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1. a)164,562,000
b) 155,654,000
c) 92.1%
d) 7.9%

2. 5.2%. Lower. Situations, Culture, Ancestry.

3. More people entered the workforce than the number of unemployed that became employed. People who are no longer discouraged or are
turning 16 get jobs and were not originally accounted in the unemployed.

4. a) Unemployment: Increases, Employment Population: Decreases

b) Decreases, Decreases Doesn't
c) Increases, Decreases
d) Stays Same, Stays Same
e) Increases, Decreases
f) Stays same, Stays same Decreases

Unemployment can be misleading

5) a. Short term
b. Long term
c. Long term
d. Short term
e. Long term

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Unemployment 7
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D Qpt

7) a) Wages increase, and employment decreases.

b) Supply increases, wages decrease.

8) a) The process will take awhile until it reaches equilibrium.

b) Aircraft demand for labor increases
c) Wages rise in auto industry. Wages drop in airline.
d) Shortage in one and surplus in another.

9) a) Demand for labor decreases

b) No effect
c) Wages decrease. Employers are better off. Employees are worse.
e) People may quit and supply of labor decreases

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