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J. Chem.

Thermodynamics 118 (2018) 21–25

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J. Chem. Thermodynamics
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Low-temperature thermodynamic properties of holmium selenide (2:3)

M.A. Bespyatov a,⇑, A.E. Musikhin a, V.N. Naumov a, L.N. Zelenina a,b, T.P. Chusova a, R.E. Nikolaev a,
N.G. Naumov a,b
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova Street 2, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Holmium selenide Ho2Se3(cr) was synthesized and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction and energy
Received 26 May 2017 dispersive analysis. The heat capacity of Ho2Se3(cr) has been measured by adiabatic method in the tem-
Received in revised form 7 September 2017 perature range of (4.75–302.60) K. The pronounced k-anomalies were found in Cp,m(T) dependence with
Accepted 26 October 2017
the maxima at temperatures TC1 = 6.03 K and TC2 = 228.40 K. A conclusion was drawn that the phase tran-
Available online 27 October 2017
sition associated with antiferromagnetic ordering is observed at TC1. The values of thermodynamic func-
tion (entropy, enthalpy and Gibbs reduced energy) were calculated from the experimental Cp(T)
dependence. Absolute entropy value was used for calculation of Ho2Se3(cr) formation entropy at T =
Heat capacity
Thermodynamic functions
298.15 K.
Holmium selenide Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction from 4.75 to 302.60 K. The entropy, enthalpy and Gibbs reduced
energy of Ho2Se3(cr) were calculated on the base of data obtained.
Rare-earth chalcogenides are the perspective materials for prac- Absolute entropy data were used for calculation of Ho2Se3(cr) for-
tical application in thermoelectric converters of energy, laser tech- mation entropy at T = 298.15 K.
nique, precise metallurgy and other fields of technology [1–4]. At
the same time many properties of these compounds, including
thermodynamic, are studied insufficiently. For calculating chemi- 2. Experimental
cal equilibrium constants it is necessary to know the exact values
of such quantities as entropy and enthalpy under standard condi- 2.1. Preparation and characterization of the sample
tions. The most reliable data of these quantities can be obtained
from the results of the low-temperature heat capacity measure- The sample of Ho2Se3 investigated in this work was prepared
ment [5–7]. At present, there are no data on the heat capacity of from the elements of mass fraction purity as follows (Ho: 0.999;
Ho2Se3 at low temperatures. Se: 0.999) which were taken in stoichiometric ratio for obtaining
Holmium selenide Ho2Se3 is a semiconductor material with p- 11.3 g of final product in the presence of a small amount (<0.05
type conduction [8]. It crystallizes in orthorhombic structure type mol.%) of iodine (I2: 0.9999). Holmium ingot was thoroughly
of Sc2S3 which is a superstructure of the NaCl type based on the mechanically cleaned from traces of oxide and put together with
ordering of cation vacancies [9]. Magnetic susceptibility of Ho2Se3 selenium in a silica ampoule with a graphite crucible inside to pre-
was investigated in the temperature interval 78–400 K in [10]. In vent a direct contact between metal and SiO2. Iodine was added to
this temperature range, the magnetic susceptibility obeys the activate Ho and to prevent the formation of a dense protective
Curie-Weiss law with a negative Weiss constant (HP = 5 K). This layer of monoselenide or sesquiselenide on the surface of unre-
means that a phase transition from the paramagnetic phase to the acted metal [11]. All manipulations were made in dry box filled
antiferromagnetic one is possible for Ho2Se3 at low (close to 0 K) with Ar. Evacuated ampoule was filled with Ar, frozen after addi-
temperatures. This transition is known to manifest itself in heat tion of I2 evacuated again and sealed.
capacity as k-anomaly. Sealed ampoule was put in a two-zone vertical resistance fur-
This work presents the results of experimental study of Ho2Se3 nace and was heated of to a temperature of 1118 K with a rate of
heat capacity by adiabatic calorimetry in the temperature range 15 K/h. After holding the ampoule in an isothermal section of
furnace at a temperature of (1118 ± 5) K for 620 h, a temperature
⇑ Corresponding author. gradient was set along the length of the ampoule. The end of the
E-mail address: (M.A. Bespyatov). ampoule where the substances were located was kept at a
0021-9614/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
22 M.A. Bespyatov et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 118 (2018) 21–25

temperature of (1118 ± 10) K, while the temperature of the empty Table 1

end of the ampoule was set to (823 ± 10) K. This procedure allowed Characterization of the chemicals used.

us to remove iodine in the form of holmium triiodide from the final Chemicals Source/supplier State Mass Fractional Purity
product and to verify the completeness of the reaction. After hold- Ho ‘‘Metallon”, Russia Solid 0.999
ing in this mode for 170 h, the ampoule was removed from the hot Se ‘‘Metallon”, Russia Solid 0.999
furnace and cooled in air. A small amount of light yellow conden- HoSe1.50±0.02 Synthesis Solid >0.99 (microprobe analysis)
sate (HoI3) was observed at the cold end of the ampoule. The
absence of selenium condensate at the cold end of the ampoule
testified to the completeness of the synthesis reaction. The final the method of McCracken and Chang [15] for T < 13 K. The stan-
product was brown crystalline powder. dard uncertainty for the temperature was u(T) = 0.01 K. The resis-
The synthesized sample was studied by powder X-ray diffrac- tance thermometer was measured by a potentiometric method
tion and energy dispersive analysis (EDS). with cyclic inversion of the thermometer current direction for
X-ray powder diffraction pattern was collected on a Philips APD excluding the thermal electromotive forces. Resolution of the ther-
1700 diffractometer (Cu-Ka radiation, graphite monochromator, mometric apparatus was 5105 K above 50 K falling to 1.5103 K
silicon pellet as an external standard, room temperature) in the at 11 K. The adiabatic control system gave the temperature stabil-
2h range of (10–80)° with a step of 0.02°. According powder diffrac- ity of the calorimeter vessel within 1105 Kmin1. The measure-
tion data the sample is a single phase. All reflections are indexed in ment results of standard substance (benzoic acid) heat capacity
orthorhombic Fddd space group (No. 70) with refined cell param- which characterize a calibration uncertainty deviate from the stan-
eters a = (1.1416 ± 0.0002) nm, b = (0.8131 ± 0.0002) nm, c = dard data [16] by less than 1% in the range of (5 2 0) K, less than
(2.4270 ± 0.0003) nm that correspond to literature data for Ho2Se3 0.3% in the range of (20–80) K, and less than 0.15% in the range of
[9] (Fig. 1). (80–300) K. The sample of Ho2Se3 used for the heat capacity mea-
The composition of the sample obtained was identified by surements was weighed in vacuo. The sample mass is (5.1255 ±
microprobe analysis on a TM 3000 HITACHI device (EDS System 0.0001) g. The molar mass used in the calculation of the molar heat
for Hitachi Tabletop Microscope TM 3000 Quantax). Polished sam- capacity was determined from the formula Ho2Se3 as 566.74
ple for EDS analyses was prepared according standard procedure. gmol1.
Elemental intensities for Ho and Se were determined relative to
single crystal standards using HoPO4 and Bi2Se3. The analysis
results are averaged over 10–15 measurements. According to the 3. Results
analysis results the composition of the sample corresponds to the
chemical formula HoSe1.50±0.02 (Table 1) and it does not contain The experimental heat capacity values for Ho2Se3 are presented
any impurities within the error of the method (atomic content of in chronological sequence in Table 2. The heat capacity Cp,m(T) has
holmium and selenium <0.2%). been measured at 82 points in the range (4.75–302.60) K. The mea-
surements of Series III were with small temperature rise to deter-
2.2. Heat capacity measurements mine the shape of the heat capacity curve near the peak.
In the experimental heat capacity two pronounced k-anomalies
The heat capacity Cp,m(T) of the sample of Ho2Se3 was measured are observed (Figs. 2 and 3). The type of anomalies indicates phase
by the adiabatic method on the equipment described in [12]. A dis- transitions with critical temperatures TC1 = 6.03 K and TC2 = 228.40
mountable calorimeter ampoule and the methodology of filling an K.
ampoule with a substance, as well as the filling of the ampoule It was established in [10] that Ho2Se3 is a paramagnetic and at
with heat-exchange gas (helium), are all described in our previous temperatures close to 0 K it can undergo a ‘‘paramagnetic-anti
works [13,14]. The temperature of the calorimeter was measured ferromagnetic” phase transition. In addition, similar transitions to
by a standard platinum resistance thermometer (R100/R0 = the magnetically ordered state were observed for various rare-
1.3925). This thermometer was calibrated at FSUE ‘‘VNIIFTRI” earth chalcogenides at temperatures below 10 K [8]. Proceeding
(Moscow region, Russia) against the ITS-90 for T > 13 K, and by from this, it can be concluded that the nature of the phase transi-
tion at TCl is related to the antiferromagnetic ordering of the mag-
netic moments of holmium ions.
The magnetic susceptibility obeys the Curie-Weiss law in the
range of (80–400) K [10]. This means that the nature of the anoma-
lies manifested in the heat capacity in the interval (190–224) K is
nonmagnetic. Two series of experiments with different heating
rates were performed in this interval. Neither evidence of thermal
hysteresis nor slowness in attainment of equilibrium was found.
The absence of a temperature hysteresis and the k-shaped anomaly
in the heat capacity are signs second-order phase transitions. Ano-
malous contributions to entropy and enthalpy in the interval (190–
224) K are DSan = (0.15 ± 0.03) JK1mol1 and DHan = (29 ± 5)
Jmol1. For detailed analysis the nature of the observed phase
transition, one needs to conduct a special research.
The electric crystal field in which the Ho3+ ion is situated in the
compound Ho2Se3 splits the seventeen fold degeneracy of the state
of the multiplet term 5I8 into sublevels. New levels with higher
energies are formed as a result of the splitting. The process of ther-
mally activated transitions of electrons to the excited states begins
with an increase in the temperature. During this process the
energy is absorbed, which causes a contribution to the heat capac-
Fig. 1. Experimental (black) and theoretical (grey) powder pattern for Ho2Se3. ity Ho2Se3 (the Schottky contribution CSch(T)).
M.A. Bespyatov et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 118 (2018) 21–25 23

Table 2
Experimental values of heat capacitya for crystalline Ho2Se3 (molar mass: 566.74 gmol1) at pressure p = .1 MPa (u(p) = 0.05p).

T/K Cp,m/Jmol1K1 T/K Cp,m/Jmol1K1 T/K Cp,m/Jmol1K1

Series 1 72.45 86.70 249.67 123.4
4.75 4.433 76.57 90.48 256.45 123.6
5.01 4.889 Series 2 263.41 123.5
5.32 7.582 80.18 93.23 270.54 123.7
6.03 11.86 85.83 97.43 Series 3
7.23 9.963 91.80 101.0 217.14 123.4
8.62 9.268 97.35 103.9 220.38 123.3
10.31 9.187 102.86 106.2 222.96 123.9
10.68 9.794 108.72 108.5 224.88 124.3
11.33 10.14 114.93 110.9 226.80 124.9
12.42 11.01 121.18 112.4 228.40 125.0
13.07 11.54 127.91 114.2 229.68 124.4
14.47 12.75 135.11 115.7 230.95 123.6
16.86 14.62 142.05 116.8 232.22 122.9
20.03 17.51 148.79 117.9 233.80 123.6
22.71 19.72 155.35 118.6 235.69 122.7
25.13 22.18 161.76 119.2 238.19 123.1
28.04 25.54 168.04 119.9 241.31 123.4
31.20 29.55 174.80 120.3 244.42 123.3
34.35 34.03 182.04 120.9 Series 4
37.49 38.79 189.15 121.4 274.01 123.6
40.37 43.37 196.14 122.1 276.98 124.0
43.16 48.00 203.04 122.2 280.45 123.7
46.66 53.47 209.83 122.9 284.65 124.0
51.18 60.48 216.54 123.2 289.20 123.9
55.76 66.98 223.16 124.0 293.71 123.6
59.76 72.46 229.70 124.4 298.18 123.9
63.99 77.76 236.16 123.1 302.60 124.2
68.39 82.55 242.82 122.7
Standard uncertainty for temperature u(T) = 0.01 K; relative combined standard uncertainty for the heat capacities uc,r(Cp,m): 0.04 at T/K < 20, 0.004 at 20  T/K < 80,
0.0018 at 80  T/K < 190, 0.003 at 190  T/K < 245, 0.0019 at T/K  245.

Fig. 3. Experimental heat capacity for Ho2Se3 in the range from 150 K to 302.60 K.
Fig. 2. Experimental heat capacity for Ho2Se3 in the range from 4.75 K to 302.60 K.

The total heat capacity Cp,m(T) of Ho2Se3, in the range 5–190 K

of the function to be smoothed. In so doing, spline functions with
can be represented in the form:
matching at the connection point of the first derivatives for the i-
C p;m ðTÞ ¼ C M ðTÞ þ C L ðTÞ þ C Sch ðTÞ; ð1Þ th and (i + 1)-th spline functions can be used.
Deviation of the experimental values from the smoothed curve
where CM(T) and CL(T) are the magnetic (below 10 K) and lattice is shown in Fig. 4. The standard deviation of the experimental
components respectively. At present, there is insufficient informa- points from the smoothed curve is equal to: 3.4% (4.75–20 K),
tion to separate these contributions. Data on the heat capacity for 0.19% (20–80 K), 0.10% (80–190 K), 0.20% (190–245 K) and 0.13%
isostructural nonmagnetic compounds, necessary for the calcula- (245–302.60 K).
tion of the lattice component, are not presented in the literature. The information on the heat capacity from 4.75 to 0 K is neces-
The experimental data on heat capacity have been smoothed by sary for the calculation of thermodynamic functions. Holmium
the Rumshiskii method [17]. This method approximates the exper- selenide is an antiferromagnetic below 6 K. Therefore, the thermal
imental curve by spline functions. Each spline function of the third, excitation of magnons near 0 K contributes to the heat capacity
fourth or a higher order approximates a pre-selected number of proportional to T3 and is added to the phonon contribution, which
points k (k = 5, 6, 7 or more) depending on the degree of curvature is also proportional to T3 at low temperatures [18]. Accordingly, the
24 M.A. Bespyatov et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 118 (2018) 21–25

temperature dependence of the heat capacity near 0 K can be


C p;m ¼ ða1 þ a2 Þ  T 3 ; ð2Þ

where a1 is the constant associated with the Debye temperature,

and a2 is the constant associated with the Neel temperature. The
Schottky contribution, which is present in such compounds, was
assumed to be negligibly small near 0 K [18]. In this connection,
the data about a heat capacity below 4.75 K were obtained by
graphically extrapolating the experimental heat capacity to zero
by the equation of the straight line in the coordinates of Cp,m vs. T3.
The values of entropy D0TS°m, enthalpy D0TH°m and reduced
Gibbs’ energy U°m were obtained by numerical integration of the
smoothed dependence Cs(T) in the range of (0–302) K. The
smoothed values of the heat capacity and the thermodynamic
functions are listed in Table 3.
Using the value of the absolute entropy of holmium selenide
and holmium [19] and selenium [20], the entropy of formation at
Fig. 4. Relative deviations (DC = Cp,m(T)  Cs(T)) of the experimental values of heat
T = 298.15 K was calculated to be DfS(298.15, Ho2Se3, cr) =
capacity Cp,m(T) from the smoothed curve Cs(T) for Ho2Se3. (42.4 ± 0.3) Jmol1K1. This value corresponds to the following
2HoðcrÞ þ 3SeðcrÞ ! Ho2 Se3 ðcrÞ; ð3Þ
where cr – crystalline.
Table 3
Molar thermodynamic functionsa (heat capacity C°p,m, entropy D0TS°m, enthalpy D0TH
°m, reduced Gibbs energy U°m = D0TS°m  D0TH°m/T) for crystalline Ho2Se3 at pressure 4. Conclusions
p = .1 MPa (u(p) = 0.05p); molar mass: 566.74 gmol1.

T/ C°p,m/ D0TS°m/ D0TH°m/ U°m/ The isobaric heat capacity of Ho2Se3 crystalline sample has been
K Jmol1K1 Jmol1K1 Jmol1 Jmol1K1 studied for the first time in the temperature interval from 4.75 to
0 0 0 0 0 302.60 K. The k-anomaly, which is associated with antiferromag-
5 5.229 1.640 6.157 0.409 netic ordering, was revealed in the temperature range of (5 1
6.03 12.00 3.189 14.78 0.737
0) K with maximum at Tc1 = 6.03 K. One more k-anomaly with
10 9.321 8.227 53.81 2.846
15 13.14 12.67 109.3 5.387 maximum at Tc2 = 228.40 K which points to the second order phase
20 17.39 17.04 185.6 7.755 transition was revealed in the temperature interval from 190 to
25 22.07 21.40 283.9 10.05 245 K. Standard thermodynamic functions (entropy, enthalpy and
30 27.86 25.92 408.3 12.31 Gibbs reduced energy) of Ho2Se3(cr) as well as its formation
35 34.94 30.74 564.9 14.60
40 42.81 35.91 759.0 16.93
entropy at T = 298.15 K were calculated on the base of heat capac-
45 50.85 41.42 993.2 19.34 ity data.
50 58.65 47.18 1267 21.84
60 72.86 59.16 1927 27.05 Acknowledgements
70 84.33 71.30 2715 32.51
80 93.16 83.16 3604 38.10
90 99.99 94.54 4572 43.75 The reported study was supported by RFBR, research project No.
100 105.2 105.4 5600 49.37 14-03-00619.
110 109.2 115.6 6671 54.93
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