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Batch 2010-12


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4.Objectives of study

5.Different models of emotional intelligence

6.Literature review

7.Methodology :-sources of data



10.Research and Bibliography

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AS MBA Degree requires equal attention practical as well as theoretical aspect of the business,
various problems are to be dealt with in these courses, that is why research programs are there to
give deep as well as through knowledge of the subjects.

WE have attempted to live up these requisites while preparing this term paper. It is part of
professional courses. With the help of term paper we can able to understand the deep knowledge
about the specific topic assign to us.

During our project work I observed some of the behind the DUMPING-BOON OR BANE.

It is hoped that this report meets the given expectations and various requirement of the research


I take this opportunity to present my votes of thanks to all those guidepost who really acted as
lightening pillars to enlighten our way throughout this project to
successful and satisfactory completion of this study.

We are really grateful to our HOD for providing us with an opportunity to undertake this
project in this university and providing us with all the facilities. We are highly thankful to
MR. VIKRAM KATYAL SIRfor his active support, valuable time and advice, whole-
hearted guidance, sincere cooperation and pains-taking involvement during the study and in
completing the assignment of preparing the said project within the time stipulated.

Lastly, We are thankful to all those, particularly the various friends , who have been
instrumental in creating proper, healthy and conductive environment and including new and
fresh innovative ideas for us during the project, their help, it would have been extremely
difficult for us to prepare the project in a time bound framework.

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Emotional intelligence (EI) describes the ability, capacity, skill or, in the case of the trait EI
model, a self-perceived ability to identify, assesses, and controls the emotions of one's self, of
others, and of groups. Different models have been proposed for the definition of EI and
disagreement exists as to how the term should be used. Despite these disagreements, which are
often highly technical, the ability EI and trait EI models (but not the mixed models) enjoy support
in the literature and have successful applications in different domains.

The earliest roots of emotional intelligence can be traced to Darwin's work on the importance of
emotional expression for survival and second adaptation. In the 1900s, even though traditional
definitions of intelligence emphasized cognitive aspects such as memory and problem-solving,
several influential researchers in the intelligence field of study had begun to recognize the
importance of the non-cognitive aspects. For instance, as early as 1920, E.L. Thorndike used the
term social intelligence to describe the skill of understanding and managing other people.

Similarly, in 1940 David Wechsler described the influence of non-intellective factors on

intelligent behavior, and further argued that our models of intelligence would not be complete
until we can adequately describe these factors. In 1983, Howard Gardner's Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences introduced the idea of multiple intelligences which included

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both Interpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires
of other people) and Intrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate
one's feelings, fears and motivations). In Gardner's view, traditional types of intelligence, such as
IQ, fail to fully explain cognitive ability. Thus, even though the names given to the concept
varied, there was a common belief that traditional definitions of intelligence are lacking in ability
to fully explain performance outcomes.

The first use of the term "emotional intelligence" is usually attributed to Wayne Payne's doctoral
thesis, A Study of Emotion: Developing Emotional Intelligence from 1985. However, prior to
this, the term "emotional intelligence" had appeared in Leuner (1966). Greenspan (1989) also put
forward an EI model, followed by Salovey and Mayer (1990), and Goleman (1995). The
distinction between trait emotional intelligence and ability emotional intelligence was introduced
in 2000

As a result of the growing acknowledgement by professionals of the importance and relevance of

emotions to work outcomes. the research on the topic continued to gain momentum, but it wasn't
until the publication of Daniel Goleman's best seller Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter
More Than IQ that the term became widely popularized Nancy Gibbs' 1995 Time magazine
article highlighted Goleman's book and was the first in a string of mainstream media interest inEI

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Main objectives of studying about Emotional Intelligence is to study about the following

 Emotional Intelligence

 Models of Emotional Intelligence

 Measurement of models of Emotional Intelligence

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

People vary in their ability to understand and control their feelings and the emotions of others.
Those who are able to do this well are said to have high levels of Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
For leaders, the benefits of developing EQ are numerous. They include reduced stress levels,
increased political skills and greater personal influence.

• Understanding the theory of EQ, will help you become a better leader. Emotional
intelligence determines how you handle yourself and others.

• If you have high emotional intelligence, you can accurately read the facial, verbal and
physical cues that reveal how others feel. You can also detect shifts in your own state – and
change it if you need to.

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• The term "emotional intelligence" was first coined by John Mayer and Peter Salovey in
1990. However, the person most commonly associated with the term emotional intelligence is the
New York writer, Daniel Goleman. Around 1994 and early 1995 he was planning to write a book
about "emotional literacy." In his reading, he came upon the work of Mayer and Salovey. He
named his book 'Emotional Intelligence' and brought the term into popular speech.

• Daniel Goleman estimates that EQ underpins to 85% of your success in life and business.
That's why you need to develop it. Essentially, EQ consists of four elements. These define your
ability to monitor and manage emotions in both yourself and others. They are:

1. Awareness of others

This is the ability to identify emotions in faces, music, and stories. It is an essential component of
the skills underlying empathy and rapport-building. Having certainty about your feelings gives
you more control of your life.

2. Awareness of self

This involves relating emotions to other mental sensations like self-talk and internal pictures. It is
used to recognize links between our feelings and processes such as reasoning and problem
solving. People with this skill are more productive and effective.

3. Relationship Management

This helps us understand the implications of social acts for emotions. It is essential if we are to
regulate emotion in ourselves and in others.

4. Self-Management

This is the ability to solve emotional problems and to know which emotions are similar, or
opposites. Doing this helps us link emotional reactions to external triggers and then to remove
un-resourceful "anchors." This is an essential skill for leaders and managers.


Substantial disagreement exists regarding the definition of EI, with respect to both terminology
and operationalizations. There has been much confusion regarding the exact meaning of this
construct. The definitions are so varied, and the field is growing so rapidly, that researchers are
constantly re-evaluating even their own definitions of the construct. At the present time, there are
three main models of EI.

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• Salovey and Mayer's conception of EI strives to define EI within the confines of the
standard criteria for a new intelligence. Following their continuing research, their initial
definition of EI was revised to "The ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate
thought, understand emotions and to regulate emotions to promote personal growth."

• The ability-based model views emotions as useful sources of information that help one to
make sense of and navigate the social environment. The model proposes that individuals vary in
their ability to process information of an emotional nature and in their ability to relate emotional
processing to a wider cognition. This ability is seen to manifest itself in certain adaptive
behaviors. The model claims that EI includes four types of abilities:

• Perceiving emotions – the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures,
voices, and cultural artifacts—including the ability to identify one's own emotions. Perceiving
emotions represents a basic aspect of emotional intelligence, as it makes all other processing of
emotional information possible.

• Using emotions – the ability to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities,
such as thinking and problem solving. The emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully
upon his or her changing moods in order to best fit the task at hand.

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• Understanding emotions – the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate
complicated relationships among emotions. For example, understanding emotions encompasses
the ability to be sensitive to slight variations between emotions, and the ability to recognize and
describe how emotions evolve over time.

• Managing emotions – the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others.
Therefore, the emotionally intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and
manage them to achieve intended goals.

• The ability EI model has been criticized in the research for lacking face and predictive
validity in the workplace


• Different models of EI have led to the development of various instruments for the
assessment of the construct. While some of these measures may overlap, most researchers agree
that they tap slightly different constructs. The current measure of Mayer and Shalvey’s model of
EI, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) is based on a series of
emotion-based problem-solving items Consistent with the model's claim of EI as a type of
intelligence, the test is modeled on ability-based IQ tests. By testing a person's abilities on each
of the four branches of emotional intelligence, it generates scores for each of the branches as well
as a total score.

• Central to the four-branch model is the idea that EI requires attunement to social norms.
Therefore, the MSCEIT is scored in a consensus fashion, with higher scores indicating higher
overlap between an individual's answers and those provided by a worldwide sample of
respondents. The MSCEIT can also be expert-scored, so that the amount of overlap is calculated
between an individual's answers and those provided by a group of 21 emotion researchers

• In a study by Follesdal, the MSCEIT test results of 111 business leaders were compared
with how their employees described their leader. It was found that there were no correlations
between a leader's test results and how he or she was rated by the employees, with regard to
empathy, ability to motivate, and leader effectiveness. Follesdal also criticized the Canadian
company Multi-Health Systems, which administers the MSCEIT test. The test contains 141
questions but it was found after publishing the test that 19 of these did not give the expected
answers. This has led Multi-Health Systems to remove answers to these 19 questions before
scoring, but without stating this officially.

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• The model introduced by Daniel Goleman focuses on EI as a wide array of competencies

and skills that drive leadership performance. Goleman's model outlines four main EI constructs:

• Self-awareness – the ability to read one's emotions and recognize their impact while using
gut feelings to guide decisions.

• Self-management – involves controlling one's emotions and impulses and adapting to

changing circumstances.

• Social awareness – the ability to sense, understand, and react to others' emotions while
comprehending social networks.

• Relationship management – the ability to inspire, influence, and develop others while
managing conflict.

• Goleman includes a set of emotional competencies within each construct of EI. Emotional
competencies are not innate talents, but rather learned capabilities that must be worked on and
can be developed to achieve outstanding performance. Goleman posits that individuals are born
with a general emotional intelligence that determines their potential for learning emotional
competencies. Goleman's model of EI has been criticized in the research literature as mere "pop


Two measurement tools are based on the Goleman model:

• The Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI), which was created in 1999, and the
Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI), which was created in 2007.

The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal, which was created in 2001 and which can be taken as a
self-report or 360-degree assessment
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• Bar-On defines emotional intelligence as being concerned with effectively understanding

oneself and others, relating well to people, and adapting to and coping with the immediate
surroundings to be more successful in dealing with environmental demands. Bar-On posits that
EI develops over time and that it can be improved through training, programming, and therapy.

• Bar-On hypothesizes that those individuals with higher than average EQs are in general
more successful in meeting environmental demands and pressures. He also notes that a deficiency
in EI can mean a lack of success and the existence of emotional problems. Problems in coping
with one's environment are thought, by Bar-On, to be especially common among those
individuals lacking in the subscales of reality testing, problem solving, stress tolerance, and
impulse control.

• In general, Bar-On considers emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence to

contribute equally to a person's general intelligence, which then offers an indication of one's
potential to succeed in life. However, doubts have been expressed about this model in the
research literature (in particular about the validity of self-report as an index of emotional
intelligence) and in scientific settings it is being replaced by the trait emotional intelligence
model discussed below


• The Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory is a self-report measure of EI developed as a

measure of emotionally and socially competent behavior that provides an estimate of one's
emotional and social intelligence. The EQ-I is not meant to measure personality traits or
cognitive capacity, but rather the mental ability to be successful in dealing with environmental
demands and pressures. One hundred and thirty three items (questions or factors) are used to
obtain a Total EQ (Total Emotional Quotient) and to produce five composite scale scores,
corresponding to the five main components of the Bar-On model. A limitation of this model is
that it claims to measure some kind of ability through self-report items (for a discussion, see
Matthews, Zeidner, & Roberts, 2001). The EQ-I has been found to be highly susceptible to
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• Petrides et al proposed a conceptual distinction between the ability based model and a
trait based model of EI. Trait EI is "a constellation of emotion-related self-perceptions located at
the lower levels of personality". In lay terms, trait EI refers to an individual's self-perceptions of
their emotional abilities. This definition of EI encompasses behavioral dispositions and self
perceived abilities and is measured by self report, as opposed to the ability based model which
refers to actual abilities, which have proven highly resistant to scientific measurement. Trait EI
should be investigated within a personality framework. An alternative label for the same
construct is trait emotional self-efficacy.

• The trait EI model is general and subsumes the Goleman and Bar-On models discussed
above. Petrides et al. are major critics of the ability-based model and the MSCEIT arguing that
they are based on "psychometrically meaningless" scoring procedures.

• The conceptualization of EI as a personality trait leads to a construct

• That lies outside the taxonomy of human cognitive ability. This is an important distinction
in as much as it bears directly on the operationalization of the construct and the theories and
hypotheses that are formulated about.


• There are many self-report measures of EI, including the EQ-i, the Swinburne University
Emotional Intelligence Test (SUEIT),the Schulte EI model, none of these assess intelligence,
abilities, or skills but rather, they are limited measures of trait emotional intelligence One of the
more comprehensive and widely researched measures of this construct is the Trait Emotional
Intelligence Questionnaire which is an open-access measure that was specifically designed to
measure the construct comprehensively and is currently available in many languages.

• The TEIQue provides an operationalization for Petridis and colleagues' model that
conceptualizes EI in terms of personality. The test encompasses 15 subscales organized under
four factors: Well-Being, Self-Control, Emotionality, and Sociability. The psychometric

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properties of the TEIQue were investigated in a study on a French-speaking population, where it
was reported that TEIQue scores were globally normally distributed and reliable.

• The researchers also found TEIQue scores were unrelated to nonverbal reasoning
(Raven's matrices), which they interpreted as support for the personality trait view of EI (as
opposed to a form of intelligence). As expected, TEIQue scores were positively related to some
of the Big Five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness) as
well as inversely related to others (alexithymia, neuroticism). A number of quantitative genetic
studies have been carried out within the trait EI model, which have revealed significant genetic
effects and heritability’s for all trait EI scores.

• Two recent studies (one a meta-analysis) involving direct comparisons of multiple EI tests
yielded very favorable results for the TEIQue.



Goleman's early work has been criticized for assuming from the beginning that EI is a type of
intelligence. Eysenck writes that Goleman's description of EI contains assumptions about
intelligence in general, and that it even runs contrary to what researchers have come to expect
when studying types of intelligence:

"[Goleman] exemplifies more clearly than most the fundamental absurdity of the tendency to
class almost any type of behavior as’ intelligence’... If these five 'abilities' define 'emotional
intelligence', we would expect some evidence that they are highly correlated; Goleman admits
that they might be quite uncorrelated, and in any case if we cannot measure them, how do we
know they are related? So the whole theory is built on quicksand: there is no sound scientific

Similarly, Locke claims that the concept of EI is in itself a misinterpretation of the intelligence
construct, and he offers an alternative interpretation: it is not another form or type of intelligence,
but intelligence—the ability to grasp abstractions—applied to a particular life domain: emotions.
He suggests the concept should be re-labeled and referred to as a skill.

The essence of this criticism is that scientific inquiry depends on valid and consistent construct
utilization, and that in advance of the introduction of the term EI, psychologists had established
theoretical distinctions between factors such as abilities and achievements, skills and habits,
attitudes and values, and personality traits and emotional states The term EI is viewed by some as
having merged and conflated accepted concepts and definitions.

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Landy has claimed that the few incremental validity studies conducted on EI have demonstrated
that it adds little or nothing to the explanation or prediction of some common outcomes (most
notably academic and work success). Landy proposes that the reason some studies have found a
small increase in predictive validity is in fact a methodological fallacy—incomplete consideration
of alternative explanations:

"EI is compared and contrasted with a measure of abstract intelligence but not with a personality
measure, or with a personality measure but not with a measure of academic intelligence." Landy

In accordance with this suggestion, other researchers have raised concerns about the extent to
which self-report EI measures correlate with established personality dimensions. Generally, self-
report EI measures and personality measures have been said to converge because they both
purport to measure personality traits. Specifically, there appear to be two dimensions of the Big
Five that stand out as most related to self-report EI – neuroticism and extraversion. In particular,
neuroticism has been said to relate to negative emotionality and anxiety. Intuitively, individuals
scoring high on neuroticism are likely to score low on self-report EI measures.

The interpretations of the correlations between EI questionnaires and personality have been
varied, with the trait EI view that re-interprets EI as a collection of personality traits being
prominent in the scientific literature.



• One criticism of the works of Mayer and Salovey comes from a study by Roberts et al.
which suggests that the EI, as measured by the MSCEIT, may only be measuring conformity.
This argument is rooted in the MSCEIT's use of consensus-based assessment, and in the fact that
scores on the MSCEIT are negatively distributed (meaning that its scores differentiate between
people with low EI better than people with high EI).

Ability EI measures are measuring knowledge (not actual ability)

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Further criticism has been offered by Brody who claimed that unlike tests of cognitive ability, the
MSCEIT "tests knowledge of emotions but not necessarily the ability to perform tasks that are
related to the knowledge that is assessed". The main argument is that even though someone
knows how he should behave in an emotionally laden situation, it doesn't necessarily follow that
he could actually carry out the reported behavior.

Self-report measures are susceptible to faking good

More formally termed socially desirable responding (SDR), faking good is defined as a response
pattern in which test-takers systematically represent themselves with an excessive positive bias
(Paulhus, 2002). This bias has long been known to contaminate responses on personality
inventories (Holtgraves, 2004; McFarland & Ryan, 2000; Peebles & Moore, 1998; Nichols &
Greene, 1997; Zerbe & Paulhus, 1987), acting as a mediator of the relationships between self-
report measures (Nichols & Greene, 1997; Gangster et al., 1983).

It has been suggested that responding in a desirable way is a response set, which is a situational
and temporary response pattern (Pauls & Crost, 2004; Paulhus, 1991). This is contrasted with a
response style, which is a more long-term trait-like quality. Considering the contexts some self-
report EI inventories are used in (e.g., employment settings), the problems of response sets in
high-stakes scenarios become clear (Paulhus & Reid, 2001).

There are a few methods to prevent socially desirable responding on behavior inventories. Some
researchers believe it is necessary to warn test-takers not to fake good before taking a personality
test (e.g., McFarland, 2003). Some inventories use validity scales in order to determine the
likelihood or consistency of the responses across all items.

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• Landy distinguishes between the "commercial wing" and "the academic wing" of the EI
movement, basing this distinction on the alleged predictive power of EI as seen by the two
currents. According to Landy, the former makes expansive claims on the applied value of EI,
while the latter is trying to warn users against these claims. As an example, Goleman (1998)
asserts that "the most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: they all have a high degree of
what has come to be known as emotional intelligence. ...emotional intelligence is the sine qua
non of leadership". In contrast, Mayer (1999) cautions "the popular literature's implication—that
highly emotionally intelligent people possess an unqualified advantage in life—appears overly
enthusiastic at present and unsubstantiated by reasonable scientific standards." Landy further
reinforces this argument by noting that the data upon which these claims are based are held in
"proprietary databases", which means they are unavailable to independent researchers for
reanalysis, replication, or verification. Thus, the credibility of the findings cannot be
substantiated in a scientific manner, unless those datasets are made public and available for
independent analysis.

• In an academic exchange, Antonakis and Ashkanasy/Dasborough mostly agreed that

researchers testing whether EI matters for leadership have not done so using robust research
designs; therefore, currently there is no strong evidence showing that EI predicts leadership
outcomes when accounting for personality and IQ. Antonakis argued that EI might not be needed
for leadership effectiveness (he referred to this as the "curse of emotion" phenomenon, because
leaders who are too sensitive to their and others' emotional states might have difficult to take
decisions that would result in emotional labor for the leader or followers). A recently-published
meta-analysis seems to support the Antonakis position: In fact, Harms and Credé found that
overall (and using data not having common-source, common-methods variance problems), EI
measures correlated only r = .11 with measures of transformational leadership. Interestingly,
ability-measures fared worst the WLEIS (Wong-Law measure) did a bit better and the Bar-On
measure better still, However, the validity of these estimates does not include the effects of IQ or
the big five personality, which correlate both with EI measures and leadership; thus, had Harms
and Credé meta-analytically controlled for IQ and the big five personality factors, these
correlations would probably be substantially lower, as recent research suggests.

Intelligence: a Conscious Solution

• By enhancing the Emotional Intelligence (EI) of its employees, an organization can

successfully leverage two key trends identified in Patricia Aburdene's Megatrends 2010: "The
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Wave of Conscious Solutions"
and "Spirituality in Business." As
we enter this new era welcoming
the widespread application of
conscious techniques in business,
ensure that your organization is an early adopter, reaping the benefits over your competitors who
lag behind bogged down with traditional business beliefs.

• Emotional Intelligence, a conscious solution to knee-jerk reactionary emotional habits, is

the ability to acquire and apply knowledge from your emotions and the emotions of others. The
information about what you're feeling helps you make effective decisions about what to say or do
(or not say or do). It enables you to use your emotions to help you make better choices in-the-
moment and have more effective control over yourself and your impact on others.

The concept of Emotional Intelligence is based on brain research showing that these skills are
different from technical and purely cognitive abilities because they involve a different part of the
brain - the emotional center, the limbic system, rather than the neo cortex. Emotional Intelligence
is comprised of five basic competencies. The first knows what you're feeling. The second is
managing your feelings, especially distressing feelings. The third is self-motivation, the fourth is
empathy, and the fifth is managing relationships.


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1 . What makes a person a leader is still debated,

According to Warren Bennis (1994) all leaders seem to share some common traits. The
first is a guiding vision or purpose. A leader has a clear idea of what she or he wants to do
professionally and personally, and will pursue the goal regardless of the setbacks. The
second characteristic is passion or enthusiasm and the ability to communicate that passion
to others. Third, is integrity, consisting of three ingredients: self-knowledge, candor, and
maturity. Self-knowledge is knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses. Candor is being
honest with yourself and is the key to knowing yourself.

2.What then is the link between emotional intelligence and effective

leaders J. Sosik and Lara E. Megerian (1999)

What then is the link between emotional intelligence and effective leaders? A
Pennsylvania State University study done by John J. Sosik and Lara E. Megerian (1999)
looked at the self-awareness component of emotional intelligence and transformational
leadership. The results of the study provided empirical support for emotional intelligence
being the foundation of other aspects of leadership. The data for the study were collected
from 63 managers, 192 subordinates, and 63 management superiors.

3.Do We Know Emotional Intelligence When We See it? the Properties

and Promise of Observer
Hillary Anger Elfenbein 11 DECEMBER 2009

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According to author we examine the social perception of emotional intelligence (EI)
through the use of observer ratings. If there are meaningful individual differences in EI,
close observers in the environment should be able to recognize these differences. We test
this proposition in two studies with real colleagues drawing on 2,518 participants. Results
indicate significant consensus across observers about the EI skills of targets, moderate but
significant self-observer agreement, relatively consistent divergent validity across the
components of EI, limited convergent validity of these ratings with respect to ability tests,
and excellent predictive validity of observer ratings in work and task performance
domains, even after controlling for cognitive intelligence and personality traits. Further,
observer-rated EI overlapped significantly less with conventional personality traits than
did self-rated EI. These data suggest that the social perception of EI via observer ratings is
a reliable and valid way of conceptualizing EI, and provides a useful complementary
perspective to other EI approaches. Limitations, future directions, and practical
implications are discussed.

4. A Model of Emotional Intelligence and Conflict

Management Strategies: A Study in Seven Countries
M. Afzalur Rahim 2002

On the study investigated by the author the relationships of the five dimensions of
emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empa-thy, and social skills of
supervisors to subordinates' strategies of handling conflict: problem solving and bargaining. Data
(N = 1,395) for this study were collected with questionnaires from MBA students in seven
countries (U.S., Greece, China, Bangladesh, Hong Kong and Macau, South Africa, and Portugal).
Psychometric properties of the measures were tested and improved with exploratory and
confirmatory factor analysis and analysis of indicator and internal consistency reliabilities, and
the hypotheses were tested with a structural equations model for each country. Results in the U.S.
and in the combined sample provided support for the model which suggests that self-awareness is
positively associated with self-regulation, empathy, and social skills; self regulation is positively
associated with empathy and social skills; empathy and social skills are positively associated with
motivation; which in turn, is positively associated with problem solving strategy and negatively
associated with bargaining strategy. Differences among countries in these relationships are noted
and implications for organizations discussed.
5.A First Step Toward Introducing Emotional Intelligence into
the Law School Curriculum: The 'Emotional Intelligence and
the Clinic Students

Paul J. Cain2004
In this article the author describes an externship class offered at the University of Denver
focusing on emotional intelligence. It describes emotional intelligence and its importance to the
law school curriculum; the goals and preconceptions of the author in offer the class; and the
organization, methodology and materials used in teaching the class. Further, it discussed the
students' reaction to the class and how the students scored on an emotional intelligence
instrument. Finally, the article discusses what modifications the author would make to the course.
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6.Organizational Management: A Study on Middle Managers, Gender, and
Emotional Intelligence
Belal A. Kaif 21st june 2010

In this article author tries to says that as organizations continuously evolve, it

is important to know who can lead and manage an organization to be
effective, efficient, and productive. Managers with uman skills are needed to
help an organization mature and develop; just like a toddler needs a parent to
help him or her mature and develop into an independent, sustainable, and
self-sufficient adult. This study on 200 middle managers shows that female
middle managers have higher emotional intelligence kills when compared to
male middle managers, and that those who have more managerial experience
have had more time to enhance their emotional intelligence skills.
Implications for researchers, managers, and human resource professionals
are considered.

7.Human Abilities: Emotional Intelligence

John D. Mayer January 2008
Emotional intelligence (EI) involves the ability to carry out accurate reasoning about
emotions and the ability to use emotions and emotional knowledge to enhance thought. We
discuss the origins of the EI concept, define EI, and describe the scope of the field today. We
review three approaches taken to date from both a theoretical and methodological perspective.
We find that Specific-Ability and Integrative-Model approaches adequately conceptualize and
measure EI. Pivotal in this review are those studies that address the relation between EI measures
and meaningful criteria including social outcomes, performance, and psychological and physical
well-being. The Discussion section is followed by a list of summary points and recommended
issues for future research.

8.Emotional Intelligence in Practice

Alessandro Cavelzani MARCH 2004

In this article the author attempt to examine the concept of Emotional Intelligence and its
application to the professional environment, as much as the further focus on its applicability to
the tourist industry, but more specifically to the Hospitality.

The scope for this study is to determine the advantages of the knowledge and application
of Emotional Intelligence within the Hospitality realm, both towards the internal workgroup than
towards the relation to guests.
9.Learning to Display Emotional Intelligence March 2004
In this article Serge Sardo argues that recent research in Australia demonstrates
that emotional intelligence is not simply an ingrained trait but can be taught.
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Published in 1995, Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More
Than IQ' remains one of the most widely read social science books in the world. The
continued fascination with Emotional Intelligence(EI) goes beyond the fact that if we
have only an average IQ we can at least claim that our EI is high. Today, not only
can we measure EI we can enhance it as well.

10.Leadership and Intelligence

James G. Clawson 2008

In this article the author introduces the notion of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE as

described in Daniel Goleman's book by the same name and extends that concept to
include Social Quotient or Intelligence and Change Quotient or Intelligence. The
general thrust is that IQ alone does not a good leader make, but that EQ, SQ, and
CQ are also necessary to be an effective leader.


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In this paper, I will try to explore the various models of emotional intelligence. In the
course of my research for this case study, I came across many articles that discuses the
effect of emotional intelligence and also its various models.

On the basis of my study I analyse that the EI i.e emotional intelligence is the ability to
understand our own emotions and those of people around us. The concept of emotional
intelligence means we must have a self-awareness that enables us to recognize feelings
and manage our emotions. It has become popular after the immense success of Daniel
Goleman's book in 1995, Emotional Intelligence, 'Why It Can Matter
More Than IQ'.

Emotions: Emotion refers to a feeling state or felt-tendency. It is similar to waves of the

sea, no stop it may come again as like wave one after another, totally unpredictable of its
power and strength, some time it may take us along. That come to us with rush, we wipe
our tear that threatening to fall on to our cheeks in a little while. Negative emotions would
affect our normal life and emotional decisions would lack fairness of judgment and
affect others.

The Four Branch Model of Emotional Intelligence: The four branch model of emotional
intelligence describes four areas of capacities or skills that collectively describe many of
areas of emotional intelligence (Mayer & Salovey, 1997).

Emotional Intelligence and Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Quality is the catchy word today. Is quality is important for customer or client
satisfaction: Is educational services different from other services? Emotional health of
staff working in educational institution is key for its quality delivery. Positive Emotions
of teacher would leave positive impact on students.


• In some ways, emotional intelligence really is not new. In fact, it is based on a long
history of research and theory in personality and social. Furthermore, Goleman has never claimed
otherwise. In fact, one of his main points was that the abilities associated with emotional
intelligence have been studied by psychologists for many years, and there is an impressive, and
growing, body of research suggesting that these abilities are important for success in many areas
of life.

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• It is useful and interesting to consider how important it is for effective performance at
work. There is a considerable body of research suggesting that a person’s ability to perceive,
identify and manage emotion provides the basis for the kinds of social and emotional
competencies that are important for success in almost any job. Furthermore, as the pace of change
increases and the world of work make ever greater demands on a person’s cognitive, emotional,
and physical resources, this particular set of abilities will become increasingly important.

psychologists are best situated to help clients to use emotional intelligence to improve both
productivity and psychological well-being in the workplace of tomorrow

• A leader has to have emotional intelligence to align personal and subordinate goals to
accomplish company goals. James A. Belasco and Ralph C Stayer (1993) suggest four
responsibilities a leader must implement at all levels of an organization. First, transfer ownership
for work to the people who do the work. Second, create the environment where the transfer of
ownership can take place, where each person wants to be responsible for his or her own
performance. This entails painting a clear picture of what the company believes great
performance is, for the company and each person; focusing individuals on the few great
performance factors; developing in each person the desire to be responsible for his or her
performance; aligning organization systems and structures to send a clear message as to what is
necessary for great performance; engaging each individual’s heart, mind and hands in the
business of the business; and energizing people around the business focus. Third, develop
individual capability and competence. Fourth, create conditions in the organization that challenge
every person to continually learn, including him or herself. These four principals align personal
and company goals through emotional intelligence.


The word “Methodology” spells the meaning itself i.e. the method used by the researches
in obtaining information. The data (Information can be collected from the Primary sources and
Secondary sources.)

Data collection method-

There are two types of data collocation method-

1. Primary
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2. Secondary

Primary data-

Primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be

original in character.

Method of Primary data collection

1. Observation method

2. Interview method

3. Questionnaire method

Secondary Data

Secondary data means data that are already available, they refer to the data which have
already been collected and analyzed by someone else. In this case he is certainly not
conformed to the problems that are usually associated with the collection of originals data.
Secondary data may either be published data or unpublished data.

My data collection in primary source was questionnaire and schedule. In secondary source of
data collection I have use internet, magazine, books, and Indian journal of marketing.

Researcher must be very careful in using secondary data. He must make a minute scrutiny
because it is just possible that the secondary data may be unsuitable or may be inadequate
in the context of the problem which the researcher wants to study.

Source of Secondary data

The secondary source of data collection is the Books, Internet, News paper, etc. These are
the secondary source of data collocation.

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Research methodology:-

My research work is EXPLORATORY RESEARCH as it focuses on the exploration of the facts.

It will collect secondary data and my study will be based on that



2 fromhttp://www. infed. Org/thinkers/gardner. Htm

3 Handbook of emotional intelligence (pp. 343-362). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

4Brad berry, Travis and Greaves, Jean. (2009). Emotional Intelligence


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