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Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Achievement Assassinations
Something which someone has succeeded in The action of assassinating someone.
doing, especially after a lot of effort.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Catastrophe Discovery
An event causing great and usually sudden The action or process of discovering or being
damage or suffering; a disaster. discovered.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Election Epidemic
Formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a Widespread occurrence of an infectious disease
political office or other position; the action of electing in a community at a particular time.
or the fact of being elected.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Invention Natural Disaster
A major adverse event resulting from natural
The action of inventing something,
processes of the Earth; examples are floods,
typically a process or device.
hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Terrorism/Terrorist act
The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially
against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Billion Century
The number equivalent to the product of a
A period of one hundred years.
thousand and a million; 1,000,000,000

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Compass Debut
Device for finding direction with a needle that The occasion when someone performs or presents
can move easily and that always points to something to the public for the first time
magnetic north.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Existence Fad
The fact of something or someone existing. A style, activity, or interest that is very popular
for a short period of time.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Human Humankind
A man, woman, or child. All people, considered as a group.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Impact Penicillin
The force or action of one object hitting another. A type of antibiotic (= a medicine that kills bacteria).
powerful effect that something, especially
something new, has on a situation or person.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Roof Garden Sensation
A garden on the roof of a building. The ability to feel something physically,
especially by touching, or a physical feeling
that results from this ability.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Space Speculation
An empty area that is available to be used. The activity of guessing possible answers to a
question without having enough information to
be certain.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

A general development or change in a situation or in the way
that people are behaving; a new development in clothing,
make-up, etc.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Craze History buff
An activity, object, or idea that is extremely popular, usually A person who knows a lot about history, particularly
for a short time. a lot regarding a period of time, person or place.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Biodegradable Major
Able to decay naturally and in a way that is Greater in size, extent, or importance.
not harmful.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

For or during the night; suddenly and unexpectedly.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Alter Appreciate
to change something, usually slightly, or to
To recognize how good someone or something
cause the characteristics of something to
is and to value him, her, or it.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Become Come on
To start to be. To start to happen or work.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Cure Hit
To make someone with an illness healthy again. To move your hand or an object onto the
surface of something so that it touches it,
usually with force.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Hold Release
To take and keep something in your hand To give freedom or free movement to
or arms. someone or something.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Retain Rip
To keep or continue to have something. To pull apart; to tear or be torn violently and

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Set up Spread
The way in which things are organized or arranged. To (cause to) cover, reach, or have an effect on
a wider or increasing area.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Steal Take Place
To take something without the permission To happen, to occur.
or knowledge of the owner and keep it.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons

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