Integrated Development of Space Systems - Design For AIT - Design For Assembly, Integration and Testing of Satellites - D4AIT

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Integrated Development of Space Systems - Design for AIT - Design for

Assembly, Integration and Testing of Satellites - D4AIT

Adalberto Coelho Silva, Geilson Loureiro

Integration and Test Laboratory (LIT),National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil,

The Satellite Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) The paper covers satellite AIT activities with
activities are a logical and interrelated sequence of events. Brazilian and International satellite programs, executed at
The main objective in this phase of a space program the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE), in its
development is to achieve a high degree of confidence that Integration and Testing Laboratory (LIT), the largest
the satellite complies with its specified performance
satellite testing lab in the South Hemisphere.
parameters. Traditional simultaneous engineering space
systems (e.g. satellite) development can have a better Section 2 presents the space system development &
approach for taking into consideration AIT requirements AIT concepts, definitions and interrelations.
during the initial phases of satellite conception and project Section 3 explains D4AIT concept/model.
detailing. By combining model driven system design Section 4 presents D4AIT framework, including
approach with simultaneous engineering concepts for matrices data flow definition, and implementation process
process modeling, AIT requirements at system level can be flow.
dealt with during satellite conceptual and detailed design. Section 5 presents a brief summary of this research.
AIT requirements comprise electrical, mechanical and
environmental requirements. This paper aims to present a
new process for the development of satellites, that includes -
electrical, mechanical and environmental requirements of
assembly, integration and testing (AIT) of satellites, at the In the development of modern and highly complex
system level, already at the design stage of the satellite systems, especially those related to aerospace, there is a
project. gradual increase of the importance of AIT engineering as
part of system engineering.
Keywords - System, integration, space, AIT, process Eisenmann [1] emphasizes that the right time to carry
out the analysis of compromise within the scope of AIT is
I. INTRODUCTION at beginning of the process of developing the space
The development of a satellite can be divided into Thus, it is imperative that the development of
several phases: feasibility, design, manufacturing and requirements, specifications, procedures and test
assembly, integration and testing phase (AIT). configurations are implemented in parallel with all other
This paper addresses the last phase (AIT), which requirements and specifications of the system, or there
includes assembling the various subsystems into an may be no guarantee of quality in the final product, as
integrated satellite and performing functional and pointed out by Mercer [2].
environmental tests on the satellite as a system. For all these reasons, the AIT Engineering must be
The aim of this phase of a satellite program fully integrated in the system design from the beginning,
development is to achieve a high degree of confidence and especially in defining system requirements.
that the satellite: complies with its operational objectives, The space system has many interdependencies
survives launching, and operates correctly during the between its components (subsystems / modules) as
designed satellite lifetime. explain by Bandecchi [3].
The development of complex space systems, using This implies that the definition and evolution of each
either a traditional approach or a concurrent engineering component have an impact on other components and that
approach does not take into consideration AIT any change will propagate through the system.
requirements in an appropriate way. The initial assessment of the impact of changes is
There is potential to improve the AIT process if essential to ensure that the design process converges to an
actions are taken during the conceptual and detailed optimal solution.
design phases of a satellite development. The concurrent engineering approach is intended to
This paper presents a new process of development of provide the means to achieve this goal.
satellites, to include: electrical, mechanical and The D4AIT process reflects exactly this approach by
environmental requirements of assembly, integration and establishing the need for interfaces between AIT and all
testing (AIT) of satellites, at the system level, already at satellite subsystems, bringing mechanical, electrical and
the design stage of the satellite project.

978-1-4577-0739-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 590

Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE IEEM

environmental requirements from satellite assembly, • Ensure high quality to the "product" (satellite).
integration and testing activities, as well as from ground The focus is on developing a process and
test tools (EGSE/MGSE) and infrastructure testing for the methodology to improve the identification and allocation
achievement of system requirements, which flow into the of requirements in a synergistic way related to the
preliminary and detailed design of the system. assembly, integration and testing of subsystems and
systems (satellite), already at Phases A and B (conception
III. D4AIT MODEL and design) of system development.
This means a process to integrate the requirements for
Establishing a correlation with the literature and AIT (electrical, mechanical and environmental) in the set
concepts relating to "Design for X", "Design for AIT," or of satellites requirements.
D4AIT is defined. This framework also includes effective planning of
The D4AIT seeks to advance the state of the art in the testing capabilities, including the use of test equipment
assembly, integration and testing of space systems in (GSE) and special test facilities.
order to: Figure 1 shows the generic model (D4AIT model) of
• Reduce the cost and schedule of the space program, this new process that adds AIT synergistically in the
particularly the Phase D (AIT); development of integrated space systems.
• Manage more efficiently highly complex projects;

Stakeholders Needs/

System Conception Phase A

Subsystem A Æ N Project
Power, AOCS, ..., Preliminary/Detail
Phase B/C
OBDH,..., N. Design

Subsystem AIT Validation
Test infra- Loop
structure manufacturing
Test Phase D

Integration & Tests


Operation Phase E

Fig. 1 D4AIT model.

Loureiro [4] explains that the modern development of The D4AIT symbolic representation is divided into
complex space products requires to be taken into three levels of general decomposition:
consideration the aspects of product, process and • Subsystem: based on the product tree (system /
organization. satellite WBS).
The model proposed by D4AIT highlights these • Project Functions: are subsystems development
dimensions when explicitly considers the infrastructure functions - translating needs into requirements which in
tests (Test Labs) and Ground test tools (GSE) as turn give the specifications of subsystem / system. They
organizational elements. reflect the project teams related to each subsystem.
Efficient and high quality AIT is the result of the • Disciplines of Engineering: are the specialties of .
D4AIT process. They support the "project functions” (project teams) in
The model also features a special feedback loop order to achieve the desired attributes of the subsystem.
coming from the activities of system integration and They perform analysis, simulations.
testing (Phase D) that enables a continuous process In the specific case of D4AIT process, we have:
improvement. • Subsystem: AIT. Figure 2 shows the WBS for a
generic satellite, giving emphasis to AIT.
IV. D4AIT FRAMEWORK It is defined the following AIT sub-subsystems:
mechanical integration, electrical integration, functional

Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE IEEM

testing, physical measurements, environmental testing, EMI, contamination, mechanics test, antennas / RF
launch campaign, GSE and Infrastructure, with their project developers.
lower order sub-subsystems. •Disciplines of Engineering: mechanical, computing,
• Project Functions: would be, for example for AIT: electrical, electronics, chemical engineering.
system (integration), thermal, vibration, acoustics, EMC /



Mechanical Electrical Functional Mass Environmental Launch Test Infra-

Integration Integration Tests Properties Tests Campaign structure

harness power electrical Alignments Vibration Electrical EGSE Test Hall

units signal EMC/EMI Mass Acoustic Filling MGSE Integration Hall

grounding Magnetic Simulations System tests

Fig. 2 Satellite/AIT - WBS

The activities of project functions and disciplines must Usually this information is in the IDS ("interface data
be integrated into the satellite technical design process sheets).
(Phases A / B). The matrix AxA, similarly, is associated with the data
This is achieved using two matrices, called SxS and flow between the sub-subsystems related to AIT,
AxA. supported by the project functions (teams) and disciplines.
The SxS matrix is associated with all interfaces
(physical/functional interfaces, and data) of hardware /
software between satellite subsystems.
Subsystems Project Functions/Disciplines
Stakeholders Needs/
Mission/constraints System(integration
Phase System Architecture
System Conception Vibration
/Project Subsystem A Æ N
Phase Preliminary/Detail Power, AOCS, Acoustic
B/C ..., OBDH,..., N.

Validation Subsystem AIT Subsystems
Loop Implementation/ Test infra- AIT EMC/EMI
manufacturing structure
Phase Test Mechanical
D Loop AIT
Integration & Tests Electrical
Phase E Operation Tests

Matrix SxS Matrix AxA

satellite AIT

Fig. 3 D4AIT design flow.

Necessarily for all satellite subsystems, including There is a flow of information between the project
AIT, there is always a project function called "system" (in function “system” and other project functions.
the case of AIT - integration) that "integrates" all data Flowing from the project function “system” to the
from all other project functions. other project functions, there is information primarily

Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE IEEM

from high-level system requirements, the architecture, This kind of information results from the interactive
philosophies, and criteria. nature of the design process and the fact that the project
Flowing from project functions (vibration, acoustic, functions are coupled, ie, attributes of a project function,
EMC/EMI, antennas, etc.) to project function “system” can affect attributes, requirements or restrictions of other
(integration) is basically information on attributes of the project functions.
AIT sub-subsystem (mechanical integration, electrical Exchange of information also occurs within each
integration, functional testing, mass measurement, project function, resulting from the activities of multiple
environmental testing, launch campaign, Ground support disciplines related to this project function.
equipment, test infrastructure). All that information is managed by the use of matrices
There is also information flowing between the project SxS (satellite) and AxA (AIT).

Fig. 4 D4AIT – matrix SxS.

These matrices have different dimensions depending The flat top of the stack - the system, is responsible
on each system / satellite in development. for integrating the functions of the other planes of the
In summary, the project functions (teams) can be stack.
represented by planes that produce the design Figure 3 shows the overview of this process.
specifications. Most of the requirements and restrictions are derived
Each plane (project function) has a set of interrelated from high-level mission objectives (e.g. performance,
disciplines that support the activities of each function cost, schedule, reliability, operability), while others are
(plane). determined by experience.
There are a set of planes (functions / teams associated Figure 4 presents the matrix SxS - satellite, based on
with each subsystem of the satellite), with a special the satellite/AIT WBS typical (Figure 2).
project function (system) that "systematizes / includes" all
other project functions results.

Fig. 5 D4AIT – matrix AxAm

This matrix has an overall typical size of 11x11.

Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE IEEM

The top line (1), called the satellite line - The executors of these steps are the design functions
corresponding to high-level requirements / mission for the subsystem AIT, namely: project function AIT -
coming from the system / satellite - are the inputs to the system (integration), project functions relating to sub-
process. subsystem AIT (teams of vibration, thermal, acoustics,
In the first column (1), there are the requirements / EMC / EMI, antennas, and others.) and "engineering
description of the interfaces of the subsystems to the disciplines," i.e. specialist engineers (software, data
system / satellite. acquisition, and others).
Column 6 (AIT) depicts the development of
synergistic requirements of AIT. V. CONCLUSIONS
Column (6), called AIT, presents the requirements
coming from satellite subsystems to AIT – AIT inputs. D4AIT is the process that correlates the requirements
Row (6), called AIT, depicts the requirements to the from the assembly, integration and testing of satellites
subsystems - AIT outputs. (AIT), considered itself satellite subsystem, as well as the
In particular the cell (1.6) on the first column is the requirements coming from the test tools (GSE), and
focal point of the whole process, i.e. the AIT requirements testing infrastructure, already in design phase and detailed
to the satellite. design of the satellite.
The main diagonal elements are the subsystems (or This means a process to integrate the requirements of
sub-subsystems) of the satellite. AIT in its dimensions: electrical, mechanical and
The other lines show the requirements flow between environmental requirements in the satellite requirements.
the subsystems. The proposed model includes all subsystems / areas of
Each project / system / satellite will have a specific AIT, namely: mechanical integration, electrical
SxS matrix, basically depending on the corresponding integration, functional testing, measures of mass /
system architecture. alignment, environmental testing, launch campaign,
The matrix AxA - AIT, as shown in Figure 5, based systems testing (EGSE / MGSE) and also required test
on the Satellite / AIT WBS - (figure 2), has an overall infra-structure.
typical size of 9x9. It is applicable to any type of space system - satellite,
Similar to matrix SxS - satellite, this matrix provides using matrixes as means of transfer of data / information
on the first row (1), the AIT row, the high level between systems / subsystems / AIT, in a process that
requirements of AIT to its subsystems. These connects the systems engineering and concurrent
requirements come from the matrix SxS - column (6) / engineering concepts.
AIT. The D4AIT model can be applied to any type of
On the first column (1), also known as AIT column, mission (Earth observation, telecommunications,
there are also requirements / description of the interfaces scientific.) as well as for any class of satellite (small,
from the AIT subsystems to AIT system, which in turn is medium and large), also including the activities of the
the reference input to matrix SxS - row (6) / AIT. launch campaign.
The main diagonal elements are in turn AIT sub- In summary, the D4AIT model allows AIT
subsystems. requirements (electrical, mechanical and environmental)
The remaining rows / columns present the to be incorporated into phase A / B of a space system
requirements flow between of the subsystems, which may development in an integrated, synergistic way.
present a strong or weak coupling depending on each
The generic implementation of the D4AIT model is REFERENCES
structured in the following steps / stages: [1] H. Eisenmann, “ESA Virtual Spacecraft Design”. ESA /
x Identify the high level requirements of the ESTEC. SECESA 2010. Noordwijk, 2010.
satellite / mission; [2] R.D. Mercer, K.A. Horst, “Increasing Importance of
x Design (size / subsystems) Matrices SxS and Testing within systems Engineering”. In: Proceedings of
EuSEC 2000 ISBN 3-89675-935-3. 2000
AxA; [3] M. Bandecchi, B. Melton, F. Ongaro, “Concurrent
x Identify & allocate the satellite / subsystem Engineering Applied to Space Mission Assessment and
requirements to AIT; Design”. ESA Bulletin 99 - september 1999. Netherlands,
x Allocate the requirements to AIT subsystems; 1999.
x Identify & allocate requirements between AIT [4] G. Loureiro, P. G. Leaney, “A systems and concurrent
subsystems; engineering framework for the integrated development of
space products”. In: Acta Astronautica, 53 (12), p.945, Dec
x Synthesize & evaluate the AIT sub-subsystem
requirements to AIT;
x Allocate AIT requirements to satellite
x Summarize the AIT requirements to Satellite.


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