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Outcome Report (Event/Activity Organised @ AUMP)

1. General Information
1.1 Date: 08th JUNE 2020
1.2 Event Type: Guest Lecture: ASFDT AUMP
1.3 Event Title: Impact on Craft Sector in current and Post.
. …Covid senario.
1.4 Venue: Through Online session via Go To Webinar.
1.5 Organised by (School): ASFDT, AUMP

1.6 Student Participation*: No. of Students from AUMP (Course wise): - 35 from (ASFDT)

1.7 Faculty Participation*: No. of Faculty Members from AUMP (Deptt. wise): - All ASFDT Faculty members.

1.8 Participation from outside AUMP*: No. of Students & Faculty Members-112

1.9 Event Coordinator(s) with designation: Ms.Twinkle Rastogi ,Teaching Associate, Amity School Of Fashion
Design And Technology AUMP.

1.10 General Introduction of the Event

1.11 The main aim of expert talk Session conducted during this week was to strengthen the academic-industry
interface of ASFDT programme. The topic of this webinar “ Impact on Craft Sector in current and post
Covid senario.” is very interesting & important topic as per the current COVID situation. Through this
webinar the attendee come to know the importance of India’s craft sector and how craft sector of our
country is effected by COVID-19.

1.12Objectives of the Event

 To strengthen the academic-industry interface of ASFDT programme.
 To apprise and mould designing students of ASFDT, AUMP.
 To learn the importance of craft sector.
 What is the current situation of craft sector during COVID-19.
 To motivate students as well as artists to join craft sector.

2. Details of Expert/Speaker/Resource Person/Judge:

Major Areas CV of
where Amity
Countr Expert Organisation Contact Expert
SN Designation Specialisation E-mail Id Address can
y Name Name Name No. (Yes/
with expert No)

Yes for
Entrepreneur, conducting
Chief workshops,
sanchit with
Mr.Sanch Operating 9167122 conferences,
i. India Lal10 Entrepreneur @lal10. NA ASFDT
it Govhil Officer and 150 Webinar ,
com ,AUMP
Co Founder expert/
LaL10. guest

3. Outcome of the Event with Time Lines (Proposed/Achieved) (Pl fill the relevant rows)

Envisaged Outcome Tangible/ Achieved/ Proposed Target date &

Intangible responsibilities Details of outcome
(if proposed)
I. Outcome related to Academia Connect

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a) Collaborations for Research N/A N/A N/A N/A
Papers/Conference Papers/ Book
Chapter etc.
b)Collaborations & MOU for Tangible Proposed Next two MOU proposed for
Research Guidance [PhD, PG & Research Guidance,
UG (summer training, month summer training,
Dissertation)] & Projects/Use of Projects
Instruments etc.
c) Collaboration for Funded Projects Tangible Proposed N/A N/A
II. Outcome related to Industry Connect
a) Placement Tangible Proposed N/A Talk in pipeline
with the Designer
b)Collaborations for Research N/A N/A N/A N/A
c) Collaborations & MOU for Tangible Proposed Next two MOU proposed for
Research Guidance [PhD, PG & Research Guidance,
UG (summer training, month summer training,
Dissertation)] &Projects/Use of Projects
d)Collaboration for Funded Projects N/A N/A N/A N/A
III. Outcome related to Society Outreach
a) Benefit to society in terms of Tangible Proposed N/A In pipeline
Health & Hygiene
b)Benefit to society in terms of N/A N/A N/A N/A
IV. Outcome related to Students Learning &Grooming
Students learned
 There are jobs in craft sector.
 Importance of Craft sector.
 How one can contribute to craft sector.

V. Any other

4. Event Report along with glimpses of the event (Photographs)

4.1 Brief about the address/talk of speakers

The session stared with a warm welcome note by moderator. Mr. Sanchit Govhil talked about
the importance of craft sector and current situation of craft sector during COVID-19. He shared
some job opportunities and ways through which people can contribute to craft sector. He also
motivate students and other members to work with craft sector.

Mr. Sanchit Govhil shared the details about their industry Lal0. Lal10, which means ‘lantern’ in
Hindi, was named so with the idea of being the beacon in the life of the Indian artisan. They are
a social venture focused on bringing up the Indian artisan by helping them gain economic
stability. They do so, by selling in bulk to businesses and by bringing awareness about the
various crafts to the world.

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4.2 Photographs with caption

Guest delivering his lecture

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Ms. Twinkle Rastogi ,
Faculty Coordinator, ASFDT, AUMP.


Director Outcome, AUMP

Pro Vice Chancellor, AUMP

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, AUMP

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