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A Comparative Analysis of Asphalt and Concrete

Materials in Assessing Road Issues
Dear Respondents,

The researchers is in the process of completing a basic research entitled: “A

Comparative Analysis of Asphalt and Concrete Materials in Assessing Road Issues”.
This study aims to assess the problems in constructing roads, how to fix the
problem, and determine what is better to use in constructing roads.

In connection with this, we, the researchers, adopted and revised a questionnaire
to gather information hence, participation in this study by the way of answering the
questionnaire is very important. Please feel assured that your anonymity and the
information you will give be treated with UTMOST CONFIDENTIALITY.

Thank you very much for your kind response in this matter.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers
A Comparative Analysis of Asphalt and Concrete
Materials in Assessing Road Issues

Name (Optional): __________________________________________

Directions: Please read the statement carefully. Please put a check mark ( ✓) on the
column provided that corresponds to your answer. Please answer it honesty.
1. What are the problems/ challenges in constructing roads?

Design/ structure problems.
Manpower shortage.
Natural Calamities.
Construction and contract management issues:
 Shifting of utilities.
Delay in land acquisition.
Others (Please specify): __________________________
2. What typically caused the destruction of roads?

Poor Construction.
Unable to follow the specific materials and designs.
Natural Calamities.
Heavy vehicles/ traffic.
Others (Please specify): __________________________
3. What is more preferred in road construction, asphalt or concrete in terms
a) Cost
[ ] Asphalt [ ] Concrete
b) Lifespan
[ ] Asphalt [ ] Concrete
c) Maintenance
[ ] Asphalt [ ] Concrete
d) Time of construction
[ ] Asphalt [ ] Concrete

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