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Create an efficient

Dashboard with
Qlik Sense

Best practices, Tips, and Tricks to create

a powerful Dashboard
Before creating a Dashboard
Data preparation

Data quality

Know your user and their needs

Create a Dashboard

Best practices


Tips & Tricks

Share the Dashboard

Test with your users

Distribute reports with Qalyptus

Go further
Part 1.
Before creating a
1. Before creating a Dashboard
1. Data preparation

Data preparation is the most important step in the data analysis process, it
helps to limit errors and inaccuracies that can arise during data processing.

It is usually the longest part of a data analysis project.

Efficient and precise decisions must be based on reliable data.

What is data preparation?

Data preparation is the process of Preparing data is often a long-term

cleaning and transforming raw data task, but it is a very important step
before processing and analysis. in the process of transforming data
The ultimate goal of data into reliable information ready to be
preparation is to improve the used for decision-making. This can
quality, usability, and accessibility of include a whole range of processes,
the data before making it available we will focus on data integration,
to people and data analysis data profiling, data cleaning, and
systems. data governance.

Where is your data?

Depending on the company, data Before deciding which data sources

can be stored in different places and to use, you will also need to know
in different storage systems: what permissions are required to
access the data, is the external data
/ Relational databases (Oracle,
MySql, SQL Server, PostgreSQL,…)
reliable or requires verification, and
/ NoSQL databases (MongoDB, what level of granularity do you
Cassandra, HBase,…) need.
/ Structured files (Excel, CSV, QVD,…)
/ Semi-structured files like XML
/ External data accessible via APIs
/ Hadoop data lakes
/ .... 4
1. Before creating a Dashboard
1. Data preparation

Do you need to change the data?

Depending on the quality of the data you process, some data may require
manual transformation or manipulation to make it reliable.

A dataset uses different formats for the same information

Data that is inconsistent or contains duplicate information
You need to group data in new ways

Also think about the evolution

of your data model
Questions to ask regarding
data quality
/ How easy is it to add data sources
/ For each data source, is it complete,
and make changes to the model
precise, and up to date?
/ Can this data answer my questions?
/ What should I do to clean up the data?
/ Will external data sources be
/ Should I manually modify some values or available in the future with the
implement a more systematic approach? same structure?
/ Can my data preparation tool connect to / Can I simplify my model without
all of my data sources? affecting performance?
/ Should I set up a process for modifying
the data in its original location or make
the changes in a data preparation

If you use heterogeneous data sources, you must ensure that the link
fields contain the same data type with the same format.

Example: Suppose you have a customer ID in a database table with type

Integer. If you want to use a CSV file containing customer information,
the file must have a customer ID in Integer format.
1. Before creating a Dashboard
1. Data preparation

How to import data?

To import your data, you have the

choice between directly querying
How to check the results?
the production databases (not
recommended) and loading your
At the end of the data preparation
data in a secondary environment
process, you must ensure that the
before doing your processing to
final result is accurate and made no
avoid overloading your production
mistakes during the processing.
environment with your requests.

To verify the data, make sure that:

The questions you need to ask
yourself are:

/ Results make sense at a

general level.
/ How will importing data affect my
production environment?
/ The metrics you see are what
you already know about the
/ How often should I import the

/ The number of records in the

/ When should I start loading?
period is not excessively
/ How many intermediate different from that of the
environments should I set up? previous period.

/ Does the server on which I move

my data have the software and
hardware necessary to manage the
amounts of data I’m dealing with?

1. Before creating a Dashboard
2. Data quality

The volume and sources of data continue to increase in companies.

It is important to ensure that the data volume does not degrade its quality.

There is nothing worse for a business than making a decision based on poor
quality data from its information system.

To avoid this situation, it is important to set up place actions to ensure the

highest quality.

Data quality problems cost US businesses more than $3 trillion a year.

Dimensions of data quality

Understanding the key dimensions of data quality will help you assess your
data and determine the extent of the root causes of data quality and whether
you should go through data cleansing.


Often in databases, there is missing data. But depending on the case, missing
data can be a problem or not. If a customer’s first and last name is required,
but the phone number is optional, a record may be considered complete even
if the phone number is not available. If you are a bank and your customers
need to use a phone number for two-factor authentication, the record should
be considered incomplete.

There are no hard and fast rules; depending on your business requirements,
you need to know what information needs to be complete.

1. Before creating a Dashboard
2. Data quality

Validity (conformity)

It is necessary to ensure that data of the same nature respect the same
format to maintain a coherent structure and nomenclature for data
sharing and internal management.
If the transaction data contains the date and time, you must ensure
that this is respected in all data sources.


Does the data match the actual expected values? Spelling mistakes,
misplaced decimals, or out-of-date data can lead to inaccurate analysis.
If a customer’s sales are not denominated in the correct currency or a
contact’s email address is misspelled, the data is inaccurate.


It is important to ensure that the data is available within the set deadlines not
to delay the entire data usage chain. If the Data warehouse is not
updated on Monday at 5 a.m., all dashboards, and reports that depend
on the Data warehouse will not be refreshed with the new data.


Does data from multiple systems reflect the same information? If the data
comes from more than one system, it should have the same information.
If one database flags a customer’s account as active, while another flag
the account as closed, the dataset is not consistent.


Some information must be uniquely recorded. A customer’s email address

cannot be registered twice in the database with different customer IDs.

1. Before creating a Dashboard
2. Data quality

Data profiling

At one time or another, a business will be confronted with data quality issues.
It is best to anticipate and implement controls and corrective actions before
suffering the consequences of using poor quality data.

Data profiling can be done in several ways: SQL script, programming language,
or a data integration tool.
The more complex the information system, the more it is recommended to
use more comprehensive tools.

Better data quality and Good data traceability

credibility Profiling can trace data back to
Once the data is analyzed, its source and ensure proper
the application can help encryption for security. A data
eliminate duplicates or profiler can then analyze these
anomalies. It can determine different databases, source
useful information that may applications, or tables and
affect business choices and ensure that the data meets
identify quality problems in standard statistical metrics and
its information system. specific business rules.

Data profiling
Predictive decision making
Proactive crisis
The profiled information can
be used to prevent small
Data profiling can help
mistakes from turning into
identify and resolve issues
big problems. Data profiling
quickly, often before they
helps create an accurate
snapshot of a company’s
health to inform the
decision-making process
1. Before creating a Dashboard
2. Data quality

Data profiling techniques

Structure discovery helps determine if your data is consistent and
correctly formatted. It uses basic statistics to provide information on the
validity of the data.

Content discovery focuses on data quality. Data should be formatted and

standardized. For example, if an email address is incorrectly formatted, it
may mean that the customer cannot be reached or that delivery is not

Relationship discovery identifies connections between different sets of


Data quality process

Define data quality requirements Data quality evaluation

It is about performing data profiling to In this step, we define the data quality
help discover the frequencies and rules concerning: accuracy, validity,
formats of the data. completeness, etc., and quality
Data profiling can be done with thresholds.
specialized tools, query languages on Based on the predefined quality rules,
data sources, or programming languages. perform a data quality assessment by
Data quality issues can be discovered conforming to the data set’s data quality
during profiling, which aims to uncover rules.
information for data quality assessment.

Resolving data quality problems

Data quality monitoring and control
For eliminated issues identified, perform
a root cause analysis to resolve the Finally, it is important to build
issues by eliminating their root cause. Dashboards with data quality KPIs to
track and monitor data quality.

1. Before creating a Dashboard
2. Data quality

Build a data quality Dashboard with Qlik Sense

Here is an example of creating a data quality dashboard using Qlik Sense.

Of course, you can use other BI tools (Tableau, Power BI, …) to create this
The dashboard should provide a view of the six dimensions of data
quality: Completeness, Timeliness, Validity (conformity), Accuracy,
Consistency, and Uniqueness.

Business rules to implement

We want to check the following business rules against a dataset stored in

a table called customer.

Data Quality
Rule ID dimension
Attribute Rule Comment
Where a customer has provided an The email should adhere to the
Rule_01 Validity Email
email address, it should be valid pattern

Every customer should Duplicate emails with different

Rule_02 Uniqueness Email IDs are not allowed.
have a unique Email.
Every customer should have a
Rule_03 Completeness Phone_num phone number, as these are used
for two-factor authentication.

Every customer should

Rule_04 Validity DOB
have a valid date of birth.

Data quality metrics to capture

Total number of lines processed

Total number of failed lines
Data Quality score

1. Before creating a Dashboard
2. Data quality

Dashboard design

We will use the Qlik Sense script to load the customer table and verify the
previously defined business rules.
We will create a new column for each rule and evaluate each row’s validity to
the four rules. We will use this new information to build the Data Quality
Please note that this method is only used to show you the process to measure
the data quality. It will not be suitable in all situations, I recommend you use a
data integration tool to profile your data.

This is what our table could look like:

rule_01_ rule_02_ rule_03_ rule_04_
ID First_name Last_name Email Phone_num validity_ uniqueness completness_ Validity_
email _email phone_number dob

1 Valentina Holmes 0606060606 1 1 1 1 0

2 Ashley Parker 0626656565 1 1 1 0 1

3 Finley Francis 0659588788 1 1 1 1 0

4 Elena Taylor 0785986532 1 1 1 1 0

5 Amina Jackson 1 1 0 1 1

6 Morgan Kelly 0645326598 1 1 1 1 0

Using the table, we can calculate the following KPIs:

Overall data quality score (%) Validity Score
Sum of rows failed / sum of rows processed: (Sum (rule_01_validity_email *
(Sum (rows_failed) / count (id)) * 100 rule_04_Validity_dob) / count (id)) * 100
Total rows processed Consistency Score
count (id) (Sum (rule_03_completness_phone_number)
Failed rows / count (id)) * 100
Sum (rows_failed) Uniqueness score
Completeness Score (Sum (rule_02_uniqueness_id) / count (id)) *
(Sum (rule_03_completness_phone_number) 100
/ count (id)) * 100
1. Before creating a Dashboard
3. Know your user and their needs

Know your users

The best dashboards adapt It is also important to take into

perfectly to target users and their account the level of users to use the
usage habits. You don’t design your dashboard. Are the users
report the same way if your user is a autonomous to read and analyze
busy salesperson who has little time the data? Are they comfortable with
to view their KPIs and sales results filters and bookmarks?
or a marketing team that needs to Identify your users’ priorities and
analyze data in-depth to understand understand how they view the data
customer behavior. to determine your presentation.

Consider display size

You need to know how your users Design your content for vertical
view their dashboards. display to fit small screen phones:
If they are viewing their data from a most people use their phones in
tablet or phone, you need to factor portrait mode.
in the screen size in the dashboard Even if Qlik Sense manages the
design to provide a better user layout of objects dynamically, this
experience. does not mean that your
Highlight the main KPIs because visualizations will be easily readable
users won’t be able to dive into the by users.
details on a small screen. To check the appearance of your
When you create dashboards for dashboards on different devices:
phones or tablets, display only the Change the size of your browser
main measures. You must therefore Use the developer tools of your
provide components with a low browser to simulate a device
number of interactions and easily (iPad, iPhone, …)
accessible. Use a phone or tablet

Part 2.
Create a Dashboard
2. Create a Dashboard
1. Best practices

In addition to data reliability,

a Qlik Sense dashboard must be A great dashboard’s message
well constructed if you want your and metrics are clear; its color
users to adopt and use it fully. enhances meaning and delivers
the most relevant information
to your audience.

Make it quick to refresh

The user experience will be bad if number of data with regard to the
your dashboard takes a long time to capacity of the machine. Qlik Sense
display the data. works by default with In-Memory
Slowness can come from several technology, so all the data is loaded
factors: undersized infrastructure, to RAM.
use of lots of data, bad modeling, Make sure your data model and
bad practices in developing charts expressions are optimized.
and tables… Precalculate your measures as much
Ensure that the machine on which as possible to prevent Qlik Sense
Qlik Sense is installed has sufficient from re-evaluating the measures on
resources (CPU and RAM) allocated each interaction.
for Qlik Sense.
Preferably, install Qlik Sense on a When your application begins to be
dedicated machine to benefit from large, it may be more relevant to
all the resources. create two or more applications per
analysis area.
The slowness of an application can This will allow you to have smooth
also come from the fact that the and simple applications with a
application contains a very large reasonable number of visualizations.

2. Create a Dashboard
1. Best practices

Choose the ideal location

When users view a dashboard, they Therefore, it is important to put the
always look at the indicators, most important chart in the upper
starting with the content at the top left corner.

When designing your dashboard, In addition to organizing your

identify the elements that make up sheets by logical groups, always
logical groups and bring them start with the sheets that contain
together in a single sheet to high-level indicators rather than
guarantee a certain fluidity. detailed information.

You can also highlight the filters Also, think of viewing your
most used by users of the dashboard on other media such as
application to make the most PDF or the body of an email.
common selections easily.

2. Create a Dashboard
1. Best practices

Limit the number of charts and colors

A dashboard with several sheets The most autonomous users can

that contain many charts is a always create other visualizations
dashboard that risks drowning themselves.
users in much information without
highlighting the most important The same goes for colors. If used
information. correctly, they can enrich the
analysis. If there are too many, this
If you feel that your application results in visual overload, slowing
requires several graphics to cover the analysis and making it
the entire perimeter, I advise you to impossible.
create a Story. It is a sequence of
visualizations and texts that present
information to users.

Who says color, says color blindness. A disease that affects how a person
perceives colors. Make sure your users distinguish the colors.

Avoid adding unnecessary

objects with ill-suited colors
that prevent your dashboard
from quickly informing your

2. Create a Dashboard
1. Best practices

Encourage exploration using scenarios

Unlike traditional BI tools, Qlik For example, you can have a graph
Sense allows for interactive and at the top of the sheet act as a filter
comparative analysis. for other graphs.
This analysis is possible thanks to
the possibility of filtering the data You can also display filters for
by selecting dimensions in the different types of data. For
charts. example, offer filters with multiple
or unique selections. You can
It is therefore recommended to dynamically change the title of the
set up analysis scenarios. charts according to the selections.

Use a theme to standardize your applications

The visual aspect of a dashboard is Using a theme allows any

very important; it helps facilitate document from your company to
the dashboard's adoption by users. be identified at first glance.
It is recommended to use a Qlik
Sense theme when creating your If you use the same theme, your
applications. image will always be the same
regardless of the support, and your
Preferably use a single theme to users will easily adopt the new
have homogeneous applications applications.
that do not change the users’
experience. To create a theme, we recommend
In addition to colors, a theme using the theme editor created by
consists of the logo, Typography Bitmetric (
(font policy), and graphic
elements/icons /pictograms.

2. Create a Dashboard
2. Visualizations

Use visualizations to make your data understandable

Once the data quality has been Good visualizations will help you
verified and ready to be exported, quickly and accurately interpret the
you can start creating a dashboard data displayed and make it
to analyze and share this understandable to your users.
information with your users.
There are charts, such as bar
To create a clear and intuitive charts, pie charts, tables, gauges, or
dashboard, you will use treemaps. Each chart type has
visualizations to allow you to unique functionality.
highlight your data and your
KPIs. Each type of visualization has a
specific purpose. You need to
For example, you can use a bar choose a type of visualization that
chart that compares sales numbers allows you to explore your data for
from different regions. that purpose effectively.

Top 10 Viz tips - 2021

from Patric Nordstrom
1. Dendogram with the org chart
2. Dendogram, radial
3. Dendogram, linear
4. Proportion plot
5. Pictogram
6. Funnel with straight edges
7. Cluster chart
8. Time plan
9. Image cloud
10. Boxplot grouped
See more on Qlik Community

2. Create a Dashboard
2. Visualizations

Bar chart

Comparing categories against the same measures;

Viewing the changing composition of a value over a short period of time.

Line chart

Comparing trends over time;

Viewing the changing composition of a value over a long period of time.


Having a large amount of

data that you need to get
an overview of.

2. Create a Dashboard
2. Visualizations


Showing the geographical distribution of offices, stores, and other sites of a

business interest;
Highlighting sales values and other measures and displaying the value
differences by bubble size or color.

Scatter plot

Finding potential
relationships between
values and finding outliers
in data sets;
Showing data where each
instance has at least two

2. Create a Dashboard
3. Tips & Tricks

Learn tips and tricks you can implement in your Qlik Sense

The goal is to show you tips that can make your job easier and to highlight
features that are not intuitive to find.

Different selections in two Qlik Sense sheets opened

in the same browser

Do you know the IDENTITY parameter?

Qlik Sense has several APIs, and one of them is the Single Integration API.
The Single Integration API provides parameters that can be used to create an
URL that returns a complete HTML page containing, for example, an
embedded Qlik Sense visualization.

Imagine you want to make different selections using the same Qlik Sense
sheet (two different analysis scenarios)
You open the sheet in two different tabs. Problem! By default, the selections
for sheet 1 are the same as for sheet 2.

To avoid this, you can use the identity parameter like this:
In tab 1, add at the end of the URL this: /identity/x
In tab 2, add at the end of the URL this: /identity/y

Now the selections in sheet 1 do not impact sheet 2 and vice versa.

2. Create a Dashboard
3. Tips & Tricks

Bookmark a sheet with selections

In some cases, users often view the The easiest way would be to create a
same sheet with the same filters. bookmark in the browser (not a Qlik
Sense bookmark).
Example: a salesperson who goes to Then every day, access the sheet
see his sales results from the day with one click.
before every morning.
To create the bookmark link:
To access this information, the Open the Qlik Sense sheet
classic path would be: Make the selections of your
Open Qlik Sense Hub choice
Select the sales application Go to the menu at the top left of
Select the sheet that the sheet and choose Embed
corresponds to the sales of the sheet.
day before Click on open preview in new
Then make the selections or tab
choose an existing bookmark Add the new page to bookmarks

The next time the salesperson wants to access her sales results from the
day before, he only must click on the saved bookmark.

Find a field in the Data model

Sometimes you want to locate a Click on it and enter the name of

particular field in the model and see the field you are looking for.
a preview of the data it contains.
Qlik Sense displays the number 1
This is easily done in Data Model next to the table that contains it.
By selecting it, you also have the
At the top right, you can see a possibility to preview its values and
magnifying glass button. several other information.

2. Create a Dashboard
3. Tips & Tricks

Obtain the name of the column in a Drill-down

For those who have worked with Here is an expression for a
QlikView before, you may be Hierarchical dimension containing 3
familiar with the function fields: Country, Region, City.
GetCurrentField (group_name). This Expression: =if(count (distinct total
function is used to display the name Country)> 1, ‘Country’, if (count
of the current field in a drill-down (distinct total Region)> 1, ‘Region’,
dimension. ‘City’))
In Qlik Sense, this function does not Depending on the number of fields
exist. To know the name of the your drill-down dimension contains,
current dimension, you would have create nested if/else respecting the
to calculate it yourself. order of the dimensions.

Add a description to a chart

One of the best practices when a description to an object is to turn
creating a Qlik Sense application is it into a Master Item and then add a
to add a description to charts and description in the settings of the
tables to understand how the result Master Item.
was achieved and give a clear and Once added, you will see an icon
detailed definition of the indicator. appear in the form of an “i” that
displays the object’s description.
For example, if you calculate the Here’s how to do it:
following indicator: Number of Edit the Master Item and add a
active customers. description
It is interesting to describe the Use the master item in a sheet.
notion of the active customer to Edit it and Switch On “Show
avoid ambiguity. details.”
Now you can see the “Show
In Qlik Sense, the easiest way to add details” button.

2. Create a Dashboard
3. Tips & Tricks

Create hidden filters

For agronomic reasons, you cannot Add a Filter pane object.

put many filters on a sheet. Add dimension fields to the
Filter pane.
You can use this trick to hide and Resize the Filter pane until it
display additional filters becomes a button.
Now when you click on the
button, you will see all the

Customize a Qlik Sense object with CSS

This tip is for the smartest developer.

As you know, Qlik Sense is a full web tool,
which says web means HTML / CSS.
If you want to customize a Qlik Sense
object and don’t have the necessary
functionality in the object’s settings, you
can embed CSS code in your sheet and
change the style of the object.

To achieve this, you would have to go

through the “Multi KPI” object in the built-
in extensions of Qlik Sense.
This object contains a text box where you
can enter your CSS code.
To see in detail how to do this, Christof
Schwarz made a very good video
explaining how to change a simple table
and a pivot table.

Part 3.
Share the Dashboard
3. Share the Dashboard
1. Test with your users

Test the ergonomics of your dashboard

It would be a mistake to stay until be carried out by a key user, all

the end of the project to ask the users of a service, or a product
opinion of your users on the owner.
It is important to validate each of This will save you time by avoiding
the sheets of your application possibly reviewing all the dashboard
throughout the development cycle. elements at the end of the project.
This also helps to ensure that users
Depending on your organization, will adopt the dashboard because it
feedback on your dashboards can exactly matches their needs.

3. Share the Dashboard
2. Distribute reports with Qalyptus

"I want to send a Qlik Sense report (PDF, Excel, Word,

PowerPoint, and HTML) by email to my users.”

This is a very recurring request.

Qlik Sense is an analytics platform that offers many possibilities and flexibility
to analyze a large amount of data.
However, when you need to generate and distribute reports by email to users
automatically, Qlik Sense can’t do it!

The solution

The only easy way to create and send creating and delivering reports called
reports automatically is to use third- Qlik NPrinting. This product is sold
party solutions. These solutions will separately.
allow you to create customized This article will tell you about
reports with your existing Qlik Sense Qalyptus, a complete Reporting
applications. solution for Qlik Sense and QlikView.
Qlik offers an additional product for

3. Share the Dashboard
2. Distribute reports with Qalyptus

How Qalyptus works

Qalyptus is independent software installed on the same machine as Qlik

Sense or on a separate machine.
The use of Qalyptus is very simple and goes through three main stages:

Create a connection between Create report templates with Excel,

Qalyptus and Qlik Sense Word, PowerPoint, or HTML
Qalyptus retrieves all the Qalyptus allows you to use your favorite
metadata from your Qlik Sense tools to create custom report templates
application (objects id, list of by placing your Qlik Sense charts and
variables, list of fields and tables the way you want in Excel, Word,
bookmarks, etc.) to be able to PowerPoint, and HTML. Take advantage
design custom report of all the features offered by the Office
templates. You can create a suite to create ultra-personalized
report using the visualizations templates.
(charts and tables) of several You will see your Qlik Sense objects in
Qlik Sense applications. the Qalyptus template editor. Just drag
and drop them into the file.

Generate and distribute reports to recipients

Once the report templates are ready, schedule the
generation and distribution of the reports to your
recipients in different formats: PDF, Excel, Word,
PowerPoint, or HTML.
Reports can be distributed by email, saved in folders,
saved on a remote server via FTP, ..etc.
You can also embed a report in the email message.

Depending on your need, Qalyptus can send reports by email to your users in
different ways.

3. Share the Dashboard
2. Distribute reports with Qalyptus

Send the same report to different recipient

The most common and easiest

case is to send a report to a set
of users.
Example: send a PDF sales
report for all salespeople.
Based on your Qlik Sense
application that contains your
company’s sales data, Qalyptus
will generate and send a PDF
report that contains the charts
and tables from your Qlik
Sense application.
The report sent will be the
same for all recipients.

In Qalyptus, you can send your reports whenever you want, thanks to creating
schedules with rich options. You can also condition the sending of your reports.
For example, do not send a report if one or more charts do not contain data.

Send the same report with different data for each


Qalyptus can, for example, send a complex scenarios: Simultaneously,

PDF sales report for each send each salesperson a report with
salesperson. Each salesperson will the data of his scope and send to his
receive a report containing only the manager a report that contains the
sales of their scope. sales data of all the salespeople for
You can imagine more which he is responsible.

3. Share the Dashboard
2. Distribute reports with Qalyptus

Give users the possibility to subscribe to receive reports

The generation and sending of their inbox (and that of their

reports in Qalyptus are achieved by colleagues) at the frequency of their
creating distribution tasks with choice.
schedules. Users can choose to subscribe to
It is also possible to give your users reports that you designed with
the option of subscribing Qalyptus or subscribe to receive a
themselves to receive reports in snapshot of a sheet or an entire Qlik
Sense application.

By integrating Qalyptus with Qlik Sense, you will have a

complete Business Intelligence environment. Users who need to
analyze data can do so very easily and intuitively in Qlik Sense.

FREE Trial 30 days

Download Qalyptus
Create a report in minutes

Download Now

3. Share the Dashboard
3. Go further

Use Excel with Qlik Sense efficiently

Millions of people use Microsoft Excel contains many features that

Excel to track and perform various help you get started with data
financial, mathematical, and
statistical operations. No Business Intelligence software
does not allow Excel Export!
It is a great tool for data collection
and a common component in Why is Excel inevitable?
analysis toolkits.

Endless possibilities for formatting data

Excel does not offer flexible and There are limitless possibilities to
responsive analysis, but it can be a format a table in Excel. Excel offers
good complementary tool for a data static formatting and conditional
analysis solution like Qlik Sense. formatting. Conditional formatting
Excel is the best solution for creating lets you automatically apply
a beautiful report with custom formatting (such as colors, icons, and
formatting of rows, columns, and data bars) to one or more cells based
cells. on the cell value.

3. Share the Dashboard
3. Go further

Use Excel with Qlik Sense efficiently

Why choose between Qlik Sense and Excel. Use them together to build on
each other’s strengths. Qlik Sense allows you to manually export data for all
objects (tables and charts).

Three best practices for exporting Qlik Sense data and visualizations

Encourages manipulation in Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense has put much effort into providing a self-service BI solution for data
preparation and data visualization.
It is important to train your users in preparing data and creating tables and
charts in Qlik Sense to avoid exporting raw data from Qlik Sense to perform
aggregations and calculations in Excel sheets.
This will allow you to have better data governance and to avoid the flow of
inconsistent information between company departments.

Export only ready-to-use data

Once the data has been exported from Qlik Sense, it should not be
manipulated to ensure its integrity. With reporting solutions, such as
Qalyptus, you can create a report with Excel and distribute it to users in a
non-editable format like PDF or HTML.

3. Share the Dashboard
3. Go further

Use Reporting software to automate and manage exports

To provide the best experience for Qalyptus can help you automate
your users and avoid repetitive tasks the creation, generation, and
with no added value, you can use a distribution of custom Excel reports
reporting solution for Qlik. based on your Qlik Sense data.

Create a custom report Use tables as you want

Qalyptus embeds Excel to allow you Qalyptus allows you to export a

to create a rich custom report using Qlik Sense table to the desired
your existing Qlik Sense tables and location in an Excel file.
charts. There is no limit; your
imagination is the limit! You can add multiple tables to
one sheet or add different
Excel offers endless formatting tables to different sheets.
possibilities. Use them to format
your Qlik Sense data.

Export in different formats and No additional cost

distribute in different ways
Distribute Qlik Sense data and
When you export charts and tables analytics to your users and
from Qlik Sense to Excel, you can customers without needing a
choose the output format: Xlsx, Xlsm, Qlik Sense license.
PDF, HTML, etc.

Then you can distribute the reports in

various ways to your users: by email,
save the reports in folders, send them
to another server via FTP, etc.

Our goal is to build incredible, affordable
software that people can try before buying

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