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Mount Literra Zee School Ratlam

XII (ASL)-2020-2021

Name: Max. Marks: 20

Date: Time : 1 Hr

Task 1                           5 marks

You will hear five short extracts of people talking about the benefits of learning music. Read the
statements below, then listen to the extracts and match each statement A–G to each speaker 1–5.
There are two statements you do not need. You will hear the recordings twice:

Task 2                 6 marks    

You will hear a conversation between a student and a counsellor about career choices. Read the
sentences below, then listen to the conversation and choose ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ for each sentence.
You will hear the recording twice.

1. The counsellor says that most students at this age

a. want more time to decide their future.
b. are in a fix about their higher studies.
c. are unaware about careers options available.

2. The student has doubts about pursuing Science although

a. his friends and family prefer it.
b. he enjoys studying it at school.
c. Science is the most popular choice.

3. The counsellor asks about the student’s interests in order to
a. change the topic of discussion.
b. relieve the student’s anxiety.
c. discover the student’s aptitude.

4. To be a photojournalist, the student would need to

a. train for several years.
b. work in an advertising agency.
c. be independent and creative.

5. The counsellor advises the student to always

a. take the counsel of his teachers.
b. adapt to changing circumstances.
c. try something new when he feels like it.

6. In conclusion, the student says he intends to

a. explore photojournalism a bit more.
b. take up photojournalism as a career.
c. pursue photojournalism as a hobby.

Task 3                                4 marks

You will hear a book report by a student. Read the statements below, then listen to the extract and
choose four of the options A–G which are correct. Write the correct letters in the blank boxes
provided. You will hear the recording twice.

Which FOUR of the following statements are true?

A. The book report is about the way tea is brewed in the country.
B. The author of the book feels tea is an integral part of India.
C. The book combines tales of machinery and travel.
D. The only drawback is the extended focus on the Himalayan region.
E. The stories in the book include nail-biting adventures.
F. The author offers a guided tour to the best tea stalls in the country.
G. The student enjoys the humour that runs through the book

Task 4                       5 marks  

You will hear two students debating about online education. Read the sentences below, then
listen to the conversation and complete the sentences with one or two words only. You will hear
the recording twice.

1. __________ __________ occurs when there is lively one-to-one classroom communication.

2. The __________ of online study makes it a far more suitable option.

3. The main __________ in a young student’s life is the teacher.

4. E-schools have no restrictions on __________ or number of admissions.

5. Schooling imparts crucial __________ __________ to tackle present and future challenges.

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