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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following

Question 1. My grandfather for this company for over thirty years and then retired.
A. worked B. works C. is working D. has worked
Question 2. More and more investors are pouring money into food and beverage start-ups.
A. an B. the C. a D. 
Question 3. Paul has just sold his car and intends to buy a new one.
A. black old Japanese B. Japanese old black C. old black Japanese D. old Japanese black
Question 4. When asked about their preference for movies, many young people say that they are in favor
science fiction.
A. for B. of C. in D. with
Question 5. The larger the area of forest is destroyed,
A. the most frequent natural disasters are B. the most frequently natural disasters occur
C. the more frequent are natural disasters D. the more frequently natural disasters occur
Question 6. The rumors go that Jack will be arrested. He is said a bloody robbery.
A. to have taken part in B. to have joined in C. to join in D. to take part in
Question 7. They stayed for hours, my mother was very annoyed about.
A. that B. this C. which D. whom
Question 8. She could in the garden when we came around, which would explain why she didn't hear
the bell.
A. work B. be working
C. have worked D. have been working
Question 9. It is essential that Alice Tome of the meeting tomorrow.
A. will remind B. must remind C. reminds D. remind
Question 10. I know we had an argument, but now I'd quite like to .
A. look down B. fall out C. make up D. bring up
Question 11. Luckily, by the time we got there, the painting
A.didn't sell B. hadn't been sold C. wasn't sold D. hadn't sold
Question 12. I remember the letter a few days before going on holiday.
A. to receive B. to have received C. received D. receiving
Question 13. Two grams of butter in this recipe.
A. is needed B. need C. are needed D. needs
Question 14.There is one person to I owe more than I can say.
A. whom B. who C. that D. whose
Question 15. Had you known that the river was dangerous, he to swim across it.
A. would have tried B. would try C. will not try D. wouldn't have tried
Question 16. In the middle of the blue river .
A. does a tiny violet flower emerge B. did a tiny violet flower emerge
C. emerge a tiny violet flower D. emerged a tiny violet flower
Question 17. A few animals sometimes fool their enemies to be dead.
A. have been appearing B. to be appearing C. to appear D. by appearing
Question 18. On he had won, he jumped for joy.
A. he was told B. having told C. being told D.get fined
Question 19. What a stupid thing to do. Can you imagine anyone so stupid?
A. to be B. who C. being D. that
Question 20. We bought some .
A. German lovely old glasses B. German old lovely glasses
C. lovely old German glasses D. old lovely German glasses
Question 21. One's fingerprints are other person.
A. different from B. different from any
C. differ from any D. different from those of any
Question 22. The chairman requested that .
A. the members studied more carefully the problem
B. the problem was more carefully studied
C. with more carefulness the problem could be studied
D. the members study the problem more carefully
Question 23. I’m having problems with David. He me up in the middle of the night and
me his troubles.
A. has called/told B. has been calling/telling
C. is calling/ telling D. called/ told
Question 24. Spider monkeys are the best climbers in the jungle, they do not have thumbs.
A. nevertheless B. for C. despite D. although
Question 25. A man helping police with their interview.
A. was reported to have B. was reported to have been
C. reports to be D. reported to have been
Question 26. Vietnam is the top exporters of rice.
A. in B. of C. between D. among
Question 27. in 1776 that the Declaration of Independence was signed.
A. It was B. There was C. There D. It
Question 28. Americans account 12% of the US population.
A. for B. with C. of D. 0
Question 29. We are no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here.
A. under B. at C. with D. to
Question 30. Last night's concert did not our expectations
A. catch up with B. come up to C. stand in for D. look up to
Question 31: In 1736, the number of poor people in Boston receiving public assistance about 4,000
A. was B. were C. it was D. they were
Question 32. Nine of every ten people in the world in the country in which they were born.
A. living B. they are living C. lives D. live
Question 33. After seeing the film “Gone With The Wind”, .
A. the book was read by many people B. the book made people want to read it
C. many people wanted to read the book D. the reading of the book interested people
Question 34. My new neighbor has two children, are very lovely.
A. both of whom B. all of whom C. who both of D. both of that
Question 35. The TV announcer apologized for the breakdown and said that normal service as
soon as possible.
A. would be resumed B. resumed C. be resumed D. would be resuming
Question 36. I am busy for the lesson.
A. by preparing B. of preparing C. preparing D. to preparing
Question 37. People who don’t get their coworkers sometimes don’t last long at their jobs.
A. up with B. along with C. on to D. by with
Question 38. Two boys make self-portraits by looking at in the mirror.
A. each other B. themselves C. one self D. one another
Question 39. You so politely at the party. Everyone was casually dressed.
A. mustn't have dressed B. needn't have dressed C. couldn't have dressed D. didn't need to dress
Question 40. This is a picture of a bus.
A. red bright London B. bright red London C. London bright red D. London red bright
Question 41. I knew they were talking about me they stopped when I entered the room.
A. because B. so that C. despite D. therefore
Question 42. that the theater is likely to be full ever.
A. Such the popularity of the play is B. The play is such popular
C. The popularity of the play is so D. Such is the popularity of the play
Question 43. You work very hard. I’m sure you’ll have no the exam
A. difficulties of passing B. difficulty passing C. difficulties to pass D. difficulty to pass
Question 44. Neither Tom nor his brothers willing to help their mother with the housework.
A. are B. was C. is D. has been
Question 45. “Never say that again, ?”
A. won’t you B. do you C. don’t you D. will you
Question 46. Do you know the person next to you in the evening class?
A. whose sitting B. whom sits C. sitting D. who sit
Question 47. Tony Blair is believed for Liverpool last week.
A. having left B. to have left C. to leave D. leaving
Question 48. Not until a monkey is several years old to exhibit sign of independence from its
A. it begins B. does it begin C. and begin D. is it begin
Question 49. He will never forget the day he met his wife
A. where B. that C. when D. which
Question 50. He often tells the children when they play water sports
A. be careful B. not be careless C. to be careful D. to be careful with
Question51. There will be jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people.
A. fewer B. less C. much D. many
Question 52. Ha Noi is cold this time . You need warm clothes if you go there
A. of the year – to pack B. of year – packing C. of year – pack D. of year – to pack
Question 53. His parents object strongly his playing too much computer games.
A. at B. to C. in D. against
Question 54. She has worked as a secretary she graduated from college.
A. before B. until C. since D. while
Question 55. Mr. Pike would scarcely keep track of his business by cell phone when he was in his one-
month traveling, ?
A. wouldn’t he B. didn’t he C. would he D. did he
Question 56. Some major causes of ocean pollution include oil spills, toxic waste and hazardous
materials into the ocean.
A. that dumped B. dumped C. which dump D. are dumped
Question 57. Every means tried but without much result.
A. is B. are C. has been D. have been
Question 58. We should make full use the Internet as it is an endless source of information.
A. of B. in C. with D. from
Question 59. Out from its tiny cage.
A. does the bird fly B. flew the bird C. did the bird fly D. fly the bird
Question 60. The students in this class were made very hard.
A. learning B. having learnt C. to learn D. learn
Question 61. During our stay in Venice, we bought a bottle.
A. glass lovely perfume B. lovely glass perfume
C. lovely perfume glass D. glass perfume lovely
Question 62. Jack insisted that he didn’t need any help, I helped him anyway.
A. therefore B. nevertheless C. moreover D. but
Question 63. Frankly, I'd rather you anything about it for the time being.
A. do B. didn't do C. don't do D. doing
Question 64. Dien Bien Phu is the place our army won a resounding victory in 1954.
A. which B. that C. what D. where
Question 65. had the restaurant opened people were flocking to eat there.
A. Hardly …than B. No sooner…when C. No sooner ...than D. Hardly …. than
Question 66. My teacher arrived after I for him for ten minutes
A. was waiting B. have waited C. had been waiting D. waited
Question 67: This picture book, the few pages are missing, is my favourite one.
A. for which B. to which C. in which D. of which
Question 68: The salary of a computer programmer is a teacher.
A. as twice much as C. twice as higher as that
B. as much as twice of D. twice as high as that of
Question 69: About 20 percent of U.S electricity currently nuclear power plants.
A. come from B. coming to C. comes from D. came from
Question 70: It is imperative that your face book password confidential.
A. need keeping B. need to keep C. needs to be kept D. needed keeping
Question 71: , we tried our best to complete it.
A. Difficult as the homework was B. Despite the homework was difficult
C. Thanks to the difficult homework D. As though the homework was difficult
Question 72: He is exhausted. He around the whole afternoon trying to clean the house before
the guests arrive.
A. has been running B. has run C. be running D. was running
Question 73: Tim asked Sarah English so far.
A. how long was she learning B. how long she has been learning
C. she had been learning how long D. how long she had been learning
Question 74: No one enjoys in public.
A. to make fun of B. to be made fun of
C. being made fun of D. making fun of
Question 75: Donald Trump is President of United States.
A. the/ the B. a/  C. the/  D. the/ an
Question 76: with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high at all.
A. A comparison B. Compare them C. If you compare D. When compared
Question 77. I can’t believe it, Inspector. You mean that Smith money from the till all this
A. stole B. has stolen C. has been stealing D. was stealing
Question 78. A man helping police with their interview.
A. was reported to have B. was reported to have been
C. reports to be D. reported to have been
Question 79. John was praised for his bravery, his colleagues were criticized for their
A. whereas B. therefore C. however D. though
Question 80. It is difficult to find a in the Washington area for less than $1200 a month.
A. two–bedroom apartment B. two–bedrooms apartment
C. two–bedrooms apartments D. two–bedroom apartments
Question 81. They held a party to congratulate their son his success to become an engineer.
A. with B. in C. on D. for
Question 82. By the time human beings become fully aware of the importance of the ozone layer, it
seriously damaged.
A. will be B. will have been C. is D. has been
Question 83. I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but
A. I'm not invited B. I will not be invited
C. I have not been invited D. I was not invited
Question 84. The last person will have to turn off the lights.
A. have left B. left C. leaving D. to leave
Question 85. You will spend at least one year working abroad you can find out how things
operate overseas.
A. because B. so as to C. so that D. so long as
Question 86. When wet, .
A. these old papers give off a bad smell
B. we get a bad smell from these old papers
C. a bad smell comes from these old papers
D. there is a bad smell coming from these old papers

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