee."
called Seventy, will speak to us follow-
ing the singing.

Elder John E. Fowler

the beginning of this ministry I in each of their hearts, as in mine to-
gratefullyacknowledge your sustaining day, has been to bless the lives of those
vote and the continuing love and sup- who will hear and hearken with words
port of my eternal companion, my chil- that will cause them to become "wise
dren, parents, and family. unto salvation."

A sacred place to declare God's word Hear the voice of the Lord

As tabernacle was dedicated

this Do the members of the Church
on October 9, 1875, President John trulyunderstand the importance of the
Taylor read the following words of messages spoken from this pulpit in
petition and dedication in Brigham general conference sessions and other
Young's inspired prayer: special meetings held in the Taber-
"We dedicate and consecrate that nacle? Do they understand their re-
portion of this house where our Presi- sponsibility to "hear the voice of the
dent and thy servants now are, to be a Lord" through the voice of his ser-
holy and sacred place wherein thy ser- vants? (D&C 1:14). For certainly,
vants may stand forth to declare thy "whether by [the Lord's] voice or by
words and minister unto thy people in the voice of [his] servants, it is the
the name of thy Son for ever. . . . same" (D&C 1:38).
"May thy holy angels and minister- Do our members understand that
ing spirits be in and round about this the inspired counsel and direction they
habitation, that when thy servants are receive from the leaders of the Church
called upon to stand in these sacred come as a voice of warning from a lov-
places, to minister unto thy people, the ing Heavenly Father who knows the
visions of eternity may be open to their various calamities that "should come
view, and they may be filled with the upon the inhabitants of the earth"?
spirit and inspiration of the Holy Ghost (D&C 1:17). "The anger of the Lord
and the gift and power of God; and let is kindled, and his sword is bathed
all thy people who hearken to the in heaven, and it shall fall upon the
words of thy servants drink freely at the inhabitants of the earth" (D&C 1:13;
fountain of the waters of life, that they italics added).
may become wise unto salvation" (Mil- "Wherefore the voice of the Lord
lennial Star, 15Nov. 1875, p. 724). is unto the ends of the earth, that all
Since the beginning of this latter- that will hear may hear" (D&C 1:11).
day work, those who have stood to ad-
dress the Saints have done so only after Spiritual poverty and darkness
much reflection, contemplation, fast-
ing, and prayer. Surely each speaker Because many "know not where to
has sought for "the visions of eternity" find it" (D&C 123:12), people of the
that he might be "filled with the spirit world are impoverished for the word of
and inspiration of the Holy Ghost and God, spoken in clarity and plainness by
the gift and power of God." The hope true servants of the Lord and lived in a
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

spiritof obedience by his disciples. we should let these conference ad-

Spirituallybankrupt lives of individuals dresses 'be the guide to [our] walk and
and families stand as mute testimony of talk during the next six months. These
the futility of attempting to live in to- are the important matters the Lord
day's society without revealed direction sees fit to reveal to this people in this
from our Heavenly Father through his day' " (in Conference Report, Apr. 1988,
prophets and Apostles. How much of p. 97; or Ensign, May 1988, p. 84).
the evil in the world, how much of And hear these inspired state-
the suffering and sorrow and sadness ments from three conference addresses
could be eliminated if people would by President Marion G. Romney:
hearken to the inspired instructions of "In this conference we have been
the leaders of the Church spoken from greatly entertained at times with elo-
this pulpit. quent oratory. We have been taught by
We are concerned at the number great teachers. We have heard enough
of lives being lived in relative spiritual truth and direction in this conference
darkness when available to each are to bring us into the presence of God if
the words of the prophets in our day. we would follow it. We have been
And these prophetic utterances be- taken on to the spiritual mountain and
come a "lamp unto [the] feet, and a shown visions of great glory, but how
light unto [the] path" of each of Heav- many of us have heard that voice saying
enly Father's children willing to listen we would have a part therein" (in Con-
and then live in conformity with re- ference Report, Apr. 1954, pp. 132-33).
vealed truth (Psalm 119:105). "What we get out of general con-
President Benson has taught, ference is a build-up of our spirits as
"Success in righteousness, the power to we listen to those particular principles
avoid deception and resist temptation, and practices of the gospel which the
guidance in our daily lives, healing of Lord inspires the present leadership of
the soul— these are but a few of the the Church to bring to our attention at
promises the Lord has given to those the time. ... He knows why he inspired
who will come to His word" ("The the other brethren who have talked in
Power of the Word," Ensign, May 1986, thisconference to say what they have
p. 82). said. Itis our high privilege to hear,

through these men, what the Lord

Importance of conference messages would say if he were here. If we do not
agree with what they say, it is because
Accordingly, with great urgency we are out of harmony with the Spirit
we invite all to come to the source of of the Lord" (in Conference Report,
the fountain of light and truth, even the Oct. 1950, pp. 126-27).
revealed word of God as taught in the "Today the Lord is revealing his
scriptures and by the present prophets will to all the inhabitants of the earth,
and Apostles and other general leaders and to members of the Church in par-
of this Church. We
invite all to hear ticular, on the issues of this our day
and hearken to the messages of this through the living prophets, with the
and other recent conferences. First Presidency at the head. What
President Benson's recent instruc- they say as a presidency is what the
tion on this point is timeless: "For the Lord would say if he were here in per-
next six months your conference edi- son. This is the rock foundation of
tion of the Ensign should stand next to Mormonism. ... So I repeat again,
your standard works and be referred what the presidency say as a presidency
to frequently. As my dear friend and is what the Lord would say if he were

brother [President] Harold B. Lee said, here, and it is scripture. It should


be studied, understood, and followed, "When [prophets] speak under the

even as the revelations in the Doctrine influence of [their] prophetic power,
and Covenants and other scriptures. they amplify or add to the body of rev-
Those who follow this course will not elation possessed by the Church. They
interpret what they say as being in- guide us in the maze of contending
spired by political bias or selfishness; forces. Each one uses past revela-
. . .

neither will they say that the brethren tion and the new, to meet the needs of
are uninformed as to the circumstances the people of his day. The discourses
of those affected by their counsel; or of these men . .should be read and

that their counsels cannot be accepted observed as inspired messages for our
because they are not prefaced by the guidance toward joy on earth and here-
quotation, 'Thus saith the Lord.' after" (in Discourses ofWilford Woodruff,
"Those . . . who will through mighty sel. G. Homer Durham [Salt Lake
prayer and earnest study inform them- City: Bookcraft, 1946], pp. xi-xii).
selves as to what these living prophets
say, and act upon it, will be visited by Hearken to the prophets' messages
the spirit of the Lord and know by the
spirit of revelation that they speak the Therefore we
repeat our plea that
mind and will of the Father" (in Con- members and others return to the mes-
ference Report, Apr. 1945, p. 90). sages of our beloved prophet. We
should read them and heed them. And
Prophets' words bless the faithful as we hearken to those messages, along
with the other words of the living
What of the volumes of teachings prophets and leaders spoken from this
from our beloved prophet and Presi- pulpit, may we become "wise unto sal-
dent, Ezra Taft Benson? He is now in vation."
the fiftieth year of service as a special It is my witness that President
witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Like Ezra Taft Benson, his Counselors, and
Moses, his hands have become some- the members of the Council of the
what heavy from his ministry (see Exo- Twelve are apostles and prophets of
dus 17:11-12), but his words, spoken the Lamb of God and that this Church,
from this pulpit throughout his in- and its work of bringing souls to Christ,
spired ministry, will continue to bless rests solidly upon the foundation of the
the lives of the faithful. goodness, faith, and unity of our living
In an inspired statement from a apostles and prophets. Jesus Christ
much earlier day, Elder John A. Widtsoe lives and is the very cornerstone of this
spoke of the utterances of the men who work of salvation. In the name of Jesus
have stood at the head of the Church: Christ, amen.

Elder Jay E. Jensen

I am
so thankful for my wife and my brothers and sisters, from whom I
children. To enjoy their love, confi- have learned so much. I thank my
dence, and support is one of the great- Brethren of the General Authorities
est blessings of my life. I express my for their kind and gentle tutoring. I
heartfelt gratitude to parents who express my gratitude to all with whom
loved and lived the gospel, and also to I have worked over the years and to
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

those who expressed their love and weighed the positive with both mission-
support for me in this new calling. I go aries and members, leaving me frus-
forward with faith in the Lord and His trated and disappointed. After four days
leaders, relying on the promises of the of interviews and meetings, I boarded
Lord that we do not receive callings the airplane with a heavy heart to re-
such as these but what we have been turn home.
foreordained to the same. Ioften read scriptures while trav-
eling, I turned to them for comfort
Try the power of the word and I read a few of my favor-
ite passages. While turning the pages,
I love the scriptures. I testify that I stopped at the third section of the

they are the word of God. I have Doctrine and Covenants. I was deeply
likened a verse from Alma to my life: touched by the first five verses as they
the scriptures have had a great ten- applied to my concerns.
dency to lead me to do that which is When I read a verse, I often insert
just; yea, they have had a more power- my name in it. I did so with verse 5 and
ful effect upon my mind than the found the help I needed to remove
sword or anything else which has hap- my gloomy feelings: "Behold, you [Jay
pened unto me; therefore I have tried Jensen] have been entrusted with these
the virtue of the word of God (see things, but how strict were your com-
Alma 31:5). mandments; and remember also the
President Benson counseled, "Im- promises which were made to you [Jay
merse yourselves in [the scriptures] Jensen]" (D&C 3:5).
daily so you will have the power of The words "remember also the
the Spirit" ("The Power of the Word," promises" struck me with unusual
Ensign, May 1986, p. 82). power. I identified with the Prophet
President Kimball said, "I find that Joseph Smith when he read James 1:5.
when I get casual in my relationships The words "remember also the prom-
with divinity and when it seems that no ises" seemed to "enter with great force
divine ear is listening and no divine into every feeling of my heart. I re-
voice is speaking, that I am far, far flected on [them] again and again"
away. If I immerse myself in the scrip- (Joseph Smith— History 1:12). During
tures, the distance narrows and the those four days I had focused on noth-
spirituality returns" (The Teachings of ing but problems. I had not stopped to
Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kim- consider one single promise.
ball [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982], I had with me on the airplane that

p. 135). day a copy of my patriarchal blessing. I

read it, noting several marvelous prom-
Remember also the promises ises. I reviewed in my mind the prom-
ises given to me when I was set apart as
While presiding over a South a mission president. I turned to addi-
American mission, I traveled to a dis- tional scriptures and pondered the
tant city to interview missionaries, hold promises in each one. I learned then
a zone conference, and conduct a dis- and have had reinforced to me again
trict conference. I discovered among and again that when we search the
the missionaries some problems. In the scriptures, we will come to know that
district conference, other serious prob- "they are true and faithful, and the
lems dealing with members and leaders prophecies and promises which are in
surfaced. In my mind the negative out- them shall all be fulfilled" (D&C 1:37).

Categories of promises 3. Power to teach convincingly.

Alma and the sons of Mosiah "had
The Lord has promised us specific searched the scriptures diligently . . .

blessings for reading and studying the and when they taught, they taught with
scriptures. To identify these promises, power and authority of God" (Alma
a helpful exercise forme has been to 17:2-3; see also 2 Timothy 3:16). To
make two columns on a sheet of paper Hyrum Smith the Lord said, "First seek
and at thetop of one column write to obtain my word then, if you . . .

the words "Promises for This Life" and desire, you shall have my Spirit and
in the other column the words "Prom- my word, yea, the power of God unto
ises for the Next I Life." When find a the convincing of men" (D&C 11:21;
promise, I note the reference and the see also 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Alma 4:19;
promise under one of the two columns. 31:5; D&C 84:85).
I have found repeated in different 4. Power to call down the powers of
places in the scriptures two major prom- heaven. Jacob said that "we search the
ises for reading and studying the scrip- prophets and our faith becometh
. . .

tures that pertain to the next life: one is unshaken, insomuch that we truly can
exaltation, and the other is eternal life. command in the name of Jesus and the
For example, Nephi said, "Wherefore, very trees obey us, or the mountains, or
ifye shall press forward, feasting upon the waves of the sea" (Jacob 4:6; see
the word of Christ, and endure to the also Helaman 10:4-5).
end, behold, ... Ye shall have eternal 5. Power to change the heart and
life" (2Nephi 31:20). disposition.Samuel taught the Nephites
The surprising discovery was that that the Lamanites were "led to believe
most promises that come to us for the holy scriptures, which are writ- . . .

reading and studying the scriptures ten,which leadeth them to faith on the
pertain to mortality. Three categories Lord, and unto repentance, which faith
of promises to consider are promises of and repentance bringeth a change of
power, promises of increase, and other heart unto them" (Helaman 15:7; see
promises. Time will permit me to cite also 1 Nephi 15:20). Three marvelous
but a few of these. promises.

Promises of power Promises of increase

Consider the following five prom- Consider now the following prom-
ises of power: ises of increase:
1. Power to overcome evil. Nephi 1. hope and joy. The
Increase in
taught, "Whoso would hearken unto Apostle Paul taught that "we through
the word of God, and would hold fast patience and comfort of the scriptures
unto it, the fiery darts of the adver-
. . .
might have hope" (Romans 15:4; see
sary [could not] overpower them unto also 1 Nephi 11:25; Jacob 2:8; 4:6;
blindness" (1 Nephi 15:24; see also Alma 44:5; D&C 19:23).
Psalms 17:4; 119:98-101, 104; Helaman 2. Increase in spirituality. "The
3:29-30). preaching of the word had a great ten-
2. Power to live righteously. Alma dency to lead the people to do that
"did . preach the word of God unto
. .
which was just" (Alma 31:5; see also
them, to stir them up in remembrance 2 Nephi 4:15-16; Moroni 6:4).
of their duty" (Alma 4:19). The Psalm- 3. Increase in knowledge and under-
ist said, "Thy word is a lamp unto my standing. Nephi taught that "the words
feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm of Christ will tell you all things what ye
119:105; see also 2 Timothy 3:15-17; should do" (2 Nephi 32:3). To Joseph
Helaman 15:7-8).
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

Smith the Lord said, "The holy scrip- there are other promises, such as "for
tures are given of me for your instruc- then thou shalt make thy way prosper-
tion" (D&C33:16; see also Psalms ous, and then thou shalt have good suc-
19:7; 119:98-101; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; cess" (Joshua 1:8) and as Joseph Smith
Alma 12:10; 17:2-3; D&C
18:34-36). said, "Faith comes by hearing the word
4. Increase in the power of discern- of God" (History of the Church, 3:379).
ment. "The word of God ... is quick President Howard W. Hunter has
and powerful, which shall divide asun- said: "When we read and study the
. . .

der all the cunning and the snares and scriptures, benefits and blessings of
the wiles of the devil" (Helaman 3:29). many kinds come to us. This is the most
"And whoso treasureth up my word, profitable of all study in which we
shall not be deceived" (Joseph Smith — could engage" (in Conference Report,
Matthew 1:37; see also Hebrews 4:12). Oct. 1979, p. 90; or Ensign, Nov. 1979,
5. Increase in testimony. From the p. 64).
Doctrine and Covenants: "You can tes- May we "remember also the prom-
tify that you have heard my voice, and ises." I testify that the scriptures are
know my words" (D&C 18:36; see also the word of God. I love them. I testify
Psalm 19:7). that God He is our Father. Jesus
Christ the Son of God. They ap-

Other promises peared to the Prophet Joseph Smith

just as he said they did. President Ezra
In addition to these general catego- Taft Benson is God's prophet today. In
ries of promises of power and increase, the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Aug sto A. Lim

Gospel blessings in the Philippines but missionary work officially started
in the Philippines on April 28, 1961,
I would like to express my love and when Elder Gordon B. Hinckley, then
appreciation to my eternal companion a member of the Council of the Twelve
for the support and love that she has Apostles, met with a small group of
completely extended to me through all members at the American War Memo-
these years of membership in this rial Cemetery in the suburbs of Manila
Church. I suppose many of you already to offer a prayer invoking the blessing
know I came from the Philippines, of the Lord on the missionary work in
home to close to 67 million people, the the Philippines (see Manuscript History
Pearl of the Orient, but now a land of the Southern Far East Mission).
devastated by earthquakes, typhoons, Before giving his prayer, President
floods, and even volcanic eruptions. I Hinckley, in a brief talk, made this pro-
will not, however, talk about the ca- phetic statement: "What we begin here
lamities that have caused much hard- will affect the lives of thousands upon
ship and tested the faith of our people, thousands of people in this island re-
but I would rather talk about the great
public, and its effects will go from gen-
spiritual blessings that have been ex- eration to generation for great and
perienced in abundance as the gospel everlasting good" (quoted in Confer-
is spread in the land. ence Report, Philippine Islands Area
The restored gospel was first intro- Conference 1975, p. 20).
duced by Latter-day Saint servicemen After his brief remarks, President
and women while serving in the Philip- Hinckley offered a prayer in which he
pines near the end of World War II, said:

"We invoke Thy blessing, Father Mission, based in Hong Kong. From a
dear, upon the missionaries who shall handful of members in 1961, the
come [here], that Thy Spirit may touch Church in the Philippines has since
their hearts, that their lives may be grown at a remarkable rate, now in-
clean and virtuous, that their examples creasing by more than two thousand
may be marvelous before the people, members per month. As a result of
[that] they may be blessed, as it were, close correlation between the full-time
with the 'gift of tongues,' that they missionaries and members, member-
shall speak the language of the people, ship is now three hundred thousand
that they shall work with singleness of distributed in forty-eight stakes, sixty-
purpose to Thy name's honor and five districts,and thirteen missions.
glory, that they shallgo forth without Five of the thirteen mission presidents,
fear, [that none shall stay them, and] all of the eight Regional Representa-
that they shall declare with teaching tives, and all stake and district presi-
and testimony, [the] restoration of Thy dents are now native Filipinos. Sixty to
holy work for the blessing of Thy chil- seventy percent of the more than two
dren. Father, give them joy and cour- thousand full-time missionaries now
age and faith and satisfaction in their laboring in the field are also native
labors, and make them fruitful. Filipinos. And now, standing majesti-
"We invoke Thy blessings upon cally on elevated grounds, overlooking
the people of this land, that they shall a valley where hundreds of thousands
be friendly and hospitable and kind live in the heart of metro Manila, is the
and gracious to those who shall come Manila Philippines Temple.
here, and that many, yea Lord, we pray
that there shall be many thousands Grateful for good missionaries
who shall receive this message and be
blessed thereby. Wilt Thou bless them Surely the prayer of President
with receptive minds and understand- Hinckley is being fulfilled as thousands
ing hearts, and with faith to receive, of young men and women, as well as
and with courage to live the principles elderly couples, are responding to the
of the gospel, and with a desire to clarion call of the Lord "that it is my
share with others the blessings which will that you should proclaim my gos-
they shall receive. We pray that there pel from land to land, and from city to
shall be many men— faithful, good, vir- city, yea, in those regions round about
tuous, true men— who shall join the where it has not been proclaimed"
Church and who shall receive the bless- (D&C 66:5).
ings of the priesthood, and who shall After three years of working
accept and grow in leadership, [that closely as mission president with these
Thy work here shall be handled largely young, devoted, upright, and virtuous
by local brethren,] under the direction missionaries, I am humbled and grate-
of those who hold the keys in this day ful for the good they do. These young
and time, according to the law and ambassadors of the Lord leave the
order of Thy church" (in Manuscript comfort of home and the companion-
History of the Southern Far East Mis- ship of loved ones and go to foreign
sion, 30 June 1961, pp. 9-10). lands or places far from home, bear-
ing strong testimonies of the Savior,
Church growth in the Philippines teaching the gospel with faith and
sure knowledge of its truthfulness. My
A few days after that historic meet- testimony has been strengthened as
ing, the first four full-time missionaries I see the great effort of missionaries
arrived from the Southern Far East to overcome homesickness and adapt
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

to new environments, new customs, morning in 1961. Many thousands have

new languages they must learn, and been touched by the Spirit as the gos-
food so different from Mother's home- pel message is brought to many homes
cooked meal noble desire to
in their by committed missionaries, with the
proclaim the gospel to the world. help of members who willingly share
I am a witness to the daily acts the blessings of their Church member-
of sacrifices of these missionaries as ship.
they cheerfully endure hardships like We are often asked the reasons
energy-sapping walks of many kilo- behind this phenomenal growth in
meters, or riding on their bicycles un- membership. I can only venture some
der the heat of the burning sun or the opinions. First, being perhaps the only
cold monsoon rain, and the discomfort Christian country in Asia for many
of riding on fully loaded jeepneys driv- centuries now has prepared the people
ing at high speed along bumpy and for the coming of the gospel. The Phil-
dusty roads to reach teaching appoint- ippines' being considered the third
ments on time. largest English-speaking country in
Indeed our modern-day heralds of the world certainly makes it easier for
truth laboring in the Philippines and people to understand the message of
other lands work hard and pray con- the gospel and is the reason for the fast
stantly to be worthy instruments of the development of the leadership skills of
Lord in testifying and challenging all to its members.
come unto Christ through repentance But more important is the humble
and baptism, "teaching them to [do] nature of the people and their depen-
all things" which the Lord has com- dence on the Lord for the things they
manded (Matthew 28:20). stand in need of, making them recep-
Like the sons of Mosiah, "they tive to the promptings of the Spirit.
had searched the scriptures diligently, Because of economic difficulties expe-
that they might know the word of God" rienced in the Philippines, the gospel
(Alma 17:2). And "they had given them- is the answer, and rightly so, to the

selves to much prayer, and fasting; people's prayer for a better way of life.
therefore they had the spirit of proph- As a result of the gospel-centered
ecy, and the spirit of revelation, and lives of many Latter-day Saints, people
when they taught, they taught with around them see changes in their lives
power and authority of God" (17:3). that in turn give them hope. Member
And "they did suffer much, both in families may still live in humble homes
body and in mind, such as hunger, with dirt or bamboo floors and walls,
thirst and fatigue, and also much labor but because of their positive response
in the spirit" (17:5). But after the com- to the gospel plan, and through their
pletion of an honorable mission, like obedience to the Lord's command-
Ammon, one of the sons of Mosiah, ments, they receive the promised bless-
these missionaries can also say, "My joy ings. As a result, people see the changes
is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, in these families who are now living
and I will rejoice in my God" (Alma in a more sanitary condition and
26:11). are healthier, more educated, always
ready and delighted to help others,
Reasons for the Church's growth grateful for what they have, no matter
how humble, and generally happier.
We are also witnessing the literal They have obeyed the Lord's counsel
fulfillment of the prayers and blessings to "learn of me, and listen to my
for the people of our land given by words; walk in the meekness of my
President Hinckley that lovely April Spirit, and you shall have peace in

me" (D&C 19:23). Generally, however, and the counsels of our leaders in the
the faith, devotion, and living of cor- midst of adversity is my humble prayer
rect gospel principles by the members in Jesus' name, amen.
have improved their lives not only
but also temporally, for did
spiritually President Hinckley
not the Lord say that the "willing and
obedient shall eat the good of the land Elders John E. Fowler, Jay E.
of Zion in these last days"? (D&C Jensen, and Augusto A. Lim of the
64:34). Seventy have spoken to us.
That the Lord will continue to Elder James E. Faust of the Coun-
bless our people with joy and peace of cil of the Twelve Apostles will now

mind as they obey His commandments address us.

Elder James E. Faust

As conference comes to a
this from Salt Lake City. About fifty-six
close, I wish to speak of a priceless members of the Martin Handcart Com-
heritage. I acknowledge the faithful pany perished there from hunger and
pioneers in all of the countries of the cold.
world who have helped establish the It was an emotional experience to
Church in their lands. First-generation see the Sweetwater River crossing
members of the Church are indeed where most of the five hundred mem-
pioneers. They are and have been men bers of the company were carried
and women of deep faith and devotion. across the icy river by three brave
Today, however, I speak primarily of young men. Later, all three of the boys
the priceless legacy which belongs to died from the effects of the terrible
the descendants of all pioneers, but strain and great exposure of that cross-
especially to those who came into this ing. When President Brigham Young
valley and settled in Utah and other heard of this heroic act, he wept like a
parts of western America. child and later declared publicly: "That
act alone will ensure C. Allen Hunting-
Reenacting the handcart trek ton, George W. Grant and David P.
Kimball an everlasting salvation in the
In celebration of July 24th this Celestial Kingdom of God, worlds
year, we joined the Saints of the without end" (quoted in Solomon F.
Riverton Wyoming Stake. Under the Kimball, "Belated Emigrants of 1856,"
direction of President Robert Lorimer Improvement Era, Feb. 1914, p. 288).
and his counselors, the youth and We went farther along the trail to
youth leaders of that stake reenacted the site where the members of the
part of the handcart trek which took Willie Handcart Company were res-
place in 1856. We started early in a cued. We
felt that we were standing on
four-wheel-drive van and went first to holy ground. At that site twenty-one
Independence Rock, where we picked members of that party died from star-
up the Mormon Trail. We saw Devil's vation and cold. We
continued to travel
Gate a few miles up the road. Our up over Rocky Ridge, seven thousand
souls were subdued when we arrived three hundred feet high. This is the
at the hallowed ground of Martin's highest spot on the Mormon Trail. The
Cove, the site where the Martin Hand- two-mile ascension to Rocky Ridge
cart Company, freezing and starving, gains over seven hundred feet in alti-
waited for the rescue wagons to come tude. It was very difficult for all of the
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

pioneers to travel over Rocky Ridge. Bodil apparently was assigned to

It was particularly agonizing for the care for some small children as they
members of the Willie Handcart Com- crossed Rocky Ridge. When they ar-
pany, who struggled over that ridge in rived at camp, she must have been sent
the fall of 1856 in a blizzard. Many had to gather firewood. She was found fro-
worn shoes, and the sharp rocks caused zen to death leaning against the wheel
their feet to bleed, leaving a trail of of her handcart, clutching sagebrush.
blood in the snow. Let me tell you of James Kirk-
As we walked over Rocky Ridge, wood. James was from Glasgow, Scot-
two square nails and an old-style but- land.On the trip west, James was
ton were picked up. No doubt these accompanied by his widowed mother
objects were shaken loose going over and three brothers, one of whom,
the sharp rocks. My soul was sobered Thomas, was nineteen and crippled
to be in that historic spot. Several of and had to ride in the handcart. James's
my ancestors crossed that ridge, though primary responsibility on the trek was
none was in the handcart companies. to care for his little four-year-old
Not all of my forebears who started in brother, Joseph, while his mother and
the great exodus to the West made it oldest brother, Robert, pulled the cart.
even to the Rocky Ridge. Two of them As they climbed Rocky Ridge, it was
died at Winter Quarters. snowing and there was a bitter cold
As I walked over Rocky Ridge, I wind blowing. It took the whole com-
wondered if I have sacrificed enough. pany twenty-seven hours to travel fif-
In my generation I have not seen so teen miles. When little Joseph became
much sacrifice by so many. I wonder too weary to walk, James, the older
what more I should have done, and brother, had no choice but to carry
should be doing, to further this work. him. Left behind the main group, James
A few miles farther, at Radium and Joseph made their way slowly to
Springs, we caught up with 185 young camp. When the two finally arrived at
people and their leaders from the the fireside, James, "having so faithfully
Riverton stake, who had been pulling carried out his task, collapsed and died
handcarts in reenactment of the hand- from exposure and over-exertion" (pri-
cart treks. We bore testimony of vate letter, Don H. Smith to Robert
the faith and heroism of those who Lorimer, 20 Feb. 1990, quoting account
struggled in agony over that trail 136 of Don Chislett).
years ago.
Rescuing the handcart companies
Bodil Mortinsen and James Kirkwood
Also heroic were the rescuers
We went on to Rock Creek Hol- who responded to President Brigham
low, where the Willie Handcart Com- Young's call in the October 1856
pany made camp. Thirteen members of general conference. President Young
the Willie company who perished from called for forty young men, sixty to
cold, exhaustion, and starvation are sixty-five teams of mules or horses,
buried in a common grave at Rock wagons loaded with twenty-four thou-
Creek Hollow. Two additional mem- sand pounds of flour to leave in the
bers who died during the night are bur- next day or two to "bring in those
ied nearby. Two of those buried at people now on the plains" (LeRoy R.
Rock Creek Hollow were heroic chil- Hafen and Ann W. Hafen, Handcarts
dren of tender years: Bodil Mortinsen, to Zion [Glendale, Ca.: Arthur H. Clark
age nine, from Denmark; and James Co., 1960], p. 121). The rescuers went
Kirkwood, age eleven, from Scotland. swiftly to relieve the suffering travelers.

When the rescued sufferers got independence, hard work, high moral
close to the SaltLake Valley, Brigham values, and fellowship. It is a birthright
Young convened a meeting on this of obedience to the commandments of
block. He directed the Saints in the val- God and loyalty to those whom God
ley to receive the sufferers into their has called to lead this people. It is a
homes, make them comfortable, and legacy of forsaking evil. Immorality,
administer food and clothing to them. alternative life-styles, gambling, self-
Said President Young: "Some you will ishness, dishonesty, unkindness, addic-
find with their feet frozen to their tion to alcohol and drugs are not part
ankles; some are frozen to their knees of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
and some have their hands frosted. . . . Here in Utah there is a voter deci-
We want you to receive them as your sion about gambling to be made in a
own children, and to have the same few weeks. The Church is not retreat-
feeling for them" (Hafen, Handcarts to ing from its stand on this issue. But as
Zion, p. 139). contests and issues heat up, we counsel
When the rescuers brought the members of the Church to be tolerant
Willie handcart pioneers into this val- and understanding. We all have our
ley, it isrecorded by Captain Willie: moral agency, but if we use it unwisely,
"On our arrival there the Bishops of we must pay the price. President
the different Wards took every person, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., said, "We may
who was not provided with a home, to use our agency as to whether we shall
comfortable quarters. Some had their obey or disobey; and if we disobey we
hands and feet badly frozen; but every- must abide the penalty" {Fundamentals
thing which could be done to alleviate of the Church Welfare Plan [address at
their sufferings, was done. . Hun-
. . bishops' meeting, 6 Oct. 1944], p. 3).
dreds of the Citizens flocked round the
wagons on our way through the City, Consecrated through their suffering
cordially welcoming their Brethren
and Sisters to their mountain home" I cannot help wondering why these
(James G. Willie, in Journal History of intrepid pioneers had to pay for their
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- faith with such a terrible price in agony
day Saints, 9 Nov. 1856, p. 15). and suffering. Why were not the ele-
ments tempered to spare them from
The legacy of the pioneers their profound agony? I believe their
lives were consecrated to a higher pur-
These excruciating experiences pose through their suffering. Their love
developed in these pioneers an un- for the Savior was burned deep in their
shakable faith in God. Said Elizabeth souls, and into the souls of their chil-
Horrocks Jackson Kingsford, "But I dren, and their children's children. The
believe the Recording Angel has in- motivation for their lives came from a
scribed in the archives above, and that true conversion in the center of their
my sufferings for the Gospel's sake will souls. As President Gordon B. Hinck-
be sanctified unto me for my good" ley has said, "When there throbs in the
{Leaves from the Life of Elizabeth Hor- heart of an individual Latter-day Saint
rocks Jackson Kingsford [Ogden, Utah: a great and vital testimony of the truth
1908], p. 7). of this work, he will be found doing his
In addition to the legacy of faith duty in the Church" {Ensign, May 1984,
bequeathed by those who crossed the p. 99).
plains, they also left a great heritage of Above and beyond the epic his-
love— love of God and love of man- torical events they participated in, the
kind. It is an inheritance of sobriety, pioneers found a guide to personal
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

living. They found reality and meaning today. In becoming a part of this work,
in their lives. In the difficult days of you can all satisfy the deepest yearn-
their journey, the members of the ings of your souls. You can come to
Martin and Willie handcart companies know the personal comfort that can be
encountered some apostates from the found in seeking the sacred and holy
Church who were returning from the things of God. You can enjoy the bless-
West, going back to the East. These ings and covenants administered in the
apostates tried to persuade some in the holy temples. You can have great mean-
companies to turn back. A
few did turn ing and purpose in your lives, even in
back. But the great majority of the pio- the profane world in which we live.
neers went forward to a heroic achieve- You can have strength of character so
ment in this life, and to eternal life in that you can act for yourselves and not
the life hereafter. be acted upon (see 2 Nephi 2:26).
Francis Webster, a member of the A few years ago the First Presi-
Martin company, stated, "Everyone of dency of the Church issued the invita-
us came through with the absolute tion to all to come back:
knowledge that God lives for we be- "We are aware of some who are
came acquainted with him in our ex- inactive, of others who have become
tremities" (quoted in David O. McKay, critical and are prone to find fault, and
"Pioneer Women," Relief Society Maga- of those who have been disfellow-
zine, Jan. 1948, p. 8). I hope that this shipped or excommunicated because of
priceless legacy of faith left by the serious transgressions.
pioneers will inspire all of us to more "To all such we reach out in love.
fully participate in the Savior's work of We are anxious to forgive in the spirit
bringing to pass the immortality and of Him who said: T, the Lord, will
eternal life of his children. forgive whom I will forgive, but of you

it is required to forgive all men.' (D&C

Invitation to come back 64:10)

"We encourage Church members
You who are among the descen- to forgive those who may have wronged
dants of these noble pioneers have a them. To who have ceased activ-
priceless heritage of faith and courage. ity and who have become criti-
to those
If there are any of you who do not cal, we say, 'Come back. Come back
enjoy fellowship with us in the gospel and feast at the table of the Lord, and
of Jesus Christ, we invite you to seek taste again the sweet and satisfying
to know what instilled such great faith fruits of fellowship with the saints.'
in your ancestors and what motivated "We are confident that many have
them to willingly pay such a terrible [wanted] to return, but have felt awk-
price for their membership in this ward about doing so. We assure you
Church. To those who have been of- that you will find open arms to receive
fended or lost interest or who have you and willing hands to assist you"
turned away for any reason, we invite ("An Invitation to Come Back," Church
all of you to join in full fellowship again News, 22 Dec. 1985, p. 3).
with us. The faithful members, with all At
the close of this great confer-
their faults and failings, are humbly ence and on behalf of my Brethren, I
striving to do God's holy work across sincerely and humbly reiterate that re-
the world. We
need your help in the quest. And we open our arms to you. I
great struggle against the powers of so declare in the name of Jesus Christ,
darkness so prevalent in the world amen.

President Hinckley the ushers and interpreters; and those

responsible for the beautiful flowers
Thank you, Brother Faust, for your on the stand and on Temple Square.
moving testimony. I may say that it was We express appreciation to local
my privilege recently to dedicate three and national press representatives for
monuments on that pioneer trail in the coverage of the conference.
areas of which he spoke, monuments We are grateful to the owners and
which were erected by the people of operators of the many radio and televi-
the Riverton Wyoming Stake, and that sion stations and cable and satellite
we have acquired the property at Rock systems who have made their facilities
Creek Hollow, where were buried the available. Thank you, one and all. And
thirteen who died in one night and the thank you, my beloved brethren and
two the next day. sisters, for your attendance on this
Before hearing the closing re- great occasion. May the Lord bless you.
marks of President Thomas S. Monson, Following President Monson's re-
we express appreciation to all who marks, the choir will sing "God So
have provided the inspiring and uplift- Loved the World." The benediction will
ing music heard during this conference. be given by Elder Lynn A. Sorensen,
We thank city officials and many who was released yesterday as a mem-
others: the doctors, Church Health Unit ber of the Seventy. The conference will
nurses, and ambulance services who then stand adjourned for six months.
have been on hand to render assistance;

President Thomas S. Monson

A glorious conference We sustain and love President Benson

Someone said,"Parting is such President Benson's chair has re-

sweet sorrow." That's the feeling that mained unoccupied during the confer-
we have today. ence sessions, which brings some
Traditionally the President of the sadness to our hearts. His ready smile,
Church, the Lord's prophet, seer, and the wave of his hand, the declarations
revelator, provides the concluding ex- of truth that have marked his influence
pressions of a general conference and have been missed. However, President
gives his blessing to all. Humbly and Benson, we are pleased and grateful
respectfully I respond to the assign- that you have been a part of the confer-
ment to represent him at this time. ence through television. Our hearts go
This has been a glorious confer- out to you in the passing of your be-
ence. The prayers have been sincere and loved eternal companion, Flora. How
from the heart; the music and singing thankful we are for the sacred cov-
have lifted us heavenward and given us enant that binds you two sweethearts
an upward reach we thought perhaps together for all eternity! The entire
was beyond our grasp. The Brethren Church joins in a mighty prayer to our
who have spoken, and Sister Jepsen, Heavenly Father that you may be
have declared the word of God and cradled in the palm of His hand and
touched our hearts with their inspired blessed according to your need and His
messages. We are all better for having divine purposes. We sustain you. We
been a part of the conference. follow you. We love you— our prophet.
Sunday, October 4, 1992 Afternoon Session

Closing words at conference and be a [better] man than I have ever

been before." 4
President Benson revered Presi- President Benson, these have been
dent David O. McKay, who supervised declarations from four of your asso-
his missionary labors in Great Britain ciates who have been an ongoing influ-
those long years ago. President McKay ence in your life. You, yourself, have
closed a conference with these words: said in a similar close of a conference:
"As we come to this parting hour, "May we all go to our homes re-
I hope that the teachings and life of the dedicated to the sacred mission of the
Master seem to you all to be more Church as so beautifully set forth in
beautiful, more necessary, and more these conference sessions— to 'invite
applicable to human happiness than all to come unto Christ' (D&C 20:59),
ever before. Accepting him as my
. . .
'yea, come unto Christ, and be per-
Redeemer, and Lord, I accept
Savior, fected in him' (Moroni 10:32)."

his gospel as the plan of salvation, as

the one perfect way to human happi-
At parting
ness and peace."
President Joseph Fielding Smith, My
brothers and sisters, I know
for whom President Benson had such the love President Benson has for you,
great love, said as he concluded a con- for the Lord, and for His work. He
ference: would urge us to keep the command-
"Now I pray that our Father in ments, sanctify our homes, and perfect
heaven will bless his people bless — our lives. May we, in unity, as mem-
them abundantly and in full measure. bers of The Church of Jesus Christ of
"Ipray that the Saints shall stand Latter-day Saints, achieve these three
firm against the pressures and entice- objectives. Doing so will bring joy to
ments of the world; that they shall put our souls, peace to our prophet's heart,
first in their lives the things of God's and the smile of God's approval on our
kingdom; that they shall be true to efforts.
every trust and keep every covenant."
President Harold B. Lee, boyhood Sing we now at parting
friend and companion, and later es- One more strain of praise.
teemed associate of President Benson To our Heavenly Father
in the Lord's work, declared: Sweetest songs we'll raise.
"I can't leave this conference with- For his loving kindness,
out saying to you that I have a convic- For his tender care,
tion that the Master hasn't been absent Let our songs of gladness
from us on these occasions. This is his Fill this Sabbath air.
church. ... He isn't an absentee mas-
ter; he is concerned about us. He wants The work is true. Jesus is the
us to follow where he leads."
3 Christ. Ezra Taft Benson is a prophet
President Spencer W. Kimball, who of God. I so testify and pray that
was sustained as an Apostle and mem- heaven's blessings may attend all of us,
ber of the Council of the Twelve at the in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

same time as President Benson, closed

a general conference by saying:
1. In Conference Report, Oct. 1965, p. 144;
"As each one of these wonderful or Improvement Era, Dec. 1965, p. 1160.
sermons has been rendered I've lis- In Conference Report, Apr. 1971,
2. p. 162;
tened with [rapt] attention, and I have ox Ensign, June 1971, p. 110.
made up my mind that I shall go home 3. In Conference Report, Oct. 1972, p. 176;
or Ensign, Jan. 1973, p. 134.

4. In Conference Report, Oct. 1977, p. 113;

or Ensign, Nov. 1977, p. 75. The choir sang "God So Loved the
5. In Conference Report, Apr. 1988, p. 97;
or Ensign, May 1988, p. 84. Elder Lynn A. Sorensen offered
6. Hymns, no. 156. the benediction.


The Mormon Youth Chorus, con- choir, and Richard L. Elliott was the
ducted by Robert C. Bowden, sang at organist.
the Saturday morning session of the The Tabernacle Choir, conducted
conference. Bonnie Goodliffe and by Jerold Ottley and Donald Ripplinger,
Linda Margetts were the organists. provided music for the Sunday morn-
Music for the Saturday afternoon ing and afternoon sessions. Clay Chris-
session was provided by a family choir tiansen and Richard L. Elliott were the
from the Jordan Utah South and organists.
Riverton Utah regions, conducted by Throughout the conference ses-
Roger L. Sorenson. John Longhurst sions, prelude, postlude, and interlude
was the organist. music and accompaniments on the
At the general priesthood session, Tabernacle organ were played by John
a combined men's choir from the Tab- Longhurst, Clay Christiansen, Richard
ernacle Choir and Mormon Youth Cho- L. Elliott, Bonnie Goodliffe, and Linda
rus provided the music. Jerold Ottley Margetts.
and Robert C. Bowden conducted the
F. Michael Watson
Clerk of the conference

Alvarez, Elder Lino 31
Gratitude; Parents laid the foundation; The Lord blesses us as we
serve; Honor parents day by day; Testimony

Archibald, Elder Dallas N 33

Responsibilities of parents; Parents in the Book of Mormon; Teach
with kindness and love; Emphasize the good; How to correct and

Ashton, Elder Marvin J 27

Yearning for home; An anchor, a port, a refuge; President Benson's
childhood home; Yearning for our heavenly home; Young Women
anxious to go home; The prodigal son turns homeward; Being home-
sick isn't all bad; Heartbreak of having no home; Satan wants us to
forget about home; Our spiritual heritage; Focus on what really mat-
ters; Pursue things higher than the earth; "See that ye fall not out"

Authorities and Officers, Sustaining of Church 25

Authorities Present, General 1

Authorities Present, Other 2

Backman, Elder Robert L 15
An emeritus General Authority; An example for retired people;
Growing physically; Growing mentally; Growing socially; Growing
spiritually; Enduring to the end; Retired couples as missionaries;
Couples can learn languages; Looking forward to new opportunities;
Instruments in the Lord's hands

Ballard, Elder M. Russell 41

"See that ye be not troubled"; Acceleration of worldwide calamity;
We must never give up hope; The Lord is in control; Turn to Christ for

hope and safety; Hope grows out of faith; Repentance brings a father
peace; Faith, hope, and charity; The peace of God

Bateman, Elder Merrill J 36

"Search the scriptures"; The search for a lost pioneer child; Search
diligently, not casually; Importance of the scriptures to Lehi; Blessings
of searching the scriptures; Hold fast to the iron rod; Nourish the seed

Caldwell, Elder C. Max 38

The meaning of charity; Love for Christ; Love from Christ; Love like

Church Authorities and Officers, Sustaining of 25

Coleman, Elder Gary J 60

Sure anchors and solid foundations; Conversion; Jesus is our only sure
foundation; Latter-day prophets lead us; Blessings of the Restoration;
Press forward in Christ

Conference Music, Summary of 123

Dickson, Elder John B 62
Faith to overcome bone cancer and serve a mission; Blessings of
having only one arm; "The Oyster"; Commit to serve a mission; Life
isn't intended to be easy

Faust, Elder James E 117
Reenacting the handcart trek; Bodil Mortinsen and James Kirkwood;
Rescuing the handcart companies; The legacy of the pioneers; Con-
secrated through their suffering; Invitation to come back

Fowler, Elder John E 109

A sacred place to declare God's word; Hear the voice of the Lord;
Spiritual povertyand darkness; Importance of conference messages;

Prophets' words bless the faithful; Hearken to the prophets' messages

General Authorities Present 1

General Priesthood Session 49

Haight, Elder David B 102
Warning against moral decline; Parable of the squirrel and the dog;
Governments abandoning God's principles; Faith and courage of pio-
neers; Teach children the Lord's ways; Obedience will protect us

Hanks, Elder Marion D 85

Choose to love and obey the Lord; Light shines through all the world;
Half Hallels offered at Passover; Fuller light through the Restoration;
No immunity from afflictions; The Lord helps us in our afflictions;
God weeps with us; Carry the Son's legacy of love

Hinckley, President Gordon B. (priesthood session)

The Tabernacle: a unique building; Building the Tabernacle; sym- A

bol of faith; Building our own tabernacles; Be strong in self-discipline;
Addictive power of pornography; Be strong in standing for right;
Columbus's faith and strength; Be strong in the quality of mercy;
Be strong in honesty; Be strong in the faith; Be strong in testimony

Hinckley, President Gordon B. (Saturday morning session)

Sustaining President Benson; The last and great dispensation; Follow

the course

Hinckley, President Gordon B. (Sunday morning session)

Emergency in an airplane; The Lord's backup system; Keys given to
all Apostles; Authority of the First Presidency; Counselors in the First
Presidency; Duties and authority of the Twelve; Called of God by
prophecy; Love and unity among Church leaders; We have only the
Lord's agenda; Receive teachings in faith; Watchmen unto Israel; This
work will never fail

Hunter, President Howard W

The beacon in the harbor of peace; Jesus is the only unfailing beacon;
Love your enemies; Be more forgiving; Christ taught with authority
and love; "It is I; be not afraid"; Fix our eyes on Jesus

Jensen, Elder Jay E

Try the power of the word; Remember also the promises; Two catego-
ries of promises; Promises of power; Promises of increase; Other

Jepsen, Sister Betty Jo N

Pondering the Savior's birth; The invitation to come unto Christ;
Search the word of God; Pray; Participate in the saving ordinances;
Increase our talents; Serve others; As if we had trod to Bethlehem

Larsen, Elder Dean L

The Lord will prosper the righteous; Prosperity of Lehi's people;
Prosperity of Alma's people; Obedience brings prosperity; Forgetting
the source of blessings; Alma's people become proud; Cycle of pros-
perity in Helaman's day; Assess our own faith and obedience

Lim, Elder Augusto A

Gospel blessings in the Philippines; Church growth in the Philippines;
Grateful for good missionaries; Reasons for the Church's growth

Maxwell, Elder Neal A. 88
To those whose discipleship is casual; Characteristics of casual dis-
Consecrate all, not a portion;
ciples; Striving for greater consecration;
Consecration may bring challenges; Consecration requires surrender;
Obedience is emancipating; "Settle this in your hearts"; Press forward
as Jesus did

Monson, President Thomas S. (priesthood session) 65

Samuel's response to the Lord's call; Young men, respond as Samuel;
The temple in South Africa; Elder Jensen's decision to serve; Temple
work for Confederate soldiers; Service to Hurricane Andrew victims;
The priesthood in action

Monson, President Thomas S. (Sunday afternoon session) 121

A glorious conference; We sustain and love President Benson; Closing
words at conference; At parting

Monson, President Thomas S. (Sunday morning session) 93

Reading of the Savior's miracles; Bearing tragedy and adversity; Job's
faith and courage; Eve Gail McDaniel's accomplishment; Angelic
handicapped children; The Shumways rise above adversity; The smile
that shines through tears; Melissa Engle's triumph and miracle; God's
promises to those who suffer; Count your blessings

Music, Summary of Conference 123

Nelson, Elder Russell M 4

Where is wisdom? Seek education; Beware of unbalance; Contempo-

rary challenges; Wisdom found

Oaks, Elder Dallin H. 51
Bible stories; Abraham and Isaac; Joseph's integrity; The Lord's
protection of Joseph; David's faith and courage; The Lord shields
the faithful; The Lord protects Elisha; God's protection is a reality;
Protection from a robber in Chicago; The righteous need not fear

Pace, Bishop Glenn L. 12

Strengthening personal testimonies; The train of the Church; Time

for spiritual revival; Storms of disaster and disobedience; Prepare
by learning obedience; Golden moments of adversity; Being valiant in
our testimonies

Packer, Elder Boyd K 98

Seek learning by study and by faith; The spirit of gathering; No re-
specter of persons; The end of a tradition; A warning; A second
tuition; Dedicated faculty; The purpose; A dream worth pursuing;
Follow the leaders

Paramore, Elder James M 9

Personal prisons; The Savior will deliver us; Prisons that come from
sin; Deceit in business; Do unto others; Freed from the prison of
alcohol; Jesus unlocks the doors; Repent to be free

Perry, Elder L. Tom 18

Moroni's voice of warning; Warning to Church members; Successes in
Utah; Many members seek worldly pursuits; Stand firm in your con-
victions; Warning to unbelievers; Moroni's voice of hope; Obey and
serve to overcome gloom; Finding the joys of eternity

Priesthood Session, General 49

Saturday Afternoon Session 25

Saturday Morning Session 2

Scott, Elder Richard G 81

The rope swing; Satisfying worldly appetites; Use agency to obey
truth; Heavenly Father has defined truth; Faith and obedience bring
healing; Accepting help from others; Begin healing now; The Savior
heals permanently

Summary of Conference Music 123

Sunday Afternoon Session 97

Sunday Morning Session 75

Sustaining of Church Authorities and Officers 25

Wirthlin, Elder Joseph B 45
Bonfires of testimony; Strengthening Peter's testimony; Many testi-
monies are weak; Suggestions to fortify testimonies; Build testimony
on faith in Christ; Build testimony through repentance; Follow the
Savior's example; God will strengthen and uphold us

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