Name: Yana, Mary Ann C. ELT 211

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ELT 211


In second language acquisition it commonly known as second language
learning, it explain the process of acquiring second language or how people learn a
second language, so with this in second language acquisition one of the most influential
theory in learning a second language is the Krashen’s Monitor Model. In Krashen’s
Monitor Model it explains how a learning language takes place, and in this model it
composes of five main hypotheses namely; the acquisition learning hypothesis, the
monitor hypothesis, the input hypothesis, the affective filter hypothesis, and lastly the
natural order hypothesis. Those five hypothesis of krashen’s theory of second language
acquisition has a large impact in all areas of second language though it receives much
criticism. This essay will focus on the implications of those five hypothesis of krashen’s
Monitor Model in language teaching.
In connection, about second language acquisition I've mentioned above
the five hypothesis of Krashen’s Monitor Model, first I will focus on the first hypothesis
which is the acquisition learning hypothesis. The acquisition learning hypothesis is
one of the most fundamental hypothesis among all five, in this hypothesis as what I've
understand it was discuss that in acquiring a particular language is universal and that's
what we all do the same we able to acquire another language and it's subconscious.
Focusing on this hypothesis it has two independent system and this two system namely;
the acquired system and the other one is the learned system. First is the acquired
system or it means acquisition it is part of subconscious process where in this system it
discusses that the process on this system is similar to the process of how individuals or
a children acquire the 1st language. Therefore the acquired system involves or it
requires an interaction on a particular target language it involves a natural
communication so in short we acquire language in a form of communicative act. While
the learned system or it means learning, on this system it's a conscious process unlike
in acquired system is subconscious, Learned System is part of a formal instruction
where it results a conscious knowledge of a language and one of example on this
system is the grammar rules where in it has two approaches the deductive and
inductive, to relate it first the deductive approach is for a teacher-centered setting where
it produce “learning” while talking about inductive approach it's a student-centered
setting that leads to “acquisition”.
Second hypothesis of Krashen’s Monitor Model is the Monitor hypothesis,

On this hypothesis it discuss about the relationship between the learning and acquisition
which seeks to elucidate how the acquired system is affected by learned system. In
relation to monitor model about the acquired system it act's to initiate the speaker's
utterances which means that it is the one who is responsible for a spontaneous
language use, while in learned system it act as a monitor which means that there is a
minor changes of what the acquired system has produced so there is polishing and
changes happening. However in monitor hypothesis there is what we called monitor
users and it had three types; the over-users, the under-users, and lastly the optimal-
users. In over-users this are the performers who knows the rule, second is under-users
who's prefer to not to use their conscious knowledge the under-users is entirely
dependent on what they can pick-up, and lastly over-users this are the one who use
learning as supplement in acquisition. Therefore, the monitor hypothesis in monitor
model states that after language us acquired then it can be monitored and edited by the
language rules and that is what meant by monitor hypothesis.
Third hypothesis in the Krashen’s monitor model is the natural order
hypothesis, this hypothesis Krashen looked at the grammatical structures of the
language and when it acquired”, knowing that learner's acquired a particular language
or a part of a language in a way of predictable order, and with this hypothesis it argued
that the natural order of an acquisition it occurs independently so in short there is
natural order in the way of second language where learners acquire their target
language and therefore since it's a natural order for an example the teacher's cannot
change the grammatical teaching sequence it's because it's natural order of an
The 4 th hypothesis in the Krashen’s monitor model is the input hypothesis, In
this hypothesis it explain how individuals acquired a second languages. Furthermore,

The last hypothesis in Krashen’s monitor model is the affective filter
hypothesis, In this hypothesis Krashen’s view that a number of affective variables play
a facilitative, but non-casual, role in second language acquisition, and talking about
variables this include motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety, that's why this hypothesis
describes external factors like for an example for a student/ learner mostly learners
have no motivation for some reason like not having received a support from
surroundings, lack of self-confidence, and having a high level of anxiety and it's one of
my experience. Therefore, this affective filter comes into place and inhibits the
students/learners from acquiring the new language knowing that the more student who
is motivated, confident on their self and relax in doing a particular task, not pressured in
learning there is much more success in acquiring second language.
Therefore, in general those five hypothesis of Stephen Krashen’s Monitor model
as what I've understand it has a large impact to a second languages, it shows
instructional strategies in understanding and in teaching a second language. The
monitor model as what had been discuss this theory suggests and explain that we as a
learner we should both strive to increase our second language inputs like just reading
books, watching television or videos using different languages, with that we can be able
to learned or to acquire a second language, but we have to make sure also that we
receive proper error correction.


Among all the theories in second language acquisition, for me the Stephen
Krashen’s Monitor model and the five hypothesis on it, is one of the most cited and
influential theory in the second language acquisition that has a large impact on
understanding how individuals acquired second language. Stephen Krashen’s Monitor
model has five main hypothesis and this are; the acquisition-learning hypothesis,
Monitor hypothesis, the natural order hypothesis, the input hypothesis, and lastly the
affective filter hypothesis.
Furthermore, the first hypothesis in Krashen’s Monitor model is the acquisition
learning hypothesis in this hypothesis it has two independent systems and this two
systems are “the acquired system" and “the learned system". First, the acquired system
it's acquisition where it's part of subconscious process that discusses the process of
how individuals acquire the language so there is an interaction on it or a form of a
communicative act, while the learned system is a conscious process. The second
hypothesis is monitor hypothesis it discuss the relationship between the learning and
acquisition, and also on this hypothesis there is what we called monitor users and it has
three types: the over-users, under-users, and lastly the optimal-users. The third
hypothesis is the natural hypothesis this hypothesis occurs independently so there is
natural order to the way of second language. The 4 th hypothesis is input hypothesis, this
hypothesis explaining the progress of a learner's along the natural order, and last
hypothesis is the affective learning hypothesis, this hypothesis for Krashen views that a
number of affective variables play a facilitative, but non casual role in second
languages, and talking this variables it has three types and this are motivation, self-
confidence, and anxiety so therefore as a learner the more we have motivation and self
confidence the more success that we able to understand, learn and acquire second

In general the Stephen Krashen monitor model shows how instructional strategies
in understanding and in teaching a second language acquired.

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