Technology For The Less Developed Countries

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Economic Development - is not determined This type of technology is between a

by economic factors alone but also non- primitive technology and modern
economic factors. technology. It is more efficient than a
Economic Factors: primitive technology and less expensive
1. Capital than a modern technology. Such technology
2. Technology is labor-intensive.
3. Market
Non-Economic Factors: MARKET - its growth reflects an expanding
1. Government economic development.
2. Religion  Transportation, communication and
3. Education electricity greatly help in the growth of
4. Social Structure markets. External economies of scale
5. Values reduce cost for both producers and traders.
6. Culture  Technology improves production,
CAPITAL – refers to finished goods which are processing and distribution. Goods with
being used to produce other goods. lower cost of production and distribution
Physical capital - these are machines, have generally lower prices. This increases
buildings, tools equipment, etc. the purchasing power of the buyers, and so
Financial Capital – money demand for the products also increase.
Human capital – people  A market becomes bigger when more
Machines accelerate the production and people buy more goods. This stimulates
distribution of goods. investments and production. It is only
TECHNOLOGY-refers to better techniques or expected that businessmen are willing to
methods of production produce more if there is a good demand for
Social Technology-concerned with the their products.
improvement of attitudes and values of the
Public Administration Technology-deals A society which has a more equitable
with the improvement of social goods in distribution of wealth and income and
order to maximize the satisfaction of social economic freedoms, provides a more fertile
wants environment for economic development. Being
Invention-the discovery of new technique an open society, even the humblest citizen can
Innovation - the practical application of an aspire to be rich or to be a leader of his
invention to production for the market country. Opportunities for improvement are
Technology for the less developed open to all members of society. Hence, a man
countries: in the lower class can move upward. A society
 Actually, there is nothing wrong with the whose wealth and income belong to very few
importation of technology. It saves both families does not encourage economic
money and time. However, the imported development. It is even worst in a close
technology should be suitable to local society. People who are belong to the lowest
conditions. social class cannot move to higher social
 Many years ago, Japan was a notorious structure. In case of the caste system of India,
imitator of Western technology. poorest people are considered as untouchable
 Another case, a poor country bought a giant and slaves and performs dirty works. In case of
machine from Russia. the Apartheid policy of South Africa, the Blacks
 Professor Gunnar Myrdal- author of Asian are considered the lowest in the social ladder.
Drama, noted that Western technology has
been adopted in Southeast Asian without FAMILY SYSTEM
proper consideration of the local climate and  Family members in Western societies like
soil consideration. US are more individualistic and self-reliant.
 In case of the industrial countries, they use In less developed countries, the children
machines or capital-intensive technology, have to take personal care of their poor old
because labor is scarce and therefore parents.
expensive.  An extended family system, which is
 For the poor countries, they have an common in the Philippine is good in the
oversupply of unemployed and sense that there is unity and the welfare of
underemployed individuals, therefore they the old and the young members are
should use labor-intensive technology. This protected by the stronger adult members,
means more labor and less machines. usually the eldest.
 Schumacher - author of “Small is  Dominant features that are not favorable to
Beautiful”, suggested an intermediate economic development:
technology for the less developed countries. 1.Married children lives with their parents
2.Close family ties hamper labor mobility and measures and actions to weed out inefficient
the choice of better economic opportunities and corrupt employees and officials. Besides,
3.The family obligations of the older children corruption has become an institution, it cannot
to their parent and younger brothers and be eradicate overnight. Laws and punishments
sisters have been a part of culture are not enough to remove corruption. It is more
important that economic conditions of minor
CULTURAL VALUES employees be improved and the moral values
 Some cultural values such as bahala na, of government officials be changed. The
mañana habit, ningas cogon, Filipino honesty and integrity of top government
time and other similar values are not officials can serve as a good example for their
conducive to economic development. subordinates.
 Professor Myrdal-according to him,
industrialization requires efficiency, mobility, RELIGION
discipline and punctuality. Filipino officers or During the biblical times, materialism
officials, especially those in the government and the pursuit of wealth were despised and
are not efficient, they are doing little during discouraged. Such religious concepts and
office hours. teachings against materialism are not favorable
The desire to imitate to economic development. When people shy
Many peoples in the less developed away from the pursuit of wealth, economic
countries admire the consumption habits of the growth tends to be slow and primitive and they
Americans and Europeans. Such misplaced will not work harder and to search for
cultural values do not encourage at all the innovations.
production of local goods. Some of the cultural
values which are not favorable for economic Max Weber - author of the “Protestant Ethics
development do not change. and the Spirit of Capitalism”, claimed that
the Protestant countries are more progressive.
Political stability and fair economic Several Catholic practices are not consistent
policies stimulate economic development. The with the principles of economic development.
major role of the government is to provide a Celebrations which are religious in nature, like
high standard of living for its people. Plans, fiesta, marriage, baptism are conducted in
policies and programs are tools of economic expensive style. The poor become poorer and
development. If governments keeps on incur more debts in trying very hard to comply
changing very often, economic programs and with religious traditions.
projects are likely to suffer. This is a waste of
scares resources. POPULATION
Singapore is a tiny state and has a poor Population is both an advantage and a
natural resources and yet very affluent and disadvantage in economic development. It is
progressive Asian country. The principal key to an advantage if people are productive and
its economic growth are foreign investments creative.
and tourism. Population is a great burden if the rate
of population growth is higher than the rate of
CORRUPTION IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION production growth. Such situation is more
According to an economics professor in serious if the resources of the economy are not
Singapore, government corruption is the equitably distributed.
number one obstacle to economic development Poor countries with high birth rates are
in Southeast Asia. Government corruption is advised to adopt family planning programs.
present in any society. Professor Myrdal stated
that corruption has reached even the higher GEOGRAPHY
levels of government officials and politicians.  It refers to climate, soil, natural
He cited the various government offices which resources, topography and structure of
has been corrupt, such as the public works the land.
departments, government purchasing  Transportation and communication are
agencies, and those involved in the collection likewise affected by geographical
of taxes, customs duties and export and import structure.
licences even in the court of justice and  Geographical disadvantages can
universities. eliminated or reduced through the
In dealing with government offices, proper use of technology and capital.
bribery has been a common practice. These
has been a need to bribe government
personnel to expedite applications and
approvals. Asian government have taken

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