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Andrei Roemer V.

Francisco Earth and Life Science

11-STEM (C)
1. Why is the big bang theory the most accepted theory about the origin of
the universe?
a. The big bang theory is the most accepted theory about the origin of the universe.
According to the theory, the universe exists in a tiny and very dense state before
expanding. The Hubble relation or distance between galaxies which proves that the
universe is infinitely expanding. These pieces of evidence show that the big bang
theory is the most accepted theory about the origin of the universe as compared to

2. Name some contributors to cell theory?

a. Robert Hooke.
b. Anton van Leeuwenhoek.
c. Matthias Schleiden.
d. Theodor Schwann.
e. Rudolf Virchow.

3. Why is the planet earth considered to be a unique planet?

a. Earth is a unique planet. It possesses liquid water, plate tectonics, and a thick
atmosphere that protects it from the sun's rays. The fact that Earth is home to not only
life, but intelligent life, distinguishes it from other planets.

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