Important Information As From CALYPSO 5.6

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Important Information as from CALYPSO 5.

Quick guide data importer
Information for new data structure and
parallel installations
Information about the data structure of CALYPSO 5.6
Quick guide data importer

The data structure for CALYPSO 5.6 has been ad-

apted to the Microsoft Standard. All user files are
now separated from the program files.
With the data importer you can easily import your
existing data into the new structure.

Structure of CALYPSO 5.6

The working directory The program data

All of your user files can be found in the If you have not entered another installation
CALYPSO working directory. directory during installation, you will find your
Depending on the operating system, the program data at “C:\Program Files(x86)\Zeiss\
working directory can be in a different location. CALYPSO 5.6“. Do not save any of your own
data here.
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO Further information
Windows 7: You can find further information about this on
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO the CALYPSO DVD, under “Info“ in the
Depending on this directory, you will find your
most important data here in the “workarea“

The data importer

The data importer copies your existing user files

from an older version of CALYPSO to the new
CALYPSO directory structure.


When CALYPSO is started, the data importer only When you import your files, they are only copied
appears if an older version of CALYPSO is, or and not moved or deleted. Your old files are not
was, already installed on the computer. By doing lost.
so, the data importer does not allow your files to Files outside the Windows program directory
be transferred from the same version, or a newer “C:\Program Files“ are not copied into the new
version. directory structure. E.g. external measurement
If the data importer is displayed, it is visible until plans on a network.
you have imported your files once, or you have
selected “Do not show this dialog anymore.“

The following data can be imported:

The configuration of your CMM. E.g. your measuring device type and the
CMM data
stylus system data.
The measurement plans. Other data, such as actual values, base systems,
Measurement plans
AutoRun data, macros, etc.
Results The reports and table files.
Various templates and program settings. E.g. templates for printout headers
Templates and reporting, tool kits, Q-DAS configuration, CALYPSO toolbar, naming
conventions, default measurement strategies, etc.
User data The CALYPSO user accounts with their settings and privileges.

Important Note about
data structure

The data importer only transfers CALYPSO data Parallel operation of CALYPSO 5.6 in combina-
into the new CALYPSO directory structure, not tion with the ZEISS products given below, the
the path information for the measurement plans following must be observed:
or other files within it. These have to be manually
changed by the user. You are supported in this GEAR PRO
job by CALYPSO. Due to the changed directory structure, ope-
Amongst others, a list of measurement plans that ration of GEAR PRO 4.0 and older GEAR PRO
need to be checked and changed if necessary versions in combination with CALYPSO 5.6 is not
will be displayed upon finalizing the data import. possible.
Operation of GEAR PRO and CALYPSO 5.6 is
possible as from service pack GEAR PRO 4.0.2 or
Example: the version GEAR PRO 5.0 onward.
If you access a measurement plan per PCM
formula to the earlier work directory in CALYPSO MCC
5.4 “C:\Programme\Zeiss\Calypso\home\om\ Due to the changed directory structure, ope-
workarea“ you must update the path information ration of MCC 3.1 and older MCC versions in
manually yourself. E.g. to “C:\Users\Public\Docu- combination with CALYPSO 5.6 is not possible.
ments\Zeiss\CALYPSO\workarea“ (Windows 7). Operation of MCC and CALYPSO 5.6 will be pos-
When opening the measurement plan, the paths sible from the future version MCC 3.2 onward.
contained in the plan will be displayed to you.
The displayed dialog will help you in this job. FACS
The FACS automation interface is customized to
Programs which access CALYPSO data, such as each customer‘s needs and may be affected by
the option FlexReporter or qs-STAT, may also the changed directory structure.
contain path information that you need to Before operating CALYPSO 5.6 with your FACS
update. application, you should contact our support

Information for parallel installation
as from CALYPSO 5.6

CALYPSO is a single-user application. It cannot be

installed on a network and used as a client-server
In order to install CALYPSO you must have full local
administrator rights.

Installation of CALYPSO 5.6

If you are performing an update of an New: In order to comply with the Microsoft
existing CALYPSO installation, the existing recommendations for separating programs and
installation should be uninstalled first. corresponding data on Windows 7 systems the
installation of CALYPSO resides in the following
Existing data such as measurement plans, probe folders as from version 5.6:
data or other CMM-specific data will not be
deleted by uninstalling CALYPSO. However we User data:
still recommend creating backup copies of your C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO
data at regular intervals. Programs:
Uninstall is performed using the Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO 5.6
uninstall function. In Windows, click on “Start“ Program data:
and select “CALYPSO“ via “Settings\Control C:\ProgramData\Zeiss\CALYPSO 5.6
Panel\Add or Remove Programs“ and then click
on “Remove“. If the existing CALYPSO version is not uninstalled
first, CALYPSO 5.6 will be installed alongside the
existing version, thereby enabling alternative
usage of both versions.

Information for parallel installation
as from CALYPSO 5.6

Installation Procedure

When the DVD is inserted, the installation rou- Following the prerequisites the CALYPSO setup
tine usually starts automatically. If this is not the is unpacked and the software license agreement
case, use the Windows Explorer to select is diplayed. By accepting the terms of the license
“CALYPSO.exe“ on the DVD and start the agreement the setup may be continued.
installation by double-clicking.
The CALYPSO setup automatically recognizes
whether an older version is already installed and
will proceed to show the following dialog:

Select ‚Install‘

If you wish to install the new CALYPSO version

in addition to the existing version you will have
to confirm taking note of the safety precautions
mentioned above in order to continue with the

Follow instructions Please refer to all notes regarding the instal-

and click „Continue“ lation in chapter 1.2.

CALYPSO 5.6 will automatically install Windows

Installer 4.5, .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, .NET
Framework 4.0, SQL Server 2008, a PDF printer
set, Zeiss License Activation Utility and the Zeiss
License Manager as prerequisites should
these not already be available on the target sys-
tem. This usually requires several system reboots
and can take a long time (especially the .NET


Pay close attention when using multiple

versions of CALYPSO alternately:

• When using the automatic stylus system • Check for correct path settings when using
changer please consider the increased danger external evaluation programs which access
of getting stylus systems mixed up! After CALYPSO data.
switching versions make sure that the currently
selected stylus system in CALYPSO is actually • Parallel installation of more than one version of
mounted in the probe before calling the auto- CALYPSO in combination with the METROTOM
matic changer. Measuring Module is not permissible.

• Measurement plans saved with a new

CALYPSO version cannot subsequently be
opened with an older version. Pay attention
to warning messages.

We will gladly assist you
Our software support team

If you need assistance in software installing,

please contact our software support team at the
+49 7364 20-6337

Subject to change in design and scope and result of ongoing technical development.
© conception, text and design: Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH
EN_66_070_002I  Printed in Germany  2013/05

Carl Zeiss Vertrieb: +49 7364 20-6336

Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH Service: +49 7364 20-6337
73446 Oberkochen Fax: +49 7364 20-3870
Germany Email:

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