HR Hygiene Questions

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Hello Everyone, I am Venkata Durga Sai and I am from Hyderabad, Telangana. I did my SSC
from English Union High School and my +2 from Narayana Junior College. I went on to pursue
my B.Tech in Information Technology from CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad. I was
placed at Capgemini from my college where I used to work as Windows Server Administrator
where my primary role was all server related tasks and analyzing potential issues that lead to
failure in server patching during execution time. I work as a Windows Server Administrator with
a specialized knowledge in SCCM. We used the SCCM tool to patch multiple systems at once
and remediate vulnerabilities of all these systems. My hobbies are watching movies, web series
and occasionally reading books

2. Why Marketing?

I was always fascinated by [the science behind the] marketing tactics used which grab
customers' attention unto the product or service..... Since my college days I have developed this
interest. There was an instance where we re-started a major event during our college days but
we were unsure whether we could attract customers or not. We were searching for a few unique
metrics which could make our food stall’s logo and name position in the minds of our college
mates. So, we promoted our food stall extensively. We made an announcement on radios, we
did word of mouth marketing, we sent mails and we promoted through social media handles. We
made a profit of 40%. So, that was my major inclination part and coming to my MBA, I have
learnt this concept through the line marketing strategy. So, I am finding these things interesting
and I want to build a career in the future on marketing. I enjoyed these challenges. The thrill of
talking to strangers and persuading them to buy a product. These all things fascinated me. So,
I've decided that I will pursue my masters in business and from my two years of work
experience I have gained those interpersonal skills and seen how these corporations work. All
these experiences have helped me gain relevant insights and skills and now here I am pursuing

3. Why Finance?
According to me finance is present in every part of life. Be it in personal life or be it in our work
life. I like working with numbers. I want to learn how to make sense of all these numbers. I want
to know how businesses create money and generate value.Also, I'd like to know how
businesses have their profitability and their growth. I want to know more about how can I
improve my own investments further and also think rationally while investing and not bring any
sentiments while investing. So I'd like to learn and do all this. I think finance helps me in all
round understanding of business and also helps me in individual development.

4. Why MBA?

I have been working in IT for almost 22 months. I can say that I have a decent amount of
technical knowledge and a hardworking attitude. At the same time I feel that I should improve
my business knowledge. I am moving only in a unidirectional manner. But I felt that my manager
has those leadership qualities and a good understanding of the whole process. He can handle
clients better at the same time and manage 2-3 teams. He inspires us and maintains a healthy
communication within the team. He can understand the issue from all sides of view. I want to get
into that techno-managerial role where I can complement my technical skills with managerial
skills like decision making and strategic thinking.

5. What are your Short term and long term professional goals after MBA?

Short Term:
My short-term professional goal would be to improve my knowledge and comprehensive
understanding of business operations and apply the skills learnt during my MBA to accentuate
my professional growth and stature.I wish to work on several projects, learn from my colleagues
and acquire as much knowledge and experience as possible
Long term:
In five years from now, I see myself as a knowledgeable professional having an in-depth
knowledge of the company and the industry. I will be committed and dedicated to my profession
and deliver the best, while learning from the best, and eventually I see myself in a managerial
role with the opportunity of demonstrating my problem-solving, decision making and leadership

6. Strengths with examples:

I have the ability to shoulder and manage my commitments effectively by myself and get them
completed within the estimated timelines.[ During my work tenure I was entrusted with several
onerous and high-priority tasks that required intense dedication and discipline. These were
immense learning opportunities for me as I was able to shoulder these commitments efficiently
by myself, by diligently working on these responsibilities and completing them within the
estimated deadlines, even performing above and beyond expectations at times.]
Being honest about my shortcomings, as and when they appeared, and dealing with any sort of
conflicts professionally without letting them turn personal. [Working on these tasks also helped
me develop a sense of being honest about my shortcomings and reaching out to my teammates
for help whenever I struggled with something. This ensured the establishment of an effective
system of communication and collaboration along with my peers, thus helping in resolving any
conflicts, whenever they arose, with utmost professionalism.]

Attention to detail:
I've always been detail-oriented in my work, and it's something I enjoy. In my last job, I was
frequently required to manage 2-3 client projects at a time. Being detail-oriented allowed me to
deliver 100% of my projects on time to our clients.

7. Weaknesses with examples:

I tend to be overly critical of myself.
Ex: Whenever I complete a project, I can’t help but feel that I could have done more even if my
work received a positive response. This often leads me to overwork myself and leaves me
feeling burned out. Over the past few years, I’ve tried to take time to look at my achievements
objectively and celebrate those wins. This has not only improved my work and my confidence,
but it has helped me to appreciate my team and other support systems that are always behind
me in everything I do.

8. Greatest professional achievement so far?

My biggest achievement till date is that during my tenure at Capgemini, I monitored a team of 3
to initiate a methodology and decreased manual efforts by 75%. The development of this project
was based on a very niche concept, which provided me a great opportunity to simultaneously
learn a new skill and apply it to the project. Working on this project also helped me develop my
planning and time management skills, as I was able to break the whole project down into
smaller, executable tasks, meticulously examining each task. Within 6 months.I was able to
reduce server vulnerabilities by 20%, which increased the success rate by 85%.I was
appreciated by my manager and Client for my effort as a core team member in security

9. Greatest challenge?

During the start of my career at Capgemini, I was assigned a task to analyze and report
potential issues that might lead to patch failures and an increase in vulnerabilities in systems.
The management came up with a new method of identifying these issues before the execution
and vested the responsibility on me. I started this project with great interest, but I encountered
many obstacles in terms of reporting these issues within deadlines. I focused on similar kinds of
vulnerabilities, segregated them into groups and resolved them one at a time which improved
the clarity and efficiency of the process. Within three months, there was a 20% reduction in
vulnerabilities which increased the success rate by 85% during execution time. My
supervisor appreciated me for ensuring the high quality within project deadlines and our
stakeholders were impressed with the outcome. I learned about managing time effectively and
handling the immediate task at hand while still making sure to secure the future. I learned about
the delegation of tasks to the right persons based on their respective skills to achieve desired

10. Why L & T?

I resonate with the core values of L & T. L & T focuses more on employees and it gives them
very good opportunities and I have found that L & T welfare foundation has a stake of 13.7%
followed by LIC which has 13.1%. This shows how much importance L & T gives to its
employees while also satisfying the expectations of customers, stakeholders and society. I
believe working with a global platform like L & T would be a great learning experience while also
giving me enough opportunities for my career progress.

11. Why should we hire you?

I believe I have the necessary work experience to understand the needs and demands of the
industry, and the temperament to accordingly equip myself in order to be industry-ready and
match up to the expectations of the industry. Also, having worked with various people of
different backgrounds, skills and mindsets, I have acquired the inter-personal skills that are
necessary to engage in a communicative and collaborative team-setup and thrive in the
corporate world. Having worked with trainees for a brief period of time and having facilitated
their contribution towards our project productively has helped me enhance my leadership skills
which have contributed a lot in building character, delegation skills and self-confidence of being
able to lead people and manage commitments efficiently.

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