Midgard World Book-60

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Crossroads and Zobeck

believe the Free City is slowly building an army of loyal Chain Bridges
gearforged soldiers), and most months, a privately funded Under Quetelmak, the kobolds have built several small
gearforged does as well. These independent gearforged bridges using linked iron chains and barrel floats to
must pay off the cost of their creation, and most do so connect their territory to other districts—and even to
through service to a wealthy family, temple, or guild. span the Argent over to the Margreve side at night, when
From time to time, dwarven mule trains from the traffic is low. These chain bridges are a clear route for
Ironcrags bring in shipments of iron and unusual alloys, smugglers avoiding the gate taxes that fund city coffers,
jewels for precision gearing, and offerings for the temple and they might allow passage to Mharoti spies or cultists
of Volund. His shrine here clearly shows the dwarven of the dark gods. Mayor Olleck hates the chain bridges,
influence. An ever-burning altar and anvil stand before but whenever the City Watch attempts to seize them, the
his statue, and his dwarven acolytes call out his name in chains and barrels are cut loose (and later recovered).
Dwarvish as they tap out the rhythm of Volund’s hymns Mayor Olleck is coming around to the position that these
and songs of praise. The noise of worship is often lost in bridges are useful to the kobolds, and she is negotiating
the district’s other racket. with King of Kings Quetelmak for a way to impose a new
“Bridge Tax” on smugglers. The king sees real merit in the
Kobold Ghetto idea of a kobold-controlled portion of the city treasury.
The Kobold Ghetto, a warren of streets no more than 6 feet
wide (at best), lies adjacent to the Argent and Derry rivers. Pit of the Fierce Lynx
Throughout most of the Ghetto, roofs meet overhead to Miles of warrens, homes, workshops, and smugglers’
keep out the glare of the sun for the nocturnal inhabitants. tunnels run under the Kobold Ghetto—but so do less
The Ghetto has only two official entrances, the Ghetto domestic and less savory locales. One of these is the Pit
Gate and the Water Gate, each carefully watched from of the Fierce Lynx, a gladiatorial arena where a friendly,
both sides. Multiple kobold “kings” or tribal chieftains scheming fight promoter named Yshka Bishka (LE
rule the district, retaining power only as long as they keep male kobold rogue 8) runs a bloody business in fighting
their relatives and minions in line. One king, the King of roosters, hounds, and humans, with occasional knife
Kings or Queen of Queens, holds the others in check until fights or honor duels by kobold lovers for variety. Fights
their united strength undercuts the monarch. are held weekly, in a round pit that is easy to sluice clean
Five years ago, Queen Clarhida ousted Kuromak, the after each evening’s butchery.
7th of that name, to claim the leading position. King Winners at the Lynx are treated as kobold royalty for
Quetelmak ousted Clarhida two years later. Few kings last a day or a week, and the whole ghetto finds the fights
more than a few years. Some barely last a year. enthralling. The setup is wildly illegal, and the mayor has
More than 90 years ago, the kobolds were slaves to made it clear that she wants to shut it down. So far, she’s
House Stross, and the Ghetto was their pen. They were not willing to send in the number of Watch guards required
chattel used by the family to do the dirtiest and most to actually end the practice, but a recent proclamation
dangerous jobs so that humans and dwarves could work offers 500 gp for anyone who brings Yshka Bishka in for
at finer crafts and live comfortably. Kobold slaves mined “questioning or burial, for crimes against nature.” The
silver, built clever clockworks, and worked deadly steam mayor would be perfectly happy if he showed up dead.
boilers for the constructs and automatons that fueled
Zobeck’s industry. History largely ignored them, but Other Districts
some believe the kobolds helped invent the everwound From the smallest district to the largest and even
spring, the aeolipile generator (a steam engine used in underneath, Zobeck holds wonders—some undiscovered
places where water or muscle power won’t suit), and the even by its residents.
reciprocating balance wheel, thus laying the foundations
Cartways: A series of tunnels lies under the city. Before
for Zobeck’s fame. These centuries of enslavement form
the Great Revolt, the city’s wealthy used these old kobold
an indelible part of the kobolds’ culture, and despite
mining tunnels for their private highways, and noble
their relatively short lives, no kobold in Zobeck has ever
revelers used them to travel to and from Stross-sponsored
forgotten the indignity.
Winter Festival parties in the underground cavern called
Now, the Ghetto is a place of free kobolds, the legal
Winter Hall. Although the city has officially closed the
equal of any man or woman of the Clockwork City. They
Cartways, thieves, smugglers, and undesirable residents
remain a people apart, however: physically, culturally, and
use the tunnels to conduct business or lair within them.
habitually. The single biggest obstacle to full equality is
their nocturnal nature. Kobolds labor all night and return Lower Zobeck (Ashmill): Ashmill is home to the
home before dawn to spend the day in sleep and rest before Free City’s poor and unskilled working classes, though a
venturing back out shortly before sunset. Their unusual few merchants such as the Kappa family have purchased
entertainments include rat fights, owl races, and pigeon large chunks of space near the Moon’s Grace Temple and
hunts, visiting the Fierce Lynx gladiator pit, and pursuing the shrine to St. Charon (Charun). Lower Zobeck also
amateur alchemy, often with hilarious results. houses the Wheatsheaf Tavern, a favored drinking hole

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