Gas Turbine: Rotary Engine Energy Combustion Compressor Chamber

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A gas turbine, also called a combustion turbine, is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a
flow of combustion gas. It has an upstream compressor coupled to a downstream turbine.
And a combustion chamber in-between. Gas turbine may also refer to just the turbine

Energy is added to the gas stream in the combustor, where fuel is mixed with air and ignited.
In the high pressure environment of the combustor, combustion of the fuel increases
the temperature. The products of the combustion are forced into the turbine section. There,
the high velocity and volume of the gas flow is directed through a nozzle over the turbine's
blades, spinning the turbine which powers the compressor and, for some turbines, drives
their mechanical output. The energy given up to the turbine comes from the reduction in the
temperature and pressure of the exhaust gas.

Energy can be extracted in the form of shaft power, compressed air or thrust or any
combination of these and used to power aircraft, trains, ships, generators.

A typical gas turbine is shown below.

Theory of operation
Gasses passing through an ideal a gas turbine undergo three thermodynamic processes.
These are isentropic compression, isobaric (constant pressure) combustion and isentropic
expansion. Together these make up the Brayton cycle.
Actual Bryton cycle

Ideal Bryton Cycle

Basic components
 Compressor

Draws in air & compresses it

 Combustion Chamber

Fuel pumped in and ignited to burn with compressed air

 Turbine

Hot gases which are produced in combustion chamber derives the turbine blades
which can drive compressor & external load.

In a practical gas turbine, gasses are first accelerated in either a centrifugal or

radial compressor. These gasses are then slowed using a diverging nozzle known as
a diffuser, these process increase the pressure and temperature of the flow. In an ideal
system this is isentropic. However, in practice energy is lost to heat, due to friction. Gasses
then pass from the diffuser to a combustion chamber, or similar device, where heat is
added. In an ideal system this occurs at constant pressure (isobaric heat addition). As there
is no change in pressure the specific volume of the gasses increases. In practical situations
this process is usually accompanied by a slight loss in pressure, due to friction. Finally, this
larger volume of gasses is expanded and accelerated by nozzle guide vanes before energy
is extracted by a turbine. In an ideal system these are gasses expanded isentropicly and
leave the turbine at their original pressure. In practice this process is not isentropic as
energy is once again lost to friction and turbulence.
The open cycle exhausts the gases (produced by combustion) directly to atmosphere,
sometimes the heat can be reclaimed to be utilized in a combined system. Whereas the
closed cycle will reuse the gasses from the exhaust instead.

Here open and close cycle gas turbine is shown schematically.

A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of compression to
initiate ignition to burn the fuel, which is injected into the combustion chamber during the
final stage of compression. The diesel engine is modeled on the Diesel cycle.

It working principle based on diesel cycle.

 Process 1 to 2 is Isentropic  compression (blue)

 Process 2 to 3 is reversible  constant pressure heating (red)

 Process 3 to 4 is isentropic expansion (yellow)

 Process 4 to 1 is reversible constant volume cooling (green)

The diesel internal combustion engine differs from the gasoline powered Otto cycle by using
highly compressed, hot air to ignite the fuel rather than using a spark plug (compression
ignition rather than spark ignition).

In the true diesel engine, only air is initially introduced into the combustion chamber. The air
is then compressed .This high compression heats the air to 550 °C (1,022 °F). At about the
top of the compression stroke, fuel is injected directly into the compressed air in the
combustion chamber. The fuel injector ensures that the fuel is broken down into small
droplets, and that the fuel is distributed evenly. The heat of the compressed air vaporizes
fuel from the surface of the droplets. The vapors is then ignited by the heat from the
compressed air in the combustion chamber, the droplets continue to vaporize from their
surfaces and burn, getting smaller, until all the fuel in the droplets has been burnt. The rapid
expansion of combustion gases then drives the piston downward, supplying power to the

There are two types of diesel engine.




The whole process complete in four strokes.

 Intake stroke

 Intake valve open, exhaust valve shut

 Piston travels from TDC to BDC

 Air drawn in
 Compression stroke

 Intake and exhaust valves shut

 Piston travels from BDC to TDC

 Temperature and pressure of air increase

 Power stroke

 Intake and exhaust valves shut

 Fuel injected into cylinder and ignites

 Piston forced from TDC to BDC

 Exhaust stroke

 Intake valve shut, exhaust valve open

 Piston moves from BDC to TDC

 Combustion gases expelled


In two stoke diesel engine the whole process completes in two strokes.

 Intake begins when the piston is near bottom dead centre. Air is admitted
to the cylinder through ports in the cylinder wall (there are no intake
valves). In the early phase of intake, the air charge is also used to force out
any remaining combustion gases from the preceding power stroke, a
process referred to as scavenging.

 As the piston rises, the intake charge of air is compressed. Near top dead
center, fuel is injected, resulting in combustion due to the extremely high
pressure and heat created by compression, which drives the piston
downward. As the piston moves downward in the cylinder it will reach a
point where the exhaust port is opened to expel the high-pressure
combustion gasses. Continued downward movement of the piston will
expose the air intake ports in the cylinder wall, and the cycle will start
Schematic diagram of two stroke diesel engine.

Diesel Engine:

 engine uses a linear "back and forth" motion to turn a shaft

 Working media is fuel & air (mixture) does not flow continuously.

 Compression of Air is done in cylinder.

 Combustion process takes place in Cylinder

 Diesel cycle is not closed.

 The pressure created by the combustion of the fuel drives the piston
downward. This is the power stroke.

 It uses the heat of Combustion to initiate ignition to burn the fuel.

 Heat rejection in Brayton cycle is at constant pressure.

Gas Turbine.

 Gas turbine engines rely on a constant circular motion to turn a shaft.

 Working media is air fuel flow continuously through engine.

 Compressor is required for compression.

 There is Combustion chamber for combustion.

 Open Brayton cycle and closed cycle can be used.

 By products of Combustion drives the Turbine, and we get out put

 Gas turbine is more efficient.

 It is driven by products of Combustion.

 Heat rejection in Diesel cycle is at constant Volume.

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