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PRE BOARD 1(2021-222

Duration: 90 Minutes Maximum Marks: 40

eneral Iustructions:
The quextion paper contains three paris A, B and C
Section A consists of 20 questions ofl mark each. Any 16 questions are to be attempted.
Section B consistsof 20 questions of 1 mark each. Any 16 questions are to be attempted
Section Cconsists of10 questions based on two Case Studies. Any 4 questions from euch
case stuaty are to be attenmpled.

There is no negative nmarking.

Please ensure that the correct option is written along with the correct answer.


Section A consists of 20 questions of1 mark each. Any 16 questions are to be attempted

1. Iftwo positive integers m and n can be expressed as m - ab a n d n -a b ; where

a, b being prime numbers, then LCM (mn) is equal to

C.a b 2
a. ab

b. a b d. a b

if the cost of 9 pens and 4 pencil boxes is Rs 70. Three times the cost of a pen is Rs 15
m o r e than the cost of a pencil box. (Let x* represents pen and y pencil). The pair of
lincar cquations for the above situation is:

a. 9x +4y = 70; 3x =y + 15
c.4x +9y =
70; 3y = x + 15

SHIV NADAR SCHOOL.Noida PreBoard 1-Grade 10 Mathematics September 2021 Pagel

Suv Nun S0L

b. 9x +70 4y: 3y + 15 d. 9y + 70 = 4x; 3x + 15 = y


3. Ifthe points M(6, -1). N8.-2). O(9, -4) and P(q. -3) are the verticcs of a parallclogram.
laken in order, the value of q 18 :

. C.-7
. -14 d. 14

If2sin B -

cos = 2, then Bis:

d. C. 90*
b. 45 d. 30

5. The perimeter of a given figure, where AED is a semicircle and ABCD is a rectangle is

20 cm

14 cm

a. 76 cm .5 cm

b. 86 cm d. 66 cm

6. To check the understanding of the polynomial, Ms. Sara asked her children to write the
examples of the polynomial. Following are the answers Written by the students:

2x+6x-9 4r** 5P-8r+12+24 10x 6x

x +3x -2
The number of polynomial are:

. c. 3
b. d. 4

7. Given that cose- then cosece is cqual to :


- C.

8. Which of the following is nof an irational number:

a. y3+6
b. n + 7

9. Which of the following linear equation is parallel to 2x + 7y = 1

c. 4x + 14y = 5
2x- y
b. 4x 14y = 5 d. 2x + 14y =

10. The point which lies on the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points
(-2,-5) and B(2, 5) is :

-2,0) c. (2-5)
(0,0) d.(-5,0)
11. Which of the following can be written only as a power of 2 and 5?
a. 12000 c. 216
b. 25000 d. 3000

12. IfHCF (26, a) = 13 and LCM (26, a) = 182, then the value of a is:

SIiIVNADAR SCIIOOL.Noida PreBoard 1-Grade 10 Mathematics September 2021 Page 3

Suy Nnua SruL

a. 13 C..91
b. 52 d. 39

The value of sin "20° + cos "20°
d. . 0
b. 0.5 d. None ol these

14. If 20sine = 10, then the valhue tand is :

a. c. 3
b. d. None of these

15. The area of a sector of circle of radius 18 cm and central angle 60° is:

28T C. 108T
b. 12T d. 54Tt

16. The number of lowers required to form an arrangement with T levels for the wedding
decoration is given by the quadratic function:

f) =- 5t +10t +20

The number of flowers requircd at 3 levcl is :

5 1.

17. Dillerence between the cireumference and radius of a circle is 74 cm. The area of the
circle is

a. 154cm c. 74 cm

b. 616 em d. 308 cm


Grade 10 Mathematics September 2021 Page 4
Ss Nua Suo

18. "0
The valuc
of sin +
a. 0
b. 2 d. Not defincd

9. The value for k which kx + 5y = k - 5; 20x + ky = k represcnt coincident


. 10 . 10
b. -10 d.0
20. the
The midpoint of the line segment joining P(2m, 4) and Q(-2, 3n) is
R(1, 2m +), then the value ol m and n:

m n=-2 C.m-2, n=-2

a. ,
b. m= -4, n =2
a. m=, n =2

Section B conssts of 20 questions of 1 mark each. Any 16 questions are to be attempted

21. 1fpisa two digit prime number, which of the following is a prime number?
. c. 3p
b. p+1 d. None of these
22. Which of the conditions is satislied by the coellicients of the lollowing pair of linear
cquation to be coimcident lines : px + my + l = 0and rx + sy + t =0

a. pt = ls; ml = St r t = ls; ml
C. =
b. ps mr; mt = is = r l ; pm = rl

23. (secA + secA. sinA)(1 sinA)=


b. cosA d.lanA

SIlV NADAR SCIIOOL Noida PreBoard 1 - Grade 10 Mathematics -September 2021

Page 5
24. The AABC is formed by the mutual intersection of: x - y +2 0:
4*- y-4 = 0 and the x - axis. The area of the AABC is:

a. 6 unit sqs. c. 24 unit sqs.

b. 18 unit sqs d. None of these

25. Ifthe IICF of 24 and 36 is expressible in the fom 24p-36, then the value ofp is

a. 4 C. 6

b.3 d.2

If a and arc the zerocs ofa given polynomial m(y) =
y -

a(y + 2) -

8, then
the value of (a + 2)(ß + 2):
-8 C. -4

SHIVNADAR SCUOOL. Noida PreRoard 1-(Grade 10 Mather


. -16 2

27. Tf the perimeter of' a semicircular Japanese fan is 108 cm, the radius is:

a. 21cm .63 cm
b. +2cm d. 22 cm

40IfsinA + sin "A=1.then the value of the expression 2(cosA +t cos A) is

a. c.2

b. d. 3

29. The value o f x such that MN -= NP, where MN and P are the points (6,-1). (1,3) and

(.8) respectivelyis:
S or-3 . . or -5
b. 5 or 3 d.-S or-3

30. In the given fig. OABC is a square of side 7cm. If OAPC is a quadrant ofa circle with
centre 0, then find the area ofthe shaded region.[use: Tt

a. 1.05 sq unit 105 sq

b. 10.5 sq unit d. None of these

31. The distance betwocn the points (a cos 8 + b sint 0), and (0, asin6- bcos6) is

SHIV NADAR SCIOOL.Noida PreBoard 1 -Grade 10 Mathematics September 2021 Page 7

a. a + b e.ya+b
b. a - b2 d.ya b ?

32. If cotb value of n0)(I-sin0) s

Blhe +cost)(1-cost))



33. Three farmers have 490kg, 588kg and 882kg of rice respectively. The maximum
capacity of a bag so that the rice can be packed in exact number of bags is:

a. 89kg c. 8280 kg
b. 98kg d. 8820 kg

34. When m(x) = x + 7x + 10 is dividcd by gx). we gct (*+ 4) and-2 as the

quolient and remainder respeclively. The polynomial glv) will be

+2 C.x
b. **3 d. *+5

35. The centroid of the APQR whose vertices are P(-5,0), Q(5,0) and R(0,-6) is :

c. (0,-3)
(0.3) . .(0-2)
. (0,2)

36. The area of the largest triangle thal can be inscribed in a semicircle of radius m units is:

a. m'sq units y2m squnits

b. 2m sq units d ym sq units

SHIV NADAR SCHOOLL Noida PreBoard I-Grade 10 Mathematies -September 2021 Page 8
37. Raveena has threc identical squarc cards of s i d e 14 cm, where AE - EB as shown


The total area of the shaded region in three cards is

a. 44 cm C. 294 cmn
b. 98 m d. 49cm

38. Select he polynomial graph which depicts three real zeros:

P) gx)

r) s(x)
a. Only p() and r(*) C.p(X). s(a)and r(x)
b. p(). g(x) and s(x) d. Only r()

SIiIV NADAR SCI1OOLNoida PreBoard 1 -Grade 10 Mathematics September 2021 Page 9

Snv Nua Smo

39. The pair of cquations 2y = y + 1 and 2y + 3 = 30 +1) has

a. one solution C. intinitely many solutions

b. two solutions d. no solution

In the given figurc, O is the centre of a circle. If the arca of scctor PAOB is cqual to
times than the arca of the given circle, than value of x

a. 50 C. 70
b. d. 90


Case study based questions:

Section C consists of 10 questions of 1 mark each. Any 4 questions from each ecase study
are to be attempted.

In PE Class, as a learning activity, Shruti was assigned to make her own frisbee. A
frisbec is a circular objcct with a given radius and is commonly uscd as a sport
equipment. Shruli makes six identical sectors of radius 7cmand central angle as 609
She chose to use various colours to highlight the sectors in frisbee (Please refer to the

given figure). .Use m=-1|

SIIIV NADAR SCIIOOLNoida PreBoard 1- Grade 10 Mathematics September 2021 Page 10

>cm +3 em4

41. The arca

of the figure given above (1n sq cm) is
a. 25.67 C. 154
b. 7.33 d. None of these
42. The area
of the yellow sector (in sq cm) is
a. 58.
8.67 c. 8.38
b. 50.29 d. 12.57

43. The area blue shaded

of the region (in sq cm) is
a. 103.71 c. 35.62
b. 17.29 d. None of these

44. The tolal area

of the frisbee (in sq cm) is
a. 308 C. 154
b. 14 d. None of These

45. The total perimeter of the scctor OAB (in cm) is:
a. 44 c. 7.33
b. 21.33 d. Nonc of these

Based on the given ligures, answer the lollowing questions.

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Page 11


46. Which of these depicts a constant polynomial?

d. None of these

47. Whal is the degree of Palynomial B?

a. c.2

b. 1 d. None of these

48. Which of these depicts the linear polynomial?

a. A c.D
b. B d. None of these

49. How many real zeros does C have?

1. 0 C.
b. d. 3

SHIV NADAR SCHOOLNoida PreBoard 1-Grade 10 Mathematics

September2021 Page 12
50. The degree of polynomial D is :

C. 4
b. 3 d. 5

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