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VGB Conference

KEli 2012
Conference Electrical
Engineering, Instrumentation
and Control, Information
with technical exhibition

May 8 to 10 2012
Estrel Convention Center
in berlin
Conference Electrical
Engineering, C&I and IT in
Power Plants
Every two years, operators, manufacturers, insurers, authorities and
other experts meet to intensify their exchange of experiences,
findings and ideas in presentations and extensive discussion of
current topics in electrical engineering, I&C and information
processing. The presentations by operators are supplemented by
extensive exhibitions by manufacturers and further associates from
these fields, creating a background which makes the event an
international forum with the best possible conditions for establishing
and extending business and personal contacts.
KELI 2012 will also be a platform for discussion of the technical
challenges posed by current energy policy in Germany and Europe.
The focus will be on the following topics:
• Integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity grid
(system stability, challenges for the electrical, I&C and information
systems of all types of power plant)
• R equirements for holistic consideration of the functions of electrical,
I&C and information systems for all generation methods.
An attractive background programme will be arranged to comple-
ment the interesting presentations and discussions. We appreciate
that we can once again count on the support of the VDE-ETG and
A forum will once again be organised for the young engineers of
tomorrow, with sponsored travel, accommodation, board and
conference documents for students.
The programme committee and VGB are pleased to invite you to the
KELI 2012 in Berlin.

Essen, February 2012

(Subject to revision)
Conference language: German. Simultaneous translation in English
is provided.

Tuesday, May 8 , 2 0 1 2
Room: ECC D
10:00 Registration
12:00 Opening
A1 Erland Christensen, Executive Managing Director,
VGB PowerTech e.V., Essen
12:10 Energy policy 2030 of the German Federal State
A2 of Brandenburg
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Schulze,
Ministry for Economic and European Affairs
12:55 Challenges and measures necessary to provide
A3 competitive and reliable energy supplies from
renewable energies in Germany
Stephan Kohler, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)
13:40 Electrical Engineering, Control & Instrumentation
A4 Technology and Information Technology in
VGB during the energy transition
 Hans-Dieter Nehrhoff, E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH,
Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Kiel
Chairman of the VGB General Committee
Combustion Power Plants
14:00 Visit of the technical exhibition – Coffee break
14:30 Presentations of the exhibitors – information:
Students’ forum - information:
16:00 Future of energy supply
Prof. Dr. Harald Weber, Universität Rostock
16:00 VGB study 333: effects of wind and photovoltaic
A5 power feed-in onto thermal power plants
Christian Ziems, Universität Rostock
16:30 VGB project “Influence of increasing generation
A6 and consumption volatility on reliability of supply”
Florian Gutekunst, Universität Stuttgart
17:00 Energy storage for renewable energies –
A7 technical and economic aspects
Dr. Martin Kleimaier, VDE-ETG, Essen

Evening events
18:15 Storage as approach
A8 Gerhard Brandt, ABB AG, Mannheim
19:00 Get together in the exhibition with kindly support
of ABB.
We dnes day, May 9 , 2 0 1 2
09:00 Section S1 “Benefit of VGB committee activities“
Room: ECC D
Dietmar Haake, Vattenfall Europe Generation AG,
09:00 Activities of the VGB Working Panel
S1.1 “Electrical Equipment“ concerning VGB-Standards
 Markus Bagert, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH,
09:30 The harmonisation of the European network codes:
S1.2 status and issues
Philippe Lebreton, EDF Power and
Transmission Engineering Centre, St. Denise/FR
10:00 Electrical and I&C systems in nuclear power plants
S1.3 in Germany – safe and highly available until the end
of operation
Markus Bresler, E.ON Kernkraft GmbH, Hannover
09:00 Section S2 “Operation and optimisation”
Room: ECC 3
Jörg Emmerich, EnBW Kraftwerke AG, Stuttgart
09:00 The migration project in the Vattenfall Reuter
S2.1 power plant
Bernd Hotzel, Vattenfall Europe Wärme AG, Berlin
09:30 Power system operation for system operators
S2.2 and power production operators – common
simulator-based training
Dr. Udo Spanel, DUtrain GmbH, Duisburg
10:00 Optimised maintenance strategy by the application
S2.3 of reliability centred maintenance concepts for
RWE Essent Production
Ludo Kroon, RWE Essent Production,
10:30 Visit of the technical exhibition – Coffee break
11:00 Presentations of the exhibitors – information:
Students’ forum - information:
12:30 Lunch – Visit of the technical exhibition
13:30 Section S3 “Innovations“
Room: ECC D
Holger Bulasch, STEAG GmbH, Essen
13:30 Mobile maintenance and work clearance
S3.1 management in power plant operation using RFID
Dr. Arndt Werding, RWE Power AG, Essen
14:00 Interaction of heterogeneous controls
S3.2 to store regenerative hydrogen
Jan-Erik Peters, ENERTRAG Windstrom, Dauerthal
14:30 Definition and verification of the control loop
S3.3 performance for different power plant types
Nataliya Knierim-Dietz, Universität Stuttgart
13:30 Section S4 “Renewables”
Room: ECC 3
Markus Bagert, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH,
13:30 Renewables impact on electrical grid
S4.1 Albert Kriener, E.ON Climate & Renewables GmbH,
14:00 O&M conception and initial results of
S4.2 offshore windfarm EnBW Baltic 1
Michael Boll, EnBW Erneuerbare Energien GmbH,
14:30 “Andasol 3” solar thermal power plant –
S4.3 requirements to control and communication system
Dr. Frank Dinter, RWE Innogy GmbH, Essen
15:00 Visit of the technical exhibition – Coffee break
15:30 Presentations of the exhibitors – information:
Students’ forum - information:
Evening event
(Please find detailed information of the evening event
in the practical information)
17:30 Bus transfer to “Treptower Park”
18:00 Shipping tour to the “TIPI AM KANZLERAMT”
19:30 Evening event at “TIPI AM KANZLERAMT” on
invitation of Siemens
Thursday, M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 2
09:00 Section S5 “I&C in operation”
Room: ECC D
Joachim von Graeve, E.ON New Build &
Technology GmbH, Gelsenkirchen
09:00 Field bus technology vs. conventional signal wiring
S5.1 Udo Eickhoff, RWE Technology GmbH, Essen
09:30 Protection and control for substations –
S5.2 change from relays to substation control systems
Uwe Heusler, Vattenfall Europe Generation AG, Peitz
10:00 Management for functional safety – SIL in operation
S5.3 Günter Dirding, E.ON New Build &
Technology GmbH, Hannover
09:00 Section S6 “Information technology in operation”
Room: ECC 3
Marcus Schönwälder, Vattenfall Europe Wärme AG,
09:00 Process quality optimisation: schemes,
S6.1 success factors, experience
Alexander Voskrebenzev, RWE Power AG, Essen
09:30 IT security analysis of the scada-system in the
S6.2 Nossener Brücke power plant GT-HKW
Martin Mallon, DREWAG – Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH,
10:00 Revision of the VGB-Standard S016 (former
S6.3 VGB Guideline 175) “IT-security for power plants”
Nikolas Oelkrug, STEAG GmbH, Essen
10:30 Visit of the technical exhibition – Coffee break
11:00 Presentations of the exhibitors – information:
12:30 Lunch – Visit of the technical exhibition
13:30 Panel discussion “New German energy policy”
Room: ECC D
Hans-Dieter Nehrhoff, E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH,
Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Kiel
13:30 Actions, conditions and the timeline for the
implementation of reliable and competitive energy
supplies in Europe
Karl-Heinz Springer, Siemens AG, Karlsruhe
14:00 Panel discussion with representatives from science,
utilities and industry
Frieder Greiner, formaly STEAG GmbH,
Dr. Klaus Kleinekorte, Amprion GmbH (enquired);
Gerd Krieger, VDMA; Torsten Röglin,
E.ON Generation GmbH; Karl-Heinz Springer,
Siemens AG; Prof. Dr. Harald Weber,
Universität Rostock
Main topics:
– One year after Fukushima and the decision to
terminate nuclear energy in Germany
– European austerity goals
– Expanding and changing the structure of renewable-
based energy generation
– Changes to conventional and nuclear production
– Impact on the neighbouring grids
– Actions needed to stabilise the entire system
15:15 Conclusion
Hans-Dieter Nehrhoff, E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH,
Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Kiel
16:00 Visit of Siemens Gasturbinenwerke
(gas turbine production facilities)
Registration required – cf. Practical Information
Students’ foru m
(Subject to revision)
Conference language: German.
Simultaneous translation in English is provided.

Tues day, May 8 , 2 0 1 2

Room: ECC D
10:00 Registration – conference office
12:00 Opening
12:10 According to the conference programme
Bondings: Career-start-up at utilities and suppliers
Direct start-up on the job, trainee programmes,
master thesis, internships
Students can contact exhibitors and the
VGB stand directly.
14:30 Section “Students 1”
Room: ECC 3
Joachim von Graeve, E.ON New Build &
Technology GmbH, Gelsenkirchen
14:30 Introduction of the energy sector and
company structures
Joachim von Graeve, E.ON New Build &
Technology GmbH, Gelsenkirchen
Panel discussion “What is the proper job for me?“
with representatives from development, planning,
commissioning and operation
By students for students
16:00 According to the conference programme

Wednes day, M ay 9 , 2 0 1 2
11:00 Section “Students 2”
Room: ECC 3
Markus Bagert, E.ON New Build &
Technology GmbH, Gelsenkirchen
11:00 Security of energy supply – an integrated perspective
Christian Ziems, Universität Rostock
11:30 Realisation of offshore windparks
RWE Innogy GmbH (enquired)
12:00 Concentrated solar power
E.ON Climate & Renewables GmbH (enquired)
12:30 According to the conference programme

Thurs day, May 1 0 , 2 0 1 2

09:00 According to the conference programme
P racti cal i nformation f or stu dents
Participation in all conference events including catering,
social programme and conference documents is free of
Students are requested to register using the registration
form available on the VGB website:
Please send a copy of you valid students’ card
with your registration.
Refund of travel expenses
VGB Research refunds travel expenses up to a maximum
amount of 200.- € (for verification please submit copy
of the railway-/flight-ticket or indicate kilometers, as the
case may be; kilometer allowance is 0,20 €/km from
university to conference and back).

Refund of accomodation costs

VGB Research refunds hotel accommodation costs up to
a maximum amount of 100.– € (2 overnight stays at
50.– €), or flat-rate allowance of 20.– €/overnight stay
(please submit hotel invoice etc.). To get your refund
please register at the conference office. You will receive
your conference documents and a refund form.

Please note: Cost refund is limited to 100 students!

 Detailed and updated information

 on the VGB website:
Practical Information
Ve nue
Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 6831-0, Fax: +49 30 6831-10000
(see map)
Co nference la nguage s
German. Simultaneous translation in English is provided.
Regi strati o n
Participants are requested to register by 11 April, 2012
(deadline for list of participants). We will confirm the
registration by sending the invoice. You will receive your
ticket at the conference office. Participation is also
possible upon late registration, however, the participants
name cannot be entered into the list of participants.
Tickets can also be bought at the conference office.
VGB PowerTech e.V., P. O. Box 10 39 32, 45039 Essen
Ulrike Künstler
Phone: +49 201 8128-206
Fax: +49 201 8128-321

VGB members 750.– €
Non members 1,050.– €
Universities, public authorities, pensioners 250.– €
The attendance fees are free of VAT.

Participants from companies with registered office
abroad (within the EU) have to quote their tax-ID
It is not possible to accept credit cards or foreign
currency at the conference office.
The attendance fees include the conference programme
and participation list, the conference documents, coffee
breaks and beverages, lunch and the participation in
the evening events on Tuesday, 8th May and Wednes-
day, 9th May 2012.
The following fees will be charged for cancellation of
the registration:
up to 14 days prior the conference  10 %
within 14 days prior the conference 25 %
no-attendance or cancellation on the day 100 %
of the conference
Only written cancellations are accepted.

Get to ge ther
On Tuesday, 8th May 2012, starting 19:00, all
participants and exhibitors are invited by ABB to get
together in the exhibition.
Eveni ng event
On Wednesday, 9th May 2012, all registered
participants are invited to the “TIPI AM KANZLERAMT”
by Siemens.
Große Querallee
10557 Berlin (between “Kanzleramt“ and “Haus der
Kulturen der Welt“)
Bus transfer (start: 17:30) and shipping tour
(start: 18:00, Hafen Treptow) to the
“TIPI AM KANZLERAMT” (start: 19:30) organized
(busses for return from 23:00 to 00:30).
Entrance only with conference badge and ticket!

Vi si t Si emens Ga stu rbinenwerke

(gas turbine production facilities)
On Thursday, 10th May 2012,
Siemens Gasturbinenwerke can be visited.
Meeting point: 16:00 at ESTREL Hotel, bustransfer,
Duration approx. 3 hours
Minimum 20 participants, maximum 60 participants
– registration according to date of receipt.

S i de pro gramme
For individual sight seeing (e.g. before and/or after
the conference), please contact ESTREL Hotel or
H otel accomm odation
For your hotel reservation from our contingent at the
ESTREL Hotel as well as at the IBIS Hotel please book
directly at:
Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 6831-22522
Fax: +49 30 6831-10000
Keyword: “VGB-KELI2012”
Single room 128.– €, plus breakfast 18.– €
Double room 140.– €, plus breakfast 18.– €

IBIS Hotel Neukölln

Jahnstraße 13, 12347 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 68500-80
Fax: +49 30 68500-868
Keyword: “VGB-KELI”
Single room/double room 59.— €,
plus breakfast 10.– €
VGB office regrets being unable to make
If the above-mentioned hotels are fully booked or you
prefer another hotel, please refer to

Co nference of f ice
The VGB conference office will be located in the
exhibition area.
Phone: +49 30 6831-25346
Fax: +49 30 6831-25347
Tuesday, 8th May 2012 10:00 – 19:00
Wednesday, 9th May 2012 08:00 – 17:30
Thursday, 10th May 2012 08:00 – 16:00
Road map
Airport Tegel:
Highway 100/102, exit Grenzallee or via Bus X9
to S+U Jungfernheide, switch to S42 (circle line)
until stop Sonnenallee
Airport Schönefeld (BER):
Highway 113, exit Grenzallee or via Bus 171
until stop Sonnenallee
Main station:
via Bus M41 until stop Ziegrastraße
via S42 (circle line) until stop Sonnenallee
via S5, S75 or S9 to Ostkreuz, switch to S41
(circle line) until stop Sonnenallee
By car:
coming from highways A1, A2 or A9 to highway
100/102 or 113, exit Grenzallee, turn right onto
Grenzallee, then left onto Sonnenallee
The exhibitors will take part with the following
(Updated information could be found on
the VGB website:

ABB • P V – Plants and Grid Stability – A Contradiction?

• Cyber Security - Safety Levels and ABB-Solutions
for the Control System infrastructure
•S  ymphones Plus - The Scalable Control System
for all Requirements
• Investment Protection for Control Systems through
Evolution and Migration
• Impact of Decentralized Power Generation on
Operation of Conventional Plants – New Grid
Code Requirements
• Solutions for the Efficient Operation of Hydro
Pump Storage
• R elion – The New Generation Protection Relay
for your Power Plant
• UFES – The New Active Arc Fault Protection
• Energy efficient solutions in power plants
• Improvements of maneuverability through
optimized mill control
• Improved Combustion Control in Waste to
Energy Plants
• Process and Substation Control – Different
Technical Worlds or Potential Integration?
• Integrated electrical solutions for generators

ALSTOM • Monitoring & Diagnostic - Tools in power plants

AUCOTEC • Synergies of modern Plant Engineering

 CTV for process-/asset, and facility

BRUSH • Maintenance/Repair of turbo generators

DURAG • F lame Detection – Basics and Instrumentation


 SG as modern enterprise solution in
Power Generation

ENDRESS+ • Instrumentation and automation for plant

HAUSER availability and efficiency

FORTUM • IT-Systems for the efficient support in power plant

operations and maintenance
 ngineering of Process Control Systems for
Power Stations and functionality of its operator
 pplication report of a process control system
for an advanced lignite fired Power Station
750 MW

RHEINMETALL • P ower Plant Simulation in the Vicinity of

Renewable Energies

 perational Safety Ordinance – Support by

SIEMENS • P roven solutions for the new electricity age:

holistic – consistent – sustainable

TÜV NORD •S IL classification of safety relevant systems of

high pressure steam boilers
• IT security in I&C systems of power generation

VEGA • Service oasis – Long-term customer benefit

•S IL – Economic efficiency through recurring
function test

Please send to: +49 201 8128-321 Please make your registration before April 11, 2012 (deadline for list of participants)
Registration to the VGB KELI 2012 – Conference Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Control, Information Technology 2012, Berlin,
Germany, May 8th to 10th, 2012

Surname First name Academic title Department

Company Street or P.O.Box Postal code, City and Country

Tax identification number

Phone Fax Email

Registration for students, please see “Practical information for students” I will join the Get-Together, Tuesday 8th May 2012
Participation fee per person (Please tick off) □ Yes □ No (please tick off)
□ € 750.00 VGB Members I will join the evening event “TIPI AM KANZLERAMT”,
□ € 1,050.00 Non-Members Wednesday, 9th May 2012 (The number of participants is limited –
□ € 250.00 Universities, Public Authorities, Pensioners The date of receipt is essential)
□ Yes □ No (please tick off)
Invoice address if different to the above mentioned company address:
I will join the visit Siemens Gasturbinenwerke,
Thursday, 10th May 2012 (minimum number of participants
20 persons, maximum number of participants 60 persons –
The date of receipt is essential)
□ Yes □ No (please tick off)
Date Signature
Phone.: +49 201 8128-206
Fax: +49 201 8128-321
VGB PowerTech e.V.
CC2/Combustion Power Plants
Ulrike Künstler
P.O.Box 10 39 32
45039 Essen

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