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 Get lost  Take risks

 Get out of bed  Take care of
 Get the train/bus  Take advantage of
 Get to (somewhere)  Take part in
 Get (sb) to (do sth)  Take sth. seriously
 Get rid of  Take place
 Get in touch  Take (your) time
 Get the chance to  Take into account
 Get ready  Take for granted
 Get into trouble  Take the blame
 Get over (it)  Take pride in

Complete the questions with an expression from above.

1. Do you worry about your health? Do you take _____________ yourself?

2. Do you get up very quickly or do you take ________________?
3. That jumper looks so old and dirty. Are you going to get ______________ it?
4. Have you ever taken _______________ a demonstration?
5. Here’s my telephone number. If you need something, just get ______________.
6. His girlfriend left him two months ago, but he doesn’t seem to get _______________.
7. Has any big sporting event ever taken ____________ in your city?
8. Do your parents ever get you _______________ any jobs around the house?
9. Have you ever not taken _______________ a good opportunity (and regretted it)?
10. I heard she was a lovely woman. Unfortunately I never got _______________ to meet her.
11. If you were thinking of buying a new computer or mobile phone, what factors would you
take ________________?
12. He’s always getting ___________________ and his parents don’t know what to do about
13. ‘Did you manage to get ______________ for school this morning?’ No, and I turned up
very late because I had to wait 30 minutes at the bus stop.’
14. Just accept it! Why don’t you take _________________ of it?
15. Don’t take _________________ that I will help you. I’m not sure if I will be free.

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