Principles and Strategies of Teaching

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1. Between the deductive and the inductive method, which one is more
teacher-directed? Explain your
A more teacher-centered approach is a deductive method. Because the deductive
method has a teacher introduces a new topic to the pupils, explains it, and then has
them try applying it. When the teacher is teaching a new topic or idea to his/her students
the teacher will introduce the concept first, then explain the rules for applying it, and
then have the pupils practice using it in a variety of ways. While in the Inductive method,
unlike the deductive method, the inductive method relies on students' "noticing." Instead
of teaching a topic and then providing instances, the teacher provides pupils with
several examples of how the concept is used.
2. If you were asked for your preference, which method would you choose? Why?
If I were asked for my preference I would choose the Deductive method because the
deductive method is straightforward, to-the-point, and time-efficient. The approach has a
positive feature in that it saves time. The teacher also explains it more straightforwardly
and does individual work. The teacher also does subsequent checks to acquire
knowledge and improve fundamental skills. Also deductive methods can be
communicated more simply and clearly via examples. A variety of practice/application
examples are provided right away by the teachers in a deductive method.
3. If you decide to use inductive method, what conditions must be present to
ensure it works?
To use inductive method the conditions must be present to ensure it Inductive reasoning
begins with observations that are specific and limited in scope and proceeds to a
generalized conclusion that is likely, but not certain, in light of accumulated evidence.
You could say that inductive reasoning moves from the specific to the general. Inductive
instruction makes use of student “noticing”. Instead of explaining a given concept and
following this explanation with examples, the teacher presents students with many
examples showing how the concept is used. The intent is for students to “notice”, by
way of the examples, how the concept works.
4. What are some advantages of blended learning?
The advantages of blended learning are flexibility, efficiency, Cost-effectiveness and
Covers all learning styles. First flexibility because a mixed learning strategy gives you
the most options when it comes to delivering knowledge. Also, it can accommodate
different kinds of learning since blended learning caters to online, modular or any kinds
of learning, it can also accommodate different digital assets such as films, recordings,
and eBooks is enormous. Second efficiency because it offers training to a wide audience
with a well-planned blended learning strategy. Third cost-effectiveness using a
blended learning method decreases the amount of time spent in the classroom, that
means you can avoid traveling back and forth to school the tuition fee are lessen to
because the classroom is not in use and there is no need for uniforms and stationery
because you would be just staying at home and either using a module or books or
gadgets. Covers all learning styles blended learning is a “best of both worlds” approach
that allows you to cater to a range of learning types using a number of mediums and

5. Which MI (Multiple Intelligence) group will fit most the reflective approach?
In Multiple Intelligence, the group that will fit most the reflective approach is
Intrapersonal intelligence that's because it has the capacity to dive deep into one's
self-image to build a precise self-image. To put it another way, an image that reflects
how we want to perceive ourselves and how we want to be seen by others.
Self-awareness, self-reflection, self-care, and introspection are skills that help us satisfy
our needs and identify qualities that set us apart from others. Furthermore, because this
form of intelligence is linked to awareness of feelings and emotions, it is best used to
reflect within ourselves and what we want to learn and achieve.

Modules #10

1. Why is UbD a backward design?

Understanding by Design (UbD) is a goal-based curriculum development paradigm.

UbD is also known as Backward Design because it analyzes goals and assessments
before developing activities.

2. List down at least two (2) things you like in UbD and why:

The thing I like about UbD is Student-centered and it makes learning more engaging
and diverse. First I like it being student-centered because it evaluates the pupils' abilities
before deciding on materials and activities. It allows pupils to comprehend the lessons
more thoroughly. Second, I like that it makes learning more engaging and diverse. It
allows students to practice the six dimensions of understanding, explaining, interpreting,
applying, having perspective, empathizing, and having self-awareness about a topic.
The method also seeks to improve learning by making it more focused, engaging,
coherent, effective, and context-rich.

3. What are the possible challenges of UbD? Elaborate.

The possible challenges of UbD are that you'll need a lot of time, work, and forethought.
It may be daunting for many instructors, especially since time is one of the most scarce
things they have. However, if instructors devote more time to using this tool to create
unit plans, they may have a more enjoyable teaching experience, and their students will
benefit significantly.
Module #11

1. According to Malcolm Gladwell, "We learn by example and by direct experience

because there are limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction." What does this

"We learn by example and by direct experience because there are limits to the
adequacy of verbal instruction." means that it is better for us to learn by experience
rather than based only on verbal and written instruction. Just like what Albert Einstein
said “The only source of knowledge is experiences” We should always experience things
firsthand that way we would know for ourselves the feeling and awareness of what we
are doing. We as individuals should learn how to experiences things and do the work
ourselves in order to increased self-awareness. The benefit of having worked on a real
job is that you may learn about your skills and limitations, places for growth, and where
your passion resides. Getting some job experience is essential for those looking to
discover their passion. Experience allows you to get insight into the reality of working life
and also it provides you with the skills necessary for our daily lives.

2. In your opinion, how does an instructional material enhance the effectiveness

of a teaching strategy?

Instructional material enhances the effectiveness of a teaching strategy by displaying

information needed to develop knowledge and skills. instructional materials also improve
the teaching/learning process of the students. Because some students understand the
lesson well if it’s written in an instructional manner. Instructional materials also promote
occupational efficiency and basic vocational information. Also instructional material is
efficient for students who have linguistic intelligence, for them, it is much efficient
studying by reading instructional materials rather than discussions.

3. "There is no substitute for preparation". Explain.

"There is no substitute for preparation" this means that in every exam, quiz, recitation,
game, or work we should always be prepared. Even in life, we should always be
prepared. In order for us to succeed we should always be prepared. Because there is no
easy way in life there are no shortcuts in life. That is why there is no substitute for
preparation because you can procrastinate your research paper and expect good and
concise work with no flaws because in the first place you didn’t prepare for it. athletics,
there is no replacement for solid preparation. The goals, game plan, strategy, attitude,
intentional practice, refined methods, execution, and recuperation are all crucial in
preparing for every test, quiz, game, or even work. In order for a student to get good
grades, preparation of the student is crucial in succeeding.

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