Bit Torrent

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P2P Technology


Process of Transmitting



In this paper, I develop simple models to study the
performance of BitTorrent, a second generation peer-
to-peer (P2P) application. I first present a simple model
and study the scalability, performance and efficiency
of such a file-sharing mechanism. We then consider
the built-in incentive mechanism of BitTorrent and
study its effect on network performance.

Kasetsart University



218498Special Problem

Year 2008 Semester 2

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In this day and age, we can not deny that the role of internet with our daily life.
Internet technology allows all people in all nations to exploit and share in the opportunities
and promise of a global economy and society. Information is served very fast in the real time.
The connection between people for entertainment and business can finish by just one click on
the computer.

The Internet is redefining business on a global scale, creating a revolution that is

impacting all industry sectors. Its rapid spread into companies and organizations around the
world, the exponential growth of the traffic it carries, and the overflowing reservoir of its
information and data resources makes it an extremely valuable tool to have.

However, there are some troubles which internet can not serve a comfortable to the
users. Let image that, Mr. A needs to send a video file which has capacity 6 Gigabytes to Mr.
B who lived in the other country. It is seem to have no problem. In fact it is very difficult to
do that. Mr. A can not send that file via e-mail because a file can not put in e-mail. There
have not a free email can not receive a file which have a much capacity. Almost free email
service has just 4 or 5 Gigabytes to carry files.

Moreover, if Mr. A have to send file to other friends in the same time. Mr. B has to
wait for long time until he send a file to Mr. C, Mr. D, Mr. E and his friends already. How long
to wait for that file?

From this problem, Mr. A can solve it by buy a new server to carry files which will
serve it to his friends. In this case, he has to invest a lot of money for a new server which is
an expensive. By the way, this solution still rely on server which still have a lot problem to
occur such as the server has broke down or Mr. A has a friend more than the server can

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) has become immensely popular to transmit data in the Internet.
Traffic measurements shows that P2P traffic is starting to dominate the bandwidth in certain
segments of the Internet. Among P2Ptransmitting, file sharing is perhaps the most popular
and efficiency to solve this problem.
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P2P (Peer-to-Peer)
A peer-to-peer (or "P2P", or, rarely, "PtP") computer network uses diverse connectivity
between participants in a network and the cumulative bandwidth of network participants
rather than conventional centralized resources where a relatively low number of servers
provide the core value to a service or application. Peer-to-peer networks are typically used
for connecting nodes via largely ad hoc connections. Such networks are useful for many
purposes. Sharing content files (see file sharing) containing audio, video, data or anything in
digital format is very common, and real time data, such as telephony traffic, is also passed
using P2P technology.

Figure 1 A server based network. (Not peer-to-peer)

Figure 1.1 A peer-to-peer based network.

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A pure peer-to-peer network does not have the notion of clients or servers, but only
equal peer nodes that simultaneously function as both "clients" and "servers" to the other
nodes on the network. This model of network arrangement differs from the client-server
model where communication is usually to and from a central server. A typical example for a
non peer-to-peer file transfer is an FTP server where the client and server programs are quite
distinct, and the clients initiate the download/uploads and the servers react to and satisfy
these requests.

The earliest peer-to-peer network in widespread use was the Usenet news server
system, in which peers communicated with one another to propagate Usenet news articles
over the entire Usenet network. Particularly in the earlier days of Usenet, UUCP was used to
extend even beyond the Internet. However, the news server system also acted in a client-
server form when individual users accessed a local news server to read and post articles. The
same consideration applies to SMTP email in the sense that the core email relaying network of
Mail transfer agents is a peer-to-peer network while the periphery of Mail user agents and
their direct connections is client server.

Some networks and channels such as Napster, OpenNAP and IRC server channels use a
client-server structure for some tasks (e.g. searching) and a peer-to-peer structure for others.
Networks such as Gnutella or Freenet use a peer-to-peer structure for all purposes, and are
sometimes referred to as true peer-to-peer networks, although Gnutella is greatly facilitated
by directory servers that inform peers of the network addresses of other peers.

Peer-to-peer architecture embodies one of the key technical concepts of the Internet,
described in the first Internet Request for Comments, RFC 1, "Host Software" dated 7 April
1969. More recently, the concept has achieved recognition in the general public in the
context of the absence of central indexing servers in architectures used for exchanging
multimedia files.

The concept of peer to peer is increasingly evolving to an expanded usage as the

relational dynamic active in distributed networks, i.e. not just computer to computer, but
human to human.
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BitTorrent is a P2P application whose goal is to facilitate fast downloads of popular
files. Here we provide a brief description of how BitTorrent operates when a single file is
downloaded by many users. Typically the number of simultaneous downloaders for popular
files could be of the order of a few hundreds while the total number of downloaders during
the lifetime of a file could be of the order of several tens or sometimes even hundreds of
thousands. The basic idea in BitTorrent is to divide a single large file (typically a few 100
MBytes long) into pieces of size 256 KB each.

Figure 2 A piece of file divide by BitTorrent

The set of peers attempting to download the file do so by connecting to several other
peers simultaneously and download different pieces of the file from different peers. To
facilitate this process, BitTorrent uses centralized software called the tracker. In a BitTorrent
network, a peer that wants to download a file first connects to the tracker of the file. The
tracker then returns a random list of peers that have the file. The downloader then
establishes a connection to these other peers and finds out what pieces reside in each of the
other peers. A downloader then requests pieces which it does not have from all the peers to
which it is connected. But each peer is allowed to upload only to a fixed number (default is
four) at a given time.
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Process of transmitting

Figure 3 Leecher request .torrent file (Index file)

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Figure 3.1 Leecher connect tracker to download file

Figure 3.2 Tracker respond leecher by sending a peer list

Figure 3.3 Leecher connect peers for initial transmitting data

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Figure 3.4 Peers sending piece of data to leecher

Figure 3.5 While leecher downloading,he/she will distribute data too

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Figure 3.6 Leecher will update status of him/her to tracker for other peer to connect

Uploading is called unchoking in BitTorrent. Which peers to unchoke is determined by

the current downloading rate from these peers, i.e., each peer uploads to the four peers that
provide it with the best downloading rate even though it may have received requests from
more than four downloaders. This mechanism is intended to deter free-riding. Since a peer is
only uploading four other peers at any time, it is possible that a peer, say Peer I, may not be
uploading to a peer, say Peer II, which could provide a higher downloading rate than any of
the peers to which Peer I is currently uploading.

Therefore, to allow each peer to explore the downloading rates of other peers,
BitTorrent uses a process called optimistic unchoking. Under optimistic unchoking, each peer
randomly selects a fifth peer from which it has received a downloading request and uploads
to this peer. Thus, including optimist unchoking, a peer may be uploading to five other peers
at any time. Optimistic unchoking is attempted once every 30 seconds and to allow optimistic
unchoking while keeping the maximum number of uploads equal to five, an upload to the peer
with the least downloading rate is dropped.
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Figure 4 A process of transmitting file

BitTorrent distinguishes between two types of peers, namely downloaders and seeds.
Downloaders are peers who only have a part (or none) of the file while seeds are peers who
have all the pieces of the file but stay in the system to allow other peers to download from
them. Thus, seeds only perform uploading while downloaders download pieces that they do
not have and upload pieces that they have. Ideally, one would like an incentive mechanism to
encourage seeds to stay in the system. However, BitTorrent currently does not have such a
feature. We simply analyze the performance of BitTorrent as is.

In practice, a BitTorrent network is a very complicated system. There may be

hundreds of peers in the system. Each peer may have different parts of the file. Each peer
may also have different uploading/downloading bandwidth. Further, each peer only has
partial information of the whole network and can only make decisions based on local
In addition, BitTorrent has a protocol (called the rarest-first policy) to ensure a
uniform distribution of pieces among the peers and protocols (call the endgame mode) to
prevent users who have all but a few of the pieces from waiting too long to finish their
download. As with any good modelling exercise, we trade off between the simplicity of the
model and its ability to capture all facets of the protocol.
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A BitTorrent tracker is a server which assists in the communication between peers
using the BitTorrent (protocol) . It is also, in the absence of extensions to the original
protocol, the only major critical point, as clients are required to communicate with the
tracker to initiate downloads. (Clients that have already begun downloading also
communicate with the tracker periodically to negotiate with newer peers and provide
statistics; however, after the initial reception of peer data, peer communication can continue
without a tracker.)

A BitTorrent index is a list of .torrent files (usually including descriptions and other
information), managed by a website, that is available for searching files to download through
BitTorrent protocol. It should be differentiated from a BitTorrent Tracker, which merely
coordinates communication between peers attempting to download the payload of the
torrents. Many BitTorrent websites act as both tracker and index. Sites such as these
publicize the tracker's URL and allow users to upload torrents to the index with the tracker's
URL embedded in them, providing all the features necessary to initiate a download.

Trackers and Indexers

A tracker should be differentiated from a BitTorrent index by the fact that it does not
necessarily list files that are being tracked. Trackers merely coordinate communication
between peers attempting to download the payload of the torrents.

Many BitTorrent websites act as both tracker and index. Sites such as these publicize
the tracker's URL and allow users to upload torrents to the index with the tracker's URL
embedded in them, providing all the features necessary to initiate a download.

Private trackers

A private tracker is a tracker which restricts who can use it, often by requiring
registration of a user account. Private trackers usually register how much the users upload
and download and may enforce a minimum upload-to-download ratio. As a result their
torrents usually offer better availability and speed compared to public trackers where
leeching is more common.

Ratio = Upload (Byte)

Download (Byte)

Many private trackers are now implementing Passkeys in the torrent file, which gives
each user a specific address to contact in order to get a list of peers. This helps to prevent
unauthorized distribution of torrent files from private trackers.
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Open Tracker

Type Address Note

Inter Tracker There are many type of file such as movies CD, DVD, Music, and Program. Provide search engine to search .torrent files.

Private Tracker

Type Address Note

Inter Tracker There are many type of file such as movies CD, DVD, Music, and Program. This URL have to login before load .torrent files.

Type Address Note

Local Tracker There are many type of file such as movies CD, DVD, Music, and Program. This URL have to login before load .torrent files.
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BitTorrent Client
A BitTorrent client is a program that downloads files using the BitTorrent protocol.The
first client, known as BitTorrent, was created by Bram Cohen in the summer of 2002. Most of
the other clients are based at least in part on BitTorrent, and even more are being created
right now.

The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of
applications supporting BitTorrent. Please see the individual products' articles for further
information. This article is neither all-inclusive nor necessarily up-to-date.

Name Address Note

Utorrent Most Famous
Bitcomet Most Famous

Bittorent First bitTorrent Client




ABC http://pingpong- Original
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I will introduce utorrent client which is a famous bitTorrent client and supported Thai
languages. First of all, I have to download this software from which is free

Figure 5 Install uTorrent

Figure 5.1 Choose path to install uTorrent

Figure 5.3 Finish

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Then, I will go to tracker to download .torrent file. I select which is a best
one of tracker in Thailand.

Figure 6 Example of Tracker

Then, Click 1 to download .torrent file. It will call utorrent application to run this file.

Figure 6.1 Download .torrent File

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Click OK, the utorrent application will run .torrent file

Figure 6.2 Open .torrent File

Then, choose path and reserved the availability space to this file. In example, I download file
which has capacity 4.20 Gigabyte. It will download to drive C:

Figure 6.3 Download File

After, it downloads complete. You can get the file. Have fun with your file. Good Luck.
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o http://
o http://
o http://
o http://
o http://

-----------------------------Thank You-----------------------------

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