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Expert Review

Maternal sepsis
Marı́a Fernanda Escobar, MD, MSc; Marı́a Paula Echavarrı́a, MD; Marı́a Andrea Zambrano, MD; Isabella Ramos, MD;
Juan Pedro Kusanovic, MD

In 2017, the World Health Assembly Maternal sepsis is “a life-threatening condition defined as an organ dysfunction caused
(WHA), the World Health Organization by an infection during pregnancy, delivery, puerperium, or after an abortion,” with the
(WHO)’s decision-making body, adopted potential to save millions of lives if a proper approximation is made. Undetected or poorly
a resolution on improving the preven- managed maternal infections can lead to sepsis, death, or disability for the mother, and
tion, diagnosis, and management of an increased likelihood of early neonatal infection and other adverse outcomes. Physi-
sepsis. The WHA resolution recognized ological, immunologic, and mechanical changes that occur in pregnancy make pregnant
sepsis as a major threat to patient safety women more susceptible to infections than nonpregnant women and may obscure signs
and global health, with the potential to and symptoms of infection and sepsis, resulting in a delay in the recognition and
save millions of lives if a proper approx- treatment of sepsis. Prioritization of the creation and validation of tools that allow the
imation is made.1 Indeed, the systematic development of clear and standardized diagnostic criteria of maternal sepsis and septic
analysis conducted in 2014 including 416 shock, according to the changes inherent to pregnancy, correspond to highly effective
databases from 115 countries reported a strategies to reduce the impact of these conditions on maternal health worldwide. After
total of 60,799 maternal deaths; of those, an adequate diagnostic approach, the next goal is achieving stabilization, trying to stop
sepsis was the cause of death in 10.7% of the progression from sepsis to septic shock, and improving tissue perfusion to limit cell
the cases.2 The reduction of maternal dysfunction. Management protocol implementation during the first hour of treatment will
deaths is a priority for achieving the be the most important determinant for the reduction of maternal mortality associated with
Sustainable Development Goals and sepsis and septic shock.
implementing the United Nations Global
Strategy for Women’s, Children’s, and Key words: maternal mortality, maternal sepsis, sepsis, sequential organ failure
Adolescents’ Health, and it is critical for assessment
the strategies toward ending preventable
maternal mortality2; despite being the
third cause of maternal death, maternal Undetected or poorly managed agreement with the definitions of sepsis
sepsis receives less attention than other maternal infections can lead to sepsis, and septic shock from the Third Inter-
pathologies. death, or disability for the mother, and national Consensus Definitions for
an increased likelihood of early neonatal Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3) in
infection and other adverse outcomes.3 2016.2
From the High Complexity Obstetric Unit, Approximately 8% to 12% of admis- The effective prevention, early iden-
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
sions of obstetric patients to intensive tification, and adequate management of
Fundación Valle del Lili, Cali, Colombia (Drs
Escobar and Echavarría); Centro de care units (ICUs) are because of sepsis.4 maternal infection and sepsis can
Investigaciones Clínicas, Fundación Valle del Lili, Compared with other pregnancy com- contribute to reducing the burden of
Cali, Colombia (Dr Zambrano); Faculty of Health plications, the case fatality rate of infection as an underlying and contrib-
Sciences, Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia (Drs maternal sepsis is very high.4,5 Sepsis uting cause of morbidity and mortality.
Zambrano and Ramos); Center for Research
with acute organ dysfunction had a The objective of this review is to evaluate
and Innovation in Maternal-Fetal Medicine
(CIMAF), Department of Obstetrics and mortality rate between 20% and 40% in the evidence related to the definition,
Gynecology, Hospital Sótero del Río, Santiago, high-income countries in the early pathophysiology, diagnosis criteria, early
Chile (Dr Kusanovic); and the Division of 2000s, but more recent data indicate an warning systems, and management key
Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, overall rate between 8% and 14% in points of sepsis during pregnancy. Spe-
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
women with septic shock. The United cific fetal impact factors are beyond the
Santiago, Chile (Dr Kusanovic).
Kingdom reported that 19.5% of preg- scope of this review.
Received March 11, 2020; revised May 16,
2020; accepted May 23, 2020.
nant women with confirmed sepsis
evolved to septic shock and, of those, Definition of maternal sepsis
The authors report no conflict of interest.
1.4% evolved to death.5 The reasons to The incidence of sepsis in pregnancy is
Corresponding author: María Fernanda
Escobar, MD, MSc.
explain this high mortality and difficult to determine because the diag-
morbidity in maternal sepsis are related nosis is not always made owing to a lack
ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. to delays in the identification of cases and of medical suspicion and standardiza- nonstandardized management. Indeed, tion in the diagnostic criteria. Since
for pregnant women, there is no 1992, several strategies have been


Expert Review MATERNAL

proposed new definition of maternal

TABLE 1 sepsis is “a life-threatening condition
Definition of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis by defined as an organ dysfunction caused
American College of Chest Physicians and Society of Critical Care by an infection during pregnancy, de-
Medicine livery, puerperium, or after an abor-
SIRS Two or more of the following criteria: tion.”10 This definition is useful for
 Temperature >38 C or <36 C documenting confirmed cases of sepsis
 Heart rate of >90 beats per min
 Respiratory rate of >20 breaths per min or and allowing comparisons of the fre-
PaCO2 of <32 mmHg quency of sepsis in different settings.
 Abnormal white blood cell count (>12,000/mL or
<4,000/mL or >10% bands) Pathophysiology of maternal sepsis
Sepsis Documented infection with 2 or more SIRS criteria Physiological, immunologic, and me-
Severe sepsis Sepsis associated with organ dysfunction,
chanical changes that occur in preg-
hypoperfusion, or hypotension nancy make pregnant women more
susceptible to infections than nonpreg-
Septic shock Sepsis with hypotension, despite adequate fluid
resuscitation, along with the presence of perfusion nant women,3 particularly during the
abnormalities postpartum period. Furthermore, from
PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
the beginning of gestation to the post-
Escobar. Maternal sepsis. AJOG MFM. 2020.
partum period, physiological adapta-
tions to pregnancy and maternal efforts
during labor may obscure signs and
proposed to make its diagnosis universal threatening organ dysfunction caused by symptoms of infection and sepsis. This
and optimize response time to attempt a dysregulated host response to an may result in a delay in the recognition
minimizing the damage and complica- infection. For clinical operationalization, and treatment of sepsis.
tions associated with this deregulated organ dysfunction is represented by an Changes in the cardiovascular system
response.2 increase in the sequential organ failure during pregnancy are profound and
assessment (SOFA) score of 2 points or begin as early as the eighth week of
Definition of sepsis in nonpregnant more, which is associated with an in- pregnancy. Throughout gestation, the
individuals hospital mortality greater than 10%. intravascular volume gradually increases
In 1991, the American College of Chest Septic shock was defined as a subset of by approximately 30% to 50% because of
Physicians and the Society of Critical Care sepsis in which particularly profound the effect of the renin-angiotensin-
Medicine (SCCM) established definitions circulatory and cellular or metabolic ab- aldosterone system. In response, the
for the spectrum of sepsis.6 The terms normalities were related to substantially maternal heart rate (HR) rises, reaching
systemic inflammatory response syn- increased mortality.8 Patients with septic values of 10 to 20 beats per minute faster
drome (SIRS), sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock can be clinically identified by a than the normal rate for an adult. By
shock, and multiple organ dysfunction vasopressor requirement to maintain a Frank-Starling law, the cardiac output
syndrome began to be used in clinical mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 65 (CO) can increase by up to 50%. This is
practice (Table 1). Since then, these defi- mmHg and serum lactate concentration achieved predominantly because of a
nitions have evolved through the years >2 mmol/L (>18 mg/dL) in the absence greater stroke volume and, to a lesser
according to the way this pathology was of hypovolemia.8 extent, a rise in HR. An increase in stroke
understood and approached (Table 2).7 volume is possible owing to the early
The latest update of these concepts was Definition of sepsis in pregnancy growth in ventricular wall muscle mass
presented in 2016 as Sepsis-3, which was To diagnose maternal sepsis, a limitation and end-diastolic volume (but not end-
characterized by an excessive focus has been established for a heterogeneous diastolic pressure) observed during
around the concept of inflammation use of definitions and a diversity of pregnancy. The heart is physiologically
without having a continuum model from recognition criteria in pregnant dilated, and the myocardial contractility
sepsis to shock and with an inadequate women.9 This is why the WHO is enlarged. The peripheral vasodilata-
sensitivity and specificity reported for convened a consultation with experts in tion is mediated by endothelium-
SIRS diagnostic criteria.2,8 Having taken the field to analyze, formulate, and pro- dependent factors including nitric ox-
into account the limitations in the pre- pose an update for the definition of ide synthesis and upregulated by estra-
vious definitions, a taskforce with exper- maternal sepsis to be applied worldwide. diol and vasodilatory prostaglandins.
tise in sepsis pathophysiology, clinical With the information obtained from the Peripheral vasodilation leads to a 25% to
trials, and epidemiology was convened by bibliographic review, the new definition 30% fall in systemic vascular resistance,
SCCM and the European Society of of maternal sepsis reflects the concepts causing a decrease in blood pressure
Intensive Care Medicine. They concluded included in the definition of the (BP) between 12 and 26 weeks,
that sepsis should be defined as life- consensus Sepsis-3 in adults. The increasing again around 36 weeks.11


MATERNAL Expert Review

Definition of sepsis, 1991e2016
Sepsis I-1991 Sepsis II-2001 Sepsis III-2016
Sepsis Documented infection with 2 or Unchanged Life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a
more SIRS criteria dysregulated host response to infection
Severe sepsis Sepsis associated with organ dysfunction, Unchanged Abandoned
hypoperfusion, or hypotension
Septic shock Sepsis with hypotension, despite Unchanged Sepsis accompanied by profound circulatory and
adequate fluid resuscitation cellular or metabolic abnormalities related to
substantially increased mortality
SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
Escobar. Maternal sepsis. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM. 2020.

The adequacy of tissue oxygenation cascade of proinflammatory mediators data, or therapeutic interventions. The
depends on the rate of oxygen delivered (eg, cytokines by macrophages), most common score used is SOFA
(DO2) to the tissues and the rate of ox- recruitment of inflammatory cells, and (originally the sepsis-related organ fail-
ygen consumed (or oxygen uptake complement activation.12e15 These ure assessment) (Table 4), which is not
[VO2]) by the tissues. Oxygen delivery is events lead to widespread cellular injury intended to be used as a tool for patient
the volume of DO2 per minute to the with ischemia, mitochondrial dysfunc- management but as a means to clinically
systemic vascular bed and is the product tion, apoptosis, immunosuppression, characterize a septic patient.6,7,12e14 The
of CO and arterial oxygen concentration organ dysfunction, and death. task force of Sepsis-3 recommended us-
(including CaO2). VO2 is the amount of ing a change in the baseline of the total
oxygen that diffuses from capillaries to Diagnosis criteria SOFA score of 2 points to represent
the mitochondria. Tissue oxygenation is The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) organ dysfunction. The baseline SOFA
adequate when tissues receive sufficient criteria (Table 3) can be applied to the score should be assumed to be 0 unless
oxygen to meet their metabolic needs. general population in the identification the patient is known to have preexisting
When the tissues do not receive enough of serious cases, but they were not (acute or chronic) organ dysfunction
oxygen, a cellular injury could poten- established for pregnant patients.2 before the onset of infection. Patients
tially occur. VO2 remains independent of In 2016, the task force of Sepsis-3 with a SOFA score of 2 had an overall
DO2 over a wide range of values, because recognized that sepsis is a syndrome mortality risk of approximately 10% in a
oxygen extraction, which is the ratio of without, at present, a validated criterion general hospital population with a pre-
VO2 over DO2, can readily adapt to the standard diagnostic test. This group sumed infection.8
changes in DO2 until DO2 falls below a determined that there was an important Moreover, a clinical model developed
critically low threshold. An abrupt in- need for features that can be identified with multivariable logistic regression
crease in blood lactate concentrations and measured in individual patients and termed quick SOFA (qSOFA) identified
then occurs, indicating the development should identify all the elements of sepsis that 2 of any of the 3 clinical variables—
of anaerobic metabolism. (infection, host response, and organ Glasgow Coma Scale score <15, systolic
Sepsis and septic shock are charac- dysfunction). The term severe sepsis BP 100 mmHg, and respiratory rate
terized by peripheral vasodilation asso- disappeared in the third consensus, and 22/minute—offered a predictive val-
ciated with excessive release of septic shock is now identified by the idity (area under the receiver operating
proinflammatory mediators resulting in requirement of vasopressors to maintain characteristic curve, 0.81; 95% confi-
a decrease in systemic vascular resis- a mean BP 65 mmHg or the presence dence interval [CI], 0.80e0.82) similar
tance, effective intravascular volume, of serum lactate >2 mmol/L (>18 mg/ to that of the full SOFA score outside the
and tissue hypoperfusion. In the pres- dL) in the absence of hypovolemia. This ICU. The qSOFA provides simple
ence of inflammatory markers, oxygen combination is associated with a mor- bedside criteria to identify adult patients
extraction capabilities are reduced. In tality rate greater than 40%.16e19 The with suspected infection who are likely
these conditions, VO2 can become use of 2 or more SIRS diagnostic criteria to have poor outcomes. Although the
dependent on DO2. In addition, sepsis to identify sepsis was unanimously qSOFA is less robust than a SOFA score
causes a generalized response that is considered unhelpful by the task force.8 2 in the ICU, it does not require lab-
overexpressed by the host in case of The severity of organ dysfunction has oratory tests and can be assessed quickly
infection. In the recognition of bacterial been assessed with various scoring sys- and repeatedly. The task force of Sepsis-3
products, such as endotoxins and exo- tems that quantify abnormalities ac- suggested that the qSOFA criteria should
toxins, the immune system activates a cording to clinical findings, laboratory be used to prompt clinicians to further


Expert Review MATERNAL

Diagnostic criteria for sepsis and severe sepsiseSurviving Sepsis Campaign 2012
Infection, documented or suspected, and some of the following:
General variables - Fever >38.3 C
- Hypothermia (core temperature <36 C)
- Heart rate >90 beats per min or more than 2 SD above the normal value for age
- Tachypnea
- Altered mental status
- Significant edema or positive fluid balance (>20 mL/kg over 24 h)
- Hyperglycemia (plasma glucose >140 mg/dL or 7.7 mmol/L) in the absence of diabetes
Inflammatory variables - Leukocytosis (WBC count >12,000 lL-1)
- Leukopenia (WBC count <4,000 lL-1)
- Normal WBC count with greater than 10% immature forms
- Plasma C-reactive protein more than 2 SD above the normal value and/or plasma
procalcitonin more than 2 SD above the normal value
Hemodynamic variables - Arterial hypotension (SBP <90 mmHg, MAP <70 mmHg, or an SBP decrease
<40 mmHg in adults or fewer than 2 SD below normal for age)
Organ dysfunction variables - Arterial hypoxemia (PaO2/FiO2 <300)
- Acute oliguria (urine output <0.5 mL kg-1 h-1 for at least 2 h despite adequate
fluid resuscitation)
- Creatinine increase >0.5 mg/dL or 44.2 lmol/L
- Coagulation abnormalities (INR >1.5 or aPTT >60 s)
- Ileus (absent bowel sounds)
- Thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100,000 lL-1)
- Hyperbilirubinemia (plasma total bilirubin >4 mg/dL or 70 lmol/L)
Tissue perfusion variables - Hyperlactatemia (>1 mmol/L)
- Decreased capillary refill or mottling
Sepsis-induced hypotension
- Lactate above upper limits laboratory normal
- Urine output <0.5 mL kg-1 h-1 for more than 2 h despite adequate fluid resuscitation
- Acute lung injury with PaO2/FiO2 <250 in the absence of pneumonia as infection source
- Acute lung injury with PaO2/FiO2 <200 in the presence of pneumonia as infection source
- Creatinine >2.0 mg/dL (176.8 lmol/L)
- Bilirubin >2 mg/dL (34.2 lmol/L)
- Platelet count <100,000 lL
- Coagulopathy (INR>1.5)
aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; INR, international normalized ratio; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; SBP, systolic blood
pressure; SD, standard deviation; WBC, white blood cell count.
Adapted from Dellinger et al.2
Escobar et al. Maternal sepsis. AJOG MFM. 2020.

investigate for organ dysfunction, to the high complexity obstetric unit identification of patients requiring
initiate or escalate therapy as appro- (HCOU), whereas those with multi- admission to the HCOU or ICU for early
priate, and to consider increasing the organ dysfunction were admitted to the initiation of clinical management stra-
frequency of monitoring or refer to ICU. At admission, the 4 diagnostic tegies.20 This is very important given the
critical care if such actions have not been criteria for sepsis according to SIRS were high mortality rate associated with sepsis
undertaken already.8 positive in 431 patients (63%), 279 in the obstetric population. The use of
Regarding the applicability of these (65%) in the HCOU group and 152 the SOFA scale to diagnose maternal
scales in the obstetric population, a (35%) in the ICU group. The SOFA test sepsis requires additional analysis with a
retrospective observational descriptive at admission was positive in 69 of 179 clinical and public health approach,
study conducted in a fourth-level clinic patients with complete data (39%). The especially among low-income and
in Colombia compared SIRS diagnostic concordance, measured using the k sta- middle-income countries where the
criteria and SOFA among 688 pregnant tistic, between SIRS and SOFA was low availability of laboratory tests can be
women who met the inclusion criteria (0.016). According to this study, the SIRS limited. In this study, only 39% of the
for maternal sepsis (defined as 2 SIRS sepsis criteria have greater sensitivity cohort with the required data for calcu-
criteria plus infection). Patients with than SOFA for the diagnosis of sepsis in lation had a SOFA score 2. This scale is
systemic compromise were admitted to pregnant women, which could aid the more specific and indicated a more


MATERNAL Expert Review

accurate correlation with the severity of

the case than SIRS among patients with

>0.1a or norepinephrine >0.1a

Dopamine >15a or epinephrine
(13.3) with respiratory support
severe clinical dysfunction, especially
those admitted to the ICU. In other
words, a SOFA score 2 in an obstetrical
patient definitely identifies a severely ill
patient with a higher probability of

>12.0 (204)

>5.0 (440)
extreme maternal morbidity and death.
From a clinical perspective, this popu-


lation was composed of patients who

were truly ill and for whom investing

clinical resources is mandatory for
improving their survival. However,
(26.7) with respiratory support

owing to the diagnostic difficulties pre-

viously mentioned and the importance
of early management of pregnant
Dopamine 5.1e15a or

norepinephrine 0.1a
6.0e11.9 (102e204)

epinephrine 0.1a or

3.5e4.9 (300e440)
women with sepsis, delaying the start of
treatment for obstetric patients with
positive SOFA could have detrimental
results.20 The identification of patients



with sepsis under noncritical conditions


through clinical systems with clear

reproducibility in low- and middle-
income countries may be the key to
dobutamine (any dosage)a

reducing mortality because of maternal

2.0e3.4 (171e299)

2.0e5.9 (33e101)

FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment.
Dopamine <5 or

Similarly, in the review of maternal

sepsis published by the Society for
<300 (40)

Maternal-Fetal Medicine, it was empha-


sized that none of the definitions of sepsis

consider the physiological changes that

occur during pregnancy.21 These changes

can complicate the early identification of
1.2e1.9 (110e170)

sepsis in pregnant women. In a systematic

1.2e1.9 (20e32)

MAP <70 mmHg

review conducted by Bauer et al,22 the

<400 (53.3)

authors tried to define the normal ranges

for pregnancy and puerperium of each of

the SIRS criteria in 8834 healthy pregnant


patients. The study showed that all cur-

rent SIRS criteria are present in healthy
Sequential organ failure assessment score

MAP 70 mmHg

pregnant women during the second and

third trimesters of pregnancy, and during
Catecholamine doses are given as g/kg/min for at least 1 hour.
400 (53.3)

<1.2 (110)
<1.2 (20)

labor and puerperium, except for high

temperature, suggesting that patients


with a temperature >38 C persistent for


Escobar. Maternal sepsis. AJOG MFM. 2020.

>1 hour require complementary

studies.23 Therefore, SIRS criteria are not
Creatinine, mg/dL (mmol/L)
Glasgow Coma Scale score

so applicable to pregnant women and its

Bilirubin, mg/dL (mmol/L)

Central nervous system

normal ranges need to be clarified in the

PaO2/FiO2 mmHg (kPa)

Platelets, 3103/ mL

obstetric population through further

Urine output, mL/d

research, because it is possible that cur-


rent SIRS criteria lead to over- or under-


estimating the diagnosis of an infection in





In 2017, the Society of Obstetric


Medicine of Australia and New Zealand


Expert Review MATERNAL

Obstetrically modified sequential organ failure assessment score
System parameter 0 1 2
PaO2/FiO2 mmHg (kPa) 400 300 to <400 <300
Platelets, 106/L 150 100e150 <100
Bilirubin, mg/L <20 20e32 >32
MAP MAP 70 mmHg MAP <70 mmHg Vasopressors required
Central nervous system Alert Rousable by voice Rousable by pain
Creatinine (mmol/L) <90 90e120 >120
FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment.
Escobar. Maternal sepsis. AJOG MFM. 2020.

established the guidelines for the inves- information regarding the validation rapidly define whether or not they
tigation and management of sepsis in and normalization of data from preg- require admission to the ICU.26
pregnancy, and they recommended nant or postpartum women limits the The aim of these scoring systems,
modifications in the diagnostic criteria possibility of using these tools, particu- specifically designed for groups of
according to the changes inherent to larly in low-resource settings. Therefore, obstetrical patients receiving nonICU
pregnancy.24 For the qSOFA criteria, applicable criteria are urgently needed to care, is to reduce maternal morbidity
they proposed an obstetrically modified identify possible severe cases of maternal and mortality. Although some of these
qSOFA, and maternal sepsis should be infection (presumed maternal sepsis) newly developed maternal warning sys-
considered where 2 or more of the with sufficient anticipation in the clinical tems are specific for particular maternal
following are present: systolic BP 90 evolution to allow timely treatment and conditions (sepsis, eclampsia, and
mmHg, respiratory rate 25/minute, or to optimize perinatal outcomes. venous thromboembolism), others are
altered mental status. Based on the To determine the criteria needed to more comprehensive.27e34 Most of these
concept that the SOFA score has not identify women with possible serious maternal early warning scores have been
undergone appropriate prospective maternal infections (presumed maternal developed retrospectively and need to be
validation in pregnant and postpartum sepsis) and confirmed cases of maternal implemented prospectively.22,26,28
women, this guideline recommends sepsis, the Global Maternal Sepsis Study Table 6 summarizes a comparison of
several modifications when applying the (GLOSS) was undertaken to establish some of these emergency classification
SOFA score to pregnancy (obstetrically and validate diagnostic criteria for scales.28,35 The evaluation of the pre-
modified SOFA) (Table 5). Future possible severe cases of maternal infec- dictive power of modified obstetric early
studies are needed for the validation of tion and to evaluate the frequency of warning scoring systems (MOEWS) for
this interesting and pertinent proposal. recommended essential practices for the the development of severe sepsis in
To help healthcare professionals, prevention, early identification, and women with chorioamnionitis was
several tools have been designed management of maternal sepsis.3 The evaluated in a retrospective cohort study
including clinical, laboratory, and treat- results of GLOSS will be published this using prospectively collected clinical
ment indicators (early warning systems) year. observations at a single tertiary unit.
to identify septic pregnant women at risk During the study period, 15,027 births
for complications.10 These tools employ Early warning systems were recorded and 913 cases of cho-
different variables for the recognition of The rapid identification and early guided rioamnionitis were confirmed (6.1%).
abnormal vital signs, including HR, BP, therapy of critically ill patients have re- Of this group, severe sepsis was observed
respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and ported better outcomes in terms of in 5 women (0.5%; 95% CI, 0.2%
temperature, allowing for timely identi- mortality if they are initiated by the e1.3%), including 1 maternal death.
fication of clinical deterioration, emergency department.25,26 In the gen- Interestingly, 364 cases with complete
thresholds to foresee the need for eral population, the use of early warning clinical data were included in the analysis
specialized attention, or predicting systems has been established for the using 6 MOEWS with different thresh-
mortality.25 However, these tools do not detection of the degree of illness during olds and clinical triggers. The sensitiv-
work well to predict the risk of maternal the first 24 hours of hospital admission, ities to predict severe deterioration
sepsis or to identify women who may which favors a rapid redirection of pa- ranged from 40% to 100% and the
need early treatment or intensive care tients to the respective services and en- specificities varied from 4% to 97%. The
because of an infection.25,26 The lack of sures early interventions, trying to positive predictive values were low


MATERNAL Expert Review

Comparison of emergency classification scales applied in the obstetric population
Full name Sepsis in Obstetrics Score Modified Early Obstetric Modified Early Rapid Emergency
Warning System Warning System Medicine Score
Specific for obstetrical population Yes Yes No No
Evaluated Parameters Temperature ( C) Temperature ( C) Temperature ( C) Age
SpO2 (%) RR RR Glasgow Coma Scale
White blood cell count State of consciousness State of SpO2 (%)
% Immature neutrophils % of oxygen required to
maintain SatO2 >95%
Lactic acid (mmol/L)
Sensitivity, % 88.9 89 100 77.8
Specificity, % 99.2 79 77.6 90.3
PPV, % 16.7 39 4.6 11.1
NPV, % 99.9 98 100 99.7
DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HR, heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value; RR, respiratory rate; SatO2, oxygen saturation; SBP,
systolic blood pressure; SpO2, peripheral oxygen saturation.
Adapted from Albright et al.28
Escobar. Maternal sepsis. AJOG MFM. 2020.

(ranging from <2%e15%).26 In 2017, a because of the physiological hyper- possible that it can be a marker of
study was published to prospectively dynamic state of pregnancy, it could be severity for pregnant women that arrive
validate the Sepsis in Obstetrics Score to common to have a higher SI than the at emergency units with sepsis. The
identify risk for ICU admissions because established normal value. search for diagnostic methods to trigger
of sepsis in pregnancy. They found that a Recently, normal SI values during faster and more efficient responses in
score of 6 had a sensitivity of 64%, a pregnancy have been established. The potentially severe cases of maternal
specificity of 88%, a positive predictive range of the cutoff values of SI as gesta- sepsis is necessary because of the high
value of 15%, and a negative predictive tion progresses is from 0.756 (0.127) in morbidity and mortality related to the
value of 99% to identify patients that will pregnant women with 12 weeks of disease, which is most of the time treat-
be admitted to ICU because of maternal gestation, 0.795 (0.132) from 13 to 20 able and curable.
sepsis.34 weeks, 0.825 (0.149) from 21 to 27
Another criterion that has been stud- weeks, 0.831 (0.144) from 28 to 32 Maternal sepsis treatment
ied in cases of sepsis is the shock index weeks, 0.821 (0.140) from 33 to 36 The goal of maternal sepsis treatment is
(SI). This is the calculation of a ratio weeks, and 0.790 (0.139) >37 weeks.39 to start stabilization, try to stop the
between HR and systolic BP, generating a SI was already studied as a form of progression from sepsis to septic shock,
value that provides rapid diagnosis and rapid action to shock and septic shock in and improve tissue perfusion to limit cell
response to hypovolemic, cardiogenic, areas such as pediatrics and intensive dysfunction. Therefore, at the beginning
distributive, and obstructive shock medicine, obtaining promising results in of the treatment, all patients with
events. Values between 0.5 and 0.7 nor- the composition of a tool for rapid maternal sepsis must receive resuscita-
mally represent patients without risk for response and as a predictor of tion standards for critical patients
shock in the general population. An severity.40,41 However, to date, it is still ensuring the ABCD sequence. There
elevated SI (>0.9) is associated with unclear whether SI can be an adequate must be continuous monitoring of
higher mortality secondary to hemor- tool for predicting the severity of sepsis oxygenation to achieve oxygen satura-
rhagic and septic shock.36e38 However, in pregnant women42 and whether it is tion between 92% and 94% and establish


Expert Review MATERNAL

reduction at 28 days in this group of

TABLE 7 patients. Nevertheless, based on this
First hour bundleeinitial resuscitation for sepsis and septic shock study, the use of CRT as a cost-effective
Bundle element strategy is reborn, especially in low-
1. Measure lactate concentration. Remeasure if initial lactate is >2 mmol/L. and medium-income countries, to guide
precise resuscitation in patients with
2. Obtain blood cultures before administration of antibiotics.
septic shock. The use of CRT in pregnant
3. Administer broad-spectrum antibiotics. women needs to be validated.
4. Rapidly administer 30 mL/kg crystalloid for hypotension or lactate 4 mmol/L.
5. Apply vasopressors if patient is hypotensive during or after fluid resuscitation to maintain Blood cultures
mean arterial pressure 65mm Hg. Sterilization of cultures can occur within
Escobar. Maternal sepsis. AJOG MFM. 2020. minutes to hours after the first dose of
the appropriate antibiotic.56,57 There-
fore, it is recommended to include blood
advanced devices to secure the airway if identification and drainage, if necessary cultures and cultures of the suspected
necessary. Once the venous accesses are (eg, abscesses or uterine evacuation in focus of infection, including wounds,
secured (at least 1 with angiocath num- cases of endometritis).8,45,46 drains, and catheters in patients with
ber 16 or 18), laboratory tests must be suspected sepsis or septic shock (expert
taken to clarify sepsis diagnosis and Lactate recommendation).9 These routine
severity of the condition according to Basal lactate concentrations in maternal microbiological cultures should include
multiorgan dysfunction.2,3 blood are useful to identify patients at at least 2 sets of blood cultures (for aer-
In the absence of evidence-based high risk for mortality because of infec- obic and anaerobic bacteria)58 and can
management recommendations regard- tion. Lactate concentrations <2 mmol/L be extracted at the same time. The plan
ing sepsis and septic shock during preg- are correlated to 15% mortality, between to obtain cultures before the antibiotic
nancy, the best option likely is to follow 2 and 4 mmol/L to 25%, and >4 mmol/L treatment starts must be balanced with
the guidelines of general population to 40%.47 In addition, the SSC suggests the mortality risk that the delay of anti-
management and apply the SSC guide.43 performing resuscitation to normalize biotic treatment in critically ill patients
In 2018, the recommendation for the lactate concentrations in patients with may produce.59,60
implementation of an intervention’s elevated lactate as a marker for tissue
package during the first hour of man- hypoperfusion (weak recommendation Broad-spectrum antibiotics
agement was published and called Hour-1 and low-quality evidence). Lactate is a Among patients with sepsis and septic
Bundle (Table 7).44 This recommenda- more objective measure for tissue shock, survival decreases 7% per every
tion must be seen as an opportunity to perfusion evaluation than physical ex- hour of delay in antibiotic administra-
update care quality by reducing the amination and diuresis. At least 5 ran- tion.60 Reducing the time from admis-
intervention time, which is essential in the domized clinical trials (647 patients) and sion to the administration of antibiotics
management of patients with sepsis and 2 metaanalyses have evaluated the is a measure of quality improvement in
septic shock. The following interventions lactate-guided resuscitation of patients several institutions,61 and some inter-
are recommended during this period: with septic shock, finding an important national societies such as the Infectious
reduction in mortality when compared Diseases Society of America favor the
 Measure maternal blood lactate with resuscitation without lactate elimination of specific time frames for
concentration. monitoring (relative risk, 0.67; 95% CI, antibiotic administration, proposing
 Obtain blood cultures before admin- 0.53e0.84; low-quality evidence).48e54 that their administration should be per-
istering antibiotics. In 2019, the Andromeda-Shock ran- formed once sepsis or septic shock is
 Administer broad-spectrum domized clinical trial was published, a suspected.62
antibiotics. clinical controlled trial performed in 28 The lack of implementation of proper
 Begin rapid administration of 30 mL/ ICUs in 5 countries with 424 patients in empirical treatment in sepsis and
kg crystalloid in case of hypotension septic shock, in which the effectiveness septic shock is associated with a consid-
or maternal blood lactate concentra- of early resuscitation guided by periph- erable increase in morbidity and
tion 4 mmol/L. eral perfusion evaluation (capillary refill mortality.45,63e65 Consequently, the
 Apply vasopressors in case of hypo- time [CRT]) was compared with lactate- initial selection of antibiotic treatment
tension during or after fluid resusci- guided resuscitation.55 This study did must be broad enough to cover all
tation to maintain MAP 65 mmHg. not find a significant mortality reduction possible microorganisms. This selection
in patients with septic shock whose will depend on many factors, including
Although these interventions are key, resuscitation strategy was guided by pe- the patient’s medical history (eg, recent
the most important is to control the ripheral perfusion (P¼.006), but there use of antibiotics and previous organ-
focus, trying to make a quick was a clear tendency toward mortality isms), comorbidities (eg, pregestational


MATERNAL Expert Review

Most common obstetrical and nonobstetrical infectious conditions
Obstetric conditions Most frequent pathogens
Chorioamnionitis Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteriodes; group B streptococcus
Endometritis Polymicrobial
Peptostreptococcus, Bacteriodes, Clostridium spp, group B streptococcus, enterococcus,
Escherichia coli, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus
Septic abortion Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Proteus vulgaris, hemolytic streptococcus,
Staphylococcus, and some anaerobic organisms (eg, Clostridium perfringens)
Puerperal mastitis Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA
Nonobstetrical conditions Most frequent pathogens
Wound infection Group A b-hemolytic streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus
Urinary tract infection Escherichia coli Klebsiella, Enterobacter spp, Proteus
Respiratory infection Streptococcus pneumonia, Heamophilus influenzae, Chlamydia pneumoniae,
Mycoplasma pneumonia, Legionella pneumophilia, Influenza A and B
Gastrointestinal infection Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter
MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Escobar. Maternal sepsis. AJOG MFM. 2020.

diabetes and organ failure), immune empirical treatment with broad- samples (eg, need for an amniocentesis
defects (eg, HIV), clinical context (eg, spectrum antibiotics to cover most to obtain amniotic fluid); (2) low rate of
infection acquired in the community or common microorganisms, such as bacterial identification with traditional
in the hospital), suspected infection Gram-positive and Gram-negative bac- culture techniques (molecular microbi-
location, presence of invasive devices, teria. If indicated, treatment should be ological techniques, such as polymerase
Gram stain data, and local prevalence initiated against fungi (eg, Candida) and chain reaction, for microorganism
and resistance patterns.66e68 rarely against viruses (eg, influenza). In identification in amniotic fluid are not
The most common microorganisms cases of septic shock, the initial antibiotic available in most centers); and (3) cul-
that cause septic shock are Gram- treatment must be different. Frequently, tures may have been obtained after the
positive and Gram-negative bacteria. a broad-spectrum carbapenem drug is administration of antibiotics. If an
Invasive candidiasis, toxic shock syn- used (eg, meropenem, imipenem, or infection is ruled out, antibiotic treat-
drome, and a series of rare pathogens doripenem) or a combination of ment must be timely interrupted to
should be considered in specific patients. extended-range penicillin and beta- minimize the possibility of infection by
Patients who acquire infections in the lactam inhibitors (eg, piperacillin and an antibiotic-resistant pathogen or the
hospital are more likely to have sepsis tazobactam or ticarcillin and clav- possibility of having a drug-related
owing to methicillin-resistant Staphylo- ulanate). Third-generation cephalospo- adverse effect. Therefore, decisions
coccus aureus and vancomycin-resistant rins can also be included, and the SSC regarding the continuation, reduction,
Enterococci. In obstetrics, an increase suggests empirical polytherapy (weak or interruption of antibiotic treatment
incidence in group A streptococci recommendation and low-quality should be made on the basis of labora-
infection cases since the 1980s has been evidence). tory results and clinical response.
reported, associated with high mortality It is recommended to adjust antibiotic The optimal antibiotic dosage for pa-
especially in the postpartum period.69,70 treatment once the pathogen and anti- tients with critical sepsis and septic
Table 8 summarizes the most common biotic susceptibility are defined and shock (especially during pregnancy) has
obstetric and nonobstetric infectious proper clinical improvement is observed several considerations. Patients with
conditions and their respective etiolog- (expert recommendation). In situations sepsis or septic shock have a higher fre-
ical agents.71,72 where a pathogen is identified, a gradual quency of kidney and liver dysfunction.
However, because of the number of reduction must be implemented to the Perhaps what is most important
variables that need to be evaluated, it is most efficient antibiotic. However, in regarding antibiotic dose administration
not possible to provide a recommenda- approximately one-third of patients with is the increase of the volume of distri-
tion for a specific antibiotic scheme in sepsis, the microorganism is not identi- bution of most antibiotics, in part
patients with sepsis and septic shock. For fied.45,73 The reasons why there is no because of the rapid expansion of
most patients with sepsis but without pathogen identification could include extracellular volume because of aggres-
septic shock, it is recommended to start the following: (1) difficulty in obtaining sive rehydration. This causes an


Expert Review MATERNAL

unexpectedly high frequency of subop- SSC does not recommend the use of recommendation and moderate-quality
timal pharmacologic concentrations of static measurements of left or right car- evidence) or adding vasopressin to
several antibiotics in patients with sepsis diac pressure and volumes (such as decrease norepinephrine dosage in cases
and septic shock.46,74e77 central venous pressure).89e91 Dynamic of septic shock (weak recommendation
The duration of antibiotic treatment measures have been proposed to assess and moderate-quality evidence). Never-
from 7 to 10 days is appropriate for se- whether a patient requires more liquids theless, there is less evidence for the use
vere infections associated with sepsis and to improve fluid treatment and avoid of vasopressin during pregnancy, and
septic shock (weak recommendation fluid overloading by increasing systemic there is a hypothesis of possible inter-
and low-quality evidence).78e81 Longer volume.82 action of vasopressin with oxytocin
treatments have been recommended in To avoid fluid overload during resus- receptors.93
patients with slow clinical response, in citation in pregnancy, one must take into There is a great debate regarding the
whom it is impossible to drain the account the intravenous infusions use of vasopressors in the management
infection focus; bacteremia owing to S administered for maternal-specific con- of pregnant patients because of the risk
aureus; some viral or fungal infections; ditions at the time, including magne- of acute placental insufficiency.94 How-
or immunologic deficiencies including sium sulfate and/or oxytocin, as part of ever, because the placenta is a low-
neutropenia (weak recommendation the total volume to be replaced.6,8,24 resistance system, the sustained fall in
and low-quality evidence). maternal BP and perfusion fall is a
Early use of vasoactives determinant of perinatal outcome. The
Fluid treatment MAP is the pressure that favors tissue safety profile of norepinephrine against
The intravenous use of fluid for patient perfusion. Although perfusion of critical epinephrine has been studied during
resuscitation is one of the key strategies organs, such as the brain or the kidneys, human pregnancy, especially for BP
of modern treatment, and its objective is can be protected during systemic hypo- maintenance during regional anesthesia
to achieve rapid organ perfusion. The tension through regional perfusion self- for cesarean sections.94,95 Therefore, the
use of crystalloids as the preferred fluid regulation (below MAP threshold), timely use of norepinephrine is indicated
for initial rehydration is recommended perfusion turns out to be linearly and must not be delayed in the presence
alongside the subsequent intravascular dependent on BP. Therefore, SSC rec- of septic shock. During pregnancy, fetal
volume replacement in patients with ommends a target MAP of 65 mmHg in monitoring could be a precise marker of
sepsis and septic shock (strong recom- patients with septic shock requiring maternal and fetal response to vaso-
mendation and moderate-quality evi- treatment with vasopressors (strong pressors and the maintenance of
dence). When patients require great recommendation and moderate-quality perfusion.
quantities of crystalloids, the use of al- evidence). Resuscitation should also be Postinfection myocardial dysfunction
bumin may be allowed (weak recom- performed to normalize lactate in pa- occurs in a subset of patients with septic
mendation and low-quality tients with high lactate concentrations as shock.96 In this situation, dobutamine is
evidence).82e88 a marker for tissue hypoperfusion (weak the inotropic agent of choice for patients
Fluid administration has been a recommendation and low-quality with measured or suspected low CO in
strategy with the most contradictory evidence). the presence of satisfactory left ventricle
evidence. Nevertheless, physicians In patients with sepsis, the duration of filling pressure and an acceptable MAP
attending obstetrical patients with sepsis hypotension increases mortality. There- (weak recommendation and low-quality
need recommendations regarding the fore, the early use of vasopressors during evidence). There are no contraindica-
volume input when facing a medical the first hour of admission is recom- tions for its use during pregnancy. The
emergency. SSC recommends initial mended. The first choice is norepi- use of steroids (eg, intravenous hydro-
rehydration with 30 mL/kg of crystal- nephrine (strong recommendation and cortisone) for septic shock is indicated in
loids within the first 3 hours.2 This fixed moderate-quality evidence), especially patients responding to fluid manage-
fluid volume allows the medical team to because it increases MAP because of its ment and vasopressor treatment without
have the time for more specific infor- vasoconstrictor effect, with little change achieving hemodynamic stability. In this
mation about the patient and, thus, to in HR and less increase in systolic vol- case, SSC suggests the use of intravenous
have a more precise measurement of her ume than dopamine.92 The use of hydrocortisone in a dose of 200 mg per
hemodynamic state. dopamine should only be considered in day (weak recommendation and low-
Reevaluation of the patient must highly selected patients (eg, patients with quality evidence).2
include a complete clinical examination low risk of tachyarrhythmias and abso-
and the assessment of physiological lute or relative bradycardia) (weak Management after the first hour of
variables (HR, BP, blood oxygen satura- recommendation and low-quality evi- treatment
tion, respiratory rate, temperature, dence). SSC suggests adding vasopressin After the first hour, complementary
diuresis, and other variables) and the (a dose of up to 0.3 U/minute) to measures must be initiated. Among
results of noninvasive or invasive he- norepinephrine to increase MAP up to them, control of the source of infection is
modynamic monitoring, if available. the desired value (weak key for patient recovery. The principles


MATERNAL Expert Review

of infection control in sepsis and septic because of an emerging condition that 5. Acosta CD, Kurinczuk JJ, Lucas DN, et al.
shock include the fast diagnosis of the defines it. Severe maternal sepsis in the UK, 2011e2012:
a national case-control study. PLoS Med
specific infection location and deter- Specific treatment of obstetrical con- 2014;11:e1001672.
mining whether that infection is sus- ditions must not be delayed by resusci- 6. Bonet M, Nogueira Pileggi V, Rijken MJ, et al.
ceptible to control measures such as tation in sepsis; conversely, it should be Towards a consensus definition of maternal
abscess drainage, debridement of infec- instituted at the same time.8,21,24 sepsis: results of a systematic review and expert
ted necrotic tissues, extraction of a Regarding the use of steroids for fetal consultation. Reprod Health 2017;14:67.
7. Statement on maternal sepsis. World Health
possibly infected device, and the defini- lung maturation, tocolysis, and magne- Organization. 2017. Available at: http://apps.
tive control of a continuous source of sium sulfate, the obstetrical manage-
microbial contamination.97 A target of ment guidelines,24,109,110 and the RHR-17.02-eng.pdf. Accessed December
no more than 6 to 12 hours after diag- consensus of Sepsis-3 recommend that 12, 2019.
nosis seems to be adequate in most the indication of these interventions 8. Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW,
et al. The third international consensus defini-
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shock: 2016. Intensive Care Med 2017;43:
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ence suggests that, without proper with high mortality, which is very diffi- 10. Arora KS, Shields LE, Grobman WA,
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