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Unit 1-Introduction to 21st Century Literacies


True or False
Directions: On the space provided before each item, write TRUE when the statement is factual
and FALSE when it is erroneous.
__TRUE___1. Training in the 21st century is not only about technology but also encompasses
cultural understanding, problem solving and productivity.

__TRUE___2. Illiteracy is the failure to understand and comprehend material from various
sources, or the consistency or state of learning.

__TRUE___3. Traditional literacy refers to reading and writing which follows the traditional
conventions type, material, and usage.

__TRUE___4. To expose a child to books at an early age leads to an interest in reading later on.

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It is a clear example of early or new alphabeticism.

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__FALSE__5. Teachers should not include current world problems, such as peace, respect for

cultural diversity; environmental challenges, such as climate change and global warming, in
discussions in classrooms. rs e
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__TRUE___6. 21st century education involves a change from independent learning to
cooperative learning.
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__TRUE___7. Technologies and multimedia have included effective use of existing information
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and communication technology or ICT (e.g., computers and the Internet) and multimedia (e.g.,
audio and video-based instruction) to efficient teaching.

__TRUE___8. New literacy is known to be instant messaging, tweeting, social networking,

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podcasting, photo sharing, visual storytelling, and performing online searches.

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__FALSE__9. 21st century education is not rooted in real life, and is not embedded in learners'
everyday lives as well.

__TRUE__10. Not only does learning happen within the school and during one's school years

but it can happen anywhere, anywhere, regardless of one's age.


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Learning Activities

Activity 2. Types of Literacy (Concept Map)

Directions: Write the types of literacy, possible concepts or understandings then provide an
example/situation in the boxes provided below. Submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are
provided in your department/college, or to google classroom on or before the date as reflected in
in your study schedule.

Types of Literacy Concept Example/Situation

A mother may need to decide

Health Literacy Health Service use whether to take her son to the
doctor for treatment of an

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Everything and Examples for home,
Digital Literacy rs e everyone online is classroom, workplace, and own
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connected to hobbies and aspics. Like social
everyone else media, communications etc.
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A doctor will usually draw a

diagram of an organ when he is
trying to explain a problem to a
Relates to art and
patient. The visual picture
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Visual Literacy
helps the patient to understand
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what the issues are.


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Activity 2-Attribute/Characteristics of 21st century education (Poster Making)
Direction: Create a poster on the theme “Education on the 21st Century”. Take a photo of your
output and submit to our google class or submit to assigned pigeon of your college. You may see
the rubric on page _____ for your reference.

Activity 3- Digital Literacy (Video Recording)

Directions: Create a video on a storytelling about the teacher with 21 st century skills that can be
played online or on a computer. Upload your work to google classroom on or before the date as
reflected in in your study schedule. For Digital Storytelling Rubric, you may click this



Directions: Read the questions or statement carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.

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1. As a pre-service teacher, what literacy/literacies that a teacher should have and why?

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A teachers should have developing their higher order thinking skills for effective

communication skills and collaboration skills, making them adept with using technology and
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all other skills that they will need in the 21st century workplace and must develop new
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teaching strategies that are radically different from those employed in the traditional
classrooms and also should take the role of facilitators and guides instead of being mere
providers of knowledge.
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2. As a pre-service teacher, explain the relevance of the different attributes or characteristics

of 21st century education in a classroom setting.
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The importance of teacher character in the lesson room can serve as importance to
students to become a great teacher and good at dealing with his students having he/she

great gentle personality and have excellent strategy in teaching.

A teacher with tenderness and seldom from students taking class time attention

and urges her students to succeed in all Tasks and a teacher has a variety of positive
discipline to students to better shape themselves.

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Essay 2
Directions: Choose a topic from one of your major courses and create a semi-
detailed lesson plan incorporating the different 21st century skills

Semi-detailed lesson plan

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Understand the structure of triglycerides.

2. Explain how fats function as energy-storage molecules.
3. Apply knowledge of the structure of phospholipids to the Formation of membranes.

II. Subject Matter

Subject: Lipids: Hydrophobic & Hydrophilic Molecules
Materials: Activity sheets, LCD monitor, projector, laptop, and speaker.

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III. Procedure

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Showing PowerPoint presentation about the lipid structure and natural value.
Students must listen and observe the presentation and feel free to ask question.
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Today we are going to find out the relation of triglycerides structure and normal
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You’re going to perform jumping jack before that perform a basic warm up
And we’re going to release that triglycerides stored in your fat cells.


Knowing that if you regularly eat more calories than you burn, particularly
from high-carbohydrate foods, you may have high triglycerides
-Student truly understand the natural value
Fats are used as storage molecules because they give more adenosine

Triphosphate (ATP) per molecule;

Knowing that phospholipid is a lipid that contains a phosphate group and
is a major component of cell membranes. A phospholipid consists of a hydrophilic
(water-loving) head and hydrophobic (water-fearing).


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Students most understand a basic concept of lipids and there structure also
most presentable at a time of activity.


Get 1/2 sheet of paper

Directions: listen and understand the questions carefully and write the correct answer
on your paper and not on your seatmate’s paper. Understood?
1. What is a lipid in your own understanding?
2. What is the important of triglycerides in your fat cells?
3. Relate the presentation to your self during the activity.

1. How do the four biological macromolecules differ from one another? How
does the structure of each relate to its function?

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2. A triglyceride is a form of _______ composed of ___________.

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a. lipid; fatty acids and glucose
b. lipid; fatty acids and glycerol

c. carbohydrate; fatty acids
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d. lipid; cholesterol
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