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Môi trường ngắt dòng điện

Các điều kiện của môi trường ngắt dòng điện:

 be high thermal conductivity

 recover its dielectric properties
as soon as possible
 be a good electrical conductor at
high temperatures
 be a good electrical insulator at
low temperatures

De-ionization time constant: Time at the end of

which arc resistance will have doubled assuming
that its rate of variation remains constant.


1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

Môi trường ngắt dòng điện

Độ bền điện môi trường cách điện

dielectric strength of air (Paschen curves).


Môi trường ngắt hồ quang và cấp điện áp


1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường không khí

lengthening of an electrical arc (the

extreme length of the arc:several
meters at 24 kV) between ceramic
refractory panels in a breaking
chamber of an air breaking circuit
breaker (Solénarc type Circuit
Breaker - Merlin Gerin Brand)

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường không khí:

Lĩnh vực áp dụng

• The air breaking technique at atmospheric pressure is universally

used in LV

• MV circuit breakers using air breaking are practically no longer

manufactured today because of:
- size of device (greater dimensions due to length of arc),
- breaking capacity influenced by the presence of metal
partitions of the cubicle containing the device and air humidity,
- cost and noise.

• For higher voltages, compressed air (between 20 and 40 bars) is used

to improve dielectric strength, cooling and deionization rate. This
technique has been used for high performance circuit breakers or for
higher voltages (up to 800 kV).


1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường dầu
Oil is used as an insulator and as a
breaking medium.

The contacts are immersed in a dielectric

il O
On separation,
ti th arc causes the
the th oilil
to break down releasing hydrogen
(hydrogen ≈70%, ethylene ≈ 20%
methane ≈ 10% and free carbon): a good
extinction medium.
An arcing energy of 100 kJ produces
approximately 10 liters of gas.

This gas forms a bubble subjected during

breaking to a dynamic pressure which can
reach 50 to 100 bars.

The gas expands and blows on the arc

which is extinguished when the current
passes to 0.

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường dầu:

Phân loại
High volume oil circuit breakers
Oil is used as an insulator and as a breaking medium.
The devices are extremely large.

High level of maintenance is necessary to monitor the purity of the

oil and maintain its dielectric properties.

Low oil volume circuit breakers

Oil is used as a breaking medium.
The arc and the bubble are confined in an insulating breaking
The gas pressure increases as the arc passes through a
successive set of chambers, then it expands through a duct in the
arcing zone and is extinguished when the current passes to 0.


1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường dầu:
Lĩnh vực áp dụng

- Oil breakdown is not reversible.

- Oil breakdown and contact wear deteriorate dielectric strength
thus causing supplementary maintenance costs.
- In the case of quick reclosing the pole remains at a high
pressure and its breaking capacity is reduced.
- The risk of explosion and fire is not completely eliminated.

Fields of application for breaking in oil

This breaking technique has been widely used in electrical energy

i i and d di
t ib ti
It is progressively being replaced by vacuum and SF6 breaking


Ngắt mạch trong môi trường chân không:

Tính chất
• An ideal dielectric medium: there is no substance therefore there is no
electrical conduction
• A true “vacuum” at 10-6 bar pressure, dielectric strength can reach a peak
value of 200 kV for an interelectrode distance of 12 mm.

• The mechanism: cold electronic emission phenomena, without any

ionization snowballing effect.

• The dielectric strength depends on:

- the nature
nat re of the materials,
- electrode shape (in particular the presence of points or
- interelectrode distance.
and is almost independent of pressure (if less than 10-6 bar)

1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường chân không

Vacuum shows interesting dielectric

p ope t es if app
ed voltages
o tages a
e limited
ted to
a region of 100 to 200 kV, which
corresponds to an insulation level
required for voltage ratings of 36 kV for
which distances of a few centimetres
between electrodes suffice.

The dielectric withstand of a vacuum

switching device evolves over time
because of modified contact surface
condition and generated particles.
Vacuum is thus not the ideal insulating
medium when the reliability of dielectric
withstand is essential, for example for a
disconnector application.

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường chân không:

Hồ quang

High current values (> 10,000 A) Current values < a few thousand A
the arc is concentrated and this arc becomes a diffuse shape.
single, as in traditional fluids.
- Very intense combined thermo-
A fine layer of contact material is electronic / field effect emission  the
vaporized and the arc develops in current is therefore basically caused by
a metal vapor atmosphere which the flux of electrons.
occupies all of the space.


1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường chân không:
Cơ cấu ngắt


• avoiding early erosion of the contacts to maintain greater endurance,

• delaying the appearance of the concentrated arc state to increase the
breaking capacity,
• limiting the production of metal vapor to avoid re-striking,
• maintaining the vacuum, essential to retaining breaking properties,
throughout the device’s life.

Two ways

• arc control by magnetic field

• contact material composition


Ngắt mạch trong môi trường chân không:

Từ trường thổi

Radial magnetic field technology Axial magnetic field technology


1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường chân không:
Vật liệu tiếp điểm


• very pure and gas-free

gas free
• low resistance
• low tendency to weld
• good mechanical strength.


• copper/chrome alloy contacts (50-80 % Cu, 50-20 % Cr)

• copper/bismuth (98% Copper, 2% Bismuth)


Ngắt mạch trong môi trường chân không:

Buồng ngắt

The key constraint is that of sealing the bulb

under vacuum: e.g. mobile inserting parts
must be avoided.

The contacts are simply placed end to end

and the operating energy for such devices is
low (30 to 50 J)

Contact pressure must be high in order to

minimize contact resistance and avoid
separation of the contacts when a short-
circuit current passes


1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường khí SF6:
Tính chất của SF6
SF6 (Sulfur hexafluoride) is used as an insulator and as a breaking medium
• non-polluting, colorless, odorless,
uninflammable, non-toxic gas, insoluble in
water chemically inert
• SF6 decomposition by arc (between
15,000 K and 20,000 K the SF6 breaks
down into SF4, SF2, S2, F2, S, F,…) is
virtually reversible when the temperature
• impurities (obtained from SF6
breakdown) like sulfur dioxide or carbon
tetrafluoride are easily absorbed by active
compounds, such as aluminium silicate,
which are often placed in the breaking
• high dielectric gradient
• thermal conductivity is equal to that of air

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường khí SF6:

Các kỹ thuật ngắt
The contacts are located within a sealed enclosure filled with
gas in which the pressure varies according to voltage and
design parameters

Self compression breaking

widely used today especially for high intensity
devices and voltages greater than 24 kV

The arc is blown out by the release of a volume of SF6

compressed by a piston action: when the device opens, a
cylinder attached to the mobile contact moves and
compresses a volume of SF6.
A puffer nozzle channels the gas in the arc axis which is then
ejected in the hollow contacts.

1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

Ngắt mạch trong môi trường khí SF6:
Các kỹ thuật ngắt

Rotary arc breaking

• use in applications with a high number
of switching operations (contactor function)
• only
l applies
li tto voltages
lt lless th
than 17
5 kV

The arc cools through its own movement through the SF6. The magnetic
field created by a winding through which the fault current flows causes
the high speed rotary movement of the arc


Ngắt mạch trong môi trường khí SF6:

Các kỹ thuật ngắt
Self expansion
• suited for breaking capacitive currents

• Self-expansion breaking uses the thermal energy dissipated by the arc

to increase the pressure of a small volume of SF6 which escapes
through an orifice crossed by the arc
• Mechanical arcing guiding or magnetic arcing guiding


1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

So sánh các kỹ thuật ngắt dòng điện


So sánh các SF6 và chân không


1.2.2 Hồ quang điện trong khí cụ điện cao thế

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