Heart Month Presentation Tibubosgaelic 1

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Presentation by:
Gaelic Gracette
In the second month of the year , Americans
Ways to take a stand
celebrate “Heart Month”. against heart disease:
A time where all people can focus on the
Cardiovascular Health. The Division for Heart qControl your blood pressure.
disease and stroke prevention is shining a light qKeep your cholesterol and
on hypertension (High Blood Pressure) , a triglyceride levels under control
leading risk factor for Heart Disease and stroke. qStay at a healthy weight.
qEat a healthy diet. 
qGet regular exercise
National wear red day is celebrated the first qLimit drinking alcohol
Friday of the month February, people wear red qDon't smoke.
end to encourage to others to bring awareness qManage stress.
that Heart Disease is a leading cause of death in qManage diabetes
the U.S. and that its Largely Preventable. qMake sure that you get enough
Balance diet must observed all the time, its vital in maintaining optimal
health. Our bodies need it in order to function properly, so we need to
make sure that the nutrients we get from the food we eat will help us
to maintain a long life.

We must be wise in eating our food, some of the food we eat can also
cause illness or disease.

Happens if you don’t take care Happens if you take care of
of yourself: yourself:
Neglecting personal care can cause the benefits are better physical , mental and
increases anxiety, anger, distractibility , and emotional health and well being research
fatigue. You may also experience decreases suggest self care promotes positive health
in sleep, relationship satisfaction , self outcomes , such as fostering resilience living
esteem , empathy , and compassion. longer and becoming better equipment too
manage stress.
It can also make your disease more
dangerous for your body
The Restless Heart,
No Rest Since Birth
The World Heart Federation is a non-
governmental organization based in
Geneva, Switzerland, formed in 1972. In
1978 the International Society of
Cardiology merged with the
International Cardiology Federation to
form the International Society and
Federation of Cardiology.
“On the occasion of World
Heart Day, I wish that your
heart always stay healthy and
happy. So take care of your
diet and always keep your
heart in good shape!”

—Someone Famous itle. P5
Book T
What Is This
Topic About? ●
World Heart Day is celebrated
on 29th September of every

It is aimed at drawing people's
attention to heart illness and
the range of associated health

 The international holiday was
Information about the established by the World
Heart Federation in
Global Campaign
collaboration with the World
Health Organization out

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