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Your Roll No……………………


B. Pharm. IV Semester Examination, 2021

Time: Three Hours Date: 02-07-21 Maximum Marks: 75

(Write your roll no at the top immediately on receipt of this question paper)
Note: (i) Attempt all Sections
(ii) Marks are indicated against all questions


Short answer Type Questions (Answer all the questions in brief) [10x2 = 20 Marks]
Q.1: Frequency distribution curve is obtained when
a) Number of particles is plotted against the mean size range
b) Mean size range is plotted against the number of particles
c) Number of particles and the mean size are on x-axis
d) both a and b
Q.2: The particle size in sub sieve range can be found by gravity sedimentation as
expressed in…..
a) Graham’s law b) Ohm’s law c) Stoke’s law d) Van’t hoff factor
Q.3: The techniques for determining powder flow are………
a) Shear cell b) compressibility index c) Angle of repose d) All of the above
Q.4: What will be the range of angle of repose degree for excellent flow property of powder?
a) >50 b) >60 c) <30 d) >40
Q.5: In which order the rate does not depend on the concentration in terms of the reactants
a) First order b) Zero order c) Pseudo order d) Pseudo first order
Q.6: Any type of chemical compound that possess two distinct regions that is hydrophilic and
hydrophobic portion within same molecule is called……….
a) Amphiphyllic b) Electrophyle
c) None of these d) Both amphiphilic and electrophylic
Q.7: Angle of repose is related to …………..
a) Sliding friction b) Inter-particulate friction
c) Both a & b d) None
Q.8: Order of a reaction can be determined by……..
a) Graphic method b) Substitution method
c) Half-life method d) All the above
Q.9: The effect of temperature on drug stability can be described by
a) Noyes-Whitney equation b) Stock’s equation
c) Both a & b d) None
Q.10: Science that concerns with the flow of liquids and deformation of solids is
a) Micromeritics b) Rheology
c) Complexation d) Interfacial phenomenon


Long Answers (Answer TWO out of THREE) [2x10 = 20 Marks]

Q.1: Write down the significance/methodology of accelerated stability testing for the
determination of shelf life of drugs.
Q.2: Derive the mathematical expression of shelf life and half life for Zero, 1st and second
order kinetics.
Q.3: Write about the measurement of Rheological properties and mention the apparatus.


Short Answers (Answer SEVEN out of NINE) [7x5 = 35 Marks]

Q.1: Differentiate between Zero and first order kinetics.
Q.2: What do you understand by stability of emulsion and preservation of emulsion?
Q.3: Differentiate between Newtonian and Non-Newtonian systems.
Q.4: Differentiate plastic and elastic deformation.
Q.5: Write a short note on the theory of settling of suspension.
Q.6: What are the pharmaceutical applications of emulsion?
Q.7: Write about the falling sphere viscometer.
Q.8: Write notes on any two: electric double layer, electrophoresis or electro-osmosis.
Q.9: What are kinetic properties of Colloids?
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