1897nov6 EveningPost OnTightLacing

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as Lady Betty
' dishes and compounds
were known
'scelebrated venison WIT AND HUMOUR. TEMPERANCE COLUMN. POETRY. Through the Otira. We instance the photographic imprints of
the Murray gums that ore found in the
pasty,' or MistressLettice 'sswallow insides of the Murray cod, and are prepared
water' for 'curing the ague,' and many ' said a small boy to the drug-
'Mister,' to call upon Heaven to witness that we
ON TIGHT LACING. great families had dishes which were con- gist, give me a bottle o' them pills' you [The matter for this column is supplied by
a representative of the local Temperance
A- THOUGHT. I. speak truly when we say that you can
sidered peculiar to them by reason of the fold father day before' yesterday.' Are Atnine o'clock, or thereabouts, at Grey- always trace the particular tree on the
bodies, who alone is responsible for the
The subject of tight, tighter, tightest art with which they were made.
lacing having onco more become of burning
importance, let me also once more repeat
they doinghim good? asked the chemist,
looking pleased. 'I don't know whether
they're doin' father any good or not, but
opinionsexpressedin it.]
The earth is bitter, dear heart, and gr ly;
The flowers are fadedin gardens fair ,
havelost the light of my life to-day ;
Ihaveburied hope with your sun-gold
mouth, we boarded the train that was to
take us to Jackson's. One need never
hurry to catch a train in New Zealand.

river bank under which the specimen was
hatched by the likeness imprinted on its
stomach well knowing the same to be a
they're doin' 'me good. They just fit my SIR HENRY THOMPSON ON ALCOHOLIC
some of my old remarks respecting it. It
hnot of the slightest avail to bring the NEWS AND NOTES. new air gun ! BEVERAGES. hair.
That no dear life can bebought
Even if the last portmanteau baß ob-
stinately refused to be strapped until all
lie. Having a national reputation to sus-
' '
tain we cannotlet these Maorilanderspose
rays intoplay to show Tiow tight lacing 'Every man has his price,' sententiously
announced the philosopher of the all- Sadly I learned as I
' or so\d
said Good-bye.'
the available pressure of every spare hotel in a glory of more boastfulness and blow
displacesthe ribs, &o. Girls will do any- Paris has justlost one of its best-known I have long had the conviction that there But servanthas been brought to Dear upon it, we
than Cornstalks bask in.
" thiug so that they may have a waist that artists, M. Luoieu Falize, officer of the night drug store, where the street railroad is no greater cause of evil, moral and I kissed youonce for a heartof gold, and thepaying of one's bill has been left At last a tin roof andwhite walls areseen
ihey can encircle within their two little Legion of Honour. The son of a cele-
hands. Appealing to their reason (says a brated silversmith, he had himself acquired
franchise was being discussed. 'Well,' physical, in this country than the u«e of
Baid the wit of tha establishment, Iwish alcqholic beverages. Ido not mean by And
And once for a love too true to die.
somewhere, if love has a wish to gain,
to the last moment, there is still sure to be
ample time leftin which to catch the train.
through a break in the trees, lost for ten
minutes, and seenlater, as we charge round
writer in Le Journal dcs Modes) is equally the very highest rank in the vocation, and somebody would discover my price and this that extreme indulgence which pro- I shallhold your hand in my own again. Itis notnecessary tohire a cab aud impress a corner down into the river, to be an
unavailing. Neither doctor nor clergyman his exquisite productions have the place of offer it to me.' 'My boy,' solemnly re- duces drunkenness. The habitual use of There are no more husbands up there, or upon its driver the necessity for frantic obviouß hotel. The river is full of boulders
is listened to. Tortures worse than death honourin every palace. It was M. Falize
are silently and willingly borne by these who executed the magnificent golden olive-
marked the perfumery drummer, who had fermented liquors to an extent farBhort of
not spoken before that evening, there is what is necessary to produce thatcondition,
And no one in marriage is gained or
haste; a delivery vanfor your luggage and
a quiet saunter through the town suffice
of a vast and joltingkind. The greysstrain
to their collars, and haul us, bumping
self-martyred women to show a waist no branch which M. Faure laid upon the no smaller coin made than a cent.' and such asis quite commonin all ranks of given ; very well for all ordinary, leisurely mortals. and rolling, and clinging with all ourmight
" bigger than the throat. lam no advocate grave of Alexander111. in Russia. They werehaving some private theatri- society, injures the body and diminishes But thelove that lighted our When you get to the station there is to the roof of the coach, across two
of tightlacing,but, asitisnow adopted even It iaunderstood that Sir W. Lockhart is cals, and Mr. and Mrs.Jinks gave the scene the mental power to au extent which I Will surely follow us, dear,mortal lives
to heaven. generally a prodigious andbewildering fuss hundred yards of dry river-bed, with
by those who once condemned it, let us take to succeed General White as Commander- from the 'School for Scandal,' in which think few people are awareof. And there, when you wake by the Great on the part of officials in the matter of a narrow stream Bplashing down the
the bull by its horns and study how we in-Chief in India, and that General Low, Sir Peterrates and reproachesLady Teazle Such, at all events, is the result of White Throne, getting the train away. Porters wheel middle of it. We have at length reached
can lace the tightest with the least incon- who commanded the Ohitral expenition, for her extravagance and other short- observation during more thau 20 years of Where the world i§ a beauty of angel little lorries, piled hi«h with baggage, the much-desired lunching-place at 3 in
venience to ourselves and the least danger will succeed Sir W. Lockhart in the Pun- comings. Edith Jinks, agedeight, was in professionallife devotedtohospitalpractice,
wings, about the ' platform. Menin " peaked caps
call out' This way for the unpronounce-
the afternoon. We alight, and go inside.
The landlord is at the head of the table,
.toour health. jaub command. the and whenasked at the close and to private practice in every rauk above When you sit by the ivoryrails alone,
The best plan would be to wear only Some time since an Austrian vine-grower of the entertainmenthow she had enjoyed it. Thus, I havenohesitation inattributing With a trembling hand onthe gold harp- able," and urge speed upon the belated and his family, from the fat wife down to
riding stays, which can be drawn to their was stated to be using explosives for an her parent's acting, she electrified her a very large proportionof some of themost strings, traveller ;but youmay take your time. It the youngest of the healthy daughters,
smallest measure whilst leaving- the bust opposite purpose to that of the American hearers 'by saying in a tone of disappoint- painful and dangerous maladies whichcome You willthink of the loverthatmourns you is quite likely that, even supposing you did Btand round to wait upon us. We leave
them no grounds for supposing that their
. and hips free. The next best planis to lace rain-makers. To make a cloud retain its
only the middleholes of the stays, leaving contents, not scatter them, is the object of
the top and bottom holes unlaced. This the Austrian. The vineyardsin the district
ment : Acting ! They were not acting ! under my notice, aB well as those which on earth,
That's the way they're alwaysgoing on at every medical man has to treat, to the Sadfor your sorrowandglad for yourmirth.
home.* ordinary and daily use of fermented drink
aohieve the distinctionof missing your train
by a hundred yards or bo, the station-
master would stop it with the 'down
fare is unappreciated, and afterwards pay
our reckoning with the satisfactory feeling
.latter is the French way of laoing their are often greatly damaged by storms of rain
stays. No discomfort is thus felt, and the and hail, and something suggested to Mr.
grace and freedom are obtained, whilst the Albert Stiger, of Windisch-Freistritz, that
Sitnson:Some one gave my boy a drum taken in the quantity whiohis conventinally When Icome, you will come to me, arms
for a birthdaj' present, but it turnedout all deemed moderate.
right. Twickenham How soP Simson : Butif I venture one step further itwould
thrown wide,
With gladbright eyes as weused tomeet.
distant,' and shuntitback to pick you up.
And no one would grumble, or speak about
Commissioners, and such like. Although
of having received ample value for our
money. And in these days, with respect
to most things, that feeling is rare.

waist can be drawn into the least possible the discharging of big guns might avert I gave him apocket-knife. be to express a belief thatthere is no simple In the angellegionß no whiter bride there is much superficial hurry, they have J.H.M.A., in Sydney Daily Telegraph.
size without -danger of apoplexy and other such catastrophes. Accounts are now to The following story comes from Devon- habit inthis country which bo much tends Shall preßS the pearl withher naked feet ; learned to live without rushing in Maori-
shall beprouder thaniall men there,
evils attendant on tight lacinsr which band of his successful carrying out of his
includes thehips andbust withinthe lacing. project during thepast season. Within the

shire. Sometime ago a teacher thought he to deteriorate the qualities of the race, and AndI
would take two standards at onee the VI. so much disqualifies it for endurance in And I shallhave eyes for none but you,
And so, at laßt we, escape from Grey-
Figure training— which makes noallowance cirouit of acouple of miles ho arranged six in arithmetic, and the 11. in dictation. The that competition which in the nature of If I catch the gleam of your golden hair mouth—GreymoUth the coaly, the dirty,
Humours of the Auction-

for hips and bust,but which compresses the batteries, each battery consisting of ten
whole body in one tightness is simply heavymortars. When adangerous-looking
sum was: 'If a coupleof fatduoks cost 10s, things must exist, and in which Btruggle
how many get
can I for £7 15s?' while ; the prize of superiority must fall to the And
the soft light hid inthe eyesof blue;
ever and ever— for ages wide,
the uninteresting, the abhorrent ;and some
miles out we pass Brunnerton. This is
murderous. And yet that is whatjnost cloud appearedhehad the batteries manned,
ing about,' &c. The result was that one coholic liquor inits proper place

thedictation began :'Now as alion prowl- best and to the strongest. Let us put al- This bemy heaven, with you forbride.
— interesting. We expect to see little white
girls are doing now. Poor girls, they do and the sixty mortars fired continuously till
not know what they willlook like at 30— if the sky cleared The continuous detonation,
they reach- that age— nor do they, perhaps, it is reported,in a very few seconds caused
poor little girl wrote: 'Now a coupleof fat among theso-called 'luxuries of life, not
ducks prowling about in search of a lion among its necessaries. lam quite alive to
' namely, Giißneowan, inthe Australasian. tombstones about the outskirts of the
township, and women clad inblack, lead-
ing orphansby the hands along the streets.
Mr. Henry Lumley contributes an article
on this subject to the Land Magazine. He
starts by attempting to define the differ-
care at present. a visible reaction in the atmospheric con- whohad lost 10s '; while a boy was found the excellent perfume of a specimen of some Venomous Fish. But no; everything seems commonplace encebetween auctionhumour and wit. The
Now, girls, listen to advice— a French- ditions. Itis said that the cloud opened puzzling over the following sum :'If seven rare old vintage, to the agreeable exhilara-
woman's advice- Lace only the middle up funnel-like, the mouth of the funnel
holes of your* corset, and these lace loosely began to rise in the form of consecutive
inthemorning, alittle tighter when dressing rings, expanding gradually until all of the
couple of fat lions cost 10s, how much tion which follows a moderatedose of good
prowling about could be got for £7 15s?'
Magistrate: Your name?
champagne. . ..It is useless— it is In many Beas, especially those of the
Bashful not wise to ignore the existence of these tropics, are found fish provided with
and ordinary. There are long suspension
bridges swinging across the river to the
mines, great black, sordid piles of timber
above the shafts, galvanised iron engine-
former he applies more to physical action.
viously of mental source. He proceeds :

The latter is born in the spirit and is ob-

Maiden: Anna Lang. Religion? Pro- things ;the best natures have felt theirin- poison a The more remarkable effects of humour
for going out, and tighter stillwhendressing cloud scattered and entirely disappeared apparatus, whiohconsists usually of a houseß, snorting engines, and all the dingy have been brought about by my audiences,
for tiieevening. Thisis what the Empressof There was no hail, or even a sudden down- testant. Age ? (No answer). When were fluence, and may perhaps have paid some spine or spinesmore or lesserectile incharac- paraphernalia of coal mines. There are and, although Iblush to say it, the finer
Austriaused to do,and shehad thesmallest pour of rain. The fame experience was your parents married? In 1863. When price forits enjoyment. ter, and connected with a not any tombstones visible, and weeping effects of withave more thanonce emanated
waist in Europe, and .was graceful at the gone through six times during the summer, was the first christening ? In 1864. How But this is exactly the point Iwant to Prof. James D. Brunlon givespoison
— an
of widows are not strongly in evidence. from the rostrum. Something like, but
same time. Will our readers try this plan? and proved a successful preventive in each manybrothers and sisters have you ? Five. insist on don'ttake your daily wine under two, the Trachinis draco and account Scorpcena Nothing speaks of theawful catastropheof how much lessin degree, the auction-room
Let us repeat it. Only the middle holes of case. Are you the oldest? Yes. Then you are anypretext of its doing you good. Takeit scropha, says Appleton's Popular Science last year, except a voluble person in the may be compared to the Court of Justice,
the stays to belaced, andthese to beloosely A sheet of chalk more than 1000 feetin 31 years of age. Yes: (sotto voce) Ihave frankly as a luxury,one which must bepaid Monthly. They are only poisonous as a corner of our carriage, who does so very wherethe presiding Judge has only to say
laoed in the morning, tighter at noon,and thickness underlies all that portion of Eng- given my age away. lam surprised! for ;by some persons very lightly, by some serpent is poisonous— i.e., by wounding much. He knew, he said, many of the Bomething remotely funny, when the
tighter stillinthe evening. Itcosts nothing land which is situated to the south-east of He prided himself on his wit, and upon at a high price, but always to be paid for. their fleßh is goodand wholesome. Although; victims. He knows whose fault it was,but listeners are convulsed with mirth, ranging
to try. Try! Sincenogood canbe obtained^ a line crossing the island diagonally from one occasion he was asked to speak at a Andmostly someloss of health, or of mental the fißh differ widely in appearance,
the will not mention names. He tells you from themild tolerating smile of the Q.C.s
by denouncing tight lacing, let us try and the North Sea at Flamborough Head to the public dinner. Some time afterwards the power, or of calmness of temper, or of judg- poison produces the same effect. The what he subscribed to the relief fund ;and through, themore boisterous laughter of the
lace tightly with comfort, ease, and grace, coast of the English Channel in Dorset. '
subject came up, and a person, who was ment, is the price. Trachinis draco is a handsome fish, not un- when he has exhausted the Brunner Junior Bar to the spasmodic ebullitions of
and thus confounddoctor andpreacher. No This massive sheet of chalk appears again
doctor or preacher has ever been able to in France and as far east as the Crimea,
induce any woman to give up a fashion. and evenin Central Asia beyond the Sea of
not particularly fond of him, asked,
what did you speak about ?' Oh, I
— And I am quitesatisfied that fermented liquor like a trout in general appearance. Upon
don't of any kindis unnecessary as an article of each of its gill covers is situated the
kuow,' he replied pompously his manner diet. For 'the few who may require a spine, connected with its poison
disaster, and the more gruesome details
thereof, enlarges upon similar disasters
th.athavehappenedinEngland. You wish,
the ushers, so itis not difficult for the pre-
siding figure in an auction-room to carry
his audience with him when he makes an
Aral. There can be little question that all that of one whospoke so often he couldn't habitual alcoholic stimulant it can only be through a duot formed by the combina- before hisreminiscences are exhausted,that obvious joke, but it must be extremely
these now isolated patches were once con- 'I've heard a'Hutuph,'
remember. Baid the other. considered as a medicine, and Bhould there- tion of a groove in the spine and a
number of people say you fore for them be so regarded. As with thin membrane, which covers the very
hehad had personaland final experienceof evident, for if he shoots over hisbirds he
NAGGING WOMEN. nected in a continuous sheet, which must, spine a mine explosion. We run down the willbring noneof themdown.
therefore, have occupied a superficial area didn't kuow what you were talking about, many other medicines, however,its employ- almost to its point. The Arnold River for a while, and farther on
but really, my dear fellow, I didn't believe ment is apt to be greatly abused, and thus squat of body, with a large, mis-shapen
Scorpcena is Apropos' of this Iremember ' selling a
Women arebornwith a differentnervous about3000 miles'longby nearly 1000 broad.
organisation from thatof men While they And to think that these enormous deposits
are probably less susceptible to severe pain are made upof the microscopic remains of
'Excuse me,
wine or spirit is taken whennot in the least head. It
' sir,' said the man in the degree necessary,often whenitifl absolutely called by may
attain a large size, and is
the French fishermen le diable.
skirt Lake Brunner. It is a deliciously
blue splash of water, in a dense green set-
tingof forest. The Greymouthpeoplecome
picture, A View of Dover ; a ditto lot
was then offered, a viewof another seaport,
but somebody hadextractedthe picture ' and
of many kinds than 'are men, and therefore sea animals ! row behind, but would you mind asking injurious. For people who enjoy tolerable The up here annuallyin forceandhold a regatta, leftthe woodenback. I
special organ is connected with the remarked, Gentle-
give an appearance at times of greater
nerves are essentially weaker, and there-
The portrait that Miss Helen Donald-
courage (as in the dentist's chair),' their Smith has painted of Marie Corelli, Bays
the Westminster, recalls in composition the
your wife to remove her hat ? I
Icannot 6ee a thing on the stage.' " I'd or 'imperfect,' or ' the circulation languid' also
like to oblige you, sir, butit is impossible,'
— —
assure you health, butnevertheless 'find digestionslow' first threerays of the dorsal fin.
a spine on each gill cover connected
popular forms of excuse for taking wine with a poison gland. A wound
There is
bringing their boats along with them.
This is a quaint; satire upon the efficiency
of their breakwater. They are humo-
men, this is a view of Deal,' and nobody
laughed. Ihad to explain that the joke
wasnot my own, and I venturedto suggest
fore less capable of prolonged strain than pose often made use of by the portrait said the man addressed. 'We live out of it seems to me more frequently a dangerous either fish is a serious rists, these Greymouth people. Upon its that my buyers should write it down on
town, and we must get home to-nipht.' matter. At the
thoee of nieu. If there wasnoother rea«on, painters Gainsborough and Sir Joshua
this alone would prevent them from effec- 'Reynolds for their patrons.
* ' mare than a tolerable remedy. moment of puncture only a sharp prick is further shore is Laketown, a very small their catalogues and take it home and
' The author of What has that got to do withit?' What
has that got to do withit? Why, our
felt. In a few minutes the parts com- and unpretentious city of weatherboard, think over it. There must be something
tive competition with men in such careers The Sorrows of Satan is seen coming DRINK AND GAMBLING. mence to burn and itch, and then become apparently dependent for its existence upon much .more forcible than this, as, for
as those of the military commander, the downa flight of marble steps. Sheis wear- train goes 20 minutes after the end of the acutely painful. The pains increase in two sawmills. The inhabitants assemble example, in a noisy and crowded audience
performance, and it takes her an hour to
statesman,the great financier, the explorer. ing a low evening dress of white satin.
Now, the daily livesof many,if not* ofmost, In the background of the picture to the
women do demand no little strain on the left is a group of leafy treeß ; in the right-
put that hat on.'
Waiter :How will you have yonr Bteak, in
Itis be
to learned from a trusted writer violence and extend. Then
the Wine and Spirit Gazette that the suffocation is felt, and painover the heart.
evilhas a close connection with the From this time commence cries of anguish
a feeling of
upon the railway station en masse, and
bring their' dogs The train waitswhile the
guardgets out to speak to a friend: After
the end of the table where the lots were
placed were crowded by some brokers who
werenot dressed in their Sunday best and
nervous System. A few women are rich, hand corner between and over the balus- sir ? Patron:I don't care how you cook betting
drink evil. Inspeaking of theefforts now whichcan always be recognised as caused some minutes of evidently absorbing con- werenotgreatpatronsofthe advertising firms
Secluded, with no occupation, and with a trade you get a peep of the beautiful blue it, but I'dlike it this weekv the acutest torture and fear. The crieß versation they stroll away up the town. of soap-makers. Finding thatinstructions to
legiou of attendants to minister to every Adriatic. Marie Corelli has been asked Patient (dissatisfied with dietary re- being made to put down betting on horse by are continuous, and beads of sweat stand Laterin the day the guard returns, wiping clear the endof the table were of no avail,
want. The poorsometimes envy them, but over and over again, both by artists and strictions): Look here, doctor, I'm not races, he says that, should this effort on the brow. Flashes of light pass before his mouth upon his sleeve, and we resume Itoldthe auction porters to bring up Lot
they are not to be envied, for they are the photographers, to sit. There was a pho- going to starve to death just for the sake injury succeed, 'it would meana vast amount of our journey. It is only 40 miles from 162, a hip bath, and this scattered the
to the wine and spirit trade, because, the eyes, and the pulse is found to beat
victims of settled ennui, which shows tograph, we gather, taken by a young
itsfclf in all kinds of nervous disorders. friend, but this was neverpublished, so that

of living alittle longer.
After Church. Spoggs : Was it not unless there be some pecuniary interests in intermittently. Finally, delirium and Greymouth to Jackson's, but we do not
reachthere until1o'clock. However,no one
crowd most effectively.
Inthe early days when Iwas a clerk I
A fashionable doctor's records would fur- Miss Donald-Smith's picture is really the disgraceful the way in which Smiggs racing, it would very quickly disappear, convulsions supervene, which may pass on
complains, and so wesuppose itis allright. was clerking a sale in theEast-endof Lon-
nish some strange stories as to the means first portrait of the popular author made
adopted by women of this kind to give for the public. A jplate of the picture is
some zest and interest to their jaded, aim- in hand ; a limited number of impressions
snored in church to-day ? Stuggs :I consequently
should think it was. Why, he woke us all
and the consumption of grand wines
—would to collapse and death, or may,
suffer a great decrease.' The for many hours, gradually subside, leaving
conclusion of his article reads thus: 'Do a malaise whichis very difficult to get rid
away with the turf and with the public- of. The point of puncture soon shows the
after lasting It is the custom of the country to go
slowly, andfor a visitor to make complaint
would be churlish. So we read a novel,
don. The auctioneer and myself for con-
venience got into a cart, so that from the
elevation and point of vantage we might
les-< lives. Probablythe prescription said will be struck off, and each proof will be Jones was absent-minded, and ashe was house and every sort of drinking bar, and" resnlts of intense irritation, and may even- and reflect upon the adage that everything better work the sale. But something went
— a little household work everyday would

to havebeen given to the Queen of Sweden signed.
The 600th anniversary of the Battle of
about to sail for the continent withhis wife
aud family, a friend came down to see him we might as well go aud hang ourselvss.' tually become gangrenous and necessitate
amputation. The treatment is practically
comes to him who waits— even the end of a
railway journey in New Zealand. We
wrong with the audience, who perhaps
were considering that the prices were
bo tlreir salvation did they but know it. Stirling was celebrated on 13th September off and make sure all wasright. The friend cross the Teremakau River, and run along
Disordered nerves ahd a vacant life bring ontherock at thefoot of the Wallace Monu-
1 was late :It was within twenty minutes of DRINK AND CYGLISTsT the same as that for a snake-bite. The
poison is secreted in large quantities at its bank, under great timbered hills and
rising higher than they expected, so for a
diversion they let out the horse from the
out latent infirmities of temper, and a ment. It wasattendedby allthe authorities sailing time, but he found Jones smiling throughmagnificent forest lands, until we shaftsandranusupand down the street for
the world's champion, says spawning season, andis most active in the
woman who might havebeenbright, eager, of theneighbourhood andby Major Wallace,
affectionate, becomes peevish,fretful, fault- a descendant of a branch of the Wallace
finding, disturbed by a zephyr, agitatedby family. At a public dinner at Stirling in
and happy. 'Hello, Jones!' he cried.
tickets, letter of credit, steamer chair
— Zimmerman, '
'Allright?' 'Yes,'noddedJones; 'trunks, to cyclists:— Don't smoke,itdepresses the male fish. On coasts where these fish
heart and shortens the wind ; don't drink, abound bathers are frequently poisoned
on one of them, the Trac-
reach Jackson's.
Jackson is, or used to be, the proprietor
of a hotel here, and the hotel, with its
quite a quarterof an hour. This, you will
observe, is a joke of the humorous kind
played upon the auctioneer, and Ihave no
a crumpledrose-leaf. Such a woman will the evening, Lord Roaebery proposeda toast everything. Flatter myself that all is drink never wins races. Ihave trophies at when stepping' stables, constitutes the town. This ib the sympathy with such jokes. Then Ire-
soon degenerate into a confirmed adept in to theimmortal memory of the Scottishhero. right this 'time.' 'That's good,' was the home which would have belonged to others hinii beingjust especially fond of concealing
present terminus of the railway that is to member also in the early days that my
the art of nagging. Itis vainto try to please The facts known about Wallace were, he answer. Where's Mrs. Jones and the if they had left liquor alone.' themselves under the sand in shallow
run through the Otira. Mentally we pro- master,who was Belling, knocked down a
her, to live withher is purgatory, to serve said, very few, but the main causes of his
her is worse eventhanthat. The best thing popularity wereeasily understood Because
that could happen to her would be to be he was the only available man at the time
family ? Have to bid them adieuand hurry
ashoro. Jove!' cried Jones, sittingdown pion, who does not smoke and has given up
suddenly. 'I think they're waiting at alcoholic stimulants, says: 'Iabandoned

J. Parsons, the fifty-mile Victorian cham- water.

The Stoddart Cricket

test against the making of that railway.
There willinevitably be a tunnel, and the
interior of a tunnel is no place from which
lot at a very high price indeed to a gen-
tleman who had been vigorously nodding
his head, and who, it turned out, was
stripped of her riches, to be obliged to take the leadership of a great cauie, he home for me.' even moderate indulgence in liquor because to view mountain scenery. The horrors of afflicted with palsy, and could not help
hopeyou can comenextThursday. Icould not wiu races when so indulging. Team.
to share in the daily common life of was regardedby his fellow-countrymen as
mankind, with its joys and sorrows, the man who re-made the Scots a nation.
its tasks and simple pleasures. For Wallace had made Scotland great, and if
She :I
after. He :Oh, yes,I'll come ; but cr
— —
We're having some music and a supper Since Irefrained altogether from drink I
have startedin five races and wonfour the

fifty-mile champion, theVictorian roadrace, upMr. Stoddarfc's orioket team was looked
the Lapstonehole occur to us, as compared
with the glorious aspect one used to feast
one's eyes upon looking from the
The following incident happens at many
auction sales. Anold lady (or itmay be a
apoor burdened womanof work whoexhibits Scotland had not been great the British Imay be late. by some Australian pressmen on arrival little zigzag across the fertile Emu Plains, young one) bids for silver against trade
faults of temper muchallowance can easily Empire wouldnot standnow where it did. She :Does mynew dress give me a good and the half-mile and ten-mile races in at Albany laßt week. Ranjitsinhji, who and we feel sorry for the Otira, and rejoice buyers and everybody else, and triumph-
bemade;but we findithard tomake any for Mr. Bigham, Q.C., whohas acceptedone fit? He :I think it will when you see it in Adelaide.' was naturally the most interesting member exceedingly that weare tohavethepleasure antly secures the lot at bo many shillings
a peevish, nagging woman surrounded by of the vacant Judgeßhips, is one of the the glass of the party, was not visible, as he was still of beholding it before the vandal has left per ounce, and walks up to the table ex-
everyobject of luxurious desire. And yet luckiest, wealthiest, and busiest men at the
probably the oneneedsthe charitable pardon Bar. With a strong personal resemblance

Steward: Did youring, Bir? Traveller: suilering from the effects of the voyage,
Yes, steward, I—l1 Irang. Steward :Any- Sad Story of a Sydney Girl during the whole of which he had been
his track. »
Soon we are bowlingalong a line of road
pecting to get a dozenforks and spoons for
5s or 6s. She hasbeenunder the impression
of her exasperatedfellow-creatures no less to Mr. George Grossmith, he was well-
thanthe other. So far as we trace human known until he was just upon thirty as a
faults to environments rather than to per- business man at Liverpool, where he was
thing Ican bring you, sir? Traveller:
Y-yes, st-steward. Bri-bring me a con-
tinentif you have one, or an island any-
able to appear on deck only three or four
times. But the reporters, in conversation
with several players, were told that once
that would serve for a bicycle track, so well
packed and firm is the good blue metal of
whiohitis made. We areon thebest coach
that as bargains have been obtained in
auction-rooms there is no reason why on
thatparticular occasionshe has not secured
sonality, we cannot help seeing thatthe life born, and a part of which he now repre- thing, Bt-steward, so Mul-long as it'ssolid, The story told by a young girl named the Prince got used to the light and con- thac we have ever seen or heard of, and one herself, and has bought perhaps £10 or
of the idle, rich woman, with an initially sentsinParliament. When, however, com-

fretful temper, is about as unfavourable a mercial matters were growing shaky, he
medium for the growth of beautiful human determined to go to the Bar, and entered
if you can't sink the ship.
Mrs. A. :
MabelLila Roberts, aged 19, in her dying ditions inAustralia, he would be a perfect
. My bonnet is getting very depositions at the Balmain Cottage Hospital revelation to the cricket-lovingpublic. The
shabby, John. Mr. A. (growling) :Well, on a recent Sunday, wasa very Badone. It fast wickets in the colonies would, they
behind a spanking team of four well-fed
greys. Thecoacheson this line, from Jack-
son's to Springfield, are magnificent and
£15 worth of silver for 5s or 6s. Then
there is the other auction-room idiot who
buys Lot 54 for £1 ss, and is under the
qualifies as can wellbeconceived. Specta- the chambers of Sir Charles Russell. Not Ican't afford you another. Mrs. A. was not a long story, but the patient wasin thought, suit him to perfection, and they imposing structures. They shine with new- impression that hehas bought Lot 55 which
tor. only did Mr. Bigham succeed in winning (savagely) :Thank goodness ! it isn't as suoh a state of collupse that it took nearly fully anticipated his making several vory ness of paint and gilt adornment, and are is worth £60, or vice versa. But torefer to
the approbation, not to say the admiration, shabby as youare ! ' three hours in the telling, and covered big scores in the colonies. Speaking as to veryhigh. The top seat, above thedriver's a more agreeable subject, many funny
A LOST ART. of Sir Ohari&s, but after a time he became A Cornishman says, Women is like almost a life's history. She had been ad- his individuality, they Baid it was wonder- box,almost brushes the boughs'Cobbof&theCo.'
treeß circumstances and incidents have occurred
his first teacher'B only formidable opponent. pilchards. When 'urns bad 'urnsbad, and mitted to tha hospital on theFriday evening ful how passionately fond he was of the that overhang theroad. is to me at sales by auction of landed and real
There is small leisure now left for the This success he himself has ever modestly when 'urns good 'urns only middling.' in a serious condition. The doctors re- gome. He would talk crioket everywhere, painted ontheir sidesin greatlettersof gold. property at the auction mart inLondon and
sweet old-fashioned graces and manners ' attributed to the business instincts acquired
of life,* says the Speaker, in anarticle on A over Liverpool ledgers. There are legends
Speaker: My fellow-citizens, I amspeak- ported the case to be hopeless. Friends and with everyone, and would sit up all
ing for the benefitof posterity. Voice from were summoned, and the police informed. night discussing that subject with a con-
They do notbelongto Cobb &Co., butinthe
Australias the name of the famous old-time
elsewhere. Iwas selling property in
Tokenhouse Yard, and my company wasof
Lost Art,' and conspicuous among these that heis in the habit of getting up at four theaudience : Andif youdon't finish soon The parents seem to have knownlittle, if genial soul. Without doubt the team will firm is synonymous withcomfort, speed, and the small tradesmen class. I knockeddown
— —
lost treasures is thefine art of housekeeping o'clock in themorning, working till eight,
not themere ordering of dinners, andthe and going a walk regularly after breakfast.
determination that the expenditure shall H6 is now 67 a quiet, keen man, with a
they'll behere. —
Not Up toDate. 'Why did
anything of the circumstances until they make a good appearance on the field. The
' you dismiss heard themfrom the girl'slips whenmaking majority of them are well-built andpower-
your doctor, Miss Sprightly ? 'Ihad five her depositions. Almost her first request ful fellows. There are one or two diminu-
skilful driving. Hence its adoption here.
Inthe NorthIslandthere ore somerattletrap
ex-laundry vans andhearses that pursue a
a lot for £150 to one of these, who brought
the whole of the money up ina canvas bag
to the table and insisted upon paying it

not exceed acertain amount, but that per- clear head and a metallic voice. Mr. Olive prescriptionsfrom him, and there wasnot a vai for a minister, and one wasbrought. tive oricketers, with, of coutbo, Johnny rickety andlaborious waythrough thepumice over. There was nothing very remarkable
sonal supervisionof everything which went Bigham, who went out as a special corre-
to make a household's comfort and dignity. spondent to the Greco-Turkish war, is his
bicyclein one of them.' -
With the father and mother at the taking Briggs at their head, or rather feet. Storer,
'Sir,' said the Master of Balliol, in his of the dying depositions was a young man, one of the wicket catchers, as Johnny
country aboutLake Taupo, andwhich carry
on their evil traffic under the above brand;
in this, but whenheproceeded to count out
the money in sovereigns and sbillingu he
When a woman's home was really her son. 'partingfellow-students
address to a distinguished alumnus, James Baker, who professed to have been Briggs facetiously describes him, met but they are not genuine Cobbs & arranged them all on the floor, although
kingdom, when everything in that home

The 'synohronograph' is an invention by
bore the delicate print of that woman's two Americans— Lieut. Squier and Prof.
sway,and was the expressionof the refine- Crehore which enables messages to be
your think highly of you; keeping company with their daughter. It withrather a nasty accident while playing
the tutors and professors think highly of is alleged that ho' had deßired to marry deck cricket, getting a fearful blow on the
you;I think highly of you;but no one Mabel Roberts some three months pre- bridge of the nose, the marks of whioh are
Cos.' We clatter along,' swinging round
corners and cuttings;throughlanes of cold
shade between high treesand dense banks
there was a table handy on which the
counting might be done. When I —
him why he did this, he replied 'Well,

ment ofher ta.ste, there must have been a transmitted by telegraph at a hitherto un- thiuks more highly of you than you do viously, but thatthe girl's mother, having still plainly discernible. Druce is of the of scrub; now close to the brawling blue- sir, you see ifIcounted them out ona table
" flavour about the practical side of living paralleledspeed. The inventors havehad yourself.' no knowledge of her daughter's condition, ÜBual type of polished, very agreeable, and green snow water of the Teremakau, and some of them might roll off. There is no
which ii now completely lost. The fair an opportunity of testing their system in 'All this country wants,' said Mr. had been unfavourable to suoh a pro- fresh- complexioned University man, seen now racing down from the summit of some rolling off the floor, is there ?' There was
white linen, scented withcunning mixturet America over a circuit 860 miles in length, O'Toole, 'is peace. An', bedad, we'll ceeding. Baker again assured the parents so often in Australia, He is of quiet highridge, over whose baok the road curls wisdom in this reply.
of sweet herbs, which has been handed add are said to have succeeded in sending get it, too, if we have to fight for it.' that, if it would serve any good purpose, demeanour, and cannotbe got to chat about —
like a carpet snake crossing' a log.' The Some time ago there was formed a body
down for generations, and was originally short messages with perfect clearness at a
spun in the house ; the quaint old screens rate equivalent to 4000 words a minute !
'This,' said the school friend who had he would willingly marry their daughter his own performances. Mason, who is but
not seen her for a year, this is the girl there and then. The girl, knowing from a boy, is very tall, but withal powerful,
day is perfect one of those blue days so
rare on this wet West Coast. The driver
of clerics andlaymen, who thoughtthatthe
sale ofadvowsons and church livings should
and chairs, covered with finestneedlework ; The inventors declare that thetrials demon- '
who vowed to me that she never would the doctor that the end was approaching, and one oan readily understand his abilities smokes & large cigar, aud realises hisim- be opposed, and even went bo far as to
— tiie-beautiful silk and linen counterpanes, strate the possibility of sending press
which are heirlooms in most families to-day messages between New York and Chicago
all bore witness, not only to the deftness at such a speed that the contents of anews-
belong to any man.' Idon't,' said she was anxious for such a termination. Hav- as a punisher. He is spoken of very
who had been married amatter of some few ing all the circumstances in mind, the highly aB aoricketer byhisconfreres. There
months. 'He belongs to me.' minister agreed to perform the oeremony. is no mistaking the county that Hirst
portance. In keeping with the whole
'turn-out' his 'appearance is picturesque
in the extreme. A broad-brimmed felt hat
attend sales at the mart when such pro-
perties were offered with a view of ob-
structing sales andprotestingnoisilyagainst
of her hands, but also the sweet gravity of paper couldbe transmitted in an hour. One day, at the Dean of Ely's table, a The party, which included the magistrate oomeß from, for his speech betrays over a red face that ia tufted at its lower the traffic in church livings. They may
her mind, making it possible to devote To view the total eclipse of the sun last legal gentleman was lamenting the gaps and the constable, the matron of the him at once. Board is a short end by a Yankee cut of yellow beard, have been right or they may have been
real thought to what we consider such year astronomers had to go North, but to which deathhad recentlymade inhis pro- hospital(Miss Beveridge), and one of the man, and a great friend of Briggs. velveteen breeches tncked into Wellington wrong in their views, but they certainly
boots, and a long whip with a red silk took an illegal method of demonstrating
trivial matters. Housekeeping inits ' many get under the shadow of the moon during
branches used to bepractised oy ladiesof the total eclipse of 22ndJanuary next they
'fession. 'We have lost,' he said, solemnly, nurses, grouped themselves around the From the first appearance it would seem
not less than six eminent lawyers in as bed. The girl had to be occasionally re- that these two provide the humour of the lash. He is not a communicative man. them. Their tactics were successful on
quality,' and was probably as much neg- will have to seek tropioal latitudes. The manymonths.' The Dean, who was quite vived with stimulants as the ceremony trip. The chief feature of thecombination Beyond an occasional word of approval, or more than one occasion, and several auc-
lected in the middle classes then as it if line of totality crosses Indiafrom the coast deaf, at once rose and repeatedgrace :'For proceeded. The responses came slowly, is the comparative youthfulness of its mem- the reverse, flung sharply at his team, we tioneers had really to withdraw properties
now by the generality dfwomen of all sorts at Bombay jn a N.E. direction for abaut a this and all His mercies, &c. and at times werescarcely above a whisper. bers. The majority seem to bebetween the hardly heard his voice. Even the praise of of the kind in the face of the noise and
and conditions. thousand miles. The best stations for A teacher, observing " one boy coming in An hour afterwards the girl was dead. ages of 24 and 28. Stoddart, the captain his team is answered monosyllabically, as offensive proceedings on the part of these

observing the phenomenon will be near late, said to him: 'Now, then, sir, what Prosecutions havesince been instituted. of the team, when seen by a newspaper though heresented laudatory remarks con- persons. On the occasion to whichI
Bombay, where totality willlast for over100 are you late for ?' Sohool, sir,' answered representative, declined to be interviewed, cerning anything soobviously excellent as my friend, the muscular auctioneer, who,
THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE seconds, or nearly two minutes. Prepara- the lad, quietly takinghis seat among the the press representativegot out of him the style and equipage of his greys. by the by, is muscular in brain as well as
STILL-ROOM.' tions for making themoat of the event are remaining boys. A "Russian Prison Secret. but the fact thatthe team he was bringing out We leave the Teremakau, and shortly in body,having an advowson to offer, was
already well forward, and several British
In the present day the still-room only expeditionshave been arranged, the Astro-
exists inlarge establishments;formerly it nomer Royalleadingone,andSir J.Norman
How to deceive the gnidwife was illus-
trated in a rather forcible manner at a way-—
♦ was a very strong one, and that most of
Itii well known thatin the fortresses of the members had just concluded a highly
Bide station in Midlothian recently : Na, Sohluaselburg and Petropavlovek many of successful season inEngland.
afterwards are spinning along the Otira
River. We are very hungry— ravenously,
pathetically hungry. Itis past ' 2 o'clock,
quitepreparedfor the noisy demonstration
and interruptions whioh took place, and he
simply said in a cool and matter-of-fact
was'as necessary in a gentleman's house as Lockyer another. and we have not' lunched. How far to
the withdrawing-room.' Theladiesof the -
A touching and poetical custom prevails
house there compounded, or superintended in the Welsch Tyrol. When a young
it's nae use the wife ripein' my pooches, the moie dangerous politicals havebeen in-
Tar n; it's nae use. She'll just get whatI carcerated. Notmany of thosewhoare once
mean her tab get andnaemair. Dae yeBee escorted within these iron-bound doors ever Cleopatra's Mummy,
the hotel,
'Not fur,'driver ? we enquire respectfully.
and a contemptuous flick of the
tone of voice, whenthe row began, Gentle-
men, I shallmake short workof this ;if you
donot allow me to proceedwith my sale, I
the compounding of, many wonderful con- maiden isabout to be married, immediately '
that?' he cried, flinging his cap on theplat- retracetheir steps to the world without. The ■■ '♦ ■ whip is all the satisfaction we obtain. shall select the biggest of youand turn him,

— —
fections, simple herb medicines and washes before she steps across the threshold ofher 'form. Ay,I see it, but what aboot that?' man who enters Sohlusselburg is practioally does Cleopatra's body rest? High up the hillsides we see some rata, and out of the room.' This calmed matters for
supposed to improvethe complexion,besides old home, on her way to the church, her What abootit? When I WJiere
gaunhame onpay buried alive. Little is known about the Scarcely a layman who would not answer, dispute amongst ourselves as to the nature a time, but on the breaking out again of
dear oldfamiliar scents lavender,rosemary, mother solemnly gives her a new pocket- nicht wi' a drapin my e'e, like thenicht, an' dread plaoe. The mother may not learn ' Why, in Egypt.' Afterher cajoleries,her of the tree. The growth «f the rata seems hostilities he immediately left the rostrum,
and sweetbriar the verymention of which handherchief. The brido holds itin her wanttaekeep asmuckle as get my mornin', whether her daughter yet lives or not; the wiles, her lifeof intense, if not veryexalted, to be as vexed a question in these parts as measured withhis eyethe tallest, broadest,
brings back memories of a time almost for- hand throughout the marriage ceremony, I fling my bannet doonon thebig chair that father is ignorant as to whether his sonstill loves, Cleopatra was laid in one of thelove- the birth of the marsupial is upon 'the and mostpngnaoious looking of the clergy-
gotten, like the vague sweet odour stillper- using it to wipe away her tears. So soonas way,then lift itan' hing itup efter a wee. readershis earthly account or hasbeen called liest tombs that has ever been fashioned by other side.' Some people maintain that men, went for him, and actually liftedhim
vading some venerable blue jar once filled the marriage festivities are endedthe young
with potpourri, made by the hands of one's wife lays the handkerchief aside in her '
Dae ye see through it noo?' 'Nae, I'm to a higher bar. One or twohave come out, the hand of man. But whata change 2000
hangedif I'm ony wiser yet.' Find the but upon them is the silence of the tomb. years has brought about !
the tree grows as a tree should- from its
youth up, distinct, separate, andindividua-
up out of the auction-roomintothe corridor,
and wouldhavedroppedhim over the stairs
jrrait-grandmother. Now the potpourri linen closet, and there it remains as long as
probably comes from the stores or Bond-, she lives. Nothing wouldinduce aTyrolese
street, and has anindescribable modernand wife to use this sacred handkerchief. It
snoot o' my bannet ;dae ye no' find twa As the man leaves, he is put on his honour
shullin's inside the lining. Try my plan, to disclose nothing of what passes within blematic bunchof decayedwheatanda coarse

To-day an ugly mummy, with an em-
and let the wife please hersel' wi' ripein' the walls. Well dosuch creatureskeep their comb tied toits bead amererollof tightly-

listic. Others hold that these people are
liars, and that the rata is in the first
place a vine, a parasite (like mistletoe on
if necessary. He then calmly went back to
the rostrum and proceeded with the sale
amid the greatest decorum and quiet on the
mercantile aroma; '
' and the old blue jar is maybe half a century, or longer, before it
gone, too. It went in two inthe handsof is taken from its place to fulfil the second
yerpooohes.' I
confess itis toobad to give trust the alternative istoo heavy. If any- swathed dust lies orumbled in the hideous
the thing away,butperhapstheoldlady will thing were divulged the authorities would glass case at the British Museum. Itis
the Kurrajongs) thatgrowsup supportedby
some other tree, which itultimately chokes
part of the clerics. The lesson was notlost
upon them, for no moreinterruptions hava
the pert, befrizzled, up-to-date housemaid, and last part of its mission. When the
and no one took the trouble to mend it, as it wife dies, perhaps as a groy old grand-
not see this paragraph.

then equally visit with condign punishment Cleopatra, the once greatqueen, a Venusin
Handel Barr : Yes, other things being all who have beenletout, careless to findthe charm, beauty, and love.
and takes the place of. For the sake of
peace we agree with both partieß upon the
taken place at sales by auction of advow-
sons from that day to this.
lacked intrinsic value, and we are too wise mother, the loving hands of the next-of-
now for sentiment. Famous recipes were kin place the bridal handkerchief over the
hereditary, part of the family documents, face of the dead, and it is buried withher
speed. Little Johnny : Well, then, pa, arrangement, and their last end would be
why don't the hind wheel of a waggon go worse than the first. J. Y. Simpson, in

equal, the larger the wheel the greater the tale-bearer this, Iunderstand, is the
It disgusts us to see others doing the
top of the coach, and mention stranger and
more curiouß freaks of nature in our forests
and wilds than any that they have brought Some people owe their good reputation^
to the loyalty of their friends.
"ad weretauumittedfor generation*,) *n.d inthe gmtt fatter than the front one f Blaokwood'nMaarazine, foolish things we do ouraelvei. forward la support of their contentions.

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