Engl111 Pointers

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1. LISTENING - The process of 13. CONCRETE NOUNS - refers to nouns

receiving, constructing meaning from, which you can perceive through your
and responding to a spoken and/ or non- five senses.
verbal message. 14. ABSTRACT NOUNS - represent
2. APPRECIATIVE LISTENING – For intangible ideas—things you can't
enjoyment and pleasure; as when we perceive with the five main senses.
listen to music, to a comedy routine, or 15. COUNT NOUNS - refers to anything
to an entertaining speech. that is countable, and has a singular and
3. EMPHATIC LISTENING - To plural form.
provide emotional support for the 16. MASS NOUNS - are also called non-
speaker, as when a psychiatrist listens to countable nouns, and they need to have
a patient or when we lend a sympathetic “counters” to quantify them.
ear to a friend. 17. COLLECTIVE NOUNS - refers to a
4. COMPREHENSIVE / ACTIVE group of persons, animals, or things.
LISTENING - listening to understand 18. PRONOUN - a pronoun is a word or a
the message of a speaker, as when we group of words that substitutes a noun or
attend a classroom lecture or listen to noun phrase.
directions for finding a friend’s house. 19. ADJECTIVES - is used to describe a
5. CRITICAL / ANALYTICAL - noun or a pronoun. They are words that
listening to evaluate a message for describe the qualities or states of being
purposes of accepting or rejecting it, as of nouns
when we listen to the sales pitch of a 20. VERB - is a word that in syntax
used-car dealer or the campaign speech conveys an action, an occurrence, or a
of a political candidate. state of being.
6. HOTS – High Order Thinking Skills. 21. ADVERB - Adverbs are also used to
7. CRITICISM – judging or forming of describe words, but the difference is that
opinion. adverbs describe adjectives, verbs, or
8. SYNTAX - states the rules for using another adverb. It is a word or an
words, phrases, clauses and punctuation, expression that modifies a verb,
specifically to form sentences. adjective, another adverb, determiner,
9. PARTS OF SPEECH - a category to clause, preposition, or sentence.
which a word is assigned in accordance 22. ADVERB OF MANNER - this refers
with its syntactic functions. In English to how something happens or how an
the main parts of speech are noun, action is done.
pronoun, adjective, determiner, verb, 23. ADVERB OF TIME - this states
adverb, preposition, conjunction, and “when” something happens or “when” it
interjection. is done.
10. NOUN - refers to words that are used to 24. ADVERB OF PLACE - this tells
name persons, things, animals, places, something about “where” something
ideas, or events. happens or ”where” something is done.
11. PROPER NOUNS - is a noun that 25. ADVERB OF DEGREE - this states
identifies a single entity and is used to the intensity or the degree to which a
refer to that entity. specific thing happens or is done.
12. COMMON NOUNS - is a non-specific 26. PREPOSITION - refers to words that
person, place, or thing. specify location or a location in time.
27. CONJUNCTION - is a part of a speech 43. ASPECT - refers to the nature of the
which joins words, phrases, or clauses action described by the verb.
together. 44. TIME EXPRESSION - to
28. INTEJECTION - refers to words communicate a period of time, the
which express emotions. Since duration of something that happens.
interjections are commonly used to DEFINITE POINT IN TIME,
convey strong emotions, they are usually INDEFINITE POINT IN TIME,
followed by an exclamation point. PERIOD OF TIME IN THE PAST.
29. DETERMINERS - are words placed in 45. PAST TENSE – expresses action,
front of a noun to make it clear what the activity.
noun refers to. 46. SIMPLE PAST TENSE - is a verb
30. DEFINITE ARTICLES – is the word tense that is used to talk about things
"the". It is used before a noun to define that happened or existed before now. It
it as something specific emphasizes that the action is finished.
word "a" or "an." It is used before a indicates that a longer action in the past
noun to define it as something non- was interrupted. The interruption is
usually a shorter action in the Simple
32. DEMONSTRATIVES – are just the
words this, that, these, and those.
48. PAST PERFECT TENSE - expresses
DETERMINERS – my, your, his, her, the idea that something occurred
its, our, their. before another action in the past. It can
34. QUANTIFIERS - a few, a little, much, also show that something happened
many, a lot of, most, some, any, enough before a specific time in the past.
35. NUMBERS - one, ten, thirty. 49. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS - to
36. REFERRING - means showing us who show that something started in the past
or what the noun is pointing to or talking and continued up until another time in
about. the past.
37. QUANTIFYING - means showing how 50. PRESENT TENSE – expresses action,
much of something there is, or how activity and state of being in the present.
many. 51. SIMPLE PRESENT - to express the
38. NOTE TAKING – The outline method; idea that an action is repeated or usual.
The cornell method; Mind-mapping 52. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE -
method. to express the idea that something is
39. SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT - happening now, at this very moment. It
means that a subject and its verb must be
can also be used to show something
both singular or both plural.
that may or will happen later.
53. STATIVE VERBS - usually don’t use
refer to any specific person, thing or
amount. It is vague and "not definite". present continuous (or other
41. COMPOUND SUBJECTS - is two or continuous/progressive tenses).
more individual noun phrases 54. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE - refers
coordinated to form a single, longer to an action or state that either occurred
noun phrase. at an indefinite time in the past.
42. TENSE – derives from the word 55. PRESENT PERFECT
“tempus” that means “time”. CONTINUOUS - to refer to an event
that may or may not be finished when
it’s effect can be seen now.
56. FUTURE TENSE – expresses action,
activity and state of being in the future.
57. SIMPLE FUTURE - has two different
forms in English: “will” and “be going
to.” Both “will” and “be going to” refer
to a specific time in the future.
58. FUTURE PERFECT - expresses the
idea that something will occur before
action in future will occur before
another action in the future. It can also
show that something will happen before
a specific time in the future.
different forms: “will be doing” and be
going to be doing.”
– has two different forms:” will have
you been doing” and “be going to have
been going”.
61. IMPLICATION – to state something;
to strongly suggest the truth or existence
of something that is not expressly stated.
62. INFERENCE – to conclude something;
to deduce or conclude information from
evidence and reasoning rather than from
explicit statement of that information.
63. MOOD OF A VERB – indicative,
imperative, subjunctive.
64. MOOD – is a property of verbs which
shows the mood or attitude of the
65. INDICATIVE MOOD – express a fact,
opinion, or question.
66. IMPERATIVE MOOD - used to give
commands or to advise or beg someone
to do something.
67. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD - is the form
of a verb which is used to express a
wish, or a desire, or a hope, or
possibility, or a doubt, or uncertainty.

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