2021 - Spring - Needle Size-Gauge-Max Blank Info Sheet

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Student Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________

Needle Lengths, Gauges, Angle, and Maximum Amount

A possible 30 points may be earned. These points will be added to your performance
evaluation. (20 points for this and 10 points from landmark locations)
Directions: Fill in the blank. Each needle length, gauge, angle, and maximum worth 1 point
each or zero points for each section.
Needle length point
Gauge point
Angle of insertion point
Max amount to inject point
Total Points____/4
Needle length point
Gauge point
Angle of insertion point
Max amount to inject point
Total Points____/4

Vastus Lateralis
Needle length point
Gauge point
Gauge Viscous Solution
Angle of insertion point
Max amount to inject point
Total Points____/4

Needle length point
Gauge point
Gauge Viscous Solution
Angle of insertion point
Max amount to inject point
Total Points____/4

Needle length point
Gauge point
Angle of insertion point
Max amount to inject point
Total Points____/4
Total Needle Points ______/20
Total Landmark Points ______/10
Combined Points ______/30

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