Lks PJJ 2 Lampiran 1

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(Purposes and Intentions)
Kegiatan ke 1
Read the dialogue and answer the question based on the dialogue
Siti : “Hi Dayu, have you taken any medicine, yet?
Dayu: “yes, I have. But it only help a little.”
Siti : “Maybe you just have to take some rest in order to get well soon.”
Dayu:”you are right. In fact, I have been to the toilet many times to day.”
Edo :”Poor you. You need to drink a lot of water so that you will not get dehydrated.”
Dayu:”This is a good lesson for me. I never care about what I eat.”
Udin :” Right. Guys, don’t forget to wash your fruit and vegetables before you eat them so you w
ill not take any germs into your tummy.”
Dayu:”Yes. Boss. You are right. We should always clean our food well. I should be more careful
Lina :”Dayu, you look very pale. I think you need to see the doctor soon in order to get help. D
on’t take diarrhea lightly.”
Dayu:” No. of course not. Actually, My mom in on her way from the office to take me to the hos
Siti : “ Good. We’ll help you to get ready now

Kegiatan 2
Listen and read the conversation again, then answer questions.
Answer the following questions based on the dialogue above!
1. Where does the dialogue take plece?
2. What for does Dayu take some rest?
3. Why should we need to drink a lot of water?
4. What should we wash the fruit and vegetables for?
5. Why does Dayu need to see a doctor?

Kegiatan 3
Match each sentence in Column Statement with a sentence in Column Respond!

1. We should always wash our A. To get rid of dirt

hands before have meal

2. The student should sweep and B. . In order not to get stomach ache
mop the floor before studying

3. Johan always gets up early. C. . To be healthy

4. The students must wear the
mask and keep social distancing D. So that he never comes late
during the pandemic
E. In order to avoid the corona virus
5. We should get exercise

Conjunction of purpose
The conjunction so, so that, and in order to tell the purpose of something. They are called
conjunction of purpose.
• So is to link causes for reasoning or cause and effect.
• So that and in order to are to link clauses that show intention or purpose.

Kegiatan 4
Complete the dialogue with your own words.
1. Ellie : Why do we need to eat vegetables?
Ed : ……………………………………………
2. Ellie : Why should we do more physical exercise?
Ed : ……………………………………………
3. Eddie : ………………………………………………?
Ed : In order not to get stuck in traffic and pollute the air?
4. Ellie : What for do we have to put the rubbish into the bin?
Ed : …………………………………………………
5. Ellie : People say we should drink enough water every day. What is it for?
Ed : ………………………………………………………

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