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Golden Demo Quality Assurance)

Demo Script
Quality Assurance
Classification: Internal and for Partners

Version: 20180131

SAP Business ByDesign Reference Systems

Golden Demo Quality Assurance

This demo script is based on the ByD Reference System for the Almika model company. There are several country versions
of the Almika ByD implementation available. The content is similar but deviates especially with respect to language support,
names and object descriptions. Sample data used in this demo script relates to the US country version – for other country
versions different data samples might be relevant.
A prerequisite for being able to fully understand this demo script and run the demo, is a sound system knowledge on SAP
Business ByDesign. General assumption is that you are familiar with the Learning Center content available in your ByD
system at: Home Self-Services – Learning Center.

Although the script has been tested carefully you might nevertheless encounter different system behavior when running a
demo in an actual Almika demo tenant.

Release Statement
This version of the demo script is released for the following country versions of the ByD Reference System for the Almika
model company:

• US – United States, as of demo release ByD 1705

• DE – Germany, as of demo release ByD 1705

• UK – United Kingdom, as of demo release ByD 1705

• FR – France, as of demo release ByD 1705

• AT – Austria, as of demo release ByD 1705

• CH – Switzerland, as of demo release ByD 1705

• NL – Netherlands, as of demo release ByD 1705

• CA – Canada, as of demo release ByD 1705

• MX – Mexico, as of demo release ByD 1705

• AU – Australia, as of demo release ByD 1705

• CN – China, as of demo release ByD 1705

• IN – India, as of demo release ByD 1705

The demo release basically is determined by the time when the demo tenant has been provisioned for demo usage, a demo
tenant provided between mid of March and mid of June 2018 is part of the demo release ByD 1802.
As of demo release ByD 1802 the release status of your ByD demo tenant can be identified in the Company-Specific-Help:
You can find a help entry “ByD <nnnn> Demo Guides <CC>” under Help – Company-Specific-Help. <nnnn> specifies the
demo release of your ByD demo tenant, e.g. ‘1802’ – released in February 2018. <CC> specifies the country version of your
demo tenant, e.g. ‘US’ – Almika US country version. The version-controlled demo guides provided in this help entry match to
the demo release and the country version of your ByD demo tenant. Please be aware that the demo guides are not specific
to the country version, only the version of the demo guide is specific to your ByD demo tenant.

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

Table of Content

1 Demo Script Overview ..........................................................................................................................................4

1.1 Demo Overview .............................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Intended Audience ........................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Protagonists ..................................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Business Pain Points.....................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Key Messages and Value Proposition ...........................................................................................................4
1.6 Story Flow Summary .....................................................................................................................................5
2 Technical Requirements .......................................................................................................................................6
2.1 System Access Information ...........................................................................................................................6
2.2 User Accounts ...............................................................................................................................................6
3 Demo Steps ............................................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Overview of Quality Control using the Defect Analysis Report ......................................................................7
3.1.1 Open Defect Analysis Report ...........................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Different Views of the Defect Analysis Report .................................................................................7
3.1.3 Tailor the Defect Analysis Report ....................................................................................................8
3.2 Quality Control Details ...................................................................................................................................9
3.2.1 Inspections Overview .......................................................................................................................9
3.2.2 Inspection Details .......................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Drill Down from Inspection to Warehouse Order ............................................................................ 11
3.2.4 Quality Documents ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.5 Inspection - Results Recording ...................................................................................................... 13
3.2.6 Inspection Instructions ................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.7 Inspection - Defect Codes.............................................................................................................. 15
3.2.8 Inspection – Quality Decision......................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Adaptive Sampling ...................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Quality Levels ................................................................................................................................ 17
4 Scenario Quick Guide and Key Master Data ..................................................................................................... 19
4.1 Overview of Quality Control using the Defect Analysis Report .................................................................... 19
4.2 Quality Control Details ................................................................................................................................. 19
4.3 Adaptive Sampling ...................................................................................................................................... 20
5 Appendix .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
5.1 Inspection IDs per Country .......................................................................................................................... 21

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

1 Demo Script Overview

1.1 Demo Overview

This scenario provides a comprehensive approach to managing quality that helps reduce costs and enhance
You can run quality assurance across the supply chain.
SAP Business ByDesign helps your company to efficiently manage quality assurance and provides advanced quality
planning and quality control functions that are easy to use and to adapt.

 Transparency with all quality information available in embedded analytics

 Efficiency with automated quality inspections generated based on defined quality plans leveraging Adaptive Sampling to
reduce quality efforts
 Adaptability with user defined defect codes, quality plans, and reporting

1.2 Intended Audience

 SAP internal: New hires
 SAP external: CEO, CIO, Sales Management

1.3 Protagonists
 Quality Manager
 KPIs include reduced customer returns, increased On Time Shipments, reduced defects, reduced cost of quality

1.4 Business Pain Points

Quality managers are usually forced to manage their efforts using Excel spreadsheets and manual procedures to capture
information related to quality.
 Required inspections are likely to be missed due to manual processes
 It is difficult to properly capture system related information such as supplier PO or Production Order accurately

 There are no controls in the business system to allow quality to hold up a process
 Data is stored in multiple spreadsheets and difficult to consolidate

1.5 Key Messages and Value Proposition

Quality is tightly integrated into ByDesign across the entire supply chain providing the required business controls and visibility
to information to manage quality activities efficiently. ByDesign provides transparency, efficiency, and adaptability to improve
profitability and build a foundation for growth.

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

Key Features and Associated Benefits

 Transparency with all quality information available in embedded analytics
o Improves decision making to increase profit.
 Efficiency with automated quality inspections generated based on defined quality plans leveraging Adaptive Sampling to
reduce quality efforts
o Reduces costs of execution to increase profit.
 Adaptability with user defined defect codes, quality plans, and reporting

o Provides flexibility to build a platform for growth.

1.6 Story Flow Summary

In this demo, the quality assurance process as illustrated below has already been executed. Now the supply planner has a
look at the defect analysis report. He then picks out one inspection for a deeper analysis.

Initiate Execute Finalize

Create Prepare Inspect Decide about
inspection samples samples quality

Document Version: 20180131 5

Golden Demo Quality Assurance

2 Technical Requirements

2.1 System Access Information

To run the demo, you need access to a ByD demo tenant for the Almika model company, which is available in different
country versions.

2.2 User Accounts

The following user accounts for ByD Almika implementation are to be used to run the demo:

Predefined User ID User Name Password Component

Supplyplanner01P Richard Stone Welcome1 SAP Business ByDesign

Document Version: 20180131 6

Golden Demo Quality Assurance

3 Demo Steps

3.1 Overview of Quality Control using the Defect Analysis Report

3.1.1 Open Defect Analysis Report

What to Say

Quality is tightly integrated into ByDesign.

Key Features and Advantages

Data captured by inspections across the enterprise is available in embedded analytics and can be configured to your
needs in the dashboard.

Value Statement
Monitoring defects with these analytics allows you to establish a continuous improvement process to avoid product
failures. This leads to increased sales and improved profitability.

What to Do
 WoC Quality Control  Overview
 Defect Analysis Report  Analyze Data.

3.1.2 Different Views of the Defect Analysis Report

What to Say
Embedded Analytics have a variety of predefined views and you can define additional views to meet your needs.

Key Features and Advantages

You can see defect analysis by product, resources, or suppliers over time to identify the area requiring the most

Value Statement
By focusing your efforts on the most important topics, you can maximize your impact on profitability.

What to Do
 Show different Views of report Defect Analysis

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

3.1.2 Different Views of the Defect Analysis Report

What you Should See

3.1.3 Tailor the Defect Analysis Report

What to Say
Let’s take a look at the flexibility of reporting within quality defects.

Key Features and Advantages

You can summarize information and easily change your perspective.
In this example we are going to summarize at the product category level, remove the product detail, and change the
perspective by pivoting the report.
Notice these defects can be captured throughout the supply chain.

• Let’s start at the bottom with supplier. This comes in at the time of Receiving.

• As we move up we see the Resource during manufacturing in-process or final assembly inspections.

• At the top, the customer is captured for either outbound shipments or returns.

Value Statement
Transparency of information across the supply chain leads to better decision making and improved profits.

What to Do

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

3.1.3 Tailor the Defect Analysis Report

 Select the Button Table..

 Select Defect type in Rows.
 Select Product Category in Columns

What you Should See

3.2 Quality Control Details

3.2.1 Inspections Overview

What to Say
Let’s change our perspective and take a look at the inspection workbench.

Key Features and Advantages

The workbench presents inspections to the workers.
Many of these are generated automatically, but you can also create manual inspections.

Value Statement
Automated inspections integrated with the business flows increase efficiency and reduce costs.

What to Do

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

3.2.1 Inspections Overview

 WoC Quality Control  Monitoring  Inspections

3.2.2 Inspection Details

What to Say
Let’s take a look at a receiving inspection.

Key Features and Advantages

The document flow for this inspection shows it was generated as part of a warehouse order related to an inbound
receipt from a purchase order.

Value Statement
This is an example of a Best Practice driving efficiency and improving profit.

What to Do
 Select Inspection ID (see Appendix for appropriate Inspection ID per country)  Edit
 Tab Miscellaneous

What you Should See

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

3.2.3 Drill Down from Inspection to Warehouse Order

What to Say
As we drill down to the warehouse order, we see the details of the transaction and the flexibility of inspection

Key Features and Advantages

For this product, quality has directed the receiving to move directly to an inspection area while other items were not
under inspection and moved into the warehouse for direct storage.

Value Statement
This flexibility to direct the movement of goods increases the consistency of quality while reducing the cost of quality
through adaptive sampling. We will learn more about the adaptive sampling capabilities a little later.

What to Do
 Click on Link of Warehouse Order ID
 Highlight the Target Logistic Areas (Inspection for one product, Warehouse for the others)

What you Should See

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

3.2.4 Quality Documents

What to Say
Before we move to the data entry, let’s take a look at the attachments.

Key Features and Advantages

ByDesign allows unlimited automatic attachments based on inspection plans so you communicate everything you
need to the inspector. For example you can have:

• Excel to capture the actual detailed inspection results

• Sampling Instructions

• Images for safety

• And even visual inspection instructions

Value Statement
These automated attachments reduce the effort for inspections and increase the transparency of the information
leading to efficiency and profit.

What to Do
 Close Warehouse Order

 On Inspection screen, go to tab Miscellaneous  Attachments

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

What you Should See

3.2.5 Inspection - Results Recording

What to Say
Let’s take a look at this Excel spreadsheet to capture the results.

Key Features and Advantages

We leverage the flexibility of Excel to capture all the data you need for inspections and allow the user to easily attach
the specific results to the inspection.

Value Statement
This improves the transparency of information and provides adaptability to capture anything you need for future

What to Do
 Go to tab Results -> Specification and Results
 Open ByD_FormResultsRecording.xls
 Enter 5 Single Values for Temperature
 Close Excel without saving.

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

3.2.5 Inspection - Results Recording

What you Should See

3.2.6 Inspection Instructions

What to Say
Let’s take a look at this sample of visual inspection instructions.

Key Features and Advantages

Images including visual inspection instructions reduce job training.

Value Statement
Transparency of this information reduces costs.

What to Do
 Go to tab Miscellaneous -> Attachments
 Open InspectionInstruction_Almika.jpg
 Close jpg

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

What you Should See

3.2.7 Inspection - Defect Codes

What to Say
Now let’s take a look at the data capture for defects.

Key Features and Advantages

The system allows you to capture the appropriate quantities as well as multiple defect codes.

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

3.2.7 Inspection - Defect Codes

These codes are user defined and can be grouped into different catalogs to provide the inspectors with only the
applicable defect codes for the inspection they are performing.

Value Statement
The data captured here moves directly into the embedded analytics for further analysis and better decision making.

What to Do
 Tab Results  Inspection Defects
 Open Value Help for Defect Code

What you Should See

3.2.8 Inspection – Quality Decision

What to Say
After the inspection is performed there is a separate step for a quality decision.

Key Features and Advantages

The quality decision can be set up to be a separately controlled step for management approval or can be combined.
You can set your own codes up for the quality decisions or use the defaults provided by the system supporting ISO
standards. This reduces the setup time required.

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

3.2.8 Inspection – Quality Decision

Value Statement
Division of duties and adaptability improve efficiency and provide a foundation for growth.

What to Do
 Tab Decision

 Open Value Help for Quality Decision

 Close Inspection without saving

What you Should See

3.3 Adaptive Sampling

3.3.1 Quality Levels

What to Say
Let’s take a look at the adaptive sampling concepts in more detail.

Key Features and Advantages

Adaptive sampling is a standard feature easily configured to meet ISO standards.
In this example you will see some simple skip lot functions.
The system can automatically change the inspection stage or you can manually change it.

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

Value Statement
Adaptive Sampling can greatly reduce the cost of quality by avoiding excess inspections. This best practice improves
profitability while maintaining high quality levels to meet customer expectations.

What to Do
 WoC Quality Control  Monitoring  Quality Levels
 Select any Quality Level for product P100201

 Tab Quality History

 Click Change Inspection Stage

What you Should See

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

4 Scenario Quick Guide and Key Master Data

4.1 Overview of Quality Control using the Defect Analysis Report

Steps Summary
Path Data to Use/Enter Activity

Step 1 – Open Defect Analysis Report

WoC Quality Control 


Defect Analysis Report View with Web Browser.

Step 2 – Different Views of the Defect Analysis Report

Show different Views of report Defect


Step 3 – Tailor the Defect Analysis Report

Button Chart and Table  Table.

Under Columns and Rows, move

Product Category from Not Currently
Shown to Rows.

Move Product from Rows to Not

Currently Shown.

Move Product Category from Rows to

Columns (so that Defect Type is

4.2 Quality Control Details

Steps Summary
Path Data to Use/Enter Activity

Step 1 – Inspections Overview

WoC Quality Control 

Monitoring  Inspections

Step 2 – Inspection Details

Inspection ID (see Appendix for Select, Edit

appropriate Inspection ID per country)

Tab Miscellaneous

Step 3 – Drill Down from Inspection to Warehouse Order

Warehouse Order ID Click on Link

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

Highlight the different Target Logistic

Areas (Inspection for one product,
Warehouse for the others)

Step 4 – Quality Documents

Close Warehouse Order

Inspection ID

Tab Attachments

Step 5 – Inspection - Results Recording

ByD_FormResultsRecording.xls Open xls.

Enter 5 Single Values for

Close xls without saving.

Step 6 – Inspection Instructions

InspectionInstruction_Almika.jpg Open jpg.

Close jpg.

Step 7 – Inspection - Defect Codes

Inspection ID

Tab Results  Inspection Open Value Help for Defect Code


Step 8 – Inspection – Quality Decision

Inspection ID

Tab Decision Open Value Help for Quality Decision

Close Inspection

4.3 Adaptive Sampling

Steps Summary
Path Data to Use/Enter Activity

Step 1 – Quality Levels

WoC Quality Control 

Monitoring  Quality Levels

Any Quality Level for P100201 Select

Tab Quality History Click Change Inspection Stage

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Golden Demo Quality Assurance

5 Appendix

5.1 Inspection IDs per Country


65 194 185 231 121 253 17 25 149 362 235 25

Document Version: 20180131 21

Golden Demo Quality Assurance

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Document Version: 20180131 22

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