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Course Outline & Schedule

Call US 408-759-5074 or UK +44 20 7620 0033

Ubuntu Certified Professional

Curriculum Unix

Course Code UBUCP

Duration 5 Day Course

Course Description
This course has been retired. Please go to the Linux category to view similar courses that may be of interest.

Course Modules
Community & Support (3 topics)
◾ Governance
◾ Technical Board
◾ Paid & free support options

Installation & Configuration (5 topics)

◾ Ubuntu versions
◾ Release cycles
◾ Repositories
◾ Package management

LAMP (4 topics)

◾ Apache
◾ Groups

Network Services (8 topics)

◾ Mail Servers
◾ Postfix
◾ Dovecot
◾ Firewall- port configuration
◾ File servers
◾ Samba
◾ File transfer

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Course Outline & Schedule
Call US 408-759-5074 or UK +44 20 7620 0033

◾ Permissions and groups

Desktop Deployment (3 topics)

◾ User accounts & privileges

◾ Removable hardware
◾ Gnome customisation

Backups (4 topics)
◾ tar, zip
◾ rsync
◾ ssh keys
◾ cron, anacron

Print Servers (3 topics)

◾ Sharing
◾ Print queue
◾ Desktop (samba)

Students should have a good overall knowledge of IT and system administration of other operating systems. They should
also have a basic understanding of: * How the Linux system works and interacts with a shell * Command line interface,
such as DOS or UNIX Shell * UNIX experience is an advantage

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