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Answer the following:

1. What dance styles, formally known as vernacular dances, refer to dances that evolved
outside of a dance studio?
→The dance style that is formally known as the vernacular dance is STREET DANCE.
2. What culture is created by DJ-ing, rapping, break dancing and graffiti art?
→The culture that was created by DJ-ing, rapping, break dancing and graffiti art is HIP-HOP
3. What dance style is primarily performed to hip-hop music and have evolved as part of hip-hop
→ The dance style that is primarily performed to hip-hop music and have evolved as part of hip-hop
culture is HIP-HOP DANCE
4. What hip-hop style is based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to
cause a jerk in a dancer’s body?
→POPPING is a dance style that uses the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing
muscles to cause a jerk in a dancer’s body.


INSTRUCTIONS: Watch carefully a short video from the movie entitled STEP-UP 4 follow this
link ( then answer the following questions:
1. What dance form is shown in the movie?
Dance form shown in the movie is hip-hop dance.

2. What is a hip-hop dance?

Hip-hop dance is a cultural movement known for its impact on music in the form of the
musical genre of the same name which hip-hop dance refers to street dance styles.

3. What particular movements/steps strike you? Enumerate them and discuss in not more
than 2 sentences.
1. B-boying – usually calld breakdancing that have a lot of foot works, stylish poses,
and full body spins and rotations.
2. Krumping – a dance style to release anger.
3. Tutting – creative way of making geometric shapes using body parts.
4. Popping – technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles

4. Can hip-hop dance improve fitness? How?

Hip-hop dance can improve fitness because it helps to strengthen heart muscles, can
improve breathing, and can help increase stamina and endurance.

5. Can we use hip-hop dance as our recreational activity? Why and How?
Yes we can use hip-hop dance as our recreational activity because it can be an exercise
while having fun and it can be done indoors and outdoors and helps improve fitness.

What recreational activity did you discover at this stage? Can you make it as
your lifetime hobby?

Recreational activity I discover at this stage is dancing because it helps improve healthy
living. Yes because it is more fun to do it and you can even make friends.

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