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Apakah semua bunyi yang diawali bunyi plossive [k, p, t] memiliki letupan angin?

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e-Compusoft Online English Training (Second Edition)
kata-kata berikut


Review 1 :

1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs

2. 11 12 20 13 15 50 51 71 100 112
120 290 999 1,000


ten tab pretend

time till teach
Take take total
table cat tie
ton pet point
Tommy pot joint

Section 1 : Pronunciation

Notice :

pray, try, cry, dll.

Secara otomatis sangat sulit untuk mengeluarkan letupan, dan bahasa itu prinsipnya cari gampangnya kok,
enjoy aja. Kalau pun Anda beri letupan, ya ngga apa-apa.
e-Compusoft Online English Training (Second Edition)

Practice 1 :

Tom and Paulo are friends.

They have 2 pets, 2 cars and 1 book
Time is money.
Ten little Indian boys
Take one pill every time you come

Practice 2 :

1. On his pitch he played/placed the ball carefully

2. The people told/polled about the tax were upset
3. He wondered if the suit/soup would be ready in time
4. The date/day for the party was perfect
5. The lock/lot you wanted is finally on sale
6 He couldn’t get the black tape/cape off his shoulder
7. The golfer was thrilled with the shop/shot
8. The duck foot/food was an unusual color
9. I know if I want/won I could play in the tournament
10. Although you expect a forest, ahead/instead you will see a lake

Section 2 : Personal Identity

15 years old
a student
Jl. Bugis No.2
No Phone Number

23 years old
a computer technician
Jl Paus No.1

Picture 01 Picture 02
e-Compusoft Online English Training (Second Edition)

Practice 3 : Retell the above pictures

Practice 4 : Answer these questions completely


 What’s your ___________ (name, job, address, phone number)

 How old are you ?

My name is Suparno
I am 23 years old
I am a computer technician
My address is Jl. Bawal No.2
My phone number is 085285418319
I don’t have a phone number
a student - seorang pelajar
an employee - karyawan
a government employee - pegawai negeri
retired - pensiun
a house wife - ibu rumah tangga
a businessman - wirausaha
a graduate student - alumni pelajar

Practice 5 : Tell me about you

Name : _________________________
Age : _________________________
Job : _________________________
Address : _________________________
Phone Number : _________________________

Practice 6 : Answer my questions based on your own data

1. Is your name Santo? 11. Is your address Jl. Mangga No.1?

2. Is your name Ariel? 12. Is your address Jl Pari No. 1?
3. What’s your name? 13. What’s your address?
4. Are you a doctor? 14. Is your phone number 12345?
5. Are you a musician? 15. Is your phone number 123456?
6. What’s your job? 16. What’s your phone number?
7. Are you 5 years old?
8. Are you 10 years old?
9. How old are you?
10. Is your address Jl.Duku No.1
e-Compusoft Online English Training (Second Edition)

Practice 7 : Yes and No

1. My name is not ...............................

2. But my name is .............................
3. I am not ...................years old
4. But I am ...................years old
5. I am not a professor
6. But I am a ...........................
7. My address is not Jl. Bawal No.1
8. But my address is Jl. ........................
9. My phone number is not 123456
10. But my phone number is ...................

Practice 8 : Retell it
Practice 9 : Rewrite practice 7 without looking at the paper

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